July 2, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: June 15, 2023

Today’s Top 5:
  1. EXCLUSIVE: East Texas County 400 Miles from Border Declares Migrant-Crisis Disaster

Nearly 200 residents of rural San Jacinto County, Texas, watched as the commissioners’ court declared a border-crisis state of disaster. Following a mass murder and cartel-connected marijuana grow house bust, county residents had seen firsthand, the impact of the border crisis on their community.

San Jacinto County Sheriff Greg Capers read the proposed Declaration of Local State of Disaster (attached below) to the San Jacinto County Commissioners’ Court and the citizens of the county gathered to support the measure. The declaration will allow the county to apply for state funding under Governor Greg Abbott’s Operation Lone Star border security mission.

  1. NY Attorney General Says Lawsuit Against Trump Could Be Delayed

New York Attorney General Letitia James said that her lawsuit and other state criminal cases against Donald Trump could be delayed by the Department of Justice’s prosecution against the former president.

The Democrat attorney general, in an interview with Pod Save America, responded to a question about whether the federal case will tie in with James’s investigation or Manhattan District Attorney Bragg’s case. Trump was indicted on federal charges in Florida last week for allegedly mishandling classified documents, and he entered a not guilty plea in a Miami courthouse on Tuesday.

“In all likelihood, I believe that my case as well as DA Bragg and the Georgia case, will unfortunately have to be adjourned pending the outcome of the federal case,” James said. “So it all depends upon the scheduling of this particular case. I know there’s gonna be a flood, a flurry of motions, motion to dismiss, discovery issues, all of that. So it really all depends. Obviously, all of us want to know what Judge [Aileen] Cannon is going to do and whether or not she’s going to delay this particular case.”

  1. Trump Outlines Legal Strategy in Post-Arraignment Speech

Former President Donald Trump used a significant portion of his speech in Bedminster, New Jersey, on Tuesday to lay out the legal defense his team is likely to take against an indictment brought by special counsel Jack Smith.

Trump spoke to a crowd of supporters and family members hours after pleading not guilty to 37 counts of charges linked to his handling of classified documents. He decried the indictment as a political hit job meant to derail his bid for the White House.

In outlining his defense, the former president particularly focused on the Presidential Records Act of 1978. Trump suggested that the act gives the president discretion to determine which records are personal and which are presidential, and, as a result, belong to the public.

While the documents Trump is being charged with illegally retaining do not fit the criteria to be personal records under the act, Trump referred to a 2012 district court ruling in a case concerning audio tapes former President Bill Clinton kept after leaving the White House. In that decision, Judge Amy Berman Jackson concluded that even though Clinton’s tapes should have been classified as presidential records and turned over to the National Archives, the national archivist didn’t have the power to reclassify them.

“Under the statute, this responsibility is left solely to the president,” Jackson wrote.

  1. ‘Significant Portion’ of Trump Indictment Based on Protected Attorney-Client Privilege: Ex-Federal Prosecutor

A significant amount of the indictment against former President Donald Trump is based on attorney-client communications which are protected under U.S. law and will likely lead to a long and drawn-out legal battle in the months ahead, according to legal experts.

Trump has been charged with 31 counts of willful retention of national defense information; one count of conspiracy to obstruct justice, one count of withholding a document or record, one count of scheme to conceal, one count of corruptly concealing a document or record, one count of concealing a document in a federal investigation, and one count of false statements and representations.

The indictment marks the first time in history that the Department of Justice has charged a former president with a crime and will likely have serious implications for the 2024 presidential race, in which Trump is a leading candidate.

The former president has vowed to remain in the race regardless of the outcome of the trial. He pleaded not guilty in a federal court in Miami on June 13 and has called the case against him “political persecution.

  1. Daniel Penny Reportedly Indicted In Death Of Jordan Neely

Daniel Penny, the former Marine charged in the alleged chokehold death of Jordan Neely, has reportedly been indicted.

The exact charges in the indictment are currently unknown, ABC News reported Wednesday, citing unnamed law enforcement sources. The Manhattan District Attorney’s Office charged Penny with second-degree manslaughter in mid-May after he allegedly held Neely in a chokehold after Neely purportedly acted erratically on a New York City subway train.

Before the alleged chokehold occurred, Neely had allegedly screamed “in an aggressive manner” and told passengers he does not care if he goes to jail, before purportedly taking off his jacket and throwing it on the ground. When Penny reportedly interfered, Neely was allegedly able to move his arms before becoming unresponsive.


Sergey Karaganov: By using its nuclear weapons, Russia could save humanity from a global catastrophe

The credibility of nuclear deterrence must be restored by lowering the unacceptably high threshold for the use of atomic weapons and by moving cautiously but quickly up the ladder of deterrence-escalation. The first steps have already been taken through statements to this effect by the president and other leaders, by beginning to deploy nuclear weapons and their delivery vehicles in Belarus, and by increasing the combat effectiveness of the strategic deterrent forces. There are quite a few steps on this ladder. I count about two dozen. It could even go as far as warning our compatriots and all people of good will about the need to leave their homes near the objects of possible nuclear strikes in countries directly supporting the Kiev regime. The enemy must know that we are ready to launch a preemptive retaliatory strike in response to its current and past aggression in order to prevent a slide into a global thermonuclear war. … and this is why we have NukeProtect

Global Warming: WEF Calls For Vastly Restricted Car Ownership By 2050

In the global technocratic dystopia the World Economic Forum (WEF) is currently constructing to house the slaves (at least, the ones permitted to remain alive), in which they will eat ze bugs as their main protein source and own nothing, cars will be reserved for favored Party members.

Future cars won’t just be electric; they’ll be non-existent for the non-politically connected.

The World Economic source document touts “vehicle access regulations to limit traffic and pollution.”

Excerpted from “The Urban Mobility Scorecard Tool: Benchmarking the Transition to Sustainable Urban Mobility“:

The benefits of a [shared, electric, connected and automated] SEAM strategy would reach far beyond mitigating climate change. Today, passenger vehicles cause over half of urban air pollution, which led to an estimated 1.8 million excess deaths in 2019 and nearly 2 million cases of asthma in children. Electrifying transport will deliver cleaner, healthier air for city dwellers. Additionally, fewer vehicles will reduce congestion and decrease the need for expensive motorways, parking and maintenance. Estimated cost savings of embracing a SEAM strategy to the world’s economy could total $5 trillion a year by 2050…

The transport sector is responsible for around 60% of global oil demand, so accelerating the transition to electric vehicles (EVs) is an essential priority. Syncing electrification with a transition to shared transport can, however, deliver a reduction in emissions while tackling wider issues such as congestion, safety and inefficient space allocation.

The World Economic Forum has been advocating mandatory car ownership restrictions for climate change for many years at this point.

Huh? UK To Get ‘Early Or Priority Access’ To AI Models From Google And OpenAI

It’s unclear at this time what access the U.K. will receive, but the reported commitment could be the first of its kind.

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak recently announced that Google DeepMind, OpenAI and Anthropic — three tech outfits widely considered the global industry leaders in generative artificial intelligence (AI) technologies — have agreed to provide the United Kingdom with early access to their AI models.

Sunak made the announcement during a speech opening London Tech Week, an event described by organizers as “a global celebration of tech, uniting the most innovative thinkers and talent of tomorrow in a week-long festival.”

Half of Albanian Migrants Granted Asylum Despite Coming From a Safe Country

Over half of Albanian illegal migrants were granted asylum by the British government last year despite the fact that they are not coming from a wartorn country but rather a safe European nation, a parliamentary committee revealed.

The Home Affairs committee in the House of Commons has called on the Home Office — the government department tasked with regulating migration — to explain why 51 per cent of illegal migrants hailing from Albania were granted asylum last year, which they claimed to incentivise the record waves of migrants from the country illegally crossing the English Channel.

EU Hits Google with Antitrust Charges over Online Advertising Practices

Google has reportedly been charged with violating European Union antitrust laws. The charges, filed by EU regulators, accuse Google of leveraging its dominance in online advertising to undercut competition, marking the fourth such accusation against the company in recent years.

The New York Times reports that internet giant Google has been accused of breaking antitrust regulations in the EU. This is the fourth time in recent years that Google has been charged with using its dominance in internet advertising to stifle competition by EU regulators.

Margrethe Vestager, the executive vice president of the European Commission who oversees digital and competition policy and a frequent opponent of the Masters of the Universe, stated: “Google is present at almost all levels of the so-called adtech supply chain. Our preliminary concern is that Google may have used its market position to favor its own intermediation services.”

Two Americans found dead in luxury hotel room in Mexico

Two Americans were discovered dead inside their luxury hotel room in Mexico’s Baja California peninsula Tuesday night, according to authorities.

The bodies of a man and a woman, both in their mid-30s, were found by paramedics and police around 9 p.m., local authorities told ABC News.

First responders entered the hotel room located in the seaside community of El Pescadero after receiving reports that the Americans were unconscious, police said.

The pair were pronounced dead at the scene.

The suspected causes of death were inhalation of gas, which has happened to other Americans in Mexico in recent years.


McCarthy Rips CNN for Hiring Clapper, McCabe in Response to Questions on Trump

House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) slammed CNN on June 12 as he was being pressed about the indictment against former President Donald Trump over his handing of classified documents.

“The idea of equal justice is not playing out here,” McCarthy told a group of reporters at Capitol Hill, referring to how Trump and President Joe Biden were treated differently over their retention of government records.

“You’re with CNN, right?” McCarthy asked the reporter questioning him.

When the reporter confirmed that she was, McCarthy questioned why the network had hired Andrew McCabe, the former FBI deputy director who was fired in March 2019 after a Justice Department internal review found that he had “made an unauthorized disclosure to the news media and lacked candor—including under oath—on multiple occasions.”

“This is a different set of circumstances,” the reporter interjected, and asked whether McCarthy was “prepared to defend” Trump in light of the charges against him, as well as what steps the House would take next.

“Are you prepared to defend your network, CNN?” McCarthy replied. “Even though your network can hire Andrew McCabe, who was fired from the FBI for leaking classified documents—did you remove him from your network?

“No, you continue to put him on to give judgment against President Trump. You also hire [James] Clapper.”

The CNN reporter again asked McCarthy what steps the House would take, such as defunding the FBI or the Justice Department.

McCarthy appeared to ignore the question, returning instead to CNN’s employment of Clapper, the former director of national intelligence who Republicans had previously accused of leaking information to media outlets and then lying about it to Congress.

Traitor to the Constitution: The U.S. Government Is the Real Criminal

“The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane and intolerable.”—H.L. Mencken

And so it continues.

This entire fiasco—indicting Donald Trump for allegedly violating both the Espionage Act and obstructing justice by improperly handling classified records—is merely the latest in a never-ending series of distractions, distortions, and political theater aimed at diverting the public’s attention from the sinister advances of the American Deep State.

Don’t allow yourselves to be distracted, diverted or mesmerized by the cheap theater tricks.

This indictment spectacle is Shakespearean in its scope: full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

Nothing is the key word here.

Despite the wall-to-wall media coverage, this is all just smoke and mirrors.

Mark my words: the government is as corrupt and self-serving as ever, dominated by two political factions that pretend to be at odds with each other all the while moving in lockstep to maintain the status quo.

Mexican City Councilwoman Arrested near Border in Texas with 42 Kilos of Cocaine

A councilwoman from the Mexican city of Reynosa, Tamaulipas, now faces federal charges in Texas after U.S. Border Patrol agents arrested her for allegedly transporting 42 kilograms of cocaine.

The incident took place over the weekend at a U.S. Border Patrol checkpoint in Falfurrias, approximately 80 miles north of the U.S./Mexico border. Rio Grande Valley Sector Border Patrol agents observed 33-year-old Denisse Ahumada Martinez driving a Mazda SUV with Mexican license plates as she approached the checkpoint, court documents revealed.

At that checkpoint, authorities sent her to a secondary inspection area where they used an X-ray scanning device and found 42 bundles of drugs hidden inside the car’s door panels and seats.

Ex-NSA employee sentenced to two weeks for US Capitol attack

A former National Security Agency employee was sentenced to two weeks imprisonment for storming the US Capitol on January 6, with associates described by authorities as fellow followers of a white nationalist movement.

Paul Lovley, 24, lived in Halethorpe, Maryland, and was an NSA information technology specialist before the riot on 6 January 2021, prosecutors said.

On Tuesday US district judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly sentenced Lovley to 14 days behind bars, to be served over seven weekends, and three years of probation, a spokesperson for the US attorney for the District of Columbia said.

Lovley pleaded guilty in February to parading, demonstrating or picketing in a Capitol building, a misdemeanor punishable by a maximum six-month sentence.

Miami Mayor Francis Suarez Joins 2024 Presidential Race

Miami Mayor Francis Suarez filed paperwork to enter the 2024 Republican presidential primary on Wednesday, the Associated Press reported. 

The 45-year-old Miami mayor is the son of Miami’s first Cuban-born mayor and is serving his second term in office. 

Suarez joins a crowded Republican primary field that includes Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), Vivek Ramaswamy, former Vice President Mike Pence, Sen. Tim Scott (SC), Chris Christie, former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, and the frontrunner, former President Donald Trump.

Suarez did not support Trump in either the 2016 or 2020 elections. He reportedly wrote in Sen. Marco Rubio’s (R-FL) name in 2016 and Pence in 2020. 

Before serving as Miami’s mayor, Suarez was a corporate and real estate attorney and served as a Miami commissioner. 

Resolution to Censure Adam Schiff Killed After 20 Republicans Joined Democrats

A House resolution to censure Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) was effectively killed on Wednesday, after 20 House Republicans voted for a motion to table it. Four Republicans did not vote, and two voted “present.”

Sen. Roger Marshall Introduces Bill Mandating Only American Flags on Government Buildings

Sen. Roger Marshall (R-KS) introduced a bill on Wednesday that would forbid any other flag but the American flag to be flown over government buildings.

Deemed the One Flag for All Act, the bill would essentially make it illegal for any federal government building to fly or drape a flag other than the American flag. The bill comes in response to President Joe Biden placing the LGBTQ Pride flag in a place of prominence at the White House, which sparked debate over whether it violated U.S. flag codes.

Rasmussen Poll: Most Americans Expect 2024 Election ‘Cheating’

A majority of American voters “expect” cheating in the 2024 presidential election, a new Rasmussen Reports poll finds.

According to the poll released Wednesday, the organization found that 54% of likely voters believe cheating at the ballot box will be part of the 2024 presidential election, including 30% of those that say cheating is “very likely.”

The poll found 41% who said that cheating is not likely in 2024, with 24% who say it is “not likely at all.”


Federal Reserve Keeps Interest Rates Unchanged, Leaves Door Open to More Rate Hikes

For the first time in more than a year, the Federal Reserve has left interest rates unchanged but signaled that two more rate hikes are set to happen this year.

The benchmark federal funds rate held steady at a range of 5–5.25 percent, effectively ending the streak of 10 consecutive rate hikes.

“Holding the target range steady at this meeting allows the Committee to assess additional information and its implications for monetary policy,” the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) stated.

Home Depot CEO: We’re ‘Increasingly Concerned’ with ‘Life Safety’ of Customers, Employees

During an interview with CNBC host Becky Quick on Monday aired on Tuesday’s edition of CNBC’s “Squawk Box,” Home Depot CEO Ted Decker stated that “we are increasingly concerned with some life safety of our associates and customer base” and stated that the issue of retail theft has been highest “in certain tough cities.”

Quick asked, “Will you reach the point where there are stores you have to shut down, because this is a problem in some geographic areas more than others. Where is that?”

Who Really Owns Modelo?

Modelo Especial overtook Bud Light as the top-selling beer in the U.S. in May as Bud Light sales were crushed by a boycott over the brand’s relationship with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney.

But who owns Modelo Especial? Many of those supporting the boycott have voiced concerns that the Mexican beer brand might be owned Anheuser-Busch, the company that makes Bud Light and is part of an international conglomerate called AB InvBev.

The US debt-ceiling ‘deal’ was a giant exercise in bipartisan class warfare Clara Mattei

The headlines around the debt-ceiling legislation focused on the ability of the US to meet its financial obligations on time and in full through 2024. This was no small accomplishment, especially as it arrived within a forever-fractured political environment and only 18 months from a presidential election.

But the actual terms of the debt-ceiling legislation reveal a political consensus that is at once troubling and longstanding. While topline US spending will increase this year and next, its increase is reserved almost exclusively for defense and for veterans’ medical care. Other programs, including social welfare and enforcement of the tax code by the IRS, will have their budgets cut. Americans seeking food-stamp benefits will also face increased work requirements – a curiously unrelated throw-in policy that reflects a longstanding wish of Republicans and some Democrats.


Competing With God? Harari Suggests AI Could Write Bible, Creating ‘Religions That Are Actually Correct’

A top official with the World Economic Forum (WEF) has called for religious scripture to be “rewritten” by artificial intelligence (AI) to create a globalized “new Bible.”

Yuval Noah Harari, the senior advisor to the WEF and its chairman Klaus Schwab, argues that using AI to replace scriptures will create unified “religions that are actually correct.”

Harari, an influential author and professor, made the call while giving a talk on the “future of humanity.”

According to Harari, the power of AI can be harnessed and used to reshape spirituality into the WEF’s globalist vision of “equity” and inclusivism.

Speaking with journalist Pedro Pinto in Lisbon, Portugal, Harari told the elitist audience:

“It’s the first technology ever that can create new ideas.

“You know, the printing press, radio, television, they broadcast, they spread the ideas created by the human brain, by the human mind.

“They cannot create a new idea.

“You know, [Johannes] Gutenberg printed the Bible in the middle of the 15th century; the printing press printed as many copies of the Bible as Gutenberg instructed it, but it did not create a single new page.

“It had no ideas of its own about the Bible: Is it good? Is it bad? How to interpret this? How to interpret that?”

Harari then revealed that he and his allies at the WEF have a solution to the supposed problems he’d just highlighted.

“AI can create new ideas; [it] can even write a new Bible,” he declared.

Federal Judge Blocks Microsoft’s Activision Blizzard Takeover Attempt

A federal judge has blocked an attempt by woke tech giant Microsoft to acquire gaming giant Activision Blizzard, in a deal that would vastly expand the latter’s share of the video game market.

The FTC sought a preliminary injunction to stop the deal, and the court has agreed to a temporary restraining order preventing the acquisition while it considers the FTC’s request. Evidentiary hearings on the preliminary injunction request will take place on June 22 and 23.

Ivermectin May Defeat Cancer and Other Common Chronic Diseases of Aging

Dr. Paul Marik recently quoted a prospective clinical trial where the participants were given 4000 international units of Vitamin D, omega 3’s and told to exercise and the risk of cancer dropped 50%.

In another post, Dr. Marik says it is highly unlikely cancer is genetically determined.


VIDEO: https://youtu.be/H5N7s0vRQk0 The FBI Deputy Director Paul Abbate admits Biden took $5-Million from Ukraine and that the FBI unintentionally spied on over 278,000 Americans! Federal Agencies Routinely Spy on Phone Calls, Texts, Emails of American Citizens, Experts Say

Federal Agencies Routinely Spy on Phone Calls, Texts, Emails of American Citizens, Experts Say

Despite the Constitution’s Fourth Amendment, which prohibits warrantless government searches, U.S. agencies are proving to be ever more intrusive in their routine surveillance of Americans’ speech and activities.

Often working in collaboration with private companies and banks, agencies like the FBI have been misusing laws against foreign terrorism to vacuum up and sift through the private data of millions of Americans without a warrant or any evidence of a crime.

As Congress now debates reauthorizing relevant sections of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) that are set to expire this year, the libertarian Cato Institute held a four-day conference last week, which featured calls for major legal reforms by conservative and liberal speakers alike.

“The violations that we’ve seen have not just been epic in scale, but they’ve also been persistent, over and over again,” Jake Laperruque, a deputy director at the Center for Democracy and Technology, told attendees.

“To put a human scale on this, what we’re talking about is not just random typos or wrong clicks; we’re looking at things like pulling up batches of thousands of political donors in one go, without any suspicion of wrongdoing,” Laperruque said. “We’ve had reports of journalists, political commentators, a domestic political party; these compliance violations are the most worrisome type of politically focused surveillance.”


Another Way Electric Vehicles Can Kill You: Crushing Your Lighter Car in an Accident

As the number of electric vehicles (EVs) on our roads continues to rise, experts are voicing concerns about the potential risks associated with their increased weight. EV’s battery packs make the cars much heavier than traditional gas-powered vehicles. One expert commented, “If you think about an impact in a crash with a lighter vehicle with a pedestrian or a cyclist or motorcyclists, it’s going to have a much different outcome than we’ve seen in the past. Terribly tragic.”


Is CAFO Animal Waste the Dirty Secret of Organic Foods?

Chicken feces, or chicken litter, and other animal waste from concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) is commonly used as fertilizer, including for organic crops

CAFO waste used as fertilizer is contaminated with pathogens, including bacteria, fungi, viruses, antibiotics, antibiotic-resistant genes, growth hormones, heavy metals and pesticides

In the U.S., feces from broiler chickens were contaminated with antibiotic-resistant E. coli, with genes resistant to more than seven antibiotics, including amoxicillin, ceftiofur, tetracycline and sulfonamide

A meta-analysis concluded “direct land application of chicken litter could be harming animal, human and environmental health”

The overwhelming presence of CAFOs in the state of North Carolina prompted a civil rights complaint on behalf of residents in three counties


Is Mouthwash Ruining Our Health?

A growing number of dentists and medical professionals are cautioning against the indiscriminate use of popular mouth rinses, suggesting that they may inadvertently contribute to cavities and persistent bad breath.

There is also an emerging correlation between regular mouthwash use and more serious health issues, including high blood pressure, heart disease, and oral diseases.

Problems Revealed By Research

Kall warns that there has been research showing that overuse of antibacterial products including mouth rises can have negative effects on different aspects of our health.

According to Kall and recent studies, overuse of antibacterial products can be harmful in several ways.

Oral Microbiome Dysbiosis

Regular use of these rinses can disrupt the oral microbiome and shift it out of balance, a state known as dysbiosis. Antibacterial products not only kill the “bad bacteria” but also the good bacteria that are needed for many vital functions, including fighting off bacterial and viral infections.

Several studies reveal connections between diseases, viruses, and alterations in the oral microbiome. For instance, when imbalances occur within the oral microbiome, they can prompt gut microbes to generate carcinogenic toxins, triggering gut inflammation and metabolic complications.

High Blood Pressure

Kall also stressed that the antiseptic ingredient in mouth rinses can also interfere with the nitrate–nitrite–nitric oxide (NO) pathway which occurs at the back of the tongue.

This pathway is important in the oral microbiome because nitrates from our diet are converted into nitrites by oral bacteria through the process of nitrate reduction which are then further converted into NO.

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VITA-MYR Mouthwash is an all-natural product with Zinc & Folic Acid to gently assist your body’s natural immune system & the ancient powers of Clove & Myrrh to purify & soothe

HPV Ignites Unexpected Cancer Surge in Middle-Aged Adults

The escalating tide of HPV-related throat and mouth cancers threatens to redefine the landscape of common adult malignancies

A mounting wave of throat and mouth cancers is sending ripples through the medical community. Adults above the age of 45 are at the epicenter of this health alarm, as their vulnerability to the illness is becoming starkly evident. Dr. Matthew Old, head and neck surgeon at The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center, points directly to human papillomavirus (HPV) as the main catalyst of this surge.

Your Cell Phone and Other EMF Devices May Be Harming Your Heart
Electrical equipment and high-tech devices are everywhere, and while they may make life easier, research finds they can cause harm to your heart by emitting electromagnetic frequency (EMF) in the radio frequency range.

Many people don’t realize their cardiac symptoms could be the result of EMF. Still, research continues to find a correlation between the debilitating illnesses some people are suffering from and the mass amount of electromagnetic “smog” clogging the atmosphere today.

EMF Effects on the Heart

“The problem with electromagnetic radiation and its effect on the heart is exposure and time,” said Goodyear. “Because of the lower nonionizing radiation, more time and exposure are required to accumulate impact than ionizing radiation, which can almost be immediate at higher doses.”

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) recently analyzed several animal and human studies that focused on EMF, considering how the body absorbs the radiation emitted and how it affects the heart. Both human and animal research studies show the heart is sensitive to EMF radiation and it can affect heart rate variability, cause cardiac arrhythmias, affect blood pressure, and even increase low-density lipoprotein (LDL), leading to atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease.

“Human studies analyzed by the EWG should be concerning because heart rate variability may be a litmus test not only for the health of the heart but the health of the human being,”Susan Foster, an EMF consultant told The Epoch Times. Foster provides outside counsel through McCollough Law Firm to Children’s Health Defense (CHD) on wireless matters.

Goodyear believes that animal studies tend to give more information since tissues can be evaluated both immediately and after death to provide more insight into the effects of EMF radiation. For example, a study of albino rats with long-term cell phone exposure showed changes in electrical activity resulting in heart arrhythmias and negative effects on blood pressure (hypertension) and heart rate.


Shellenberger: Our New Report Proves COVID Came from Wuhan Lab, First Patients Did Gain-of-Function, Medical Establishment Likely Knew

On Wednesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “America’s Newsroom,” journalist Michael Shellenberger discussed his report with Matt Taibbi and Alex Gutentag citing multiple American government officials that the first people sickened with COVID-19 symptoms were scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology who were working on gain-of-function research on coronaviruses similar to SARS when they fell ill and stated that the story is confirmation the story came from the lab.

Redfield: Fauci’s Stance on COVID Origins Motivated by ‘His Advocacy for Gain-of-Function Research’

On Wednesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “America Reports,” former CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield reacted to reporting from Michael Shellenberger, Matt Taibbi, and Alex Gutentag on the origins of COVID-19 by stating that he does find the report largely credible, and that he believes Dr. Anthony Fauci’s stance in the COVID origins debate is “Largely…grounded in his advocacy for gain-of-function research.”

Redfield said, “I suspect their information is grounded in truth. We’ll have to see what the intelligence community releases next week.” Although, he added he thinks there is “strong evidence” of people contracting COVID-19 in the lab in September and November of 2019, while the Shellenberger, Taibbi, Gutentag report places the first infections in November of 2019 and that there is a possibility of the virus originating from another lab in Wuhan aside from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.


Revolutionary War General’s Statue Removed From Albany, New York City Hall Over Slave Ownership

A statue of a Revolutionary War general was removed from City Hall in Albany, New York, on Saturday over his ownership of slaves.

City workers removed the statue of Maj. Gen. Philip Schuyler before loading it onto a trailer and hauling it to a storage facility. The statue’s removal fulfilled an executive order that Democratic Albany Mayor Kathy Sheehan issued three years earlier.

As a Revolutionary War soldier, Schuyler led colonial forces defending against the British Saratoga campaign that sought to control the Hudson River valley. The British campaign was defeated at the Battle of Saratoga, marking the first time continental forces successfully repelled a large-scale British force.

Schuyler is also notable as the father-in-law of Alexander Hamilton. He is also the namesake of several locations across New York, including Schuyler County and Fort Schuyler.

Bud Light Sales Slump Deepens as Fallout From Transgender Controversy Continues

The latest industry figures show that Bud Light’s sales slump deepened into June as the fallout from the brand’s engagement with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney continues to strain the brand’s bottom line.

Sales volumes of Bud Light plunged by 24.4 percent in the week ended on June 3, according to Nielsen IQ sales data via Bump Williams Consulting.

The data also showed that Bud Light sales dove 24.6 percent for the four weeks that ended on June 3, extending a decline triggered when the brand rolled out a personalized beer can featuring the face of Mulvaney—a male who identifies as a female.

“This month I celebrated my day 365 of womanhood and Bud Light sent me possibly the best gift ever—a can with my face on it,” Mulvaney said on April Fool’s Day.

Mulvaney, who has over 10 million followers on TikTok, posted a series of videos plugging Bud Light and showing off the personalized can.

Trump Responds to Jake Tapper Asking CNN to Cut Footage of Trump Supporters

Former President Donald Trump responded to on-air comments made by CNN’s Jake Tapper on Tuesday, in which the anchor demanded the network cut footage of Trump’s event that showed enthusiastic supporters.

During CNN’s broadcast, Tapper asked staffers to cut footage of Trump meeting with supporters in Florida, coming minutes after the former president pleaded not guilty to federal charges connected to a case investigating whether he allegedly mishandled classified documents. Tapper at one point said that he did not want to “see any more of that,” referring to Trump’s interactions with supporters at the Versailles Cuban restaurant in Miami.

On social media, Trump reacted swiftly and critically. The former president suggested Tapper’s remarks are a reason why CNN is lagging in ratings.

“Fake Tapper just demanded that his broadcast be closed down from Miami because there was far too much enthusiasm on the streets for ‘Trump.’ The good news is, he was the only one to do so, perhaps a good explanation as to why CNN’s ratings are so low!” Trump wrote Truth Social, his platform.


TICK TALK: The Asian longhorned tick has been in the States since 2017 and is spreading

Like most of us, I’m not a fan of ticks. They’re bloodsuckers, for starters, and they spread illnesses like Lyme disease to pets and people.

So when I heard about a new tick species rapidly spreading in the United States, my initial response was dread. But I’m also a “mama bear” who wants to protect her dogs, so I decided to learn more about the Asian longhorned tick (Haemaphysalis longicornis).

The Asian longhorned tick was first identified in the United States in 2017 on a sheep in New Jersey; at the time of this writing, it has spread to 18 states, according to Kathryn Duncan, DVM, Ph.D., DACVM (Parasitology), a parasitology expert for Merck Animal Health.


U.S. Olympic Skier Patrick Gasienica Dies at 24 from Motorcycle Accident

Patrick Gasienica, who competed for the U.S.A. at the 2022 Winger Olympics, died on Monday at the age of 24.

“USA Nordic Sport and U.S. Ski & Snowboard’s thoughts and condolences are with his family, friends, and the ski jumping community,” read a joint statement from the two sports organizations, according to Fox News.

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