July 3, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today's News: March 201, 2019


World News


New Zealanders Voluntarily Handing In Semi-Automatic Weapons After Terror Attack

Zero Hedge – As New Zealand reels from Friday’s Christchurch mosque attack that left 50 dead and 50 wounded, Kiwis have started voluntarily surrendering their legally-owned semiautomatic firearms for destruction ahead of reforms promised over the next several days, according to New Zealand news outlet Stuff.

The reports of citizens disarming themselves come amid a Monday announcement by Prime minister Jacinda Ardern that several “in principle decisions” on gun control have been made by Cabinet ministers, and has praised residents who have surrendered their guns to police.


UN Summit Seeks “New World Order” to “Transform the Way We Live”

The New American – The latest conference, held last week under the guidance of the UN, was based on the claim that the planet is in danger due to human activities. In particular, the summit revolved around a new report — conveniently produced by the same UN “environmental” agency hosting the gathering — claiming that environment is doomed unless humanity submits to global controls and regulation. All sorts of discredited hysteria and boogeymen such as predictions of “sea-level rise,” plastic pollution, and “climate crisis” were touted to justify the radical policies being advanced by governments and tyrants at the summit.

Leaders of the UN conference were hardly shy about revealing the scope of what is being proposed. “The world is at a crossroads but today we have chosen the way forward,” gushed Siim Kiisler, president of the Fourth UN Environment Assembly and the Estonian government’s top environmental official. “We have decided to do things differently. From reducing our dependence on single-use plastics to placing sustainability at the heart of all future development, we will transform the way we live. We have the innovative solutions we need. Now we must adopt the policies that allow us to implement them.” (Emphasis added)

The controversial ideology of “sustainable development,” which underpins everything the UN Environment Assembly does, claims to be about preserving the planet for future generations. However, critics frequently refer to proponents of this ideology as “watermelons,” because they are “green on the outside, but red on the inside.” And indeed, the 2012 UN Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro made this clear. In fact, it was literally chaired by a Red Chinese Communist. And it took place to promote what the UN and countless officials described as a “green” world order in which central planning and government control of the economy would be crucial.  

More recently, the UN’s member governments and dictatorships agreed to the Agenda 2030 “Sustainable Development Goals.” Essentially, these goals would re-organize human society, with governments ordered to redistribute wealth within and among nations, indoctrinate all children into the “sustainable development” ideology, seize control of production and consumption, and much more. After the UN scheme was accepted by governments and dictators around the world, the mass-murdering Communist Chinese dictatorship boasted that it played a “crucial role” in creating the UN scheme. Fortunately, despite being signed by Barack Obama, it has never been ratified by the U.S. Senate.

Use wrong pronoun? Get investigated by police

WND – Remember back in the day when your English teacher acted like it was criminal to use the wrong pronoun?

Guess what.

Now it IS!

Or at least it looks that way, the way British police are acting.

They are investigating a Catholic journalist who allegedly “misgendered” a child.

“Caroline Farrow was contacted by authorities after making an appearance on ‘Good Morning Britain,’ in which she engaged in a debate with a transgender activist, Susie Green, who has a trans child,” reported Faithwire



Infowars – A Senegalese migrant set a bus full of children on fire in Italy as part of a pro-refugee protest against the deaths of asylum seekers attempting to reach Europe.

The bus was taking a group of school children home after outdoor activities in Crema before the driver, 47-year-old Ousseynou Sy, decided to change course.

After the migrant threatened passengers with a knife, one of the children managed to call their parents, who in turn alerted the police.

Authorities then set up road blocks in an effort to stop the driver, who then proceeded to ram the bus into them.

After losing control of the bus, Sy stopped the vehicle, poured gasoline on it and set it ablaze.


U.S. News, Politics & Government


New York considers congestion charge

BBC – New York could follow London by introducing a congestion charge later this month. But not everyone is pleased, especially drivers from the poorer, outer boroughs of the city.


Chicago Police Union Wants Federal Probe in Jussie Smollett Case

Breitbart – The Chicago police union’s president alleges that the county’s top prosecutor interfered with the investigation of “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett before recusing herself and wants the Justice Department to determine if she broke any laws.

WLS-TV in Chicago reports that Fraternal Order of Police President Kevin Graham wrote the Justice Department following reports that Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx asked Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson to let the FBI investigate Smollett’s allegations that he was attacked by two masked men after the former chief of staff to former first lady Michelle Obama informed Foxx that Smollett’s family had concerns about the probe.


Colorado Joins States Committed to Circumventing Electoral College

The New American – Colorado Governor Jared Polis signed into law a measure adding his state’s name to the list of those attempting to legislatively abolish the Electoral College, leaving the election of the president of the United States up to the popular vote.

Counting Colorado, there are now 12 states that have joined together in bloc calling itself the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. In each of these states, the electoral votes are awarded to the candidate winning the national, rather than merely the state, popular vote. The bill signed into law by Polis was passed by both houses of the state’s legislature, with members of the Democratic Party pushing hardest for enactment.

“It is important to understand that the National Popular Vote bill significantly amplifies Colorado’s voice in choosing the president of the United States,” John Koza, chairman of National Popular Vote, claimed in a press release issued concurrently with the signing of the new law in Colorado.

Several other states are considering bills that would effect a de facto destruction of the Constitution’s mandate regarding the method for election of the president.

Despite minor differences in the various NPV bills, there are a few aspects common to all of them.

First, a member state shall hold presidential elections by statewide popular vote.

Second, the chief election official of the state is required to certify the results of the election and report the final vote tally to his colleagues in the other members of the compact.

Third, an official shall determine the “national popular vote totals” for each candidate in each state (even those not participating in the scheme). Finally, the electoral votes of each signatory state are awarded to the candidate who wins the popular vote count.


Scott Walker to Head Up New Push for Constitutional Convention

“If the CBO’s projections hold steady, we’ll see trillion-dollar interest payments in 5-10 years which will account for approximately 25 percent of federal revenue, yet Congress has proved unable to rein in its spending,” former Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker said this week, upon being picked to serve as honorary chairman of the Center for State-led National Debt Solutions (CSNDS).

“Where Washington has failed, the states must step up and lead — using their constitutional authority to solve the problem,” Walker added.

While it is certainly a worthwhile project to put a stop to additional federal deficit spending, which is adding even more to the already-crushing national debt (now more than $22 trillion) owed by the United States government, Walker’s solution may be even worse than the problem. What Walker and those of like mind wish to do is invoke Article V of the U.S. Constitution to propose an amendment to the Constitution to require a balanced federal budget.

As of now, 28 states, including Walker’s Wisconsin, have applied to Congress to hold a Constitutional Convention, often referred to by proponents as a “Convention of the States.” Six more states need join in the call before Congress would be required to call for a convention. How the U.S. Constitution can be changed — amended — is covered in Article V of the Constitution, which reads, “The Congress, whenever two-thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments.”


Supreme Court hands Trump administration a victory in immigration battle

Fox – The Supreme Court on Tuesday handed the Trump administration a victory in its battle to clamp down on illegal immigration by making it easier to detain immigrants with criminal records.

The ruling that federal immigration authorities can detain immigrants awaiting deportation anytime after they have been released from prison on criminal charges represents a victory for President Trump.

In the case before the justices, a group of mostly green card holders argued that unless immigrants were picked up immediately after finishing their prison sentence, they should get a hearing to argue for their release while deportation proceedings go forward. But in the 5-4 decision on Tuesday, the Supreme Court ruled against them, deciding that federal immigration officials can detain noncitizens at any time after their release from local or state custody. The court also ruled the government maintains broad discretion to decide who would represent a danger to the community in deciding who to release or detain.


Man arrested at airport with human embryo

BBC – Indian authorities are investigating a possible smuggling ring after discovering a live human embryo in a suitcase at Mumbai’s airport.

A Malaysian national was allegedly found with the embryo in a canister concealed in his luggage on 16 March.

The man, who reportedly admitted this was not the first time he had smuggled embryos into India, then led officials to a high-end IVF clinic in the city.

But the clinic has vehemently denied being involved, alleging a set-up.

The man said he was taking the embryo to the clinic when questioned, Rebecca Gonsalves, representing the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI), which is investigating the case, told Mumbai’s high court on Monday.

According to the Times of India, a number of text messages backing up his claim were also found.

But Dr Goral Gandhi, described as an embryologist who runs the clinic, says this is not true.

Her lawyer Sujoy Kantawalla told the court: “The petitioner does not import embryos as part of her business.”


Economy & Business


Disney Closes $71.3 Billion Fox Deal, Creating Global Content Powerhouse

Hollywood Reporter – The Walt Disney Co. has closed its $71.3 billion acquisition of large parts of 21st Century Fox, expanding its global reach and content portfolio ahead of the planned launch of its own video streaming service.

With the mega-deal, Disney, led by chairman and CEO Bob Iger, is adding the Fox film and TV studio, the FX networks, National Geographic, Indian TV giant Star India and Fox’s 30 percent stake in streaming service Hulu to its portfolio. The additional Hulu portion takes Disney’s stake in the streamer to 60 percent (with Comcast owning 30 percent, and AT&T’s Warner Media 10 percent).

Using fiscal-year 2017 data, Disney said in a regulatory filing that the new assets could quickly add about $19.3 billion in annual revenue and $1.6 billion in net income. In that fiscal year, Disney reported $55.1 billion in revenue and $9.4 billion in net income.

Disney has promised $2 billion in cost savings from the Fox takeover, with some in the industry expecting between 4,000-10,000 layoffs.

After getting a green light for the deal from shareholders, the U.S. Department of Justice, European regulators and Chinese regulators, the globe-spanning deal recently received final approvals from Brazil and Mexico.

Disney must still sell 22 regional sports networks in the U.S. and its sports networks in Brazil and Mexico as part of regulatory approvals in those markets. In Europe, the company agreed to sell its stakes in such networks as Lifetime and History.


Energy & Environment


Could this court ruling upend Trump’s big oil and gas drilling plans?

The Week – The Trump administration’s drilling dreams may have just burst.

Late on Tuesday, a judge in Washington, D.C.’s U.S. District Court ruled that the Interior Department broke the law when selling off federal land for oil and gas drilling. It’s a defeat for the Wyoming plan involved in the case, but also could spell trouble for President Trump’s drill-happy Bureau of Land Management, The Washington Post suggests.

Two environmental advocacy groups first sued the BLM for leasing and selling federal lands for drilling under former President Barack Obama’s watch, saying the department ignored the threat of climate change when making the decision. Additional moves by the Trump administration to increase drilling offshore and in Alaska later boosted the case’s implications, the two groups later said. That’s because even though Obama’s Interior Department started considering climate change more heavily as his administration waned, Trump officials completely reversed those considerations. And when the D.C. judge ruled that the Obama BLM broke the law because it “did not sufficiently consider climate change,” Trump’s looser standards were almost certainly lumped into that decision.

The Tuesday decision temporarily stops companies from drilling on the 300,000 acres of Wyoming land the BLM sold under Obama, the Post says. It also could force the BLM to rethink what it considers before authorizing future drilling projects, seeing as current standards “deprive the agency and the public of the context necessary to evaluate oil and gas drilling on federal land,” the judge wrote in his decision.


Govt offering $1,000 to anyone adopting wild horse.

The Hill – The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) said it will offer up to $1,000 to anyone who adopts a wild horse in an effort to “encourage more adopters to give a wild horse or burro a good home.”

The agency said in a statement that it will be providing the funds under its Adoption Incentive Program for anyone who decides to take in an untrained wild horse or burro from the agency.

The agency said the goal of the program is to reduce the department’s “recurring costs to care for unadopted and untrained wild horses and burros while helping to enable the BLM to confront a growing over-population of wild horses and burros on fragile public rangelands.”

Under the new program, qualified adopters are eligible to receive $500 “within 60 days of adoption of an untrained wild horse and burro” and another $500 “within 60 days of titling the animal.”

The agency added that the incentive is available for all untrained animals that are eligible for adoption, including animals at BLM facilities and off-site events.

According to a statement from the agency, the department cares for approximately 50,000 unadopted and unsold animals every year.


Science & Technology


Massive Coalition Backs Trump’s Climate Science Committee

The New American – A massive coalition of environmental organizations, activists, and think-tank leaders signed a letter to President Donald Trump supporting the proposed Presidential Commission on Climate Security (PCCS), as well as the work of Trump climate and national security adviser Dr. William Happer of Princeton University. The campaign, which comes amid fierce establishment resistance to re-examining government “climate science,” also backs an independent scientific review of the increasingly dubious claims made in federal climate reports. Analysts say this battle will be crucial in establishing the credibility of government climate science — or the lack thereof.

The coalition letter, signed by almost 40 leading policy organizations and well over 100 prominent leaders, argues that an independent review of federal global-warming reports is “long overdue.” “Serious problems and shortcomings have been raised repeatedly in the past by highly-qualified scientists only to be ignored or dismissed by the federal agencies in charge of producing the reports,” the leaders and organizations explained. Indeed, in multiple cases, federal bureaucracies have even been accused of fraudulently manipulating data and findings to support their politically backed conclusions.

How to see the ‘super worm equinox moon,’ the last supermoon of 2019

NBC – The moon will reach its closest point to Earth — what’s known as lunar perigee — on Tuesday at 3:47 p.m. ET, but the moon won’t be completely full until Wednesday at 9:43 p.m. ET. The moon is usually about 240,000 miles away from Earth, but at perigee this month, it will come within about 223,300 miles of our planet, according to NASA.

The equinox will arrive at 5:58 p.m. ET on Wednesday, less than four hours before the full supermoon. In the Northern Hemisphere, the equinox is the official start of spring, but in the Southern Hemisphere, it marks the beginning of autumn.

March’s full moon is sometimes called the “worm moon,” because according to folklore tradition, it occurs at a time when the frosty ground is melting and earthworms start to emerge.




Have You Seen the Safety Warning Hidden Inside Your Cellphone?

Mercola – A little-known warning from the manufacturer hidden within your cellphone manual advises you to keep the device at a certain distance from your body to ensure you don’t exceed federal safety limits for radiofrequency (RF) exposure.

Depending on the manufacturer, you need to keep your cellphone at least 5 to 15 millimeters away from your head and body at all times to avoid exceeding the safety limit for RF exposure.

In the real-world, most people carry their phones close to their body, usually in a pocket or bra. When popular cellphones were tested in direct contact to the body, they all exceeded the safety limit.

SAR is a measure of how much RF energy your body will absorb from the device when held at a specific distance from your body (ranging from 5 to 15 mm, depending on the manufacturer). It’s important to realize that the SAR value is not an indication of how safe your phone is.

SAR testing, which is modeled on a very large male head, was devised before cellphone usage became commonplace among toddlers and young children, whose skulls allow for far greater RF energy penetration


A Man Said He Got Cancer After Spraying Monsanto’s Weed Killer. A Jury Agreed.

Buzzfeed -A federal jury in San Francisco has found that a commonly used weed killer played a significant role in causing a California man’s cancer, delivering another blow to the agrochemical giant Monsanto as it fights a similar decision reached last year.

In a verdict announced Tuesday, jurors ruled in favor of Edwin Hardeman, a 70-year-old Sonoma County man, finding that exposure to the herbicide Roundup was “a substantial factor” in the development of his cancer.

The case will now move on to a second phase where the jury will consider whether Monsanto, now Bayer, knew and concealed information about the potential harm its product could cause, and decide whether to award any damages to Hardeman.


Florida Wants to Track Vaccination Status of All its Citizens with Proposed New Law

by the National Vaccine Information Center


We need your help to defeat a terrible bill, HB 213 sponsored by Representative Ralph Massullo, M.D, which expands the intrusive Florida SHOTS vaccine tracking system.

HB 213 needs to be opposed because:

1) HB 213 requires reporting by all vaccine administrators [lines 85-92] including tracking in the registry of refusal to participate [lines 67-69] rather than leaving reporting optional as in current statute [lines 106-110].

2) HB 213 expands the registry from a childhood registry into an adult vaccine tracking registry by requiring the reporting of adult college and university students aged 19-23 [lines 92-98] or requiring tracking refusal to participate in the registry [lines 98-100 and lines 76-78].

3) HB 213 exposes private vaccination and personal identifying records to collection and abuse by allowing automated data to be uploaded from “existing automated systems,” [103-105] and making all the records in the registry “available” to permitted users and deleting current statute which requires the direct transfer from the registry to a user as needed [lines 79-84].

4) HB 213 requires tracking of everyone from birth to 23 years old!

Do not be fooled by anyone claiming children or college students can opt-out of being tracked under this bill.

This is simply not true.

While the bill states that “vaccination data” may be submitted “only if the student consents to inclusion” [lines 100-103], current statute for children [lines 67-69] and the expansion in the bill for college students [lines 76-78] require that “The decision not to participate in the immunization registry must be noted in the registry.”

If HB 213 passes, every single person from birth to 23 will be tracked in this intrusive Florida vaccine enforcement and surveillance system either with their vaccination records or marked as a vaccine tracking refuser! There is no opting out of some kind of tracking in this system.

5) The health department prevents anyone who has a vaccine record entered into the state’s vaccine tracking system from having it removed even if they withdraw their consent to being tracked, and now this trapping of vaccine records will happen to college students too. The statute should prohibit this behavior.

Florida SHOTS openly admits on their Frequently Asked Questions “What records are included in Florida SHOTS” that you can never have your records removed from being tracked by the state once they have them.

It says:

“Florida is an opt-out state. If a parent chooses to opt out of Florida SHOTS, his or her child’s record will continue to be in the registry, but it will not be accessible to anyone but the child’s current doctor.”

The Florida SHOTS vaccine tracking system should be called the “Hotel California” Tracking System, because “you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave!”

Even the House Staff Analysis documents the health department’s willful snubbing of the law.

Section 381.003(1)(e)2., F.S., authorizes a parent or guardian to elect to exclude his or her child’s immunization record from SHOTS by submitting a DOH-approved opt-out form.

However, in practice, by rule, DOH does not allow a parent to exclude a child’s data from SHOTS. Instead DOH prevents a child’s immunization record from being automatically shared with preschools, schools, childcare facilities, and family daycare homes.

While it notes the health department has done a one-time dump of some of this data, the problem is not solved for the future and the statute should be changed to prohibit the health department from entering or keeping anybody’s immunization information or consent status in the registry unless they have OPT-IN written consent.

If that isn’t fixed, the registry should be shut down.

6) Forced inclusion and data retention in the current system is unconstitutional and HB 213 expands the registry’s intrusive reach even further.

Section 23 of the Florida Constitution, guarantees every resident of Florida the Right of Privacy:

“Every natural person has the right to be let alone and free from governmental intrusion into the person’s private life except as otherwise provided herein.”

Permanent tracking against consent or being labeled by the state in a government database as a vaccine tracking refuser sounds a lot like government intrusion into their private life.

While vaccine tracking systems are sometimes used to harass or penalize law abiding citizens who do not get every single vaccine on the CDC recommended schedule, or to punish providers who don’t coerce all their patients into vaccinating, the opposition to this bill is not about whether or not someone wants a vaccine, it is about the right to keep your private records actually private free from unwarranted surveillance and it is about what is appropriate behavior by a state agency to not trample those rights.

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