July 3, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: March 20, 2023


International Arrest Warrant Issued for Vladimir Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin has been formally accused by the International Criminal Court (ICC) of war crimes and faces an arrest warrant, which the Kremlin considers illegitimate.

ICC president Piotr Hofmanski said in a video statement Friday that an arrest warrant has been issued for Putin for the “alleged war crimes of deportation of children from Ukrainian occupied territories into the Russian Federation.”

International law prohibits occupying powers from transferring civilians from occupied areas to other territories.

Hofmanski said the contents of the warrants would be kept secret to protect the identities of the allegedly abducted children.

“Nevertheless, the judges of the chamber dealing with this case decided to make the existence of the warrants public in the interest of justice and to prevent the commission of future crimes,” he said.

Putin to welcome Xi Jinping

Chinese President Xi Jinping has arrived in Moscow for a state visit.  Xi and to Russia’s Vladimir Putin published separate articles on Monday, setting out their vision for bilateral relations and praising each other; Xi said China’s proposal to end the Ukraine crisis reflects global views as Putin said he had high hopes for the visit by his “good old friend”.

Russia Preparing to Widen Conscription to Bolster War Machine: UK Intel

Russia is preparing to widen conscription in order to shore up its military strength, according to British intelligence.

In its Saturday update on the course of the war in Ukraine, Britain’s Ministry of Defence (MoD) observed that members of the State Duma — the lower house of Russia’s federal legislature — had “introduced a bill to change the age bracket for conscription to men aged 21-30 years, from the current 18-27.”

Russia overtakes Saudi Arabia as China’s top oil supplier

Russia overtook Saudi Arabia to be China’s top oil supplier in the first two months of 2023, according to Chinese government data, as buyers snapped up sanctioned Russian oil at steep discounts.

Arrivals from Russia totalled 15.68 million tonnes in January-February, or 1.94 million barrels per day (bpd), up 23.8 percent from 1.57 million bpd in the corresponding 2022 period, data from the General Administration of Customs showed on Monday.

Escalation: NATO Spain Sending More Tanks, Military Vehicles to Ukraine

Spanish Minister of Defence Margarita Robles has announced that her country will be providing an additional four Leopard 2A4 main battle tanks to Ukraine, along with more infantry vehicles.

Minister Robles announced that the four new Leopard tanks would be sent to Ukraine following the first batch of six tanks, which are being prepared to be shipped to aid the Ukrainian war effort against Russian forces.

Russia Accuses D.C. of ‘Schizophrenia’ as Biden Backs International Court U.S. Does Not Recognise

Russia has accused the United States of “sluggish schizophrenia” as President Joe Biden expressed support for the International Criminal Court issuing a warrant for President Vladimir Putin’s arrest, despite the fact the U.S. does not recognise the court.

The Netherlands-based International Criminal Court (ICC) has issued arrest warrants for President Putin and Russia’s Commissioner for Children’s Rights, Maria Lvova-Belova, over the deportation of Ukrainian children to Russia — although executing the warrants could be difficult given Russia is not subject to the ICC.

China’s Green Lasers Over Hawaii Signal a Coming War: Expert

The appearance of China’s green lasers over Hawaii signals a coming war, warns Rick Fisher, a senior fellow at International Assessment and Strategy Center.

In late January, Japanese astronomers stationed in Hawaii noticed mysterious green laser beams being fired over the island. The laser beams are being shot down from space over one of the largest mountain ranges in Hawaii.

When they first reported these beams to the public, the astronomers said they came from a NASA satellite—they were thought to be American lasers. But just a week later, the Japanese astronomers issued a correction saying that the green laser beams were not from a U.S. satellite, but instead, they were more likely from a Chinese satellite.

According to NASA’s assessment, it was likely caused by China’s Daqi-1 satellite, which is a “Chinese atmospheric environment monitoring satellite” launched in April 2022.

“This weather satellite passing over Hawaii, shooting its lasers, its atmospheric measuring lasers, down from on high is very much a signal to the United States that if there is a confrontation over the future of democratic Taiwan, they are ready to target American military forces, which will definitely impact American civilian lives in the state of Hawaii,” Fisher told the “China in Focus” host on NTD, the sister media outlet of the Epoch Times.

Swiss Government: UBS to Take Over Credit Suisse for More Than $3 Billion

Investment banking company UBS has agreed to purchase its rival Credit Suisse in a deal worth more than $3 billion after the Swiss government mediated the merger between the country’s two largest banks to avoid chaos in the financial markets before March 20.

The announcement came after government officials had been scrambling for several days to figure out how to save the troubled lender Credit Suisse, a 167-year-old banking giant.

Credit Suisse shareholders will receive 1 UBS share for every 22.48 Credit Suisse shares owned, or CHF0.76 per share, for a total value of CHF3 billion ($3.24 billion), according to a press release by UBS. The offer price is nearly 60 percent less than Credit Suisse’s March 17 closing price of CHF1.86.

“With the takeover of Credit Suisse by UBS, a solution has been found to secure financial stability and protect the Swiss economy in this exceptional situation,” Swiss National Bank (SNB) said in a statement.

Both institutions will have “unrestricted access” to the central bank’s existing facilities.

As part of the agreement, the central bank has committed to providing both institutions liquidity assistance up to CHF100 billion “with privileged creditor status in bankruptcy,” according to the statement.

“On Friday, the liquidity outflows and market volatility showed that it was no longer possible to restore the necessary confidence and that the swift and stabilizing solution was absolutely necessary,” Swiss President Alain Berset announced during a press conference late on March 19.

Indian state cuts off internet in hunt for preacher

Police in India’s Punjab have launched a massive search for Amritpal Singh, a controversial self-styled preacher who has been on the run since Saturday.

Internet and messaging services in the state have remained suspended since the search began and security has been tightened.

The 30-year-old says he supports the Khalistan movement for a separate Sikh homeland.

The police have arrested several of his aides so far.

The crackdown comes weeks after Singh’s supporters stormed a police station, demanding the release of an aide who had been arrested.

On Saturday, police declared Singh “a fugitive” and launched a state-wide search for him. Traffic blockades were set up across the state to check vehicles.

Also on Sunday, people carrying banners that said “Khalistan” protested outside the Indian High Commission in London. Videos showed a man detaching the Indian flag from the balcony of the building.

Angry Indian officials summoned the UK’s most senior diplomat in Delhi and lodged a strong protest.

Meanwhile, BBC Punjabi reports that Singh’s legal adviser Imaan Singh Khara has claimed that he has been “illegally and forcibly” detained by the police and has approached the Punjab and Haryana High Court, demanding that Singh be produced in court.

The court has ordered the Punjab government to reply by 21 March.

The police have marched through the streets in several areas to “instil confidence in public” and to urge them to maintain law and order in the state.


‘A total fiasco in all aspects’: 20 years on, how the illegal invasion of Iraq backfired on the US

Twenty years ago, the world was shaken by one of the major geopolitical events of this century. On the morning of March 20, 2003, the US officially launched its illegal invasion of Iraq. The rationale was based on Iraqi President Saddam Hussein’s alleged ties with terrorists, and intelligence regarding the presence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. However, both claims turned out to be false and were later refuted.

Russian political analysts believe that the real reasons behind the invasion of Iraq included a desire for control over oil fields, the naive hope of creating a ‘showcase of democracy’ in the Middle East, and a demonstration of the ‘fight against terrorism’ to US voters. None of these goals were achieved, but the grievous consequences of the endeavor are evident. 

Opinion: How US propaganda won Iraq’s ‘battlespace’

In American memory, US lives mattered, Iraqi deaths didn’t. That was by design — narrative control was a military goal.

With the 20th anniversary of the Anglo-American invasion of Iraq upon us, the politics of memory are sure to resurface along familiar fault lines.

Did the Bush administration do irreparable damage to American prestige by leading the country into another quagmire? Did the Obama administration withdraw too soon and allow al-Qaeda in Iraq to rebuild and morph into ISIL (ISIS)?

Apart from a few notable exceptions, the collective memory of the Iraq conflict in the United States falls within the narrow parameters of these debates. The military campaign was largely framed in the news media by US military information operations to meet specific strategic objectives.

The upshot was a range of skewed media narratives which continue to conceal many truths. Some will remember the deceit surrounding the weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) that allegedly justified the invasion, but far more prominent is the memory of insurgency that became synonymous with the occupation. The assertion that the US-led coalition liberated Iraq from a vicious dictator obscures the antidemocratic process of state building conducted by an occupying power. The myth of civil war hid the reality of a dirty war.

Meanwhile, the so-called surge of 2007 presented a renewed counterinsurgency strategy as military genius, conveniently side-stepping the fact that the armed fighters the US troops were battling had been armed and trained by America in Iraq’s Ministry of Interior.

Propaganda has been a bedfellow of war for the entirety of the 20th century, but the sophistication and violent impact of US information operations have come a long way since the Uncle Sam posters of World War I.

In Iraq, propaganda did much more than dress up battlefield events in polite language. It also invented targets and set operational objectives. Propaganda is now a powerful and direct instrument of warfare, an integral part of combat operations.

This transformation has been so profound that the very concept of a battlefield has become outdated. The invasion and occupation of Iraq took place within a battlespace — an unbounded, multi-domain battlefield that reaches into the abstract realms of information and cyberspace.

Drawing lessons from the American war in Vietnam, the US mission in Iraq defined victory as the winning of Iraqi and American hearts and minds. To that end, the media was enlisted as a force multiplier in the exercise of soft power, unlike in Southeast Asia, where it was often viewed as a fifth column.

20 Lies About the Iraq War

In commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the US-led NATO invasion of Iraq, we repost this article published in July 2003 by Glen Rangwala and Raymond Whitaker. 

The Bush administration initiated the war under the pretext that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction (WMD), which both the US and UK governments knew to be false even prior to the invasion. 

After 20 years, Iraq is in shambles. The continued presence of US military in the country has only caused further suffering and hardship to the Iraqis.

The invasion should teach us lessons about America’s “war on terror” and “humanitarian efforts”.

The article reminds us of 20 lies that were used to justify the illegal war.

Trump Announces On Social Media That He Expects To Be Arrested On Tuesday

Former President Donald Trump announced Saturday on Truth Social that he expects to be arrested Tuesday.

Trump posted a lengthy statement on his social media platform saying the “the American dream is dead!” Trump alluded to Jan. 6 protesters who have been arrested and lambasted their captivity, while “criminals and leftist thugs are allowed to roam the streets, killing & burning with no retribution.”

In a follow up post on Truth Social, Trump turned his attention toward the Manhattan District Attorney’s office.

Top Republican Orders Probe Into Whether Federal Funds Were Used in Potential Trump Indictment

U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) on March 18 ordered Republicans to investigate whether federal funds were used in the reported looming indictment against former President Donald Trump.

“Here we go again—an outrageous abuse of power by a radical DA [district attorney] who lets violent criminals walk as he pursues political vengeance against President Trump,” McCarthy said in a statement after Trump said it looks like he’ll be arrested soon for an alleged misclassification of a payment.

“I’m directing relevant committees to immediately investigate if federal funds are being used to subvert our democracy by interfering in elections with politically motivated prosecutions.”

Jonathan Turley: Manhattan DA’s Potential Case Against Trump ‘Legally Pathetic’

George Washington University Law Professor Jonathan Turley panned reports of the looming potential case against former President Donald Trump after the former commander-in-chief announced he may be arrested in the next week.

Alleged unnamed court sources have told multiple news outlets that Trump could be indicted in the near future, while Trump said via Truth Social that he expects to be arrested by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office on Tuesday. Bragg’s office has not publicly confirmed reports that he may possibly indict the former president for allegedly misclassifying a $130,000 hush payment made to Stormy Daniels in 2016.

Trump has denied claims that he had an affair with Daniels in the early 2000s.  However, unconfirmed reports alleged that a grand jury in New York has been empaneled and may be seeking an indictment of the former president.

But Turley said that based on those reports, the DA’s case against Trump “is legally pathetic” and “is struggling to twist state laws to effectively prosecute a federal case long ago rejected by the Justice Department against Trump.”

Elon Musk Warns Trump Indictment Will Backfire, Predicts ‘Landslide’ Reelection

Tesla CEO Elon Musk on Saturday predicted that former President Donald Trump will be reelected in a “landslide victory” if he is to be indicted next week by the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office.

Musk’s comment was in response to a Fox News segment that detailed how the Manhattan DA’s office reportedly requested a meeting with law enforcement officials to discuss “security preparations” and whether to “handcuff” and “fingerprint” the former president when escorting him into the courtroom.

“If this happens, Trump will be re-elected in a landslide victory,” the owner of Twitter and the world’s richest man wrote in the comment section of the post.

Dershowitz: Manhattan DA Using ‘Made-Up Laws’ in Trump Case

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s reported impending prosecution of former President Donald Trump is based on “made-up laws,” according to prominent legal expert Alan Dershowitz.

But even so, Dershowitz said he thinks that Trump would unlikely receive a fair trial in a city that leans heavily blue.

The expert was responding to reports that Trump may soon be indicted on charges surrounding hush money paid to adult film actress Stormy Daniels. That would make Trump the first former president to be criminally charged.

Days before the 2016 presidential election, former Trump attorney Michael Cohen paid Daniels $130,000 in exchange for her silence on claims that she had an affair with Trump years earlier, which the former president denies. Cohen pleaded guilty to violating federal campaign finance laws in 2018 for arranging payment to Daniels and another woman claiming to have had an affair with Trump. Cohen claims to have done so at Trump’s direction and was reimbursed by the Trump Organization through routine legal expenses.

Trump has denied any wrongdoing, claiming that he’s a victim of extortion.

Longtime Conservative Activist Has Advice for Trump Supporters Considering Protesting

A longtime conservative activist recommended that supporters of former President Donald Trump “tightly police your gatherings” and to be wary of “provocateurs” after the former president called for protests amid reports that he might be arrested by the Manhattan District Attorney’s office next week.

Millions of Tiny, Suspicious Political Donations Questioned by Watchdog Group

An 80-year-old Midwestern woman from an affluent suburban area made nearly 9,000 small donations totaling more than $330,000 to political causes and candidates in four years, according to federal election records.

She says she didn’t.

“That would not slip by me,” she told The Epoch Times. “If I was losing money, I’d know it. It wasn’t my money.”

“I am a frequent and generous giver. I estimate I contribute about 50 times per year. I know every penny I donate.”

The woman, known as Donor C, was also surprised to learn that Federal Election Commission reports showed small donations appearing in her name after she stopped giving.

“There’s a hole somewhere that needs to be plugged and I’d like to see that done. I’d like to know if this is elder abuse,” she said.

Election Watch, a national election integrity watchdog group, is raising questions about more than 10,000 individual donors who are listed on the Federal Election Commission (FEC) database as having each contributed thousands of times in four years.

The data is raising eyebrows among investigators because surveys have shown that American political contributors donate far fewer times per year.

In the following examples taken directly from the FEC database, the donors’ identities will not be disclosed.

One of many examples cited by Election Watch is a 77-year-old Colorado woman referred to as “Donor A.” She contributed more than 59,000 times in separate donations totaling over $279,000 in the 2020 and 2022 election cycles.

Another contributor, Donor B, 74, a woman from Kansas, donated 65,489 times, giving over $223,000, over the same time period.

DOJ Inspector General Seeking Testimony of Former FBI Agent Steve Friend, Contradicting Democrat Claims

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector General’s Office intends to interview former FBI special agent Steve Friend regarding allegations he has raised about the agency.

Last fall, Friend came forward with concerns about the FBI’s handling of child sexual abuse cases and its arrests of individuals involved in the Jan. 6, 2021, breach of the U.S. Capitol. Friend alleged the agency was excessively using heavily armed SWAT teams to arrest individuals suspected of committing misdemeanor offenses on Jan. 6. He objected to one such SWAT raid on Aug. 24.

Friend further alleged that the FBI has departed from its everyday case management practices and has widely listed field offices around the country as the lead investigators in domestic violent extremism (DVE) cases while agency officials in Washington are actually directing the cases. Friend alleged the FBI had pressured its agents to prioritize these DVE cases, which created an inflated sense of the threat posed by domestic extremists. At the same time, Friend said the FBI had explicitly taken its focus off child sexual abuse cases, telling him that such cases are “no longer an FBI priority.”

On Monday, DOJ Assistant Inspector General Sean O’Neill responded (pdf) to a March 6 letter (pdf) by the whistleblower organization Empower Oversight, confirming the Office of the Inspector General “intends to schedule an interview with Mr. Friend regarding his disclosures.” Empower Oversight has been representing Friend throughout his raising allegations against the FBI.

After making allegations against the FBI, Friend was suspended from the agency without pay. The agency revoked his security clearance, credentials, firearm, and badge.

Friend ultimately resigned from the FBI in February. Just The News reported he had gone without pay for 150 days between his suspension and his decision to end his time working for the agency formally.

EXCLUSIVE: Jacob Chansley’s Lawyer Intends to File to Vacate Conviction

Bill Shipley, the lawyer representing Jan. 6 defendant Jacob Chansley, started the process of requesting the court to vacate Chansley’s 41-month sentence next week, Shipley confirmed in an exclusive interview with The Epoch Times on Friday.

Shipley said he intends to file a vacate-conviction motion pursuant to 28 U.S. Code § 2255 (remedies on motion attacking sentence) next week, pending government response to a letter he sent to the DOJ on Friday requesting information about Chansley’s case. That provision in the law states that a “prisoner in custody under sentence of a court established by Act of Congress claiming the right to be released upon the ground that the sentence was imposed in violation of the Constitution or laws of the United States.”

On Friday, Shipley sent a letter to Assistant U.S. Attorney Kimberly Paschall to ask about the factual basis of the government’s representation of Chansley’s case in a separate lawsuit. He said he’s “prepping the battlefield” for a prospective filing to request the court to vacate Chansley’s conviction.

Kansas governor vetoes legislation banning transgender athletes from school sports

Gov. Laura Kelly for the third straight year has vetoed model legislation that would ban transgender girls from playing school sports with cisgender girls.

The Democratic governor said Friday the annual attack on transgender students sends “a signal to prospective companies that Kansas is more focused on unnecessary and divisive legislation than becoming a place where young people want to work and raise a family.”

“Let’s be clear about what this bill is all about — politics,” Kelly said. “It won’t increase any test scores. It won’t help any kids read or write. It won’t help any teachers prepare our kids for the real world. Here’s what this bill would actually do: harm the mental health of our students.”

House Bill 2238 would require children as young as kindergarten age to participate in school activities based on the gender they were assigned at birth. Challenges potentially could expose them to genital inspections.

2 More GOP States Exit National Voter Verification Coalition

Ohio and Iowa became the latest GOP-led states to indicate they’re withdrawing from the national voter verification coalition over concerns about its impartiality.

Frank LaRose, Ohio’s secretary of state rumored to be mulling a run for the U.S. Senate in 2024, announced the decision in a letter (pdf) to the director of the coalition, called the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC).

“I cannot justify the use of Ohio’s tax dollars for an organization that seems intent on rejecting meaningful accountability, publicly maligning my motives, and waging a relentless campaign of misinformation about this effort,” LaRose wrote.

LaRose’s letter came soon after member states that are part of the coalition held a meeting on Friday and a proposal to reform some of the coalition’s bylaws failed.

“ERIC has chosen repeatedly to ignore demands to embrace reforms that would bolster confidence in its performance, encourage growth in its membership, and ensure not only its present stability but also its durability,” LaRose wrote.

He argued that the coalition has transformed from a “previously bipartisan organization to one that appears to favor only the interests of one political party.”

North Carolina Anti-Rioting Bill to Become Law Without Gov. Roy Cooper’s Signature

A North Carolina bill, designed to increase penalties for rioting, will become law without the signature of Gov. Roy Cooper (D).

House Bill 40, a piece of legislation designed to create new penalties for inciting or participating in a riot, was presented to Cooper on March 10. Cooper explained in a statement he would neither sign nor veto the bill, having already vetoed similar legislation the previous year.

Teacher who assigned ‘sexual fantasy’ story on leave pending investigation

The teacher who assigned students to write about a sexual fantasy for a health class at Churchill High School is on administrative leave pending an investigation, a Eugene School District spokesperson confirmed Friday.

The district said an “outside third party” is investigating, but did not provide details.

“I believe that investigation will look into any and all concerns/allegations that have been raised, and not just the one assignment that’s been circulated on social media,” school board member Gordon Lafer said in an email.

The assignment was given to in a class called “Health 2 – Human Sexuality.” It asked students who were absent to write a one-to-two paragraph short story about a sexual fantasy, including use of items commonly identified with foreplay such as candles, feathers, feather boas, massage oil and the like.

Wyoming becomes first state with explicit ban on abortion pills

Wyoming Gov. Mark Gordon has signed into law the nation’s first explicit ban on abortion pills since they became the predominant choice for abortion in the U.S. in recent years.

Justice Department investigating TikTok parent company ByteDance for possible spying on U.S. citizens

The Justice Department is investigating TikTok’s Chinese parent company, ByteDance, for possible spying on U.S. citizens, including journalists, CBS News has confirmed. 

News of the probe comes as U.S. lawmakers have ramped up calls for action against the widely popular social media app over ByteDance’s ties to China and national security concerns about the collection of user data. The Biden administration is mulling a possible nationwide TikTok ban if ByteDance does not divest itself from the app, TikTok confirmed to CBS News on Wednesday. 

Emily Baker-White, a journalist for Forbes who says she was one of reporters who had their TikTok data improperly accessed by ByteDance, was the first to report the federal investigation. The Justice Department declined to comment Friday.

ByteDance admitted in December that its employees had inappropriately obtained data from American TikTok users, including two journalists and a number of people connected to them, according to the New York Times

“We have strongly condemned the actions of the individuals found to have been involved, and they are no longer employed at ByteDance,” ByteDance told CBS News in a statement on Friday. “Our internal investigation is still ongoing, and we will cooperate with any official investigations when brought to us.”

The federal government has already banned the app from government-issued devices and a number of lawmakers have introduced legislation that could lead to a national ban on the platform. 

TikTok’s CEO is scheduled to testify to House lawmakers next Thursday. 


Frozen fruit recalled over risk of Hepatitis A contamination

Scenic Fruit Company has recalled frozen organic strawberries and frozen organic tropical fruit blend due to a possible risk of Hepatitis A contamination. 

In a Friday release shared by the Food and Drug Administration, the Oregon company said that it was recalling the frozen berries sold to Costco, Aldi, KeHE, Vital Choice Seafood and PCC Community Markets, as well as the frozen organic tropical blend sold to Trader Joe’s, “due to an outbreak of Hepatitis A illnesses.” 

The organic tropical blend was told at Trader Joe’s stores nationwide, and the strawberries were distributed by different brands in Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Utah, Washington state and Wisconsin.

The release said that although Hepatitis A has not been detected in the product, consumers should not consume the product out of an abundance of caution, and return it to their local store for a refund or destroy it.

CDC Warns Americans in 8 States to Be Aware of Signs of Tick-Borne Disease

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that Americans living in eight northeastern U.S. states should be aware of the signs of babesiosis, a tick-borne disease that is on the rise.

Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont have seen increases in babesiosis, while the disease is endemic in Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire, according to the CDC report. That’s based on data that was collected between 2011 and 2019.

The Supplements You Take May Not Be True Nutrients, and Have Potential Risks: Experts

Supplements have become close to a staple in the American diet as nutritional deficiencies skyrocket.

In an analysis from 2001–2008, it was determined that about 90 percent of Americans are deficient in vitamins D and E, and over 40 percent have some other form of nutritional deficiency. Additionally, between 60 and 80 percent now take supplements.

While nutritional supplements provide relief to nutrient insufficiency along with many benefits, they are not meant to replace a wholesome diet and might also come with unknown consequences and risks.

Supplements: Mostly Synthetics With Potential Risks

When someone buys a bottle of supplements, they may assume that what they’re getting is the extracted, concentrated version of whatever vitamin or mineral they would find in food.

More often than not, the active ingredient in their bottle is synthetic, meaning that it has been manufactured using industrial chemicals.

An article by two scientists from the University of Nis in Serbia wrote that “95 percent of the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that you can buy at ‘health food’ stores and close to 100 percent of those sold in other stores” are being made by pharmaceutical and chemical companies (pdf).

An example of this is synthetic vitamin E, also known as all rac-alpha-tocopherol (incorrectly called d,l-α-tocopherol), which is not identical to the naturally occurring vitamin E. While vitamin E from natural food occurs as a single molecule, all rac-alpha-tocopherol is a mixture of 8 different molecules and is made through industrial petrochemical processes.

Studies have suggested that consumption of all rac-alpha-tocopherol may be associated with increased prostate cancer risk. A study that subjected about 35,000 men to daily supplements of selenium, all rac-alpha-tocopherol, both selenium and all rac-alpha-tocopherol, or placebo, found that those who only took all rac-alpha-tocopherol had an increased 17 percent risk of prostate cancer.

Synthetic beta-carotene is also different from naturally occurring cis-beta-carotene. Supplementation has been documented to have an association with increased mortality in lung cancer patients.

Other synthetic vitamins that are potentially toxic include:

Nattokinase in the Prevention and Treatment of Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease

Human Data Promising as Supplement Widely Used in Post COVID-19 and Vaccine Injury Syndromes

By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

Approximately 15% of Americans who took a COVID-19 vaccine have some new medical illness and regret the shot. Many are looking to nattokinase in formulations of Spike protein support supplements asking is it safe, and what is the track record for this Asian discovery?

Chen et al reviewed human studies before the pandemic on the use of nattokinase with this introduction: “Natto, a cheese-like food made of soybeans fermented with Bacillus subtilis, has been consumed as a traditional food in Asian countries for more than 2000 years. Natto consumption is believed to be a significant contributor to the longevity of the Japanese population. Recent studies demonstrated that a high natto intake was associated with decreased risk of total CVD mortality and, in particular, a decreased risk of mortality from ischaemic heart diseases.

—> Power Mall Product of Interest: Blockbuster AllClear

Powerful Enzyme and Antioxidant Formula in a Delayed-Release Capsule

The unique combination of ingredients in Blockbuster® Allclear has been carefully selected to provide powerful support for a range of health conditions, with particular benefit to heart and cardiovascular health.

Kidney health is another key area that benefits from targeted enzyme support, as there is a close link between the cardiovascular system and kidney function.

Issues affecting female reproductive health may also benefit from this enzyme combination, due to its anti-inflammatory and circulatory support. 

These enzymes and supporting nutrients have been repeatedly studied for their overall positive effects.

  • Powerful support for heart and cardiovascular system
  • Kidney health benefits
  • Supports female reproductive health 
  • 80,000iu Serrapeptase per serving for anti-inflammatory benefits

Alongside its powerful combination of proteolytic enzymes, Serrapeptase and Nattokinase, Blockbuster® Allclear includes other supporting nutrients to give this formula its leading edge when it comes to your health.

Serrapeptase is a proteolytic enzyme, isolated from the microorganism, Serratia E15. Studies reveal that Serrapeptase has a specific, anti-inflammatory effect, superior to that of other proteolytic enzymes. Serrapeptase may help to dissolve non-living tissue, blood clots, cysts, and arterial plaque and inflammation in all forms.

Nattokinase is a highly purified enzyme extracted from the popular Japanese food called natto, a fermented soybean. Natto has been used as a folk remedy for diseases of the heart and circulatory system for hundreds of years. Nattokinase shows particular benefits as a fibrinolytic agent, able to reduce thrombus formation, and slow the formation of atherosclerosis.

Grapeseed Extract has an incredible antioxidant potential, which helps to protect cells from free radical damage and may also help promote healthy circulation. 

Pine Bark Extract 95% also a powerful antioxidant, found to have a positive impact on areas such as blood pressure and blood vessel integrity.

Olive Leaf Citrus Blend, found in studies to have a positive effect on ‘bad’ cholesterol levels, due to its high polyphenol content. It may also help support cardiovascular health by promoting vascular relaxation and protecting the arteries from hardening.

Amla Extract, with its high vitamin C content, has also shown significant potential in supporting more favourable blood lipid ratios and lowering total cholesterol. It may also benefit heart health by strengthening and thickening the arteries.

Acerola Extract is another vitamin C rich antioxidant nutrient with the potential to support arterial health, and may be beneficial in tackling conditions such as atherosclerosis and blood clots.

Policosanol is a natural substance often used to support cholesterol levels, and may have some benefits in terms of improving circulation and arterial health.

Fulvic Trace Minerals are a great addition to this formula, as trace minerals are often low in the modern diet. They help to fill an important gap when it comes to overall health.

Digestive Enzymes, including protease, lipase, amylase, cellulase and lactase are key additions to this formula to help support vital nutrient absorption. They can also help to mop up unwanted nutrients, especially proteins in the circulatory system, helping to clean the blood and restore energy and balance.

Blockbuster® Allclear is available in a delayed release capsule to ensure the enzymes reach the intestinal tract for absorption at full strength, best taken on an empty stomach.

This IV Treatment for Tumors Shows Promise

Cancer treatment is an expanding and lucrative health care sector. One 2023 study using patients with advanced cancer and treatment-resistant tumors supports findings from the past 100 years of using mistletoe in cancer treatment, improving quality of life and disease control

The focus of the study was to evaluate the safety profile of mistletoe in patients who were “heavily pretreated” with at least one, and up to six, lines of chemotherapy, analyzing adverse events, disease stability and median quality of life

Mistletoe is a semi-parasitic plant that grows on the branches of trees throughout the world, most commonly oak, pine, elm and apple trees. For centuries it’s been used in traditional medicine to treat menopausal symptoms, seizures, poisons, ulcers and headache

A leading resource to learn more about how mistletoe is successfully used in cancer treatment is Dr. Nasha Winters, who is an integrative oncologist and teaches health care practitioners how to use mistletoe in cancer treatment through the Physicians’ Association for Anthroposophic Medicine (PAAM)

—> Power Mall Product of Interest: STRAUSS HEARTDROPS (contains European mistletoe leaf))


Top Executives at First Republic Bank Sold Millions of Dollars in Company Stock Before Shares Plummeted – And No SEC Filing!

Top Executives at First Republic Bank sold $12 million in company stock before shares plummeted, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Federal Reserve Pauses Tightening as Emergency Lending Hits $300 Billion

The Federal Reserve balance sheet has surged to its highest level since November as the central bank attempts to avert the contagion of the banking crisis.

The Fed’s balance sheet for the week ending March 15 increased by $297 billion, hitting a five-month high of $8.639 trillion.

Since climbing to an April peak of $8.965 trillion, the U.S. central bank has gradually reduced its balance sheet over the past 10 months by redeeming $95 billion worth of securities each month.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Fed had accumulated approximately $4.6 trillion worth of Treasurys, mortgage-backed securities, and corporate bonds, dramatically bolstering its bond portfolio to nearly $9 trillion. However, its latest tightening endeavor has diminished its role as a liquidity provider for the financial system, especially as money-supply growth contracted in January (negative 1.05 percent) and February (negative 1.73 percent).

The Fed’s purchases or sales of government bonds can affect the amount of money in circulation. The more it purchases, the greater the money supply grows, resulting in inflation.

Banking Regulators to Face Congress Over SVB, Signature Bank Collapse

Congress will hold its first bipartisan hearing with top federal financial regulators into the failure of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and Signature Bank at the end of the month, the House Financial Services Committee announced Friday.

Martin Gruenberg, chairman of banking regulator the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), and Michael Barr, vice chair for supervision of the Federal Reserve, have been summoned to testify, with the first hearing scheduled for March 29.

In a joint statement, committee Chairman Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.) and Ranking Member Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) declared they’re determined to conduct the hearing “without fear or favor” and to deliver answers to the American people about the banks’ collapse, which has the potential to escalate into a more significant banking crisis.

“The House Financial Services Committee is committed to getting to the bottom of the failures of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank,” McHenry and Waters said in a joint statement. “This hearing will allow us to begin to understand why and how these banks failed.”

SVB Financial Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Protection

SVB Financial Group, the former parent company of the collapsed Silicon Valley Bank, filed for Chapter 11 protection on Friday in New York bankruptcy court.

SVB Financial Group’s filing for Chapter 11 protection on Friday is the largest bankruptcy filing following a bank failure since Washington Mutual Inc. in 2008. Silicon Valley Bank collapsed last week and was SVB Financial’s primary business.

Silicon Valley Bank UK Staff, Execs Receive ‘Modest’ Bonuses Totalling Tens of Millions

Bankers at the British branch of the failed Silicon Valley Bank reportedly received bonuses totalling tens of millions of pounds just days after the Bank of England stepped in to help orchestrate a rescue package deal that saw its assets bought up by HSCB for £1.

According to a report from Sky News, “modest” employee bonuses totalling between £15 million and £20 million were given out to staff and executives, though it is currently unclear exactly how much CEO Erin Platts and other executives may have received.

Almost 200 US Banks Are at Risk of Silicon Valley Bank-Like Collapse: Study

Nearly 200 more banks could be vulnerable to the same type of risk that collapsed Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) earlier this month, according to a recently published study.

There are 186 banks across the United States that could collapse if half of their respective uninsured depositors withdraw their funds, researchers with the Social Science Research Network found. Deposits at member banks of up to $250,000 are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., although the agency agreed to insure depositors’ funds far above that after SVB’s collapse this month.

“Combined, losses and uninsured leverage provide incentives for an SVB uninsured depositor run,” an abstract of the paper reads. “We compute similar incentives for the sample of all U.S. banks. Even if only half of uninsured depositors decide to withdraw, almost 190 banks are at a potential risk of impairment to insured depositors, with potentially $300 billion of insured deposits at risk.

“If uninsured deposit withdrawals cause even small fire sales, substantially more banks are at risk. Overall, these calculations suggest that recent declines in bank asset values very significantly increased the fragility of the US banking system to uninsured depositor runs.”

>> Related Document: Monetary Tightening and U.S. Bank Fragility in 2023: Mark-to-Market Losses and Uninsured Depositor Runs?

UBS to buy Credit Suisse for nearly $3.25B to calm turmoil


NEW VIDEO CIRCULATING (5G interacting with Graphene Oxide;

the human body cannot stand the excitability of the frequencies bombarding the graphene particles in the brain; unexplained auto accidents, etc.; from La Quinta Columna):


Hackers have used ChatGPT brand to take over Facebook accounts

When the artificial intelligence (AI) platform ChatGPT burst into public consciousness early in the year, cybersecurity experts warned it wouldn’t be long before the bad guys made use of it. They were right.

In a recent post, Nati Tal, head of Guardio Labs, warns that hackers have hidden fake ChatGPT functionality inside a Chrome browser extension. Hackers entice Facebook users to load the extension using ads on the platform.

Once the extension has been loaded, it gives hackers the ability to hijack Facebook accounts and give them nearly complete control, including “super-admin permissions.”

Tal says his company’s research found that the fake extension is being used to target well-known Facebook business accounts. Once in control, the hackers can create Facebook bots and other malicious items.


Home Surveillance Cameras Pose Privacy Risks, Data Leakage by Hacking

The Hong Kong Consumer Council tested the cyber security of ten home surveillance cameras on the market and found that only one model complied with the European cyber security standard. At the same time, the other nine posed various cyber security concerns, including the transmission of videos and data without encryption and failure to defend against “brute-force attacks” by hackers to crack passwords.

In addition, the security of user data storage could have been improved in many apps, with half of the tested models able to access the user files stored in intelligent devices through Android apps. Some apps even requested excessive permission.


Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, March 18, 2023, #397

The climate engineers are continuing to manufacture toxic weather whiplash crop crushing surface cool-downs whenever and wherever they can. As the totality of global environmental collapse becomes impossible to hide, will the nuclear conflict card be played as the last desperate act of the predator class? Thank you for tuning in to this week’s installment of Global Alert News, thank you for your help with sounding the alarm.

Unwanted visitor ruins spring break in Florida – toxic algae

With its brilliant sun, white sand and turquoise water, Lido Key Beach would make for a perfect postcard of Florida beaches if it weren’t for the dozens of dead fish lying on the shore, killed by a toxic algae bloom known as red tide.

The bloom usually hits Florida’s Gulf Coast in the summer, but this year it has come during spring, a time when thousands of American families flock to the Sunshine State during school break, and the outbreak bodes ill for its tourism sector.

A 12th atmospheric river is headed towards storm-fatigued California, threatening even more floods

Still reeling from an onslaught of powerful storms and destructive floods, California is bracing for a 12th atmospheric river that’s expected to bring a new round of heavy snow and rain to the state.

Federal Agency Comes Closer to Gas Stove Ban

The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has made a formal request for information about the possible health hazards of gas-powered stoves—another signal that the United States may be moving towards a ban on those appliances under the Biden administration.

“This RFI does not constitute or propose regulatory action, but rather is intended to inform the Commission and the public,” the request states.

The request can be viewed here. It has already received hundreds of comments. The comment period ends May 8.

The request states that it is seeking input and “proposed solutions” from stakeholders such as “consumers, manufacturers, government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and researchers on chronic chemical hazards associated with the use of gas ranges.”


Can Chickens Eat Cabbage? Is it Safe?

If there’s one thing you can count on your chickens to eat, it’s vegetables. Left to forage on their own, there are all sorts of plants out in the wild, or just around your property, that your birds will nibble on.

Speaking of vegetables that people usually grow, how about cabbage? Can chickens eat cabbage safely?

Yes, cabbage is safe for chickens and highly nutritious, making it a great supplement to their usual diet. It has lots of vitamins and minerals that they need, particularly vitamin K and magnesium.

And unlike some other foods that require special preparation to entice chickens to tuck in, most chickens I’ve ever known seem to love cabbage and will eat it at every opportunity.

This can make your life easy if you’re going to serve cabbage to your birds but, as you’d expect, there is more you will need to know. 

How to Grow Peas

Want to learn how to grow peas in your garden? Here are tips to get you started, from selecting the right variety and planting at the right time to harvesting your first crop. Learn how to grow peas with our complete growing guide.

Peas are a delicious and nutritious addition to any vegetable garden, and growing your own is a fun and rewarding experience that can yield a bountiful harvest. Peas are easy to grow and have a short growing season so that you can enjoy the harvest quickly.


COVID-19 Vaccines Can Cause ‘Permanent Disabilities,’ Says German Health Minister

Germany’s Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach, who once claimed that COVID-19 vaccination is free of side effects, admitted last week that he was wrong, saying adverse reactions occur at a rate of one in 10,000 doses and can cause “severe disabilities.”

On Aug. 14, 2021, Lauterbach said on Twitter that the vaccines had “no side effects,” further questioning why some Germans refused to get vaccinated against COVID-19.

The Biggest COVID Question: What Will Happen in 10 years?

So far, children have been largely unfazed by COVID-19 because their interferon pathway works really well. Interferon is an immune molecule that protects cells against invading pathogens

The COVID jab inhibits the type-1 interferon pathway, so mass injecting young children may actually erase the natural herd immunity against COVID-19 that would develop if all children remained unjabbed

Aggressive cancers have exploded among adults who got the shots, even though it’s only been a little over two years since their rollout

Analysis of U.S. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) data suggests the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is redesignating cancer deaths as COVID deaths to eliminate the cancer signal, and has been doing so since April 2021

We’ve also seen massive increases in excess mortality from abnormal clotting issues and heart problems since the COVID shots rolled out. If side effects such as cancer, heart disease and stroke are killing working age adults in unprecedented numbers already, what will the excess mortality be, say, 10 years from now if children and teens keep getting mRNA boosters every year?

Marine Veteran Warns of Continued Concerns Despite Military COVID Mandate Repeal

Tommy Waller, an officer in the U.S. Marine Corps, ended his military career last year after being denied a religious accommodation to avoid the military-wide COVID-19 vaccine mandate. Though the vaccine mandate was recently repealed, Waller remains concerned that remaining unvaccinated troops could still be targeted.

Waller, who served as the commander of a reserve Force Reconnaissance Company, was denied his religious accommodation request on Nov. 10, 2021—the official birthday of the Marine Corps. Waller believes the way the Marines handled the vaccine mandate was unlawful and, though he was denied his request, Waller held out for another year in hopes of a different outcome.

“I waited a year for the Marine Corps to be able to wake up to the fact that what they were doing was unlawful,” Waller told NTD News. “And then of course, after a year, I decided to go ahead and retire.”

Not long after Waller retired from the Marines, Congress included a provision in the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) (pdf) to repeal the vaccine mandate. Despite his objections to the vaccine provision, President Joe Biden signed the NDAA, thus bringing about the official repeal of the military’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

Waller, who now serves as the president and CEO of the Center for Security Policy, raised the possibility that unvaccinated service members could still be punished for declining the COVID-19 vaccine.


California Hospital Refuses Transplant Surgery for Unvaccinated Woman With End-Stage Kidney Disease

Patient removed from waiting list until she receives an mRNA shot

In 2022, Garinger was eagerly waiting for a kidney transplant at Sharp Memorial Hospital in San Diego, having found a good organ match in her daughter, the doctors told her.

But, “I needed [the transplant] like two years ago,” Garinger said.

Early last May, Garinger received an unexpected letter from the hospital saying she was no longer on the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) waitlist for a kidney transplant.

“The reason for this status change is you have not had your COVID vaccines,” read the May 6, 2022, letter Garinger shared with The Epoch Times.

“Once this situation is remedied, you will be evaluated for re-activation on the transplant waitlist.”

Garinger did not appeal the hospital’s decision. She knew “in her gut” her unvaccinated status would always be a problem.

Still, she put her faith in Sharp Memorial, only to be put through tests, medical procedures, and consultations at a substantial cost to Medicare.

“The whole time, they knew I wasn’t vaccinated and that [my daughter] wasn’t vaccinated. They would always ask me, ‘Why don’t you want to get a vaccine?’”

“I was pretty adamant,” said Garinger. “I didn’t want to take anything that was still experimental.”

She remembered her good friend who died two weeks after receiving a COVID shot. “She lived right over here, on the other side [of the street],” Garinger said.

Garinger said she was fortunate to find another hospital nearby that would operate without her taking the vaccine.

YouTube Restores Trump’s Channel After 2-Year Suspension

YouTube restored former President Donald Trump’s channel after two years of restrictions, a spokesperson confirmed to The Epoch Times.

According to Leslie Miller, VP of YouTube Public Policy, the former president will be able to upload new content following the company’s assessment of the value of voters having access to information from the presidential candidate.

“Starting today, The Donald J. Trump channel is no longer restricted and the ability to upload new content is restored,” Miller said in a statement sent to The Epoch Times on March 17.

“We carefully evaluated the continued risk of real-world violence, balancing that with the importance of preserving the opportunity for voters to hear equally from major national candidates in the run-up to an election. This channel will continue to be subject to our policies, just like any other channel on YouTube.”

Disney’s ‘The Little Mermaid’ Trailer Gets More than 1 Million Dislikes in One Week, Left Blames ‘MAGA Racists’

The first full trailer for Disney’s live-action version of The Little Mermaid is proving to be massively unpopular, garnering more than 1 million “dislikes” on YouTube less than a week after its unveiling Sunday during the Oscars.

Left-wing activists, including Disney star Josh Gad, are blaming “MAGA racists” for the overwhelmingly negative reaction while neglecting to mention that similar trashings have befallen other remakes, including last year’s live-action Pinnochio and 2016’s female-centric Ghostbusters, both of which had predominantly white casts.

Public Library Director Fired After Staff Allegedly Tried to Shut Down Kirk Cameron Reading Event

A public library director in Tennessee has reportedly been fired following allegations that he and some library staff tried to shut down a children’s reading event last month featuring conservative actor Kirk Cameron.

The Sumner County Library Board voted 4 to 3 on Wednesday to terminate Hendersonville Public Library director Allan Morales, according to a report from News Channel 5 Nashville.

Elon Musk: Children Being Fed Transgender ‘Propaganda’ by Adults

Tesla founder and Twitter CEO Elon Musk criticized the idea of allowing minors to undergo gender transition procedures on March 16, holding that children were being fed “propaganda” to convince them to undergo such “severe” treatments.

Musk’s revelation of his stance on the issue came in response to a video posted to Twitter on March 9 of Minnesota’s Lt. Gov. Penny Flanagan, a Democrat, promoting such procedures as “life-affirming and life-saving health care.”

“When our children tell us who they are, it is our job as grownups to listen and to believe them,” Flanagan said. “That’s what it means to be a good parent.”

Disagreeing with that assessment, Musk replied Thursday: “Not when they’re fed propaganda by adults. Moreover, every child goes through an identity crisis before their personality/identity crystallizes. Therefore, we shouldn’t allow severe, irreversible surgery or sterilizing drugs that they may regret until at least age 18.”


Report: Nearly Half of ‘Climate Change’ Companies in U.S. Banked with Failed SVB

Half of the companies in the U.S. devoted to climate change and biotech banked with the now-failed Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), leaving many of those companies looking for financial backers willing to take on the risk.

As San Francisco Bay Area public radio station KQED reports, many of those companies received funding from SVB because other banks were less willing to fund investments that had lower chances of providing a return:

Nearly half of the country’s bio- and climate-technology companies, many of them headquartered in the Bay Area, banked with Silicon Valley Bank. Last year, SVB committed to investing at least $5 billion in the clean tech industry.

But even as the FDIC quickly stepped in to guarantee deposits, following the bank’s collapse, many companies have been scrambling to find new banks, open accounts and reorganize payroll systems.

To his point, SVB was widely known for incubating ambitious climate and biotech startups, and was a valuable resource for new companies looking for a bank willing to invest in innovative and somewhat risky ventures.

Teen Spends 700 Hours to Restore 1954 John Deere Tractor to Its Former Glory, Wins $10,000

A Texas teen who restored a 1954 John Deere tractor to its former glory has collected three titles at a prestigious stock show and rodeo, alongside a cash prize of $10,000 which will go toward his college fund. Above and beyond the titles, the teen said that restoring the tractor was a labor of love.

Cade Clark, a senior at Frenship High School in Wolfforth, Texas, was gifted a pre-owned tractor by his grandfather five years ago and fell in love with restoration. When he found a pre-owned 1954 John Deere tractor for sale in Wheeler, Texas, Cade knew he wanted to restore it.

“The people I bought it from were the second owners,” he told The Epoch Times. “[They] offered it to me to buy and restore and it meant a lot to them. I really wanted them to see it in like-new condition, so that’s really what drove me to restore it.”

Cade immediately set to work with the help of the son of the family who sold the tractor, and his father, David Clark, a farmer who grew up driving a 1954 John Deere himself.

“It was in very rough condition,” Cade said. “I tore it all the way down to nothing, there’s not a single part that hasn’t been touched.”

The hardworking teen installed a new crankshaft and block, and rebuilt the transmission, dedicating a massive 700 hours to the restoration between March 28, 2022, and Jan. 12, 2023. He said that his two biggest challenges were figuring out that the camshaft was wrong, and painting the tractor to suit his personal preference.

However, Cade’s sacrifice and hard work paid off. Not only had he restored the John Deere to its former glory, but he also picked up three titles at the San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo.

His mom, Ashley, told The Epoch Times, “Cade won first place in his division of tractors, Grand Champion of his division, and Reserve Grand Champion of all the tractors at the show.”

Seeing their son win, David and Ashley immediately burst into tears.

“I have never been prouder and am so glad that he got recognized for all his hard work,” Ashley said. “He is just the best kid; he has a work ethic that is hard to come by these days.”


NEW VIDEO CIRCULATING (Bonds for the Win!):


Cat Report

We watched the videos listed below on a “Dr. Poornima Wagh” shortly after we posted this blockbuster report:


So of course we wanted to hear what she had to say to add to our knowledge of graphene oxide.



Regis Tremblay ~Poornima Wagh Takes The Stand To Defend Herself

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