July 5, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: March 16, 2022


Russia Sanctions Hunter Biden

Russia announced sanctions Tuesday on President Joe Biden and several other prominent Americans — including Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, who is known for his international dealmaking and influence-peddling in Ukraine, China, and elsewhere.

The sanctions were described by the Russian government as a response to similar sanctions by the Biden administration, which has applied sanctions since Russia invaded Ukraine — after removing some Donald Trump-era sanctions last year.

What You Need to Know About the Transhumanist Agenda

According to Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF), the goal of The Fourth Industrial Revolution is to change what it means to be human by merging man and machine

Humans are now “hackable,” in that technology now exists by which a company or government can know you better than you know yourself, and that can be very dangerous if misused

Professor Yuval Noah Harari predicts that algorithms will increasingly be used to make decisions that have historically been made by humans, either yourself or someone else, including whether or not you’ll be hired for a particular job, whether you’ll be granted a loan, what scholastic curriculum you will follow and even who you will marry

Harari warns that if we allow the establishment of a digital dictatorship, where the system, be it a corporation or a government, knows the most intimate details about each and every person, it will be impossible to dismantle it. Its control will be total and irreversible

If you believe that your thoughts and behavior are and always will remain under your own control, think again. We already have the technology to directly alter thoughts, emotions and behavior

Mental Health Crisis’: Psychologist Group Urged Ending BC’s Vaccine Mandate for Regulated Health Workers

Lawyers for a group of BC psychologists demanded the province provide proof that vaccine mandates slow the spread of COVID-19

Just prior to B.C. scrapping plans to mandate COVID-19 vaccination for all regulated health professionals, a group of psychologists had pushed back against the policy. Shortly before that, regional health officials also pointed to evidence that vaccine mandates do not reduce transmission of the virus.

On March 10, Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry said the province was officially backing away from a plan originally announced in October to make vaccination a condition of licensing for everyone from dentists to dietitians.

Under the order, all private sector health care workers would have been required to have at least one dose of vaccine by March 24.

The change in policy came days after lawyers representing a “large group of B.C. psychologists” sent a letter to the office of Attorney General David Eby warning that an industry-wide vaccine mandate would have a harmful effect on staff, patients, and the general public.

“Thousands of patients will be left without a psychologist at a time when we are in the middle of a mental health crisis in B.C.,” the lawyers wrote.

UK Intelligence Experts Concerned Russia Will Use ‘Fabricated’ Chemical Weapons Claims in ‘False-Flag’ Attack on Ukraine

UK intelligence experts are concerned that Russia will use “fabricated” claims regarding chemical weapons in Ukraine to move forward with a “false-flag operation.”

The UK Ministry of Defence said in a March 14 report that “Russian accusations that Ukraine intends to use chemical and biological weapons continue” but officials noted that they have “seen no evidence to support these accusations.”

“Russia could possibly be planning to use chemical or biological weapons in a ‘false-flag’ operation. Such an operation could take the form of a faked attack, a staged ‘discovery’ of agents or munitions, or fabricated evidence of alleged Ukrainian planning to use such weapons,” officials said, adding that such a “false-flag” attack would “almost certainly be accompanied by extensive disinformation to complicate attribution.”

Officials added that intelligence suggests that Moscow had likely intended to use false-flag operations as justification for its invasion of neighboring Ukraine on Feb. 24.

Prior to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, John Kirby, the Pentagon’s spokesman, told reporters in Washington that U.S. officials had information that indicated Russia was “working actively to create a pretext for a potential invasion, for a move on Ukraine” and was looking to conduct “a false-flag operation, an operation designed to look like an attack on them or their people, or Russian speaking people in Ukraine, as an excuse to go in.”

Russia has in recent months repeatedly perpetuated the accusation that U.S.-funded laboratories in Ukraine are developing biological warfare weapons. Even before its invasion of Ukraine, such allegations were being aired on Russian state-run media.

However, analysts believe that the narrative is part of the Kremlin’s plan to create a false-flag operation in an attempt to justify using chemical weapons operations in Ukraine itself.

Soros Worries About Putin-Xi Partnership, Hopes Both Leaders Can Be Stopped ‘Before They Destroy Our Civilization’

Chinese leader Xi Jinping gave explicit signals that he was a friend and partner of Russian President Vladimir Putin in the weeks leading up to Moscow’s Feb. 24 invasion of Ukraine. Now, with the invasion bogged down amid stiff Ukrainian resistance and much of the world on edge over the conflict, Xi has backtracked somewhat and contradicted his earlier stance by endorsing the efforts of European heads of states to make peace.

That’s according to billionaire philanthropist George Soros, 91, who set forth his views on the crisis in an op-ed piece on March 11.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on February 24 was the beginning of a third world war that has the potential to destroy our civilization,” Soros wrote.

In his editorial, Soros contrasts Xi’s current stance with the extensive and cordial meeting between Xi and Putin on Feb. 4 on the opening day of the Winter Olympics in Beijing.

The upshot of that meeting was the issuance of a 5,000-word text announcing a “no limits” partnership between Russia and China.

“The document is stronger than any treaty and must have required detailed negotiation in advance,” Soros stated, expressing his surprise that Xi could have been willing to grant such unconditional support for Russia’s designs on Ukraine, or, as Soros put it, “carte blanche” to invade and occupy the country.

Soros viewed this support as having emboldened Putin, a ruler who, as he approaches age 70, feels increasing pressure to make his mark on history, Soros states.

“Having obtained Xi’s backing, Putin set about realizing his life’s dream with incredible brutality,” wrote Soros.

More recent developments in Ukraine, where resistance to the invasion is fiercer and more determined than some expected, and support for Russia noticeably lower than Putin presumed, have prompted Xi to reassess his stance.

“Xi seems to have realized that Putin has gone rogue,” Soros observed.


Defense Stocks ‘Outperform’ After Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Defense stocks have outperformed the market in the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, according to a recently published Bank of America global research report.

“The Russo-Ukrainian conflict has ensured investors of a rising defense budget and triggered the recent outperformance of defense names related to the S&P500,” said the March 7, 2022, report by research analysts at Bank of America Securities and Merrill Lynch.

The report said predicted a boost in defense spending in both the U.S. and Europe that would bring the U.S. defense budget to a record $900 billion by fiscal year 2025.

“We estimate the U.S. defense budget could rise to at least 3.5% to 4% of GDP on this paradigm shift. We now expect U.S. defense spending in FY2023 to be $800bn with the likely return of Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) Funding and exceed $900bn by FY2025,” it said.

“We expect the NATO ‘soft’ target for defense spending (2% of GDP) to become a ‘firm’ target or floor. Currently, only four countries meeting this target; there are 20+ more to go. Our UK analyst Benjamin Heelan expects more governments to announce plans to meet the 2% of GDP NATO targets,” it added.

Fox News Journalist Killed While Working in Ukraine: CEO

A Fox News photojournalist, Pierre Zakrzewski, was killed in Ukraine on Monday when the vehicle he was in was hit by oncoming fire, the network said Tuesday.

Correspondent Benjamin Hall, who was with him in the vehicle, was injured and remains hospitalized after the incident, Fox said. It’s not clear who fired on the vehicle.

“Pierre was a war zone photographer who covered nearly every international story for Fox News from Iraq to Afghanistan yo Syria during his long tenure with us,” Fox News Media CEO Suzanne Scott said in a statement on Tuesday, adding that he was working in Ukraine since February and was based in London.

“We extend our deepest condolences to Pierre’s wife Michelle and family—please keep them all in your prayers,” Scott added in the statement, adding that Zakrzewski was “widely popular” and “everyone in the media industry who has covered a foreign story knew and respected Pierre.”

“I worked with Pierre many times around the world. He was an absolute treasure,” Fox News anchor John Roberts wrote on Twitter Tuesday. “Sending our most heartfelt prayers to Pierre’s wife and family.”

CNN international reporter Clarissa Ward wrote that “I had the great privilege of working with Pierre and the even greater privilege of calling him a friend,” adding that he was an “extraordinary spirit and tremendous talent and one of the kindest, most gracious colleagues on the road. Absolutely heartbreaking.”

Ukraine Prosecutor-General Irina Venediktova suggested Monday the attack that Russian forces likely fired on the Fox News team. They were not at a Ukrainian military facility when the incident occurred in a Kyiv, suburb, Venediktova said.

Navy Warship Was at Sea When Officials Said It was Undeployable: Commander

The warship that U.S. Navy officials described as undeployable if they were not able to remove the unvaccinated commander was actually deployed when the assertions were made, the commander told a judge during a recent hearing.

“No sir, I do not,” the commander, who has not been publicly named, said when asked whether he thought the officials’ statements were accurate.

U.S. District Judge Steven Merryday, a George H. W. Bush appointee who is overseeing the case, ordered military officials in February not to take punitive action against the commander because they appear to have wrongfully denied the commander’s request for a religious exemption from the military’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

In an emergency motion to the judge on Feb. 28, officials alleged the ruling was affecting military readiness because unvaccinated sailors “pose a risk to other personnel” since the COVID-19 vaccines have proven effective at halting the spread of the virus that causes the disease.

The order “effectively places a multi-billion dollar guided missile destroyer out of commission,” the motion stated. “For example, if it becomes necessary to deploy an East Coast-based surface ship in response to global events in Ukraine (or elsewhere), the Navy will not deploy the Commander’s vessel. In this way, the Court’s order will have a wide-ranging impact on Navy operations and national security.”

Fentanyl Crisis in America a ‘God-Size’ Hole in Need of an Aggressive Solution

The purpose of the roundtable was to draw attention to the severity of the fentanyl crisis, which in 2021 killed 105,000 Americans along with other opiate-related overdoses. Close to 1 million people have died since 2014 with the exponential rise in illegal fentanyl imports from China through Mexico. 

“It’s cascading across the country. I don’t think Americans understand how much this epidemic is costing them,” Gosar said.

Once a “miracle drug” used to treat severe pain, “it works very well for what it’s intended for,” said Gosar’s chief of staff and roundtable moderator, Thomas van Flein. “Today, it’s been adulterated and counterfeited” for recreational use—fatal even in small amounts, he said.

The drug is mostly made in China and then processed and smuggled into the United States by Mexican drug cartels, according to the panel. But the problem goes even deeper—to the social, cultural, and spiritual heart of America.

The border crisis is but a leading cause of the present fentanyl crisis.

Congress has “kicked the can down the road” far too long, said Gosar, who called on lawmakers to take immediate action to address the fentanyl epidemic.

“You have to be held accountable for what you’re doing. Death is a violent act, regardless of how it’s done,” he said.

“These are not overdoses—these are poisonings,” added Pinal County Sheriff Mark Lamb, a panel speaker.

Get Politics Out of Health Care

Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Peter McCullough call for politics to get out of the health care arena

The government controlling health care is a core problem, as politicians have stepped in to dictate patient care, which doesn’t allow physicians to practice medicine and save patients’ lives

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention hasn’t published most of the data it’s been collecting during the pandemic, constituting scientific fraud

The CDC has become a purely political organization and arm of the executive branch

Lack of data transparency at the CDC, between the FDA and Pfizer regarding clinical tria

New York Democrats Seek $345M for Health Insurance for Illegal Aliens

Democrats in the New York State Assembly and State Senate are looking to approve $345 million in taxpayer funds to open health insurance rolls to illegal aliens.

The plan, dubbed “Coverage4All,” would ensure that the state’s nearly 800,000 illegal aliens would be eligible for health insurance programs at a cost to the state’s taxpayers. The plan remains before the State Senate Finance Committee and would provide insurance to about 46,000 illegal aliens.

Jill Biden Corrects Joe Biden After He Calls Kamala Harris the First Lady

First lady Jill Biden corrected her husband, President Joe Biden, on Tuesday after he mistakenly referred to Vice President Kamala Harris as the first lady.

The president confused the two women in his life during a speech at a Women’s History Month celebration at the White House.

“[T]here’s been a little change in the arrangement of who’s on the stage because of the first lady’s husband contracting COVID,” Biden said.

Biden was meaning to refer to Vice President Kamala Harris, whose husband, Doug Emhoff, currently known as the “second gentleman,” tested positive for the coronavirus earlier in the day. Harris dropped out of the event after learning her husband tested positive for the virus.

The first lady’s husband is actually Biden himself.)

After Biden’s blunder, first lady Jill Biden interrupted the president to point out his mistake.

“Pardon?” Biden replied.

“You said the first — anyways,” his wife began before giving up as the crowd started laughing.

“That’s right. She’s fine. It’s me that’s not together,” Biden continued as the crowd laughed.

“The Second La- — the First Gentleman,” he said finally as the crowd laughed again. “How about that?”

Biden reminded the crowd of the number of women he appointed in his administration.

“One person I’m particularly proud of is — was going to be introducing me — is Kamala Harris,” he said, noting again that her husband had coronavirus.

“He’s fine, but out of an abundance of caution, she decided she wasn’t going to join us today,” Biden said. “But let’s send her our love because she’s something else.”


Dr. Peter McCullough: Findings From Early COVID-19 Vaccine Studies Potentially Alarming

How safe are COVID-19 vaccines? Should everyone be taking them? Are people who get vaccines more likely to get COVID-19? Can genetic material in the vaccines be incorporated into the human genome? These are some of the unknown questions that researchers around the world are currently investigating.

With more initial findings and hypotheses now released to the public, a group of free speech and information advocates last week during a presentation in Pennsylvania gave their “uncensored” take of the current science. They are currently traveling around the United States sharing concerns about how public health policy and debate throughout the COVID-19 pandemic has been handled.

The speakers were Dr. Peter McCullough, a renowned cardiologist whose own research is highly-cited; Dr. Bryan Ardis, a chiropractor; attorney Thomas Renz; and Steve Kirsch, a Silicon Valley philanthropist who supported early efforts searching for COVID-19 treatments in medicines already on the market. They were invited by the “Lions for Liberty,” a group of Penn State University students, faculty, and staff that sprang up in response to the university’s pandemic mitigation policies that require employees to get vaccinated for COVID-19.

The four spoke on numerous occasions; at Toftrees Resort in State College on March 3 and at Hershey Lodge on March 4 before which they testified at the Capitol Building in Harrisburg in a hearing hosted by state Sen. Doug Mastriano, who is a Republican running for governor.

They presented data from peer-reviewed studies, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and government documents, and expressed their concerns that the COVID-19 vaccines recommended for all Americans were problematic from the start.

“It was clear vaccines weren’t sufficiently tested and important groups were excluded, like pregnant women,” McCullough said in Hershey. “With no data on safety and efficacy, pregnant women were encouraged, then later forced, to take the vaccines.”

He called the results of a newly released study disturbing. The study, titled  “Immune imprinting, breadth of variant recognition, and germinal center response in human SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccination,” shows that messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) from the vaccine stays in the body much longer than expected. Messenger RNA is a single-stranded molecule that carries genetic code, usually from the DNA in a cell’s nucleus, to ribosomes, the cell’s protein-making area.

“It shows the messenger RNA is in the lymph nodes months after the vaccine had been received. This is proven,” McCullough said. “The vaccines are not leaving the body. It’s found in the lymph nodes at 60 days. The thought in the FDA briefing book was that these vaccines were going to be in the body for a day or two, generate immunity, and then be out.”

Video: Dr. Peter McCullough: Vaccination Causes Spike Protein to Linger in Body for Over 12 Months, Possibly Weakening Immune System

The Alarming Trends in COVID Vaccine Side Effects

The newest data from a large German health insurance company and the Israeli Ministry of Health continue to show side effects from the COVID jabs and boosters are anything but ‘rare.’

Related Video: Jamie Jenkins chatting with Nick De Bois on the rollout of vaccines for 5-11 year olds 17/02/2022

Fauci Suggests More Vaccines Likely Needed: ‘We’re Not Done With This’

White House COVID-19 adviser Anthony Fauci suggested Monday that it’s likely that more COVID-19 vaccines will be needed.

In an interview with CNBC, Fauci was asked how many more COVID-19 vaccine doses, or boosters, will be needed.

“The answer is: we don’t know. I mean, that’s it … It is likely that we’re not done with this when it comes to vaccines,” Fauci, who has headed the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984, said in response.

A day before that, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla suggested that a fourth COVID-19 booster dose is likely needed.

“The protection that you are getting from the third [vaccine] is… not that good against infections,” he admitted to CBS News, “but doesn’t last very long but we are just submitting those data to the FDA and then we will see what the experts also will say outside Pfizer.” As a result, he said that “it is necessary–a fourth boost–right now.”

Last week, Bourla said that his firm was going to file for emergency use authorization for a second booster. Earlier this year, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued an authorization for a third dose of Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine.

Stephane Bancel, the CEO of Moderna, the maker of the other FDA-authorized mRNA vaccine also suggested in February that a fourth vaccine is coming.

“We believe there’s a high probability that we’re moving into an endemic setting,” Bancel said in an interview with CNBC. “We should still be cautious because as we’ve seen with Delta, which came after Alpha and was more virulent, [it] is always possible to get the more virulent variant of course.”

The comments from Fauci come as several Republican lawmakers have stepped up their criticism of the public health official in recent days.

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