July 18, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today's News: March 06, 2019

World News
Furious Muslim parents withdraw children from school claiming their children are being brainwashed about gay rights in equality lessons
Daily Mail – An estimated 600 Muslim children have been withdrawn from a school in protest against lessons about homosexuality and gender equality.
The pupils, aged between 4 and 11, are being kept home from Parkfield Community School in Birmingham to protest the school’s ‘No Outsiders’ programme, which teaches children about LGBT lifestyles.
The children involved in the mass exodus represent about 80 per cent of the school’s entire enrolment.
The Alum Community Rock Forum told Birmingham Live the pupils were pulled out of the classroom, because the school was ‘undermining parental rights and aggressively promoting homosexuality’.
‘Dialogue, petitioning and protests by parents have been repeated and arrogantly ignored,’ the forum said.
‘Our children, our choice – work with parents not against them.’
Friday’s action comes after weekly demonstrations against the school’s programme, including one that was attended by 300 parents and children last month.
Some Muslim demonstrators said they would rather leave the UK than allow their children to continue attending Parkfield Community School.
Some joined in with the chants and held placards reading: ‘Education not indoctrination.’
Parents’ anger is aimed at the school’s assistant head Andrew Moffat, who is behind the No Outsiders lessons.
He created the scheme to teach children about the Equality Act and British values.
Pupils at the school – rated outstanding by Ofsted – have five of these lessons a year, covering areas outlined in the Act: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy or maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation.
The programme was first piloted at the school in 2014 and is now also taught at dozens of other schools in the country.
School Suspends Pro-LGBT Course After Parents Pull 600 Kids out of Class in Protest
Update America – 400 parents signed a petition against the course, and many participated in a rally where they held signs with messages like “say no to promoting of homosexuality and LGBT ways of life to our children,” “stop exploiting children’s innocence,” and “education not indoctrination,” according to The Guardian.
But these were not conservative Christian parents standing up for their religious rights at an American school. These were predominantly Muslim parents protesting a British school for wanting to teach something to their four- to 11-year-olds that ran counter to their own beliefs.
Fatima Shah, one of the parents that pulled her kid out of the school because of the pro-LGBT lesson, explained, “We are not a bunch of homophobic mothers. We just feel that some of these lessons are inappropriate. Some of the themes being discussed are very adult and complex and the children are getting confused.”
In reference to the openly gay author of “Challenging Homophobia in Primary Schools,” who created the curriculum, Fatimah also said, “We have nothing against Mr. [Andrew] Moffat — we are as British as they come. We respect the British values … but the problem is, he is not respecting our ethos as a community.”
“We don’t send our children to school to learn about LGBT,” she added. “We send them to school to learn maths, science, and English.”
Turkey Reopens Main Southern Border with Syria After Eight-Year Closure
Breitbart – Turkish authorities have reopened their southeastern border with Syria on Tuesday for the first time in eight years, as the country’s civil war appears to be drawing to a close.
After nuclear summit fails, N. Korea reportedly rebuilds rocket site
CS Monitor – North Korea is restoring facilities at a long-range rocket launch site, according to a South Korean intelligence report. North Korea could be preparing itself if diplomacy completely collapses, or it may rebuilding the site only to destroy it as a sign of disarmament compliance.
Satellite images show buildings still standing at Indian bombing site
Reuters – High-resolution satellite images reviewed by Reuters show that a religious school run by Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) in northeastern Pakistan appears to be still standing days after India claimed its warplanes had hit the Islamist group’s training camp on the site and killed a large number of militants.
Bolton Threatens Sanctions Against Foreign Businesses Dealing With Maduro
Sputnik – The United States is warning international financial institutions about potential sanctions if they engage in any transactions that benefit Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, US National Security Adviser John Bolton announced in a statement on Wednesday.
U.S. News, Politics & Government
More migrants cross US-Mexico border in large groups
CS Monitor – More than 76,000 migrants crossed the US-Mexico border last month, more than double the number from the same period last year. Most were families coming in ever-increasingly large groups – there were 70 groups of more than 100 people in the past few months, and they cross illegally in extremely rural locations with few agents and staff. There were only 13 large groups during the previous budget year, and only two the year before.
The system “is well beyond capacity, and remains at the breaking point,” US Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Kevin McAleenan said during a press conference Tuesday.
55 Migrants Transported to U.S. Hospitals Each Day, Say Feds
Breitbart – U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials report that agents and officers are referring an average of 55 migrants per day to hospitals. Over the past four years, this resulted in a taxpayer cost of $98 million.
200 Cases of Mumps in Texas Detention Centers
Breitbart – Texas health officials report that nearly 200 people contracted mumps in migrant detention facilities located across the state so far this fiscal year.
Officials with the Texas Department of State Health Services stated that 186 people in migrant detention centers located in Texas had confirmed cases of mumps. The cases impacted migrant adults and minors as well as detention center workers, the Texas Tribune reported.
There have been “no reported transmission (of mumps) to the community,” State Health Services Spokeswoman Lara Anton told the news outlet. She said the state health agency is not aware of the vaccination status of migrant adults and children who enter the United States. However, “all unaccompanied minors are vaccinated when they are detained.”
Pelosi attends signing of New York’s new ‘red flag’ gun control bill
Town Hall – Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Monday joined New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) as he signed into law a bill that will give authorities increased ability to confiscate guns from dangerous individuals.
NYC Billboard Series Hits Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Again for ‘Green Raw Deal’
Breitbart – The latest in a series of New York City billboards warning of socialist policy consequences went after Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez again Tuesday for the Green New Deal.
Colorado, baker end legal fight over another denied cake
CS Monitor – Colorado baker Jack Phillips, whose refusal to bake a cake for a gay couple was partially upheld by the Supreme Court, also denied service to a transgender woman shortly thereafter. But the two parties have agreed to end the ensuing lawsuits.
Bill to Turn Entire State into ‘Gun Rights Sanctuary’ by Nullifying Federal Gun Control Laws
Free Thought Project – A bill filed in the Texas Senate would set the foundation to nullify federal gun control in practice and effect.
Sen. Bob Hall (R-Edgewood) filed Senate Bill 378 (SB378) on January 17. The bill would prohibit any state government agency, personnel or public funds from enforcing any federal gun control regulation or law “if the federal statute, order, rule, or regulation or international law imposes a prohibition, restriction, or other regulation, such as a capacity, size, or configuration limitation, that does not exist under the laws of this state.”
State agencies and local governments would not be allowed to receive state grant money if they adopt any regulation that requires enforcement of federal gun control laws that do not mirror in state law.  A person in the affected jurisdiction would be permitted to file a lawsuit with the state attorney general.
There is also a provision that stipulates the attorney general must defend any state agency or local government sued by the feds for not enforcing federal gun laws.
Last week, the House Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee held a hearing on a similar bill, House Bill 238.
Will 5G Cell Phone Technology Lead to Population Reduction as Large Numbers of Men Become Sterile?
Free Thought Project – I know that the title of this article is controversial, but the scientific research that has been done in this area inevitably leads us to some conclusions that are inescapable.  Our current cell phone technology produces electromagnetic radiation that damages male fertility, and the radiation produced by the new 5G technology will be much more powerful and therefore much more dangerous.  But most people don’t know about this. Instead, most people are greatly looking forward to the rollout of 5G technology because it will be up to 100 times faster than our current 4G technology, and who wouldn’t want that?
Clinton Hasn’t Ruled Out 2020 – Waiting For Mueller Report Before Decision
Infowars  – Source claims Hillary still considering 2020 run
Bill Proposed to Ban Drinking Milk From Hoofed Animals
Mercola – Senate Bill 15 (SB15) suggests amending a Tennessee code relating to milk products to make it illegal for a partial owner of a hoofed animal to drink the milk from said animal.
The bill is aimed at snuffing out herdshare programs, which are formed between farmers and individuals that entitle you to the benefits of owning a “share” of a cow, such as a certain amount of milk each week.
SB15 would not only make it illegal for herdshare owners to obtain raw milk, but it would also become against the law for the farmer running a herdshare to drink milk from their own cow (or other hoofed mammal).
Briggs reportedly introduced SB15 to close the herdsharing “loophole” after 10 children in the state were sickened by E. coli that was blamed on drinking raw milk, but no E. coli was found when the raw milk was tested.
You have the right to choose what to eat, regardless of the government’s opinion on what’s healthy or what’s not; once a healthy food like raw milk is outlawed, it’s s slippery slope to what other foods may next be deemed too “dangerous” for the public.
Sanctuary Cities Receiving Federal Funds, Despite Trump Order to Withhold Them
The New American – Sanctuary cities across the nation have begun receiving federal funding that was blocked by the Trump administration’s Justice Department because the cities had violated 8 U.S.C. 1373 — “Communication between government agencies and the Immigration and Naturalization Service.”
The first paragraph of the law reads:
Notwithstanding any other provision of Federal, State, or local law, a Federal, State, or local government entity or official may not prohibit, or in any way restrict, any government entity or official from sending to, or receiving from, the Immigration and Naturalization Service information regarding the citizenship or immigration status, lawful or unlawful, of any individual.
President Trump issued an executive order in January 2017 aimed at cutting off funding from sanctuary cities, but the order remained in legal limbo after a judge issued a nationwide injunction against it in April of that year.
An AP report on March 2 cited a Justice Department statement noting that about 18 months after the Trump administration threatened to withhold law-enforcement grants from 29 jurisdictions around the country it said were not cooperating sufficiently with federal immigration agents, all but one of those have received or have been cleared to receive the funding. AP observed that some of the 28 jurisdictions that have been cleared to receive the grants have not changed the policies that triggered the original withholding of funds ordered by the Justice Department.
Trump nixes public report on drone-strike deaths
THe Hill – President Trump on Wednesday ended an Obama-era requirement that the U.S. government publish an annual report on the number of people killed in drone strikes or other counterterrorism operations outside of war zones.
Scammers Are Spoofing DHS Phone Numbers to Get Your Personal Info
The Liberty Beacon – Americans across the country have reported receiving phone calls and emails recently from various offices within the Homeland Security Department asking the recipient to verify personal information or provide immediate payment to avoid arrest. These calls and emails are scams, according to the Office of the Inspector General, which issued an alert [last]Friday.
According to the IG alert, citizens have been notifying Homeland Security of incoming calls from department headquarters and the Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties in which purported employees of “U.S. Immigration” say the person is the victim of identity theft and asks for personally identifiable information. The true origins of those calls are being altered by scammers through a method known as spoofing.
“The scammers also pose as law enforcement or immigration officials and threaten victims with arrest unless they make payments to the scammers using a variety of methods,” the alert states.
The alert also warns of similar emails circulating with addresses ending in “uscis.org,” an imposter of the domain used by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, uscis.gov.
President Trump to Issue Executive Order Tying Federal Funds to Free Speech
The New American – During a speech he delivered March 2 at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), President Trump announced that he would soon issue an executive order “requiring colleges and universities to support free speech if they want federal research dollars.”
“If they want our dollars, and we give it to them by the billions, they’ve got to allow people like Hayden and many other great young people and old people to speak,” Trump told the crowd gathered in National Harbor, Maryland.
Alabama Court Recognizes Aborted Fetus as a Person With Rights in Landmark Pro-life Victory
The New American – Pro-lifers are celebrating a major victory in Alabama after the Madison County probate court ruled Tuesday that an aborted baby is a person with rights. The court’s ruling is the first of its kind in the United States.
NC Wants 40% to be Passing Grade for Public Schools
The New American – Lawmakers in North Carolina are working on legislation to cement a grading scale into place for public schools in which a 40 percent is considered a passing grade.
Economy & Business
China Suspends Sales of Tesla Model 3’s After Customs Officials Find ‘Irregularities’
Breitbart – The import and sale of Tesla Model 3 vehicles in China has reportedly been suspended after customs officials found “irregularities” with the vehicles.
GM shutters car production at Ohio plant
CS Monitor – After more than 50 years of churning out cars and trucks, a changing consumer market is forcing General Motors to end vehicle production at its Lordstown plant. It is the latest closure in a region devastated by the collapse of the domestic manufacturing industry.
China to pass new law barring demands for technology handover
CS Monitor – China is expected to pass a foreign investment law that will bar government authorities from demanding that overseas companies share technology secrets in exchange for market share. The law addresses a key stumbling point in the US-China trade spat.
Wall Street slips, investors await fresh cues on trade
Reuters – U.S. stocks fell on Wednesday as investors stayed on the sidelines following a strong rally this year, awaiting fresh developments on trade.
Science & Technology
Uber escapes criminal charges for 2018 self-driving death in Arizona
Ars Technica – A prosecutor in Arizona has decided not to press charges against Uber in the March 2018 death of Elaine Herzberg. One of Uber’s self-driving cars crashed into Herzberg as she crossed a multi-lane road in Tempe, Arizona.
“After a very thorough review of all evidence presented, this office has determined that there is no basis for criminal liability for the Uber corporation,” wrote Yavapai County Attorney Sheila Sullivan Polk in a letter dated Monday.
Latest Updates on Pink Slime
Mercola – In 2012, ABC News published an exposé that revealed a beef filler product that looked like pink slime could be found in upward of 70 percent of ground beef sold in the U.S..
Pink slime, technically called “lean, finely textured beef” (LFTB), is made from beef and fat trimmings that are separated in a centrifuge and treated with ammonia to kill pathogens.
The product’s maker asked the USDA to reconsider pink slime’s classification, which led to the USDA conducting a monthslong review and quietly changing its labeling requirements.
According to a ruling by the USDA, pink slime can now be labeled as simply “ground beef”.
With the USDA’s decision that LFTB can simply be called “ground beef,” despite its appearance as a strange, pink playing dough-like blob, it will be even harder, if not impossible, to know whether the ground beef at your grocery store or favorite restaurant contains it.
Sourcing your foods from a local farmer is one of the best ways to avoid pink slime and other questionable additives in your food.
Researchers: Hair dyes have a direct connection to breast cancer
NaturalNews – Though dying their locks might seem like an absolute necessity for many women as they get older and the gray starts setting in, new research from Finland should give women everywhere pause, as it indicates that this apparently harmless beauty ritual could be linked to an elevated risk of breast cancer.
For her doctoral dissertation, researcher Sanna Heikkinen of the University of Helsinki and the Finnish Cancer Registry, examined self-reported information from 8,000 Finnish women with breast cancer and a further 20,000 controls. Heikkinen observed a 23 percent increase in breast cancer risk for those who dyed their hair on a regular basis.
Earlier research similarly found that women who regularly dye their hair are at increased risk of other cancers, including brain cancer, bladder cancer and leukemia. British scientists have also issued warnings in the past about the dangers of both home hair dye kits and professional dyes applied at hair salons.
One possible explanation for the elevated risk is that certain chemicals in the hair dye react with other pollutants in the air to form tumors when used on a continuous basis.
A landmark study back in 2000, by researchers from the University of Southern California, and published in the International Journal of Cancer, found that women who dye their hair on a monthly basis double their risk of getting bladder cancer. They also found that the risk continues to increase with prolonged use, and that hairdressers who work with hair dyes professionally face an even higher risk.
These shock findings prompted an immediate review by The European Commission, the body responsible for drafting legislation for the European Union. The results of that review led to the Commission withdrawing support for hair coloring products in Europe. The Commission stated at the time that there was insufficient evidence proving the safety of hair dyes. While recognizing that a robust study confirming their safety would take years, they felt it was imperative to protect consumers in the interim by advising against the use of these products. They particularly expressed concern about the long-term effects of a chemical called para-Phenylenediamine, or PPD, which is commonly used in hair dyes.
8 Reasons to season your food with black pepper, the “King of Spices”
NaturalNews – Black pepper comes from black peppercorns — a tiny fruit of the flowering vine called Piper nigrum. It was hailed as the “King of Spices” by traders hundreds of years ago and was also considered as a luxury item in medieval Europe. Today, it is not only used for cooking, but also for medicine because of its powerful active ingredient called piperine. Black pepper offers the following health benefits:

  • Aids in digestion
  • Boosts cognitive function
  • Helps in weight loss
  • Helps maintain oral health
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Treats diabetes
  • Treats respiratory ailments
  • Wards off cancer

5 Old-Fashioned Toothache Remedies That Really Do Work!
Off Grid News – I don’t know about you, but I really (really) hate going to the dentist. Unfortunately, this means that I often wait until I’ve made the problem worse with my procrastination. I know I should go regularly, but I always seem to find a reason to put it off.
You have to admire our ancestors, though. Imagine having a toothache with no dentist (or money for a dentist) in sight. How did they live with it?
Most times, people used herbs to relieve toothache pain until they could find a dentist or until they could find someone to pull the tooth! Other types of mouth pain, such as sores from ill-fitting dentures or canker sores, were made bearable through pain-relieving and healing herbs.
Although most of these remedies have been forgotten due to over-the-counter pain relievers and better dental care, there might come a time when we wish we knew what these herbs were.
Let’s take a look at the top 5 herbs that work to relieve mouth pain or a toothache.

  1. Cloves

This is perhaps the oldest and best-known remedy for relieving toothache pain and helping gums to heal. My dentist actually has a little homemade concoction that his grandfather used to make to help with these problems. He won’t tell me everything that’s in it, but I can taste cloves and I must say that this stuff really worked to heal a stubborn sore on my gum!

  1. Cabbage

This common food once had an uncommon use — as a dental pain reliever! When applied topically, it is said to help heal mouth sores quickly, as well as numb the pain. Cabbage leaves were softened with a rolling pin, and then rolled up like a tortilla and placed where the pain was. This very old-fashioned remedy calls for using 4 to 6 leaves a day.

  1. The toothache plant (Acmella oleracea)

This little plant works so well, its medicinal use has become its name! Other names include buzz buttons or sechuan buttons. The flowers of this plant have a super-numbing effect in the mouth, even more so than cloves. If you look at the flowers, they do remind you of a tooth with a red “sore” spot in the middle! The remedy calls for using just the fresh flower and holding it on the painful area.

  1. Onions

Onions seem to appear on every medicinal herb list, don’t they? Some people claim that onion juice is so effective at relieving pain that it’s better than ibuprofen. I don’t know if that is true or not, but the remedy is that you cut a large piece of onion (apparently yellow onions are best for this, as they are the strongest) and place it between the teeth, as close to the painful area as you can.
Now slowly bite the onion, but only until you feel the juice come out. The idea is to get as much of the juice from the onion as possible. So bite slowly, turn the onion piece a bit, and then repeat until the pain is gone.

  1. Sage and vodka

This old remedy came to America via German immigrants. Since sage has antibiotic and anti-inflammatory compounds, this remedy makes sense. Two teaspoons of dried crushed sage leaves were put in a small glass container, along with one teaspoon of salt and about one-fourth cup of vodka. This mixture should sit for five minutes before using. Mix this solution gently, and then take a sip and swish it around, biting the mushy sage leaves. Then spit. Don’t drink this or you will most likely end up vomiting.
World’s second man cleared of AIDS virus invigorates quest for cure
Reuters – Scientific investigation into the world’s second man cleared of the AIDS virus is zooming in on a gene and a treatment side-effect, as newly-enthused researchers strive to find a cure for the disease that has killed millions.

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