June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: March 11, 2024


US Embassy Issues Warning on ‘Imminent’ Terrorist Attack in Russia

The U.S. Embassy in Russia issued a warning that an “imminent” terrorist attack will occur in Moscow, coming hours after Russian officials said they prevented a terror plot at a synagogue in the city.  U.S. citizens residing or visiting Moscow were told to avoid large gatherings over last weekend according to information posted on the embassy website last Friday.  Other details were not provided.  Russian security officials said that it prevented an ISIS cell operating in a Russian region from carrying out an attack on a synagogue targeting Jewish worshippers in Moscow, reported state-run TASS News. Those reports said that it was part of the Afghan wing of the group, known as ISIS-Khorasan. It was unclear if the two statements from the embassy and Russian officials were linked.

The Russian Federal Security Service (FSB), a successor to the Soviet KGB, said that they were “preparing to attack the congregants of a synagogue using firearms,” according to state-backed media, adding that members of the terrorist group fought back and were “neutralized” by the security service.

Recently, Russia’s Ministry of Defense issued a warning to U.S. Embassy diplomats, including the U.S. ambassador to Russia, that it is targeting three American nongovernmental organizations, or NGOs. Any diplomat who is found to be associated with the NGOs, it said, will be forced to depart the country, the ministry said.

The ministry said it had summoned U.S. Ambassador Lynne Tracy to inform her of the decision, adding those NGOs will be banned soon for carrying out “anti-Russian programs and projects aimed at recruiting ‘agents of influence’ under the guise of educational and cultural exchanges,” state media reported.

The warning was issued about a week before the Russian presidential election, where longtime President Vladimir Putin is expected to be reelected.

Polish Foreign Minister Says Sending NATO Troops Into Ukraine ‘Not Unthinkable’

Poland’s foreign minister says the presence of NATO forces “is not unthinkable” and that he appreciates the French president for not ruling out that idea.

Radek Sikorski made the observation during a discussion marking the 25th anniversary of Poland’s NATO membership in the Polish parliament on Friday, and the Foreign Ministry tweeted the comments later in English.

Last month French President Emmanuel Macron said the possibility of Western troops being sent to Ukraine could not be ruled out, a comment that prompted an outcry from other leaders. French officials later sought to clarify Macron ́s remarks and tamp down the backlash, while insisting on the need to send a clear signal to Russia that it cannot win its war in Ukraine.

The Kremlin has warned that if NATO sends combat troops, a direct conflict between the alliance and Russia would be inevitable. Russian President Vladimir Putin said such a move would risk a global nuclear conflict.

Poland’s Prime Minister Donald Tusk was among those European leaders who ruled out sending troops to Ukraine after Macron’s remarks, saying: “Poland does not plan to send its troops to the territory of Ukraine.”

Sikorski did not speak of a plan to send Polish troops to Ukraine, but struck a different tone.

“The presence of NATO forces in Ukraine is not unthinkable,” he said, according to the Foreign Ministry. He said he appreciated Macron’s initiative “because it is about Putin being afraid, not us being afraid of Putin.”

Polish President Andrzej Duda and Prime Minister Tusk will travel to Washington for a meeting at the White House next Tuesday. The Poles are hoping to spur the United States to do more to help Ukraine.

Poland is a member of NATO along the alliance’s eastern flank, with Ukraine across its eastern border. The country has been under Russian control in the past, and fears run high that if Russia wins in Ukraine, it could next target other countries in a region that Moscow views as its sphere of interest.

‘Historic Victory for Family Values’ — Irish Voters Reject Attempts to Redefine Family in National Referendum

The Irish public has given a “historic victory for family values” as the neo-liberal government in Dublin has acknowledged that voters have rejected attempts to redefine marriage and the role of women in the constitution.

With early tallies pointing to a resounding defeat for two referenda seeking to change the definition of marriage and remove references to the pivotal role mothers play in domestic life within the constitution, the government’s transport minister Eamon Ryan conceded on Saturday morning that the “voice of the people” must be respected.

“It’s clear we lost,” said Mr Ryan per the Irish Examiner, adding: “But you have to respect the voice of the people.

“We have to wait until the final count is done but if it is a no-no vote, we have to respect that… I don’t think you can respect the people’s vote by saying “what went wrong, the people didn’t vote the right way”.

Other backers of the dual referenda, however, have attempted to blame supposed “misinformation” and a general ignorance among the public for failing to go along with their elitist conceptions of gender and family. Ironically, videos produced by the government in favor of the referenda were flagged by X Community Notes for allegedly spreading misinformation.

The first referendum sought to change the legal definition of family from one based on marriage to one that would include dubiously dubbed “durable” relationships, which some have warned could see polygamy become legally recognised in Ireland.

Meanwhile, the second question posed to voters was whether to remove supposedly “sexist” references to women and their role in organizing domestic life to a gender-neutral concept of “care”. Opponents argued that this would remove protections for mothers to not be forced into work outside of the home rather than being able to focus on rearing the next generation.

The defeat for both measures represents a significant embarrassment for Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar and his supposedly center-right Fine Gael government as well as for the so-called ‘opposition’ leftist parties, including the IRA-linked leftist-separatist Sinn Fein party, as well as Labour and the Social Democrats.

To change the Constitution of Ireland, the government needs the assent of the public, and therefore was required to put the measures up for votes in the referendum. While early indications showed a clear victory against the measure, the full tallies will not be made public until later on Saturday evening.

Commenting on the apparent defeat of the government in the votes, the campaign group Family Solidarity described the votes as an “historic victory for family values”.

“On International Women’s Day, the proposed referendum to redefine the family in the Irish Constitution has been resoundingly defeated. Our country has shown its commitment to the traditional understanding of the family as based on marriage.

German man got 217 COVID shots over 29 months—here’s how it went

A 62-year-old man in Germany decided to get 217 COVID-19 vaccinations over the course of 29 months —for “private reasons.” But, somewhat surprisingly, he doesn’t seem to have suffered any ill effects from the excessive immunization, particularly weaker immune responses, according to a newly published case study in The Lancet Infectious Diseases.

The case is just one person, of course, so the findings can’t be extrapolated to the general population. But, they conflict with a widely held concern among researchers that such overexposure to vaccination could lead to weaker immune responses. Some experts have raised this concern in discussions over how frequently people should get COVID-19 booster doses.

In cases of chronic exposure to a disease-causing germ, “there is an indication that certain types of immune cells, known as T-cells, then become fatigued, leading to them releasing fewer pro-inflammatory messenger substances,” according to co-lead study author Kilian Schober from the Institute of Microbiology – Clinical Microbiology, Immunology and Hygiene. This, along with other effects, can lead to “immune tolerance” that leads to weaker responses that are less effective at fighting off a pathogen, Schober explained in a news release.

The German man’s extreme history of hypervaccination seemed like a good case to look for evidence of such tolerance and weaker responses. Schober and his colleagues learned of the man’s case through news headlines—officials had opened a fraud investigation against the man, confirming 130 vaccinations over nine months, but no criminal charges were ever filed. “We then contacted him and invited him to undergo various tests in Erlangen [a city in Bavaria],” Schober said. “He was very interested in doing so.” The man then reported an additional 87 vaccinations to the researchers, which in total included eight different vaccine formulations, including updated boosters.

The researchers were able to collect blood and saliva samples from the man during his 214th to 217th vaccine doses. They compared his immune responses to those of 29 people who had received a standard three-dose series.

Throughout the dizzying number of vaccines, the man never reported any vaccine side effects, and his clinical testing revealed no abnormalities related to hypervaccination. The researchers conducted a detailed look at his responses to the vaccines, finding that while some aspects of his protection were stronger, on the whole, his immune responses were functionally similar to those from people who had far fewer doses. Vaccine-spurred antibody levels in his blood rose after a new dose but then began declining, similar to what was seen in the controls.

His antibodies’ ability to neutralize SARS-CoV-2 appeared to be between fivefold and 11-fold higher than in controls, but the researchers noted that this was due to a higher quantity of antibodies, not more potent antibodies. Specific subsets of immune cells, namely B-cells trained against SARS-CoV-2’s spike protein and T effector cells, were elevated compared with controls. But they seemed to function normally. As another type of control, the researchers also looked at the man’s immune response to an unrelated virus, Epstein-Barr, which causes mononucleosis. They found that the unbridled immunizations did not negatively impact responses to that virus, suggesting there were no ill effects on immune responses generally.

Last, multiple types of testing indicated that the man has never been infected with SARS-CoV-2. But the researchers were cautious to note that this may be due to other precautions the man took beyond getting 217 vaccines.

“In summary, our case report shows that SARS-CoV-2 hypervaccination did not lead to adverse events and increased the quantity of spike-specific antibodies and T cells without having a strong positive or negative effect on the intrinsic quality of adaptive immune responses,” the authors concluded. “Importantly,” they added, “we do not endorse hypervaccination as a strategy to enhance adaptive immunity.”

US flies forces in to beef up security at embassy in Haiti and evacuate nonessential personnel

The U.S. military saidyesterday that it had flown forces in to beef up security at the U.S. Embassy in Haiti and allow nonessential personnel to leave.

The aircraft flew to the embassy compound, the U.S. Southern Command said, meaning that the effort involved helicopters. It was careful to point out that “no Haitians were on board the military aircraft.” That seemed aimed at quashing any speculation that senior government officials might be leaving as the gang attacks in Haiti worsened.

The neighborhood around the embassy in the capital, Port-au-Prince, is largely controlled by gangs.

“This airlift of personnel into and out of the Embassy is consistent with our standard practice for Embassy security augmentation worldwide, and no Haitians were on board the military aircraft,” according to the Southcom statement.

In many cases, nonessential personnel can include the families of diplomats, but the embassy had already ordered departure for nonessential staff and all family members in July. The personnel ferried out of the embassy may have simply been rotating out, to be refreshed by new staff.

The statement Sunday said that the United States remains focused on aiding Haitian police and arranging some kind of UN-authorized security deployment. But those efforts have been unsuccessful so far.


Biden Signs $460 Billion Spending Package, Averting Government Shutdown

President Joe Biden on Saturday signed a package of six government funding bills, narrowly averting a partial government shutdown, though a second tranche of bills has yet to be finalized ahead of a looming March 22 deadline.The White House said in a statement on March 9 that President Biden had signed into law H.R. 4366, or the “Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024,” which provides $460 billion in appropriations for several federal departments and agencies. The 1,021-page package consists of annual spending bills that fund six major areas of the federal government: agriculture and rural development; commerce, justice, and science; energy and water development; interior and environment; military construction and veterans affairs; transportation, housing and urban development.

The package was backed by top Republicans and Democrats in both chambers, with the White House thanking them “for their leadership” in getting the measure to the president’s desk for a signature.

Federal Judge Dismisses States’ Challenge to Biden’s Parole Program for Immigrants

U.S. District Judge Drew Tipton has dismissed a lawsuit filed by a coalition of 21 Republican-led states against a Biden administration program that has allowed tens of thousands of immigrants from four countries to enter the United States.  The Court ruled the plaintiffs——“have not proven that Texas has suffered an injury” due to the program and therefore lacked standing to maintain this lawsuit.

“In reaching this conclusion, the Court does not address the lawfulness of the Program. The court may only reach that question after a plaintiff has established that it has standing,” the judge wrote in a 31-page ruling.

The Biden administration announced the program in January last year, allowing up to 30,000 people from Cuba, Nicaragua, Haiti, and Venezuela to legally enter the United States each month.  Under the program, immigrants must apply ahead of time for parole by providing the name of a person who will agree to financially support them if they’re approved.

The immigrant must also pass a background check and present themselves at a Port of Entry, rather than entering the United States illegally.

In his ruling, Mr. Tipton said that the number of people illegally entering the United States from the four countries has “dramatically decreased” by “as much as 44 percent” since the program was implemented.

“This case is dismissed without prejudice. The Court denies all requested relief and will enter a final judgment by separate order,” he added.

Some 234,000 Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans had entered the United States through the program as of November last year, according to U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) statistics.

Judge Blocks US Administration From Illegally Diverting Border Wall Funds

A federal judge has blocked the Biden administration from unlawfully redirecting taxpayer funds away from the construction of a wall along the southern border.

Southern District of Texas District Court Judge Drew B. Tipton granted a preliminary injunction after Texas and Missouri sued to stop the scheme, which included diverting the money to other projects like environmental remediation.

“Whether the Executive Branch must adhere to federal laws is not, as a general matter, an area traditionally left to its discretion,” Judge Tipton wrote in his order. The executive branch includes the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

Judge Tipton, an appointee of President Donald Trump, ruled in favor of the Republican-led states, saying in his ruling that Congress should decide how money is spent, per the U.S. Constitution, and that the Biden administration is not immune from following the law.

President Trump declared a national emergency in February 2019 and used funds from the Departments of Defense and Treasury to construct barriers at the southern border. Congress allocated $1.4 billion explicitly for border wall construction during the 2020 fiscal year to stem the flow of illegal immigration.

However, President Joe Biden, a Democrat, issued an executive order immediately upon taking office in January 2021, terminating the emergency and halting construction. He later directed the DHS to divert the funds to ancillary projects along the border, but not the wall.

This led to both Texas and Missouri filing separate lawsuits against the DHS, which were ultimately combined.

The Biden administration argued that, despite certain language in the law, the DHS should be allowed to spend the money at its discretion.

However, the judge disagreed with this argument, effectively finding that President Biden was wrong to spend funds specifically meant for wall construction on “remediation projects.”

‘We’re Just Waiting for Another 9/11’: Migrants Buy Fake Green Cards, Social Security ID from NYC Gangs

Black market fake green cards and social security identification are being openly hawked

to illegal migrants on the streets of New York City, a report revealed.
Criminals linked to MS-13 and other gangs have been spotted selling the fabricated documents this

week in Queens, the New York Post reported.
At least ten men were selling the bogus cards for $80 to $250 while “camped out in broad daylight at

four corners along Roosevelt Avenue in Queens,” according to the outlet.

Roy Fenoff, an associate professor at the Department of Criminal Justice at the Citadel, South Carolina, said the documents grant migrants access to almost everything a citizen has.

“Once people have these fake cards, they can work, they can travel, they can access a lot of aspects and services in the United States,” he said. “There are people getting these cards that are not here just to get a job, that they have other intentions, and this helps them carry out criminal activity.”

While the social security cards are fake, the numbers can belong to real U.S. citizens.

“If I’m using a social security number that’s of another person, and then I’m committing crimes, and I’m using [their] name, you potentially have warrants out there for innocent people’s arrest, because you don’t really know who this person was,” Fenoff said.

Bruce Foucart, a former special agent in charge of Department of Homeland Security (DHS) investigations in New England, also said the fake identification cards could be utilized by someone with dark intentions.

With fake IDs, illegal migrants could “load up a truck with bombs … and bring it underneath the Holland Tunnel and create something major and disastrous,” Foucart warned.

“For someone that wants to do terrorist activity or is a national security threat, it’s easy to establish this second life within the US,” he said.

“I guarantee right now, we’re just waiting for another 9/11.”

A police source told the Post that the Roosevelt Avenue hawkers are affiliated with the 18th Street gang as well as MS-13.

“It’s big business,” the source said.
Roosevelt Avenue is known to law enforcement as the “East Coast epicenter” for fake identification documents, the Post added.

“If they’re doing social security number [sic] and nobody says s–t, next time it’ll be weapons and passports,” one local resident and shop employee on the avenue said. “Everyone can do what they want now.”

Trump-Backed Leaders Take Helm at RNC After McDaniel Exits

The Republican National Committee (RNC) has elected new leadership endorsed by former President Donald Trump after Ronna McDaniel, one of the group’s longest-serving chairs, stepped down last Friday.

Michael Whatley, chair of the North Carolina Republican Party whom President Trump endorsed last month to lead the RNC, was elected by a voice vote to succeed Ms. McDaniel at the committee’s spring meeting in Houston, Texas. He ran unopposed.

Lara Trump, the former president’s daughter-in-law who also ran unopposed, was elected co-chair by a voice vote.

RNC Votes to Recognize Trump as the Presumptive 2024 Nominee

The Republican National Committee (RNC) on Friday voted to recognize former President Donald Trump as the presumptive GOP nominee for president, coming after he secured a commanding lead after the Super Tuesday contests.

Ronna McDaniel presided over the RNC vote in her final appearance as the committee’s chairwoman on Friday. She announced last month that she would step down from the role on March 8.

She recognized the “overwhelming success” of the former president’s campaign and how he has secured more than 90 percent of Republican delegates so far. After asking the room to name President Trump as the presumptive nominee, the audience agreed.

But before the RNC meeting in Houston, the organization issued a statement on March 6, or a day after Super Tuesday, that it formally recognized him as the GOP nominee for 2024.

“Congratulations to President Donald J. Trump on his huge primary victory!” Ms. McDaniel said in the statement. “I’d also like to congratulate Nikki Haley for running a hard-fought campaign and becoming the first woman to win a Republican presidential contest.”

It came after then-presidential candidate Nikki Haley announced she was dropping out of the Republican race after winning only one state on Super Tuesday. President Trump won the remaining 14 states and all the other states before the contest.

Trump Posts $91 Million Bond in Defamation Case

Former President Donald Trump posted a $91.6 million bond in a defamation case as he appeals the amount awarded to plaintiff E. Jean Carroll, according to court documents filed on March 8.

President Trump, along with the Federal Insurance Company, said in the bond filing that they “bind ourselves” to the payment. President Trump signed the document.

Federal Insurance Company is based in Virginia but is authorized to do business in New York, according to one of the newly filed documents.

Alina Habba, one of the former president’s attorneys, said in another document that President Trump had obtained the supersedeas bond from the company. That type of bond is usually required during appeals of civil judgments, according to the Court Surety Bond Agency.

The filings were made in federal court in New York, where a jury in January said President Trump must pay $83.3 million in damages for the defamation.

Trump Calls on Georgia Voters to Make Turnout ‘Too Big to Rig’

The peach state’s election weight hangs heavy above the heads of the more than 4,000 people attending former President Donald Trump’s first rally after becoming the preemptive Republican Presidential nominee.

“The road to the White House comes through Georgia right now,” said Georgia’s Lt. Gov. Burt Jones. “I was with [Trump] on Tuesday night after he once again blew away all his competition with the vote count on Super Tuesday. … First thing he said to me: ‘Burt, we gotta win Georgia.”

President Trump lost Georgia in 2020 by a recorded 45.9–45.2 percentage split. The former president makes his return to the state’s northwest corner as he and 18 others faced indictments for challenging the election results.

The former president told the crowd that he still believed the 2020 election was rigged, and applause erupted as he said he would win the state a third time.

His solution is to rally the voters and cast so many votes the election can’t be rigged.

“We have to go out, and we have to swamp them,” he said at the March 9 event of beating Democrats in the upcoming election. “We have to have so many votes. We want this to be a landslide. That way, it is too big to rig.”

Mike Pompeo Doesn’t Rule Out Serving in 2nd Trump Administration

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in a new interview that he’s not ruling out accepting a White House position if former President Donald Trump is reelected in November.

“If I get a chance to serve and think that I can make a difference … I’m almost certainly going to say yes to that opportunity to try and deliver on behalf of the American people,” he told Fox News, when asked during a interview if he would work for President Trump again.

“I’m confident President Trump will be looking for people who will faithfully execute what it is he asked them to do,” Mr. Pompeo said during the interview, which aired on March 8. “I think as a president, you should always want that from everyone.”

He said that as a former secretary of state, “I certainly wanted my team to do what I was asking them to do and was enormously frustrated when I found that I couldn’t get them to do that.”

Mr. Pompeo, a former U.S. representative from Kansas, served as Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) director in the Trump administration from 2017 to 2018 before he was secretary of state from 2018 to 2021. After he left office, there was speculation that he could mount a Republican presidential bid in 2024, but announced that he wouldn’t be running.

Col. Douglas MacGregor presents his own State of the Union address (watch it here):

https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=2cRmv8gQEOo  (It has been edited.)

Jack Smith Says Trump Has No Presidential Immunity in Documents Case

Special counsel Jack Smith argued in a recentProsecutors argue the acts detailed in the indictment were not official acts, and that President Trump would lose presidential immunity after leaving office anyway.

Presidential immunity is not based on a Constitutional statute but rather a 1982 Supreme Court ruling, and the court has never addressed whether it extends to criminal prosecution.

But the issue is before the Supreme Court now as they have agreed to hear arguments in a second case Mr. Smith is prosecuting against President Trump for his actions on Jan. 6.

 brief that former President Donald Trump has no presidential immunity to shield him in the case alleging he mishandled classified documents.

U.S. District Court Judge Aileen Cannon has set a March 14 hearing to hear arguments on President Trump’s several motions to dismiss, ahead of a Supreme Court hearing that may have some legal overlap.

President Trump argues that the absolute immunity conferred to a president covers all official acts—in this case designating his records “personal”—and he therefore cannot be criminally prosecuted for them.

EXCLUSIVE: Tulsi Gabbard, on Trump’s VP Shortlist, Decries ‘Brazen’ Attacks on Constitutional Rights

Tulsi Gabbard, a former Democrat congresswoman who is now considered a possible Republican vice-presidential pick, is tackling a mission ahead of the November general election.

“I love our country, deeply. I don’t hold office; I’m not here to campaign or ask for votes. I’m here to ask you to join me in this fight for our freedom,” Ms. Gabbard told about 250 people who gathered at former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club and Resort for a nonprofit group’s fundraiser.

The former Hawaii congresswoman and a second prior presidential hopeful, former Republican candidate Larry Elder, made remarks on March 7 at the 917 Society’s “Celebrating The Constitution” gala in the Grand Ballroom.

Mr. Elder and Ms. Gabbard spoke in Florida just before Democrat President Joe Biden gave his annual State of The Union speech, a constitutionally required report, to Congress in Washington. President Biden seized the opportunity to argue why voters should return him to office rather than vote for his presumed opponent, the Republican presumptive nominee: President Trump.

“Brazen” assaults on constitutional rights have escalated during the past few years, Ms. Gabbard said. While she did not specifically name President Biden, that span coincides with his term. He took office in 2021 under the cloud of a disputed election.

After President Trump vacated the White House, he was prosecuted for challenging the election results in Georgia, when all he wanted to do was “make sure every vote was counted,” Mr. Elder said.

Illegal Immigrant Arrested After Washington State Trooper Killed in Highway Crash

An illegal immigrant from Mexico was arrested on Saturday after allegedly crashing his car into a Washington State Trooper’s vehicle on Interstate 5, resulting in the police officer’s death, authorities said.

Trooper Christopher Gadd, 27, was patrolling southbound Interstate 5 in Marysville when a motorist struck his parked patrol car. He was pronounced dead at the scene, according to multiple reports.

The suspect, identified as Raul Benitez Santana, 32, has admitted to smoking marijuana and drinking alcohol before driving his black SUV, Fox 13 Seattle reported, citing probable cause documents.

The Snohomish County Sheriff’s Office obtained dash camera footage from a witness, which allegedly shows Mr. Santana’s car speeding and swerving into the rear end of Mr. Gadd’s patrol car.

Mr. Santana’s car then spun into the fast lane and collided with a van carrying six people. The van’s driver sustained a broken wrist while the other passengers were unharmed, according to the report.

Mr. Gadd was killed in the crash at about 3 a.m., according to the Washington State Patrol (WSP), who described Mr. Gadd as “a promising young man” who served over two years in the WSP.

The suspect was taken to the hospital but was not given any medication. His preliminary breath test for alcohol showed a reading of 0.047. The legal limit is 0.08; however, officials say the test was administered three hours after the incident, according to reports.

The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) said that it has placed Mr. Santana under an immigration detainer, which requires law enforcement agencies to notify ICE before releasing an individual who is subject to removal from custody.

Illegal immigrant arrested after abducting 14-year-old girl in Ohio: Report

Authorities in Virginia have arrested a 43-year-old illegal immigrant from Mexico, Isauro Garcia Cruz, and charged him on multiple counts in connection with the abduction of a 15-year-old unaccompanied minor from Honduras.  The girl, who was placed from a sponsor family in Butler County, Ohio by the Department of Health and Human Services, eventually was placed  into her own apartment where Cruz moved in with her and had repeated sex with her, Butler County Sheriff Richard Jones said.  Jones said Cruz then transported her across state lines into Virginia, where the pair were located in a hotel, arresting Cruz and placing the minor child in the care of another family, per the report. Authorities are still trying to determine if the child was the victim of sex trafficking. 

Liz Cheney, Jan. 6 Committee suppressed key evidence of Trump pushing for 10,000 National Guard troops to protect Capitol: Report

Former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) and the January 6 Committee suppressed key evidence that former President Donald Trump pushed for 10,000 National Guard troops to protect the U.S. Capitol building ahead of the riots, according to a report.

Cheney and the Democratic-led House Select Committee on January 6 contended that there was “no evidence” to support Trump officials’ claims the White House had pressed for 10,000 National Guard troops ahead of the protests in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 6, 2021

However, a transcribed interview conducted by the committee from January 2022 appears to show evidence that Trump urged Democrat leadership to bring in thousands of National Guard troops to prevent any widespread violence on Jan. 6, according to a new report from The Federalist

Then-Deputy Chief of Staff Anthony Ornato was interviewed by the committee on Jan. 28, 2022. The transcripts show that he told Cheney and other investigators that he overheard White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows urge Democrat D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser to request as many National Guard troops as she needed to protect the city before the demonstrations centered around the results of the 2020 presidential election.

Government gets sued for searching private property without permission

‘Both times they left without giving a citation’

Government agents and agencies in the state of Louisiana are being sued for searching private property without the owner’s permission.

While many assume that the U.S. Constitution protects property from “unreasonable searches and seizures,” a Supreme Court decision from a century back says private land is not included.

It’s called the “open fields” doctrine and agents use it to enter property whenever they want.

However, some states, including Louisiana, have a higher standard built into their state constitutions.

And that’s the focal point of the new dispute being handled by the Institute for Justice.

“Tom Manuel owns land that he uses to grow timber commercially, as well as for recreation. In December, two separate times, game wardens with the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) entered Tom’s land without permission in search of possible hunting violations. Both times they left without giving a citation,” the legal team explained.

“The warrantless, permissionless searches by state law enforcers struck Tom as a violation of his rights. The Louisiana Constitution says in stark terms that ‘property’ must be secured from ‘unreasonable searches . . . or invasions of privacy.’ There is no exception for any government official. Now, Tom is suing the LDWF with the Institute for Justice (IJ), which protects property rights nationwide and has several similar suits in other states.”

James Knight, a lawyer for IJ, explained, “The Louisiana Constitution protects all ‘property’ from warrantless searches—and that includes land. That may seem obvious, but misguided U.S. Supreme Court precedent has convinced state officials that they can invade private land at will. This case seeks to put a stop to that and to restore the constitutional protections Louisiana landowners deserve.”

In neighboring Mississippi, the state’s highest court already has held state officials cannot invade private land without a warrant. Other states taking the same position include Montana, New York, Oregon, South Dakota, Washington, Vermont, and Tennessee.

The “open fields” ideology is used by not just game wardens but also police, inspectors, code enforcement officers, immigration officers and others.

The lawsuit advocates for a common-sense view of property rights in Louisiana.

“I believe Louisiana’s constitution should mean what it says. While it’s important that state hunting laws be maintained, constitutional limits on government power should be upheld too. Protecting wildlife can be accomplished without trampling on our privacy and property rights. From my experience managing land in both Louisiana and Mississippi, I’ve seen that wildlife can thrive where the government must respect property lines,” the landowner said.

Cases providing similar arguments also now are pending in Pennsylvania and Virginia.

Sheriff Dar Leaf Announces Investigation into Michigan 2020 Election: Claims Possession of “Sensitive Documents” Tied to Dominion Employees and High-Profile Figures Including Jocelyn Benson and Dana Nessel — Accuses Muskegon County Prosecutor of Attempting to Usurp His Ongoing Investigation

Barry County Sheriff Dar Leaf announced that he has launched an investigation into the handling of the Michigan 2020 election, implicating Dominion Voting Systems officials, Michigan’s Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, Attorney General Dana Nessel, computer scientist J. Alex Halderman, and others in potential misconduct.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported in 2022 that Sheriff Dar Leaf filed a lawsuit against the lawless and obstructive actions of Attorney General Dana Nessel, who regularly mocks and threatens her political opponents, together with Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, who’s blocked the efforts of citizens and law enforcement to investigate voter fraud and voter irregularities related to the 2020 election.

The Barry County Sheriff is also suing MI Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson’s henchman, Jonathan Brater.

Jonathan Brater is Michigan’s Director of Elections, a member of the executive branch of state government, and an employee of the state. As director of elections, Mr. Brater is “vested with the powers and shall perform the duties of the secretary of state under his or her supervision, with respect to the supervision and administration of the election laws.”

The lawsuit states that Attorney General Nessel, who has no accountability to the Barry County Electorate, and even less authority to encroach upon the law enforcement functions of a constitutional sheriff, has committed a flagrant violation of constitutional and statutory laws by usurping the power of Sheriff Dar Leaf by obstructing, impeding, prejudging the ability of a duly elected official to conduct a criminal investigation into allegations of criminal acts related to the 2020 election and voting.

On or about November 3, 2020, Plaintiff Barry County Sheriff Dar Leaf received information that election fraud and voting machine fraud was taking place in Barry County, Michigan, before, during, and after the November 2020 election.

Pursuant to his exclusive common-law and statutory duties to investigate and ferret out criminal activity occurring within his county, Sheriff Leaf opened an investigation.

On Thursday, Sheriff Leaf received a subpoena from the office of Muskegon County Prosecutor D.J. Hilson, ordering him to present his law enforcement files at the Oakland County courthouse with less than 24 hours’ notice.

Leaf has expressed reluctance to comply fully with the subpoena, citing concerns over compromising his department’s ongoing investigation.

Sheriff Leaf asserts that his department possesses sensitive documents, including email communications that suggest Dominion employees directed Serbian foreign nationals to remotely access Michigan’s election system before the certification of the 2020 election results.

These documents include emails that allegedly corroborate evidence contained in expert reports of foreign access to Michigan election equipment.

In addition to the allegations against Dominion, Sheriff Leaf’s files reportedly contain communications from J. Alex Halderman, a University of Michigan Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, who offered assistance to Dominion employees implicated in the investigation.

Halderman is accused of failing to disclose significant security breaches in Michigan’s election equipment and of concealing evidence pertinent to the case.

Recall that Halderman was the same person who was able to HACK A DOMINION VOTING MACHINE to change the tabulation In Front Of U.S. District Judge Amy Totenberg in the courtroom! Halderman USED ONLY A PEN TO CHANGE VOTE TOTALS!

Also, Sheriff Leaf disclosed that his office and central dispatch experienced a network outage on the day of the subpoena, leading to suspicions of an attempt to obstruct the investigation.

The Gateway Pundit spoke with Sheriff Dar Leaf who confirmed to us that the letter was his and is accurate.


Federal Reserve Board announces the Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP) will cease making new loans as scheduled on March 11

The Federal Reserve Board has announced that the Bank Term Funding Program, which was established under Section 13(3) of the Federal Reserve Act, with approval of the Treasury Secretary, will cease making new loans as of  today, which means this program will no longer be available as an additional source of liquidity for eligible institutions.

During a period of stress last spring, the Bank Term Funding Program helped assure the stability of the banking system and provide support for the economy. After today, banks and other depository institutions will continue to have ready access to the discount window to meet liquidity needs.

As the program ends, the interest rate applicable to new BTFP loans has been adjusted such that the rate on new loans extended from now through program expiration will be no lower than the interest rate on reserve balances in effect on the day the loan is made. This rate adjustment ensures that the BTFP continues to support the goals of the program in the current interest rate environment. This change is effective immediately. All other terms of the program are unchanged.

US Economy Adds Better-Than-Expected 275,000 New Jobs, Unemployment Rate Rises

The U.S. economy added a larger-than-expected number of new jobs at 275,000 in February as the labor market continues to defy economists’ expectations of a slowing market.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the unemployment rate rose to 3.9 percent last month, up from 3.7 percent in January. This was higher than market forecasts of 3.7 percent.

Average hourly earnings rose 0.1 percent monthly, below the consensus estimate of 0.3 percent. On a year-over-year basis, average hourly earnings eased to 4.3 percent.

The labor force participation rate was unchanged at 62.5 percent, while average weekly hours increased to 34.3 from 34.2.

Health care and the government were the top job creators last month, adding 67,000 and 52,000 new jobs, respectively. This was followed by food services and drinking places (42,000), social assistance (24,000), and construction (23,000).

Manufacturing lost 4,000 positions.

The number of people working multiple jobs was little changed at 8.259 million. People employed part-time for economic reasons was flat at 4.4 million. The number of individuals not in the labor force who want a job little changed at 5.7 million.

There was further divergence between full- and part-time employment.

Full-time workers fell by 187,000, while part-time workers rose by 51,000. Over the past year, the U.S. has created more than 900,000 part-time jobs and erased roughly 285,000 full-time positions.

Disney Hotel Faces Class Action Lawsuit: Workers Seek $1 Million in Back Pay, Allege Labor Violations

A group of more than 100 Disney hotel workers have reportedly filed a class action lawsuit against the entertainment giant seeking at least $1 million in back pay for labor violations.  The Disney hotel maintenance workers cite “deliberate” failure to provide proof of correct pay in their class action lawsuit, according to the complaint, filed in Orange County, California Superior Court last week. The suit claims employees, made up of almost 100 current and former maintenance engineers, as well as 16 assistant maintenance engineer employees, alleged they  have to cover the cost of their own tools, and that they don’t get paid the required amount when working overtime.  Disney “failed to itemize wage statements for failure to set the correct rate as required by the Wage Orders,” according to the lawsuit.

The entertainment giant also allegedly violated its policy by allegedly failing to give workers
their paychecks immediately upon involuntary termination, or within 72 hours of voluntary separation. The lawsuit also accuses Disney of failing to pay its workers their final wages at location of employment, as well as not including wages that are due in the company’s employees’ final paychecks.  Last summer, a slew of hotel workers from various Disney locations went on strike demanding higher pay and better benefits. The walkouts were reportedly sparked when workers’ contracts expired in late June. 


Massive Recall of This Popular Shredded Cheese Brand Is Underway  Read More: This Popular Shredded Cheese Is Being Recalled

Sargento is a name we all know in the cheese aisle at the grocery store hanging proudly amongst the other popular brands with a variety of choices from Mexican blended cheese perfect for taco night or melting on chips to low-fat parmesan, sharp cheddar, and the Italian blend that’s perfect to add to pizza if you’re not into making your own. Sadly, this popular, household name that is Sargento is the brand with the major recall underway across the country. It’s not across the entire country in every state according to Food and Wine Magazine and is mostly shredded cheese that was purchased in bulk from businesses. Sargento is based in the cheese state of Wisconsin which is why it’s so popular however some of its products may have Listeria contamination.

Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, North Carolina, New Jersey, Nevada, Ohio, Rhode Island, Texas, Washington, and Wisconsin are the states where the recall is right now, and as you can see that’s all over the map.

If you want to check your fridge just to be safe, here is the list of cheeses with all the info you need.


Sargento Course Grated Cotija Cheese; UPC Code: 46100352601

Sargento Coarse Grated Cotija Cheese; UPC Code: 46100355176

Sargento 25015 Grated Cotija Cheese; UPC Code: 46100355831


Sargento Fresh Grated Parmesan Cheese; UPC Code: 46100348659

Sargento Part #10132 Fancy Shredded Parmesan Cheese; UPC Code: 46100334997

Sargento Part #22997 Fancy Shredded Parmesan Cheese; UPC Code: 46100330302

Sargento Fancy Shredded Parmesan Cheese; UPC Code: 46100355596


Sargento Fancy Shredded Swiss Cheese; UPC Code: 46100349816

Sargento Fancy Shredded Swiss Cheese; UPC Code: 46100334997


Sargento Part #10197, Fancy Shredded Fresh Asiago Cheese; UPC Code: 46100342688

Sargento Shredded Fresh Asiago Cheese; UPC Code: 46100354865

Monterey Jack

Sargento, Part #23602 Deep V Shredded Monterey Jack Cheese; UPC Code: 46100343999

Sargento Fancy Shredded Monterey Jack Cheese; UPC Code: 46100356753

White Cheddar

Sargento Part #23340 Fancy Shredded Sharp White Cheddar Cheese; UPC Code: 46100329313

Sargento Fancy Shredded Mild White Cheddar Cheese; UPC Code: 46100346136

Sargento Fancy Shred Mild White Cheddar Cheese; UPC Code: 46100350829


Sargento Deep V Shredded Mild Cheddar Cheese; UPC Code: 46100348611

Sargento Part Thick “N Hearty Shredded Sharp Cheddar Cheese; UPC Code: 46100356432

Italian Cheese Blend

Sargento Part Fancy Shredded Italian Cheese Blend Pack; UPC Code: 46100344583

Sargento Fancy Shredded Italian Cheese Blend; UPC Code: 46100355343


Sargento Bevel Shredded Queso Quesadilla Cheese; UPC Code: 46100356593

Sargento Part Fancy Shredded Bistro Blends Nacho & Taco Cheese Blend; UPC Code: 46100334157

According to the CDC, food contaminated by Listeria doesn’t look or smell bad. Symptoms of listeriosis include fever, muscle aches, fatigue, stiff neck, and headaches.

CDC Warns Thousands of Children Sent to ER After Taking Common Sleep Aid

A U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) paper released late last week found that thousands of young children have been taken to the emergency room over the past several years after taking the very common sleep-aid supplement melatonin.

The agency said that melatonin, which can come in gummies that are meant for adults, was implicated in about 7 percent of all emergency room visits for young children and infants “for unsupervised medication ingestions,” adding that many incidents were linked to the ingestion of gummy formulations that were flavored. Those incidents occurred between the years 2019 and 2022.

Melatonin is a hormone produced by the human body to regulate its sleep cycle. Supplements, which are sold in a number of different formulas, are generally taken before falling asleep and are popular among people suffering from insomnia, jet lag, chronic pain, or other problems.

The approximately 11,000 emergency department visits for unsupervised melatonin ingestions by infants and young children during 2019–2022 highlight the importance of educating parents and other caregivers about keeping all medications and supplements (including gummies) out of children’s reach and sight.

Anti-Inflammatory Drug Might Lead to Chronic Pain, While Inflammation Could Heal: Experts

Doctors have recommended nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen to relieve acute inflammation for decades. But does short-term relief—and interfering with the body’s natural healing process—come at the cost of chronic pain?

Pain from a minor injury, like a sprained ankle or thrown-out back, often resolves on its own. But for some, acute pain lingers, becoming chronic. The “standard medical care for this type of pain is probably making matters worse, is what the research suggests,” Jeffrey Mogil, a neuroscientist at McGill University said.

Injuries trigger inflammation for a reason, and researchers are working to understand it better.

One study, published in Science Translational Medicine, focused on 98 lower-back pain patients over a three-month period. During that time, half of the volunteers fully recovered, while the other half developed chronic low-back pain. Using RNA sequencing, the researchers compared the activity levels of immune cells between both groups.

They discovered that neutrophils, immune cells that feature prominently at the onset of the inflammation sequence, play a role in remaining pain-free. Neutrophils help the body fight infection and repair tissue damage.

According to the researchers, the chronic pain group started with less inflammatory neutrophil activity and later had little to no activity in the cells that create inflammation. Contrastingly, the genes of the recovered patients were very active with inflammation-related cells. “Neutrophils rush in pretty early after some sort of injury, causing a process that ends up preventing chronic pain,” said Mr. Mogil, a senior author of the paper, “and you probably shouldn’t block it.” Neutrophils are part of these first responders. Their presence is key to removing damage and debris through lymphatic drainage, setting the stage for damaged tissue to be repaired. Pain and swelling are a clear message that the “paramedics” are at work. Decreasing pain without shutting down the “highway” is critical for supporting the healing process.“If you’re injured, one Advil for discomfort or to get sleep is different than taking 800 milligrams of Advil three times a day for three weeks,” said Mr. Aiello. “That’s when you’re likely to have a problem.” “There are ways to block pain without blocking inflammation, and the most well-known of those is Tylenol,” said Mr. Mogil. But the overuse of Tylenol, or acetaminophen, comes with risks like liver injury.

Nature’s Most Powerful Anti-Inflammatory: Curcumin (available 24/7 @ thepowermall.com)


Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, March 9, 2024, #448

“Pivotal moment for humanity as disasters threaten to converge”, that new headline is from Science Alert. From looming global conflict to complete biosphere collapse, the long list of threats we collectively face are an unfolding and rapidly accelerating reality. Is industrialized / militarized society reacting rationally to the Earth changes which now pose an extremely near term existential threat to us all? The short answer is no. The manipulators of the matrix are doubling down on planetary destruction with the active or passive support of the majority population. Where does that leave us? What can we expect in the coming weeks and months?

America Is Running Out Of Power, Is Rationing And Soaring Energy Prices Ahead?

Technocrats rejoice! They have succeeded in driving enough usable energy out of the country by killing traditional sources and will hone plans to ration energy just like they wanted to do in 1932.  Control over energy is the sure-fire way to regulate all economic activity.

The first two requirements for Technocracy were written down in the Technocracy Study Course in 1934, to wit:

  1. Register on a continuous 24-hour-per-day basis the total net conversion of energy

Conversion of energy means creating usable energy from stored energy like coal, oil or natural gas; when they are burned, electricity is generated. Hydroelectric and nuclear also convert energy. There were two reasons to keep track of usable energy: First, it was the basis for issuing “energy script” to all citizens for buying and selling goods and services. Second, it predicted economic activity because all such activity is directly dependent upon energy. (Note that Technocrats intended to pre-determine how much energy would be made available in the first place.)

  1. By means of the registration of energy converted and consumed, make possible a balanced load

Once available energy was quantified, it was to be allocated to consumers and manufacturers so as to limit production and consumption. Technocrats would have control of both ends, so that everything is managed according to their scientific formulas.

Vast swaths of the United States are at risk of running short of power as electricity-hungry data centers and clean-technology factories proliferate around the country, leaving utilities and regulators grasping for credible plans to expand the nation’s creaking power grid.


Attracting Beneficial Insects to Help Your Garden Thrive

Creating a healthy garden doesn’t just mean eliminating bad bugs – you also want to welcome good bugs. These “good bugs” are also known as beneficial insects. Beneficial insects play a variety of roles in the garden. Pollinators, like bees, butterflies and moths, help plants to bear fruit. 

Honeybees get most of the press, but our native bees are a boon to the garden, too. Some plants even require bigger bees like bumblebees to release their pollen.

Some insects help with biological control of garden pest bugs. For instance, parasitic wasps lay their eggs on tomato hornworms. When the eggs hatch, the larvae eat the hornworm. Still others help break down organic matter and wastes, and improve the soil. Grab a handful of healthy garden soil or compost, and you’ll find that it’s crawling with a variety of bugs.

We’ll talk about what beneficial insects do in the garden, common species, host plants and tips for attracting “good bugs” to your garden.

Plant a variety of host plants for beneficial insects around the garden (or allow them to grow on their own), such as yarrow, cosmos, catnip, borage, dill, dandelion, Queen Anne’s lace,

butterfly weed, sweet alyssum, parsley, lemon balm and zinnias.

Beneficial insects will often use host plants during their larval stage before they begin hunting other insects. 

To attract pollinators, work to keep blooming plants available in your yard from early spring to late fall. If it’s warm enough for bees to be active, they’ll want to gather nectar and pollen.

I use companion planting, but I’m rather haphazard about it for the most part. Every bed gets some flowers and herbs along with the veggies and fruits. You can learn more about companion planting in the post Vegetable Companion Planting.


Gov. McMaster signs permitless carry gun bill into law

South Carolinians can now legally carry handguns without a permit.

In a closed-door ceremony last week, Gov. Henry McMaster signed H. 3594, known as the “Second Amendment Preservation Act,” or commonly called “constitutional carry.”  The law, which took effect after the governor’s signature, now allows gun owners ages 18 and older to openly carry firearms without a permit.

“With my signature, South Carolina is now the 29th state in the country with constitutional carry,” McMaster posted on X, formerly Twitter. “This bill expands the Second Amendment rights of our law-abiding citizens and will keep violent criminals behind bars with increased penalties for illegal gun use and possession.”

The law includes increased penalties for illegal gun possession, and it shortens the window for gun owners to report their stolen weapons. It also includes statewide state-paid training classes.

Firearms are still banned in locations where guns are banned now, including courthouses, schools, and the Statehouse. Gun owners can still get a concealed weapons permit.

Federal Judge Strikes Down Bid to Block Gun Restriction Bill in Washington State

A federal judge in Washington state struck down a legal bid by a pro-gun rights group to block a new regulation that opens firearm manufacturers to lawsuits for crimes committed with their products.

U.S. District Court Judge Mary Dimke on March 8 dismissed a lawsuit against Washington state Attorney General Bob Ferguson brought by the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), which sought to prevent Senate Bill 5078 from going into effect.

The bill, known as the Firearm Industry Responsibility & Gun Violence Victims’ Access to Justice Act, imposes state-level legal liability on Washington’s firearm industry, allowing lawsuits to be brought on behalf of people who are killed or injured with the industry’s products.

The measure also opens firearms manufacturers and sellers to legal liability if they fail to establish, implement, and enforce “reasonable controls” in the manufacture, sale, and distribution of firearms. SB 5078 was signed by Washington Gov. Jay Inslee on April 25, 2023, with the NSSF filing its lawsuit on the same day.

The measure faced opposition from the National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA), which argued that the bill would subject licensed firearm manufacturers and sellers to frivolous lawsuits and kill thousands of jobs in the state.

The NSSF’s lawsuit against Mr. Ferguson challenged the constitutionality of SB 5078, arguing that it imposed “sweeping liability” on gun makers and distributors, opening them up to lawsuits that amount to “unconstitutional efforts to stamp out lawful and constitutionally protected activity.”


Survey Shows Declining Concerns Among Americans About COVID-19

A new survey found that only one in five Americans now view the coronavirus as “a major threat” to the health of the U.S. population, indicating a sharp decline from a high of 67 percent in July 2020.

The Pew Research Center survey, conducted among 10,133 Americans from Feb. 7 to Feb. 11, showed that only 10 percent of people are concerned they will catch the disease and require hospitalization.

“This data represents a low ebb of public concern about the virus that reached its height in the summer and fall of 2020, when as many as two-thirds of Americans viewed COVID-19 as a major threat to public health,” it stated. The survey results were published on March 7.


‘We Want to Get TikTok Taken Down’: U.K. Family Loses 11-Year-Old to ‘Chroming Challenge’

An 11-year-old boy in the United Kingdom is dead after taking part in a dangerous TikTok trend called “chroming.” His family is now calling for the app to be taken down and for children to be banned from social media altogether.

Tommie-Lee Gracie Billington died after suffering from a suspected cardiac arrest in a friend’s Lancaster home on Saturday, the Times of London reported.

“He died instantly after a sleepover at a friend’s house. The boys had tried the TikTok craze ‘chroming,’” Tina Burns, Billington’s grandmother said. “Tommie-Lee went into cardiac arrest immediately and died right there and then. The hospital did everything to try and bring him back but nothing worked. He was gone.”

Chroming is a trend involving huffing fumes from everyday household items such as cleaning products and aerosols. Videos of teens and younger children participating in the fad have been posted on various social media platforms, including Chinese-owned TikTok.

While the action can produce a drunk or high-like state, the fun is short-lived. Chroming, which also goes by the name “huffing,” has led to the deaths of several teens globally.

Australian girl Esra Haynes was just 13 years old when she died after chroming at a sleepover on March 31, 2023, the Sun reported.

An Irish girl was 14 when she died in September 2023, with investigators believing that she fell ill after inhaling aerosol after seeing a TikTok “challenge,” according to the Irish Independent.

A TikTok spokesperson said in a statement at the time: Our deepest sympathies are with the family experiencing this tragic loss. Content of this nature is prohibited on our platform and would be removed if found. We will continue to prioritize protecting and supporting our community, working with expert partners and providing safety resources to those who need them.

Burns said her late grandson “had a heart of gold just like his dad.”

“Our family is utterly devastated,” she continued, calling for more safeguards to be put in place.

“We don’t want any other children to follow TikTok or be on social media,” she said, referring to the family of Billington’s friend.

“In fact, we want to get TikTok taken down and no children to be allowed on any social media under 16 years of age. This is breaking us all but we want to help save other children’s lives and give families awareness to keep their children safe.”

Numerous other TikTok trends have led to the deaths of even more teens, including the Benadryl overdose of Ohio 13-year-old Jacob Stevens, Breitbart News reported in April 2023.

More reports have revealed that the app’s Chinese Communist Party (CCP)-influenced algorithm has pushed suicide in the form of other drug overdoses and choking.

Studies now suggest that TikTok is worsening the youth’s attention spans, a phenomenon known as “TikTok Brain.”

Neuropsychologist Sanam Hafeez told Bustle that “When you scroll and hit upon something that makes you laugh, your brain receives a hit of dopamine,” and “when you see something you don’t like, you can quickly pivot to something that produces more dopamine.”

These shots of dopamine can train young minds to become accustomed to getting short-term satisfaction from damaging content.

Teen girl in critical condition after horrific video shows high school student repeatedly bashing her head into concrete

A teen girl in Missouri is in critical condition after having her head repeatedly bashed into the concrete during a fight, according to horrific video and authorities. 

The brutal fight video was widely shared on social media this weekend because of it being so extremely appalling. 

KTVI reported, “One person is hospitalized with critical injuries after a fight Friday near Hazelwood East High School.”

The outlet did not name the victim or the perpetrator of the violent crime.

Video of the confrontation shows two high school girls square off to fight in the middle of a street. 

Within seconds, one student throws down the other teen girl to the pavement. She then unleashes a flurry of punches to the girl’s face. When another female student attempts to intervene, she is attacked by other teenage girls. 

After being punched at least a dozen times in the face, the more aggressive student then grabs the teen girl by the hair and repeatedly and viciously slams her head onto the concrete, according to the video. 

The victim had her head violently bashed into the pavement at least four times. 

The teenage girl is seen on video lying unconscious on the pavement and begins to go into convulsions after the monstrous attack. 

The Missouri news outlet noted that there were no arrests in the horrific assault as of Saturday. 

The St. Louis County Police Department is reportedly investigating the chilling beatdown. 

A police department spokesperson told KMOV that there will be an update regarding the shocking attack on Monday. 

The Hazelwood School District released a statement about the abominable fight video.

“It is a tragedy anytime children are hurt,” the statement said. “Bullying and fighting in the community is an issue for which we all need to take ownership and work towards a resolution for the sake of our children. The Hazelwood School District offers our sincerest condolences to everyone involved and will offer additional emotional support from our support and crisis team to those in need.”

“We look forward to continuing to partner with our community for the sake of our children. Please be kind and respectful of the families involved during this difficult time and pledge to help work toward the betterment of our entire community,” the district added. 


Pet poisons: 5 myths and facts

Myth #1: Chocolate is only dangerous for dogs — and only if it’s dark

The facts: Chocolate is toxic to dogs and cats, and even milk chocolate can be dangerous.

So here’s the deal: Chocolate is chock full of two chemicals that you can probably handle, but your furry family most definitely can’t. You’re no doubt familiar with caffeine; it’s probably coursing through your veins at this very moment. But a dose of caffeine that’s fit to sustain a human throughout a long workday would almost certainly be toxic to a dog or cat. In the worst cases, caffeine can cause symptoms such as muscle tremors or seizures. And caffeine isn’t even the most toxic substance in chocolate; that would be a different stimulant called theobromine. Theobromine can spike your pet’s heart rate, cause high blood pressure and cardiac arrhythmias, or even be fatal in large enough doses. By the way, this is all true whether your pet is of the feline or canine persuasion. 

Myth #2: Other than chocolate, human food is OK for your pet

The facts: Chocolate may be especially dangerous, but other foods can harm your pet.

Look, we’re not trying to fan the flames of your pet-lovers’ hypochondria. You don’t need to spend your life combing through the rug in search of that one speck of food the vacuum cleaner left behind. But certain foods, if eaten in large enough quantities, can make your furry friend ill. So just be careful with:

  • Dairy. Unlike you, your pets don’t have the proper enzymes to break down cow’s milk. No, not even cats (so put away your saucer). Dairy products – yes, even cheese – can cause digestive problems in cats and dogs, including diarrhea.
  • Nuts. Oil and fat are the culprits here, and they can cause vomiting, diarrhea, or even pancreatitis in the most extreme cases. Macadamia nuts are especially toxic, with the potential to cause tremors or hyperthermia in both dogs and cats.
  • Raisins and grapes. Nobody’s quite sure which chemical substance in grapes and raisins is bad for pups and kitties, but the devil is in the details: Grapes and raisins have been known to cause kidney failure if eaten in large enough quantities.
  • Garlic, onions, and chives. Any of these can cause stomach issues, intestinal discomfort, or even anemia. They’re especially damaging to cats, though dogs can also be affected if they eat enough.
  • Anything with xylitol. Ah yes, xylitol—a household word if there ever was one. Xylitol is an artificial sweetener used in a bunch of different products, ranging from chewing gum to toothpaste. And it’s really bad for your pets: Xylitol can trigger an insulin release in both cats and dogs, leading to seizures and even liver failure. Make sure you keep it away from your furry family.

In all likelihood, a tiny scrap of one of these foods isn’t going to be your four-legged friend’s undoing. Nonetheless, try to make sure they never get their jaws around them.

Myth #3: Only certain plants are bad for cats and dogs

The facts: Even non-toxic plants can harm your furry friends

Okay, sure, it’s true that certain plants are particularly dangerous. Plants like castor bean, oleander, and yew are incredibly toxic to both dogs and cats. The full list of toxic plants is pretty darn long, but here’s a helpful graphic of the top 12 plants that are poisonous for pets:

Sago palm, Daffodil, Autumn Crocus, Peony, Iris, Tulip, Foxglove, Dieffenbachia, Mums, Lily, Oleander and Rhododendron.

But if you suspect your furry friend might have eaten a toxic plant, look for symptoms of poisoning like mouth irritation, drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, skin rashes, or seizures. And if you spot any of these red flags, call your nearest veterinarian or the ASPCA’s animal poison control center (APCC) as soon as possible.

With all that being said, dogs and cats shouldn’t be eating plants, period! Even grass or common ferns can cause gastrointestinal distress and vomiting if your pet eats too much of them. Your safest bet is to make sure your four-legged friends eat their food and nothing else.

Myth #4: If you think your pet ate something toxic, you should induce vomiting immediately

The facts: You should never induce vomiting in cats, and even with dogs, you should call an expert first

First of all—and we can’t stress this enough—there are no at-home emetics (i.e., medicines that cause vomiting) that are safe for cats. If you’re a cat parent and you think your feline swallowed something poisonous, make a beeline for the nearest emergency veterinary clinic. Your vet can give your cat medications to induce vomiting, or even administer activated charcoal to absorb toxins.

Now, if you’re a dog parent, you do have one at-home option: 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.

A couple of things, though: First of all, it absolutely must be a 3% solution. Anything more can be toxic, and that defeats the purpose. Fortunately, it’s easy to buy at any local pharmacy, and any dog parent should have it on hand.

This is just as important: You should never take matters entirely into your own hands. Like, ever. If you induce vomiting in your dog without contacting your vet or a poison control center first, you’ve done something very wrong. You can’t force a foreign substance into your pup’s already-poisoned body without an expert to guide you through the process.

Vets and poison control experts can tell you things like how much hydrogen peroxide to give your pet based on their size, breed, and what they ate. They can also tell you when it’s prudent to skip vomit-inducing activities and rush straight to the vet.

If you try to induce vomiting without talking to an expert first, there’s a good chance you’ll just make things worse.

Myth #5: If you think your dog or cat was poisoned, panic!

The facts: It’s super unlikely your pet will die from eating something harmful; just be vigilant and have an action plan

Now that you’ve read this article, you should have a better idea of which foods and plants to keep away from your furry friend. But accidents still happen.

So if you know your pet ate something poisonous or you recognize common toxicity symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, or drooling, then call your vet or the animal poison control center (APCC) to get expert advice. And even if you have to rush your four-legged friend to the vet (and if you think they’ve eaten something toxic, you almost always should), it’s still very rare for anything fatal or irreversible to befall your pet as long as you act immediately.

So yes, you should err on the side of caution, but never panic—just get help as quickly as possible, and it’s overwhelmingly likely your four-legged friend will be frisky again in no time.


United-operated Boeing 737 MAX rolls off Houston runway, says FAA

A United Airlines-operated Boeing 737 MAX rolled onto the grass and off the runway at George Bush Airport in Houston last Friday morning, the FAA said.

The National Transportation Safety Board and FAA will investigate. The 160 passengers and six crew were not injured. They left the plane and were bused to the terminal, the FAA and United said. The plane had departed from Memphis.

United said it will move the aircraft from the taxiway as soon as it is able and will “work with the NTSB, FAA and Boeing to understand what happened.”

This is the third incident this week involving a United Boeing airplane. Boeing and United shares were both down 1% on Friday.

A day earlier, a United-operated Boeing 777-200 bound for Japan lost a tire after takeoff from San Francisco and was diverted to Los Angeles where it landed safely. The plane had 249 people on board.

Last week, a United Boeing 737 bound for Florida departing Houston returned to the airport shortly after takeoff after the engine ingested some plastic bubble wrap that was on the airfield prior to departure, the airline said.

Social media posts showed flames coming out of the engine.

Separately, the NTSB said last week it is investigating a Boeing 737 MAX 8 flight last month that experienced “stuck” rudder pedals after it touched down on the runway for its landing.

Three dead in Texas crash of US military helicopter on border patrol

A National Guard helicopter assigned to patrol duty along the U.S.-Mexico border crashed in Texas on Friday, killing two soldiers and a U.S. Border Patrol agent who were aboard and injuring another soldier, military officials said.

The UH-72 Lakota helicopter went down near Rio Grande City, Texas, around 2:50 p.m. (2050 GMT) while conducting aerial “monitoring and detection” operations at the border, said U.S. Army Major Ryan Wierzbicki.

The cause of the crash was under investigation, the Army said. Wierzbicki said he had no information about weather conditions at the time of the accident.

The names of the dead and injured were being withheld pending notification of next of kin.

Louisiana woman attacked by sex offender at laundromat was able to take away his weapon and stab him to death, police said

St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana deputies said a woman was able to take away a sharp weapon from a sex offender who was attacking her at a laundromat and that she proceeded to stab him to death.  The alleged attacker had been released from prison in December, only two and half months before the attack. 

The attack unfolded when 40-year-old Nicholas Tranchant walked into the Laundry Room near Lacombe with a sharp weapon.  He allegedly attacked a woman who was doing her laundry, but she fought back and was able to wrestle away his weapon She then stabbed him with the weapon

When deputies arrived, they thought she had been stabbed, but they quickly realized she had been able to stab her attacker.

Tranchant was transported to a hospital, where he later died. The woman was also transported to a hospital, where she received treatment. She is expected to fully recover.

The alleged attacker was convicted in 2003 of indecent behavior with juveniles and then convicted in 2008 of attempted aggravated rape and aggravated burglary.

WWL-TV reported that Tranchant lived less than a mile away from the laundromat according to his registered address and he had met with his parole officer 11 times. He had been following the conditions of his release, according to the Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections.  Sheriff Randy Smith praised the valor of the victim in a statement.

Frostbitten Kansas City Chiefs fans required amputations following record-cold playoff game, hospital confirms

Some frostbitten Kansas City Chiefs fans required amputations following the record-cold playoff game against the Miami Dolphins in January. Research Medical Center informed the Associated Press that it had “treated dozens of people who had experienced frostbite during an 11-day cold snap in January.”

There were 12 people who needed amputations, included in the victims of the dangerous cold streak were fans who attended the Chiefs’ wild-card playoff game against the Dolphins on Jan. 13. The hospital noted that most of the weather-related amputations involved fingers and toes.

Research Medical Center said more surgeries are anticipated over the next two to four weeks as “injuries evolve.”

The University of Kansas hospital said it also treated frostbite victims after the game but didn’t report any amputations.

Chiefs fans were permitted to bring heated blankets into the stadium and small pieces of cardboard to place under their feet on the frozen concrete.

The temperature for the wild-card playoff game at Arrowhead Stadium was negative four degrees at kickoff and a wind chill of negative 27. It was the coldest game in Chiefs and Dolphins history, and the fourth-coldest NFL game ever.

According to the National Institutes of Health, frostbite can happen when air temperatures fall below 5 degrees Fahrenheit.

“In wind chills of -16.6 degrees Fahrenheit (-27 degrees Celsius), frostbite can occur on exposed skin within 30 minutes,” the NIH stated. “Although frostbite can happen anywhere on the body, it typically affects exposed areas like the nose, ears, cheeks, chin, fingers, and toes.”

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