July 17, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: June 12, 2024


Blinken announces $404-million in aid to Gaza; urges all allies to expand efforts! 

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced $404 million in new aid to the Palestinian people on Tuesday, as he called for other countries to back a cease-fire proposal for the Gaza Strip and redouble their aid efforts after more than eight months of fighting in the region.

Mr. Blinken attended a conference in Jordan, dubbed “Call for Action: Urgent Humanitarian Response for Gaza,“ to discuss the ongoing humanitarian concerns as Israeli forces continue to fight with Hamas, a U.S.-designated terrorist organization. The secretary of state said his ”primary and first message” at the Tuesday conference was to support a cease-fire plan President Joe Biden articulated on May 31st.

UN says Hamas and Israel committed war crimes; Gaza truce plan hangs in the balance! 

A U.N. inquiry found on Wednesday that both Israel and Hamas had committed war crimes early in the Gaza war, and that Israel’s actions also constituted crimes against humanity because of the immense civilian losses.

The findings were from two parallel reports by the U.N. Commission of Inquiry (COI), one focusing on the Oct. 7 attacks and another on Israel’s response.

Israel, which did not cooperate with the commission, dismissed the findings as the result of anti-Israeli bias. Hamas did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The war began on Oct. 7 when militants led by Hamas, the Islamist group ruling Gaza, killed 1,200 Israelis and took more than 250 hostage, according to Israeli tallies.

Israel’s military retaliation has caused the deaths of more than 37,000 Palestinians, according to Gaza’s health ministry, displaced most of Gaza’s population of 2.3 million, caused widespread hunger, and devastated housing and infrastructure.

Sources say Biden’s Gaza Pier is endangering U.S. troops’ lives, all for a photo op! 

The Biden administration has publicly praised American troops who are part of the risky mission to deliver aid to Gaza via a temporary pier, but behind the scenes, sources tell Breitbart News that the troops’ safety is being endangered for a “photo-op.”

There are approximately 1,000 troops who are part of the novel operation to attach a floating pier to the coast of Gaza. The pier went operational on May 17, but eight days later on May 25, it broke apart due to heavy seas and had to be dismantled from the coast and repaired. It was reattached just last week.

Despite this, the Biden administration has insisted the pier operation has been a success.
“The operation was going successfully,” Deputy Defense Secretary Sabrina Singh said on May 30th.

But sources say behind the scenes, troops’ lives are being put at risk, sometimes for literal photo-ops.

One U.S. source involved in the mission said the pier has been targeted daily. “[There] absolutely has been gunfire and mortars. It’s all day and night nonstop,” the source said.

Indeed, due to the risk of sniper-fire, troops are ordered to wear tactical vests as far as five nautical miles out from the coast, and aid has to be rushed off the boats onto the temporary pier due to the “constant” attempts to attack the pier, according to the source.

Yet, minutes before the first boat filled with aid hit the pier, troops were ordered to roll up plastic covers on the trucks so that the aid could be photographed, the source said.

Troops were also ordered to wash the aid trucks and sweep flour off of them so that they look good in photos. The source said this happened twice — once for the first delivery of the operation, and again recently after the pier was reattached.

The Biden administration has also boasted about the amount of aid moved over the pier — a little more than 2,000 metric tons to date, or approximately 4.6 million pounds. But sources say moving that amount of aid has taken a toll on troops.

Two U.S. sources said commanders are ordering troops to work 12 to 48-hour shifts with very little sleep so that they can move more pallets, which has led to “many accidents,” including one service member being “crushed” by a forklift.

The first U.S. source said it was lack of sleep that led to the service member being run and crushed over by an unlicensed forklift driver during night operations.

Biden administration officials have revealed little about that injury, with Singh only saying that it was a “non-combat injury that happened on a ship that was away from the pier.” They recently acknowledged that the service member is in critical condition, and was recently moved along with his family from a hospital in Israel to the Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas.

According to the U.S. source, the service member is “currently brain dead in a coma.” Breitbart News reached out to the 7th Transportation Brigade — Expeditionary to confirm the service member’s injuries and status, but did not receive a response.

The Pentagon has acknowledged two other service members being injured, calling them “minor” injuries.

However, the second U.S. source said troops are “being injured daily and not being taken off the mission.”

“Someone dislocated their shoulder [and is] still being forced to work,” the source said. “Others are getting injuries [and are] still just being ignored because they just want this mission to show as a ‘success.’ It’s a disaster.”

EU set to impose multi-billion-euro tariffs on Chinese EVs …

The European Commission told automakers on Wednesday it would impose extra duties of up to 38.1% on imported Chinese electric cars from July, in a move that China called protectionist but its car industry dismissed as one without a major impact.

Less than a month after Washington quadrupled duties for Chinese EVs to 100%, Brussels said it would set additional tariffs of 17.4% for 20% for Geely and 38.1% for SAIC, on top of the existing 10%, over what it said were excessive subsidies.

That equates to billions of euros of extra costs for the carmakers at a time they are struggling with slowing demand and falling prices at home, according to Reuters calculations based on 2023 EU trade data. The move comes as European automakers are being challenged by an influx of lower-cost EVs from Chinese rivals. Shares in some of Europe’s biggest carmakers which make a big portion of their sales in China, fell on fears of Chinese retaliation. 

King Charles III first portrait vandalized by animal rights activists!

Animal rights activists pasted a cartoon image over a portrait of King Charles III on Tuesday at a London art gallery, the latest in a series of incidents at U.K. museums as campaigners use vandalism to publicize their causes.

A group called Animal Rising shared a video of campaigners pasting a picture of a character called Wallace, from the “Wallace and Gromit” comedy series, over the king’s head.

The so-called ‘’comic redecorationì was designed to highlight an investigation that Animal Rising said found widespread violations of animal husbandry rules at farms approved by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

A speech bubble next to the head of Wallace read: “No cheese, Gromit. Look at all this cruelty on RSPCA farms!”

The painting is protected by a sheet of plastic and wasn’t damaged, according to the Philip Mould Gallery, where it is on display.

The larger-than-life painting by Jonathan Yeo was unveiled last month and is the first portrait of Charles to be completed since he ascended the throne in 2022. It captures the king in shades of red with his hands clasped atop the hilt of his sword and a butterfly flitting above his right shoulder.

The portrait was commissioned to celebrate Charles’ 50 years as a member of the Drapers’ Company, which was set up more than 600 years ago as a trade association for wool merchants but is now primarily a philanthropic organization.


House panel finds that government officials misled about risky monkeypox research!

Government officials falsely said an experiment that would place genes from one mpox (monkeypox) strain into another strain was never proposed or approved, according to an investigation from a U.S. House of Representatives panel.

Dr. Bernard Moss, a longtime scientist with the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), told a magazine in 2022 that he planned to take genes from the highly virulent clade 1 mpox and place them into a less virulent but more transmissible strain as part of ongoing testing in mice and other small animals.

The House Energy and Commerce Committee requested more information from the government, expressing concern with the proposal.

Dr. Moss, other NIAID officials, and officials with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the NIH’s parent agency, repeatedly told members that the experiment was never formally proposed or approved.

“This study has not been formally proposed, and NIAID has no plans to move forward with this research,” Melanie Egorin, the department’s assistant secretary for legislation, said in one letter dated April 26, 2023.

Dr. Moss said in prepared remarks to the committee in a closed-door meeting later that year that he was focused on transferring genes from clade II, the less virulent strain, into clade I and had not performed any experiments swapping genes from clade I into clade II.

“I have not planned or proposed such experiments for approval since we have not completed the current experiments and therefore do not yet know which genes might be best to transfer,” he said.

But members found, after threatening subpoenas, that the NIH’s Institutional Biosafety Committee in 2015 reviewed a proposal from Dr. Moss for the experiment and approved it. The members reviewed the documents in camera because government officials said making the records public could carry biosafety risk, the committee said in an interim report published on June 11 detailing its investigation.

The approval for the experiment was in place until May 2023, when it was revoked by the NIH about seven months after the committee started expressing concern.

The work was funded under a grant on which Dr. Moss is listed as the principal investigator, according to the panel. The publicly available information on the grant does not describe the experiment.

Ms. Egorin later reversed her previous stance, writing recently in a follow-up letter released by the panel that “research involving bidirectional transfer of genes between clades I and II of the MPXV was considered and approved.” MPXV is an acronym for the monkeypox virus.

GOP panel members said the pattern of obstruction and misrepresentation displayed by government officials means the officials either deliberately misled members or were fed false information themselves by other government employees. Because NIAID personnel have firsthand knowledge of the experiment and related issues, officials likely relied on NIAID staff and the primary responsibility for misleading the panel “most likely lies within NIAID,” the members said.

Sam Brown wins Nevada GOP primary for key senate seat!

Days after clinching an endorsement from former President Donald Trump, U.S. Army Afghanistan War veteran Sam Brown has won Nevada’s June 11 Republican U.S. Senate primary and will meet incumbent Sen. Jacky Rosen (D-Nev.) in November’s general election.

“Thank you, Nevada!” Mr. Brown said on X moments after he was declared the winner. “Next stop: November 5th.”

In a race called by the Associated Press at 11:12 p.m. Eastern with 58 percent of results from precincts statewide counted, Mr. Brown collected 56.8, or 55,816 votes, to defeat Dr. Jeffrey Ross Gunter, 16.5 percent, or 16,230 votes; former Nevada state lawmaker Jim Marchant 6.8 percent, or 6,699 votes; U.S. Air Force veteran Tony Grady 5.4 percent, or 5,330 votes, and six other Republican hopefuls in the crowded party preliminary.

Former President Trump endorsed Mr. Brown on June 9, hours after he left Nevada following a campaign rally in Las Vegas.

Nancy Mace defeats McCarthy-backed challenger in South Carolina congressional primary! 

Rep. Nancy Mace (R-S.C.) defeated Catherine Templeton on June 11 to win the Republican nomination for South Carolina’s 1st Congressional District.

The Associated Press projected the victory for Ms. Mace less than two hours after polls closed.

Ms. Mace—one of the eight Republicans who voted to oust former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) in October 2023—is seeking reelection in the district, which encompasses the environs of the city of Charleston and much of the state’s coastline.

Ms. Templeton is one of several candidates Mr. McCarthy has endorsed since his removal.

Ahead of the race, polls indicated that most voters still backed Trump-endorsed Ms. Mace, who would start her third term in office next year if she wins the general election.

HHS sued over a rule requiring health care providers perform gender transition procedures! 

The attorneys general of Montana and Texas yesterday filed a lawsuit against Xavier Becerra, Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), over a rule that says states must pay for “gender transition” procedures through their Medicaid programs and requires health care providers who receive federal funding to perform such procedures even in violation of state law.

The complaint, filed on June 11th with the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, Tyler Division, asks the court to block a new rule recently published by HHS in the Federal Register that modifies non-discrimination protections of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in a way that expands the definition of “sex” discrimination to include discrimination based on “gender identity.”

The final rule, called “Nondiscrimination in Health Programs and Activities,” implements Section 1557 of the ACA in a way that reinstates and expands on many of the 2016 regulations from the administration of then President Barack Obama while reversing much of the 2020 version of the rule adopted under then President Donald Trump.

The rule explicitly provides nondiscrimination protections based on “gender identity” and sexual orientation, and categorically prohibits the denial of “gender-affirming” care.

The attorneys general of Montana and Texas object to what they call in their complaint a “devastatingly drastic social change” under Section 1557. They argue that the change effectively forces taxpayers in those states to pay for controversial drugs and experimental surgeries for people seeking “gender transition,” which they label as procedures that “inflict permanent harm.”

The two attorneys general argue in the complaint that the final rule is unlawful and an unconstitutional attempt to override state law. They’re seeking injunctive relief to prevent the rule from being enforced.

Federal judge overturns key parts of Florida ban on transgender procedures for minors! 

A federal judge on Tuesday struck down a series of key provisions of a Florida law that banned sex reassignment surgeries, puberty blockers, and cross-sex hormones for minors, calling parts of the ban unconstitutional.

U.S. District Judge Robert L. Hinkle on June 11 issued a 105-page order blocking enforcement of key provisions of SB 254, a measure that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed into law in May 2023 as part of a package of bills that his office said aimed to protect Florida’s children from gender politics in schools and “permanent mutilating surgical procedures.”

The measure prohibited sex reassignment surgeries and experimental puberty blockers for children. It also required adult patients who were receiving these types of medications or surgeries to give informed, written consent. The law also required any transgender procedures and medications to be provided by an in-person physician rather than by a nurse or via telemedicine, while also creating a pathway for individuals to obtain damages if injured after receiving sex reassignment procedures or medications as children.

The judge’s June 11th order does not apply to transgender surgeries, only to puberty blockers and cross- sex hormones, with the judge clarifying that the order’s use of the term “gender- affirming care” refers only to those two types of treatment.

Judge Hinkle, an appointee of President Bill Clinton, wrote in the order that so-called gender- affirming care for minors may be “medically appropriate” and so the Florida statutes that banned such procedures are unconstitutional.

Federal judge shields Texas from Biden’s pro-transgender regulations! 

A federal judge has blocked President Joe Biden’s pro-transgender rewrite of the federal

government’s Title IX regulations against sexual discrimination.

“Joe Biden’s unlawful effort to weaponize Title IX for his extremist agenda has been stopped in its tracks,” said a statement from Ken Paxton, Texas’ Attorney General. “Threatening to withhold education funding by forcing states to accept ‘transgender’ policies that put women in danger was plainly illegal,” said Paxton, who filed the lawsuit.

“Nothing in the [federal law] prohibits discrimination based on gender identity,” U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor declared yesterday, in a decision that only protects Texans. The judge added:

“… to allow [the Biden administration’s] unlawful action to stand would be to functionally rewrite Title IX in a way that shockingly transforms American education and usurps a major question from Congress. That is not how our democratic system functions.

The lawsuit will be appealed, and the dispute over Title IX and transgenderism likely will be shaped by the U.S. Supreme Court amid the political standoff in Congress.

The existing Title IX law and regulations bar sex discrimination against men or women, but not “gender” discrimination, said the Texas judge. “Reading into the statute a more fluid conception of sex — one that is based on subjective gender identity and divorced from biological reality — would ignore the ordinary meaning of sex used in Title IX [laws],” the judge wrote.

“Title IX allows for differentiation based on sex due to biological differences — such as intimate facilities [bathrooms] and athletic teams [sports],” he wrote.

Rapper Young Thug’s attorney arrested and sentenced to 10 weekends in jail! 

Rapper Young Thug’s attorney Brian Steel was arrested and sentenced to ten weekends in

the Fulton County Jail after being held in contempt of court on Monday.

“I need you to tell me how you got the information, if you don’t tell me how you got the information, I’m going to hold you in contempt,” Judge Ural Glanville was heard telling Steel in a video posted to YouTube by Law & Crime Trials.

“I don’t want to hold you in contempt, but you, but this is so sacrosanct, to have a conversation in my Chambers parroted to you and others, it is that serious,” Judge Glanville added, to which Steel replied, “Yeah, that’s why I raised it. It is that serious that we should have been there and it shouldn’t have happened.”

After some more back and forth, Judge Glanville said, “The issue is, how did you — who — how did you get this information?”

“I understand the issue, I promise you, I understand it, but what I’m trying to ask you is if you look at Common Five, this is how I understand the law–” Steel said, before getting cut off by the judge, who said, “You can’t violate something and then use privilege.”

“I’m not violating anything!” Steel exclaimed

After some more exchange, Judge Glanville said, “Alright, well, I’m going to hold you in contempt,” adding, “You cannot eavesdrop and get information that was not not meant for you to hear at that particular point in time.”

Judge Glanville appeared frustrated after Steel refused to tell him how he found out about a meeting between the judge, prosecutors, and the state’s star witness.

After demanding again to know “who gave you the information” Judge Glanville held Steel in contempt of court.

“I’m not going to have any further conversation with you about this,” the judge said. “You’re going into custody at this point in time,” adding, “I’m going to deny your motion for a mistrial.”

Steel will reportedly spend 20 days behind bars after his unexpected exchange with Judge Glanville about a secret meeting with prosecutors and one of the prosecution witnesses.

Young Thug is currently on trial in Atlanta after being charged with violation of Georgia’s anti- racketeering and gang laws, according to a report by Associated Press.


Florida jury finds Chiquita Brands liable for Colombia deaths; $38.3-million verdict award! 

Banana giant Chiquita Brands must pay $38.3 million to 16 family members of people killed during Colombia’s long civil war by a violent right-wing paramilitary group funded by the company, a federal jury in Florida decided.

The verdict Monday by a jury in West Palm Beach marks the first time the company has been found liable in any of multiple similar lawsuits pending elsewhere in U.S. courts, lawyers for the plaintiffs said. It also marks a rare finding that blames a private U.S. company for human rights abuses in other countries.

According to court documents, Chiquita paid the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia — known by its Spanish acronym AUC — about $1.7 million between 1997 and 2004. The AUC is blamed for the killings of thousands of people during those years.

Chiquita has insisted that its Colombia subsidiary, Banadex, only made the payments out of fear that AUC would harm its employees and operations, court records show.

Reacting to the ruling on social media, Colombian president Gustavo Petro questioned why the U.S. justice system could “determine” Chiquita financed paramilitary groups, while judges in Colombia have not ruled against the company.

The verdict followed a six-week trial and two days of deliberations. The EarthRights case was originally filed in July 2007 and was combined with several other lawsuits.

GM Board of Directors approves new 6-billion share buyback plan! 

General Motors cut its annual EV production forecast and announced a new $6 billion share buyback plan yesterday, as the automaker banks on demand from its gasoline-powered models.

GM now projects the higher end of its 2024 EV production to be 250,000 units, down from a prior forecast of 300,000 units, the automaker’s CFO Paul Jacobson said while speaking at the Deutsche Bank Global Auto Industry Conference.

Last year, GM outlined a $10 billion stock buyback close on the heels of reaching a costly new labor agreement with the United Auto Workers (UAW).

“We are very focused on the profitability of our [gas-powered vehicles] business, we’re growing and improving the profitability of our EV business,” CFO Paul Jacobson said, adding that the company will continue to return capital to shareholders.

Ford Motor CFO John Lawler said at the same conference that the automaker is on track to deliver its $2 billion cost reduction plan and added that it would achieve this through material and design changes.

GM did not give a time frame for the latest buyback but said the move will allow it to “opportunistically repurchase shares” after the completion of the existing plan.

GM shares were under pressure for most of 2023 as it dealt with the UAW strike and troubles at its Cruise self-driving vehicle unit.

Shelter Shock: Rents kept climbing rapidly in May 2024!

Despite cooler overall inflation in May, shelter prices continued to climb at a rapid pace,

according to government data released Monday.

The consumer price index for rents rose 0.4 percent for the second month in a row in May. Compared with a year earlier, the rent index is up 5.3 percent.

A measure called owners’ equivalent of rent, which aims to measure the cost of housing for homeowners, was also up 0.4 percent for the month. It is up 5.7 percent compared with May of last year.

The rapid rise in home prices and rents in a higher interest rate environment has been unusual and a source of the public’s unhappiness with inflation and the Biden administration’s economic policies. A recent survey from Gallup found that only 38 percent of Americans are confident that President Biden’s policies will be right for the U.S. economy.

There was progress on other politically salient areas of inflation. Energy prices fell two percent in May, including a 3.6 percent decline in gasoline prices. Grocery prices were flat for the month.

And even worse … A recent study shows 25% of bosses hoped return-to-office mandates would make some workers quit! 

A recent study by software company BambooHR has shed light on the harsh realities of return to office (RTO) mandates, suggesting that at some companies they are merely a back-channel approach to layoffs.

The Register reports that the survey, which included responses from over 1,500 employees, with a third working in HR, has exposed the poorly-executed failure of the return to office movement. One startling revelation from the study is that 25 percent of executives and 20 percent of HR professionals hoped that RTO mandates would lead to staff leaving voluntarily.

While this admission confirms long-held suspicions, the study also found that people did indeed quit when RTO mandates were enforced at many of the largest companies. However, the number of voluntary departures was not enough to satisfy management’s expectations. As a result, 37 percent of respondents in leadership roles believed that their employers had resorted to layoffs in the past 12 months due to insufficient numbers of employees quitting in protest of RTO mandates.

The study suggests that the end result has been the emergence of a different office culture, one that is even more performative, suspicious, and divisive than before the coronavirus pandemic. Employees, both working remotely and in-person, feel the need to demonstrate productivity, with more than a third believing that being seen socializing and moving around the office is necessary. This intense need for visibility may actually be harming productivity, according to study author and BambooHR’s head of HR, Anita Grantham.

The data also reveals that remote employees and in-office employees both report spending around two hours of every day not working, with those in the office likely spending those ten hours a week trying to appear as busy as possible. Remote workers, on the other hand, feel the need to demonstrate presence by being hyper-available and never going offline, a phenomenon termed the “green status effect.”

Grantham emphasizes that the distrusting and performative cultures some companies are cultivating are detrimental to bottom-line growth. She suggests that while RTO policies can be acceptable, they must consider individual employee needs. The conversation around work modes is crucial for businesses to address and clarify, extending beyond the simplistic notion of RTO.


Exercise may be more effective than antidepressants in treating depression! 

Research suggests exercise may be more effective for treating depression than antidepressant drugs, with dancing far surpassing all other activities and pharmacological treatments—and intense exercise close behind.

A paper published in the BMJ found that exercise was moderately effective at treating depression compared to existing treatments when used alone or in combination with other established therapies. Moreover, the benefits from exercise “tended to be proportional to the intensity prescribed,” meaning more vigorous activity yielded more significant benefits.

To identify the ideal amount and type of exercise for treating major depressive disorder, experts from Australia conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of 14,170 people with major depressive disorders from 218 unique studies and ranked the effectiveness of different forms of exercise compared with existing treatments, such as psychotherapy, antidepressants, and control conditions.

They found that walking or jogging, yoga, strength training, and dancing were the most effective exercise modalities when used alone without medical treatment, and that certain exercises affected men and women differently. Notably, walking and jogging were effective for both men and women, while strength training and cycling were more effective for women and younger people. Yoga and qigong were more effective for men and older adults, while aerobic exercise positively affected men more than women when used with psychotherapy.

Study: Exercise in the evening lowers blood sugar levels the most! 

Physical activity done in the evening provides the most benefit for sedentary adults who are overweight or obese, according to a new study published in Obesity.

Moderate-to-vigorous physical activity in the evenings was associated with the greatest reductions in blood sugar. The results were particularly significant in those with metabolic impairments who have difficulty regulating their blood sugar levels.

Research has established that exercise helps the body regulate blood sugar levels, especially in people struggling with weight or metabolic diseases and further found that both men and women who completed more than half of their exercise in the evening had lower daytime, nighttime, and overall blood glucose levels.

Risk Assessment Report: New guidelines suggest fewer Americans should take statins! 

Around 40 percent of the people currently advised to take statins would not be if they were assessed using a new criteria, according to a study published Monday in JAMA Internal Medicine.

In 2023, the American Heart Association developed a risk assessment to evaluate a person’s risk of heart disease. The assessment, PREVENT, significantly reduces the number of people who must take statins to prevent heart disease.

“We don’t want people to think they were treated incorrectly in the past. They were treated with the best data we had when the PCE (a cardiovascular risk calculator) was introduced back in 2013,” Dr. Timothy Anderson, lead author of the study, said in a news release. “The data have changed,” he added.

Dr. Anderson noted that a person’s risk of developing atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease can change over time.

“For a patient who we now know is at lower risk than we previously thought, if we recommend they stop taking statins, they still could be back to a higher risk five years down the road, for the simple reason that everybody’s risk goes up as we get older,” he said.

The study compared the American Heart Association’s (AHA) 2023 guidelines to the 2013 American College of Cardiology guidelines. The AHA’s most recent guidelines, which use PREVENT, a new risk- assessing equation, found that fewer people may need to take statins, a cholesterol-lowering drug.

FDA warns of paralytic shellfish poisoning from Oregon!

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has warned consumers to avoid eating specific shellfish due to potential contamination with toxins that cause paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP).

The warning, issued on June 5, applies to restaurants and retailers as well. It warns them not to serve or sell oysters and bay clams from Netarts Bay and Tillamook Bay in Oregon that were harvested on or after May 28.

State fish and wildlife authorities reported historically high levels of marine biotoxin paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) in razor and bay clams along the entire Oregon coast that same day.

The FDA’s warning specifically includes all shellfish species from certain growing areas in Willapa Bay, Washington, namely Stony Point (harvested between May 26 and May 30), Bay Center (harvested between May 29 and May 30), and Bruceport (harvested between May 29 and May 30).

These potentially contaminated shellfish have been distributed to Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, New York, Oregon, and Washington.

Consuming these shellfish could result in serious illness, and it is strongly recommended that they be disposed of to ensure safety, according to the FDA’s notice.


Manufacturing Simulacrum: Technocratic tyranny behind a medical mask! 

We enter the world naked and hungry only to face a vast and relentless propaganda system that draws us into the pervasive myth that all high pursuits in life turn on the acquisition of this greatest of frauds. Money, in late stage capitalism, is the preeminent technology that now threatens to morph into a new and more efficient form of its present guise (fiat currency). The material medium of currency, used for millennia, owned and reproduced nowadays by the global system of central banking, will soon mutate into a new technology — coinage in digital bits and bytes. If technology is supposed to bridge gaps in knowledge of how to apply our purposes, money will become the key technology that (un)locks all gates to freedom and wealth.

Big Tech deployed a rapidly spinning news cycle to drill its way deep inside the fabric of our lives, to make the narratives integral elements of the public mind and the psyche of every single person. Whereas once technology had been a convenience and an aid (if not at times a distraction), now we could scarcely live without it. A manufactured global health emergency with pseudo-medical martial law enabled Big Tech to construct not merely consent but societal symbiosis — connecting a technological umbilical cord from the social and economic system to humanity and our daily lives. A small step forward for Facebook, Microsoft and Google perhaps, but a giant leap for digital economies and the coming Virtual Age of a new Metaverse.

As Big Tech covertly lays the legal conduit in its matrix of global power, the WHO is center stage, playing at present the leading role in conjuring the worldwide illusion of a genuine medical intervention under which technocratic tyranny can hide.

From shopping and banking to medical treatment and monitoring, to travel, obtaining and using telecommunications devices, being monitored by telecommunications service providers, to accessing government services and social media, if the WEF has its way, we will be, via digital identities, imprisoned in the gaze of the all-seeing eye — the general AI.

Elon Musk withdraws lawsuit against OpenAI and CEO Sam Altman … 

Elon Musk, the billionaire owner of X/Twitter and CEO of Tesla, has voluntarily dismissed

his breach of contract claims against OpenAI and its chief executive, Sam Altman.

The Financial Times reports that the lawsuit, filed three months ago in a San Francisco court, accused OpenAI of compromising its original mission to benefit humanity by entering into a multibillion-dollar alliance with Microsoft. Musk alleged that the $86 billion start-up behind the popular chatbot ChatGPT was working on “proprietary technology to maximize profits for literally the largest company in the world.”

OpenAI, however, rejected Musk’s claims, calling them “incoherent” and “frivolous.” The company published a blog post in March that included several of Musk’s emails from the early days of the company, which appeared to show he acknowledged the ChatGPT maker needed to raise large sums of money to fund the computing resources required to develop AI models.

Musk’s relationship with OpenAI and its CEO, Sam Altman, has been strained for some time. Despite co-founding the company in 2015 and donating $44 million to the group, Musk left OpenAI’s board in 2018 due to disagreements with Altman over the direction of its research. A year later, OpenAI established a for-profit division, which attracted significant investment from Microsoft.


eBook on tips for storing water for an emergency!

You can find a simple checklist for storing water for an emergency on any number of websites, but that will not be enough to protect your family in an emergency. Water storage is a topic you need to understand at a deeper level. You need to know how to think about water storage for an emergency so you’ll know how to apply the tips to real- world disasters. That’s why I’ve written this book. We’ll cover…

  • The basics of water contamination and emergency water treatment
  • The role of stored water in your prep
  • How much water you should store
  • What types of containers to use for water storage
  • How to ensure your stored water is safe to drink
  • The exact procedures for making your own bottled water in the proper way
  • The two types of water to store
    • How to assign someone to manage

your water supplies
• How to keep inventory of your water. • How to help your neighbors without

giving away all your water.


Governor Landry signs legislation ending state business with companies that discriminate against gun makers! 

Louisiana Gov. Jeff Landry (R) signed legislation Tuesday that ends state business with financial companies that discriminate against firearm manufacturers and others in the gun industry.

The legislation is the Firearm Industry Nondiscrimination (FIND) Act.
The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) praised Landry for signing the FIND Act.

NSSF’s Darren LaSorte noted that Gov. Landry’s work to protect gun makers and others in the firearms industry is a continuation of Landry’s efforts as Attorney General where he fought tooth and nail to protect the Second Amendment.

LaSorte said, “Governor Landry’s leadership in Louisiana was the inspiration behind the FIND Act. While Attorney General and serving on the State Bond Commission, he helped deny hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayer-funded work to ‘woke’ Wall Street banks that were refusing to provide our industry essential financial services.”

He added, “The Louisiana legislature passed the FIND Act in 2021, but it was vetoed by then-Governor John Bel Edwards. Today’s bill signing by Governor Landry demonstrates that elections have real consequences. By signing the FIND Act, Governor Landry is signaling to our industry that Louisiana is now a place where firearm industry members are welcomed with open arms.”

In a similar fashion. constitutional carry passed under then-Gov. Bel Edwards, only to be vetoed. But Landry entered office promising to defend Second Amendment rights and, on March 5, 2024, signed constitutional carry into law.


Rep.Thomas Massie’s House Bill calls for an end to government funding of censorship! 

The First Amendment and a robust culture of free expression mean most Americans understand that our society addresses hard topics through robust speech and debate. The way we handle disagreements among Americans is not to have the government wade into highly subjective, highly political issues to declare one group correct and silence the others as dangerous or wrong. Instead, we allow the free speech of Americans and the press to openly discuss and persuade each other of the truth or best course of action. 

Unfortunately, this cultural dedication to expression is under pressure from government efforts to fund counter “disinformation” projects that are often thinly veiled efforts to suppress the speech of Americans. In response, Rep. Thomas Massie (R‑KY) introduced HR 8519 to prohibit the funding of research of disinformation and online trust and security. The Massie bill recognizes such funding for what it is: government funding of censorship. 

The short bill would prevent the government from funding three things: 

(1) Disinformation research grants. 

(2) Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace grants. 

(3) Programs within the National Science Foundation’s Track F: Trust and Authenticity in Communications Systems.

Joe Biden says Hunter is a victim of a weaponized system of justice! 

President Joe Biden reportedly believes Hunter Biden is a victim of the weaponization of

justice following his gun conviction yesterday.  A Delaware jury found Hunter guilty of all three gun charges. He faces up to 25 years in prison and $750,000 in fines.

The octogenarian pledged last week in France he would not pardon Hunter. He has not, however, spoken about whether he would deliver a commutation.

The president feels guilty over Hunter’s legal predicament, two people not authorized to speak publicly about private conversations about Hunter told Politico. They also told the outlet Joe Biden believes he contributed to Hunter’s plight.

“If I weren’t running for reelection, he would have gotten the plea deal,” Biden told a confidant earlier this month, a person familiar with the conversation told Politico.

Hunter refused to accept a gun-related plea deal from the government in 2023. The offer of the gun plea deal came after his “sweetheart” plea deal blew up under judicial scrutiny, which the judge characterized as “atypical” and “not straightforward.”

Legal experts suggest the government’s proposal was a show of favoritism towards the president’s son. The “sweetheart” deal came with a special agreement that gave Hunter immunity from all potential future charges, including a provision to potentially wipe a felony gun violation from his record. The deal gave Hunter the option to plead guilty to not paying taxes on more than $1.5 million in income in 2017 and 2018, receiving probation rather than jail time.

Following the “sweetheart” plea deal debacle, the government offered Hunter a second plea deal related to gun charges that he rejected, opting to go to trial in Delaware. In turn, the government later indicted Hunter in 2023 with tax violations in California.

The tax trial is set for September 2024.

Vivek Ramaswamy says the Hunter Biden conviction is a farce! 

Why? Because “The purpose of this is in the public eye is to actually legitimize the Trump conviction.”

There’s another goal to the guilty verdict, Ramaswamy says.

“It’s also designed to deflect attention away from what they should actually be going after the Biden family for, which is selling off our foreign policy to make their family rich in places like Ukraine where Hunter Biden has absolutely no business serving on the board of Burisma, a state-affiliated energy company which happens to be the same country that we’re now sending $200 billion of American taxpayer money to.”


PET MED WARNING!  Comfortis users are sounding the alarm regarding adverse drug events to the FDA after giving their dogs the drug. Adverse events reported (in decreasing order of frequency) included vomiting, depression/lethargy, anorexia, ataxia, diarrhea, pruritus, trembling, hypersalivation and seizures!  

Following concomitant extra-label use of ivermectin with Comfortis, some dogs have experienced the following clinical signs: trembling, twitching, salivation, drooling, seizures, ataxia, mydriasis, blindness and disorientation. 

For technical assistance or to report suspected adverse drug events, contact Elanco Animal Health at (888) 545-5793 or the FDA at (888) FDA-VETS. 

NOTE: Some dog owners have found that giving alkaline water to their dogs in small amounts will restore their electrolyte balance. 


Jerry West, a 3-time NBA hall-of-fame-selection and the NBA logo, dies at 86!

Jerry West, who was selected to the Basketball Hall of Fame three times in a storied career as a player and executive and whose silhouette is considered to be the basis of the NBA logo, died Wednesday morning, the Los Angeles Clippers announced. He was 86.

West, nicknamed “Mr. Clutch” for his late-game exploits as a player, went into the Hall of Fame as a player in 1980 and again as a member of the 1960 U.S. Olympic Team in 2010. He will be enshrined for a third time later this year as a contributor.

He was general manager of eight NBA championship teams with the Los Angeles Lakers, helping build the “Showtime” dynasty. He also worked in the front offices of the Memphis Grizzlies, the Golden State Warriors, and the Clippers.

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