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The Power Hour

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Today's News: March 05, 2019

World News
France’s only aircraft carrier sets sail for Mediterranean to ‘fight ISIS’
RT – France’s nuclear aircraft carrier, Charles de Gaulle, has been dispatched on a lengthy mission, following repairs. It is set to battle remnants of Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) and partake in several multinational drills.
Colombia border hospitals struggle with Venezuelan migrant influx
Al Jazeera – As Venezuelans pour across the border, health workers in Colombia’s Cucuta say that hospitals are at a breaking point.
FM Claims Pakistan Foiled ‘Missile Attack Plotted by India, Israel’
Sputnik – Fresh reports suggest that India and Pakistan barely escaped the mutually assured destruction scenario as tensions between the two-nuclear armed neighbours were drastically exacerbated by the downing of an Indian warplane last week.
Trump Prolongs Sanctions Against Venezuela – White House
Sputnik – The crisis has been brewing in Venezuela for over a month, as Washington has backed opposition leader Juan Guaido, who unilaterally declared himself Venezuela’s “interim president.”
US President Donald Trump on Tuesday extended the sanctions against Venezuela which were imposed on the country in 2015.
The document reads that the situation in Venezuela continues to “unusual and extraordinary” threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States.
“For this reason, I have determined that it is necessary to continue the national emergency declared in Executive Order 13692 with respect to the situation in Venezuela.”
The Executive Order, issued by President Barack Obama on March 8, 2015, imposed sanctions on seven Venezuelan officials over human rights abuses and corruption. Trump’s decision extends the measure for another year.
U.S. News, Politics & Government
Controversial NSA Phone Program Quietly Ditched – House Aide
Sputnik – First employed by President George W. Bush’s administration following the 2001 terror attacks, the NSA-championed phone data programme was reshaped into the so-called Freedom Act of 2015, which stipulates that Americans’ phone data remain in the hands of telecom companies.
The US National Security Agency has unofficially shut down a system that tracks logs of citizens’ domestic calls and text messages, a senior Republican congressional security aide, Luke Murry, said.
He specified that the agency hasn’t employed the Freedom Act programme “for the past few months”, while there is a chance of President Trump not requesting Congress to renew its legal authority, The New York Times reported.
Democrats launch wide-reaching new probe on Trump; Ocasio-Cortez under investigation
Fox – DEMOCRATS LAUNCH NEW, WIDE-REACHING PROBE INTO TRUMP: House Democrats on Monday opened a huge new avenue in their investigations into President Trump, with the chairman of the Judiciary Committee firing off document requests to dozens of figures from the president’s administration, family and business … Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., said Monday the committee served document requests to 81 agencies, entities and individuals, as part of a new probe into “alleged obstruction of justice, public corruption, and other abuses of power by President Trump.” Nadler said the investigations were necessary to make sure the Trump presidency isn’t a dictatorship. In addition to the White House, Nadler is also seeking information from Trump family members, like Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump and Jared Kushner; from former administration figures like former chief of staff Reince Priebus, former national security adviser Mike Flynn, former Attorney General Jeff Sessions and former spokeswoman Hope Hicks; and from Trump campaign figures like Brad Parscale and Corey Lewandowski.
AOC, CHIEF OF STAFF UNDER INVESTIGATION: New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortezand Saikat Chakrabarti, the progressive firebrand’s multimillionaire chief of staff, apparently violated campaign finance law by working to funnel nearly $1 million in contributions from political action committees Chakrabarti established to private companies that he also controlled, according to acomplaint filed with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and obtained by Fox News … Amid the allegations, a former FEC commissioner late Monday suggested in an interview with The Daily Caller News Foundation that Ocasio-Cortez and her team could be facing major fines and potentially even jail time if they were knowingly and willfully violating the law by hiding their control of the Justice Democrats political action committee (PAC), even as the PAC may have effectively supported her 2018 congressional primary campaign in excess of normal contribution limits.
Congress on Verge of Rejecting Border Emergency Declaration
Reuters – The U.S. Congress was on the verge of issuing a sharp rebuke to President Donald Trump over his declaration of an emergency at the border with Mexico, with a top Republican predicting the Senate would approve a resolution to reject it.
Already approved by the House of Representatives, the resolution to terminate the declaration has sufficient support in the Senate to be passed, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Monday.
McConnell predicted that Trump would veto the resolution once it lands on his desk, however. McConnell also said that that there would not be enough votes in Congress to override the veto.
That would leave the emergency declaration – an effort to circumvent Congress to get funding for a proposed border wall – in effect, sending it to the courts for a legal battle between the White House and Democrats.
US awards Lockheed Martin $1bn contract for Saudi missile sale
Al Jazeera – Payment comes as members of Congress look to punish Saudi Arabia for its role in the war in Yemen and Khashoggi murder.
Feathers fly: College dean quits over Chick-fil-A ban
Activist Post – A Chick-fil-A franchise in Stuart, Fla., was packed on Aug. 1, 2012. (WND photo / Joe Kovacs)
Feathers are flying over a New Jersey university’s decision to ban Chick-fil-A from becoming a campus restaurant despite overwhelming student support.
Cynthia Newman, dean of Rider University’s College of Business, says she’s resigning her position over the school’s opposition to the popular restaurant chain.
“As some of you already know, I am a committed follower of Jesus Christ,” wrote in a Feb. 14 resignation letter obtained by Campus Reform.
“As such, I endeavor every day to do exactly what Chick-fil-A puts forward as its overarching corporate value: to glorify God by being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to me and to have a positive influence on all who come into contact with me.”
“Everything positive about me and everything I have ever achieved — whether in my personal or my professional life — that is viewed as being good, I fully attribute to God’s working in and through me,” she added. “Anytime I am kind or patient or wise, it is a result of God’s goodness and mercy and my yielding to His presence in my life.”
She was recalling how Rider officials complained how the chain’s “corporate values have not sufficiently progressed enough to align with those of Rider.”
“I felt as though I had been punched in the stomach,” she explained.
Denver Airport Adds a Talking Animatronic Gargoyle to Debunk Conspiracy Theories
Activist Post – Some conspiracy theorists assert, persistently though largely without credible evidence, that there’s more going on at this airport than the usual flights and cheap peanuts. A 2013 article reported on a whistleblower claiming to have inside information confirming that the airport’s aerotropolis, or “Airport City”, which ferries 50 million travelers annually, also contains an underground military station contracted by the Department of Defense. This base, which ostensibly connects to a vast network of subterranean military installations via miles of tunnels, constitutes a top-secret Continuity of Government (COG) base that would serve as a fallback in case a severe national emergency compromised our central government.
The new interactive exhibit—a giant animatronic gargoyle—is voiced by a full-time actor who engages in humorous conversations with travelers as they pass by. In a video of the strange new feature, the glistening gargoyle, whose head and eyes swivel about like a robotic puppet at Chuck-e-Cheese, pokes fun at the airport’s conspiratorial reputation.
“Welcome to Illuminati Headquarters… I mean, Denver International Airport,” it says to delighted, and sometimes shocked, passersby.
The responses by the gargoyle, who states that he’s 243-years-old, are impromptu but so synchronized with people’s specific characteristics that it’s creepy.
Check out this video from the airport
While one might view this exhibit as an improbable or even inappropriate feature for an airport, DIA’s executives say it’s a strategic response to the conspiracy theories: harnessing the chaos and embracing the spectacle.
Fire Departments Are “Going Dark” and Becoming Secret Public Safety Organizations
Activist Post – Across the country fire departments in Connecticut, Georgia, Tennessee, North Carolina and Illinois have begun encrypting their radio transmissions, effectively turning them into secret public safety organizations.
The latest fire department to ‘go dark’ and hide its communications from the public is the Denver Fire Department in Colorado.
The Denver Post reported that once the fire department learned that they could no longer communicate with the Colorado Police Department which also went dark; they decided they had to do the same thing.
Fire department spokesman Greg Pixley said, “that the fire department was not planning on encrypting its channels, but said that the department later learned it would need to do so to facilitate easy communication with police. It’s difficult to switch between encrypted and unencrypted channels.”
A 2016 Homeland Security report titled “Considerations for Encryption in Public Safety Radio Systems” has served as a blueprint to turn police and fire departments into secret public safety organizations.
The report reads like a who’s who of federal agencies helping public safety organizations go dark.
On page 2 of the report the Federal Partnership for Interoperable Communications which is a Homeland Security organization, thanked four different Homeland Security organizations for their help.
The Federal Partnership for Interoperable Communications wishes to acknowledge the valuable input of the following groups and organizations: Department of Homeland Security OneDHSEmergency Communications Committee, SAFECOM Emergency Response Council, the National Council for Statewide Interoperability Coordinators and the DHS SouthwestBorder Communications.
How is that for redundancy? Thank yourself four times for helping turn public safety into a national secret.
Why does Homeland Security want to create a secret first responders communications network?
Pelosi to House Dems: Get Ready to Pass Dream Act
Breitbart – House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) told Democrats on Monday to get ready to pass the Dream Act that will provide a pathway to citizenship for “millions” of so-called Dreamers.
California First of 22 States to Challenge Trump Rule Blocking Funds to Planned Parenthood
Breitbart – Battle lines are being drawn as California becomes the first of 22 states to sue the Donald Trump administration over its new rule that denies taxpayer family planning funds to Planned Parenthood because it provides abortions.
Illinois Fast-Tracks Abortion Legislation So Extreme You Won’t Believe It
The Federalist – The leftist caucus of the Illinois General Assembly looked at New York and Virginia and said, “Hold my beer.” As a result, a bill being called the Reproductive Health Act and another piece of legislation that repeals the Parental Notice of Abortion Act have been filed and are making their way through the legislative process.
The Reproductive Health Act exists as two identical measures in the House and Senate. House Bill 2495 has a hearing with the Human Services Committee at 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday. The Senate Bill 1942 has not yet been assigned to a substantive committee. The two bills repealing the Parental Notice of Abortion Act are House Bill 2467 (which will be heard at the same committee meeting as House Bill 2495) and Senate Bill 1594.
What These Bills Plan to Do
The Reproductive Health Act is 118 pages long and presents so many positions that are problematic for people who are either pro-life or pro-liberty, it is difficult to summarize them all succinctly. The main thrust of the bill can be summed up in this one-liner: “A fertilized egg, embryo, or fetus does not have independent rights under the laws of this State.”
To that end, the bill allows physician assistants to perform abortions and eliminates restrictions on where the procedure can occur. Further, the legislation repeals several provisions of the statutes that give legal protections for health care workers and providers who refuse to take part in or perform abortion procedures. Like the New York law, this would allow for abortion up to and during birth and decriminalize the murder of an unborn child (through, say, physical abuse of the child’s pregnant mother).
U.S. Government Media Network Fires Journalists Over Report Critical of Soros
Judicial Watch – At the request of a scandal-plagued Democratic senator tried for bribery and corruption, the head of the government’s international media networks is abusing his office to punish employees behind a broadcast critical of leftwing billionaire George Soros. U.S. Agency for Global Media (USAGM) Chief John F. Lansing, an Obama appointee, is utilizing Stalinist techniques to retaliate against the journalists and producers involved in the Spanish-language segment which aired in May 2018 on Television Martí and was available for months online. Eight reporters and editors at the taxpayer-funded media outlet have been fired and Lansing has ordered a review of all content to address “patterns of unethical, unprofessional, biased, or sub-standard journalism.”
An employee at the Miami, Florida-based Martí headquarters said in a local newspaper report “the environment that has been created by the upper hierarchy of the Agency for Global Media is repressive. People write with fear. Adjectives are no longer used.”
Veteran News
Donald Trump Plans Cabinet-Level Task Force to Study Veterans Suicides
Breitbart – The task force will be led by Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert Wilkie and will report to the president within a year.
Economy & Business
US trade curbs with Turkey at odds with ‘mutual objectives’
Al Jazeera – The United States‘s decision to end preferential trade with Turkey is at odds with the goal of raising trade volume between the two countries to $75bn, Turkish trade minister Ruhsar Pekcan said.
Pekcan’s comments on Tuesday came a day after the US trade chief’s office announced that his country intended to scrap the preferential trade status granted to India and Turkey at President Donald Trump‘s orders.
In a series of tweets on Tuesday, Pekcan said the decision to remove Turkey from the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) would also affect small- and medium-sized businesses in the US, and added that Turkey would continue to work on increasing the volume of trade between the two countries.
Energy & Environment
US tornadoes cause deaths and loss, toll likely to rise
Al Jazeera – Search operation still under way after twin twisters rip through Alabama in southern US on Sunday, killing 23 so far.
Mysterious alien-like fish makes epic journey to California beach (PHOTOS)
RT – A large, weird sea creature that washed up on a California beach looking like an alien is mystifying researchers who have no idea how the rare fish got all the way from the southern hemisphere to the West Coast of the US.
The strange seven-foot fish washed up at UC Santa Barbara’s Coal Oil Point Reserve in Southern California and baffled all who studied its unusual round body and bulging eyes.
After much head-scratching and reaching out to fellow researchers around the world, it emerged that the bizarre creature was a very rare hoodwinker sunfish, or Mola tecta. So rare, in fact, that the species was only discovered in New Zealand in 2017.
“When the clear pictures came through, I thought there was no doubt. This is totally a hoodwinker,”said Marianne Nyegaard, the marine scientist who discovered the species. “I couldn’t believe it. I nearly fell out of my chair.”
Although the fish has been identified, the mystery of how it wound up on a California beach when it has only been seen around New Zealand and Australia has yet to be solved.
Science & Technology
Neuroscientist Researching Intelligence-Enhancing Microchips
Breitbart – Northwestern University neuroscientist and business professor Dr. Moran Cerf is studying ways in which brain implants could push humanity toward new intellectual frontiers.
Cerf believes that in as little as five years, people may be enhancing their minds via technology. “Make it so that it has an internet connection, and goes to Wikipedia, and when I think this particular thought, it gives me the answer,” he told Chicago’s CBS2.
“Everyone is spending a lot of time right now trying to find ways to get things into the brain without drilling a hole in your skull,” Cerf said. “Can you eat something that will actually get to your brain? Can you eat things in parts that will assemble inside your head?”
Black Smoky Ring Hovering Over Montana’s Snowbanks Spark UFO Speculations
Sputnik – The blackish hoop remained intact for a few minutes before breaking up into parts and then gradually dissipating, with not a single trace left behind.
Waking Times – The level of hysteria surrounding measles is rising fast, although there has only been 159 cases in North America this season. People are freaking out and blaming the unvaccinated for this ‘outbreak.’ Vaccine advocates are demanding that anti-vaccine voices are scrubbed from public view. Facebook is working to ban all informed vaccine content from the site. Lawmakers are proposing a flurry of legislation aimed at severely punishing families that prefer not to vaccinate, even looking to remove vaccine exemptions at the federal level.
Measles is a terrible disease, and no child should have to suffer, and while generations before us survived the disease, we have entered an era where the individual is pressed more and more to conform in every way to the demands of the hive. But is all the hype and panic aimed at the anti-vaccine community really justified? Are unvaccinated kids really the problem?
A government study actually belies this narrative, pointing out that the measles is actually transmitted by the vaccinated. Sayer Ji from Green Med Info discussed this in detail in a 2016 article:
Last year, a groundbreaking study published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases, whose authorship includes scientists working for the Bureau of Immunization, New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, and the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Atlanta, GA, looked at evidence from the 2011 New York measles outbreak that individuals with prior evidence of measles vaccination and vaccine immunity were both capable of being infected with measles and infecting others with it (secondary transmission).
This finding even aroused the attention of mainstream news reporting, such as this Sciencemag.org article from April 2014 titled “Measles Outbreak Traced to Fully Vaccinated Patient for First Time.”
Titled, “Outbreak of Measles Among Persons With Prior Evidence of Immunity, New York City, 2011,” the groundbreaking study acknowledged that, “Measles may occur in vaccinated individuals, but secondary transmission from such individuals has not been documented.”
In order to find out if measles vaccine compliant individuals are capable of being infected andtransmitting the infection to others, they evaluated suspected cases and contacts exposed during a 2011 measles outbreak in NYC. They focused on one patient who had received two doses of measles-containing vaccine and found that,
“Of 88 contacts, four secondary cases were confirmed that had either two doses of measles-containing vaccine or a past positive measles IgG antibody. All cases had laboratory confirmation of measles infection, clinical symptoms consistent with measles, and high avidity IgG antibody characteristic of a secondary immune response.”
Their remarkable conclusion:
“This is the first report of measles transmission from a twice vaccinated individual. The clinical presentation and laboratory data of the index were typical of measles in a naïve individual. Secondary cases had robust anamnestic antibody responses. No tertiary cases occurred despite numerous contacts. This outbreak underscores the need for thorough epidemiologic and laboratory investigation of suspected measles cases regardless of vaccination status.”Did you follow that? A twice-vaccinated individual, from a NYC measles outbreak, was found to have transmitted measles to four of her contacts, two of which themselves had received two doses of MMR vaccine and had prior presumably protective measles IgG antibody results.
This phenomenon — the MMR vaccine compliant infecting other MMR vaccine compliant cases – has been ignored by health agencies and the media. This data corroborates the possibility that, during the Disney measles outbreak the previously vaccinated (any of the 18% known to have become infected) may have become infected or already were shedding measles from a vaccine and transmitted measles to both the vaccinated and the non-vaccinated.” [Source]
Final Thoughts
There seems to be a massive disconnect between the demand to forcefully vaccinate children without their parents’ consent and actually caring about what happens to children. As Matt Agorist of The Free Thought Project recently reported, there are literally thousands of children within the United States who are being used, bought and sold as sex slaves. Do vaccine advocates care?
We are also in the middle of autism epidemic, and already 1 in 37 boys in America is diagnosed with this life-changing condition. And while the vaccine industry will not capitulate and admit any fault whatsoever, vaccines are highly suspect in this major public health crisis. And now the pro-vaxxers want everyone who acknowledges this glaring fact to just shut up and do what they are told.
As Gov’t Pushes Mandatory Vaccination, Contaminated Vaccines Found in 3 States Causing Infections
The Free Thought Project – Last month, measles hysteria came to a head as every single mainstream media outlet across the country ran with stories pumping fear over some non-existent epidemic. Headlines like “For God’s Sake! Vaccinate Your Children!” and “Measles is on the rise. But telling anti-vaxxers they’re stupid won’t fix it” have run constantly since last month as the media and the government wage a war on those who advocate for vaccine safety and informed consent. There was one headline, however, that was the opposite of these and went entirely under the radar.
“Vaccines given in Kentucky, Ohio and Indiana causing infections,” read one headline that was suppressed to the deepest darkest depths of the search engine algorithm. After all, it’s hard to foster fear over a non-existent epidemic to encourage people to vote away their right to informed consent when the very medicines being mandated are found to be contaminated and causing infections. But that is exactly what happened.
Last month, the health department in Kentucky found out that vaccines for the flu, whooping cough, and hepatitis A not only weren’t working but they were infecting people.
As WKRC points out, the company Location Vaccination started providing vaccines for businesses in Kentucky, Ohio and Indiana in September. Shortly after, some people started noticing swelling and lumps at the injection site.
Only after multiple people across three states began complaining of infections did the health department step in and realize that the vaccines had all been contaminated. They had been improperly stored which led to this contamination.
The health department is now warning people in these states, who have received one of these vaccines, to be on the look out for infection as symptoms can show up three months after getting the shot.
Study suggests spices outperform chemo and radiation for treating cancer
NaturalNews – Turmeric is an ancient spice commonly used in Indian cuisine. Aside from giving curries extra flavor and color, this humble yellow-orange root is rapidly becoming a new health wonder. It has been used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine, but in the past few decades word of its powerful medicinal benefits has reached the Western world as well.
In fact, turmeric now tops the list as one of the most frequently researched medicinal herbs. Its therapeutic use has been proven to be safe and effective in the treatment of various conditions and with no adverse side effects. Curcumin, turmeric’s active compound, gives the spice its bright yellow color and is responsible for most of its health-promoting effects.
Multiple studies found evidence of curcumin’s potential to treat or prevent a host of human diseases, including obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, neurological issues, cancer, and other chronic, inflammatory diseases. According to Green Med Info, turmeric’s ability to prevent and treat medical conditions has been linked to over 800 different diseases. Now, one of the deadliest forms of brain cancer, glioblastoma, can be added to that list.
Glioblastoma is an aggressive, fast-growing form of brain cancer which is usually treated with chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation. These overpriced conventional treatments, however, have shown little to no effect in keeping cancer away. In contrary, they may be making it worse.

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