July 18, 2024

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Today's News: March 18, 2019

World News
How Saudi Crown Prince ‘approved secret campaign to silence dissenters using kidnapping and torture a year BEFORE the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi’
Daily Mail – More than a year before the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, Saudi Arabia’s powerful Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman approved a secret campaign to silence dissenters, The New York Times reported on Sunday.
The campaign included surveillance, kidnapping, detention and torture of Saudis, said the report which cited U.S. officials who have read classified intelligence reports about the effort.
American officials referred to it as the Saudi Rapid Intervention Group, the Times said.
At least some of the clandestine missions were carried out by members of the team that killed and dismembered Khashoggi in October at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, suggesting his murder was part of a wider campaign against dissidents, the report said, citing the U.S. officials and associates of some Saudi victims.
Suspect arrested in Dutch tram shooting that left 3 dead, police say
San Diego Tribune – Authorities on Monday arrested a suspect in a shooting that killed three people and wounded nine others on a tram in the central Dutch city of Utrecht, an attack officials said earlier could be connected to terrorism.
“I just heard that the suspect we were hunting has been arrested,” Utrecht Police Chief Rob van Bree told reporters Monday evening. Further details were not immediately available.
Authorities reduced the threat level in the Utrecht area back to four out of five following the arrest. The country’s counter-terror coordinator announced the scaling-down of the threat level in a tweet, saying the decision was prompted by “the arrest of the main suspect of the shooting.”
Police had said they were searching for a 37-year-old Turkish-born man, Gökmen Tanis, in connection with the attack, releasing a surveillance photo from what appeared to be the tram taken minutes before it unfolded.
The Utrecht attack came three days after 50 people were killed when an immigrant-hating white nationalist opened fire at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, during Friday prayers. There was no immediate indication of any link between the two events.
New Zealand prime minister says gun reforms are coming
Chicago Tribune – ew Zealand’s coalition government plans to unveil gun law reforms within the next week in response to the attacks on two mosques in Christchurch last week, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced Monday.
These could include restricting the military-style semiautomatic weapons that were used in the attacks, which left 50 people dead and some 40 injured, and that have been used in many of the recent mass shootings in the United States.
The death toll exceeds New Zealand’s annual homicide rate: 35 people were killed in 2017, the latest year for which figures are available.
“As a cabinet, we were absolutely unified and very clear. The terrorist attack in Christchurch on Friday was the worst act of terrorism on our shores,” Ardern said. “It has exposed a range of weaknesses in New Zealand’s gun laws. The clear lesson from history around the world is that, to make our community safe, the time to act is now.”
Macron threatens to BAN ‘yellow vest’ protests
Reuters – France’s prime minister said Paris’s police chief had been sacked and that the government would shut down “yellow vest” protests if violent groups were identified among the ranks of “yellow vest” protesters.
President Emmanuel Macron and his government have been forced back on the defensive after rioters ransacked luxury boutiques and torched cafes and a bank on Saturday in the latest flare-up of violence against Macron’s pro-business reforms.
“From next Saturday, we will ban ‘yellow vest’ protests in neighborhoods that have been the worst hit as soon as we see sign of the presence of radical groups and their intent to cause damage,” Prime Minister Edouard Philippe said in a televised speech.
U.S. News, Politics & Government
‘Stay strong and fight back’: Trump urges Fox News to dig in on Carlson and Pirro
Politico – The president’s Twitter screed followed a particularly bruising week for the conservative cable news outlet.
President Donald Trump seemed to adopt the role of programmer in chief on Sunday, firing off a series of tweets that singled out for solidarity and scorn various anchors at his favorite network, Fox News, and suggested that federal regulators should bear down on “Saturday Night Live” and NBC.
The president’s posts directed at Fox News followed a particularly bruising week for the conservative cable outlet. Last Sunday, audio clips surfaced of misogynistic comments that prime-time host Tucker Carlson made on a Florida shock jock’s radio show from 2006 to 2011, and fellow talking head Jeanine Pirro was roundly rebuked the same weekend for appearing to question the patriotism of a Muslim-American member of Congress.
Fox News did not air Pirro’s weekly program, “Justice,” on Saturday night, and CNN reported Sunday that she has been suspended from the network. The president made clear that he was no fan of the unannounced lineup change.
“Bring back @JudgeJeanine Pirro,” Trump said in a tweet Sunday. “The Radical Left Democrats, working closely with their beloved partner, the Fake News Media, is using every trick in the book to SILENCE a majority of our Country. They have all out campaigns against @FoxNews hosts who are doing too well.
Democrats pledged to lower health costs. They just haven’t figured out how
NYT –  No issue animated the Democrats’ 2018 congressional campaigns like health care and the promises to expand access to insurance and to lower costs. But as House Democrats sit down to draft their vision of governance in the coming weeks, lawmakers find themselves badly divided on the issue that delivered their majority.
Mystery surrounds the deaths of six men heavily involved in the 2014 Ferguson protests, as activists speculate whether ‘something sinister is at play’
Daily Mail – Six men with connections to protests in Ferguson, Missouri, have all met untimely deaths in the past four years drawing speculation in the activist community that ‘something sinister is at play’.
Two were found dead inside torched cars, three died of apparent suicides and another collapsed on a bus, his death ruled an overdose.
Police say there is no evidence the deaths have anything to do with the protests stemming from a white police officer’s fatal shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown, and that only two were homicides with no known link to the protests.
Trump tweets about ‘tongue-tied’ Joe Biden after former VP accidentally says he’s running in 2020
RT – US President Donald Trump has tweeted that “tongue-tied” Joe Biden couldn’t even “deliver a very simple line” after the former vice president seemed to unintentionally let slip that he will run for president in 2020.
Newark looking at handing out ‘basic income’
Fox – Getting a paycheck for doing nothing could be in the future for residents of New Jersey’s largest city.  Newark Mayor Ras Baraka says the city is going to study a pilot program to provide a universal basic income, or basically guaranteeing income for all residents whether they have a job.
He made the statement during his annual State of the City address Tuesday night at the New Jersey Performing Arts Center.
The city has launched a taskforce to see if the program is feasible with help from the Economic SecurityProject and the Jain Institute.
Green New Deal Plagiarized From 2009 UN Environment Programme Report?
Activist Post – In a stunning revelation from a 2009 UN document titled “Rethinking the Economic Recovery: A Global Green New Deal“, it is discovered that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’ (AOC) Green New Deal is not a new movement of the people, but rather a crafty creation of a small group of global elite working through the United Nations.
This 144-page report was headed by Edward B. Barbier, a professor of Economics and Finance at the University of Wyoming at the time, but specifically prepared for the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
It was UNEP that sponsored the infamous 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro that catalyzed the doctrine of Sustainable Development and produced the Agenda 21 book labeled The Agenda for the 21st Century. UNEP has been at the root of every intellectually bankrupt scheme to flip the world into its resource-based economic system while driving a fatal nail into Capitalism and Free Enterprise. In my books Technocracy Rising and Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order, I have extensively documented that Sustainable Development is nothing more than warmed-over Technocracy from the 1930s.
Barbier credits a number of people as important contributors to his paper, but two in particular ring a loud bell: the Center for American Progress (CAP) and the Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE).
New Colorado law will give state’s electoral college votes to national popular vote winner
AP – Colorado on Friday joined a compact of states that have pledged to pool their presidential electoral votes for the winner of the national popular vote.
Democratic Gov. Jared Polis signed into law a bill under which Colorado joins 11 other states and the District of Columbia in what’s called the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact.
The pact would take effect after states with a collective 270 electoral votes — the number needed to win the presidency — agree to join. With Colorado’s nine electoral votes, compact members have 181.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez mocks God: “What good are your thoughts & prayers when they don’t even keep the pews safe”
Economic Collapse – In this day and age, this sort of thing can literally happen anywhere.  No community is truly “safe”, and we all need to understand that our world has fundamentally changed.
When a great tragedy like this happens, it is not time to jump on social media and try to use it to score political points.
Unfortunately, that is precisely what Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and others on the left have been doing.  Here is her full statement about “thoughts & prayers” in context
At 1st I thought of saying, “Imagine being told your house of faith isn’t safe anymore.”
But I couldn’t say “imagine.”
Because of Charleston.
Sutherland Springs.
What good are your thoughts & prayers when they don’t even keep the pews safe?
If she had simply mocked gun owners, conservatives or her political opponents, that would have been bad enough.
But she didn’t stop there.
She mocked almighty God by implying that our thoughts and prayers are worthless.
Economy & Business
Donald Trump to General Motors: Close a Plant in China, Not Ohio
Breitbart – President Donald Trump continued excoriating General Motors on Monday, for closing an automotive plant in Lordstown, Ohio.
“Get that big, beautiful plant in Ohio open now,” Trump said. “Close a plant in China or Mexico, where you invested so heavily pre-Trump, but not in the U.S.A. Bring jobs home!”
The president also expressed frustration that “talks” between General Motors and the United Auto Workers Union would begin in September or October.
“Why wait, start them now!” he wrote. “I want jobs to stay in the U.S.A. and want Lordstown (Ohio), in one of the best economies in our history, opened or sold to a company who will open it up fast!”
Energy & Environment
Weather Patterns Go Crazy: Nebraska Flooding Has Broken 17 Records And Farmers Are Being Absolutely Devastated
Economic Collapse – One record breaking disaster after another has been hitting America in recent months.  At this moment, Nebraska is dealing with the worst flooding that it has ever experienced, and the economic damage being done by all of this flooding is going to be absolutely crippling for many farmers.  Of course the floods are the result of the “bomb cyclone” that brought hurricane-like winds and blizzard conditions to the central part of the country last week. Sadly, this was just the latest chapter in a very cold and very bitter winter that can’t end soon enough as far as many of us are concerned.
Unfortunately, a change in the seasons is not going to be enough to restore our weather patterns to normal.  Prior to this winter, I repeatedly warned that this was going to be an extraordinarily cold and snowy winter, and it turns out that I was exactly correct.
So how did I know this would happen?
Well, it is actually very simple.  I listened to the scientists that were warning us that our sun is exhibiting very unusual behavior, that Earth’s north magnetic pole has been shifting, and that global weather patterns are changing dramatically.
It is not an exaggeration to say that weather patterns here in the United States are literally going crazy.  Los Angeles just had the coldest February that it has seen in 60 years, Seattle just had their snowiest February in 70 years, and some parts of California received more than 500 inches of snow this winter.
And now we are being warned that we could have a very rainy spring, but it is hard to imagine that things could get any worse than they currently are in the central part of the nation.
If you can believe it, some parts of the Missouri River are going to break previous flood records by up to 7 feet.
So far, a total of 17 records have already been set, and according to CNN some of those records have been standing for nearly 60 years.
Dead whale washed up ashore in the Philippines with almost 100 pounds of plastic in its stomach
CBS – A dead whale with almost 100 pounds of plastic in its stomach washed up ashore in the Philippines, raising concerns from environmental activists. Researchers from D’Bone Collector Museum — an NGO that retrieves dead animals and preserves them — recovered the young male curvier beaked whale’s corpse in Davao City and said it “had the most plastic we have ever seen in a whale.”
The museum workers wrote in a Facebook post on Sunday that the whale they found had 88 pounds worth of plastic bags in its stomach, including 16 rice sacks, four banana plantation-style bags and multiple shopping bags. The museum will release a full list of the items found in the whale over the next couple of days.
“It’s disgusting,” the organization said. “Action must be taken by the government against those who continue to treat the waterways and ocean as dumpsters.”
The Feds Unnecessarily Round Up Wild Horses, Then Complain About Costs
The Atlantic – It surely cannot be easy these days being Joan Guilfoyle, the (relatively) new director of the Bureau of Land Management’s Wild Horse and Burro Program. On the one hand she works for a federal agency, the Interior Department, which is largely beholden to the powerful industries it is supposed to regulate. And on the other hand, she is responsible, under federal law and policy, for ensuring the survival and management of the nation’s wild horses at a time when relentless political and economic forces threaten to decimate the herds.
“It’s tricky, and it’s hard,” Guilfoyle said last fall in an interview shortly after she assumed her post. “There are a lot of emotions around it, a lot of different opinions.” Indeed, there are. The ranchers and farmers and miners and oilmen see the wild horses as feral pests that should be gone from public and private land. Wild horse advocates see the herds as victims of faulty science, special interests, and spineless federal and state officials. There is, they say, plenty of public land out West where the horses could freely, and safely, roam.
The Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board met last week in Reno, Nevada. Designed by the Wild Horse Act of 1971 to be the people’s voice on horse management, the Board has devolved instead over the years into a partisan group where the warring factions incessantly argue with one another — and the Bureau of Land Management — over what should be done with and to the horses. Think of the rough and tumble bar scene in Star Wars — only with ranchers, farmers, horse advocates, and bureaucrats warily criticizing one another across a hotel conference room.
There were two headlines from last week’s meeting. First, the BLM announced that more wild horses than planned might have to be rounded up this summer — by helicopter stampede — due to what officials believe may constitute “emergency” drought conditions out West. By labeling the drought this way, federal officials may attempt to minimize the procedural requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act, which generally require the feds to justify their roundups, in advance, and to make their plans available for public comment.
The other big news was the renewed push by livestock advocates to resume the slaughter of wild horses. The argument goes something like this: Since the BLM now has “stockpiled” nearly 50,000 wild horses, and since the federal government is responsible for housing these horses at public expense, the prudent course is to get rid of the “excess” horses by selling them “without limitation” to the highest bidder. “Without limitation” is a deadly euphemism for slaughter. The sold horses would quickly end up at rendering plants.
Science & Technology
US detects huge meteor explosion
BBC  – A huge fireball exploded in the Earth’s atmosphere in December, according to Nasa.
The blast was the second largest of its kind in 30 years, and the biggest since the fireball over Chelyabinsk in Russia six years ago.
But it went largely unnoticed until now because it blew up over the Bering Sea, off Russia’s Kamchatka Peninsula.
The space rock exploded with 10 times the energy released by the Hiroshima atomic bomb.
Lindley Johnson, planetary defence officer at Nasa, told BBC News a fireball this big is only expected about two or three times every 100 years.
Pentagon Wants to Test A Space-Based Weapon in 2023
Off The Grid News – Defense officials want to test a neutral particle-beam in orbit in fiscal 2023 as part of a ramped-up effort to explore various types of space-based weaponry. They’ve asked for $304 million in the 2020 budget to develop such beams, more powerful lasers, and other new tech for next-generation missile defense. Such weapons are needed, they say, to counter new missiles from China, Russia, North Korea and Iran. But just figuring out what might work is a difficult technical challenge.
So the Pentagon is undertaking two studies. The first is a $15 million exploration of whether satellites outfitted with lasers might be able to disable enemy missiles coming off the launch pad. Defense officials have said previously that these lasers would need to be in the megawatt class. They expect to finish the study within six months.
They’re also pouring money into a study of space-based neutral particle beams, a different form of directed energy that disrupts missiles with streams of subatomic particles traveling close to light speed — as opposed to lasers, whose photons travel at light speed.
Gardening, Farming & Homesteading
Benefits of Dandelion Plus How to Use Greens, Seeds, Roots & Flowers
Common Sense Home – Dandelion is just a weed to some, but savvy foragers know how to use it for free food and medicine. We’ll share how, plus tips to get rid of excess plants.
9 Potential Dandelion Benefits
In this section, we’ll discuss some common uses of dandelion. NOTE: Never collect plants for food or medicine from areas that have been sprayed with herbicides or other chemicals.

  1. Nutrient Dense People Chow
  2. Digestive Aid
  3. Mild Laxative
  4. Skin Freshener
  5. Wart Remover
  6. Help Regulate Blood Sugar
  7. Liver Tonic
  8. Soothe Sore Muscles and Joints
  9. Reduce Cancer Risk/Growth

Are Dandelions Edible?
Yes – they are edible from root to seed! Keep reading to see how to use each portion.
Dandelion Flowers
Many types of wildlife consume dandelion flowers, leaves and seeds. As an early nectar source, the flowers are vital to bees and other pollinators.
Dandelion flowers are useful for human food and medicine, too. We make wine and jelly each year. Dandelion wine is lovely – more like a very good brandy. (Get the wine recipe here and the jelly recipe here.)
Dandelion Greens
Dandelion greens are edible raw or cooked, although they are always somewhat bitter. They are best in spring, before the flowers bloom. As the season progresses, the leaves become more bitter. Plants growing in the shade or thick grass may be less bitter than those growing on open ground.
Dandelion leaves are one of the best natural sources of potassium, with 218 mg per cup of raw greens. They are also high in vitamins, A, C and K, as well as calcium, iron and magnesium.
How to Store Dandelion Greens
Rinse and store fresh leaves in the refrigerator, as you would store other greens. You can keep them wrapped in a damp towel, or in a container.
Freeze for longer storage, or dehydrate or freeze dry. Use whole leaves in cooking or to make tea, or make your own green powder.
Dandelion Seeds
Dandelion seeds are edible, too. They can be nibbled off the white puffy parachute tops, or pinched off and gathering in quality to be made into seed milk. Katrina Blair explains making dandelion seed milk in her book, The Wild Wisdom of Weeds.
To obtain seeds for planting, gather them from the wild. For specific cultivated varieties, check out garden catalogs or order online.
OPPOSE HB 213 Expanded Vaccine Tracking Hearing Tuesday March 19th in Tallahassee Action Needed Now

  2. GET TO THE Hearing in Tallahassee Tuesday, 3/19 at 12:00 p.m. in Summer Hall (room 404 in the House Office Building) in the Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee and Testify and Register Opposition
  3. Mark Calendars and Attend NVIC’s NO TRACKING THURSDAY Legislative Advocacy Training and Capitol Visitor Day at the Capitol in Tallahassee on Thursday March 21st from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Yeast found in vaccines shown to trigger autoimmune disorders
NaturalHealth365 – For a long time, vaccines were loaded with a type of mercury called thimerosal.  Research – including data shared by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences – shows this neurotoxin is harmful even at levels generally considered ‘safe’ by conventional medical standards and can lead to (among other things) autoimmune disorders.  But, not much press has been devoted to the problem of yeast in vaccines.
Today, thimerosal has been largely removed from vaccines (but, not completely) – a change initiated by the American Academy of Pediatrics back in the late 1990s (although the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention claims this was merely a “precautionary measure” and continues to deny any evidence showing thimerosal is harmful).  And, while those of us concerned about vaccines can see this as a small win (at best), there are still other compounds in vaccines which trigger serious health problems – including yeast.
Rates of autoimmune disorders like type 1 diabetes are rising fast – and the evidence linking yeast to these health problems is being suppressed
Autoimmune diseases (which total over 100 different forms) include: rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, type 1 diabetes, lupus and multiple sclerosis.  In effect, these conditions occur when a person’s own immune system goes haywire and starts mistakenly attacking its own tissues. And, as we all know, these conditions can be seriously debilitating and in many cases life-threatening.
Sadly, the prevalence of autoimmune disorders is going up.  Just consider this shocking statistic from the American Diabetes Association: between 2001 and 2009, the number of people diagnosed with type 1 diabetes rose by nearly 25%.
You read that right almost a quarter increase in less than a decade.
HB 213 has moved forward and is scheduled for a hearing in the Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee on 3/19/2019 at 12:00 PM in Summer Hall (room 404 House Office Building) and we need you there to Testify and Register Opposition.
HB 213 passed the Health Quality Subcommittee on 3/5 with a vote of 14:0. It has similarities to SB 354 which passed in the Senate Health Policy Committee on 2/19/2019 and has now moved to the Senate Education Committee and will require more opposition soon.
You can scroll down to see action items and major talking points to OPPOSE HB 213 in your opposition to your legislators.
Additionally, The National Vaccine Information Center is inviting you to join us in Tallahassee at the Florida Capitol on Thursday March 21st, 2019 for an advocacy training session from 9-10:30 a.m. and capitol visitor lobby day at 11:00 a.m. to educate legislators! This event will be led by NVIC Director of Advocacy Dawn Richardson and Florida State Director Toni Krehel.
The training session and educational materials are free, but we require advanced registration since seating is limited. First come first served. Please see details and registration information posted on the NVIC Advocacy Portal here to register before Wednesday 3/20 at 5:00 p.m. or when spaces fill, whichever happens first. After you register, you will be sent your confirmation email with specific details like locations, parking information, and other important instructions.
Sugary drinks linked to higher risk of premature death, especially for women, study says
CNN – Frequent consumption of sugary drinks such as sodas, sports drinks and juice is linked to an increased risk of premature death from cardiovascular disease and, to a lesser extent, from cancer, according to new research.
Compared with women who had sugary beverages less than once per month, those who had more than two servings a day — defined as a standard glass, bottle or can — had a 63% increased risk of premature death, according to a study published Monday in the journal Circulation. Men who did the same had a 29% increase in risk.
Those who consumed more than one sugary beverage per month but fewer than two per day seemed to experience a dose effect: the more they drank, the greater the risk. The association weakened but remained true when researchers adjusted for lifestyle factors including dietary factors and physical activity, demographics and family history of Type 2 diabetes.
“There’s been previous studies that have shown strong and consistent links between the consumption of sweetened beverages and weight gain, Type 2 diabetes, as well as other cardiometabolic conditions such as heart disease and stroke,” said lead study author Vasanti Malik, a research scientist and adjunct lecturer in the Department of Nutrition in the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. The next step, Malik explains, was to examine how sugary beverages relate to the risk of premature death.
The researchers used data from 37,716 American men in the Health Professionals follow-up study — which started in 1986 — and 80,647 American women in the Nurses’ Health Study — which started in 1976. The results are a snapshot of the halfway point of the studies in 1994.
The main cause of premature death in the new research was cardiovascular disease, followed by cancer, primarily of the colon and breast, according to the study.
Overall, the consumption of sugary beverages was found to increase the risk of premature death from cardiovascular disease by 31% and from cancer by 18% when the group who drank more than two per day was compared with those who had fewer than one per month.
7 Reasons to Eat Cabbage
Care2 – Hold the corned beef. This St. Patrick’s Day, embrace the green theme, and make cabbage the star of the show for a much healthier dish. Here are seven reasons to incorporate cabbage into your diet.


One cup of chopped cabbage contains several essential vitamins and minerals, including about 85 percent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin K. “Vitamin K1 is a key nutrient that plays many important roles in the body,” according to Healthline. “One of its main functions is to act as a cofactor for enzymes that are responsible for clotting the blood. Without vitamin K, the blood would lose its ability to clot properly, increasing the risk of excessive bleeding.”


The properties in cabbage might be able to reduce inflammation in the body from certain medical conditions, such as arthritis and heart disease. “Cruciferous vegetables like cabbage contain many different antioxidants that have been shown to reduce chronic inflammation,” Healthline says. “In fact, research has shown that eating more cruciferous vegetables reduces certain blood markers of inflammation.”


If you want to show your heart some love, try incorporating red cabbage (also known as purple cabbage) into your diet. “Red cabbage contains substances called anthocyanins, which are responsible for the red-orange to blue-violet colors found in many fruits and vegetables,” according to Harvard Medical School. “Population-based studies have linked a higher intake of anthocyanins and other so-called phytochemicals to a lower risk of cardiovascular disease.”


Another way cabbage can benefit your heart is by decreasing cholesterol. The soluble fiber in cabbage “helps lower total and LDL cholesterol levels by binding to bile in the gut and removing it with the body’s waste,” according to Cleveland Clinic. “Bile is made up of cholesterol.”


The fiber in cabbage not only reduces cholesterol, but it also aids in digestion. “Insoluble fiber helps keep the digestive system healthy by adding bulk to stools and promoting regular bowel movement,” according to Healthline. Plus, the soluble fiber in cabbage can increase beneficial gut bacteria.


Several studies have linked cruciferous vegetables — including cabbage — to a reduced risk of cancer. “Among the various vegetables, broccoli and other cruciferous species appear most closely associated with reduced cancer risk in organs such as the colorectum, lung, prostate and breast,” according to one analysis. “The protecting effects against cancer risk have been attributed, at least partly, due to their comparatively high amounts of glucosinolates, which differentiate them from other vegetables.”


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