July 5, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: March 09, 2022


Ukraine’s Zelensky says he has ‘cooled’ on joining NATO and is open to discussions about control of Russian-backed separatist regions

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that he had “cooled down” about Ukraine’s bid to join NATO amid Russia’s war with the Eastern European country.

“Regarding NATO, I have cooled down regarding this question long ago after we understood that NATO is not prepared to accept Ukraine,” Zelensky told ABC News in an exclusive interview that aired Monday night.

Zelensky added: “The alliance is afraid of controversial things and confrontation with Russia. I never wanted to be a country which is begging something on its knees. We are not going to be that country, and I don’t want to be that president.”

Ukraine’s pursuit of NATO membership has been cited by Russian President Vladimir Putin as a justification for his decision to invade Ukraine.

Never Forget: The Same Politicians Calling for ‘Freedom’ Now are The Ones Who Took Yours Away Months Ago

In case you haven’t noticed, a line is being drawn in the sand: you either stand with Ukraine and unquestioningly parrot the establishment narrative — or you are an agent of the Kremlin. The war propaganda is palpable and we haven’t seen anything like this since the immediate aftermath of 9/11.

While the media and your leaders are demanding that you “take a side,” it is important to remember that it is entirely possible to stand against the Russian invasion in Ukraine as well as the folks who helped to instigate it.

There is no question that NATO policy over the last 8 years has pushed Vladimir Putin into a corner, creating a direct threat to the national security of Russia. And, as Chris Hedges points out, “Russia has every right to feel threatened, betrayed, and angry.”

However, he adds, “But to understand is not to condone. The invasion of Ukraine, under post-Nuremberg laws, is a criminal war of aggression.”

It is also important to point out that those standing with the Ukraine now, are largely responsible for the quagmire currently unfolding in the region. As we listen to political voices talk about standing up for “freedom and democracy” in Ukraine, their words ring hollow to those who have been paying attention.

For starters, Ukraine is not a democracy as democracies don’t take down three TV stations for being critical of the president. Democracies don’t kidnap and cage their political opposition, who happened to come in second in the election process. And, democracies don’t bomb innocent civilians within their own countries for not being loyal to the party.

Undoubtedly, the people of Ukraine desire freedom and democracy — but their leaders have made it clear that this is not their end game.

What’s more, those claiming to stand for freedom and democracy out here in the West, are not who they claim to be either. Just a few short weeks ago, they were carrying out incredible acts of tyranny against their own people.

“Today, as President Putin attempts to illegally and unjustifiably seize Ukraine’s territory, Canada continues to be inspired by Ukraine and its people, who remain strong, resilient, and determined as they defend their country’s sovereignty,” Canada’s Prime Minster Justin Trudeau said in a statement on Ukraine last week. “In these dark hours, Canada’s message to the people of Ukraine is this: You are not alone. We are standing with you. Our support for Ukraine, for democracy, and for human rights remains unwavering.”

Exactly how he said this through a straight face is anyone’s guess, as Trudeau has risen through the ranks of history’s tyrants rather quickly over the last two years.

Only weeks before claiming he stands for freedom and human rights, Trudeau began freezing the bank accounts of protesters who stood against tyrannical mandates. Citizens were beaten and arrested for protesting peacefully in front of the capitol. Not only did they go after the protesters, but the government went after the bank accounts of those who provided monetary support in the form of donations as well.

For practicing their free speech, Canadians were persecuted and driven into financial ruin by the government who claims to stand with the Ukraine. This was all carried out with zero due process and without any democratic input at all — completely voiding the statement that Trudeau “stands for democracy.”

When the American political class — who also claims to “stand for democracy in Ukraine” — watched as the Canadian government began financially persecuting individuals for their freedom of speech, they not only remained silent but facilitated it. This was one of the most tyrannical moves in recent Western history and instead of standing against it, the establishment actually supported it.

In fact, a poll by Trafalger Group for Convention of the States recently found that a super-majority of Democrats, 65%, actually thought Trudeau’s authoritarian move to arrest people and confiscate their life savings — for practicing their freedom of speech — was a good thing.

In a similar speech, like the one from Trudeau above, Biden talked out of the side of his mouth as well as he claimed “America stands up to bullies. We stand up for freedom. This is who we are.”

Again, these words ring hollow given the fact that only months before he said this, he was removing people’s freedom — forcing them to take a vaccine or face financial ruin.

Instead of calling out the establishment for these unconstitutional and illegal mandates, ABC, CBS, NBC, WaPo, AP, MSNBC, and CNN, chose to support the unilateral decision to force Americans to undergo a medical procedure against their will and vehemently defended it — claiming those that opposed it were the problem.

It is no surprise that these were the same media who have been marching us into a conflict with Russia over Ukraine — only this time, instead of stupid lies about horse paste, their disinformation has potentially catastrophic consequences.

We cannot have such short memories. The same folks who lied to us for two years over covid are again manipulating us into a devastating conflict with Russia because they stand to reap massive profits from war.

As Chris Hedges so accurately reminds us:

Only the autocrats and politicians who dream of empire and global hegemony, of the god-like power that comes with wielding armies, warplanes, and fleets, along with the merchants of death, whose business floods countries with weapons, profit from war. The expansion of NATO into Eastern Europe has earned Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, General Dynamics, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, Analytic Services, Huntington Ingalls, Humana, BAE Systems, and L3Harris billions in profits. The stoking of conflict in Ukraine will earn them billions more.

We must not let the purveyors of propaganda lead us into another Afghanistan or Iraq. We simply cannot afford it, and this time, the enemy is a far greater threat than an insurgency in caves.

Russia issues list of ‘unfriendly’ countries amid Ukraine crisis

Decision comes after Moscow released a list of countries taking ‘unfriendly actions’ against Russia after its attack on Ukraine.

Russia has said all corporate deals with companies and individuals from “unfriendly countries” will now have to be approved by a government commission.

Moscow said on Monday it approved a list of countries and territories taking “unfriendly actions” against Russia, its companies and citizens in the wake of severe economic sanctions over the Ukraine conflict.

The list follows a presidential decree on March 5 allowing the Russian government, companies and citizens to temporarily pay foreign currency debts owed to overseas creditors from “unfriendly countries” in roubles.

According to a government statement, the list includes Albania, Andorra, Australia, Great Britain, including Jersey, Anguilla, British Virgin Islands, Gibraltar, European Union member states, Iceland, Canada, Liechtenstein, Micronesia, Monaco, New Zealand, Norway, South Korea, San Marino, North Macedonia, Singapore, United States, Taiwan, Ukraine, Montenegro, Switzerland and Japan.

UK to phase out Russian oil imports by end of 2022

British PM Boris Johnson says the UK will ‘move away from dependence on Russian oil’ throughout this year.


China urges Pentagon to open up about ‘biolabs’ in Ukraine

Beijing said that the US defense department controls 336 laboratories around the world

China’s foreign ministry has called on the US to disclose information on the Pentagon’s alleged biological laboratories in Ukraine “as soon as possible”.

On Monday, the Russian military said Ukrainian authorities had been destroying pathogens studied at its laboratories. Moscow claimed that 30 US-financed Ukrainian biolabs have been actively cooperating with the American military.

Kiev has denied developing bioweapons. According to the website of the US embassy in Kiev, the US Department of Defense’s Biological Threat Reduction Program only “collaborates with partner countries to counter the threat of outbreaks” of infectious diseases. In 2020, the embassy called such theories about US-funded biolabs in Ukraine “disinformation.”

Gun Grab? Politicians Holding Gun Drive, Urging Citizens to ‘Donate’ Their AR-15s to Ukraine

Americans have expressed sympathy for Ukrainian amid the Russian invasion. Bars and restaurants have stopped serving Russian vodka, up to 3,000 Americans have joined the fight overseas, and now a Nassau County politician announced a gun collection drive to resupply Ukrainian Armed Forces with small arms.

GOP County Executive Bruce Blakeman announced the gun drive on Thursday and wants Long Islanders to donate their weapons.

“We want rifles, AR-15s, and shotguns.

“President Zelenskyy for the last few days has been begging weapons, begging for help. How could we sit by silently and not do our part?” Blakeman told ABC7 New York

Blakeman, whose grandparents are from Ukraine, told NYPost:

“Just watching the Ukrainian residents making Molotov cocktails in a brewery out of beer bottles shows they’re in a desperate flight and we can’t stand by and do nothing,” he said.

“There are people that will scoff at what we’re doing here today,” Blakeman added.

“Well, I want you to think about the French Resistance in World War II, where citizens took up arms against the Nazis,” he said.

Blakeman, referring to a tweet from the Ukrainian president, said, “As President Zelensky said: he doesn’t need a ride, he needs weapons.”

Dad Has Court Win After Going Maskless to Son’s Baseball Game

A father from Rochester, New York, arrested and charged last year with criminal trespassing for going maskless to his son’s outdoor baseball game has been cleared by a judge.

Attorney Chad Hummel was acquitted last week after a four-hour bench trial before Judge Joseph J. Valentino.

He faced up to 90 days in jail and professional licensing consequences if found guilty, as Breitbart News reported.

Hummel has since announced plans to sue the district over the incident and its decision to ban him from district property, which threatened to keep Hummel from his son’s graduation ceremony, the Daily Wire reports.

“Mr. Hummel is pleased with the verdict and he is thankful for the Court‘s thoughtful legal Decision,” a press release sent to The Daily Wire from Hummel outlined.

The release alleged two witnesses for the prosecution told “untrue testimony under oath” during the trial.

“Hummel cannot elaborate on their identity or the nature of the untrue testimony as he prepares for the civil lawsuit to come and believes that the civil litigation is the appropriate forum for that truth to come out,” the statement said.

Hummel was initially welcomed in the courtroom when proceedings began by dozens of people who showed up to support him. They reportedly started to chant “No more masks, no more masks” over and over.

He sent a “nine-page cease and desist letter to the school’s athletic director in response to the coronavirus guidelines on masks at games” and declared he was going to refuse to wear a mask to the games.

Hummel told reporters the reasons for his challenge, “Someone who has fought critical race theory at the school, someone who has fought the COVID regulations at the district, someone who has been involved in lawsuits for the school district, someone who has done all that is a target for the school district.”

State Agents Raid Preschools, Question Toddlers Without Parental Consent for Not Wearing Masks

For two years now, people across the world have been forced by their governments to muzzle their faces with cloth masks. Despite long-established evidence that cloth masks do not stop airborne viral transmission, tyrants from coast to coast in the United States and worldwide have continued to force them on their citizens, including small children.

Despite mountains of evidence being presented for the last two years and countless comparisons between masked and unmasked populations showing that cloth masks do absolutely nothing to stop the spread of COVID-19, there are still diehard pro-muzzlers out there trying to keep the insanity going.

Although they lifted the mandate requirement last week, the CDC still claims that cloth masks stop covid, completely ignoring the science. Luckily, in spite of this denial of science by the establishment, the pro-muzzle class has been dwindling and even the staunchest of face-covering supporters have been forced to reverse course.

In some places, however, like New York City, anti-science tyrants like Mayor Eric Adams thinks it’s necessary to keep masking children under 5 because they aren’t eligible for a vaccine that Florida just contraindicated for children.

Lauren Boebert: Let’s Delete ATF Records the Way Hillary Allegedly Deleted Emails

On Tuesday, Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) voiced her support for the fight against an ATF gun registry, describing anti-registry legislation as “BleachBit” which will erase ATF files the way Hillary Clinton allegedly erased her emails.

Earlier in the day, Breitbart News reported that Rep. Michael Cloud (R-TX) was introducing the NO REGISTRY Rights ACT to require the ATF to destroy its accumulated records on gun sales / transfers.

Cloud’s legislation also directs retiring Federal Firearms License holders (FFLs) to destroy their sales / transfer records so they do not fall into the hands of the ATF.

The Second Amendment Caucus, led by chairman Thomas Massie (R-KY) and co-chair Boebert, endorsed Cloud’s legislation.

Moreover, Boebert spoke to reporters about the legislation, saying, “Today, the ATF has a record of nearly one billion records on transactions [from FFLs.] The federal government does not need to know if or when my granny purchased a gun, dating back to the 1970s, and yet they are keeping that information.”

She added, “[The NO REGISTRY Rights Act] would act like BleachBit, something that Hillary Clinton made famous, and would require that these records be deleted.”

Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio charged with conspiracy in US Capitol attack

Enrique Tarrio, the leader of the far-right Proud Boys, has been charged with conspiracy in the US Capitol attack on January 6, 2021, the Justice Department announced on Tuesday.

The superseding indictment unveiled Tuesday includes several other members of the Proud Boys who are already facing charges for actions relating to January 6. It also reveals that Tarrio allegedly met with Oath Keeper leader Stewart Rhodes in a Washington, DC, parking garage leading up to the riot.

Tarrio and Rhodes met for approximately 30 minutes, according to the indictment, and at least one participant “referenced the Capitol.” Tarrio then traveled to Baltimore, according to the indictment, and he was not in the District during the Capitol riot.

According to the Justice Department Tuesday, “Tarrio and his co-defendants…conspired to corruptly obstruct, influence, and impede an official proceeding, the certification of the Electoral College vote.”


Senate passes $107 billion overhaul of USPS, lauding mail agency’s role in pandemic response

Biden is expected to sign the Postal Service Reform Act, a cornerstone of Postmaster General Louis DeJoy’s controversial 10-year restructuring plan

The Senate on Tuesday approved a $107 billion financial overhaul of the long-beleaguered U.S. Postal Service, providing monetary relief for the agency that leaders say will allow it to modernize and invest in efficient service.

President Biden has signaled his intent to sign the legislation, which has already cleared the House.

The Postal Service Reform Act, which passed 79 to 19, provides financial flexibility for the mail agency to take on improvements that have been debated for years. Republicans have traditionally criticized the agency as a poster child for government waste and incompetence, even as it won high marks for approval and trust from the public. During the pandemic, Democrats hailed mail workers as everyday heroes and pushed the agency as an example of the benefits of robust government services.

Gas prices are the most expensive in US history, breaking record from 2008 

After rising dramatically following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the price of gas reached a record, topping a high that had stood for nearly 14 years.

As of Tuesday morning, the average national price for a gallon of regular gasoline touched $4.17, according to AAA, the highest price ever, not accounting for inflation. That was up from $4.07 on Monday and $3.61 a week earlier.

The previous high was $4.11 on July 17, 2008, according to AAA. That would come to around $5.25 today when adjusted for inflation.

The cost for diesel is nearing the record of $4.84, also set in July 2008. The price for a gallon of diesel is $4.75, more than double what it was in October 2020.

One of the main components of the rising costs is the invasion of Ukraine by Russian armed forces. Tom Kloza, chief global analyst for the Oil Price Information Service, told USA TODAY that Russia is the second-largest oil producer in the world, behind the United States. 

Coca-Cola and PepsiCo suspend businesses in Russia

The beverage giants‘ announcements come shortly after a similar decision by McDonald’s

The Coca-Cola Company and PepsiCo have joined the exodus of international companies shutting down operations in Russia because of the war in Ukraine, suspending their businesses in the country amid mounting public pressure on corporations to punish Moscow.

Coca-Cola announced its decision in a three-sentence statement on Tuesday, saying: “Our hearts are with the people who are enduring unconscionable effects from these tragic events in Ukraine. We will continue to monitor and assess the situation as circumstances evolve.”

The statement came just hours after US fast-food giant McDonald’s announced that it was temporarily shutting down all of its outlets in Russia. Like Coca-Cola, McDonald’s hinted at the potential for additional steps, saying it would monitor the situation to determine whether more measures are required.

Report: Some in California Can Expect to Pay $8 Per Gallon for Gas

Drivers in California can expect to pay $8 per gallon for gas in many areas, according to an expert who says that the current spike in prices is unlikely to ease in the near future.

SFGate.com reported Tuesday:

California’s average price rose above $5 a gallon for the first time ever, hitting $5.44 on Tuesday. News of shockingly high prices across the Golden State is spreading. The Chevron in the town of Mendocino was selling regular gas at $8.45 a gallon on Tuesday.

Is there an end in sight to the high gas prices?

That’s the million-dollar question, said Patrick de Haan, head of petroleum analysis at Gas Buddy.

De Haan told SFGATE that he doesn’t see a drop coming yet, if at all, noting that California’s average could near $6 — and an increasing number of stations in the Golden State may charge over $8 a gallon.

Prices have been rising since the early days of the Biden Administration. Prices were near their current extreme levels in California in June 2021, when Breitbart News reported prices near $6 per gallon in parts of Los Angeles. They remained high throughout 2021, as Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) continued to deny fracking permits that would increase local oil and gas production.

Justice Clarence Thomas Asks the Supreme Court to Reevaluate Big Tech’s Immunity Under Section 230

Justice Clarence Thomas issued a statement on Monday about the denial of certiorari in the Jane Doe v. Facebook case. In his statement, Justice Thomas called for the Supreme Court to “address the proper scope of immunity under §230 in an appropriate case” available to Big Tech.

Justice Thomas narrated that it’s “hard to see” why section 230 is protecting the Big Tech from liability for companies’ “own ‘acts and omissions.’

“It is hard to see why the protection §230(c)(1) grants publishers against being held strictly liable for third parties’ content should protect Facebook from liability for its own “acts and omissions,” Justice Thomas stated.

“Here, the Texas Supreme Court afforded publisher immunity even though Facebook allegedly “knows its system facilitates human traffickers in identifying and cultivating victims,” but has nonetheless “failed to take any reasonable steps to mitigate the use of Facebook by human traffickers” because doing so would cost the company users—and the advertising revenue those users generate,” he said.

“I, therefore, concur in the Court’s denial of certiorari. We should, however, address the proper scope of immunity under §230 in an appropriate case,” he concluded.


Why Online DNA Testing Raises Serious Privacy Concerns

Online DNA testing has become a huge trend in recent years, and it has already taken many countries by storm. While receiving your results and comparing them to those of others can seem like a fun experience, it also comes with numerous strings attached that people often don’t think about. And this is a growing problem, because even when most of us do wake up about the situation, it will probably be too late. Companies have already managed to obtain lots of DNA samples, and there’s no coming back from that. The only thing we can change at this point is how much more we give them on top of that.

Not all companies are taking an aggressive approach to collecting data from their users. There are also cases like Legacy Tree, which strive to do things more professionally, for example, by providing direct on-site testing by specialists instead of sending insecure home-based kits. You can find more information about their progress through the market in the review by top10.com, which goes into detail about how the company operates and what their current goals are. However, they are not the only one – the market isn’t exclusively taken over by companies trying to exploit their customers’ DNA… at least not yet.


All The Benefits Of Peppermint Tea: Better Digestion, Focus & More

Peppermint tea is more than just a palate-cleansing nightcap. While it certainly leaves you feeling minty fresh, the herb also has some serious health benefits. Here’s why you should consider adding it to your well-being routine.

​​While peppermint has become synonymous with breath-freshening, this ancient herb has a long history of medicinal use. It dates all the way back to ancient Egypt (Cool fact: there’s evidence that dried peppermint leaves were found in tombs inside the pyramids), when it was used for everything from combating headaches to improving digestion. Some even called peppermint one of the most versatile herbs in the world, a title it shares with lavender

Peppermint tea is made from steeping fresh or dried peppermint leaves in hot water. As the leaves sit in the water, the essential oils are released and you get to reap the benefits as you sip it.

Benefits of peppermint tea.

Before jumping into the benefits of peppermint tea, it’s worth noting that most available research features peppermint oil, specifically. While peppermint tea does contain peppermint oil, capsules and essential oils typically have more concentrated doses. That being said, there’s lots of anecdotal evidence and logical conclusions that can be applied to peppermint tea based on the research and expert insights.

  1. Helps with digestion
  2. May improve focus and memory
  3. Eases headaches
  4. May improve sleep
  5. Fights off free radicals
  6. Makes your skin glow


See confrontation of top scientist who hid truth about ivermectin

‘You seem to be able to bear the burden of many, many deaths’

At a time when the nations of the world were recording about 15,000 COVID deaths per day, Dr. Andrew Hill of the University of Liverpool was about to publish a meta-analysis for the World Health Organization and other leading health agencies indicating the remarkable effectiveness of a repurposed drug in treating COVID-19, reducing hospitalization by some 80%.

But when he published his highly influential pre-print paper on Jan. 18, 2021, his stated conclusion didn’t match the study’s findings.

Instead of urging physicians around the world who were desperate for solutions to try the safe and effective drug, Hill wrote: “Ivermectin should be validated in larger appropriately controlled randomized trials before the results are sufficient for review by regulatory authorities.”

The English researcher’s turnabout didn’t go unnoticed.

A colleague, Dr. Tess Lawrie, confronted Hill in a remarkable Zoom video conversation that was recorded and featured in a short documentary produced by Oracle Films.

Lawrie, the director of the Evidence-Based Medicine Consultancy at the University of the Witwatersrand in Bath, England, got Hill to admit that his non-profit sponsors, UNITAID, pressured him to alter his conclusion.

UNITAID bills itself as a “global health agency.” It’s funded by vaccine promoters such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which committed $120 million to an expensive ivermectin competitor, a Merck drug called molnupiravir. Some medical scientists have warned that the genotoxic molnupiravir could cause viral mutants and worsen the pandemic.

“I think I’m in a very sensitive position here,” Hill told Lawrie.

She replied, “Lots of people are in sensitive positions; they’re in hospital, in ICUs dying, and they need this medicine.”

It turned out that the University of Liverpool received $40 million from UNITAID just four days before the publication of Hill’s study.

Lawrie noted to Hill that is not a clinician.

“You’re not seeing people dying every day. And this medicine prevents deaths by 80%. So, 80% of those people who are dying today don’t need to die because there’s Ivermectin.”

Hill argued that the National Institutes of Health would not agree to recommend ivermectin.

“Yeah,” Lawrie replied, “because the NIH is owned by the vaccine lobby.

“This is bad research. So at this point, I am really, really worried about you,” she said.

“OK,” Hill said, visibly uncomfortable. “Yeah. I mean, it’s a difficult situation.”

“No, you might be in a difficult situation. I’m not because I have no paymaster,” Lawrie said. “So, how long are you going to let people carry on dying unnecessarily — up to you? What is the timeline you’ve allowed for this, then?”

Hill said the study needs to go to the WHO, NIH, the Food and Drug Administration and the European Medicines Agency.

“And they’ve got to decide when they think enough is enough,” he said.

Dr. David Martin: “We Now Have Data” Which PROVES COVID Shots “Modify the Genome”

Dr. David Martin told the “Thrive Time Show” host Clay Clark that the mRNA “vaccines” are actually now being proven by data to be gene therapy drugs designed to harm people. “We now have data that has been clearly published in the last several days showing that mRNA does get into the genome, does modify the genome,” Dr. Martin said.

COVID-19 mRNA Shots Are Legally Not Vaccines

According to a report by Natural News, Dr. Martin went on to say: “[these shot] is not something that’s just this innocent little shot that creates a spike protein and you kind of get you fever and get you COVID symptoms and you get over them,” Martin said during the March 2 episode of the “Thrive Time Show” on Brighteon.TV.

The Truth Comes Out: It DOES Alter Your Genetic Material

“This is a genetic engineering and genetic modification, as stated by the companies. And it is, in fact, gene therapy, designed to harm humanity and perpetually make humanity a slave to the ongoing gene editing fantasies of psychopaths.”

“Most people don’t understand that this whole thing, this whole mess that we’re in right now actually started in the 1950s, when we took what was chromosomes, which is the naturally occurring form of nucleic acids in the human body, and pulled them apart and turn them into what we call DNA, that model does not exist. In reality, it doesn’t exist in any living system. What do exist are chromosomes, the entangled version of nucleic acids. But what we did was we took them apart, we took them into these long strings. And then what we found is that there are sequences inside of those we call genes. In those genes, what we found was sub-sequences which actually are the ability to insert or delete information into the genome.”

“The bottom line is to have a worldview that says, ‘We, those individuals who have creative thought, who have freedom of expression who have liberty, we are going to be exterminated so that [humanity] become a slave race bent on the consumption and control of a few people who think they’re the programmers,’” Martin added.

Has Humanity Won? Almost…Here’s The Next Step

These vaccines have been a necessary part of the agenda to enslave us all. They are making it more than obvious at this point. Prepare for the next “announcement” or “crisis”. Eventually, we’ll see what these sociopaths have in store for us all and what role these “vaccines” will play. It’s not looking good.

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