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Today's News: March 13, 2018

World News
Massive, 6-inch hairy spider saved from mind-blowing Australian flood
Fox News – It really does sound like something from a horror movie: a giant spider larger than a man’s hand, which makes loud hissing sounds and has powerful long venomous fangs.
While many people would run the other way when face-to-face with such an enormous arachnid, a group of North Queensland locals did the opposite and saved the terrifying creature when it was found dangling for dear life on a branch overhanging flooded water.
The spider is believed to be a whistling spider (Australian tarantula) — the name relates to the sound they make when feeling threatened. They are also known as bird-eating spiders.
US House Republicans find no Trump-Russia collusion
Al Jazeera – President Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia did not collude during the 2016 presidential election, the House Intelligence Committee’s Republicans said in a draft assessment of Russia’s alleged efforts to steer the US poll.
Russia won’t respond to UK ultimatum until samples of alleged chemical weapon received – Lavrov
RT – Moscow will not respond to the British request about a clandestine Soviet chemical weapon allegedly used in an ex-double agent’s poisoning until a sample of the agent is provided, the Russian foreign minister said.
U.S. News, Politics & Government
College student kicked out of class for telling professor there are only two genders
Fox News – A religious studies major was barred from Christianity class at Indiana University of Pennsylvania for saying during class that there are only two genders.
Lake Ingle, a senior at the university, said he was silenced and punished by IUP Professor Alison Downie for questioning her during a Feb. 28 “Christianity 481: Self, Sin, and Salvation” lecture.
After showing a 15-minute TED Talk by transgender ex-pastor Paula Stone Williams discussing the “reality” of “mansplaining,” “sexism from men,” and “male privilege,” the professor asked the women in the class to share their thoughts. When no women in the class said anything, Ingle spoke up, challenging the professor on biology and the gender wage gap.
He told the class that the official view of biologists is that there are only two genders.
The feminist professor booted him from class and asked him not to come back. She referred him to the public university’s Academic Integrity Board (AIB). Ingle needs to complete the class to graduate at the end of the semester.
“You are barred from attending this class in accordance with the Classroom Disruption policy,” IUP Provost Timothy Moerland told Ingle in a March 2 letter.
Congress Passed Lautenberg Amendment To Rescue Soviet Jews—Why Not For White South Africans? (But Trump Can Take Executive Action NOW)
VDare.com – South Africa’s white farmers have their collective heads on the block following the vote by the country’s parliament to expropriate their land without compensation. The plan’s main proponent, Julius Malema of the Economic Freedom Fighters party, says white farmers are “criminals” who must be driven off the land. Make no mistake, this is shorthand for extermination. Congress should immediately direct that U.S. refugee policy be reoriented to rescue these victims threatened by looming—indeed, developing—genocide, as it did with the notorious Lautenberg Amendment, which captured the U.S. refugee intake to favor Soviet Jews. But President Trump doesn’t have to wait—there is precedent for immediate Executive Action.
UMN hosting prof to lecture on ‘the violence of whiteness’
Campus Reform – The University of Minnesota has invited a professor dedicated to “dismantling whiteness” to speak next week on how whiteness is an “existential threat” to the United States.
The Elephant in the Room: A ‘Grown Up’ Conversation about Whiteness” will be presented by Lisa Anderson-Levy, an Anthropology professor at Beloit College whose teaching philosophy is predicated on the belief that “teaching is a political act.”
During her lecture, Anderson-Levy is slated to speak on a number of issues, including “the violence of whiteness” and how colleges and universities in the United States may be complicit in perpetuating this violence.
Stanford reverses decision, will allow American flag on College Republicans’ apparel
Fox News – The Star-Spangled Banner is no longer banned at Stanford University.
The California college last week reversed its controversial decision that would have banned the American flag on College Republicans’ apparel.
The university pointed to its trademark guide as to the reason for the rejection. And though the guide doesn’t include any references to flags, a university official said the policy was part of a broader policy intended to avoid associating the Stanford name/logo with specific political perspectives.
University of California Guide: Saying “I’m Not Racist” is Racist
Infowars – An official University of California list of racist “microaggressions” asserts that saying “I’m not racist” is racist.
The university guide defines microaggressions as, “everyday verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights, snubs, or insults, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative messages to target persons based solely upon their marginalized group membership.”
NYPD Removing Armed Officers from Schools amid National Push for Armed Officers in Schools
Breitbart – NYPD removed one of the last armed officers from city schools, even as armed protection of students takes center stage nationwide.
Sgt. Raul Espinet, one of the last armed officers, was removed from his post at Francis Lewis High School around the same time that the February 14 Florida school shooting occurred.
The New York Post reports that armed officers in schools are being jettisoned in light of “Mayor de Blasio’s new community policing units.” Such units “will visit schools while patrolling the neighborhood” but full-time, designated school assignments are over.
Rex Tillerson Out as Trump’s Secretary of State, Replaced by Mike Pompeo
New York Times – President Trump on Tuesday ousted his secretary of state, Rex W. Tillerson, extending a shake-up of his administration, potentially transforming the nation’s economic and foreign policy.  Mr. Trump announced he would replace Mr. Tillerson with Mike Pompeo, the C.I.A. director and former Tea Party congressman, who forged a close relationship with the president and is viewed as being more in sync with Mr. Trump’s America First credo.
Trump personal aide fired, escorted out without coat
Activist Post – President Trump’s personal assistant was let go on Monday — escorted from the White House without being allowed to get his coat, according to reports.
John McEntee was fired because he is being investigated by the Department of Homeland Security for serious financial crimes, CNN noted.
But the faithful Trump aide didn’t go far as he was immediately hired by the President’s reelection campaign team.
Trump picks 1st woman as CIA director
WND – President Donald Trump announced Tuesday he will nominate Gina Haspel to replace Mike Pompeo as director of the Central Intelligence Agency, a move that could resurface concerns about the longtime intelligence official’s stance on torture.
Haspel, if confirmed by the Senate, would become the first woman to lead the CIA, a milestone Trump touted in announcing his plans.
Prosecutors will seek death penalty in Parkland school massacre
CNN – Prosecutors will seek to put Nikolas Cruz to death for carrying out last month’s massacre at a Parkland, Florida, high school, they announced in court filings Tuesday.
Economy & Business
Trump Blocks Broadcom Takeover Of Qualcomm On National Security Grounds
ZeroHedge – President Trump has issued an executive order blocking Singapore-based Broadcom’s $117 billion takeover of U.S. chipmaker Qualcomm on national security grounds.
Additionally, Reuters reports that the Trump order says all 15 candidate directors proposed by Broadcom are disqualified for Qualcomm board.
Bass explained on CNBC why he didn’t think the U.S. can allow Broadcom’s potential purchase of Qualcomm to go through because of QCOM’s importance to developing 5G technology.
The U.S. government is also worried about the issue. The Treasury Department wrote a letter Monday to lawyers involved in the deal expressing concern about Chinese competitors in 5G network development, which raises national security concerns over the Broadcom-Qualcomm merger. Broadcom said in a letter to Congress regarding its offer to acquire Qualcomm that the company will not sell any “critical national security assets” to any foreign companies.
But that was not enough to satisfy the Committee on Foreign Investment in the U.S. (CFIUS).
As Bloomberg reports, the president acted on a recommendation by CFIUS , which reviews acquisitions of American firms by foreign investors. The decision to block the deal was unveiled just hours after Broadcom Chief Executive Officer Hock Tan met with security officials at the Pentagon in a last-ditch effort to salvage the transaction.
“There is credible evidence that leads me to believe that Broadcom Ltd.” by acquiring Qualcomm “might take action that threatens to impair the national security of the United States,” Trump said in the order released Monday evening in Washington.
Trump’s order came after CFIUS found that Broadcom’s acquisition would undermine Qualcomm’s leadership in 5G wireless technology, opening the door for China’s Huawei Technologies Co. to become dominant.
>> Related: Trump security team explores US-built 5G network (From January 29th)
Due to concerns about the growing Chinese share of the wireless market the Trump administration says a nationalized wireless network would counter Chinese spying on US phones.
Energy & Environment
Massive Solar Storm to Slam Earth Tomorrow, Could Knockout Power Supplies
Infowars – A huge solar storm is heading for Earth, and it’s likely to hit tomorrow.
The storm could knockout satellites, disrupt power supplies and spark stunning displays of the Northern Lights.
It was created last week by an enormous explosion in the sun’s atmosphere known as a solar flare, and charged particles from that flare are now on their way to our planet.
The arrival of the solar storm coincides with the formation of ‘equinox cracks’ in Earth’s magnetic field, which some scientists believe form around the equinoxes on March 20 and September 23 each year.
Science & Technology
Report: Netflix Conditioning Kids to Binge Watch
Infowars – A new Netflix feature has been slammed by child safety experts who say the app “undermines” parents.
The feature lets children collect “patches” by watching TV shows, raising concerns over binge-watching.
According to some experts, the Netflix feature is actually training children to watch TV excessively.
Gardening, Farming & Homesteading
7 Off-Grid Uses For Beeswax (No. 4 Is Our Favorite!)
Off Grid News – If you raise bees, you no doubt are aware of the delicious elixir they produce as the byproducts of their daily toils: honey. However, many beekeepers neglect another significant product produced by these hardworking insects — the wax!

  1. Salves and cosmetics
  2. Arts and crafts
  3. Cheese waxing
  4. Prevent rust and provide lubrication
  5. Crayons and candles
  6. Shoe repair
  7. In the kitchen

Some probiotics can improve muscle health and protein absorption: A scientific review
NaturalNews – Certain probiotics, such as Bacillus coagulans GBI-30, 6086, can enhance muscle health and protein absorption, according to a review of studies published in the journal Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins. According to the review authors, data obtained from an in vitro gut model showed that the probiotic could break down protein and a large variety of carbohydrates
You can purchase Latero-Flora Probiotics or Living Streams Multi-Blend Probiotics from www.thepowermall.com or by calling 877-817-9829
Fluoride Literally Turns the Pineal Gland to Stone, Research Suggests
GreenMedInfo – Research published in 2001 showed that fluoride (F) deposits in the pineal gland with age and is associated with enhanced gland calcification. Eleven aged cadavares were dissected and their pineal glands assayed. This is the not the first research to implicate fluoride in contributing to so-called ectopic calcification, or the calcification of soft tissue. We address this in a previous report on the potential for fluoride to calcifiy the arteries.

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