July 4, 2024

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Today's News: June 07, 2019

World News
Trump Says No Deal With Mexico Is Reached as Border Arrests Surge
NY Times – The United States on Wednesday barreled closer to imposing tariffs on all Mexican imports as high-stakes negotiations at the White House failed to immediately resolve President Trump’s demand that Mexico prevent a surge of Central American migrants from flowing across the southwestern border.
Mr. Trump declared Wednesday evening on Twitter that “not nearly enough” progress had been made and warned that “if no agreement is reached, Tariffs at the 5% level will begin on Monday, with monthly increases as per schedule.”
New figures released Wednesday showed that illegal border crossings have risen to a 13-year high, underscoring the roots of the president’s rage. But political resistance to Mr. Trump’s tariff threat has also intensified, with skeptical Republican senators asking to hear directly from the president before he takes an action that could shake the economies of both countries.
Mexico freezes accounts of ‘migrant traffickers’ amid US tariff row
Business Standard – Mexico said Thursday it has frozen the bank accounts of a group of suspected human traffickers allegedly responsible for organizing US-bound migrant caravans, amid negotiations to try to avoid Washington’s threatened tariffs over migration.
The Mexican finance ministry said its Financial Intelligence Unit had blacklisted 26 people “for their probable role in trafficking migrants and illicit support for migrant caravans.”
The statement came as officials from both countries met in Washington seeking a deal to avoid five-percent tariffs in return for Mexico stemming the flow of US-bound migrants.
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Belmarsh Prison Inmate Provides Photos of Julian Assange, Says the ‘Internet is the One Thing They Can’t Control’
The Gateway Pundit – The Gateway Pundit has obtained exclusive testimony, as well as photos, from a fellow inmate of imprisoned WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange inside London’s highest security prison.
The inmate, who wishes to remain anonymous, sent multiple photos of Assange from inside Belmarsh maximum security prison and spoke to The Gateway Pundit about the WikiLeaks founder’s situation using a contraband phone he has inside.
Assange is imprisoned in the United Kingdom and faces eighteen charges under the Espionage Act in the United States for his publication of the Iraq and Afghan War Logs. If extradited and convicted, he could be face a maximum sentence of 175 years for the “crime” of publishing material that the US government did not want the population to know.
Along with the photos from inside the prison, the inmate pushed a fundraiser — causing supporters to worry that he was attempting to extort WikiLeaks or harm Assange by violating his privacy. The Gateway Pundit reached out to him to get his side of the story.
This reporter spoke to the inmate through a series of online messages and a phone call for multiple hours on Wednesday evening. At the beginning of the conversation I asked him if he was a prisoner or someone who works there — and if his motive was to extort money from the organization.
“I’m in prison right now,” he said, sending a photo from inside his cell. “Extort him for what reason? He exposed the biggest scandals in the world. Whose side do you think someone in prison would be on? The government who have us locked up in here or a fellow prisoner who actually doesn’t deserve to be here?”
The inmate said that he believes that Assange needs his story told properly and is attempting to do what he can to help. He said that he hoped publishing the photos would lead to more people reading about his case.
Toronto Muslim man argues for execution of gays, says it’s Sharia law and it’s coming to Canada
Business & Politics – Please imagine for a second how the entire mainstream media would respond if a Christian man publicly argued that homosexuals should be executed. There would be mass outrage, no?
Yet when a Muslim man from Canada told an independent journalist over the weekend that he fervently supports executing homosexuals, there was nothing but crickets.
Speaking with a reporter from The Rebel Media, an independent outlet that’s been demonized by the establishment media for covering those subjects they refuse to talk about (e.g., RADICAL ISLAM), the aforementioned Muslim man made it clear in no uncertain terms that he thinks gays deserve death.
And oh, he believes Sharia law should replace Canada’s constitutional law …
This interview took place during Quds Day in Toronto, an anti-Semitic international event held annually on the last Friday of Ramadan in support of the Palestinians and against the Jews of Israel.
“[A gay couple] would be executed in [Gaza] according to Islamic law. Islam doesn’t endorse gays — Islam doesn’t endorse homosexuality,” the man proudly said to reporter David Menzies.
When asked by Menzies whether he’d like to see this form of law, known as Sharia law, implemented in Canada, the unnamed Muslim man warned that it’s inevitable that Canada will one day be a Sharia nation.
“At some point it will, you know, because we have families, we’re making babies,” he said. “You’re not. Your population is going down the slump. By 2060, Muslims will be the biggest religious group the world over.”
Sadly, he wasn’t wrong. The native population birthrate in Canada, the United States and other Western nations has been declining steadily for years. Leftists here in the states argue that America should ameliorate the problem by simply importing more immigrants such as the man above into the country.
Learn more about the problem as it pertains to the U.S. below, via FNC’s “Fox & Friends“:
Citizens Disobey New Zealand Gun Ban, Only 530 of 300,000 People Turned Guns In
Activist Post – In March, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced the “first tranche” in a number of moves to restrict the rights of New Zealand citizens to protect themselves with firearms. This move was in direct response to the horrific murders that unfolded on March 15. Coincidentally, this is the exact move the terrorist who carried out these attacks had hoped for and predicted. The good news is, however, that most citizens are refusing to turn in their guns.
The terrorist who murdered 50 people earlier this year was engaging in a classic propaganda of the deed in which he predicted—accurately—that his murder would spark the restriction of gun rights. Lawmakers took his bait.
“On 15 March, our history changed forever. Now, our laws will too,” said Ardern as she carried out the will of this terrorist. “We are announcing action today on behalf of all New Zealanders to strengthen our gun laws and make our country a safer place.”
Russia and US warships almost collide in East China Sea
BBC – A Russian warship and a US warship have come close to collision in the western Pacific Ocean, with each side blaming the other for the incident.
Russia’s Pacific Fleet said the cruiser USS Chancellorsville crossed just 50m (160ft) in front of the destroyer Admiral Vinogradov at 06:35 Moscow time (03:35 GMT).
It was forced to perform “emergency manoeuvring” to avoid the US ship.
But US forces blamed the Russians, claiming their ship was responsible.
US Seventh Fleet Commander Clayton Doss called the Russians “unsafe and unprofessional”, saying their destroyer “made an unsafe manoeuvre against USS Chancellorsville”. He dismissed the Russian allegation as “propaganda”.
Theresa May officially steps down as Tory leader
BBC – Theresa May has officially stepped down as the leader of the Conservative Party, but will remain as prime minister until her successor is chosen.
She has handed in her private resignation letter to the backbench 1922 Committee, two weeks after announcing her intention to leave.
Eleven Conservative MPs are vying to replace her as party leader and, ultimately, prime minister.
The winner of the contest is expected to be announced in the week of 22 July.
Mrs May, who has said it was a matter of deep regret that she had been unable to deliver Brexit, remains acting party leader during the leadership election process.
Meanwhile, the Conservatives fell to third place in the Peterborough by-election, behind winners Labour and the Brexit Party in second place, in what is traditionally a Tory-Labour marginal seat.
U.S. News, Politics & Government
Trump admin to cease use of fetal tissue in government research
ABC – The Trump administration on Wednesday announced it is suspending the use of fetal tissue in research conducted by government scientists and said it is ending a contract with a California university over its use of the materials.
“Promoting the dignity of human life from conception to natural death is one of the very top priorities of President Trump’s administration,” said the announcement from the Department of Health and Human Services.
According to the Congressional Research Service, the use of fetal tissue for research in the United States dates back to the 1930s and has been used by the National Institutes of Health since the 1950s. Among a variety of medical research uses, fetal tissue is obtained through elective abortions and has been used to help develop vaccines against diseases like measles and polio, the CRS said.
University of California, San Francisco, Chancellor Sam Hawgood called the move “politically motivated, shortsighted and not based on sound science,” and noted that it ended a “30-year partnership with the NIH to use specially designed models that could be developed only through the use of fetal tissue to find a cure for HIV.”
Ohio doctor accused of murdering 25 patients with painkiller overdoses
A critical-care doctor in Ohio who authorities believe “purposely caused the death” of 25 hospital patients that overdosed on the opioid painkiller fentanyl was arrested and charged with murder Wednesday.
Dr. William Husel, 43, pleaded not guilty to 25 counts of murder charged against him by the Franklin County Grand Jury. A lawyer for Husel has said he did not intend to kill anyone.
The charges make up one of the biggest murder cases brought against a doctor in the United States. A judge posted bail at $1 million and Husel surrendered his passport at the request of prosecutor Ron O’Brien.
A critical-care doctor in Ohio who authorities believe “purposely caused the death” of 25 hospital patients that overdosed on the opioid painkiller fentanyl was arrested and charged with murder Wednesday.
Dr. William Husel, 43, pleaded not guilty to 25 counts of murder charged against him by the Franklin County Grand Jury. A lawyer for Husel has said he did not intend to kill anyone.
The charges make up one of the biggest murder cases brought against a doctor in the United States. A judge posted bail at $1 million and Husel surrendered his passport at the request of prosecutor Ron O’Brien.
The suspicious deaths occurred at Mount Carmel and St. Ann’s Hospitals in Columbus between Feb. 11, 2015, and Nov. 20, 2018, according to the statement.
Opioid-Maker Insys Admits To Bribing Doctors, Agrees To Pay $225 Million Settlement
NPR – Insys Therapeutics, an opioid manufacturer, has agreed to pay $225 million to settle the federal government’s criminal and civil investigations into the company’s marketing practices. As part of the settlement, Insys Therapeutics admitted to bribing doctors to prescribe its opioid painkiller.
Last month, a federal jury in Boston found five top Insys Therapeutics executives guilty of racketeering conspiracy for these same practices. Now, the federal government is holding the company accountable.
In the agreement, the drugmaker admitted orchestrating a nationwide scheme in which it set up a sham “speaker program.” Participating doctors were not paid to give speeches, but to write prescriptions of Insys Therapeutics’ fentanyl-based medication, Subsys. Often the painkiller was prescribed to patients who did not need it.
Over the next five years, the company has agreed to close federal monitoring and the federal government reserves the right to charge the company in the future if there’s a violation.
Bill ending religious exemptions for vaccinations languishes in Assembly
Times Union – Time is running out for state lawmakers to act on a bill that would end non-medical exemptions to the state’s vaccine requirements for children to attend school.
Assembly Health Committee Chairman Richard Gottfried, D-Manhattan, has said that he would schedule the bill for a vote if the sponsor, Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz, is able to rally enough votes to get it through the committee level.
New Report Names Nearly 4,000 Companies Profiting Off of Private Prison Industry
Common Dreams – A new report provides information on which corporations are profiting from the private prison industry.
The report (pdf), which was released by criminal justice advocacy group Worth Rises, is based on a database run by the organization that lists a total 3,900 companies in 12 sectors that make money off of the prison industrial complex.
The scope of the income taken in by these companies, the report says, is in the tens of billions.
Today, more than half of the $80 billion spent annually on incarceration by government agencies is used to pay the thousands of vendors that serve the criminal legal system. They are healthcare providers, food suppliers, and commissary merchants, among others. And many have devised strategies to extract billions more from the directly impacted communities supporting their incarcerated loved ones.
The database was first published last year, with 3,100 companies. Tuesday’s update adds another 800 corporations to the list.
Bianca Tylek, the executive director for Worth Rises, said in a statement that the report will make it harder for prison profiteers to operate without scrutiny.
“Before this report, many of the companies involved in the prison industrial complex flew below the radar, often intentionally to avoid the headline risk that comes with profiting off mass incarceration today,” said Tylek. “This data brings these companies to light and equips advocates with the information needed to challenge them.”
The report presents the data mostly in raw form as a research service. The download link is in the report.
Democrats Remove ‘So Help Me God’ From House Committee Oaths
Chicks On The Right – Months after backpedaling from the controversial proposal, House Democrats are moving forward with a plan to remove “so help me God” from the oath witnesses take before testifying before Congressional committees.
According to Life Site News:
“I think God belongs in religious institutions: in temple, in church, in cathedral, in mosque — but not in Congress,” Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TX), chair of the House Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, explained, the New York Times reported last month. He claimed that Republicans’ support for the longstanding language constituted “using God,” and “God doesn’t want to be used.”
“We do not have religious tests,” declared Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), chair of the Judiciary Committee.
Now THAT is rich. Tell that to the Democrats who grill Christian judges on their religious beliefs before approving their nominations, Jerry.
The House will also take on some lesser changes, like “replacing “chairman” and “chairwoman” with the gender-neutral title of “chair,” and the Natural Resources Committee replacing plastic water bottles with reusable glassware.”
Some Republican Representatives have expressed their deep concerns with the change:
“I am a sinner, I make mistakes every single day, but I do think that we could use a little more of God, not less,” Rep. Garret Graves, a Louisiana Republican, told his colleagues on the Natural Resources Committee in response to dropping God.
“The intention behind [‘so help me God’] was to express the idea that the truth of what was being said was important not just in the moment, but would go into eternity, and someone was watching and would ultimately be our judge,” Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) argued. “Some would call that mere symbolism, but to many of our founders, it was deeper than that.”
It stands to note that God does not infer a religion or denomination. “God” in this sense can mean whatever each individual wants it to mean, whether it be spiritual, symbolic, or nothing at all.
Even some Democrats have indicated this is not the right move:
In January, a draft of a rules package from the Natural Resource Committee was leaked to the public showing “so help me God” marked for deletion, replaced with the phrase “under penalty of law.” At the time, Chairman Raul Grijalva (D-AZ) claimed the proposed cut was simply a “mistake.”
But as we know, the Democrat Party has been moving in this direction for quite some time:
The controversy echoes a scandal from the 2012 Democrat National Convention, during which delegates voted to remove references to God from the party platform. The convention quickly reversed itself after video of the voice vote went viral.
Mother Of Son Killed By Illegal to Pelosi: Which One Of Your Children Is Expendable For An Illegal Life?
Real Clear Politics – At a CNN townhall Tuesday night, Nancy Pelosi was asked by a sobbing mother who lost her son to an illegal immigrant, who she said brutally tortured him before death, which one of her grandchildren she would give up to make room for an illegal.
“If you need to go home tonight and line up your babies as you say, and your grandbabies, which one of them could you look in their eyes today, and tell them that they’re expendable for another foreign person to have an a nicer life? Which one would you look to say, you, my child, are expendable for someone else to come over here and not follow the law and have a nicer life?” Laura Wilkerson, who said her son was “slaughtered” by an illegal immigrant, asked Pelosi.
“I pray for you,” Pelosi responded. “Again, we all pray that none of us has to experience what you have experienced. So thank you for channelling your energy to help prevent something like that from happening.”
“But I do want to say to you, that in our sanctuary cities, our people are not disobeying the law,” Pelosi said. “These are law-abiding citizens, it enables them to, to be there without being reported to ICE in case of another crime that they might bear witness to.”
Give up password or go to jail: Police push legal boundaries to get into phones
NBC – “The world should know that what they’re doing out here is crazy,” said a man who refused to share his passcode with police.
William Montanez is used to getting stopped by the police in Tampa, Florida, for small-time traffic and marijuana violations; it’s happened more than a dozen times. When they pulled him over last June, he didn’t try to hide his pot, telling officers, “Yeah, I smoke it, there’s a joint in the center console, you gonna arrest me for that?”
They did arrest him, not only for the marijuana but also for two small bottles they believed contained THC oil — a felony — and for having a firearm while committing that felony (they found a handgun in the glove box).
Then things got testy.
As they confiscated his two iPhones, a text message popped up on the locked screen of one of them: “OMG, did they find it?”
The officers demanded his passcodes, warning him they’d get warrants to search the cellphones. Montanez suspected that police were trying to fish for evidence of illegal activity. He also didn’t want them seeing more personal things, including intimate pictures of his girlfriend.
So he refused, and was locked up on the drug and firearms charges.
Five days later, after Montanez was bailed out of jail, a deputy from the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office tracked him down, handed him the warrants and demanded the phone passcodes. Again, Montanez refused. Prosecutors went to a judge, who ordered him locked up again for contempt of court.
“I felt like they were violating me. They can’t do that,” Montanez, 25, recalled recently. “F— y’all. I ain’t done nothing wrong. They wanted to get in the phone for what?”
He paid a steep price, spending 44 days behind bars before the THC and gun charges were dropped, the contempt order got tossed and he pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor pot charge. And yet he regrets nothing, because he now sees his defiance as taking a stand against the abuse of his rights.
“The world should know that what they’re doing out here is crazy,” Montanez said. The police never got into his phones.
Veteran News
Veterans get access to urgent care, more doctors starting Thursday under new law
The Department of Veterans Affairs will pay for treatment from non-VA doctors under certain conditions.
Eligible U.S. veterans, starting Thursday, are being granted access to health care at facilities outside of the Department of Veterans Affairs — paid for by the VA —  under the new Maintaining Internal Systems and Strengthening Integrated Outside Networks Act (MISSION Act). That includes access to urgent care.
According to the Federal Register, the MISSION Act says the VA will pay for covered veterans to have access to non-VA primary care, mental health care, or non-institutional extended care if the average driving time for the veteran to a VA health care provider is 30 minutes, or if the veteran has to wait at least 20 days to see a VA health care provider.
In the case of specialty care, the VA will pay for visits to a non-VA facility if the veteran is unable to schedule an appointment within 60 minutes average driving time or within 28 days of the request.
In addition, the VA says eligible veterans will be able to go to an urgent care provider that is part of the VA’s contracted network of community providers without prior authorization from the VA.
“With urgent care, Veterans have a new option for care for the treatment of minor injuries and illnesses, such as colds, sore throats and minor skin infections. The benefit is offered in addition to the opportunity to receive care from a VA provider, as VA also offers same-day services,” according to a VA blog.
President Donald Trump signed the MISSION Act into law one year ago.
USA TODAY reports the new rules could increase the number of veterans eligible for private care paid for by the VA from 560,000 to 2.1 million.
Economy & Business
Walmart service to deliver groceries inside customers’ homes
Fox – The online delivery wars are heating up inside shoppers’ homes.
Walmart is now offering to have one of its employees deliver fresh groceries and put them in your refrigerator when you’re not home.
The nation’s largest grocer said Friday that it will be offering the service this fall for more than one million customers in three cities: Pittsburgh, Kansas City, Missouri, and Vero Beach, Florida. Later this year, the service, called InHome Delivery, will also accept returns for items purchased on Walmart.com.
Two years ago, Walmart tested a similar service in the Silicon Valley area but teamed up with delivery startup Deliv and worked with August Home, makers of smart locks and smart home accessories. That test has since been stopped.
The new service is part of Walmart’s drive to expand its shopping options that include curbside pickup and online grocery delivery.
Amazon offers a similar service in certain cities, dropping off packages inside homes, garages or car trunks. But the service is not for groceries.
With Walmart’s new service, customers place a grocery delivery order online and then select InHome Delivery and a delivery day at checkout.
Walmart workers will use smart entry technology and a proprietary wearable camera to access the customer’s home. That allows shoppers to control access into their home and give them the ability to watch the delivery remotely.
Walmart said that the workers will go through an extensive training program that would prepare them for things like how to select the freshest groceries and how best to organize the refrigerator. Walmart declined to give specifics on the technology. It said it will share the fee details ahead of the fall launch.
“Now, we can serve customers not in just the last mile, but in the last 15 feet,” wrote Marc Lore, CEO of Walmart’s U.S. e-commerce division, in a corporate blog post.
Hershey, Nestlé, and Mars won’t promise their chocolate is free of child labor
Washington Post – Five boys are swinging machetes on a cocoa farm, slowly advancing against a wall of brush. Their expressions are deadpan, almost vacant, and they rarely talk. The only sounds in the still air are the whoosh of blades slicing through tall grass and metallic pings when they hit something harder.     Each of the boys crossed the border months or years ago from the impoverished West African nation of Burkina Faso, taking a bus away from home and parents to Ivory Coast, where hundreds of thousands of small farms have been carved out of the forest.
These farms form the world’s most important source of cocoa and are the setting for an epidemic of child labor that the world’s largest chocolate companies promised to eradicate nearly 20 years ago.
“How old are you?” a Washington Post reporter asks one of the older-looking boys.
“Nineteen,” Abou Traore says in a hushed voice. Under Ivory Coast’s labor laws, that would make him legal. But as he talks, he casts nervous glances at the farmer who is overseeing his work from several steps away. When the farmer is distracted, Abou crouches and with his finger, writes a different answer in the gray sand: 15.
A steady stream of buses from Burkina Faso carry passengers and trafficked children as young as 12 to work in cocoa fields in Ivory Coast.
The world’s chocolate companies have missed deadlines to uproot child labor from their cocoa supply chains in 2005, 2008 and 2010. Next year, they face another target date and, industry officials indicate, they probably will miss that, too.
As a result, the odds are substantial that a chocolate bar bought in the United States is the product of child labor.
About two-thirds of the world’s cocoa supply comes from West Africa where, according to a 2015 U.S. Labor Department report, more than 2 million children were engaged in dangerous labor in cocoa-growing regions.
When asked this spring, representatives of some of the biggest and best-known brands — Hershey, Mars and Nestlé — could not guarantee that any of their chocolates were produced without child labor.
“I’m not going to make those claims,” an executive at one of the large chocolate companies said.
One reason is that nearly 20 years after pledging to eradicate child labor, chocolate companies still cannot identify the farms where all their cocoa comes from, let alone whether child labor was used in producing it. Mars, maker of M&M’s and Milky Way, can trace only 24 percent of its cocoa back to farms; Hershey, the maker of Kisses and Reese’s, less than half; Nestlé can trace 49 percent of its global cocoa supply to farms.
True the Vote Wins IRS Battle as Judge Orders Tax Agency to Pay Up
Breitbart – True the Vote, a nonpartisan conservative election integrity group that fought a nearly decade-long battle with the IRS and other federal agencies that unfairly targeted the group, has won a major decision in federal court and shall be awarded maximum attorney fees.
“This is a huge victory for every American who thinks that they can’t go up against the government and get what they deserve,” Catherine Engelbrecht, True the Vote’s founder, told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview ahead of the group’s public announcement of the victory. “This is an opportunity to make very clear that we didn’t back away and, therefore, American citizens didn’t back away—and we won.”
Science & Technology
Jupiter will be so close in June you can use binoculars to see its moons
KTVB – ou won’t need a fancy telescope to get some great views this month of the solar system’s largest planet.
Jupiter will be its biggest and brightest throughout June and will be visible to the naked eye, rising at dusk and remaining visible all night, according to NASA.
NASA explains in its skywatching tips for June that with just binoculars, or a small telescope, you should be able to spot several of its moons.
You may even catch a glimpse of the banded clouds that circle the planet or its iconic great red spot.
And Jupiter will be at opposition on June 10, meaning the earth will be lined up between Jupiter and the sun.
But if you’d like an even closer look, NASA’s Juno spacecraft has been circling Jupiter since 2016 sending back some pretty remarkable images.
Big Pharma Just Bought Access To Your DNA From Genealogy Company 23andMe
Healthy Holistic – Knowing your ancestry is not only a fun thing to look into but also a fascinating process that can shed a lot of light on your personal understanding of your family.
However, have you ever thought to consider that looking into your ancestry might not be the safest or most secure experience? Have you ever considered that offering DNA might have unknown outcomes?
If you paid for an ancestry report from 23andMe.com, then the pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline now owns your genetic identity! Does that sound scary or what?
23andMe Selling Our DNA?
However surprising or unsurprising, the human DNA that 23andMe have been collecting has become a commodity. As the world’s largest genetic code database, 23andMe is using their collection of DNA to create a kind of “new frontier” for many different pioneering drug-makers. In exchange for telling you your ancestry, 23andMe requires you give them a sample of your DNA, but apparently they later turn around and sell your genetic code for profit! Companies like GlaxoSmithKline are eager and willing to pay a great deal of money for collections like these!
The British pharmaceutical giant, GlaxoSmithKline, just recently invested $300 million into the genealogy company, purchasing a share in 23andMe in order to reap great benefits. According to GlaxoSmithKline’s CEO, the merger of these two enormous companies should greatly accelerate the development of “novel treatments and cures.” Their idea is that by having immediate access to an endless supply of DNA samples, GlaxoSmithKline can continue developing pharmaceuticals to treat illnesses. The genetic blueprints provided by 23andMe may now be used by GlaxoSmithKline to get the newest of drugs approved faster, into to the market faster, and treating health issues faster – at least, that’s what GlaxoSmithKline has boasted about in press releases.
Digital Censorship Spreads: Amazon Removes Controversial Documentaries
Activist Post – Following YouTube’s recent purge of controversial content, Amazon removes factual documentaries like Vaxxed,  OMG GMO about genetically altered food, and Minds of Men about government’s secret mind control programs.
The truth will not be streamed from these platforms.
The evidence is in: Raw milk actually boosts immunity, prevents infections
News Target – The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) would like us all to believe that raw milk is a flaming health hazard with the potential to cause a national disaster. What could be more toxic than raw food, right? That must be what is making our nation sick – not the over-consumption of genetically-modified, pesticide-laden foodstuffs.
However, a recent study published in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology has shown that consuming raw milk will not, in fact, be a death sentence. Researchers, doctors and other medical professionals from across Europe joined forces to investigate the effects of consuming raw milk, and revealed that raw milk isn’t just non-toxic, but also yields some impressive health benefits!
The investigatory project, playfully known as PASTURE, discovered that raw milk can help to prevent viruses, colds and respiratory infections from forming in children when compared to conventional, processed milk. For the study, researchers recruited a group of pregnant women who were in their third trimester. Approximately half of the women lived and worked on livestock farms in rural areas, primarily in central Europe. The researchers asked the women to detail their dietary and lifestyle habits, including their milk consumption. The information was then evaluated and compared.
In total, 983 children were included in the final data set, which is what revealed the truth about raw milk: its immune-boosting health effects are far superior to that of conventional pasteurized milk. The research indicated that raw milk functions a lot like breast milk, in that it imparts immunity to its consumers. Raw milk also helps to reduce C-reactive proteins, which are directly associated with inflammation.
Conversely, conventional milk may actually contribute to inflammation, due to the altered proteins that are created during processing. Essentially, raw milks helps to decrease inflammation, while processed milk creates more inflammation.
The study authors state, “The main finding of this analysis was an inverse association between consumption of unprocessed cow’s milk and rhinitis [cold or runny nose], RTI [respiratory tract infections], and otitis [ear infection].” They also went on to note that raw cow’s milk produced the greatest positive effect, while boiled farm milk produced a more modest benefit.
Fasting Prevents and Halts Diabetes
Mercola – The prevention, treatment and reversal of Type 2 diabetes begins with improving your insulin sensitivity, which fasting accomplishes and which may be an important factor for those struggling with other obesity-related conditions.
New data reveal working out before breakfast and putting off eating until lunch may reduce your overall caloric intake during the day and aid in weight loss and management.
The study participants fasted from sunup to sunset; but eating just hours before going to sleep may result in other negative health effects as under the best circumstances your stomach takes hours to empty, increasing your risk of heartburn and reflux if you lie down too soon after meals.
Eating within three hours of bedtime may be one of the worst things you can do, as it detrimentally affects the health of your mitochondria.
Although beneficial, fasting should not be done if you are underweight, pregnant, breastfeeding or have an eating disorder, and while it supports your health, I recommend using a cyclical ketogenic diet with fasting for the greatest health benefits.
Vitamin D once again scientifically proven to prevent cancer
NaturalNews – Do you hide from the sun, slathering on sunscreen and wearing a hat every time you step outdoors? The biggest star in the solar system has been demonized in recent years for its connection to skin cancer, but those who go out of their way to avoid it entirely could find themselves facing the very problem they’re trying to prevent.
A series of studies that were recently presented at a conference of the American Society of Clinical Oncology demonstrated the protective effect that vitamin D has when it comes to cancer – and the sun is the top way to get enough of the vitamin.
Researchers from the Allegheny Health Network Cancer Institute revealed that people who are deficient in vitamin D have more than double the risk of developing pancreatic cancer as well as a greater risk of colorectal cancer, while a different study found a link between daily vitamin D supplements and a reduction in prostate cancer.
In a third study of nearly 80,000 healthy adults, those who took a supplement of vitamin D for three years had a 13 percent lower risk of dying from any type of cancer in their lifetime. The study was carried out by researchers from Michigan State University.
The lead researcher of the study, Dr. Tarek Haykal, said: “I would like to see more oncologists and primary care doctors consider prescribing vitamin D for their patients as it carries many benefits with minimal side effects.” He also encouraged more researchers to study this topic.
Vitamin D is believed to help fight cancer by boosting the immune system, regulating cell growth, and making cancer cells less aggressive.
Pet News
Canine Infertility — Is Food to Blame?
Mercola – The 2016 results of a 26-year study suggest the quality of sperm in intact male dogs in the U.K. has decreased dramatically.
The research team found hormone-disrupting chemicals in the dogs’ testes and sperm at levels high enough to have a harmful effect on sperm function.
In a just-published follow-up study, the researchers found an identical effect from the same chemicals in the sperm of both men and male dogs.
These study results are a clear indication that man-made substances are disrupting the natural chemical messenger system that controls hormones in both men and male dogs.
The natural follow-up to these studies is to look at how the same chemicals affect females

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