July 4, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: June 15, 2022


W.H.O. Will Rename ‘Monkeypox’ to Remove Stigma, Racism

The World Health Organization (W.H.O.) announced on Tuesday that it will officially rename the monkeypox to address concerns about the stigma and racism associated with the word. 

Monkeypox has thus far infected over 1,600 people in more than two dozen countries, first breaking out in the United States this past May in Massachusetts and possibly having originated in Canada. W.H.O. director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus announced on Tuesday that the organization will be  “working with partners and experts from around the world on changing the name of monkeypox virus, its clades, and the disease it causes.”

No new name has yet been announced. Current W.H.O. guidelines omit viruses from being named after animals and geographic regions. 

The name change comes after 30 scientists signed an open letter last week arguing for an “urgent need for a non-discriminatory and non-stigmatizing nomenclature for monkeypox virus.”

“In the context of the current global outbreak, continued reference to, and nomenclature of this virus being African is not only inaccurate but is also discriminatory and stigmatizing,” said the letter.

The Foreign Press Association, Africa, also previously asked Western media outlets to avoid using images of Africans when showing monkeypox.

“As any other disease, it can occur in any region in the world and afflict anyone, regardless of race or ethnicity,” the group said

Report: China Pursuing ‘Substantial Expansion’ of Nuclear Arsenal

A report published by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) on Monday said China is pursuing a “substantial expansion” of its nuclear arsenal, including the development of new delivery systems and the construction of hundreds of additional missile silos.

“Several additional nuclear warheads are thought to have been assigned to operational forces in 2021 following the delivery of new mobile launchers and a submarine,” SIPRI said of China’s nuclear development.

The report noted that China’s total inventory of warheads did not increase last year, but “the number of stockpiled warheads potentially available for use has changed because new launchers became operational during 2021.”

The Institutes Yearbook 2022 said that all nine nuclear-armed states “continue to modernize their nuclear arsenals,” although the total number of nuclear weapons “declined slightly” last year – a trend expected to reverse over the next decade.

“All of the nuclear-armed states are increasing or upgrading their arsenals and most are sharpening nuclear rhetoric and the role nuclear weapons play in their military strategies. This is a very worrying trend,” said Wilfred Wan, director of SIPRI’s Weapons of Mass Destruction Program.

The Times of India (TOI) noted on Tuesday that SIPRI’s report dropped the day after Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe boasted of “impressive progress” in developing new nuclear missiles at the Shangri-La Dialogue defense forum in Singapore. Wei said China now has a nuclear-capable inter-continental ballistic missile (ICBM) with a range of over 12,000 kilometers.

Global Food Crisis: Ukrainian Farmers Fearing ‘Hell’ Harvest Amid Ongoing Invasion

Ukrainian farmers are reportedly preparing for a “hell” harvest season, with physical and financial dangers predicted to prevent them from reaping, transporting and selling their crops.

While food prices rise worldwide, reflecting growing shortages, farmers in one of the world’s largest food exporters are struggling to get their crops out of the country and into the hands of buyers, with Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine endangering now endangering both their lives and their livelihoods during this “hell” harvest season.

Moscow has regularly been accused by talking heads in the west of trying to manufacture a global food crisis by preventing crops from leaving Ukraine, with tens of millions of tons of grain said to be stuck in the country.

According to a report by Euronews, this bad situation does not look like it will change anytime soon, with local farmers fighting to survive the current harvest season financially, let alone physically.

The broadcaster reports that many grain traders are reluctant to buy crops from farmers — being unable to guarantee that the produce won’t end up obliterated by an artillery shell or stolen — while equipment operators and suppliers are afraid of deploying their combine harvesters for fear of having their vehicles destroyed by mines or munitions.

To make matters worse, just as in other countries across the globe, rapid inflation is rendering the bottom lines of many farmers untenable, with the prices of fuel and fertiliser making it extremely difficult for farmers to continue operating.

“Fuel has gone up. Fertiliser prices are insane,” the broadcaster reports one local farmer as saying. “I don’t know how we are going to work next year.”

UK Government Documents Reveal Disregard for Public Views on Gene-Edited Crops

Documents released by the UK Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra), following a Freedom of Information (FOI) request by Beyond GM, highlight the extent to which Defra is ignoring and seeking to misrepresent citizens and civil society organisations in the push to deregulate genetic engineering technologies.

n January 2021 Defra undertook a Public Consultation on The Regulation of Genetic Technologies. The concerns of expert groups at bthe time were that the consultation was inadequate and biased, but also broke Cabinet Office Principles on consultations.

These concerns intensified when Defra’s summary report on the consultation revealed that the Department had removed more than half (52%) of all the responses received from its official analysis on the basis that they were linked to campaign organisations.

Even with this outrageous culling of responses, overall 85% of responses to the consultation expressed a desire to see crops, animal and food products produced using gene editing regulated in the same way as other GMOs.

This majority view was ignored by Defra and the government, which chose to focus instead on the less than 1% of responses from vested interests that supported their deregulation agenda.

Pentagon Admits They’ve Been Funding 46 Biolabs in Ukraine — For “Defense”

The US government has supported 46 biological research facilities in Ukraine over the past 20 years, but as part of a peaceful public health project rather than to develop weapons, the Pentagon said on Thursday. The US military accused Russia and China of “spreading disinformation and sowing mistrust” about its efforts to rid the world of weapons of mass destruction (WMD).

This is the first time the US Department of Defense disclosed the exact number of such facilities its government has supported in Ukraine, in a document titled ‘Fact Sheet on WMD Threat Reduction Efforts.’

According to the Pentagon, the US has “worked collaboratively to improve Ukraine’s biological safety, security, and disease surveillance for both human and animal health,” by providing support to “46 peaceful Ukrainian laboratories, health facilities, and disease diagnostic sites over the last two decades.” These programs have focused on “improving public health and agricultural safety measures at the nexus of nonproliferation.”

The work of these biolabs was “often” conducted in partnership with bodies like the World Health Organization (WHO) and World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), and was “consistent with international best practices and norms in publishing research results, partnering with international colleagues and m

Last month, the Russian military said only three laboratories in Ukraine had the required safety levels to conduct the kind of research they were engaged in. Head of the Radioactive, Chemical, and Biological Protection Forces Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov cited Ukrainian government reports to point to a series of problems at one of those facilities in Odessa, by way of example.

In a series of briefings starting in March, the Russian military has presented evidence of the Pentagon’s involvement in funding laboratories in Ukraine. In early May, Kirillov accused Kiev of launching a biological attack against the breakaway region of Lugansk and of conducting “inhumane experiments” on Ukrainian patients. Other evidence suggested attempts to weaponize drones to disperse pathogens, and attempts to destroy compromising materials after Russia sent troops into Ukraine in February.


Folded Dollar Bills May Contain Fentanyl, Tennessee Sheriff’s Office Warns

A Tennessee sheriff’s department has warned the public not to pick up folded dollar bills found on the ground because they may contain fatal amounts of fentanyl.

The Giles County Sheriff’s Department issued a public safety notice after two instances where a folded dollar bill containing the deadly opioid was found and picked up.

“When it was found and picked up, the person discovered a white powdery substance inside. The substance was later tested and was positive for methamphetamine and fentanyl,” the notice stated.

The warning featured a photo of a penny next to a tiny amount of white powder laced with fentanyl that is “more than enough to kill anyone that it comes into contact with.”

“This is a very dangerous issue!” the Giles County Sheriff’s Department warned on Facebook. “Please share and education your children not to pick up any folded money they may find in or around businesses, playgrounds etc., without using great caution and even alerting a parent or guardian.”

The Drug Enforcement Administration states (pdf) that “Inhalation of airborne powder is MOST LIKELY to lead to harmful effects, but is less likely to occur than skin contact” and “is not expected to lead to harmful effects if the contaminated skin is promptly washed off with water.”

California Democrats Aim to Target Tax Exempt Status of Patriot Groups

California Democrats appear to be using the Jan. 6 hearings in Washington D.C. as a catalyst to push legislation aimed at targeting the tax-exempt status of patriot groups in the state. The legislation suggests these groups might pose a threat of “insurrection.”

Senate Bill 834 would authorize state Attorney General Rob Bonta to review non-profit groups and refer cases to the California Franchise Tax Board to possibly remove their tax-exempt status supposedly to protect against “insurrection.”

The bill, authored by state Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco), would empower the attorney general to determine whether or not a non-profit organization “has actively engaged in, or incited the active engagement in, acts or conspiracies” and require the attorney general to notify the California Franchise Tax Board—the state equivalent of the IRS—to revoke the tax-exempt status of any organization found to be in violation.

An inside source in the California legislature told The Epoch Times that the bill would grant too much power to the attorney general and could be used to weaponize the California Franchise Tax Board against patriot groups.

“Removing tax-exempt status by AG determination without a method to redress, basically makes the AG the judge, jury, and executioner for nonprofits and their tax-exempt status in the state, all under the guise of Jan. 6,” according to the source.

Catherine Engelbrecht, founder of True the Vote, questioned why—if the bill is non-political as Democrats claim—don’t its supporters mention violent leftwing nonprofit groups.

“So, are they referring to Black Lives Matter and Antifa, the organizations that have wreaked so much havoc and caused so much destruction?” she asked.

“We are at a sobering moment in America, where the political echo chamber in places like California and others where there is very little divergence of thought tolerated quickly morphs from a republic to tyranny,” she told The Epoch Times. “It should be a sobering warning to any Californian with a pro-liberty mindset. It sounds like they’re being marked for takedown.”

Luke Coffee Says God Told Him to ‘Stand in the Gap’ on January 6

Defendant Dallas filmmaker felt a higher calling amid the unfolding chaos at the Capitol: ‘Go up to the front and pray’

Luke Coffee was warned that a storm was coming.

As he walked along the perimeter of the U.S. Capitol grounds on Jan. 6, 2021, the 41-year-old filmmaker was approached by three breathless men. One of them said, “There are people dying inside the Capitol! We need patriots!”

Coffee distinctly recalls his first reaction: “Bull [expletive].”

A friend who is “pretty connected” told Coffee to watch out for false-flag operations after President Donald Trump finished speaking at the “Stop the Steal” rally at the Ellipse in Washington D.C.

According to one dictionary definition, a false flag is “an intentional misrepresentation, especially a covert political or military operation, carried out to appear as if it was undertaken by another party.”

Even with that caution uppermost in his mind, Coffee felt compelled to make the long trek to the Capitol. It was late in the day. Violence had broken out between protesters and police in hot spots on the Capitol grounds.

Coffee felt that he was needed. He didn’t necessarily look the part of a protester. His backpack was full of camera gear. He wore a cowboy hat and a camouflage hunting jacket. As a joke for a buddy, Coffee put on green face paint used for duck hunting.

“I felt the Holy Spirit saying, ‘Luke, go up to the front and pray,’” he told The Epoch Times.

Red Flagged Nation: Gun Confiscation Laws Put a Target on the Back of Every American

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”—George Santayana

We never learn.

In the right (or wrong) hands, benevolent plans can easily be put to malevolent purposes.

Even the most well-intentioned government law or program can be—and has been—perverted, corrupted and used to advance illegitimate purposes once profit and power are added to the equation.

The war on terror, the war on drugs, the war on illegal immigration, asset forfeiture schemes, road safety schemes, school safety schemes, eminent domain: all of these programs started out as legitimate responses to pressing concerns and have since become weapons of compliance and control in the police state’s hands.

Mark my words: red flag gun laws, which allow the police to remove guns from people suspected of being threats, will only add to the government’s power.

These laws, growing in popularity as a legislative means by which to seize guns from individuals viewed as a danger to themselves or others, are yet another Trojan Horse, a stealth maneuver by the police state to gain greater power over an unsuspecting and largely gullible populace.

Thirteen states now have red flag laws on their books. That number is growing.

As The Washington Post reports, these laws “allow a family member, roommate, beau, law enforcement officer or any type of medical professional to file a petition [with a court] asking that a person’s home be temporarily cleared of firearms. It doesn’t require a mental-health diagnosis or an arrest.

In the midst of what feels like an epidemic of mass shootings, these gun confiscation laws—extreme risk protection order (ERPO) laws—may appease the fears of those who believe that fewer guns in the hands of the general populace will make our society safer.

Of course, it doesn’t always work that way.

Anything—knives, vehicles, planes, pressure cookers—can become a weapon when wielded with deadly intentions.

With these red flag gun laws, the intention is to disarm individuals who are potential threats. 

Police: Naked Woman Runs Over Chicago Police Officer After Stealing His Vehicle

A naked woman attacked a Chicago police officer Monday before stealing his patrol vehicle and running him over, Chicago Police Superintendant David Brown said at a press conference.

The incident unfolded after officers were dispatched near the 4300 block of Jackson Boulevard shortly before 10:00 a.m. for a report of shots fired, the Chicago Sun-Times reported. At the scene, officers discovered the naked woman, who police have yet to identify publicly, lying in the road and went to render aid to her while attempting “to figure out why she was laying in the street,” Brown said

She then “charged the officer,” who has not been identified, and assaulted him before taking his vehicle, running him over, and fleeing the scene, Brown said Monday citing preliminary information. 

“In a statement, police said the officer was ‘eventually dragged from the vehicle.’” according to the Sun-Times. 

The officer, who Brown noted sustained an injury to his leg and a laceration to his head, was treated at Stroger Hospital, WMAQ reported. He has since been released, according to the Sun-Times, and the Chicago Police Department has not revealed further information regarding his condition. 

After taking the squad vehicle, the woman, 34, allegedly drove onto Interstate 290 and later crashed near West Harrison Street and South Damen Avenue, per the Sun-Times.

*** Election Night Livewire *** Silver, Palmetto States Test Trump’s Power Again, Texas May Foreshadow Red Wave

Voters in several states nationwide head to the polls in primaries and in a special general congressional election in Texas on Tuesday, further testing former President Donald Trump’s endorsement strength and perhaps foreshadowing a looming red wave in November. Primaries in South Carolina, Nevada, Maine, and North Dakota take center stage on Tuesday night, as does a special congressional general election in Texas.

In South Carolina, two hotly contested congressional primaries have Trump facing off against incumbent Republicans. In the first district, Trump has endorsed Katie Arrington against Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC). Mace, who has the support of former governor and United Nations ambassador Nikki Haley, has sharply criticized Trump in routine television appearances and has voted for a number of controversial things, such as January 6 committee contempt proceedings against former Trump officials. For Arrington, a win would put her back on track to win a seat she was the nominee for in 2018, but lost to now former Democrat Rep. Joe Cunningham (D-SC). Arrington’s loss came not just amid that year’s blue wave, but also after she had shocked the world and defeated then-Rep. Mark Sanford (R-SC)–the former governor who resigned that office amid a sex scandal then orchestrated his own comeback years earlier–to only days after the primary survive a deadly car accident that immobilized her for most of that year’s general election.

Trump-Endorsed Russell Fry Defeats Impeachment Republican Tom Rice

Trump-backed conservative Russell Fry defeated incumbent Rep. Tom Rice (R-SC) in South Carolina’s primary Tuesday evening, marking another successful endorsement for the former president.

Decision Desk HQ called the race late Tuesday night, as did others:

As of 10:47 p.m. Eastern time, with over 95 percent of the vote in, Fry led Rice 51.1 percent to 24.6 percent, per the New York Times. 

Rice, one of the ten House Republicans who voted to impeach former President Donald Trump, has continued to defend his decision to vote alongside Democrats, stating during a recent appearance on ABC’s This Week that he would only consider supporting Trump in the future if the former president apologized for January 6. Rice told This Week, defending his impeachment vote:

It wasn’t that hard. When I thought about what had happened and the president’s activity or inactivity that day, he sat there and put his own vice president’s life, and vice president’s wife’s and his daughter’s life at risk with people shouting, hang Mike Pence, when watched the Capitol being sacked, when he watched the Capitol police officers being beaten, for three or four hours, and lifted not one finger to stop it, it was clear to me what I had to.

“I was livid. I took an oath to protect the Constitution. I did it then, and I would do it tomorrow,” he said, also adding that RINO Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) would make a “great” Speaker of the House.

“I think she’s a real Republican. I think she is very conservative,” he said, describing her as a “fearless leader.”

State Rep. Russell Fry, however, has continued to draw a stark contrast between himself and the incumbent, whom he defeated Tuesday night, promising that he will “stand up for the America First agenda.”

“When you want conservative fighters in the ring, people who stand up for the America First agenda, right here in South Carolina, look no further than the Russell Fry campaign,” he said during a recent appearance on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Saturday.

“People are fed up with Congressman Tom Rice, and he has been, you know, I think the impeachment vote really showed us who he was, and quite frankly, exposed a big frustration with him in general, which is where has he been on some of these issues that matter to the American people. And we see this continued leftward lurch,” he continued.

“Tom Rice, must think his voters are in the swamp in Washington, DC. But the reality is that the hardworking Americans, South Carolinians that are in the district, pay attention, they want to return to normalcy, they want to see their gas prices drop,” he added, explaining that Rice has “never been a conservative warrior.”

Exclusive — Jim Banks Presses Biden DOJ for Answers After BLM Rioter’s Arson Charges Dropped 

Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN) pressed President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice (DOJ) for answers after the agency dropped arson charges against a leftwing rioter, according to a letter exclusively obtained by Breitbart News.

Law enforcement officials arrested and charged then-19 year-old Victor Sanchez-Santa in federal court with arson charges in June 2020, shortly after he allegedly ignited a fire that burned an NYPD vehicle during the aftermath of the George Floyd riots.

According to the federal complaint filed against Sanchez-Santa:

On June 9, 2020, at approximately 1:20 a.m., SANCHEZ-SANTA stopped his car beside a marked NYPD vehicle on West 42nd Street in Manhattan. He got out of his car, took a cloth glove in his hand and held the glove to a flame until it ignited. He then put the burning glove underneath the NYPD vehicle, and got back into his car, leaving the glove burning beneath the police car.

After his arrest, United States Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman praised federal and local law enforcement officials for their quick response and help in identifying the defendant.

Although arson carries a mandatory minimum sentence of five years in prison and a maximum 20-year sentence, Biden’s DOJ tossed out the case in November 2021.

United States Attorney T. Josiah Pertz wrote:

Based on a review of the evidence in the case and information pertaining to this defendant acquired subsequent to the filing of the Indictment, the Government has concluded that further prosecution of VICTOR SANCHEZ-SANTA would not be in the interests of justice.

The DOJ also determined that “deferring prosecution” would be in the best interests of the defendant and the United States.

Instead of prison time, prosecutors let Sanchez-Santa off with nine months of probation and mandatory anger management classes.

Banks requested Attorney General Merrick Garland send his office “all evidence in the case and information pertaining to this defendant acquired subsequent to the filing of the Indictment” that contributed to the DOJ’s decision to drop charges by June 24.

Banks added that the DOJ’s decision “fits its pattern [of] lenient treatment of left-wing rioters.” Banks called attention to two Manhattan attorneys who were arrested for throwing Molotov cocktails at an NYPD car during the BLM riots but subsequently had charges dropped and a “much more lenient” plea deal entered.

Banks continued:

According to reporting from Politico, after you assumed office, the Justice Department showed a “newfound willingness to resolve the Portland protest cases without criminal convictions,” and according to the Wall Street Journal, the Justice Department has declined to prosecute about half of all the rioters arrested on federal charges in Portland.

The Indiana Congressman also called out Biden for being lenient with leftwing rioters while prosecuting January 6 peaceful protesters “to the harshest extent possible.”

“Under your leadership, the Department of Justice is operating under a two-tiered system of justice,” Banks said. “Violent rioters who are likely to vote Democrats are often released with a slap on the wrist, or less, while January 6th defendants are prosecuted to the harshest extent possible.”

Report: NYC Man Accused of Murdering Nephew with Machete Claims ‘I Chopped Him Up’

A Queens man who allegedly killed his nephew with a machete reportedly admitted cutting him to pieces, according to the New York Post.

Prosecutors revealed the information on Monday, the outlet said. Fifty-year-old Mahadeo Suhnandan spoke with law enforcement after the death of 29-year-old Neraz Roberts at their residence.

The younger man had always wanted to kill him, Suhnandan reportedly claimed, adding, “I chopped him up.”

“I heard Neraz say he would kill me if he caught me outside,” he continued, explaining he grabbed his machete then forced open the man’s door.

“He poked me with something, and I chopped him three times,” Suhnandan allegedly claimed. “I pause between the second and third chop and said, ‘You want to kill me? I will kill you,’ and then continued to chop him.”

Photos showed officials loading a body bag into a black van and the suspect, wearing a blue surgical mask:

Judge Diego Freire ordered the suspect held without bail on murder charges. He reportedly had no criminal history, and it was the first time he had ever been arrested.

Meanwhile, over 75 percent of people living in New York were somewhat worried about being targeted by violent crime, a survey posted Tuesday revealed, the New York Daily News reported on June 7:

In the survey, 38% of respondents said they were somewhat concerned they would become a victim of a violent crime, and another 38% said they were highly concerned about the possibility.

 The data points emerged in a Spectrum News/Siena College poll, conducted by phone during the last two weeks of May, that also found some 70% of New York City residents say they feel less safe than they did before the pandemic. Only 25% of New Yorkers reported an unchanged sense of security.

In addition, Democrat-controlled Chicago, Los Angeles, and New York City were at the forefront of urban residential decline, recent U.S. Census Bureau population estimates found, according to Breitbart News.

“As Breitbart News reported, inner city crime is a common factor in major cities across America, with the problems besetting Chicago emblematic of how widely spread the problem of violence is,” the outlet said.

According to the Post article, the killing happened on Sunday after the two argued the previous day.

A neighbor said the family members had been fighting about ownership of the home once Suhnandan’s mother-in-law died a few years ago.

DA: Legally Armed Citizen Opened Fire on Walmart Parking Lot Gunman

Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, district attorney Sam Sanguedolce said an armed citizen opened fire on a man who allegedly shot a woman in a Walmart parking lot on June 1, 2022.

Sanguedolce said Christopher Carmona is charged with shooting a woman in the Pittston Township Walmart parking lot, WNEP reported June 13.

Carmona was allegedly “rummaging through the victim’s car in the parking lot outside the nail salon,”  FOX 56 noted. The victim came outside to confront Carmona, and Carmona allegedly shot her.

WNEP explained that a legally armed law-abiding citizen came out from a nail salon and opened fire on Carmona.

The injured woman was taken to a hospital in stable condition.

Report: 23 Pro-Life Organizations Vandalized, Firebombed by Pro-Abortion Activists in Recent Weeks

At least 23 pro-life organizations have reportedly been vandalized in recent weeks.

The pro-life organizations have been either firebombed or vandalized by radical pro-abortion activists, according to Catholic Vote:

  1. Hollywood, FL — South Broward Pregnancy Center and Archdiocese of Miami Respect Life Ministry
  2. Asheville, NC — Mountain Area Pregnancy Services
  3. Manassas, VA — First Care Women’s Health
  4. Alexandria, VA — Concerned Women for America
  5. Reiserstown, MD — Alpha Pregnancy Center
  6. Frederick, MD — BirthRight of Frederick
  7. Frederick, MD — CareNet Frederick
  8.  Reiserstown, MD — Alpha Pregnancy Center
  9.  Buffalo, NY — CompassCare Pregnancy Services
  10.  Madison, WI — Wisconsin Family Action
  11.  Des Moines, IA — Agape Pregnancy Resource Center
  12.  Denton, TX — Woman to Woman Pregnancy Resource Center
  13.  Austin, TX — Trotter House
  14.  Long Beach, CA — His Nesting Place Home for Mothers & Children
  15.  Sebastopol, CA — Pregnancy Center Billboard
  16.  Eugene, OR — Dove Medical Clinic
  17.  Keizer, OR — Oregon Right to Life
  18.  Gresham, OR — Gresham Pregnancy Resource Center
  19.  Portland, OR — Southeast Portland Pregnancy Resource Center
  20.  Vancouver, WA — Options360 Women’s Clinic
  21.  Federal Way, WA — Care Net Pregnancy and Family Services of Puget Sound
  22.  Lynnwood, WA — Next Step Pregnancy Services

The attacks follow a leaked Supreme Court decision that revealed Roe v. Wade may be overturned this month. If overturned, abortion would no longer be protected by the federal government but would still be legal in many states.

Though President Biden campaigned on unity, Biden has not condemned a single one of the attacks, the RNC reported on Monday. Moreover, many establishment television networks refuse to cover the extremism:

Many of the attacks have been brutal and vulgar in nature. “If abortions aren’t safe then you aren’t either,” vandals wrote on a Wisconsin Family Action facility.

In Oregon, Gresham Pregnancy Resource Center was reportedly firebombed on Saturday. Images show a burned-out shell inside the center’s facility, according to Life News.

By the Numbers: How Many Men in California Prisons Identify as Women

California’s prison population includes 1,115 biological males who say they identify as women, according to the state’s Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. 

About 1 in 3 in that population has requested transfers to women’s prisons, but only about 1 in 10 of those requests have been approved, the corrections department says.

California’s prison agency provided the statistics in response to a Freedom of Information Act request from the Oversight Project, the government watchdog division of The Heritage Foundation. (The Daily Signal is Heritage’s multimedia news organization.) 

A women’s advocacy group sued the state of California in November to overturn a law allowing biological males to be housed in women’s prisons after a female inmate said she was raped by someone the prison called a “transgender woman with a penis.” 

A section of the corrections department’s website devoted to “frequently asked questions” includes this question: “Does a transgender person have to have gender-affirming surgery to be housed at an institution that matches their gender identity?” 

The department provides this response: “No. All housing for incarcerated people is evaluated on a case-by-case basis, which includes their criminal history, behavior, rehabilitation opportunities, medical and psychiatric needs, [and] program needs as well as their safety and security.”

—> Video: California Prisons’ Transgender Problem

City Forces Private Businesses to Install 24/7 Digital Surveillance Cameras for Warrantless Access by Police

Houston, TX — The Rutherford Institute is calling on the City of Houston to address glaring constitutional concerns relating to a recently adopted ordinance that requires private businesses to install citywide digital surveillance cameras that can be accessed by police without a search warrant. The Exterior Security Cameras Ordinance, adopted by the Houston City Council on April 20, 2022, requires private businesses to purchase and install digital surveillance cameras that carry out round-the-clock, citywide surveillance on the populace while “allowing” police to access the footage at any time, for any reason, and without the need of a court-issued warrant.

In a letter to the Houston City Council, Rutherford Institute attorneys warn that the City’s thinly veiled attempt to evade oversight and accountability for Fourth Amendment violations by forcing a quasi-private/public arrangement on private businesses regarding the ownership and governance of digital surveillance cameras will not likely hold up to judicial scrutiny.

“By placing the burden of round-the-clock, citywide surveillance on private businesses, the City of Houston is clearly attempting an end-run around the Fourth Amendment’s warrant requirement as it relates to surveillance by government officials,” said constitutional attorney John W. Whitehead, president of The Rutherford Institute and author of Battlefield America: The War on the American People. “This kind of warrantless, citywide surveillance program inevitably gives rise to a suspect society in which the burden of proof is reversed so that guilt is assumed and innocence must be proven.”

On April 20, 2022, the Houston City Council passed an ordinance ostensibly aimed at addressing “an increase of violent crimes due to the pandemic, social anxiety and economic uncertainty, open carry law and a strained criminal justice system resulting in a criminal backlog of cases.” The Exterior Security Cameras Ordinance requires certain private businesses (all bars, nightclubs, sexually-oriented businesses, convenience stores and game rooms inside city limits) to work in consultation with the Houston Police Department in order to install digital surveillance cameras that record the exterior property areas at all times.


BlackRock Sells Out US Interests for ‘Personal Favors’ in China, Consumer Group Director Says

BlackRock, the world’s largest investment manager that oversees $10 trillion in client funds, has positioned itself as a socially conscious firm. However, the company is choosing China over the United States as it advances its environmental and social priorities, according to Will Hild, executive director of Washginton-based nonprofit Consumers’ Research.

Hild said BlackRock CEO Larry Fink is “selling out the interests of American consumers and American companies in the United States, in return for personal favors for BlackRock in mainland China,” during a recent interview with EpochTV’s “China Insider” program.

Fink has been one of the most prominent advocates for ESG investment, which is investing in companies that agree to uphold certain environmental, social, and governance standards.

However, according to Fink, ESG “is an excuse for Wall Street to push politics into corporate America.” In other words, Wall Street is pushing ESG policies that “could never be achieved at the ballot box,” he added.

Additionally, BlackRock has also taken up the position of supporting a net-zero emission future. The company’s website tells its clients that “climate transition creates a historic investment opportunity.” In a 2020 letter to CEOs, Fink wrote that “climate risk is investment risk.”

While BlackRock has pushed U.S. companies such as ExxonMobil to embrace green energy, it has not taken the same approach with Chinese firms, according to Hild.

“Ironically, Blackrock controls about the same amount of shares, about seven-and-a-half percent, of PetroChina as they do Exxon, but they don’t engage in any of the same behavior when it comes to that company,” he said, such as pushing Chinese companies to adopt net-zero policies.

PetroChina is the listed arm of China’s state-owned China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC). In February, Russian state-owned energy company Gazprom inked a 30-year deal with CNPC, paving the way for Russia-to-China natural gas via a new pipeline linking the Russian Far East with northeastern China.

”I think if they did, Larry Fink would find himself not welcomed in mainland China very quickly because we know how that government acts,” Hild continued.

Environmental, Social and Governance Ratings (ESG) Batter States, Choke Off Capital

State treasurers spoke out against the imposition of environmental, social and governance (ESG) scoring on public money in a June 8 press conference, with one official comparing it to the social justice-driven push for universal homeownership that helped trigger the Great Recession.

“I would be very concerned about investing in green energy right now,” said Utah State Treasurer Marlo Oaks, in response to a question from The Epoch Times.

He did not rule out the possibility of an ESG bubble similar to the housing one that burst during the late 2000s—an event that drove the nation’s worst economic downturn since the Great Depression.

That bubble was inflated in part by two government-sponsored enterprises, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Beginning in earnest with the Clinton administration’s 1995 National Homeownership Strategy, which committed to “expanding creative financing” for home buyers, the firms continually reduced the requirements for loans.

By 2006, fully 43 percent of first-time home buyers put down no deposit, according to a study from the National Association of Realtors.

In contrast to the “invisible hand”—Adam Smith’s metaphor for the operation of the free market—Oaks sees ESG as an “invisible fist.”

Oaks was one signatory to an April 21 letter from Utah’s governor, senators, congressional representatives and other public officials in response to S&P Global’s issuance of ESG ratings for US states and territories.

“Considering recent global events, the current economic situation in the United States, and the unreliability and inherently political nature of ESG factors in investment decisions, we view this newfound focus on ESG as politicizing the ratings process.

“It is deeply counterproductive, misleading, potentially damaging to the entities being rated, and possibly illegal,” Oaks and his colleagues argued in that letter.

Idaho officials sent a similar letter to S&P Global on May 18. They echoed the Utah letter’s concerns with the firm’s scoring of American energy companies relative to some of their foreign counterparts.

China’s state-owned Sinopec, for example, earned a 41 from S&P Global. ExxonMobil Corporation, by contrast, received a 36, while Chevron Corporation received a 39.

Sinopec’s sub-scores on both “social” and “governance and economic” factors were well above the industry mean.

The results raise questions about the rankings’ reliability in light of the use of forced labor in China as well as the Chinese Communist Party’s heavy influence over corporate governance in the country.

For example, in an analysis of executive-level shake-ups in China’s oil industry during 2011, experts from the Brookings Institution and Ian Bremmer’s Eurasia Group opined that the movement of leaders from one company to another is “a blatant reminder of the CCP’s control over China’s flagship firms.”

Another speaker at the June 8 press conference, West Virginia’s Treasurer Riley Moore, made headlines in January when the state divested from Blackrock over its ESG practices.

“In West Virginia, we’re an energy state. We produce coal, gas, and oil—and this ESG movement in its current form is really an existential threat to our jobs, our economy, and our tax revenue,” Moore told reporters.

A law passed by the West Virginia Senate on March 12 will exclude financial institutions from competitive bidding with the state if they are boycotting fossil fuel companies.

Financial institutions slated for inclusion on West Virginia’s contracting blacklist will be sent letters allowing them to appeal the decision. Thirty days later, the full list will be published.

Moore told reporters that those initial letters will likely be sent out at the end of this week.

‘Crypto Winter’ Is Coming: Coinbase Lays Off 18% of Workforce, Warns of Recession

Crypto trading platform Coinbase will cut 18 percent of its staff with CEO Brian Armstrong warning of a worldwide recession and the possibility of a “crypto winter.”

CNBC reports that Coinbase is laying off close to a fifth of its entire workforce following a collapse in stock and crypto prices. The exchange plans to cut 18 percent of its full-time positions, according to an email sent to employees on Tuesday. The company has around 5,000 full-time workers, which will be reduced by approximately 1,100 following the layoffs.

Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong cited a possible recession as one of the reasons behind the layoffs. Armstrong also noted that the company needs to manage its burn rate and increase efficiency, stating that the firm grew “too quickly” while markets were performing well.

In the email, Armstrong stated: “We appear to be entering a recession after a 10+ year economic boom. A recession could lead to another crypto winter, and could last for an extended period.”

Previously, Coinbase announced a hiring freeze for the “foreseeable future,” a stark change from the start of the year when the company planned to add 2,000 new jobs across product, engineering, and design.

“Our employee costs are too high to effectively manage this uncertain market,” Armstrong said. “While we tried our best to get this just right, in this case it is now clear to me that we over-hired.”

Coinbase shares are down 79 percent this year and 85 percent from an all-time high. Bitcoin has also dropped to near $22,000 and lost 53 percent of its value this year.

Video: Situation Update, June 14, 2022 – Crypto CONTAGION and clot shot CARNAGE

Crypto carnage is spreading quickly, with the LUNA token demonstrating a near collapse a few weeks ago, and now the Celsius crypto lending platform declaring what is essentially a “bail-in” freeze of all customer assets.

Genetically Engineered Hens Made to Kill Their Own Chicks

Each year, more than 6 billion male chicks are killed worldwide, up to 300 million of them in the U.S., as part of the industrialized egg industry

A team of Israeli scientists have filed a concept patent that involves genetically engineering hens to pass on a lethality, or killer, gene to male embryos, which would eliminate them before they hatch

Once the eggs are laid, blue light would then be used to activate the lethality gene and kill all of the male embryos in-ovo, or in the egg

This will likely be presented as a more “humane” approach, but it comes with significant risks, including to the hen, because the lethality gene is likely to produce highly toxic protein that could make the hen sick

The European Commission stated that such GE hens and their eggs would not be classified as genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and therefore would exist outside of the EU’s GMO regulations


Scientists Reveal Herbal Compound That May Treat Lung Cancer

A whopping 1.8 million people died from lung cancer globally in 2020. It is the second most common type of oncology, according to the World Health Organisation.

The natural herbal compound berberine may effectively stop the growth of lung cancer cells in a laboratory setting, a new study has revealed.

The survey was conducted by researchers from the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), who, like their colleagues elsewhere, have been attempting to find treatment options related to lung cancer. Currently, no cure is known for the disease.

The UTS research team worked in collaboration with scientists from the International Medical University in Malaysia and Qassim University in Saudi Arabia to closely look into berberine, which can be found in a variety of plants, including barberry, goldenseal, Oregon grape, and tree turmeric.

In an interview with the outlet Medical News Today, UTS Senior Research Fellow and lead author of the study Kamal Dua explained that the scientists discovered that berberine is capable of inhibiting the two key processes of cancer progression – cell proliferation and migration.

In addition, berberine was found to reduce lung cell damage caused by exposure to tobacco smoke and fight inflammation, which increase the risk of cancer and other lung diseases.

The scientist remained cautiously optimistic about the results of the study, stressing that the potential of berberine being used to tackle lung cancer need to be validated. Dua pledged that the researchers plan to continue studying the compound, and believe that “berberine nanoformulation will show promising activity”.

Study Shows Pharmaceutical Ads Make People Want Prescriptions

Research from health care advertising technology company DeepIntent revealed that 27% of people spoke to their doctor about a medical treatment after they learned about it from an ad

Earlier data found that “pharmaceutical ads can empower patients to take a more active role in researching treatments” and “advertising influences patients’ decision to follow through in taking drugs prescribed by their doctors”

The most common action that people take after viewing a drug ad is to conduct research, and this research becomes the most important factor in medication adherence — even more than the person’s own previous experience taking the drug

Marketers intend to use increasingly targeted ads via your smart TV, cellphone and desktop computer to increase drug sales even more

DeepIntent CEO Chris Paquette said in a news release, “We have evidence that more relevant advertising drives real results for our clients”

Being Dehydrated Can Make You Tired, Grumpy and Sick

It’s estimated that 20% to 30% of older adults are dehydrated, often due to water deprivation and the fact that people naturally have a lower volume of water in their body as they get older

Infants and children may also become quickly dehydrated, especially if they’re sick and suffering from vomiting or diarrhea

Bad breath, sugar cravings, decreased alertness and fatigue can all occur if you’re dehydrated

Typically, using thirst as a guide to how much water you need to drink is a simple way to help ensure your individual needs are met, day-by-day

You can also use the color of your urine as a guide; if it is a deep, dark yellow then you likely are not drinking enough water, while a pale straw color or light yellow is typically indicative of adequate hydration


Yellowstone floods sweep away roads, homes, and summer plans

Historic floods have forced closures to parts of Yellowstone Park. As officials assess the widespread damage all entrances are closed indefinitely. Photos of northern Yellowstone showed a mudslide, washed out bridges and roads undercut by churning floodwaters.


Free For 72 Hours: “How To Grow Lots Of Food In A Grid Down Situation Even If You Have No Experience, Are Older, And Out Of Shape”

This is for people who want the fastest and easiest ways to produce healthy and delicious meat, eggs, and vegetables. Because you know that growing your own food is like printing your own money.


Crimes Against Humanity: Then They Came For The Children

The United States Government, at the behest of Pharma oligarchs and government employees who own stock in the Pharma companies, hopes to approve an amendment to the EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) to inject babies 6-months-old to toddlers 4-years-old with the C19 faux-vaccine.

Before the committee meets to recommend the amendment, the FDA allows people to comment on the FDA government web site. One such comment was provided to this author and is offered to you below. The United States of America is indeed facing a government #ClotShot plot.

This comment is NOTICE of possible criminal liability to Lauren K. Roth and members of the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee who owe duties of care, diligence, good faith, and loyalty in recommending “for” or “against” the EUA amendment for COVID-19 mRNA vaccine in children 6 months through 4 years of age.

Only two deaths are listed herein to establish knowledge.  If the amendment is approved, it will have been done by committee members “knowing” of felony crimes in context.

Your investigation of these deaths should include death certificates, autopsy records, witness interviews, and immunization records.

Massachusetts Death Certificate 2022 SFN 5980 is a 7yo girl died January 18, 2022 listed as died from U071 “COVID-19”, B49 “unspecified mycosis”, J450 “predominantly allergic asthma”, and R091 “pleurisy”.

VAERS_ID 2038120 is a 7yo girl in Massachusetts, who received her 2nd dose 1/13/2022 and was reported to VAERS 1/15/2022.  PRIOR_VAX states, “Severe nausea and vomiting from 5min post vaccination and for the next 8-10 hours.”  SYMPTOM_TEXT states, “Spiked a 103 fever, severe stomachache, has not had a bowel movement since the day before vaccination, which makes today 3 days without one.  First vaccine caused severe nausea and vomiting from 5minutes post injection and for the next 8-10 hours.”

This little girl suffered immeasurably 4 to 5 days as her intestines shut down due likely to impeded blood vessels servicing intestines.

Massachusetts Death Certificate 2021 SFN 56611 is a 48yo man died 11/16/2021 listed as died from U071 “COVID-19” and E669 “OBESITY”.

SFN 56611 is known to have died less than 24 hours after inoculation.

In both cases, the Medical Examiners listed the cause of death as “COVID-19”, when it was clearly not COVID-19.  And in both cases, the Medical Examiners omitted listing causes Y590 “Viral vaccines“ and T881 “Other complications following immunization, not elsewhere classified”, when these clearly were proximate and actual causes.

Death certificates from the state of Massachusetts are sent to the CDC, a federal entity.  Thus, fraud on a state death certificate is a federal crime as it affects federal death records.  Several federal felony crimes apply in this instance and are listed below.

If you dismiss this NOTICE and recommend the EUA amendment without first investigating these two deaths, you become liable for inchoate crimes and the felony crime of “misprision of felony.”  If a single person subsequently dies as a result of the amendment, all the elements will have been satisfied for you to face felony murder charges or involuntary manslaughter.  Qualified immunity is not a valid defense.

How Masks Have Worn Down Children’s Immune Systems

> Health experts across the United States have told The Washington Post that they are seeing children with multiple viral infections at once

> As the weather warms doctors usually see a decrease in the prevalence of influenza and other viruses associated with the common cold

> Now some children are arriving at their doctor’s office with three viral infections at a time

> Experts believe that it is a result of COVID pandemic policies, which meant children were not exposed to the normal array of viruses

Children are turning up in doctors’ clinics infected with as many as three different types of viruses, in what experts believe is the result of their immune systems being weakened from two years of COVID lockdowns and mask-wearing.

Medical staff have come to expect a surge in cases of flu and severe colds during the winter.

But they are reporting that there is not the usual downturn as summer approaches – and they suspect it could be due to the strict pandemic practices.

Furthermore, some of common strains of the flu appear to have disappeared, flummoxing scientists.

Thomas Murray, an infection-control expert and associate professor of pediatrics at Yale, told The Washington Post on Monday that his team was seeing children with combinations of seven common viruses – adenovirus, rhinovirus, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), human metapneumovirus, influenza and parainfluenza, as well as the coronavirus.

Some children were admitted with two viruses and a few with three, he said.

‘That’s not typical for any time of year and certainly not typical in May and June,’ he said.

CDC data obtained by DailyMail.com showed lower overall levels of influenza infections among young children – but an abnormal surge starting several weeks ago during the beginning of the summer months, normally a dead period for respiratory infections.

Other strange patterns have emerged.

The rhinovirus, known as the common cold, is normally not severe enough to send people to hospital – but now it is.

RSV normally tapers off in the warmer weather, as does the influenza, but they have not.

And the Yamagata strain of flu has not been seen since early 2020 – which researchers say could because it is extinct, or perhaps just dormant and waiting for the right moment to return.

‘It’s a massive natural experiment,’ said Michael Mina, an epidemiologist and chief science officer at the digital health platform eMed, told the Post.

Mina added that the shift in what time of year Americans are seeing infections is likely due to the population’s lack of exposure to once-common viruses – making us vulnerable when they return.

‘When you have a lot of people who don’t have immunity, the impact of the season is less. It’s like free rein,’ he said.

The virus can therefore ‘overcome seasonal barriers.’

Peter Hotez, a molecular virologist and dean for the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, agreed that the norms are shifting, and the seasonal patterns no longer apply.

‘You would see a child with a febrile illness, and think, ‘What time of the year is it?’ ‘ he said.

The shifts are also making hospitals rethink their approach to RSV – a common virus that hospitalizes about 60,000 children under five each year. It can create deadly lung infections in particularly vulnerable youngsters.

Treatment is with monthly doses of a monoclonal antibody, which is normally only available from November to February.

Doctors: COVID Vaccinations for Children Is Criminal, Must Stop

Dr. Reni Moon has spent her entire career as an advocate for vaccines. A pediatrician who is double board certified in pediatric hospital medicine and pediatrics, Moon said she has counseled thousands of families and always encouraged them to vaccinate.

“I’ve trusted my governmental agencies to do the studies that needed to be done and the rigorous testing to make sure that what we are injecting into our kids is not going to harm them,” she said.

Until now.

Instead of unquestionably following the CDC’s recommendations without double checking, Moon has been tracking safety data about the mRNA injections herself.

She is so concerned about the safety signals she is seeing in the pediatric population, that, she said, giving COVID-19 vaccines for children is “the most appalling thing I’ve heard in medicine. The lack of regard for safety is highly unethical. I personally put it into the arena of crimes against humanity.”

More Post-Vaccination Heart Inflammation Among Young Males After COVID Booster: CDC

Young males suffered heart inflammation at higher rates following a booster dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, according to newly released data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Males aged 16 or 17 had about 139 cases of myocarditis, a form of heart inflammation, per million second doses administered, according to the data, which was drawn from the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD), a CDC monitoring system.

But that same group had 200 cases of myocarditis per million booster doses administered, according to the data, which was from between Dec. 14, 2020, and May 28, 2022. Over 2 million total Pfizer-BioNTech primary series were administered in children, and about 230,000 booster doses, in the time period studied.

Males aged 30 to 39 also had a higher rate of heart inflammation following a Pfizer booster than the second dose, as did females aged 16 and 17.

Both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are built on messenger RNA technology and both are administered in two-dose primary series, with the doses spaced several weeks to several months apart.

The new data is the first time a federal monitoring system has captured a higher rate of myocarditis following a booster dose, but some studies have previously indicated that young men were more at risk from a booster than the second dose.

Neither myocarditis or a related condition, pericarditis, were detected in clinical trials of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines. As the shots were administered following authorization, reports of the conditions triggered medical chart examinations and other investigations, which has led to the conclusion that the vaccines are linked to the conditions.

Moderna’s vaccine is not yet available to children.

The new data was presented to the Food and Drug Administration’s vaccine advisory panel, which was being asked whether Moderna’s shot should be available for children.


White House Responds to Query About Biden’s Health

The White House on June 13 said a question about President Joe Biden’s health shouldn’t have been asked.

Don Lemon, a CNN host, was interviewing White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre.

“Does the president have the stamina physically and mentally do you think to continue on even after 2024?” Lemon wondered.

“Don, you’re asking me this question. Oh my gosh, he’s the president of the United States. I can’t even keep up with him. We just got back from New Mexico, we just got back from California. That is not a question that we should even be asking,” Jean-Pierre, who recently succeeded Jen Psaki, responded.

“Just look at the work that he does. Look how he’s delivering for the American public,” she added.

Jean-Pierre then suggested the question was based on a recent article from the New York Times, which said some Democrats, including members of Congress, have expressed doubts about Biden running for a second term.

“The presidency is a monstrously taxing job and the stark reality is the president would be closer to 90 than 80 at the end of a second term, and that would be a major issue,” David Axelrod, who helped run Barack Obama’s two winning campaigns, told the paper.

“I need an equivalent of Ron DeSantis, a Democrat, but not a 70- or 80-year-old—a younger person,” Alex Wyshyvanuk, another Democrat, said. “Someone who knows what worked for you in 1980 is not going to work for you in 2022 or 2024.”

Text Exchange Appears to Show Fox News’ Sean Hannity Suggesting Trump Pardon Hunter Biden: Jan. 6 Hearing

Text message exchanges that were shown during a hearing by the House select committee investigating the Capitol breach appeared to suggest that Fox News host Sean Hannity had recommended that former President Donald Trump grant Hunter Biden a presidential pardon.

The Jan. 6 committee released the messages between two individuals—Hannity and then-White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany—as part of its first televised hearing on June 16.

In one message exchange between Hannity and McEnany, the TV host appears to update and inform McEnany about a conversation he allegedly had with Trump following the breach of the Capitol.

Hannity appeared to have advised the president not to associate himself with “crazy people,” to which McEnany replied, “Yes 100%.”

The TV host also tells McEnany that Trump “was intrigued by the pardon idea!! (Hunter).” The “Hunter” that Hannity allegedly referred to is Hunter Biden, President Joe Biden’s son.

The Epoch Times has been unable to verify if the text message exchange was referring to Hunter Biden and has contacted Fox News for comment.

Elsewhere in the exchange of messages, Hannity also appeared to have advised the former president that there should be “no more stolen election talk,” adding, “Yes, impeachment and 25th amendment are real, and many people will quit.”

Hannity said that Trump had apparently been “resistant but listened [to] Pence (former Vice President Mike Pence) thoughts, to make it right” and that he “seemed to like attending inauguration talk.”

“Love that. Thank you. That is the playbook. I will help reinforce. Thank you for your help. You are doing a great service for your country,” McEnany replied.

Trump was first impeached on Dec. 18, 2019, for “abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.” House lawmakers alleged that Trump had abused the power of his office by pressuring Ukraine to investigate his main Democratic political rival, Joe Biden, and his son, Hunter Biden, and that the then-president obstructed justice when Democrats launched an investigation into the matter.

Trump has vehemently denied both allegations.

He was impeached a second time on Jan. 13, 2021, for “incitement of insurrection” over the Jan. 6, 2021, breach of the U.S. Capitol but again vehemently denies those claims.

In his last Facebook post, Trump called on the protesters at the Capitol to “go home peacefully,” telling them: “We have to have peace. We have to have law and order. We have to respect our great people in law and order. We don’t want anybody hurt.”

While it is unclear why Trump would consider granting Hunter Biden—who is still under investigation by the Justice Department regarding his overseas business dealings—a pardon, a number of reports previously stated that Trump was considering doing so.

Trump has called the House Jan. 6 Committee hearings a “smoke and mirrors show” that distracts Americans from real current issues like sky-high inflation and supply shortages that have worsened in recent months under the Biden administration.


Elon Musks Slams Twitter’s ‘Bias Against Half the Country,’ Alleged Inaction on Death Threats to Conservative User

The world’s richest person is slamming Twitter’s “bias against half the country” and demanding answers after Twitter allegedly did not remove accounts of users who made death threats against a conservative user.

“A platform cannot be considered inclusive or fair if it is biased against half the country,” Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk wrote on June 13, in response to another Twitter user’s post on the same day saying, “On a just platform, everyone would be treated equally. As it is, you can be banned [on Twitter] for merely criticizing (not even threatening) woke progressives, but they can send conservatives death threats without any repercussions.”

Musk’s comments came after a dozen Twitter users allegedly directed death threats against Twitter user Libs of TikTok—short for Liberals of TikTok.

“I have now received about a dozen death threats after radical leftists accused me of being a domestic terrorist extremist,” Twitter user Libs of TikTok wrote. “Twitter has not removed any of the accounts of those who sent the threats.”

In reply to the post, Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk tagged Twitter and asked, “Why?”

Libs of Tiktok, a Twitter page with more than 1.2 million followers and operated by Chaya Raichik, regularly posts content criticizing liberal, left-wing, and LGBTQ events and ideas.

For example, Libs of Tiktok wrote in a post on June 13, “A children’s hospital in Nebraska is co-hosting a children’s pride event. They advertise there will be a booth where attendees can make an appointment for ‘gender affirming care’ such as puberty blockers.@ChildrensOmaha receives millions in funding.”

Raichik’s stance has drawn hostility from some on the left, including a Twitter user with the handle “@thisisironicfr” who claimed to have sent her a pipe bomb on June 13.

Report: Dr Seuss Inspired Mug Draws Backlash From Liberals

The liberals are back at it again… it seems like cancelling Dr. Seuss was not enough!

An innocent patriotic brand selling hilarious “I Do Not Like You Sleepy Joe” Mugs on their website has enraged Liberals and boy are they angry.

They’ve gone to social media to rant about how owners of said mug are “losers” and how it is just like the “racist” Dr. Seuss books. Simply hilarious!


Depressed Woman Dies on Operating Table, Sees Heaven and Future Events, Returns to Life a New Person

Tricia Barker was depressed. She was 21 years old, in college studying English, unsure what career would follow, and generally feeling that life was hopeless and painful. She tried to take her own life by washing a handful of pills down with alcohol.

She woke up 36 hours later still in her own room. She didn’t tell anyone she had attempted suicide, but decided to move forward with her life. As a symbol of getting her life back on track, she started training for a 10 km race.

On the way to the race, she had a terrible car accident.

After her suicide attempt, Barker trained to run a 10 km race as a way to recover from deep depression. After weeks of training, she was on her way to run the race when she had a head-on collision. Her back was broken in several places, she couldn’t feel her legs, and she had internal injuries. Without health insurance, it took nearly 20 hours to find a surgeon who would operate on her. She spent those 20 hours lying in the hospital without painkillers or any relief.

Finally on the operating table, Barker was anesthetized.

In an instant, her spirit left her body.

“The anesthesiologist put the mask over me and then I was out of my body,” she said, snapping her fingers to show how quickly it happened.

“At the time, I was agnostic and so I was so shocked the spirit goes on. I wanted to pop back in my body, wake up, and tell all my friends, ‘Hey, we do go on!’” she recounted in a video she made, sharing her experience.

She saw her own body on the table, with her back opened up and blood everywhere. Two angels came to her and calmed her. She saw them send light through the surgeons and into her body.

At that moment, she knew the surgeons would be able to remove the debris from her back and she would walk again.

But that’s when she saw the monitor flatline.

While her body lay there dead, she visited her loved ones and saw events that were later verified to have really happened.

Distressed at seeing her body there dead, unsure how the doctors could revive her, she didn’t want to view the scene any longer. With that thought, she was instantly in the hallway.

This is where something happened that has made her case of great interest to near-death experience (NDE) researchers. She saw her stepfather, a health nut who would never touch sweets, getting a candy bar from a vending machine in the hallway of the hospital and eating it. This was later verified to have really happened.

Such an event is called a “veridical perception.” Veridical perceptions are observations a person remembers from an out-of-body experience that can be independently verified. These are things that they could not have known through ordinary means.

Some scientists, like neurologist Kevin Nelson at the University of Kentucky, try to explain NDEs as processes in the brain similar to those that occur when a person dreams or suddenly loses oxygen.

Scientists have tried to explain NDEs as processes in the brain, but Dr. Jan Holden says none of those explanations can account for the phenomenon.

Yet Dr. Jan Holden, a professor at the University of North Texas and a long-time NDE researcher, has identified about 100 cases of veridical perception. She has determined through her examination of hundreds of NDE cases that this common phenomenon cannot be explained through the kind of ordinary processes proposed by Nelson.

“Any material explanation that’s been attempted doesn’t account for some of the things that happen in NDEs,” Holden said in a recorded lecture she gave to present her book, “The Handbook of Near-Death Experiences.” “None of those models can explain how Tricia knew that her stepfather was vending a candy bar while she was unconscious and flatlined in the surgical room.”

Barker’s is one of the many NDE cases Holden has investigated.

One in five people who have a brush with death have an out-of-body experience.

Holden has found that about one out of every five people who have a brush with death have a similarly profound out-of-body experience. Many people don’t discuss them openly, for fear of ridicule. Some NDEers have even been put in psychiatric care because of talking about their experiences.

But Holden has found that the mental health of NDEers reflects that of the population at large. These people are as sane and rational as anyone else. The impacts of these experiences are vastly positive. About 90 percent of people who have an NDE find it a pleasant experience, and many of them come back happier and with a strong sense of purpose.

“I had never felt any love like that — a mom’s love, romantic love, nothing could compare.”

Barker’s experience didn’t end with the candy bar. She heard the silent prayers of her mother, her aunt, and others. When she heard the sorrow in her family’s prayers, she almost wanted to go back. But a light beckoned. “The light was so incredible, I had never felt any love like that — a mom’s love, romantic love, nothing could compare,” she recalled.

She found herself in a field more real and beautiful than anything on Earth. Her grandfather, who had already died, was there with her.

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