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The Power Hour

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Today's News: March 04, 2019

World News
Ethiopia, Eritrea leaders visit S Sudan to discuss peace deal
Al Jazeera – Visit comes amid increasing warnings that a deal signed last year to end South Sudan’s civil war is falling apart.
Russia officially suspends INF Treaty with US
Al Jazeera – Russia’s President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree suspending Moscow’s participation in a key Cold War-era nuclear arms control treaty, following a similar move by the United States.
In a statement on Monday, the Kremlin said the suspension would last until the US “ends its violations of the treaty or until it terminates”.
U.S. News, Politics & Government
US House panel launches sweeping obstruction probe into Trump
Al Jazeera – The House Judiciary Committee is launching a sweeping new probe of US President Donald Trump, his White House, his campaign and his businesses, sending document requests to 81 people linked to the president and his associates.
Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler said on Monday the investigation will be focused on possible obstruction of justice, corruption and abuse of power.
Among those targeted by the Democratic-led House Judiciary Committee are the president’s sons Donald Trump Jr and Eric Trump, WikiLeaks, White House aide and Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, Trump Organization chief financial officer Allen Weisselberg, former US Attorney General Jeff Sessions and former White House counsel Don McGahn.
Christie: Cohen Isn’t ‘Credible’ Unless He’s ‘Corroborated’
Breitbart – Monday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” former Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ) questioned Michael Cohen’s credibility during his testimony on Capitol Hill, given his propensity for lying.
Christie said Cohen is only “credible” if he can be “corroborated.”
President Trump Claims Michael Cohen’s Hearing Contributed to North Korea Summit Failure
Time – President Donald Trump is suggesting that a congressional hearing Democrats arranged with his former personal attorney may have contributed to his failure to reach a deal with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
Trump left his summit in Vietnam with the North Korean leader last week without reaching an agreement after Trump said he wasn’t willing to give in to Kim’s demand to lift U.S. sanctions at this time.
After sending his national security adviser, John Bolton, to the Sunday talk shows to paint the summit as a success, Trump lashed out at Democrats in a tweet Sunday night, criticizing their decision to hold the hearing featuring his former lawyer Michael Cohen while he was overseas.
“For the Democrats to interview in open hearings a convicted liar & fraudster, at the same time as the very important Nuclear Summit with North Korea, is perhaps a new low in American politics and may have contributed to the ‘walk,’” Trump tweeted. “Never done when a president is overseas. Shame!”
Sorry, Russia-gaters; WikiLeaks Got the DNC Emails from Insider, Not Russia
Global Research – VIPSers Binney & Johnson use the forensics that the FBI avoided doing. (See this)
Thinking back, President Barack Obama dropped a huge hint two days before he left office, using his last press conference to point out that the “conclusions of the intelligence community” regarding how WikiLeaks received the DNC emails were “inconclusive.”  The nerve! Daring to say that just 13 days after the U.S. intelligence Gang of Four briefed Obama up and down on their evidence-free “assessment” that WikiLeaks got the DNC emails via a Russian hack.
This was one time Obama summoned the courage to face down James (the-Russians-are-almost-genetically-driven-to-deceive) Clapper and other intelligence chiefs.  After all, Obama is a lawyer. He “does evidence.” In contrast, ex-CIA Director John Brennan, told Congress that he does not “do evidence.”
Back in the day, the intelligence community “did evidence.”  As soon as the evidence-impoverished “Intelligence Community Assessment” was published on January 6, 2017, members of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) smelled a rat.  That same day, former NSA Technical Director William Binney and Ray published “The Dubious Case on Russian Hacking”.
Then came “The Gaping Holes of Russia-gate,” and in July 2017 VIPS published their key forensic-based study “Intel Vets Challenge ‘Russian Hack’ Evidence,” followed by “More Holes in the Russia-gate Narrative.” by Binney and Ray.
Even Michael Cohen admitted yesterday that he had no “direct evidence that Mr. Trump or his campaign colluded with Russia.” But, he added, “I have my suspicions.”  We intelligence analysts, back in the day, did not “do suspicions.”
There are 1,001 other reasons to impeach President Donald Trump, if Nancy Pelosi had the courage.  But politics, not the Constitution, reigns supreme in the people’s House to which Founders bestowed an orderly political process to get rid of such a president.  Shame on them all.
PHOTOS: Bibles, Cross Left Untouched After Fire Destroys West Virginia Church
Breitbart – A fire destroyed nearly everything inside West Virginia church except for a cross and several bibles left untouched by the flames.
Gun Buyback Backfires, Turns Into Antique, Rusty Rifle Show
Infowars – A gun buyback program backfired after residents turned in rusty, single shot rifles in exchange for $100 gift cards.
The buyback program hosted by the Michigan City, Mich., Police Department yielded nearly 150 weapons, the vast majority of which appeared to be clunkers valued below $100 and unlikely to be favored by criminals.
In fact, some of the rifles look like they were originally sold from a Sears catalog.
The police department faced quite a bit of backlash when it posted the results on Facebook.
“Did they really turn in a black powder revolver? I’m so glad they were able to stop John Marston from robbing any more trains with it,” one person said.
Other comments were just as vicious.
“Michigan City PD finally broke up the infamous Metamucil gang,” another one said. “They committed most of their crimes between 6 AM and 1 PM, before nap time.”
The single-shot rifles bought back by police are rarely used in crimes, according to FBI statistics.
“In fact, according to the 2017 Uniformed Crime Report, knives were used four times more than rifles in murders,” reported personaldefenseworld.com. “Additionally, all types of rifles are included in the report—bolt-action, pump-action, single shot and semi-autos.”
“More so, blunt objects, such as hammers and clubs, killed 64 more people than rifles, with 467 murders,” the article continued. “Even hands and feet killed more people than rifles, with 692 murder victims being beaten or kicked to death.”
Ocasio-Cortez Refuses To Condemn Socialist Maduro — Hits At America Instead
Infowars – Socialist congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez refused to condemn Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro when asked to by reporters.
Rather than condemn the socialist dictator, Ocasio-Cortez instead went after Venezuelan envoy Elliot Abrams and U.S. interventionism despite not being asked about America.
“It’s important that we approach this very carefully,” she said, before attacking Abrams and American foreign policy.
She’s the latest Democrat to refuse to condemn Maduro, after Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) also refused to call out the dictator after he began committing egregious human rights abuses on his own people in the face of a country-wide uprising against him.
“I think clearly he has been very, very abusive,” Sanders said at a CNN town hall in February. “That is a decision of the Venezuelan people, so I think, Jorge, there’s got to be a free and fair election.”
The Florida Democrat Party, which has come to represent many Venezuelan exiles, slammed Sanders for his tepid remarks.
“Florida Democrats have been unequivocal: We recognize Juan Guaidó as the President of Venezuela, denounce the legitimacy of the Maduro regime and his efforts to remain illegally in power,” the party said in a statement.
Why are these Democrat leaders apologists for socialist dictatorships like Maduro’s?
Matthew Whitaker Exits Justice Department
NBC – Former acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker left his position at the Justice Department on Saturday, a department spokeswoman said.
Whitaker had been serving as a senior counselor at the Justice Department since Attorney General William Barr was sworn in last month.
His next career move is unknown, but Whitaker has told friends that he will remain in Washington because there are “many opportunities here,” according to sources who have spoken with him in recent days.
Facing Public Pressure, Amazon Pulls Anti-Vaccine Content From Prime Video
HuffPost – Several anti-vax movies appear to have been axed from the streaming service following public scrutiny and a rebuke by Rep. Adam Schiff.
Facing public pressure and a strong-worded rebuke by an influential California congressman, Amazon has apparently pulled several anti-vaccine films from its Prime Video streaming service.
As BuzzFeed first reported, controversial documentary titles including “Vaxxed,” “Shoot ’Em Up: The Truth About Vaccines” and “We Don’t Vaccinate!” are now listed as “currently unavailable” on Prime Video. The three anti-vax movies were axed from the site on Friday ― mere hours after Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff sent a letter to Amazon chief executive Jeff Bezos excoriating the tech giant for “surfacing and recommending products and content that discourage parents from vaccinating their children.”
Such promotion of anti-vax material is a “direct threat to public health,” Schiff wrote, and reverses “progress made in tackling vaccine-preventable diseases,” like measles.
Economy & Business
NYT: Facebook Is Launching a Cryptocurrency
Breitbart – A recent article in the New York Times discusses Facebook and Telegram’s plans to introduce their own cryptocurrencies in the coming future.
The article in the Times titled “Facebook and Telegram Are Hoping to Succeed Where Bitcoin Failed,” discusses how social media giant Facebook and messaging service Telegram have plans for a cryptocurrency system of their own. Breitbart News reported on Facebook’s own cryptocurrency plans in December of 2018.
In a post to his Facebook page in January of 2018, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg stated that every year he takes on a new personal challenge and so far has, “visited every US state, run 365 miles, built an AI for my home, read 25 books, and learned Mandarin.” Now this year, the billionaire CEO has turned his sights towards cryptocurrencies in 2018. Zuckerberg first began discussing the work that Facebook needs to do saying, “The world feels anxious and divided, and Facebook has a lot of work to do — whether it’s protecting our community from abuse and hate, defending against interference by nation states, or making sure that time spent on Facebook is time well spent.”
U.S. shares falter, investors await U.S.-China trade deal
Reuters  – U.S. stock indexes turned lower and the dollar pared some gains on Monday, as investors appeared to need some convincing the United States and China would reach a trade agreement and weaker-than-expected construction data did not help their mood.
Energy & Environment
Alabama Tornado Updates: 3 Children Are Among 23 Kille
NY Times – As search-and-rescue workers raced on Monday to help the rural Alabama communities that had been ravaged by tornadoes, officials said that at least three children were among the 23 people killed by the storms.
Houses lay shredded and entire neighborhoods flattened in the wake of Sunday’s storms in Lee County, Ala., where the deaths occurred. Sheriff Jay Jones of Lee County said it was as if someone “took a giant knife and just scraped the ground.”
Sheriff Jones said that several people were still unaccounted for, and that crews were sorting through the debris in hopes of finding survivors.
Miami Bans Controversial Herbicides That Are Killing Biscayne Bay
Miami New Times – Glyphosate is a popular ingredient in weed-killing herbicides because it’s extremely effective. But it’s also a well-known pollutant — researchers have found the chemical in samples of the air we breathe, the food we eat, and even the beer and wine we buy from the liquor store.
Now, the ingredient has been banned in Miami. On Thursday, city commissioners approved a resolution prohibiting the city and its contractors from using herbicides containing glyphosate, including Roundup. The ban went into effect immediately.
Miami Waterkeeper, a local clean-water advocacy group, applauded commissioners for the decision.
Science & Technology
Wi-Fi in Schools: Experimenting with the Next Generation
Global Reserach – The internet has unleashed human knowledge. Never before has it been so easy to learn so much. Of course, it has also drowned us in distraction and created a breeding ground for trolls and misinformation, but if the internet is redeemed by anything, it is its liberation of education.
When it comes to accessing this ocean of information, we have two basic choices: wired or Wi-Fi. The vast majority of schools have embraced the wireless revolution. It’s easy to see why. Compared to wired internet, wireless is simpler, cheaper, and faster for schools to install.
Today, students are trading notebooks and textbooks for laptops, cellphones, iPads, and all manner of “smart” devices connected to a potent wireless infrastructure that lets them be used virtually anywhere on school grounds.
But that wireless web comes with a devastating downside. Doctors and scientists say that the students and teachers who attend these schools are risking their health.
Radiation Dangers
Dr. Martin Pall, Professor Emeritus of biochemistry and basic medical sciences at Washington State University made a grave case about the dangers involved in his paper, “Wi-Fi is An Important Threat to Human Health,” published in the July 2018 issue of Environmental Research.
“The placement of Wi-Fi into schools around the country may well be a high-level threat to the health of our children as well being a threat to teachers and any very sensitive fetuses teachers may be carrying, as well,” Pall writes.
Since Wi-Fi is found everywhere from private homes to public spaces, Pall’s alarming claim seems hard to fathom. And yet his evidence is compelling: 23 controlled scientific studies demonstrating numerous adverse effects to Wi-Fi radiation exposure. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg—there are dozens more studies on Wi-Fi harms which were not included in the paper.
Wireless radiation has become commonplace despite well-documented evidence of its harm, with thousands of studies going back several decades demonstrating health problems associated with exposure. Some of the strongest evidence came last year from the final report of a $30 million, 19-yearstudy funded by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. It was conducted by the National Toxicology Program (NTP)—the federal agency tasked with testing toxins—and was designed to be the final wordon whether wireless radiation was harmful. It showed clear evidence of cancer and DNA damage linked to cellphone use.
Research Laying Groundwork for Off-World Colonies
Infowars – Before civilization can move off world it must make sure its structures work on the extraterrestrial foundations upon which they will be built.
University of Central Florida researchers are already laying the groundwork for the off-world jump by creating standards for extraterrestrial surfaces. Their work was detailed recently in a study published in the journal Icarus.
“I’m firmly convinced that by the end of the century there will be more economic activity off planet Earth than on planet Earth,” says Phil Metzger, a planetary scientist at UCF and lead author of the study.
According to the wealth management company, Morgan Stanley estimates the space economy will be worth more than $1.1 trillion by 2040.
“With economics moving in that direction, it’s important for us to get a head start trying to create the regulatory and engineering environments to make sure everything is done safely and justly,” Metzger says.
In the study, Metzger and the team of researchers outlined standards for simulated extraterrestrial surface material and then applied the standards to a simulated extraterrestrial surface material created in the Center for Lunar and Asteroid Surface Science’s Exolith Lab housed at UCF.
Gardening, Farming & Homesteading
U.S. Farm Debt SOARS To Apocalyptic Levels Not Seen Since The 1980’s Farm CRISIS
SHFT Plan – Farmers in the United States are currently burdened by levels of debt not seen since the farm crisis of the 1980s.  This terrifying strain on our nation’s food providers could ultimately have a horrific and possibly apocalyptic effect on the already strained food supply.
The rapid increase in debt held by Americans is a common theme in recent economic discussions.  While the mainstream media largely ignores the massive debt overload of both the government, corporations, and individuals, many others can read between the lines.  Once the defaults start, they will cause an exponential ripple effect that could take down the entire economy, and our food supply.
Not only is farming a demanding job (physically and attempting to comply with increasing government regulations while staying afloat) but it’s financially taxing.  And farmers are covering their losses by using debt: borrowed money, that many won’t be able to ever repay. According to Reuters, this debt is disastrous because it will eventually affect our food supply. The amount of debt held by America’s farmers has risen rapidly to 1980s-levels to $409 billion from $385 billion last year. Loan demand is remaining “historically high,” U.S. Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue said on Wednesday.
“Farm debt has been rising more rapidly over the last five years, increasing by 30 percent since 2013 – up from $315 billion to $409 billion, according to USDA data, and up from $385 billion in just the last year – to levels seen in the 1980s,” Perdue said in his testimony to the House Agriculture Committee.   “Relatively firm land values have kept farmer debt-to-asset levels low by historical standards at 13.5 percent, and continued low interest rates have kept the cost of borrowing relatively affordable.” But that doesn’t mean farmers won’t have issues repaying the massive debts they have incurred.
As Gov’t Pushes Mandatory Vaccination, Contaminated Vaccines Found in 3 States Causing Infections
The Free Thought Project – Last month, measles hysteria came to a head as every single mainstream media outlet across the country ran with stories pumping fear over some non-existent epidemic. Headlines like “For God’s Sake! Vaccinate Your Children!” and “Measles is on the rise. But telling anti-vaxxers they’re stupid won’t fix it” have run constantly since last month as the media and the government wage a war on those who advocate for vaccine safety and informed consent. There was one headline, however, that was the opposite of these and went entirely under the radar.
“Vaccines given in Kentucky, Ohio and Indiana causing infections,” read one headline that was suppressed to the deepest darkest depths of the search engine algorithm. After all, it’s hard to foster fear over a non-existent epidemic to encourage people to vote away their right to informed consent when the very medicines being mandated are found to be contaminated and causing infections. But that is exactly what happened.
Last month, the health department in Kentucky found out that vaccines for the flu, whooping cough, and hepatitis A not only weren’t working but they were infecting people.
As WKRC points out, the company Location Vaccination started providing vaccines for businesses in Kentucky, Ohio and Indiana in September. Shortly after, some people started noticing swelling and lumps at the injection site.
Only after multiple people across three states began complaining of infections did the health department step in and realize that the vaccines had all been contaminated. They had been improperly stored which led to this contamination.
The health department is now warning people in these states, who have received one of these vaccines, to be on the look out for infection as symptoms can show up three months after getting the shot.
Fatty Liver Disease Is Triggered by Choline Deficiency
Mercola – Choline, found in ample amounts in egg yolks, is an essential nutrient for brain, nervous system, cardiovascular and liver function, and is essential for prevention of fatty liver disease, including nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).
An estimated 90 percent of the U.S. population are deficient in choline, a nutrient required to move fat out of your liver.
NAFLD is the most common form of liver disease in the U.S., with an estimated prevalence of 30 to 40 percent among the adult population.
Choline deficiency appears to be a far more significant trigger of NAFLD than excess fructose, and the rise in NAFLD may be largely the result of the widespread avoidance of liver and egg yolks.
In the absence of sufficient choline, even healthy saturated fats can contribute to fatty liver. Choline minimizes liver fat no matter what the
The 5 Potential Benefits of Drinking Nettle Tea
Mercola – Nettle can cause a stinging sensation when its parts come in contact with your skin.
While it may be bothersome because of its stinging hairs, research shows that making tea out of nettle leaves may help manage inflammation and boost urinary tract health.
Nettle tea is an herbal infusion made from stinging nettle leaves. It is loaded with numerous chemical constituents that can benefit people.

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