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Today's News: March 15, 2019

World News
New Zealand PM: Dozens killed in ‘terrorist’ attack on mosques
Al Jazeera – Gunmen kill at least 49 people during Friday prayers at two mosques in Christchurch in the country’s worst ever attack.
Brexit Chaos as War of the Elites Against Brit Independence Intensifies
The New American – A series of confusing votes and a chaotic welter of parliamentary maneuvers over the past several days have left a muddled picture concerning where Britain now stands on Brexit. After voting to reject Prime Minister Theresa May’s treaty deal with the European Union, which was widely viewed as a sellout of Brexit, Parliament then turned around and voted against a “no deal Brexit,” meaning they rejected the “Just Leave!” option favored by many Brexiteers that would involve simply departing from the EU without an agreement. The votes were cynical exercises in political expediency. Pro-Remain Members of Parliament in both Conservative and Labour parties hoped the first vote would help them escape the wrath of Britain’s pro-Brexit voters, while the second vote would actually scuttle any real Brexit. The votes have now left them with the options of either: 1) hoping for yet a new Theresa May-EU deal (even though the EU bosses have ruled out any further negotiations); extending the March 29 Brexit deadline; holding a new referendum on Brexit, or; simply remaining in the EU. The Europhile Remainers prefer any of the above to a clean Brexit, which they have constantly demonized as an irresponsible “crashing out,” “no-deal” Brexit that would be (they claim) calamitous for Britain’s security and prosperity.
Finland’s Government Collapsed Under Weight Of Socialized Healthcare
SHFTPlan – Finland’s government has collapsed just weeks before the general election.  New socialist and communist reforms have failed due to the rising costs of healthcare.
Healthcare costs, which are high because of governments, have caused the collapse of the Finnish government. Prime Minister Juha Sipila and the rest of the cabinet resigned after the governing coalition failed to pass reforms in parliament to the country’s regional government and health services, the Wall Street Journal reports. Finland, like much of the developed world, faces an aging population, with around 26 percent of its citizens expected to be over 65 by the year 2030, an increase of 5 percent from today.  The strain on the socialized medical system is impossible to ignore, and cannot be fixed by more government interference.
And the problems with socialism continue, as money is taken from some and given to others, eventually, the takers will outnumber the makers.
As an increasing number of people live longer in retirement, the cost of providing pension and healthcare benefits can rise. Those increased costs are paid for by taxes collected from of the working-age population – who make up a smaller percentage of the population than in decades past. -BBC
The only reform that could possibly help these failing systems is to have the government step back and let competition and the free market thrive. Of course, that’s the one thing governments cannot and will not do because it means giving up power and control over people’s lives.
Australia to launch 7-nation Indian Ocean military exercises, starting in Sri Lanka
RT – Australia will launch a seven-nation Indian Ocean military exercise next week. It will start in Sri Lanka where China has invested in strategic ports and loaned huge amounts to build other infrastructure, AFP reports. Some 1,000 Australian security personnel in four naval ships and a military aircraft will participate in the biggest joint exercise yet with their Sri Lankan counterparts, Canberra’s top envoy in Colombo, Jon Philp, said on Friday. “Sri Lanka and Australia are increasingly like-minded on maritime security and Indian Ocean issues,” Philp said, adding that the two countries will improve defense cooperation. Australian forces will move to India on March 26 and thereafter travel to Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia and Singapore before returning to Darwin after two and a half months.
Australia Aboriginals win right to sue for colonial land loss
Al Jazeera – The ruling in favour of the Ngaliwurru and Nungali groups paves the way for billions of dollars in compensation.
NKorea suspending nuke talks with USA?
Reuters – North Korea is considering suspending talks with the United States and may rethink a ban on missile and nuclear tests unless Washington makes concessions, a senior diplomat said on Friday, according to news reports from the North’s capital.
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in Washington the United States wished to continue talks with North Korea and had “every expectation” that its leader, Kim Jong Un, would stick to pledges not to resume nuclear and missile testing.
North Korean Vice Foreign Minister Choe Son Hui blamed top U.S. officials for the breakdown of last month’s summit in Hanoi between Kim and U.S. President Donald Trump, Russia’s TASS news agency and the Associated Press reported.
“We have no intention to yield to the U.S. demands (at the Hanoi summit) in any form, nor are we willing to engage in negotiations of this kind,” TASS quoted Choe as telling reporters in the North Korean capital.
Choe said Pompeo and national security adviser John Bolton “created the atmosphere of hostility and mistrust and, therefore, obstructed the constructive effort for negotiations between the supreme leaders of North Korea and the United States”, TASS quoted Choe as saying.
Piece Found at BOEING 737 Crash Site Shows Jet Was Set to Dive
NDTV – A screw-like device found in the wreckage of the Boeing 737 Max that crashed last Sunday in Ethiopia indicates the plane was configured to dive, a piece of evidence that helped convince U.S. regulators to ground the model, a person familiar with the investigation said late Thursday night.
Federal Aviation Administration chief Daniel Elwell on Wednesday cited unspecified evidence found at the crash scene as part of the justification for the agency to reverse course and temporarily halt flights of Boeing’s largest selling aircraft. Up until then, American regulators had held off as nation after nation had grounded the plane, Boeing’s best-selling jet model.
The piece of evidence was a so-called jackscrew, used to set the trim that raises and lowers the plane’s nose, according to the person, who requested anonymity to discuss the inquiry.
A preliminary review of the device and how it was configured at the time of the crash indicated that it was set to push down the nose, according to the person, who wasn’t authorized to speak publicly about the investigation.
The jackscrew, combined with a newly obtained satellite flight track of the plane, convinced the FAA that there were similarities to the Oct. 29 crash of the same Max model off the coast of Indonesia. In the earlier accident, a safety feature on the Boeing aircraft was repeatedly trying to put the plane into a dive as a result of a malfunction.
Ethiopian Airlines CEO sees ‘clear similarities’ between crashed 737 MAX jets: Xinhua
Reuters – The crashed Boeing Co 737 MAX jets in Ethiopia and Indonesia appear to have a common connection, Ethiopian Airlines Group Chief Executive Officer Tewolde Gebremariam told China’s state news agency Xinhua on Friday.
U.S. News, Politics & Government
Trump signs first veto of his presidency
CNN – President Donald Trump on Friday vetoed legislation attempting to strike down his declaration of a national emergency at the southern border during an Oval Office event from the White House.
It is the first time in his two years in office that Trump has used his presidential veto power to block legislation and comes after a dozen Senate Republicans joined Democrats to rebuke Trump’s use of his national emergency power to bypass Congress and fund construction of a border wall.
Trump was surrounded at Friday’s event by officials from Customs and Border Protection as well as surviving family members of those who have loved ones killed by undocumented immigrants. Attorney General William Barr was also at the President’s veto event.
“I look forward to VETOING the just passed Democrat inspires Resolution which would OPEN BORDERS while increasing Crime, Drugs, and Trafficking in our Country,” Trump tweeted shortly after the Senate passed the resolution condemning Trump’s unilateral action. “I thank all of the Strong Republicans who voted to support Border Security and our desperately needed WALL!”
Twelve Republican senators banded together to deliver the forceful rebuke after expressing concerns that Trump’s use of the national emergency declaration as an end-run around Congress violates the separation of powers and sets a bad precedent that a would-be future Democratic president could follow to unilaterally drive their agenda.
The White House sought to pare back Republican defections leading up to the vote, with the President and White House aides making clear to Republican senators that a vote against Trump on this issue would have ramifications come re-election time.
Court rules gun maker Remington can be sued over Newtown shooting
AP – Gun maker Remington can be sued over how it marketed the Bushmaster rifle used to kill 20 children and six educators at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012, a divided Connecticut Supreme Court ruled Thursday.
Justices issued a 4-3 decision that reinstated a wrongful death lawsuit and overturned a lower court ruling that the lawsuit was prohibited by a 2005 federal law that shields gun manufacturers from liability in most cases when their products are used in crimes.
The plaintiffs include a survivor and relatives of nine people killed in the massacre. They argue the AR-15-style rifle used by shooter Adam Lanza is too dangerous for the public and Remington glorified the weapon in marketing it to young people.
Remington has denied wrongdoing and previously insisted it can’t be sued under the federal law.
The majority of the high court agreed with most of the lower court’s ruling and dismissed most of the lawsuit’s allegations, but allowed a wrongful marketing claim to proceed.
“The regulation of advertising that threatens the public’s health, safety, and morals has long been considered a core exercise of the states’ police powers,” Justice Richard Palmer wrote for the majority.
Viral Video Claims Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Is Actually An Actress Who Responded To A Casting Call Connected To Cenk Uygur
Breaking the Matrix – Youtuber and Independent journalist “Mr. Reagan” makes some pretty outrageous claims about the nature of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Congressional Seat.
Watch the video HERE
A rare virus outbreak at sea has left a US Navy warship quarantined for over 2 months
Business Insider – A US Navy warship deployed to the Persian Gulf has been quarantined at sea for more than two months because of a viral outbreak, a rare move the US Navy revealed Wednesday after an inquiry from CNN.
A viral infection, parotitis, with symptoms similar to the mumps, has spread across the USS Fort McHenry, a Whidbey Island-class dock landing ship, affecting a total of 25 sailors and Marines. Symptoms of the illness appeared for the first time in December of last year.
Sick sailors were quarantined aboard the vessel and treated in the onboard medical facilities while their living areas were cleaned and disinfected. No one had to be medevaced off the ship, CNN reported Wednesday afternoon, but it’s very unusual for US warships to spend more than two months at sea without a port call.
$12 Billion Defamation Suit Hits Major Media Outlets
Mediate – Failed Republican Senate candidate Don Blankenship filed a massive defamation lawsuit on Thursday against dozens of news outlets and media personalities for referring to him as a “felon” during his 2018 run in the West Virginia primary.
While Blankenship, the former CEO of Massey Energy, spent a year in federal prison after a misdemeanor conviction for conspiring to violate safety regulations prior to a deadly mining disaster in 2010, he was acquitted of all felony charges.
Blankenship — whose campaign rose to national prominence after he ran an ad dubbing Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell “Cocaine Mitch” and called Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao‘s father a “wealthy Chinaperson” — is seeking over $12 billion in damages in the lawsuit filed in Mingo County, West Virginia Circuit Court.
Christian Education Initiative Sounds Alarm on Public Schools
The New American – A new coalition of evangelical leaders in the education space just announced a campaign to promote Christian education, all while educating parents and pastors on the dangers that government schools present to children and the church.
Republicans Embrace Gun Control: Lindsey Graham Pushing Gun Confiscation Laws
Off Grid Survival – It’s not a secret that the Democrats are out to kill the second amendment, but until recently Republicans at least pretended to be for gun owners – despite decades of caving on major gun legislation and generally stabbing us in the back every time we stopped paying attention.
But Republicans no longer seem to fear openly supporting gun control legislation, hell the NRA isn’t going to hold them accountable, they stopped caring about gun owners long ago.
A Republican coalition in Congress, led by Sen. Lindsey Graham and that dipshit Marco Rubio, are seeking to push a variety of gun control bills and further neuter the second amendment. Graham has scheduled a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing for March 26 to consider legislation to confiscate a large number of guns with no notice and no due process whatsoever.
The proposal, co-sponsored by Richard Blumenthal (D-Ct.), will create a federal gun confiscation program where police, an angry family member, or even a scorned ex-lover can petition for a secret court hearing to strip a gun owner of his Second, Fourth, Fifth, and 14th Amendment rights.
According to the Daily Caller:
Under Blumenthal-Graham, the first thing a gun owner would learn of the proceedings is when the police showed up at his door in the middle of the night, ready to ransack his home and, if he resisted, to arrest or kill him.
Think, it can’t happen? The Daily Caller cites examples of it happening already…
In Ferndale, Maryland, a 60-year-old man was shot to death by police serving a “red flag order” at 5:17 a.m. It turned out that the complainant was a non-immediate relative seeking to punish the gun owner after an argument they had.
In January, Mr. Bubbles himself (Marco Rubio) introduced a bill to push gun confiscations throughout the United States. The Extreme Risk Protection Order and Violence Prevention Act of 2019, is a version of what Florida put in place that will allow the government to seize your weapons if they deem you are a threat to yourself or public safety.
Energy & Environment
Nebraska Dam at ‘High Risk’ Of Failure, Nuclear Power Plant Threatened by Deadly, Historic Flooding
The Weather Channel – Flooding in parts of the Midwest has left one man dead and threatens a Nebraska dam and nuclear power plant as heavy rains mixed with a melting snowpack swell waterways to historic levels.
An unidentified Nebraska farmer was killed Thursday after the tractor he was using to attempt to rescue a stranded motorist was carried away by floodwaters, the Omaha World-Herald reported. The incident occurred at Shell Creek near Columbus in eastern Nebraska.
Ericson Dam in north-central Nebraska is at high risk of failing as the Cedar River continues to rise, according to a report by the National Weather Service.
Officials in Boone County, downstream from the dam, also warned of the “imminent failure” of the dam, Boone County News reported.
Both agencies are warning impacted residents to seek higher ground.
In Nebraska, a utility company placed sandbags around a threatened nuclear power plant Thursday as the Missouri River continued to rise, the Omaha World-Journal said in a separate report.
Mark Becker, spokesman for the Nebraska Public Power District, told the newspaper that if the river rises to 45.5 feet this weekend, as projected by the NWS, the Cooper Nuclear Station, which accounts for 35 percent of NPPD’s power, will have to be shut down.
Becker noted that should the plant shut down, DPPD will be able to get power elsewhere, and they don’t expect the closure to lead to outages.
On Thursday, DPPD lost another small electrical plant when the Spencer Dam failed at the Niobrara River and caused a large ice floe to jam a hole in the building. Workers inside the building were uninjured, Becker told the newspaper. The failure also forced the evacuation of dozens of residents along the river.
The Knox County Sheriff’s Office posted a notice on Facebook Thursday morning warning residents that the dam had been “compromised.”
New study finds that 100 PERCENT of sea turtles have plastics in their bellies
NaturalNews – The next time you come across a sea turtle in the wild, remember that there are pieces of plastic trash inside the animal’s belly. And if that is not stomach-churning enough for you, imagine the damage caused by jagged pieces of toxic pollutant tumbling inside your belly.
Researchers in the United Kingdom raised this issue after checking more than 100 turtles in three different oceans and seas. Given the results of their study, they warned that turtles and other forms of marine life are paying the price for the unfulfilled promises made by plastic manufacturers and governments when it came to cutting back on plastic pollution.
Supported by the University of Exeter and the marine conservation group Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML), the study examined the digestive systems of turtles found in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and the Mediterranean Sea. It found plastics, smaller microplastics, and various synthetic items in the bellies of each and every single animal.
“This study provides more evidence that we all need to help reduce the amount of plastic waste released to our seas and maintain clean, healthy and productive oceans for future generations,” said Penelope Lindeque, the co-author of the scientific paper. (Related: Plastic trash polluting our oceans is expected to double by 2025…what is being done to stop this global crisis?)
Mediterranean sea turtles could have hundreds of plastic bits in their bellies
Lindeque and her research team had been studying microplastic pollution for many years. Time and again, they uncovered evidence that tiny plastic pollutants have contaminated almost every marine animal species that they have evaluated.
Science & Technology
CRISPR Scientists Call For Global Moratorium On Heritable Gene Editing
Technocracy.news – There are non-Technocrats who see that science must be used responsibly., but once Pandora’s Box has been opened, it is impossible to shut. Rogue scientists will continue to ignore the warnings. ⁃ TN Editor
Some of the biggest names in gene editing want to stop anyone from playing around with cells that pass on changes to the next generation.
After the first International Summit on Human Gene Editing in December 2015, a statement was released. The organizers were unanimous in agreeing that the creation of genetically modified children was “irresponsible” unless we knew for sure it was safe.
Well, a fat lot of good that did. As MIT Technology Review revealed in November last year, Chinese scientist He Jiankui edited embryos to create two genetically engineered babies. Other groups are now actively looking to use the technology to enhance humans.
This has prompted some of the biggest names in gene editing (some of whom signed the 2015 statement) to call for a global moratorium on all human germline editing—editing sperm or egg cells so that the changes are hereditary.
In an open letter in Nature this week, major players in CRISPR’s development, including Emmanuelle Charpentier, Eric Lander, and Feng Zhang, have been joined by colleagues from seven different countries to call for a total ban on human germline editing until an international framework has been agreed on how it should be treated. They suggest five years “might be appropriate.” The US National Institutes of Health has also backed the call.
The signatories hope a voluntary global moratorium will stop the next He Jiankui from suddenly springing another unwelcome surprise.
The group says that this moratorium period will allow time to discuss the “technical, scientific, medical, societal, ethical, and moral issues that must be considered” before the technique can be used. Countries that decide to go ahead and allow germline editing should do so only after notifying the public of the plan, engaging in international consultation “about the wisdom of doing so,” and making sure that there is a “broad societal consensus” in the country for starting on that path, they say.
“The world might conclude that the clinical use of germline editing is a line that should not be crossed for any purpose whatsoever,” the group says. “Alternatively, some societies might support genetic correction for cou­ples with no other way to have biologically related children, but draw a line at all forms of genetic enhancement. Or, societies could one day endorse limited or widespread use of enhancement.”
Scientists uncover DNA switch that controls whole-body regeneration… Humans grow back?
Telegraph – Humans may one day have the ability to regrow limbs after scientists at Harvard University uncovered the DNA switch that controls genes for whole-body regeneration.
Some animals can achieve extraordinary feats of repair, such as salamanders which grow back legs, or geckos which can shed their tails to escape predators and then form new ones in just two months.
Planarian worms, jellyfish, and sea anemones go even further, actually regenerating their entire bodies after being cut in half.
Now scientists have discovered that that in worms, a section of non-coding or ‘junk’ DNA controls the activation of a ‘master control gene’ called early growth response (EGR) which acts like a power switch, turning regeneration on or off.
“We were able to decrease the activity of this gene and we found that if you don’t have EGR, nothing happens,” said Dr Mansi Srivastava, Assistant Professor of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University.
“The animals just can’t regenerate. All those downstream genes won’t turn on, so the other switches don’t work, and the whole house goes dark, basically.”
The studies were done in three-banded panther worms. Scientists found that during regeneration the tightly-packed DNA in their cells, starts to unfold, allowing new areas to activate.
But crucially humans also carry EGR, and produce it when cells are stressed and in need of repair, yet it does not seem to trigger large scale regeneration.
Scientists now think that it master gene is wired differently in humans to animals and are now trying to find a way to tweak its circuitry to reap its regenerative benefits.
Post doctoral student Andrew Gehrke of Harvard believes the answer lies in the area of non-coding DNA controlling the gene. Non-coding or junk DNA was once believed to do nothing, but in recent years scientists have realised is having a major impact.
“Only about two percent of the genome makes things like proteins,” added Mr Gehrke said. “We wanted to know: What is the other 98 percent of the genome doing during whole-body regeneration?
“I think we’ve only just scratched the surface. We’ve looked at some of these switches, but there’s a whole other aspect of how the genome is interacting on a larger scale, and all of that is important for turning genes on and off.”
Facebook Under Criminal Investigation; Allowed Big Tech Firms to Steal Users’ Data
The New American – Facebook — already beleaguered by one scandal and investigation after another — is in deeper trouble than ever. Federal prosecutors are conducting a criminal investigation of the social-media giant over deals it struck with some of the largest tech companies in the world. The deals allowed those companies access to users’ private data — including private messages, in some cases — without users’ knowledge or consent.
The New York Times is reporting,
A grand jury in New York has subpoenaed records from at least two prominent makers of smartphones and other devices, according to two people who were familiar with the requests and who insisted on anonymity to discuss confidential legal matters. Both companies had entered into partnerships with Facebook, gaining broad access to the personal information of hundreds of millions of its users.
The companies were among more than 150 firms, including Amazon, Apple, Microsoft and Sony, that had cut sharing deals with the world’s dominant social media platform. The agreements, previously reported in The New York Times, let the companies see users’ friends, contact information and other data, sometimes without consent. Facebook has phased out most of the partnerships over the past two years.
This criminal investigation is related to the 2011 consent agreement between Facebook and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), which Facebook entered into to avoid legal troubles at that time. The data-sharing deals Facebook forged with major tech companies appear to clearly violate that FTC agreement.
250 Scientists Sign Petition Against Danger Of Cancer From Bluetooth Radiation
Technocracy.news – Cell phones, 5G and Wifi are already known to be cancer risks, but now low-power bluetooth devices, like AirPods and earbuds, may also be dangerous. Most of these devices are not regulated but are regularly worn by tens of millions of users. ⁃ TN Editor
Apple’s popular wireless AirPods headphones may pose cancer risks to wearers, according to a United Nations and World Health Organization petition.
Some 250 have signed the petition, which warns against numerous devices that emit radio frequency radiation, which is used in WiFi, cellular data and Bluetooth.
AirPods in particular are concerning because they sit deeply enough within the ear canal to emit expose these fragile parts of the ear to dangerous among of radiation, some experts warn.
The scientific jury is still out on the whether or not the particular devices can cause cancer, but animal studies on the kind of radio frequency radiation that they emit has suggested a link to cancer.
Radio waves from Bluetooth AirPods may be carcinogenic, a group of 250 international scientists warned in a petition against minimally regulated wireless technology
And, in some cases, the levels of radiation found to be carcinogenic were significantly lower than the maximum allowed by federal and international guidelines.
Last year, Apple sold 28 million pairs of its tiny, white wireless earbuds. The year before, they sold 16 million pairs. With a new design reportedly on the way, the technology company is set to profit even more on sound.
But the devices could be pumping more than beats into wearers’ heads.
Parents of non-vaccinated children denied the right to attend school as left-wing judge orders them to stay home during outbreak carried by VACCINATED children
NaturalNews – In New York, a federal judge has ruled against the parents of non-vaccinated kids, denying their children their right to attend school.
U.S. District Court Judge Vincent Briccetti denied a temporary injunction request that would have permitted 44 unvaccinated kids to return to school. This will keep the students out of the Green Meadow Waldorf School for at least three more weeks.
In December, Rockland County’s health commissioner, Patricia Schnabel Ruppert, ordered that children who are unvaccinated at 60 different private schools across two zip codes stay home from school during what has become the state’s longest measles outbreak in years, with 145 cases reported so far. The order applies to schools where the vaccination rates fall below 95 percent, and it marked the first time that county officials have moved to ban unvaccinated kids from schools.
The parents of the unvaccinated students at the heart of the injunction filed a lawsuit against the Rockland Health Department as well as the commissioner challenging that order in hopes of enabling their children to attend school without having to inject them with toxins to regain access. Their lawsuit says that the order not only violates their religious objections to the concept of vaccinations but is also unnecessary because the measles cases have so far been mostly confined to Hasidic Jewish communities. All of the children who are involved in the lawsuit had been granted religious exemptions to vaccination, but none are Orthodox Jews.
Kylie Cosmetics products are made with oxybenzone, a chemical with high reproductive toxicity and immunotoxicity… clueless youth think it makes them look beautiful
NaturalNews – One of the alleged “perks” of using Kylie Jenner’s “Kylie Cosmetics” line of makeup products is that they’re supposedly a cut above the rest. But a closer look at the chemical ingredients hiding behind all the marketing hype reveals that Kylie Jenner is selling what can only be described as toxic garbage to masses of unsuspecting and gullible youth who idolize her every move.
One such ingredient found in a number of Kylie Cosmetics makeup products is oxybenzone, also known as benzophenone-3, a photostabilizer chemical commonly found in cheap sunscreens. According to Truth In Aging, oxybenzone is often blended with other chemical ingredients as both a preservative and an ultraviolet (UV) ray absorber.
Besides its use in sunscreen products, oxybenzone is also added to various other personal care products like nail polish, lotion, and lipstick – including the ever-popular “Kylie Lip Kits” that are sold by Kylie Jenner for about $30 a pop. And according to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), oxybenzone isn’t exactly something that humans should be applying to their bodies.
FDA never developed comprehensive standards to assess safety of oxybenzone like agency promised back in 1970s
For one, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) hasn’t evaluated the safety of oxybenzone since the 1970s, which is right around the time when the agency announced that it was in the process of developing comprehensive standards for sunscreen safety. Fast-forward 30 years and the FDA has yet to finalize anything towards this end – meaning oxybenzone and other common sunscreen ingredients remain a mystery in terms of their effects on human health.
The Impressive Benefits of Cumin: More Than Just a Curry Ingredient
Mercola – Cumin is highly valued in different cuisines. Mexicans, Indians and North Africans love using it to add color and flavor to their dishes. It’s also a primary component of curry powder, blended with other herbs and spices.
Cumin is loved by many not only for its versatility in the kitchen, but also because of the benefits it offers. The health benefits mainly come from the seeds’ phytochemicals, which are touted to have antioxidant, carminative and anti-flatulent properties.
Like its raw spice form, cumin oil also provides bodywide benefits. The valuable components of this oil mainly come from health-promoting compounds such as cuminal, B-pinene, B-myrcene, P-cymene, y-terpinene and p-mentha-1,4-dien-7-ol

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