June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

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Today's News: March 12, 2018

World News
US Supported Trade in Heroin: One Million Women, 100,000 Children Drug Addicts in Afghanistan
Global Research – At least one million women and 100,000 children are drug addicts in Afghanistan, said on Sunday (March 11) the head of the anti-drug department at the public health ministry of the Central Asian nation, Shahpor Yusuf, at an event at a drug rehabilitation center in Kabul to mark International Women’s Day (March 8).
UK Bans Conservative Journalist For “Racist” Criticism of Islam
Infowars – UK border authorities banned conservative journalist Lauren Southern from entering the country earlier today ostensibly because Southern had criticized Islam during a previous visit to the United Kingdom.
Egyptian-Americans push US to advocate for human rights in Egypt
Al Jazeera – Dozens of members of the Egyptian diaspora in the United States are gathering in Washington, DC, this week to develop strategies to push members of Congress to support freedom and human rights in Egypt.
Plane carrying 71 people crashes, catches fire in Kathmandu
US News – Officials and witnesses say a plane carrying 71 people from Bangladesh swerved erratically and flew dangerously low before crashing and erupting in flames as it landed in Kathmandu, Nepal’s capital, killing at least 50 people.
Britain Blames Russia for Nerve Agent Attack on Former Spy
New York Times – British Prime Minister Theresa May said on Monday it was “highly likely” that Moscow was to blame for the poisoning of a former Russian spy who was attacked with a nerve agent near his home in southern England.
U.S. News, Politics & Government
Nixon’s Daylight Savings Time Still Controversial After 44 Years
Breitbart – At 2:00 AM on March 11, Americans complied for the 44th year with President Richard Milhouse Nixon’s still controversial “Emergency Daylight Saving Time Energy Conservation Act.”
The “Act to preserve daylight and provide standard time for the United States” was first passed by President Woodrow Wilson beginning on March 31, 1918 as strategy to maximize productive sunlight working hours during World War I. But with the end of the war, Congress override President Wilson’s veto to kill the wildly unpopular federal action.
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt instituted a year-round Daylight Savings “War Time” from 1942 to 1945, but Congress dumped the unpopular law at the end of World War II.
Richard Nixon successfully campaigned against the power and intrusiveness of FDR’s big government in his 1968 run for the presidency. But in his first State of the Union Address, he introduced a 37-point environmental manifesto that set goals ranging from monitoring motor vehicle emissions standards to halting all dumping in the Great Lakes. Nixon passed a dizzying array of environmental legislation, including establishing the Environmental Protection Agency as a new and independent agency.
A restaurant is charging white customers more to highlight racial wealth inequality
Indy 100 –  A restaurant in New Orleans is hoping to raise awareness of racial wealth differences in the country by charging white customers more.
SAARTJ is a pop-up restaurant in the Louisiana city run by local Nigerian chef Tunde Wey who will be charging white customers $18 (£13) extra for their meal.
Much like the cafe in Melbourne, Australia which charged a ‘man-tax’ due to the gender pay gap, SAARTJ is charging an increase to highlight the racial pay gap in New Orleans.
In 2013, a study found that the average household income of an African-American in the city was 54 per cent lower than that of a white person.
Expert warns of “terrifying” potential of digitally-altered video
CCS – Alec Baldwin is to some a perfect stand-in for President Donald Trump. But in a digitally-altered video online, the president’s face has been digitally stamped onto Baldwin’s performance.
It’s part of a wave of doctored audio and video now spreading online.
“The idea that someone could put another person’s face on an individual’s body, that would be like a homerun for anyone who wants to interfere in a political process,” said Virginia Senator Mark Warner. He believes manipulated video could be a game-changer in global politics.
“This is now going to be the new reality, surely by 2020, but potentially even as early as this year,” he said.
“Derpfakes” is the anonymous YouTuber who has made fake videos of President Trump, Hillary Clinton and Vladimir Putin, based off of performances by the cast of “Saturday Night Live.”
Baltimore rededicates ex-Confederate site to Harriet Tubman
A space at a Baltimore park that had long honored two Confederate generals has been rededicated to abolitionist Harriet Tubman. Saturday’s ceremony at Wyman Park Dell took place just feet from the now-empty pedestal where a large statue of Confederate Gens. Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson once stood.
Police: 2 deadly package bombs in Texas capital are linked
Houston Chronicle – Investigators believe a package bomb that killed a teenager and wounded a woman in Austin on Monday is linked to a similar bombing that killed a man in another part of the city this month, and they’re considering whether race was a factor because all of the victims were black.
Pilot in NYC crash called ‘mayday,’ cited engine failure
Bloomberg – A Texas firefighter and an Argentine woman were among five passengers killed when a helicopter plunged into New York City’s East River as the pilot said the engine had failed.
Trump Shifts on Gun Control, Asks Federal Commission to Decide on Raising Rifle Purchase Age
Breitbart – President Trump has broken from his personal push to raise the minimum rifle purchase age from 18 years to 21 and chosen instead to hand the decision to a federal commission.
Are The Social Media Giants Trying To Steal The 2018 Elections By Censoring Conservative Websites?
Economic Collapse Blog – Nobody is disputing the fact that YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and other social media giants are censoring conservative material.  In fact, this is probably the largest purge of conservative voices in the history of the Internet.  Obviously this is going to cause large numbers of people to stop using their platforms, so why would they do this?  Well, to some conservatives the answer is obvious. These social media giants watched Donald Trump use their platforms extremely effectively in 2016, and many believe that they are absolutely determined to never let that happen again.  In fact, Mike Adams of Natural News is completely convinced that there is a concerted effort by these social media giants to steal the 2018 elections.
Big Pharma Paid Millions in Secret Settlements After Antidepressants Linked to Mass Murder
The Free Thought Project – Every time there are reports of a mass shooting, there are a number of people who automatically question whether the suspect had mental health issues or was taking prescription medications such as antidepressants.

  • Eli Lilly Paid Secret Settlements to Survivors After Man on Prozac Went on Shooting Rampage in 1989
  • GlaxoSmithKline Paid $6.4 Million to the Family of a Man Who Murdered Three Family Members Hours After Taking Paxil in 1998
  • GlaxoSmithKline Also Paid $3 Million to the Widow of a Man Who Committed Suicide After Taking Paxil in 2010

While the cases mentioned above are notable because they received significant media attention, there is still an overwhelming number of lawsuits that stemmed from cases in which pharmaceutical companies paid millions of dollars for failing to warn doctors that the antidepressants they were prescribing could drive patients to kill themselves and others.
According to reports, the first lawsuit involving a Paxil suicide case went to trial in 2001, and since then, GlaxoSmithKline has paid more than $390 million in settlements or verdicts for Paxil-related cases. If that is the price they are willing to pay, then the profit they are making off of the controversial drug must be incredible.
Economy & Business
Home Depot to Train 20K Veterans, Young Americans for Construction Jobs in Trump’s Tight Labor Market
Breitbart – President Donald Trump’s tight labor market — through efforts like stricter interior immigration enforcement — is leading to corporations investing in construction jobs for U.S. veterans and young Americans, rather than relying on cheap, illegal alien workers.
An exclusive report by USA Today reveals that Home Depot is planning to invest $50 million in training 20,000 American veterans and soldiers, young people, and disadvantaged youth for construction work as the industry has tightened in Trump’s era of economic nationalism.
Church of Scientology to Launch a TV Network
Breitbart – The Church of Scientology is about to get its own television channel starting Monday. A Twitter handle, website and app for Scientology TV appeared Sunday posting updates to hype the network’s availability on DIRECTV, AppleTV, Roku, fireTV, Chromecast, iTunes and Google Play.
Energy & Environment
California to start recycling sewer water into tap water… and yes, it’s full of insane chemicals
NaturalNews – Water has apparently become so scarce in the Golden State that some municipalities are about to begin piping recycled sewer water back into people’s homes, new reports indicate.
The California State Water Resources Control Board recently announced new regulations that will allow treated wastewater to be reused as drinking water, though it won’t make up 100 percent of what comes through the tap.
Yellowstone is rumbling again with swarm of over 200 tremors in less than two weeks
NaturalNews – Yellowstone National Park is one of America’s most treasured natural resources – its incredible geysers, among other breathtaking features, drawing millions of visitors to the park every single year. But what a great many may not realize is that Yellowstone is actually a “super” volcano that will one day undergo a massive eruption – and as of late, the terrain surrounding it has been rumbling up a storm in terms of earthquake activity.
Science & Technology
Footage of mysterious object above ocean stuns military personnel
NY Post – Newly released video of a mysterious object streaking over the Atlantic Ocean shows the Pentagon needs to take UFOs seriously, a researcher says.
The sensational two-minute clip captured by a camera aboard a US Navy F/A-18 jet flying at 25,000 feet wowed military personnel.
California Bullet Train Costs Soar to $77 Billion; Opening Delayed
Newsmax – The projected cost of California’s bullet train between San Francisco and Los Angeles has jumped to $77 billion and the completion date has been pushed back four years to 2033, according to a business plan released Friday.
The plan by the California High-Speed Rail Authority presents the latest setbacks for a project that’s been beleaguered by delays and cost overruns since voters first gave it the greenlight in 2008.
It focuses almost entirely on first opening track between San Francisco and the inland Central Valley, a goal the state is still billions of dollars short of financing.
Huge victory for natural medicine in Australia as nation rejects pharma-engineered attempt to outlaw nearly all herbs
NaturalNews – Australia is one of the most oppressive medical police state regimes in the world. The medical tyranny in Australia has even led to the government denying entitlement checks to parents who refuse to have their children subjected to an endless battery of dangerous vaccine injections. Jon Rappoport from NoMoreFakeNews.com cites Crazz Files, reporting that the Australian government has rejected the pharma-funded attempt to outlaw natural medicine, reaffirming the efficacy of traditional remedies. This is a surprising and important win for health freedom in Australia, and it reveals that even the “Greens” party in Australia has someone become anti-natural medicine.
Here’s the story from Rappoport (original source link)
Merck Will Give Young Mothers The Most Dangerous Vaccine Of All: Trial
The Daily Sheeple – The University of Alabama at Birmingham recently announced a collaboration with pharmaceutical behemoth vaccine producer Merck, to perform Gardasil 9 HPV vaccine trials on postpartum mothers between the ages of 16 and 26, immediately after having their children at the UAB hospital.
The researchers somehow believe not enough people are being vaccinated for HPV, and the desired outcome of the study is officially to get more young women vaccinated.
10 Natural Ways to Regulate Your Blood Sugar Levels
Care2 – Healthy blood sugar levels provide a continuous supply of energy to the organs, particularly the brain—and help keep moods and weight stable. And, while most people know to avoid refined sugars and eat more fiber, there are many lesser-known ways to regulate blood sugar levels both for healthy individuals or those who are trying to address diabetes.

  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Blueberries
  • Cilantro
  • Cinnamon
  • Coconut
  • Dandelion
  • Exercise
  • Ginger
  • Milk Thistle
  • Nettles

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