July 1, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today's News: June 11, 2018

World News
Donald Trump, Kim Jong Un to meet alone at Singapore summit
USA Today – Facing a high-stakes challenge to get North Korea to give up nuclear weapons, President Trump plans to speak alone with Kim Jong Un during their historic summit meeting, officials said Monday.
The one-on-one session, plus translators, will supplement bigger meetings involving the leaders and their aides about proposals to help North Korea if it agrees to dismantle its nuclear weapons programs.
The White House also announced that Trump will now leave Singapore on Tuesday night, local time, a day ahead of schedule.
Trump and Kim are scheduled to meet at 9 a.m. Tuesday in Singapore, which is 9 p.m. Monday in Washington.
Erdogan Predicts ‘War Between the Cross and Crescent’ over Austria Mosque Closures
Breitbart – Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan attacked Austria’s impending closure of mosques and consequent expulsion of Turkish-funded imams, saying the move is anti-Islamic while promising a response.
“These measures taken by the Austrian prime minister are, I fear, leading the world towards a war between the cross and the crescent,” Erdogan said in a speech in Istanbul covered by AFP.
Sweden Tries to Halt Total Cashlessness With Lawmaker Proposal
Bloomberg – A key committee of Swedish lawmakers wants to force the country’s biggest banks to handle cash in an effort to halt the nation’s march toward complete cashlessness.
Parliament’s Riksbank committee, which is in the process of reviewing the central bank law, proposed making it mandatory for banks to offer cash withdrawals and handle daily receipts. The requirement would apply to banks that provide checking accounts and have more than 70 billion kronor ($8 billion) in deposits from the Swedish public, according to a report.
Trump’s tweets slam Canada and Trudeau anew from Singapore
AP – President Donald Trump took more swipes at Canada and its prime minister over trade issues as he settled in for a summit with North Korea in Singapore, contending that “Fair Trade is now to be called Fool Trade if it is not Reciprocal.” Trump roiled the Group of Seven meeting in Canada by first agreeing to a group statement on trade only to withdraw from it while complaining that he had been blindsided by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s criticism of Trump’s tariff threats at a summit-ending news conference. As he flew from Canada to Singapore Saturday night, Trump displayed his ire via Twitter, which he also employed to insult Trudeau as “dishonest” and “weak.
Unbowed, Trump tweeted anew Monday morning from Singapore: “Fair Trade is now to be called Fool Trade if it is not Reciprocal. According to a Canada release, they make almost 100 Billion Dollars in Trade with U.S. (guess they were bragging and got caught!). Minimum is 17B. Tax Dairy from us at 270%. Then Justin acts hurt when called out!”
He added: “Why should I, as President of the United States, allow countries to continue to make Massive Trade Surpluses, as they have for decades, while our Farmers, Workers & Taxpayers have such a big and unfair price to pay? Not fair to the PEOPLE of America! $800 Billion Trade Deficit…And add to that the fact that the U.S. pays close to the entire cost of NATO-protecting many of these same countries that rip us off on Trade (they pay only a fraction of the cost-and laugh!). The European Union had a $151 Billion Surplus-should pay much more for Military!”
And he brought in Merkel’s government: ….Germany pays 1% (slowly) of GDP towards NATO, while we pay 4% of a MUCH larger GDP. Does anybody believe that makes sense? We protect Europe (which is good) at great financial loss, and then get unfairly clobbered on Trade. Change is coming!”
“There’s a special place in hell for any foreign leader that engages in bad faith diplomacy with President Donald J. Trump and then tries to stab him in the back on the way out the door,” Trump trade adviser Peter Navarro said in an interview nationally broadcast Sunday in the United States.
U.S. News, Politics & Government
Transgender Boys Dominate High School Girls at State Track Meet
Infowars – Two transgender high school students took home first and second places in the 100-meter dash at a girls’ state track meet in Connecticut Monday.
One of them, Bulkeley sophomore Terry Miller, broke records in both the 100 and 200-meter events, the latter spanning back to 1997.
Just last year during the winter indoor season, Miller had raced as a boy.
The runner-up 100 meter transgender runner, Andraya Yearwood from Cromwell, also won the Class M sprint titles last year, despite never undergoing hormonal treatment.
The victories have prompted a look at how gender affects sports in the state, where gender identity is recognized.
The Connecticut Post spoke to one of the losing female students, but she didn’t seem too upset she lost to biological males.
New U.S. History textbook smears Trump, supporters: ‘Not-very-hidden racism connected with significant number of voters’
By Kyle Olson – American schools are the battlefield for our children’s minds and progressives are in charge of it all, from writing the textbooks, to those reading them aloud in class.
Indianapolis talk radio host Alex On-Air posted several examples on Twitter from the Advanced Placement edition of “By The People: A History of the United States,” published by textbook giant Pearson and has a copyright of 2019.
Note the book qualifies the opinions with “some said”– a common tactic to insert one’s own opinion. There is no contrary opinion offered.
Twitter CEO shamed for eating at Chick-fil-A over owner’s LGBT views, expresses regret
Fox News – Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey on Sunday came under fire for tweeting about spending money at a Chick-fil-A restaurant in Los Angeles over the owner’s views on gay marriage.
Dorsey tweeted a screenshot of his purchases and savings made by using the fast-food restaurant’s mobile app, prompting a backlash from LGBTQ community and the media.
Lock of Custer’s hair is sold at auction for more than $12G
Fox News – An auction house sold what it deemed a “substantial” portion of Lt. Col. George Armstrong Custer’s hair over the weekend.
The blond lock went for $12,500 at auction on Saturday.
Robert De Niro throws F-bombs at Trump during Tony Awards
Fox News – Actor Robert De Niro launched a profanity-laced tirade at President Trump during Sunday’s politically charged Tony Awards, earning a standing ovation.
“I’m gonna say one thing: F— Trump!” he stated, as he clenched his two fists in the air, leaving panic-stricken broadcast censors trying bleep out the remarks. “It’s no longer down with Trump, it’s f— Trump!”
The U.S. viewers at home heard dead silence, though in other regions the f-bombs reportedly weren’t censored. The expletives sparked a roaring reaction from the audience, with many of the celebrities standing up.
YouTube Terminates Channel of Firearms Parts Retailer
National Review – YouTube suddenly terminated the channel for the firearms parts company Brownells, the company claimed on Saturday.
“Brownells’ YouTube channel has been terminated without warning or notice,” Brownells’ Twitter account stated.
The 80-year-old gun supplies company reached out to followers on social media, asking them to contact Google, which owns YouTube, about the decision.
Brownells used their YouTube channel to post instructional videos on how different guns work and how to assemble and maintain firearms.
Related: Tyranny Censoring – YouTube Deletes The Power Hour Channel
**If you’re opposed to the attacks on our communitys 1st & 2nd Amendment rights, please contact GOOGLE : 650-253-0000 OPTION 5 FOR YOUTUBE, MESSAGE YT & GOOGLE:https://twitter.com/YouTube https://twitter.com/rkyncl?lang=en
Revealed: Google Banning AdWords Like ‘Gun-Grips, Scopes and Sights’
Breitbart – Google will be adding words like “gun-grips” and “scopes and sights” to its list of prohibited AdWords later this month.
Energy & Environment
Fuego eruption: A week on, rescue workers recover buried bodies
Al Jazeera – One week after a volcano eruption left at least 110 dead in Guatemala, families face an agonising wait at the morgue
Earth’s Crust In Turmoil – All-Time Record 500 Earthquakes Hit The Big Island As Rivers Of Lava Pour Out Of Volcanoes In Hawaii And Guatemala
Economic Collapse – For most Americans, what is going on around the rest of the globe is of little interest, but all of the shaking in Hawaii sure is starting to get a lot of attention from the mainstream media.  On Sunday, the Big Island was hit by a huge 5.5-magnitude earthquake
That was definitely a very large earthquake, but of much greater concern were all of the smaller earthquakes that happened on Sunday.  At least 500 quakes struck the Island in a 24 hour period, and that was a new all-time record
Science & Technology
Bookmark This: 150 ways to take back your privacy from the evil gatekeepers
Thomas Dishaw – Privacy is a hot-button issue nowadays, and it should be. Information bloodsuckers like Facebook and Google are having a heyday selling your browsing habits to the highest bidder day in and day out. The truth is that’s really how these companies make their money. In case you didn’t know, as soon as you connect to the internet and visit your favorite site you’re virtually getting raped by hundreds of corporate vampires who want to suck every last bit of personal information out of you.
Luckily, there’s a way to stop this. No, you don’t have to get off the internet altogether (although that’s not a bad idea) but what you do need to do is start taking your privacy seriously. Listed below are 150 great tools (courtesy of privacytools.io) everyone should try to integrate into their online habits. Most of these tools are free and easy to set up.
Conspiracy Theory Confirmed: Researcher Shows How Phone Shows Ads Based on Conversations It Hears       
For years, smartphone users have been growing increasingly suspicious that their devices are listening to them to feed them advertisements and to “enhance their experience” on third-party apps. Companies like Google and Facebook have consistently denied these claims, saying that targeted ads and messages are merely a coincidence, and that data for these services are taken in other ways.
However, earlier this year during the Cambridge Analytica scandal we began to see some of the first hints that our phones may actually be listening to us.
Cambridge Analytica whistleblower Christopher Wylie says that they have probably been listening all along. During an appearance before the UK parliament, Wylie said, “There’s audio that could be useful just in terms of, are you in an office environment, are you outside, are you watching TV, what are you doing right now?”
Since the scandal, experts who have studied this possibility began revealing their surprising results.
In a recent interview with VICE, Dr. Peter Hannay, the senior security consultant for the cybersecurity firm Asterisk, explained how third-party apps exploit a loophole to gather the voice data from your phone.
Hannay said that while your microphone is always on, your voice data is only sent out to other parties if you say specific trigger words such as “Hey Siri” or “OK Google,” but there is a catch. Third-party apps often ask to gain access to voice data in their user agreements to “enhance the experience” of their products.
“From time to time, snippets of audio do go back to [other apps like Facebook’s] servers but there’s no official understanding what the triggers for that are. Whether it’s timing or location-based or usage of certain functions, [apps] are certainly pulling those microphone permissions and using those periodically. All the internals of the applications send this data in encrypted form, so it’s very difficult to define the exact trigger,” Hannay said.
Gardening, Farming & Homesteading
Dandelion Jelly – An Easy Flower Jelly Recipe with Less Sugar
Common Sense Home – This easy dandelion jelly recipe uses less sugar than most flower jelly recipes, creating a light and delicious jelly. To make your dandelion jelly, you’ll need dandelion blossoms, water, lemon juice, sugar, Pomona’s Pectin and calcium water. I like this recipe because it uses only one fourth as much sugar of most dandelion jelly recipes and no artificial color.
Black Tea May Be Good for Your Heart Health, Gut Flora and More
Mercola – Tea is one of the most widely consumed beverages in the world. In America alone, around 158 million people drink tea each day. The Tea Association of the USA also reveals that the total tea consumption in the country amounted to a whopping 3.8 billion gallons in 2016, more than 80 percent of which was black tea.1
Black tea is undoubtedly a well-loved drink in Western culture, and for good reason. Its bold flavors make for a satisfying beverage that can be enjoyed any time of the day. Best of all, it contains a wide array of nutrients that are beneficial for your health.
Good News
Country Time Stands Up to “Arcane Laws” Against Kids Lemonade Stands
Activist Post – Popular lemonade brand under Kraft Heinz, Country Time, is “taking a stand for lemonade stands” and pledging to help kids cover the costs of city permits when young kids end up getting their lemonade stands shut down and fined.
“Around the country, kids across the country are getting busted for lemonade stands,” the company said in a video posted to its official Twitter account Thursday.
Using the hashtag #SaveLemonadeStands the company stated, “when life gives you arcane laws, make lemonade.” The clip briefly featured what appeared to be headlines about lemonade stand-related prosecutions of the last few years.
The brand is launching a new fund called Legal-Ade, “a crack team ready to straighten out lemonade stands permits and fines.”
The stipulations are simple:  your kid needs to be 14 years old or younger to take part in the program.
‘Hero pup’ pit bull tries to save baby from house fire by carrying her by the diaper
The Sacramento Bee – A mother in Stockton, California, says her 8-month-old pit bull is a “hero pup” for saving her and her baby’s lives last week when a fire broke out in another unit of her fourplex.
Sasha the puppy and 7-month-old Masailah have a special bond, their mom, Nana Chai, told KCRA.
“She’s in her bed every day,” Chai told the station. “They take baths together and everything.”

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