July 3, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: March 06, 2023


WHO Aspires to Control and Manipulate People’s Behavior in the Next Pandemic: Trevor Loudon

The World Health Organization (WHO) is dominated by communist and socialist sympathizers and is studying how to manipulate people’s behavior, according to anti-communist activist, researcher, and EpochTV host Trevor Loudon.

“The WHO has a behavioral modification unit,” Loudon said in an interview with The Epoch Times on Thursday. Loudon explained that the behavioral modification unit means to “use psychology to manipulate people into following mandates, accept vaccines, etc.”

He explained his misgivings about the WHO’s mass-manipulation efforts, as well as his concerns that the organization is led by socialists, communists, and ideological allies of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

“[WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus] was a former leader of Ethiopia’s pro-Chinese Communist Party, who got involved with the Chinese through the Belt and Road initiatives in Ethiopia,” Loudon said. Ghebreyesus served as Ethiopia’s health minister under Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, a leader of the communist Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF).

Loudon also pointed out the involvement of Susan Michie, a WHO official and a member of the Communist Party of Britain.

WEF Seeks To Control All Resources And All People

To Technocrats, people ” become nothing more than cogs in the WEF’s great trans-humanist, technocratic machine.” This mechanistic thinking is at the root of Technocracy, which seeks to control all resources on the planet, including humans. As such, it is anti-human and anti-civilization. 

WHO Urges Countries to Reveal Intelligence on COVID-19 Origins After FBI Director’s Statements

In another narrative shift on the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic, the World Health Organization (WHO) asked governments with intelligence on the virus to come forward, after a growing number of U.S. officials signaled that it may have resulted from a Chinese lab leak.

“If any country has information about the origins of the pandemic, it’s essential for that information to be shared with WHO and the international scientific community,” WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said on March 3.

The request came after FBI Director Christopher Wray told Fox News last week that the bureau has determined that the COVID-19 pandemic’s source was “most likely a potential lab incident in Wuhan,” China. Wray’s assertion comes nearly three years after claims emerged that the virus emerged from the P4 Wuhan Institute of Virology, although such assertions were downplayed or even labeled as misinformation in early 2020 by so-called fact-checkers, social media platforms, and mainstream media outlets.

The very first COVID-19 infections were recorded in late 2019 in Wuhan. Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials have claimed that the virus was first transmitted at a wet market in the city, although a team of WHO investigators was blocked by the CCP from investigating the origins in 2021.

Public Health Experts Weigh In on WHO Pandemic Treaty Amid Growing Support for COVID Lab Leak Theory

The World Health Organization (WHO) has come under renewed scrutiny in recent days over its handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and its plans for addressing pandemics in the future.

This week, the World Health Assembly—the WHO’s decision-making body—began considering new ways to govern international responses to disease outbreaks. An early-stage draft before the Assembly includes both binding and non-binding language regarding how nations handle disease outbreaks internally, as well as how they coordinate with international partners. Article 15 of the draft document (pdf) specifically describes the WHO as the “directing and coordinating authority on international health work,” and says the WHO’s Director-General shall be the one to declare pandemics. The WHO’s draft document also calls for wealthier developed nations to reserve a percentage of the diagnostic tools and disease treatments they create to share with developing nations.

Some critics of the WHO’s proposed international pandemic response network have raised concerns that the system would require participating countries to cede a degree of their sovereignty, resources, and decision-making independence to a superseding global body.

“It [the WHO] funds a bureaucracy writ large: A new organization, a governing board, which would presumably be under WHO, requires countries to give a certain percentage of their health budgets to emergencies and sets up a supply network for the WHO,” said David Bell, a public health physician and former WHO staffer specializing in epidemic policy, in an interview with NTD News.

Chinese Lunar New Year Travel Plunged by 924 Million in 2023

The Lunar New Year is the biggest and most celebrated holiday in China each year. Each year Chinese people make billions of trips across the country to visit their families during that holiday period.

However, data recently released by China’s Ministry of Transport indicate that trips during this year’s Lunar New Year—which spans 40 days—had dropped by 924 million compared to 2019, the last pre-pandemic year with no travel restrictions.

The Lunar New Year travel period starts 14 days ahead of Lunar New Year’s Eve usually in late January or early February and lasts for about 40 days.

On Feb. 17, the Chinese Ministry of Transport released the travel data spanning 40 days before and after the 2023 Lunar New Year, the first new year holiday with no travel restrictions since the initial outbreak of COVID-19.

Trips via public transportation by rail, road, water, and plane plunged 46.5 percent to 1.595 billion in the period.

The same period in 2019 saw 2.980 billion trips via public transportation, according to that year’s official data.


THE UNVACCINATED ARE NOT SAFE!  A MUST WATCH!​​ (Treat with EDTA, high dose Vitamin C, Sauna, etc.)



Another Train Derails in Springfield; No Hazardous Materials Spilled: Ohio EPA

A Norfolk Southern train derailed in Springfield, Ohio, on Saturday.

The Clark County Emergency Management Agency asked residents within 1,000 feet of the incident to shelter in place “out of an abundance of caution,” it said in a post on Facebook. The shelter-in-place order was lifted later, according to an updated Facebook post at 2:15 a.m. Sunday.

The derailment took place at Ohio 41 near the Prime Ohio Business Park, according to the agency, which asked all locals who need the highway to “find alternate routes.”

Local and state first responders confirmed that no hazardous materials were found at the train derailment site in Clark County.

About 20 of the 212 cars derailed. Four tankers were identified to contain non-hazardous materials—two had a small amount of Diesel Exhaust Fluid and the other two had small amounts of Polyacrylamide Water Solution.

The Springfield Twp. Fire Department responded to the scene as well as the Clark County Hazmat team.

There was no indication of any injuries or risk to public health, they said.

A crew from the owner/operator of the railway Norfolk Southern, the Clark County Hazmat team, and the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency each independently examined the crash site and verified there was no evidence of spillage.

Feinstein, Fetterman Hospitalizations May Mean Trouble for Democrats

Senate Democrats have little room for error after Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) announced she was hospitalized with shingles on Thursday and amid Sen. John Fetterman’s (D-Penn.) ongoing treatment for clinical depression.

On Thursday, Feinstein, 89, said she was hospitalized with the virus and won’t return until “later this month,” while Fetterman, 53, was hospitalized at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center to treat clinical depression last month. It’s not clear when Fetterman will be released.

Two other senators this week missed votes, including Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) and Sen. Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) Merkeley said in a statement that he is in Oregon to deal with a “family matter,” while Crapo reportedly is suffering from illness.

Because of absences this week, the Senate is deadlocked at 48–48, forcing Vice President Kamala Harris to cast tie-breaking votes for Democrats. When Crapo and Merkley return, the Senate will be tied at 49–49.

California: Reparations Now Up to $360,000; State Never Allowed Slavery

California, which entered the Union in 1850 as a free state, is now considering reparations of up to $360,000 per eligible recipient — more than 50% more than the amount  floated as the highest possibility last year.

In December, as Breitbart News reported, a state committee considering reparations heard recommendations that eligible recipients — those descended from former black slaves — could qualify for up to $233,000.

Flynn Sues DOJ, FBI for Malicious Prosecution, Wants $50 Million

Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, former national security adviser to President Donald Trump, has filed a lawsuit against the Department of Justice (DOJ), FBI, and others, alleging he was maliciously prosecuted. He is demanding at least $50 million in compensation.

“Defendant maliciously investigated and prosecuted General Flynn by initiating and continuing a basbeless counterintelligence investigation and by filing a criminal information lacking probable cause,” says the suit, filed on March 3 with the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida (pdf).

The former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) under the Obama administration was investigated by the FBI starting in August 2016 for supposed ties to Russia. In 2017, he was charged with lying to the FBI during an interview earlier that year.

The suit alleges that the FBI, and later prosecutors from the office of special counsel Robert Mueller, investigated and prosecuted him for political reasons, considering him a threat.

“General Flynn—who already had a reputation as a hands-on disruptor at DIA, who had publicly excoriated the politicization of the intelligence community, and who had made clear his desire to overhaul the national security structure and the ‘interagency process’—was a direct threat, not only to the self-interest of entrenched intelligence bureaucracies and the federal officials involved, but to exposing their prior and ongoing efforts to derail and discredit President Trump,” the suit says.

Rep. Greene to Reintroduce Bill Banning Transgender Procedures on Minors

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) plans to reintroduce the “Protecting Children’s Innocence Act” sometime over the next week.

The bill, which Greene introduced in August during the last Congress, would bar sex transitions or other medical interventions on minors with gender dysphoria.

The summary of the bill reads that the bill “places restrictions on the provision of gender affirming care. Gender affirming care includes performing surgery, administering medication, or performing other procedures for the purpose of changing the body of an individual to correspond to a sex that differs from the individual’s biological sex.”

Specifically, the bill makes it a felony to perform such procedures on a minor and allows those who do so to face civil liability.

Many reports have cropped up of people who surgically or chemically “transitioned” only to later regret their decision.

Several transgender procedures, including both surgery and drugs, are irreversible.

The process of surgically reshaping genitals into a rough facsimile of the opposite sex cannot be undone; nor can double mastectomies, the removal of breasts, which are popular among biological women who identify as men. Cross-sex hormones can also have the effect of permanently sterilizing a man or woman.

For instance, one of the most popular chemical solutions among men identifying as women is Lupron, a drug that until recently was used to chemically castrate sex offenders. Now, boys identifying as girls all over the nation are receiving the drug.

Transgender ideology, which is prevalent among those of Generation Z and their children, has also received increasing pushback from Republicans.

During the third day of the Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) conference, Greene said Republicans have “a responsibility” to fight against transgender ideology for the protection of children.

“When it comes to kids, the Republican Party has a duty,” Greene said. “We have a responsibility to be the party that protects children.”

Arizona Governor Won’t Proceed With Execution of Convicted Murderer

The governor of Arizona on March 3 said an execution of a convicted murderer will not take place, despite an order from the state’s highest court.

“Under my Administration, an execution will not occur until the people of Arizona can have confidence that the State is not violating the law in carrying out the gravest of penalties,” Arizona Democrat Gov. Katie Hobbs said in a statement to news outlets.

The Arizona Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that state law barred it from not issuing a warrant of execution once certain conditions are met and that the conditions had been met in the case of Aaron Gunches.

Gunches, convicted of murdering Ted Price, his girlfriend’s former husband, in 2002, asked the court to issue a warrant in late 2022, “so his sentence of death may be carried out immediately. … so that justice may be lawfully served and give closure to the Victims family.” Then-Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich, a Republican, filed in support.

But the new top law enforcement official in the state, Democrat Attorney General Kris Mayes, asked to withdraw the case, citing how Gunches had changed his mind.

“The State would not have moved for a warrant of execution at this time if Gunches had not asked to be executed. And on that front, circumstances have now changed,” Mayes said.

Hobbs, shortly after entering office, ordered a review of Arizona’s execution protocols and has since appointed retired U.S. Magistrate Judge David Duncan to lead the review.

No executions should take place while the review is taking place, Mayes has argued in court.

Here Is Who Won the Trump–DeSantis Straw Poll

Donald Trump emerged as the clear winner in the highly anticipated straw poll conducted by the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), cementing his position as the preferred candidate of the Republican grassroots in his bid for the White House in 2024 with a commanding lead of 62 percent.

Trump easily surpassed his nearest rival, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who secured only 20 percent of the votes. This outcome was not unexpected, as Trump has been the top pick in the past five CPAC straw polls, which serve as a barometer of attendees’ presidential preferences.

Trump’s former ambassador to Denmark Carla Sands told The Epoch Times she anticipated the result.

“[Trump] was the former president who won more Republican votes than any U.S. president before him,” she said. “It doesn’t surprise me.”

Still, Sands had good things to say of Desantis.

“Desantis is fantastic,” she said. “He’s a wonderful governor, but Trump was the best president.”

Last year, at the CPAC straw poll in Orlando, Trump received 59 percent of the votes, while DeSantis came in a distant second with 28 percent. CPAC has also become a Trump-friendly gathering over the years, with several potential Republican presidential candidates, such as DeSantis, Mike Pence, and Tim Scott, choosing to skip the event this time.

Sebastian Gorka, Trump’s former deputy assistant to the President, felt the same way. When asked if he was surprised by the voting result, Gorka said, “No, of course not.”

Former Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake spoke highly of both President Trump and Gov. Desantis but believes Trump is ultimately the man to get the job done.

“This country needs Trump,” Lake told The Epoch Times. “And he knows how to win.”

Trump Pledges to Stay in 2024 White House Race If He Is Criminally Charged

Former President Donald Trump vowed Saturday that he will stay in the 2024 presidential race even if he is criminally indicted.

“Oh, absolutely, I won’t even think about leaving,” Trump told reporters at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Maryland on Saturday when he was asked about staying in the race if he’s charged. “Probably, it’ll enhance my numbers, but it’s a very bad thing for America. It’s very bad for the country.”

Trump faces several investigations, including a consolidated Department of Justice probe into whether he allegedly mishandled classified documents that resulted in an FBI raid targeting his Mar-a-Lago resort last year. In Georgia, officials are investigating his activity after the 2020 election.

On Saturday, Trump made reference to controversial comments made in interviews last month by the Georgia grand jury forewoman, Emily Kohrs, who had given indications that Trump may face charges. The forewoman’s appearances drew condemnation from Trump’s legal team, who told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution that they were considering filing motions after she elaborated on the grand jury’s work.

“Jury foreman, a rather bizarre young woman is going around doing media interviews and saying exactly what’s going on, one of many grand juries,” Trump said Saturday, referring to Kohrs’ comments. The former president told reporters that his opponents will “do anything they can to hurt me politically because they’re afraid of me and they’re afraid of you, that’s what it is.”

During his CPAC speech on Saturday, Trump also said the GOP needs to change its thinking on mail-in and early voting after Republican losses in both 2020 and 2022. For years, the former president has criticized both voting policies, saying that they are fraught with fraud.

“Change only happens if we plow fearlessly ahead and declare with one voice that the era of woke and weaponized government is over. That is our task, that is our mission. And this is the turning point and the time for that decision,” Trump said in a 90-minute speech at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center in Maryland.


High Dose Vitamin D May Treat Incurable Diseases: Experts

Vitamin D supplements are currently recommended at a dose of 600 international units (IU) per day by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), alongside a warning about potential toxicities if people take more.

But for some people, supplementing with what would be seen as a very high dose of vitamin D every day may reap health benefits rather than toxicities, experts suggest.

In 2019, board-certified internist Dr. Patrick McCullough published a report on the experiences of three patients who were taking high doses of 20,000 to 60,000 IUs of vitamin D daily for many years, all three of whom have since seen significant health improvements.

One patient started supplementing with vitamin D3 eight years before the publication of the report and saw his asthma attacks decline from five or six severe exacerbations per year to only one serious exacerbation from 2011 to 2019.

He initially started at 10,000 IUs per day, and by the time of publication, he had stopped most of his asthma medication and was taking 30,000 IUs daily.

Another patient’s ulcerated hand lesion, which was presumed to be a form of skin cancer, shrank after taking high doses.

One patient had extensive psoriasis plaques across his scalp, forehead, and ears, as well as smaller plaques on his chest, abdomen, elbows, and thighs. He was given 50,000 IUs of vitamin D2 and soon saw a dramatic improvement in his psoriasis. His skin cleared after a few months of treatment and he was able to stop using steroid creams and medicated shampoos.

While the clinical improvements are impressive, the dosages these patients received—which would be considered potentially toxic—are particularly astounding.

—> Power Mall Product of Interest: Optivida Vitamin D

Why Molecular Hydrogen Is a Superior Antioxidant

Molecular hydrogen acts as a selective antioxidant, meaning it doesn’t indiscriminately suppress free radicals

It uses your body’s biological systems and feedback loops to identify where and when you’re under oxidative stress, and when found, pathways are activated and key proteins released that cause your DNA to make the antioxidants themselves

Molecular hydrogen is not intrinsically an antioxidant. Rather, it helps your body make its own endogenous antioxidants. This is what makes molecular hydrogen so unique

Molecular hydrogen has been shown to have therapeutic benefits in more than 170 different animal disease models

The reason it has such diverse benefits in so many different disease models is because all of them have excessive oxidative stress, redox dysregulation and inflammation as their root cause. By regulating the oxidative pathways, molecular hydrogen is able to address these root causes

Pandemic Bill Mandate Accelerated 5G Rollout

The Secure 5G and Beyond Act (S. 893) and the Broadband Deployment Accuracy and Technological Availability Act (S. 1822) were signed into law in March 2020

The duo will accelerate the adoption of 5G, or “5th Generation,” wireless networks across the U.S. — and in so doing, force Americans to receive unprecedented levels of exposure to the millimeter wave (MMW)

The COVID-19 pandemic is causing unprecedented numbers of Americans to work and communicate digitally, accelerating the push for widespread 5G networks

The U.S. government banned the use of Chinese components in the U.S. 5G network because of surveillance fears, but privacy concerns remain

Once installed, you won’t be able to opt out of 5G exposure, so it’s important to voice your concerns to your local officials and vote for those who will protect communities and fight for citizens’ health and safety

Cardiologist Speaks Truth About Cholesterol and Statins

Is elevated cholesterol really a problem? In a word, absolutely! However, beyond that assertion, there is a lot about cholesterol that is little known or completely misunderstood. Elevated cholesterol levels feed the growth of obstructive plaques in the coronary arteries, and the higher the cholesterol levels, generally, the more rapid the growth of the plaques.

Very elevated cholesterol levels clearly increase the chances of having a heart attack as long as they are up, with the highest levels having the highest risks. So, significantly elevated cholesterol levels (280 mg/dL or greater) must be avoided at all costs.

Obviously, I want to get my cholesterol as low as possible, right?

What’s Causing Your Cognitive Decline?

A new study sheds light on the root causes of mental deterioration

A team of researchers from Ohio State University and the University of Michigan asked the question why.

What are the causes of age-related and non-age-related cognitive decline?

Published on Feb. 8 in the peer-reviewed journal PLOS One, the team’s research was based on data from over 7,000 participants who were part of a larger longitudinal study that ran from 1996 to 2016.

The data analyzed were from American adults who were born between 1931 and 1941.

This cohort came from the Health and Retirement Study, a much larger study of over 20,000 people over the age of 50, which had previously measured participants’ cognitive functioning.

Dementia Accounts for Only 41 Percent of Declining Cognitive Function

Researchers found that within the aging population of the United States, dementia only accounted for 41 percent of cognitive decline.

Of the people who have dementia-related cognitive decline, between 30 and 34 percent suffer from Alzheimer’s disease, 4 to 8 percent from Lewy body dementia (which is related to Parkinson’s disease), and 1 to 3 percent have some other kind of cerebrovascular disease.

But what about the causes of non-dementia-related cognitive decline?

The most important factor appeared to be socioeconomic.

“It is critical to discover why some individuals’ cognitive abilities are better than others, and why their cognitive declines are slower,” the researchers wrote. “Solving this problem has important ramifications for policymakers and medical interventions.”

Education Matters

The researchers found that household wealth and income, levels of depression, education, occupation, and race all played a role in predicting cognitive outcomes.

Study Shows a Common Sweetener Linked to Heart Attack, but Don’t Worry Too Much: Experts

Study Shows a Common Sweetener Linked to Heart Attack, but Don’t Worry Too Much: Experts

Erythritol Is Naturally Produced in Our Bodies

Erythritol is a widely used artificial sweetener increasingly used in many processed and “low-carb” foods. Artificial sweeteners like erythritol are generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

It’s a type of carbohydrate called sugar alcohol, like xylitol and mannitol, which are approved for use in many food products. Manufactured for decades, this compound is also found naturally in foods like watermelon, pears, grapes, and mushrooms.

It’s also produced in our bodies.

Erythritol is one of several low-nutritive sweeteners, and it’s made using a type of yeast to ferment glucose from corn or wheat starch.

Our bodies don’t produce the enzymes needed to break down erythritol, so after consumption, it’s excreted in its original state in our urine.

A mouse study found that erythritol inhibited any increase in blood sugar and insulin levels. This makes it an excellent substitute for those with diabetes or metabolic syndrome.

Hazardous Ingredients of HPV Vaccines Increase Risk to Young People (Part 4)

There is ample scientific evidence that suggests that the mixture of adjuvants contained in HPV vaccines and other vaccines is responsible for post-vaccination-induced autoimmune diseases in some patients.

Adjuvant-induced disorders have become so widespread that medical experts have coined a new term to describe this umbrella syndrome: Autoimmune/Inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants (ASIA).

In Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 of this series, we have discussed HPV vaccines and their links to ovarian insufficiency, neurological and autoimmune disease, the vaccine’s effectiveness in preventing cervical cancer, and the inability of clinical trials to detect safety issues. In Part 4, we will discuss concerns regarding particular vaccine ingredients and provide a reflection on the HPV vaccine development.

Summary of Key Facts

  • Adjuvants are used in HPV vaccines including Gardasil to get the attention of the immune system.
  • Aluminum is a common adjuvant in Gardasil that may be responsible for adverse events.
  • Another discovered “secret” ingredient of Gardasil “HPV DNA”, may also be responsible for adverse events.
  • Both immunogenic adjuvants may induce a strong immune response or autoimmune conditions.
  • Research should focus on careful risk-benefit analyses to determine which populations benefit from vaccination. Some people may not benefit from vaccination but would be best served by cancer screening outreach.

Opioid Crisis — A Result of Poverty, Availability and Pain

Evidence suggests the opioid addiction crisis is the result of a perfect storm of poverty, trauma, availability and pain, both psychological and physical

Among men, non-Hispanic Whites and those younger than 45, economic downturns that substantially reduce house prices increase rates of opioid-related deaths

Researchers have also connected economic recessions and unemployment with rises in illegal drug use among adults

Job loss due to international trade is also positively associated with opioid overdose deaths. For each 1,000 people who lost their jobs due to international trade — commonly due to factory shutdowns — there was a 2.7% increase in opioid-related deaths

Aggressive marketing is another leading cause of the opioid crisis. In states where triplicate prescription programs were implemented, which led to less aggressive marketing by Purdue, OxyContin distribution rates between 1996 and 2017 were half that of states that did not have such programs


IRS Warns Taxpayers of Consequences for Failure to Meet Certain Tax Obligations

The IRS has issued a notice to “gig economy” service workers and those who receive a foreign source of income that they have to report potential tax obligations on income.

An IRS statement issued on March 1 states that taxpayers have to report income from the gig economy on their tax returns, “even if the income is from part-time, temporary, or side work; paid in any form, including cash, property, goods or digital assets; not reported on an information return form like a Form 1099-K, 1099-MISC, W-2, or other income statement.”

The gig economy is defined as activities that people earn income from providing on-demand goods, services, or work—and it’s often via an online platform such as an app or a website such as Instacart, Lyft, DoorDash, or Uber.

Supreme Court Case Pits Postal Worker’s Request to Get Sundays Off for Church Against Government Contract to Deliver Sunday Amazon Packages

 In a case that pits the right of conscience against the threat of losing one’s livelihood, the U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case about the extent to which the government should have to reasonably accommodate religious employees’ requests for time off each week for religious worship. Specifically, Groff v. DeJoy addresses whether a postal employee should be forced to work on Sundays delivering Amazon packages in lieu of attending church worship services.

In an amicus brief filed in Groff, The Rutherford Institute joined with a legal coalition to challenge the United States Postal Service’s claim that such a religious accommodation in the workplace would cause an “undue hardship” on its operations.

“While the courts have held that employers should not have to suffer more than a minimal cost in order to accommodate requests for religious accommodation in the workplace, the religious rights of government employees should not be treated as negligible concerns,” said constitutional attorney John W. Whitehead, president of The Rutherford Institute and author of Battlefield America: The War on the American People.

Falling Labor Participation Rate ‘Really Troubling’ for the US Economy, Warn Experts

America’s low labor participation rate since the COVID pandemic has become a problem for the U.S. economy, according to experts.

Economists are saying that an unprecedented drop in labor participation throughout the United States after the pandemic hit in 2020 has become widely noticeable.

Health concerns, harmful reactions to the COVID vaccines, lockdowns, and stimulus payments pushed tens of millions of Americans who were still in their prime working years out of their jobs.

Three years later, many of those who quit working have yet to return to work, something that has alarmed experts.

A jobs report from the Department of Labor showed that U.S. unemployment levels fell to 3.4 percent in January, the lowest level in more than 50 years.

“We have an aging population, a decline in labor force participation, an increase in gig economy jobs And… the pandemic caused many to exit the labor force altogether, which has artificially lowered the unemployment rate, said Riley Giauque, an investment adviser, in a tweet.


Whence 6G: Critical Information You Need To Know

6G, compared to its predecessor, is expected to offer significantly better communication capabilities, such as Tbps-level peak data rates, microsecond-level latency, and 99.99999% network dependability.

Although 6G promises a lot, it is unlikely that 6G will be in daily life soon, despite the fact that several important companies and nations have already begun 6G research, as shown in the figure below, the telecom industry needs to address several issues before seeing the success of 6G. The difficulties are not only in THz technology but also in identifying applications that will fuel 6G adoption. IDTechEx has been researching 5G and 6G for years. This article will discuss some of the hardware-related hurdles to 6G connectivity, as well as potential applications that could drive 6G

AI Voice Generation: New Way To Hack Bank Accounts

AI voice generation software can be used to replicate voices and gain access to bank accounts.

Lloyds Bank’s Voice ID program was breached using the software.

Anyone with access to voice recordings could potentially use AI voice generation software to hack bank accounts.

Hackers Can Turn Microsoft’s Bing AI into a Scammer That Asks for Credit Card Info

Researchers at Cornell University were able to convert Microsoft’s Bing AI into a scammer that requests compromising information from users, including their name, address, and credit card information.

The researchers used a method they call “indirect prompt injection,” where an AI is told to ingest all the information on a web page, which includes a hidden prompt that will make the AI bypass any prohibitions preventing it from engaging in the desired behavior.


BITCHUTE VIDEO: LUCIFERACE 666 COVID MANDATORY VACCINATION TO CHANGE YOUR DNA AND RNA! (The surveillance state in hyperdrive … now used at airports!)

Federal Agency Advances Gas Stove Proposal From Commissioner Who Floated Ban

A U.S. agency has advanced a request for information on gas stove hazards after it was filed by a commissioner who has floated banning the appliances.

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) announced on March 1 that it’s seeking information from the public “on chronic chemical hazards from gas ranges.”

The commission released a draft public notice on the request for information but hasn’t released the final notice, which should be published in the Federal Register this month, a commission spokesperson told The Epoch Times via email.

Members of the public are being invited to submit comments on how many U.S. homes have gas ranges, how the commission should evaluate risks related to gas stove usage, and what information should be part of labels with warnings about hazards on stoves, among other aspects of the issue.

The commission is also requesting “proposed solutions to those hazards.”

The vote to approve publication of the notice was 3–1, a commission spokesperson told The Epoch Times in an email. Commissioners Mary Boyle, Richard Trumka Jr., and Chair Alexander Hoehn-Saric voted in favor, and Commissioner Peter Feldman voted against. Trumka, a Biden appointee, floated a ban on gas stoves in January.

“Any option is on the table. Products that can’t be made safe can be banned,” he told Bloomberg at the time.


Straw Bale Gardening: Don’t Overlook THIS Hidden Danger

Straw bale gardening can destroy your garden. A bold claim, but it’s true. Here’s what you need to know to safeguard your harvest.

Unfortunately, straw bales (and hay bales) can destroy your garden for years. How? Let’s take a look.

Those of you that haven’t read Compost Everything: The Good Guide to Extreme Composting may be wondering why in the world I’d state that straw bale gardening can destroy your garden.

My friend Andi knows.

My friend Luzette knows as well, though her gardens were destroyed by manure, not directly via straw or hay.

When I broke the story of toxic herbicides in manure back in August of 2012 via Natural Awakenings magazine, there were very few people that knew this stuff was around or how pervasive it really was. I wouldn’t have known either . . . if it hadn’t destroyed about $1000 worth of plants.

Since that first article, the stories keep mounting.


Mainstream Puppets Now Admit Lab Leak Caused Pandemic

For nearly two years, there was a complete ban on discussing the COVID-19 lab leak theory

Facebook reversed its censorship policy on the lab leak theory in June 2021. Now, mainstream media are forced to admit the pandemic was most likely caused by a lab leak

January 28, 2023, epidemiologists Colin Butler and Delia Randolph published a joint statement saying a lab leak is the most likely source of COVID-19. The two had previously authored separate reports for the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), which commissioned them to investigate the possibility of the pandemic being the result of “humanity’s abuse of nature”

February 26, 2023, The Wall Street Journal reported that the U.S. Energy Department has now revised its assessment of the origin of SARS-CoV-2, concluding the pandemic “most likely arose from a laboratory leak”

The FBI also concluded a lab leak was the most likely scenario all the way back in 2021, yet played a central role in censoring anyone who suggested this is where COVID came from

Doctors, Scientists Call on Mississippi Officials to Take COVID Vaccines Off the Market

The group of physicians, vaccine-injured people, and whistleblowers speaking at the Mississippi Capitol building on Monday and Tuesday weren’t asking state officials to cease all COVID-19 vaccinations and to convene a grand jury to investigate its rollout in the state.

They were demanding it.

“Stop the shots” was the refrain of those who had treated COVID patients over the last three years and those injured by the vaccine.

On Monday and Tuesday, the medical freedom organization MS Against Mandates (MAM) held the Mississippi Medical Freedom Conference in Jackson, Mississippi, which included over a dozen physicians, several whistleblowers, six physician-confirmed vaccine-injured patients, and two parents whose sons died after receiving the vaccines.

Dr. John Witcher is the co-founder and former president of MAM. He stepped back from the leadership position to focus on his run for Mississippi governor in the 2023 gubernatorial election.

MAM orchestrated the event that gave a voice to many who are being silenced in media and the medical community, such as Dr. Peter McCullough, a practicing internist and cardiologist in Dallas who is also the national medical adviser for MAM.

McCullough told The Epoch Times that the purpose of the three-and-a-half-hour roundtable—chaired by Republican state Rep. Randy Boyd—was primarily to educate Mississippi officials about safety concerns regarding the vaccine.

“The state must pull these products off the market,” McCullough said. “There can be no more administration of the COVID-19 vaccines in the state of Mississippi.”

McCullough, author of “The Courage to Face COVID-19: Preventing Hospitalization and Death While Battling the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex,” said the essential problem with the vaccines is the safety concern for the large number of people who have taken them without informed consent about adverse events.

“The CDC now says 92 percent of Americans have taken at least one shot and that 79 percent have taken two shots,” McCullough said. “If there are safety concerns, that’s a problem because the denominator is so big.”

Joshua Philipp, Robert Malone Discuss COVID-19 Origins, Vaccine Injuries, and Media Misinformation at CPAC

The Conservative Political Action Committee’s (CPAC) 2023 conference hosted a panel conversation featuring Dr. Robert Malone, an early mRNA vaccine researcher, Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-Texas), Jerry Daniels, a marketing specialist, and Joshua Philipp, an investigative reporter for The Epoch Times.

The discussion centered on COVID-19 misinformation, the potential control to be gained, and opinions on what can and should be done to retain the rights granted to Americans by the Constitution.

Jackson, who is part of the House Select Committee on Coronavirus, stressed that the biggest tools in the House will be oversight, and his committee will dig into everything that went on regarding the origins of COVID-19.

He believes government agencies have started trying to admit their beliefs on the origins of COVID-19 in an attempt to cover for previous comments. The lawmaker also reported that whistleblowers are “coming out of the woodwork,” to talk about how various agencies responded to the virus.

During his comments, Daniels pointed out that some in the media have been found to be complicit in spreading misinformation and stopping information on treatment, prophylactic medication, and the history and origins of COVID-19.

Daniels pointed to the number of independent doctors who were doxxed and had other negative repercussions for not treating the coronavirus the way government agencies recommended. The marketing expert said he believes that corporate doctors are up against similar decisions to what the media has to face, in deciding whether to sell out for money.

Malone made similar points, saying it is likely that the government via the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been withholding key information from physicians and other medical personnel.


The Truth Will Set You Free

It has become essential to enlighten people about the global forces that are trying to seize control, with the ultimate goal of eliminating human rights and freedoms, including your medical freedom

Google is a core powerbase of this global cabal, often referred to as the Deep State — a hidden power structure based on wealth and financial influence behind (and above) the individual governments of the world — because the cabal’s control powers hinge on electronic surveillance and social engineering

There is strong collaboration between organized crime and U.S. military intelligence going back to World War II. We now have evidence showing intelligence agencies have coerced private companies to censor and violate Americans’ Constitutional rights on their behalf

Understanding that The Great Reset is an enslavement system, some of the best defense strategies are to optimize your health, become more self-reliant and form communities willing to work together outside of the new enslavement system

Also, disengage from the control system as much as possible and refuse to go along with Great Reset agenda schemes such as vaccine passports, digital identity and central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), as all of these will be used to micromanage and control how you live your life


Rehoming a Dog Responsibly: What to Know

When we bring a dog into our family, most of us imagine that we will have that dog for the rest of the dog’s life. While this is the ideal, it isn’t always the reality. If your life circumstances change and you’re no longer able to care for your dog, there are ethical ways to find a new home for them.


Arizona Couple Shares How They Paid Off $52,000 of Consumer Debt in Just 18 Months

An Arizona couple who decided to combine their finances after getting married found out they had a total of $52,000 in debt. They set to work paying it off as quickly as possible and cleared the mammoth debt in just 18 months. Today they are sharing their tips on how they did it and believe that anyone else who finds themselves in the same situation can too.

Deacon Hayes, 40, and his wife Kim, 41, hail from Phoenix and currently live in Scottsdale, Arizona, with their two children: Finn, 7, and Avery, 5. Kim is a stay-at-home mom, and Deacon owns and operates the personal finance blog Well Kept Wallet.

After their marriage in 2008, Deacon told The Epoch Times that he realized that he and his wife’s combined consumer debt of $52,000 consisted of credit cards, a car loan, and student loans.

“We thought that it was normal to just get a loan to have the things we wanted,” he said. “When we wanted to go on our honeymoon, we put it on a credit card; when I wanted a newer car, I financed it; when we both wanted to go to school, we took out loans to help pay for it.”

Deacon admits that neither he nor Kim knew how to handle money well, but they decided to tackle their debt as a united front. During this time Deacon was a wood flooring salesman, and Kim was a history teacher at a high school in Phoenix. Combined, they made around $70,000 per year and had expenses of around $4,000 per month.

“The first thing we did was put together a budget,” Deacon said. “We needed to have a snapshot of where we were, in order to know what steps we needed to take to improve our financial situation.”

As a “big fan of learning from people who have been successful in their field,” Deacon turned to books by Dave Ramsey, Ron Blue, and Howard Dayton for ideas. He was inspired by the “debt snowball” method that was promoted by Ramsay. Following this method, Deacon and his wife listed all debts from smallest to largest and paid any extra money they had toward paying off the smallest debt first.

“Once that debt was paid off, we then put the money we were paying on the first debt, toward the next debt,” he said. “The money would snowball and therefore we had more and more money to put toward a single debt every time we paid off a debt.”


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