July 4, 2024

The Power Hour

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Today's News: June 14, 2019

World News
Israeli jets hit Gaza after rocket fire into Israel
Al Jazeera – Incident follows exchange of rocket fire between Israel and Hamas on Thursday in most serious escalation since May.
‘MISCHIEVOUS PLOT’ Iran accuses the US of LYING about the ‘suspicious’ attack on American-linked oil tanker and denies ordering ‘torpedo’ assault
The Sun – IRAN has accused the US of lying about the “torpedo attack” on an American-linked oil tanker as tensions reach breaking point.
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo blamed Iran for the “blatant” attacks on two tankers which burst into flames in the Gulf of Oman on Thursday.
But Iran has hit back at the “unfounded and reckless” claims and accused the US of “warmongering” as part of a “disinformation campaign”.
“The US and its regional allies must stop warmongering and put an end to mischievous plots and false flag operations in the region,” Iran’s mission to the United Nations said.
“Warning, once again, about all of the US coercion, intimidation and malign behaviour, Iran expresses concern over suspicious incidents for the oil tankers that occurred today.”
It came after Pompeo pointed the finger at Iran and the Pentagon released images and footage as “proof” of Iranian involvement.
Pompeo said the attacks were part of a “campaign” of “escalating tension” by Iran which posed a threat to international peace and security.
Iran blasted his “inflammatory remarks” and said they amounted to “another Iranophobic campaign”.
Venezuela: Overcrowded Morgue Asks Families to Take Bodies Home
Breitbart  – An overcrowded morgue in San Cristóbal, western Venezuela, has asked families of the deceased to take their bodies home or face their relatives being buried in a communal, unmarked grave, La Nación reported on Wednesday.
Medical-forensic staff from the Pathological Anatomy Room at the Central Hospital of San Cristóbal had sent out a message to relatives of the deceased urging them to collect the bodies of their loved one to avoid overcrowding, according to the regional newspaper. The call to decongest the morgues is part of an effort to eliminate any risk of contamination to visitors or personnel working there as the bodies are rapidly decomposing due to lack of refrigeration and rolling power cuts.
Cuba Rations Food As Its Socialist Economy Enters Crisis Mode
Mises – While it is fashionable to talk about Venezuela and its notorious shortage of basic goods such as toilet paper, flour, and milk Cuba is now implementing a rationing program to combat its very own shortages of basic goods. A CBC report indicates this program would cover basic items such as chicken, eggs, rice, beans, and soap.
What has caused these shortages has been a subject of debate. Cuban Minister of Commerce Betsy Diaz Velazquez blames the Trump administration’s stiffening of the trade embargo with the island nation. Others contend that decreasing aid from Venezuela has contributed to Cuba’s newly emerging rationing dilemma. Over the past few years, Venezuela has provided Cuba with subsidized fuel and other forms of aid in order to keep its basic infrastructure intact.
‘Biblical’ swarm of locusts plague Italian farmlands in worst infestation since WWII
Fox – A swarm of locusts is plaguing farmlands on the Italian island of Sardinia in what farmers have called the worst infestation since the end of World War II.
The locusts, estimated in the millions, have blanketed over 6,000 acres of farmland between the towns of Ottana and Orani, destroying crops and overrunning homes, Italian farmers’ lobby Coldiretti told Reuters.
“We are walking on locust carpets,” Coldiretti described.
The farmers’ lobby said it has asked the government for help, but it’s likely too late to save the hay crop and grassland that sustain their sheep and other livestock.
“I have never seen anything like it in 53 years of life,” breeder Luigi Puggioni told the Italian newspaper La Nuova, who described the swarm as “biblical.”
The Dark Side to China’s Smart Cities: Everyone’s Being Watched
Oxy – Earlier this year, a U.S. congressional committee commissioned a report on China’s development of “smart cities,” with a particular focus on whether they were smarter than their American counterparts.
The U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission’s (USCC) request for submissions was revealing because it showed that, despite the hype, not much is known about the fruits of China’s efforts to build such cities. Smart cities are highly digitally connected and use the latest technology to manage services.
About 500 of the roughly 1,000 smart cities being built worldwide are in China, according to Chinese state media, government figures and estimates from Deloitte. Under a five-year plan to the end of 2020, the Chinese government expects $74 billion of public and private investment in these cities.
Yet while scattered futuristic pilot examples can be found — from intelligent lighting and power grids to smart traffic management — there is little evidence that this grand vision is dramatically improving the lives of the masses.
U.S. News, Politics & Government
Flint water crisis: Prosecutors drop all criminal charges
BBC – Prosecutors have dropped all criminal charges against the eight remaining officials awaiting trial over the deadly contamination of water in the US city of Flint in 2014.
They said a more thorough investigation was needed.
Twelve people died after the Michigan city switched its water supply to the Flint River in order to save money.
An outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease followed, and residents were found to have drunk water poisoned with lead.
Nearly 100,000 residents of Flint were left without safe tap water and at risk of lead poisoning.
Seven officials had already taken plea bargains.
Prosecutors who assumed control of the investigation in January after a new attorney general was elected said “all available evidence was not pursued” by the previous team of prosecutors.
Some residents were sceptical after Thursday’s announcement.
“We don’t know if new charges will be filed,” LeeAnne Walters, who is credited with exposing the lead contamination, told Associated Press.
“It feels kind of degrading, like all that we went through doesn’t matter. Our city was poisoned, my children have health issues and the people responsible just had all the charges dropped against them.”
Donald Trump Announces Tom Homan as ‘Border Czar’
Breitbart – President Donald Trump announced Friday that former Acting Director of ICE Tom Homan would be the new immigration czar for his administration.
“He’ll be a border czar, he’ll be very much involved with the border, he’ll be reporting directly to me, he’ll be probably be working out of the White House but probably spending a lot of time at the border,” Trump said. “He’s a good man. Done a good job.”
Homan served as the acting director of ICE in the Trump administration in 2017 before he joined Fox News Channel as a contributor in August 2018.
Trump noted that he was bringing in other “tough” people to handle immigration, such as Mark Morgan to lead ICE and Ken Cuccinelli at the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.
Sarah Sanders, one of the last original top Trump aides, leaving White House
CBS – White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders is leaving the White House, marking another high-level departure of one of the few remaining aides to President Trump. Sanders told reporters she won’t rule out a run for governor in Arkansas.
It isn’t immediately clear who will replace her. The president first announced Sanders’ impending departure in a tweet.
“After 3 1/2 years, our wonderful Sarah Huckabee Sanders will be leaving the White House at the end of the month and going home to the Great State of Arkansas,” Mr. Trump wrote Thursday afternoon. “She is a very special person with extraordinary talents, who has done an incredible job! I hope she decides to run for Governor of Arkansas – she would be fantastic. Sarah, thank you for a job well done!”
Black drivers in Missouri are 91% more likely to be stopped than white drivers, a report finds
CNN – Black drivers are 91% more likely than whites to be pulled over by police, a report from the Missouri Attorney General has found.
The disparity is the highest in the 19 years the vehicle stops report has been conducted, Scott Decker, one of the people who prepared the report, told CNN.
African Americans compose 10.9% of Missouri’s driving age population, but 19.2% of all vehicle stops in 2018, according to the report released May 31.
The report examined 1,539,477 vehicle stops from 596 law enforcement agencies in the state.
People of other races — including whites, Hispanics, Asians and Native Americans — were stopped at rates “well below” their portion of the driving-age population, the report said.
Las Vegas grandmother sues TSA after they ‘forced her to do a strip search and made her remove a common feminine hygiene product’
Daily Mail – A Las Vegas grandmother is suing the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) after they made her strip and remove a ‘common feminine hygiene product’ before her flight back home.
Rhonda Mengert had been traveling from the Tulsa International Airport on Mother’s Day when her hip implant caused the metal detector to sound off, according to a case complaint.
Mengert – who has TSA Pre-check – informed agents that she had the implant but agreed to a pat down test.
During the pat down, an agent found a ‘common feminine hygiene product that Mengert was wearing underneath her clothing.’
The agent then tested her gloves and found no explosive residue on them – as per protocol – but informed Mengert that she would need to undergo additional search.
A screener and another agent – the two defendants in the case – instructed Mengert to go into a private room so that they could ‘clear the area.’
She was then allegedly told to remove her pants and underwear and to then remove the product for ‘visual inspection.’
Initially refusing, Mengert eventually complied and removed her garments while exposing her genitals to the agents.
After she ‘satisfied the screeners request’ and proved that she wasn’t carrying any prohibited items, Mengert had to ask four times if she could leave before she was allowed.
In the complaint, Mengert’s lawyer state that the woman suffered emotional distress during and after the event.
‘In particular, during the incident, Mengert experienced racing heart, shortness of breath, uncontrollable shaking, nausea, and panic,’ the complaint states.
The complaint states that the grandmother routinely travels for work and experiences trauma associated to the event regularly.
Shock as Trump signs executive order that drops regulations on GMOs
NaturalNews – GMOs and their related chemical pesticides have long been pushed heavily by establishment Republicans. That’s another important reminder why it’s good to never be swept into a political party. Rather, evaluate each candidate based on their principles and actions.
Even though Trump is far from an “establishment” Republican, to the frustration of health-conscious Americans, he just signed an executive order that might as well be called “the GMO Streamlining Act.” As reported by the Associated Press, this executive order directs federal agencies to reduce or eliminate regulations and oversight mechanisms that might help ensure the safety of genetically engineered crops.
In other words, President Trump just ordered the federal government to turn American into a massive GMO experiment where anything goes. “The move comes as companies are turning to newer genetic engineering techniques that make it easier to tinker with the traits of plants and animals,” reports AP, meaning that regulations are being dropped at exactly the moment in history when easy, low-cost genetic modification methods such as CRISPR are rapidly emerging, placing GE technology into the hands of small companies and even determined individuals.
Under the new rules, modern-day GMO corn and soybean crops would have never been subjected to safety testing at all. As AP reports:
Last week, the U.S. Department of Agriculture proposed changing its regulations in a way that would mean much of the genetically modified corn and soy grown in the U.S. today would not necessarily have been subject to special oversight.
New York ends religious exemption to vaccine mandates
AP – New York eliminated the religious exemption to vaccine requirements for schoolchildren Thursday, as the nation’s worst measles outbreak in decades prompts states to reconsider giving parents ways to opt out of immunization rules.
The Democrat-led Senate and Assembly voted Thursday to repeal the exemption, which allows parents to cite religious beliefs to forego getting their child the vaccines required for school enrollment.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat, signed the measure minutes after the final vote. The law takes effect immediately but will give unvaccinated students up to 30 days after they enter a school to show they’ve had the first dose of each required immunization.
With New York’s move, similar exemptions are still allowed in 45 states, though lawmakers in several of them have introduced their own legislation to eliminate the waiver.
The issue is hotly contested and debate around it has often been emotional, pitting cries that religious freedom is being curtailed against warnings that public health is being endangered. After the vote in the Assembly, many of those watching from the gallery erupted in cries of “shame!” One woman yelled obscenities down to the lawmakers below.
Anti-vaxxers lose minds after religious exemption bill gets pushed through   
NY Post – The state Capitol turned into a chaotic scene Thursday as both houses of legislature — and eventually Gov. Cuomo — passed a bill that will end New York’s policy of allowing religious exemptions from vaccine requirements.
Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz, the bill’s sponsor, got cursed out and flat-out threatened at one point by opponents of the legislation after it got passed and sent to the Senate floor.
“We’ll be back for you Jeffrey!” shouted one man in Orthodox religious garb, who was fuming in the gallery with others, many of whom had children with them.
“Motherf–ker!” screamed another person. “Shame!”
Dinowitz and other lawmakers remained calm during the mayhem, but were on edge as they recessed for the day.
House to Hold Hearing on Slavery Reparations
Breitbart – A House Judiciary subcommittee will hold hearings on reparations next Wednesday, marking the first time in more than a decade that the House will discuss potentially compensating the descendants of slaves.
“The Case for Reparations” author Ta-Nehisi Coates and actor Danny Glover are reportedly set to testify before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, and the hearing’s stated purpose will be “to examine, through open and constructive discourse, the legacy of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, its continuing impact on the community and the path to restorative justice,” according to a Thursday Associated Press report.
Denver council member wins with promise to impose communism ‘by any means necessary’
The American Mirror – Candi CdeBaca won a runoff race last week against former Denver city council president Albus Brooks, and she did it by promising to implement communist policies “by any means necessary.”
CdeBaca was among three candidates that unseated incumbents in the Tuesday runoff, preliminary results show, and she’s already drawing comparisons to Socialist Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the 29-year-old who unseated 10-term incumbent Joe Crowley in New York’s 14th congressional district in 2018.
“I don’t believe our current economic system actually works. Um, capitalism by design is extractive and in order to generate profit in a capitalist system, something has to be exploited, that’s land, labor or resources,” CdeBaca alleged.
“And I think that we’re in late phase capitalism and we know it doesn’t work and we have to move into something new, and I believe in community ownership of land, labor, resources and distribution of those resources,” she continued. “And whatever that morphs into is I think what will serve community the best and I’m excited to usher it in by any means necessary.”
Fox’s Napolitano warns Trump: ‘A felony’ to accept foreign help for reelection
The Hill – Fox News legal analyst Andrew Napolitano warned Thursday that President Trump would be committing a felony if he accepted damaging information from a foreign power for an election.
Napolitano weighed in a day after Trump refused to commit in an ABC News interview to calling the FBI if he received political dirt from a foreign government on a political opponent, remarks that sparked a political firestorm on Thursday.
Asked for his reaction to Trump’s comments, Napolitano said on Fox News’s “Shepard Smith Reporting” that Trump’s remarks showed the president is “prepared to commit a felony to get reelected.”
Lake County church hosting 3-day ‘Make America Straight Again’ event
Orlando Sentinel  – A Lake County church — whose preacher calls homosexuality “not a normal lifestyle” and advocates for the arrest and execution of lesbians and gays — is planning to hold a three-day “Make America Straight Again” event beginning Friday.
Pastor Patrick Boyle of the Revival Baptist Church of Orlando, which is housed in a small shopping center on U.S. Highway 27 in Four Corners, wouldn’t reveal the location of the gathering because he said he doesn’t want to invite protesters.
“We’re not trying to pick a fight,” Boyle said Thursday.
A Facebook notice of a protest planned for Saturday against the event lists 38 people as saying they’re going and 155 interested as of Thursday afternoon.
Video: Brooklyn New York Mosque Broadcasts Islamic Call to Prayer to 20 Block Radius
Infowars – A resident of Brooklyn posted a Facebook live video documenting how the Islamic call to prayer was being broadcast to a 20 block radius by a local mosque.
“I am in downtown Brooklyn, but I swear it’s Saudi Arabia, y’all hear that?” asks Derrick Gibson as the words “No God but Allah, Mohammad is his messenger” are broadcast.
“What the hell disturbing the peace! You gotta love it right here in America – this not Saudi Arabia” states Gibson as the noise gets louder.
The mosque in question is the Masjid-Al-Aman. A previous report from 2016 documents how locals complained 156 times about the call to prayer, labeling it a nuisance.
The commentary on the clip claims that the broadcast is a violation of New York City noise control ordinance.
However, according to a resident, when she contacted police about the noise, she was told, ”You can report excessive noise coming from a house of worship when a service is not being held as the police WILL NOT respond if you are reporting noise during a religious service.”
Police told her that it was perfectly legal to broadcast the sound using speakers during a religious service.
Now Illinois declares abortion free-for-all
WND – Governor signs plan removing all limits, declaring unborn child ‘has no rights’
It was Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam who recently suggested infanticide was a reasonable option these days.
His words, in a radio interview: “The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired. And then, a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”
About the same time, an abortion law was adopted in New York that allows the fatal procedure virtually up to the point of birth.
Now, however, the state of Illinois has gone even further.
The state’s lawmakers have repealed its ban on partial-birth abortion, set up a path to abolish parental notification, allowed anyone – not just licensed facilities – to do abortion, authorized non-doctors do procedures, created a process for forcing doctors to perform abortions, and specifically stated that the unborn have no rights.
The plan was signed by Gov. J.B. Pritzker, a Democrat.
“While a growing number of states are working to advance popular pro-life laws, Illinois is trying to outdo New York’s abortion extremism – and unborn children and their mothers will pay the price,” said SBA List’s National Campaign Chair Jill Stanek, an Illinois native.
While an obstetrics nurse earlier in her career, Stanek personally witnessed babies being born alive and left to die in Chicago.
“The bill Illinois lawmakers passed is so radical, they even went out of their way to repeal the state’s ban on barbaric partial-birth abortions,” she said in a report on the website of Live Action, which works to expose the abortion industry’s practices.
“This is easily the most expansive abortion law in the United States,” added Peter Breen, senior counsel for the Thomas More Society.
The SBA pointed out the plan also drops requirements that abortion data be reported, removes the requirement to investigate deaths of mothers during abortions, creates a “fundamental right” to abortion any time and anywhere, and forces health insurance plans, including those for religious groups, to cover the procedures.
Pritzker boasted of his actions, with this: “If you believe in standing up for women’s fundamental rights, Illinois is a beacon of hope in the heart of this nation.”
Veteran News
Virtue Signal Backfire: County Sparks Outrage After Replacing POW Flag with LGBT Flag
Infowars – A Maryland county’s attempt to virtue signal backfired this week after a bizarre flag swap that angered veterans.
Montgomery County officials on Monday celebrated Pride month by raising the LGBT rainbow flag at the Veterans Memorial Plaza in Rockville, but they did so at the expense of the POW/MIA flag which serves to honor American soldiers who are missing in action or died as prisoners of war.
Needless to say, the county’s decision sparked outrage amongst veterans and other patriotic Americans.
Economy & Business
Bayer, owner of Roundup, to invest $5.6 billion in new weed-killing methods
CBS – German chemical and pharmaceutical company Bayer says it plans to invest about $5.6 billion over the next decade in developing “additional methods to combat weeds.” Bayer became the owner of Roundup when it bought Monsanto last year for $63 billion.
Friday’s announcement comes as Bayer is engaged in legal battles in the U.S. in which plaintiffs claim that subsidiary Monsanto’s Roundup weed killer caused cancer. Rulings in three cases have gone against it, including a California jury that awarded a couple $2 billion in punitive damages after concluding that sustained exposure to Monsanto’s popular Roundup weed killer led to their cancer diagnoses.
Facebook’s cryptocurrency to debut next week backed by Visa, Mastercard, Uber, and others: WSJ
The Verge – Facebook has secured the backing of over a dozen companies for its upcoming Libra cryptocurrency set to be announced next week, The Wall Street Journal reports. These companies include major financial organizations like Visa and Mastercard, and internet darlings like PayPal, Uber, Stripe, and Booking.com. Each will invest around $10 million to fund development of the currency, and will become part of the Libra Association, an independent consortium that will govern the digital coin independently of Facebook.
The involvement of major financial firms like Visa and Mastercard is interesting, because cryptocurrencies are typically seen as providing a cheaper alternative to these payment networks. The WSJ speculates that these companies want to get involved so they can monitor Facebook’s payment ambitions, as well as benefit from the popularity of the currency should it take off with Facebook’s 2.4 billion monthly active users.
For Facebook, establishing an independent body is thought to provide cover with users and regulators, who have grown increasingly wary of both the amount of power Facebook wields, and its cavalier attitude towards the responsibilities this brings.
The cryptocurrency, which will reportedly be called Libra, will be unveiled on June 18th, according to TechCrunch, with a full release planned for 2020. It’s expected to function as a “stablecoin,” meaning it will be pegged to a basket of government-issued currencies in order to limit the volatility typically associated with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. Stability is a key concern, since Facebook is hoping to attract users in developing countries with an alternative to more volatile local currencies.
Energy & Environment
Unprecedented U.S. Weather Chaos Continues: 120F In The West, More Record-Setting Flooding In The East
Economic Collapse Blog – Global weather patterns are dramatically shifting, and week after week we keep seeing things happen that we have never seen before.  As far as our weather is concerned, this is definitely the strangest year in modern American history, and many believe that what we have witnessed so far is just the beginning.  Up until just recently, the endless rain, catastrophic flooding and horrific tornado outbreaks in the middle of the country have been dominating weather headlines.  But now the west coast is getting into the act. This week, new record high temperatures have been established in city after city, and this includes San Francisco.
Meanwhile, more “torrential downpours” just continue to hammer the Southeast and the Midwest.
Yes, every year there are major storms, but under normal conditions those storms pass and things dry out.
Record after record is falling, but nowhere got hit as hard last week as North Carolina.  According to ABC News, one area of western North Carolina has actually received 13.57 inches of rain since last week.
I keep warning that all of this catastrophic weather will greatly reduce agricultural production this year, and the mainstream media is finally starting to realize that this is actually happening.
In all of U.S. history, we have never seen anything like this.  According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the last 12 months have been “the wettest 12-month span on record”
Science & Technology
Amazon’s Alexa voice assistant illegally records children without consent, lawsuits claim
Fox – Amazon’s Alexa devices are recording children without their consent, in violation of laws in at least eight states, according to a lawsuit filed in Seattle.
“Alexa routinely records and voiceprints millions of children without their consent or the consent of their parents. This practice violates California law, which prohibits the recording of oral communications without the consent of all parties to the communication,” a complaint filed Tuesday on behalf of an 8-year-old boy in California Superior Court states.
“This prohibition recognizes the unique privacy interest implicated by the recording of someone’s voice. That privacy interest is all the more powerful in light of modem voiceprinting technology and the potentially invasive uses of big data by a company the size of Amazon,” the complaint states.
A separate, very similar lawsuit was also filed in federal court in Seattle on behalf of a 10-year-old boy.
According to the California complaint, Alexa can tell whether or not the person speaking is a registered user who agreed to be recorded, and the company could, therefore, confirm that it will make and keep “persistent recordings” and get the user’s consent. Amazon could also deactivate Alexa’s permanent recording feature for certain users.
Ocean on Jupiter’s moon Europa has table salt, just like Earth’s seas
Space.com – The huge ocean sloshing beneath the ice shell of the Jupiter moon Europa may be intriguingly similar to the seas of Earth, a new study suggests.
Scientists have generally thought that sulfate salts dominate Europa’s subsurface ocean, which harbors about twice as much water as all of Earth’s seas put together. But the Hubble Space Telescope has detected the likely presence of sodium chloride (NaCl) on Europa’s frigid surface, the study reports.
The NaCl — the same stuff that makes up plain old table salt — is probably coming from the ocean, study team members said. And that’s pretty exciting, given that the saltiness of Earth’s oceans comes primarily from NaCl.
“We do need to revisit our understanding of Europa’s surface composition, as well as its internal geochemistry,” lead author Samantha Trumbo, of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, told Space.com.
“If this sodium chloride is really reflective of the internal composition, then [Europa’s ocean] might be more Earth-like than we used to think,” she added.
Flour Sold at Walmart and Target Nationwide is Being Recalled Due to E. Coli Concerns
ABC – Thousands of cases of unbleached all-purpose flour are being voluntarily recalled due to E. coli concerns.
That’s nearly 114,000 bags of King Arthur Flour.
According to the FDA’s website, ADM Milling Co. notified King Arthur that wheat used in the flour has been linked to an E. coli outbreak.
None of the reported illnesses have been connected to the product.
It is only being pulled from shelves as a precaution.
The select five-pound bags of the unbleached all-purpose flour were distributed to retailers nationwide including Target and Walmart.
King Arthur says the recalled products have six specific lot codes and three best used by dates.
Laser Tracks Down, Kills Cancer Cells
Newsmax – Scientists have developed a non-invasive laser light that can track down and kill circulating cancer cells (CTCs).
The Cytophone, developed by Dr. Vladimir Zharov and his team at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, works by shining the device’s laser on an animal or person’s skin. Any passing melanoma cells slightly heat up because of their dark pigment, melanin.
The heating creates a tiny acoustic wave that gets picked up by the Cytophone’s ultrasound detector.
Zharov and his team tested the device on 19 healthy volunteers and 28 melanoma patients. In the latter group, CTCs were detected in as little as 10 seconds. Additionally, their CTC levels came down over the hour as the device was apparently destroying the cells without causing any side effects.
They’re finally getting it: WHO recommends “more rational” drug laws, recognizes cannabis as legitimate medicine
NaturalNews – Many parts of the United States are still stuck in the stone ages when it comes to their antiquated stance on cannabis (marijuana), and the World Health Organization (WHO) has a message for them all: stop prohibiting it already!
Not only is the WHO recommending that legislators take a “more rational” approach to laws dealing with cannabis, but the international agency is also stressing the fact that, contrary to the Drug Enforcement Agency’s (DEA) official position on the matter, cannabis is medicinal.
The WHO’s Expert Committee on Drug Dependence (ECDD) recently made an official proposal that cannabis be rescheduled – constitutionally speaking, it should be de-scheduled entirely – in light of new scientific findings demonstrating an extensive array of medical benefits.
Could we reprogram antibiotic-resistant bacteria? Scientists discover simple mechanism that makes them resistant
NatrualNews – Antibiotic resistance is reaching epic proportions, with the number of patients suffering from life-threatening conditions who aren’t responding to antibiotics climbing by a third in just six years. It’s a problem that authorities have long warned has very few viable solutions, but some new hope is now emerging in the battle against antibiotic resistance.
But now, physicists from Canada’s McMaster University have identified a mechanism that potentially deadly bacteria use for fighting off antibiotics for the first time. It’s a huge finding that provides valuable insight into the way germs behave and adapt, and it could lead to a significant breakthrough in fighting antibiotic resistance.
FREE Rerun of Online EMF Health Summit Featuring 34 of World’s Leading Experts, June 14-20, 2019
Activist Post – Digital, electronic, and wireless products, infrastructure, and applications continue to be invented, promoted, and installed despite decades of research that prove exposure to Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) and Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) are biologically and environmentally harmful.  The “Race for 5G” and all it entails is taking this to a whole new level of awful.  The telecom industry can’t provide scientific evidence that 5G is safe and many researchers say it’s definitely not.  Regardless “the race” to install it continues worldwide despite increased warnings and opposition.
Thanks to Lloyd Burrell of Electricsense for airing a free viewing of last year’s EMF Health Summit.
Register at: emfhealthsummit.com
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9yF2KzP-GI
11 Surprising Health Benefits of Eating More Celery and Celery Seeds
Care2 – Celery is probably one of the most overlooked superfoods. While some people add chopped celery to their soup or chili or eat them as raw snacks, their healing powers are tremendously overlooked. I want to change that by showcasing celery’s true healing powers. Here are some of the best health and healing benefits of eating celery and celery seeds on a regular basis

  1. Brain and Memory Superfood
  2.   Pain and Inflammation
  3.    Arthritis and Gout Remedies
  4. Diabetes Prevention and Treatment
  5. Gut Protector
  6. Anti-aging Antioxidants
  7. Healthy Blood Clotting
  8. Heart and Blood Vessel Health
  9. May Help Reduce High Blood Pressure
  10.   Bone Health
  11. Anti-Cancer Properties

How to Benefit from Celery
Celery is one of the most versatile foods, making it simple to add to your daily diet. You can juice celery in a juicer or blender. If using a blender you’ll want to add a bit of water and drink immediately as the fiber causes the drink to quickly thicken. Add chopped celery or celery seeds to soups or stews. My sister blends pieces of celery into her excellent Caesar salad dressing to thicken it and give it a hint of celery taste and all of the health benefits celery offers.
Enjoy raw celery crudités with almond butter, hummus or your favorite dip or spread. Add chopped, raw celery to salads.
Use celery seeds or as a salt substitute in many recipes. One of my favorite foods as an appetizer instead of garlic bread is celery bread. It’s made the same as garlic bread but uses celery seeds in place of the garlic. Better yet, use the garlic along with the celery seed for a delicious appetizer or snack. Simply brush olive oil on whole grain gluten-free bread and sprinkle with celery seeds, bake in a 325 degree Fahrenheit oven until golden-brown and serve immediately.
Good News
Instead of Ticketing Elderly Woman for Tall Grass, This Cop Mowed it For Her
Free Thought Project – In case after case, the Free Thought Project has reported on countless incidents of police officers responding to welfare checks and killing or maiming the innocent recipients in the process. We’ve also reported on multiple incidents of the American police state targeting elderly people who are unable to mow their grass. However, what makes this case out of Orono, Minn. so unique is that this same scenario started just like the aforementioned ones, but thanks to officer Matt Siltala, it ended in the exact opposite manner—with kindness, instead of extortion and violence.
Typically, when police officers carry out a welfare check, officer safety is paramount. Doors are kicked in, K-9s deployed, and often times, those who are in need of help, receive something far worse. But officer Siltala didn’t do any of that during a welfare check last week and found that the woman in the home was just fine. However, she was unable to mow her grass.
Many people in Siltala’s position would have issued the elderly woman a citation at this point and possibly gone even further. However, instead of ticketing the elderly woman for the tall grass, the officer then went above and beyond. He mowed it for her.
Siltala’s partner, officer MCCoy snapped a photo of Siltala carrying out this act of kindness and it was posted to the department’s Facebook page with the following caption.
“I cannot say how proud stuff like this makes us. Officer Matt Siltala was called to this residents home on a welfare check today. She was ok and Matt asked her why her yard is so unkempt. She said she doesn’t have anyone to mow for her. He grabbed her mower and cut the front yard. Very cool,”

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