July 3, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today's News: March 19, 2019

World News
What are they trying to hide? Out of all the violent videos on the ‘net, possessing the NZ mosque shooting video can now get you 10 years in prison
NaturalNews – Something is incredibly fishy about the New Zealand mosque shooting and how governments and the media have responded to it. Governments are now going to extraordinary lengths to eliminate the video from the internet while criminalizing anyone who dares possess it or distribute it.
An 18-year-old man was arrested in New Zealand for merely sharing the live stream video of the Christchurch shooting. “The live stream video of the shootings in Christchurch has been classified by the Chief Censor’s Office as objectionable,” reports Radio NZ. “Police said anyone in possession of the video of the shootings, or found to be distributing it, could face imprisonment.”
This means, essentially, that linking to content the government doesn’t like is now a crime in New Zealand.
But wait: Horrific videos of WWII death camps, assassinations and street shootings are NOT banned or criminalized…
So wait a minute. YouTube alone hosts countless murder videos covering everything from war-time military shootings to civilian gunfight videos in which people are fatally shot and killed. Yet possessing those videos — or sharing them, or posting them — apparently isn’t a crime in New Zealand or anywhere in the western world.
Assassination videos of former U.S. President John F. Kennedy being shot in the head are not censored online. They are considered part of the “historical record.” Yet wasn’t that shooting just as violent and just as hateful as the Christchurch shooting in New Zealand?
Airplane catches fire at Tehran’s Mehrabad airport, 50 passengers still aboard
RT – The incident took place at around 9p.m. and 10 ambulances were deployed to the scene, according to the Iranian Fars news agency.
According to the head of Iran’s Emergency Department, the plane originally had about 100 passengers but half were evacuated.
Activists Speak Out Against Iraq’s Cybercrime Bill
Activist Post – Human rights groups and activists are urging the Iraqi parliament to withdraw a controversial cybercrime bill that would greatly restrict freedom of expression online, if adopted.
The bill imposes long prison sentences for speech-related offences that are only vaguely defined in the text of the bill. Article 3 prescribes a lifetime prison sentence and steep fines for those convicted of using “computers and the internet” to “undermine the independence, the integrity and safety of the country, or its supreme economic, political, military, or security interests” or to “provoke sectarian strife, disturbing the security and public order, or harming the reputation of the country.”
Articles 4 and 6 impose the same punishments for those convicted of promoting ”terrorist acts and ideas” (Art. 4) or “publish[ing] or broadcast[ing] false or misleading facts with the intention of weakening confidence in the electronic financial system” (Art. 6.)
Earlier this year, the Gulf Centre for Human Rights warned:
Without a clear and explicit definition of terrorism, it would be easy to use the law to liquidate the resources of political opponents and other activists.
Internet-related rights are already on shaky ground in Iraq. Last summer, authorities responded to protests denouncing corruption and dire living conditions in Basra and other cities by shutting downthe Internet.
If adopted, the bill will only make it harder for Iraqis to exercise their rights to communicate, speak freely and access information online.
UN calls for aid as displaced from Cyclone Idai may reach 2m
Al Jazeera – UN agencies launch appeal for immediate funding, logistical aid for those affected by Cyclone Idai in southern Africa.
Kazakh leader Nazarbayev resigns after three decades
BBC – Nursultan Nazarbayev, the country’s first president, is likely to retain much of his influence.
U.S. News, Politics & Government
Group of 170 Migrants Dug Under Arizona Border Fence, Say Feds
Breitbart – Border Patrol agents in Arizona continue to deal with “large” migrant groups exploiting weaknesses in outdated border technology to illegally enter the U.S. Most recently, human smugglers coordinated the border crossing by a group of more than 170 who dug under a portion of a barrier in the Yuma Sector.
Yuma Sector Border Patrol officials tweeted a video on Monday showing a group of 171 migrants digging under an outdated section of border fencing to enter the controlled space between barriers on U.S. soil. The migrants can be seen rushing toward the first Border Patrol agents they can find to surrender and most likely, make requests for asylum.
Trump administration wants to put a limit on student loan borrowing
CNN – The Trump administration urged Congress Monday to put a cap on student loan borrowing, one of several proposals for updating the Higher Education Act.
“We want to encourage responsible borrowing,” said a senior administration official on a call with reporters.
Currently, the amount an undergraduate student can borrow from the federal government is capped at $57,500 over the student’s lifetime. But parents of undergraduates and graduate students face no such limits, and can borrow as much as they need — with the price tag set by schools.
The administration official did not say what the administration’s proposed limit would be, but specifically mentioned the PLUS loan program. Parents and students must show credit-worthiness to borrow from that program and the interest rate — currently set at 7.6% — is typically higher than the loans from other federal programs.
Some research suggests that unlimited borrowing may encourage colleges to drive up the price of tuition.
Last year, North Carolina Republican Rep. Virginia Foxx proposed capping graduate student borrowing at $28,500 annually and the amount that parents can borrow on behalf of their children at $12,500 annually. But her bill never made it the House floor for a vote.
Monday was the first time the White House has outlined its priorities on what should be included in an update of the higher education law, which has not been reauthorized since 2008.
Obama’s top economic adviser kills himself, says family
WND – Princeton University economist Alan Krueger, who served as a top economic adviser to Presidents Obama and Clinton, committed suicide Saturday, according to his family. He was 58.
“It is with tremendous sadness we share that Professor Alan B. Krueger, beloved husband, father, son, brother, and Princeton professor of economics took his own life over the weekend,” the family said.
Elizabeth Warren says she wants to eliminate the Electoral College
Fox – Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren said she supports eliminating the U.S. Electoral College during a town hall broadcast on Monday night.
“Every vote matters and the way we can make that happen is that we can have national voting, and that means get rid of the Electoral College,” Warren told an audience at the historically black college Jackson State University in Mississippi.
Warren’s statement on CNN came after an audience member asked the Massachusetts senator about voting rights and so-called voter suppression laws.
Chicago Police Union Wants Federal Probe in Jussie Smollett Case
Breitbart – The Chicago police union’s president alleges that the county’s top prosecutor interfered with the investigation of “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett before recusing herself and wants the Justice Department to determine if she broke any laws.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Illegal Aliens Residing in My District Are ‘My Constituents’
Breitbart – Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-CA) said during a Thursday House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing that illegal aliens residing in her district were her “constituents.”
College Admissions Bribe Scandal: Six Harvard Alumni Charged
Breitbart – Six alumni of Harvard University have been charged in the DOJ’s ongoing investigation into the college admissions scandal.
Economy & Business
Murdoch family launches new FOX… Paul Ryan joins board…
LA Times – Rupert Murdoch’s 21st Century Fox spun off various television assets — including the Fox News Channel and Fox broadcast network — to form a new company Tuesday known simply as Fox Corp.
The freshly minted company unveiled its board members, including former House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.). Ryan, whose two decades in Congress ended in January, forged a working relationship with President Trump in recent years to advance a conservative agenda, including tax cuts.
Fox’s other board members are Murdoch; his oldest son, Lachlan Murdoch; Anne Dias, founder and chief executive of media investment firm Aragon Global Holdings; Chase Carey, a former Fox executive who is chairman and CEO of Formula 1 racing; Roland A. Hernandez, a former chief of Spanish-language network Telemundo; and Jacques Nasser, former head of Ford Motor Co. and a longtime Murdoch associate.
The spinoff completed early Tuesday is part of a multi-pronged process that will culminate with the $71.3-billion sale of the rest of Murdoch’s entertainment company to Walt Disney Co. The company announced that it had finished the process of issuing shares in the new Fox Corp. to investors of 21st Century Fox.
Energy & Environment
Most of Nebraska under state of emergency as ‘historic’ floodwaters ravage Midwest
SF Gate – Vice President Mike Pence will survey the widespread destruction across the Midwest on Tuesday, following “historic” flooding that has killed at least four people, leveled bridges and submerged huge swaths of the region with bone-chilling floodwaters.
Nebraska, Iowa and Wisconsin have declared states of emergency after the most powerful late-winter storm in a decade unleashed torrents of rain that melted snow, overtaking rivers and levees in powerful surges.
While floodwaters remain steady in some areas and recede in others, some regions are bracing for more floods to come as rivers vault toward their crest this week, fed by rapid snowmelt throughout the Missouri and Mississippi River Basins, the National Weather service said.
Nebraska was struck particularly hard; three of the four fatalities occurred in the state. Two-thirds of its 94 counties and four tribal areas declared states of emergency.
It was “the most extensive damage our state has ever experienced,” Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts said Monday.
Science & Technology
Rep. Devin Nunes suing Twitter for $250 million
Politico – Rep. Devin Nunes is suing Twitter and three of its users for $250 million, alleging that he was defamed and that the social media juggernaut engages in the “shadow-banning” of conservative opinions and selectively enforces its terms of service to benefit opponents of the Republican Party.
The California Republican also claims in the 40-page lawsuit, dated Monday and addressed to the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Va., that Twitter sought to influence his 2018 reelection race and interfere with his investigation into Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and Russian involvement in the 2016 elections. Nunes oversaw that inquiry as chairman of the House Intelligence Committee — a role he held until Democrats retook the House in January.
Fox News on Monday uploaded a copy of the complaint to its website. It was unclear whether the suit had actually been filed because the copy did not bear a case number. Nunes’ lawyer could not be reached for comment Monday night.
Among the suit’s defendants are a Twitter user purporting to be the congressman’s mother, a Twitter user operating an account called “Devin Nunes’ cow” and GOP communications strategist Liz Mair.
The suit references various messages critical of Nunes posted to the defendants’ accounts, as well as other accounts — including “Fire Devin Nunes” and “Devin Nunes’ Grapes” — “whose sole purpose was (and is) to publish and republish (tweet and retweet) false and defamatory statements about Nunes,” the suit alleges.
What Are the Best Foods for Your Hair Care Routine?
Dr. Axe – We’ve all wondered about the secret to luscious, shining hair. Perhaps we’ve even tried to emulate shiny haired models by trying specially formulated shampoos for our exact hair type and texture, with little effect.
Instead of spending money on haircare products that produce lackluster results, consider how your overall health impacts the quality of your hair. Following a healthy hair diet can help you grow thicker, more lustrous tresses. What we eat impacts every aspect of our health, including the top of our heads.
Best Foods for Healthy Hair Growth and Thickness

  1. Seek Out Antioxidant-Rich Foods

Antioxidant-rich foods, such as fruits and vegetables, are the perfect food for growing hair. Antioxidants fight inflammation and boost red blood cell production, all of which help facilitate repair in the body. Strengthening hair follicles through diet can help promote hair growth and prevent further loss.

  1. Embrace Food Containing Natural Silica

You may notice that many shampoos are silicone-based, as it coats the hair and makes it appear shiny. However, this only adds protection to the shaft of the hair. Eating foods that have natural silica compounds can help strengthen the follicle, prevent breakage and promote wellness from within.

  1. Don’t Be Afraid of Healthy Fats

Last but not least, a diet rich in omega 3, omega 6 and omega 9 fatty acids helps increase hair strength. A study of 120 women found that incorporating more omega 3 fatty acids combined with increased antioxidants improved hair density.
Doctors Reverse Decades Old Aspirin Recommendation: Deadly Risks Outweigh Benefits for Heart Disease & Stroke
GreenMedInfo – Once marketed by Bayer as “The wonder drug that works wonders,” aspirin’s profound toxicity and potentially deadly side effects can no longer be hidden from the public.
New cardiovascular disease prevention guidelines submitted jointly by the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Associated and published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology contradict decades of routine medical advice by explicitly advising against the daily use of low-dose or baby aspirin (75-100 mg) as a preventive health strategy against stroke or heart attack, in most cases:
“Aspirin should be used infrequently in the routine primary prevention of ASCVD (atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk) because of lack of net benefit.”
These changes in guidelines follow closely on the heels of three studies on daily aspirin use published in the New England Journal of Medicine that found the practice causes more harm than good to patients.
If you have been following our work over the years on revealing the unintended, adverse effects of both over-the-counter and prescription synthetic painkillers, you may already know that there have been over 50 adverse effects linked to aspirin usage, including deadly bleeding events.
The public’s general perception that aspirin is safe and effective is likely based on a widely held misunderstanding about its origin. Despite common misconceptions, aspirin is produced through chemical synthesis and is not the natural compound found in plants like willow bark known as salicylic acid; rather, it is known as acetyl-salicyclic
Are There Evidence-Based, Natural Aspirin Alternatives?
The quick answer is yes. We have reported on several, including turmeric, and one clinically validated natural alternative extracted from pine bark known as pycnogenol. Learn more by reading The Aspirin Alternative Your Doctor Never Told You About.
The more elaborate answer to the question is that heart disease and stroke are not caused by a lack of blood thinning agents, and therefore those looking for aspirin alternatives should be mindful of how this is essentially a superficial approach to mitigating disease risk. The point should be looking at the root causes of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease, and addressing and even reversing the conditions before they lead to potentially lethal changes in your physiology. We suggest further exploration of basic principles of nutrition (such as food as information), including looking at the role that the Western diet, calcium supplements, sunlight deficiency, and even statin drugs have in promoting heart disease. At least half the focus in preventing heart disease is simply removing their nutrition and lifestyle-based causes.
Exercise Is Key to Longer Life
Mercola – In a recent study, estimated age based on an exercise stress test was a better predictor of mortality, as compared to chronological age; another study found adding activity of any type reduced the risk of early death.
Increasing intensity of your workout improves your cardiorespiratory fitness, associated with longevity; exercise benefits also include improved mood, better cognitive performance, increased insulin sensitivity and health benefits for those suffering chronic disease.
Although important to your overall health, you can’t out-exercise your diet; despite an intense workout routine, poor nutrition contributes to insulin resistance, weight gain and increasing risk of chronic disease.
Strongly consider including your children in your fitness routines as rates of obesity in children are rising rapidly; remember to listen to your body, exercise consistently and include proper sleep, hydration and nutrition to enjoy the greatest benefits

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