July 5, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: March 22, 2022


Gates, Fauci, Daszak Charged With Genocide In International Criminal Court

In a stunning 46-page legal filing to the International Criminal Court on December 6, an intrepid attorney and seven applicants accused Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszak, Melinda Gates, William Gates III, and twelve others of numerous violations of the Nuremberg Code. These included various crimes against humanity and war crimes as defined by the Rome Statutes, Articles 6, 7, 8, 15, 21, and 53.

Besides the four kingpins, twelve others were named, including the CEOs of the leading vaccine corporations and the health leaders held accountable for the United Kingdom.

  • Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer
  • Stephane Bancel, CEO of Moderna
  • Pascal Soriot, CEO of Astra Zeneca
  • Alex Gorsky, CEO of Johnson and Johnson
  • Tedros Adhanhom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the WHO
  • Boris Johnson, UK Prime Minister
  • Christopher Whitty, UK Chief Medical Adviser
  • Matthew Hancock, former UK Secretary of State for Health and Social Care
  • Sajid Javid, current UK Secretary of State for Health and Social Care
  • June Raine, UK Chief Executive of Medicines and Healthcare products
  • Dr. Rajiv Shah, President of the Rockefeller Foundation
  • Klaus Schwab, President of the World Economic Forum

Dr. Rajiv Shah, having worked for the Gates Foundation since 2001, was named a World Economic Forum “Young Global Leader” in 2007. He now presides over the Rockefeller Foundation, a group funding ID2020 along with the Gates Foundation.

Klaus Schwab, a wickedly intelligent, perhaps diabolical German with double doctorate degrees in Economics and Engineering, is the founder of the World Economic Forum, a club for the wealthiest percentile of the world’s corporate and political elite. He is a power broker who has groomed many presidents, prime ministers, and tech CEOs who now view him with reverence and unswerving loyalty.

Schwab, an economist, and technocrat has befriended many nations, most significantly China’s Xi Jinping, who delivered a key speech at Davos. He praised his vision of a New World Order. On January 25, 2021, Klaus Schwab vowed his support for Xi Jinping with these words, “Mr. President (Xi Jinping) I believe this is the best time to reset our policies and to work, jointly, for a peaceful and prosperous world. We all welcome now, his excellency, Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China.” See mark 2:26. (Video: Special Address by Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China | DAVOS AGENDA 2021)


US–Russian Relations on ‘Verge of Breaking’ After Biden’s Remarks: Moscow

Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has told the U.S. ambassador in Moscow that U.S. President Joe Biden’s recent comments about Russian President Vladimir Putin have strained ties between the two countries to “the verge of breaking.”

Last week, Biden branded the Russian leader as a “war criminal” amid the invasion of Ukraine, drawing condemnation from the Foreign Ministry on March 21. Several other White House officials, including Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, used similar rhetoric over the past weekend.

Russia’s Foreign Ministry told Ambassador John Sullivan that “such statements from the American president, unworthy of a statesman of such high rank, put Russian–American relations on the verge of breaking,” according to a translated statement.

The ministry also stated that “hostile actions taken against Russia will meet decisive and firm pushback,” according to the statement. At the same time, it told Sullivan that it requires “guarantees” that Russian embassies and consulates in the United States would “function smoothly.”

On March 21, European Union countries also accused the Russian armed forces of committing war crimes in Ukraine. But they appeared unlikely to impose new sanctions on Moscow, despite a clamor across Europe for those responsible for attacks on civilians to be held accountable.

The International Criminal Court in the Netherlands said it’s gathering evidence about any possible war crimes in Ukraine, but Russia—like the United States—doesn’t recognize the tribunal’s jurisdiction.

Russian Court Bans Facebook and Instagram for ‘Extremist Activities’

A Russian court on Monday has banned Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, for alleged “extremist activities,” rendering its operations inside Russia illegal.

The decision handed down by Moscow’s Tverskoi District Court, however, excludes messaging service WhatsApp, which Meta also owns, according to the Interfax news agency.

“The court has granted the lawsuit filed by the first deputy prosecutor general of Russia against the holding company Meta Platforms Inc. seeking a ban on operations on the territory of Russia,” Judge Olga Solopova wrote on Monday, adding that Meta’s Facebook and Instagram are “banned on the grounds of extremist activities. The court decision is to be fulfilled immediately.”

But court’s “decision does not apply to the operations of Meta’s messenger WhatsApp due to its absence of functions for public information dissemination,” a judge said.

Meta’s lawyer Victoria Shakina had earlier told the court that the company was not carrying out extremist activities and was against Russophobia, Interfax reported.

Russian regulators earlier this month blocked Facebook, Twitter, and several other social media websites, alleging discrimination against Russian media outlets since October 2020. Facebook had restricted access to Russian outlets including Russia Today (RT), Sputnik News, Lenta, Gazeta, RIA Novosti, and the Zvezda TV channel, according to Russia’s Roskomnadzor.

Last week, Roskomnadzor also demanded that Google stop spreading what it described as threats against Russians on YouTube.

But Russian prosecutors opened an investigation into Facebook after it said would allow social media users in Ukraine to post messages on Facebook and Instagram urging violence against Russian President Vladimir Putin and troops that Moscow sent into Ukraine starting on Feb. 24.

Meta has since updated its guidance to prohibit calls for the death of a head of state and said its guidance should never be interpreted as condoning violence against Russians in general.

China Has Fully Militarized 3 South China Sea Islands: US Indo-Pacific Commander

China has fully militarized at least three of the islands that the regime built in the disputed South China Sea, Adm. John Aquilino, commander of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, said on March 20.

“I think over the past 20 years, we’ve witnessed the largest military buildup since World War II by the PRC [People’s Republic of China],” Aquilino told The Associated Press. “They have advanced all their capabilities and that buildup of weaponization is destabilizing to the region.”

China has equipped Mischief Reef, Subi Reef, and Fiery Cross Reef with anti-ship and anti-aircraft missile systems, laser and jamming equipment, and aircraft hangers, Aquilino said. The missile systems could easily target any civilian and military planes flying over the disputed waters, he added.

“So that’s the threat that exists, that’s why it’s so concerning for the militarization of these islands,” Aquilino said. “They threaten all nations who operate in the vicinity and all the international sea and airspace.”

Currently, Aquilino said his mission is to “prevent war” through deterrence and promote peace and stability, in efforts that include working with U.S. allies and partners.

“Should deterrence fail, my second mission is to be prepared to fight and win,” Aquilino said.

As commander of U.S. forces in the Indo-Pacific, Aquilino oversees the largest combatant command, including 380,000 soldiers, sailors, Marines, airmen, guardians, Coast Guardsmen, and civilians working for the Pentagon.

China’s ruling communist regime is currently locking horns with Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam, and Taiwan in a territorial dispute over reefs, islands, and atolls in the South China Sea.


Zelensky Combines Ukraine TV Stations Into One Channel Over ‘Misinformation’

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky announced that his government will combine all state TV channels into one amid the Russian invasion.

Zelensky said the move entails “combining all national TV channels, the program content of which consists mainly of information and/or information-analytical programs, [into] a single information platform of strategic communication” to be called “United News,” according to a press release issued on Sunday.

The move was announced to fight against alleged “active dissemination of misinformation by” Russia and its “distortion of information … as well as justifying or denying the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine,” according to the release.

It’s not clear if the order, which went into effect on March 19, will impact private Ukrainian TV channels.

Earlier in the conflict, Russia shut down certain independent media outlets in Russia and also banned certain foreign broadcasters from operating there. Moscow also banned Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and several other social media websites. A Russian court on Monday declared Meta, the owner of Facebook and Instagram, guilty of fostering extremist activity.

On Sunday, Ukrainian officials said they would ban 11 opposition political parties for having alleged ties to Russia.

“Any activity of politicians aimed at splitting or collaborating will not succeed,” Zelensky said in announcing the move on social media. “Wartime exposes quite well the paucity of personal ambitions of those who try to put their own ambitions” or “their own party or career above the interests of the state,” he added, according to a translation.

Zelensky also told CNN in an interview he’s ready to enter negotiations with Russian President Vladimir Putin as the conflict enters its fourth week.

Pentagon Chief Suggests Russian Troops Taking Heavy Losses

The Russian campaign in Ukraine is stalled, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin proclaimed while suggesting that Moscow’s forces are continuing to take heavy losses.

“Their maneuver forces on the ground are essentially stalled,” Austin said Sunday during an appearance on CBS’ “Face The Nation,” which has “had the effect” of Russia moving their “forces into a wood chipper.”

“You know, the Ukrainians have continued to attrit his forces, and they’ve been very effective, using the equipment that we provided them, you know, and armor weapons and aircraft weapons,” he continued.

Other Western officials said that the conflict, which started Feb. 24, has morphed into a war of attrition as Russia starts to increasingly rely on bombarding cities. On Monday, Ukrainian government officials rejected a demand from Russia that troops in the besieged city of Mariupol lay down their arms along with other guarantees.

In a Monday morning update, the UK Ministry of Defense said Russian forces to the northeast are still stalled about 15 miles outside of Kyiv, the capital, and that forces advancing from the northwest have been blunted by Ukraine’s military.

Still, Moscow is still aiming to take over Kyiv in the near future, UK officials said.

Joe Biden: Vladimir Putin’s ‘Back Against the Wall’ and Preparing ‘Consequential’ Cyber Attack and Chemical Weapons

President Joe Biden warned Monday that Russian President Vladimir Putin was preparing a series of “consequential” and “sophisticated” attacks against the United States as he grows increasingly desperate in Ukraine.

“As I’ve said, the magnitude of Russia’s cyber capacity is fairly consequential,” Biden said. “And it’s coming.”

The president commented on Putin during a speech to America’s top CEOs at the Business Roundtable lobbying group meeting.

Biden recalled a conversation he had with Putin last year about cyberattacks and said he would respond severely if Russia launched an attack.

“We’ve had an altar call, he and I on this issue,” he said about Putin, but admitted it was “part of his playbook.”

He spoke proudly of the United States kneecapping Russia’s economy and thanked the American CEOs who announced their decision to take their business out of Russia.

“Putin’s back is against the wall, he wasn’t anticipating the extent and strength of our unity, and the more his back is against the wall, the greater severity of tactics that he’ll employ,” Biden said.

Biden called the private sector to bolster their cyber security, calling it their “patriotic obligation” to invest as much as possible into their defenses.

The president also warned Putin was also planning possible “false flag” operations to generate support for his military actions.

He complained that Putin kept asserting the Ukraine had biological and chemical weapons, repeating that the accusations were “simply not true.”

“Whenever he starts talking about something he thinks NATO, Ukraine, or the United States is about to do, it means he’s getting ready to do it,” Biden said. “Not a joke.”

Biden said Putin would suffer “severe consequences” if he did employ chemical weapons.

“The point is it’s real,” Biden said.


Fear of Nuclear War Causing Spike In Potassium Iodide Tablet Sales

Talk of nuclear war has been putting many people on high alert since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February, causing potassium iodide tablet sales to skyrocket.

At least one supplier Anbex reports it is currently out of stock though a new supply of IOSAT Potassium Iodide in 130mg and 65mg doses is expected in April.

The product is billed as the “only full-strength radio-protective KI [potassium iodide] tablet that has been approved by the FDA and passed all requirements for purity, quality, safety, and efficacy. For use by adults and children in a radiation emergency.”

SERB/BTG/Veriton Specialty Pharmaceuticals, maker of FDA-approved ThyroSafe, also has seen a large and sudden increase in demand for its potassium iodide products globally—and especially in Europe and the United States.

“This has coincided with the conflict in Ukraine. I believe news of fighting around Chernobyl and the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant contributed to the heightened interest,” said Chris Sampson, director of corporate communications in the United Kingdom.

“We have not been out of stock, but given the sudden demand and interest in the product, we are working hard to allocate stock and manage demand from our customers and partners globally,” Sampson told The Epoch Times.

Secret Service Agent Testifies on Mike Pence’s Location on Jan. 6

A Secret Service agent testified in a trial on March 21 regarding the location of then-Vice President Mike Pence on Jan. 6, 2021.

Agent Lanelle Hawa said she was with Pence, his wife, and their daughter when they were evacuated on Jan. 6 from the U.S. Capitol building, Buzzfeed News reported.

Hawa said the trio was taken to an underground loading dock that is located underneath a plaza on the Senate side of the Capitol, close to the Capitol Visitor Center.

Hawa was testifying during the bench trial of Couy Griffin, founder of Cowboys for Trump. Griffin was charged with two misdemeanors, including entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds, specifically “within the United States Capitol and its grounds.”

The charge hinges on Pence being present in the same area after prosecutors admitted Vice President Kamala Harris, who they originally claimed was present, was not.

Griffin’s lawyers won the right to question the Secret Service over Pence’s location. They had said that Pence was not present when Griffin was accused of committing a crime, arguing the charges should be dismissed.

Prosecutors decided to call Hawa instead of dropping the charges.

Nicholas Smith, one of Griffin’s lawyers, questioned Hawa about specifics of the security perimeter and whether the restricted area reached the underground parking area, but prosecutors repeatedly objected, WUSA-TV reported.

U.S. District Judge Trevor McFadden, a Trump appointee, told Smith to move on to other questions and declared the defense had failed to show Pence left the restricted area.

NC Republicans Urge Supreme Court to Let Them Take Voter ID Law Defense From Dem AG

North Carolina’s Republican-controlled legislature should be allowed to step in to advocate for a voter ID law in court because Josh Stein, the state’s Democratic attorney general, isn’t doing enough to defend the statute, Republican lawmakers told the Supreme Court on March 21.

Republicans generally favor strengthening election integrity measures, such as requiring photo identification by voters. Democrats generally oppose photo IDs, saying that the requirement is overly burdensome and disenfranchises voters.

Republican lawmakers complained that Stein’s advocacy has been half-hearted and has focused on technical issues instead of countering the oft-repeated left-wing claim that voter ID laws are racially discriminatory.

The case has drawn comparisons to Cameron v. EMW Women’s Surgical Center, in which the Supreme Court ruled 8–1 on March 3 that Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron, a Republican, should be allowed to defend a state law restricting abortion after the state’s Democratic governor, Andy Beshear, refused to do so. The Epoch Times reported on the ruling at the time.

The case is Berger v. North Carolina State Conference of the NAACP, court file 21-248. Phil Berger, a Republican, is president pro tempore of the North Carolina Senate. The NAACP is the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

Justice Clarence Thomas, 73, wasn’t present at the court for oral arguments because he was hospitalized. Chief Justice John Roberts said Thomas “will participate in consideration and decision of the cases [today] on the basis of the briefs and the transcripts of oral argument.”

In 2018, North Carolina voters approved by a 55.5 to 44.5 percent vote a state constitutional amendment requiring voters to present photo ID and directing the North Carolina General Assembly to develop those requirements, Ballotpedia reported. The next month, the legislature approved Senate Bill 824, which laid out the requirements. Gov. Roy Cooper, a Democrat, vetoed the legislation but the Republican-controlled legislature overrode his veto.

Lower federal courts have sided with Stein.

‘Even If It’s Just One Truck, It’s Still the People’s Convoy:’ Trucker Vows to Press On

When Ron Coleman arrived at the Adelanto Stadium outside of Victorville, California, on Feb. 21, he was the second trucker to arrive for the People’s Convoy, scheduled to roll out two days later for a cross-country ride to the nation’s capital.

The objective was to end the national emergency in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and restore freedoms protected by the U.S. Constitution. The emergency declaration was declared in March 2020 under then-President Donald Trump and has since been extended twice by President Joe Biden in February 2021 and March 2022.

By the next day, there were 12 trucks. And when he arrived at Hagerstown Speedway, an auto racing center in western Maryland and the truckers base camp near the nation’s capital, his truck was one of nearly 1,000 vehicles.

The 61-year-old trucker has been stationed in Hagerstown for over two weeks now. He owns a trucking company called Grey Wolf Transportation LLC, and often goes by “grey wolf,” the handle he used on truckers’ CB (citizens band) radio communication system. His daughter, 42, who works at his company, calls him every day.

“Dad, you really can’t afford to do this,” his daughter would sometimes tell him.

While on the protest, Coleman hasn’t earned any income to pay for the mortgage on his family home in Reno, Nevada, in which Coleman’s girlfriend, daughter, and 19-year-old grandson live.

“I cannot afford not to,” Coleman would reply. He simply couldn’t stay on the sidelines.

“It’s extremely overwhelming,” he told The Epoch Times. “I’ll be honest with you, I lay down in my bunk at night; I cry for an hour.”

“It’s so overwhelming thinking of all those people giving me those hugs and telling me their stories. And I told them that I would be their Pony Express rider,” he added. “And I’ve told them I’m delivering their posts as one of the riders. Each truck is a horse, and all of us are riders. So this is what we are doing.”

US Imposes Travel Bans on Chinese Officials Involved in Persecution of Religious and Dissident Groups

The United States on March 21 announced the imposing of visa restrictions on Chinese officials responsible for “repressive acts” against ethnic and religious minorities inside China and abroad, including the United States.

The restrictions would bar Chinese officials involved in the persecution of various victim groups from traveling to the United States.

“The United States rejects efforts by [Chinese] officials to harass, intimidate, surveil, and abduct members of ethnic and religious minority groups, including those who seek safety abroad, and U.S. citizens who speak out on behalf of these vulnerable populations,” U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a statement.

“We are committed to defending human rights around the world and will continue to use all diplomatic and economic measures to promote accountability.”

Blinken said sanctions would be imposed on those who “are believed to be responsible for, or complicit in, policies or actions aimed at repressing” religious believers, ethnic minorities, journalists, labor organizers, human rights activists, dissidents, and peaceful protestors in China and abroad.

It wasn’t immediately clear who specifically would be targeted or how many were subjected to the new restrictions. The Epoch Times has contacted the State Department for clarification on the extent of the ban.

The State Department, under both the Trump and Biden administrations, have previously slapped sanctions on Chinese officials involved in various abuses, including the regime’s clampdown in Hong Kong, the persecution of the spiritual group Falun Gong, and the oppression of Uyghurs in Xinjiang.

Untold Story of Aid For Ukraine as Faith-Based Group Sends 1 Million Meals

The untold story of the Ukraine war in much of American mainstream media is how churches and faith-based organizations in the United States and abroad are funneling food, medical supplies, and spiritual support into the chaotic mess that is war in Ukraine, said a spokeswoman for Intercessors for America to The Epoch Times on March 17.

As the Biden administration pledged hundreds of millions more of dollars in aid to Ukraine on March 16 and well-known agencies such as the Red Cross send hundreds of workers into the field, it may be impossible to fully estimate the additional outpouring of financial donations, money spent or volunteers sent to Ukraine by faith-based non-profits, large or small, across America.

There are no U.S. federal agencies that calculate the total materials, human resources, and the number of people helped in Ukraine by these non-profits, many of which already have extensions and networks in place.

Many of their supporters use their contacts and channels to send relief to stricken areas of the world, such as Ukraine.

Peter Schweizer: White House bracing for Hunter Biden indictment

Long before the New York Post’s blockbuster, election-eve stories on Hunter Biden’s laptop in 2020, investigative reporter and author Peter Schweizer documented the Biden family’s international business of selling access to the White House for millions of dollars.

Schweizer’s 2018 book “Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends” and a follow-up, “Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elite,” presented evidence that five members of the Biden family cashed in while Joe Biden was vice president.

Now, with the New York Times belatedly acknowledging the authenticity of messages on Hunter Biden’s laptop indicating Joe Biden personally profited from the influence-peddling business, Schweizer sees signs a grand jury that has been investigating Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings since 2018 is about to indict the president’s son.

“I think this New York Times piece, the fact that they got cooperation from Team Biden and probably from the Hunter Biden legal team, is an indication that they are extremely concerned he’s going to be indicted,” Schweizer said in an interview Sunday with Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo.


Live Cockroach in Drink Allegation Adds to Starbucks’ China Woes

A Starbucks coffeehouse in the southern city of Shenzhen was accused of having a live cockroach in one of its takeaway drinks on March 12, adding another public relations challenge for the U.S. coffee chain giant in China this year.

The alleged-cockroach find pushed Starbucks to the top of the search list on Weibo, China’s leading social media platform after a customer posted a video of a live cockroach in a partly consumed Starbucks drink.

A day after the allegation, Starbucks responded saying they inspected the related coffeehouse and reviewed the inhouse video, and found nothing amiss.

The store “made the drink in strict accordance with the operating procedures,” Starbuck said.

A Starbucks employee told Chinese media that if Starbucks staff followed production procedures there’d be no live cockroaches in their drinks.

The employee said the original cold extract needs to be filtered through a filter paper, so it’s impossible not to see and remove a body as big as a cockroach. Additionally, the foam made from milk and syrup needs to be stirred for 30 seconds, a process much less likely to leave any cockroaches that somehow got in alive, the employee said.

“Even if the cockroach could have gotten inside while the drink was being produced, it would have drowned long ago,” the employee added.

State-run Global Times was among Chinese media reporting on the allegations.

The cockroach allegations went viral just days ahead of China’s Consumer Rights Day held on March 15 and featured on the regime’s CCTV’s “3-15 Gala” program. The program is used to attack foreign brands in China and over the past years, Apple, Burger King, General Motors, and well-known clothing brands such as H&M, ZARA, and GAP have all been on the show’s blacklist.

Starbucks, however, didn’t get a mention in the CCTV program.

The cockroach allegations also occurred as multiple Chinese media websites were reporting on a counterfeit case involving a man in Mianyang city, southwest China’s Sichuan Province, who was allegedly producing counterfeit beverages under the Starbucks brand to sell on takeaway platforms.

He reportedly made more than 40,000 yuan ($6,279) from 729 orders before being caught on Jan. 18.

Health Care for Detained Illegal Aliens Costs Taxpayers $316M as Millions of Americans Go Uninsured

American taxpayers foot the bill for more than $316 million in healthcare costs for illegal aliens detained by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency last year as millions of Americans continue to go uninsured.

ICE’s annual report reveals that the agency spent well over $316 million in taxpayer money, allocated by Congress, to provide comprehensive medical, mental health, dental, and public health services to about 88,000 illegal aliens who were in the agency’s custody throughout the course of last year.

ICE also oversaw the health care of nearly 170,000 illegal aliens who were detained at some point in private facilities across the United States last year.

Agency officials wrote that ICE “is committed to providing the safe delivery of high-quality health care to” illegal aliens in their custody and “strives to be the best health care delivery system in detention and correctional health care.”

Last year, ICE facilitated 88,430 intake screenings, 13,622 emergency room visits, 8,497 dental visits, 12,041 urgent care visits, 78,202 sick calls, and 46,496 mental health interventions for illegal aliens in their custody.

The figure comes as the U.S. Census Bureau shows that about 28 million Americans, nearly nine percent of the population, were uninsured as of 2020. That total, though, does not include tens of millions of working- and middle-class Americans who are insured but who struggle to cover the costs and often put off doctor and dentist visits as a result.

Already, taxpayers are forced to subsidize about $18.5 billion of yearly medical costs for illegal aliens living in the U.S., according to estimates by Chris Conover, formerly of the Center for Health Policy and Inequalities Research at Duke University.

When American voters were polled by CNN on the issue in July 2019, nearly 6-in-10 said they were opposed to forcing taxpayers to provide free health benefits to illegal aliens, including 63 percent of swing voters and 61 percent of self-described “moderates.”


Verizon Commits to Deploying More 5G in the C-Band; “year-end goal is to expand that coverage number to 175 million”

American opposition to 5G deployment has been ongoing for years due to various significant risks associated with it including aviation safety risks, cybersecurity risks, environmental risks, health risks, privacy risks, weather forecasting satellite interference risks, and utility infrastructure interference risks.

Studies have also revealed that 4G is still better, more reliable, and safer than 5G.  Nevertheless, 5G expansion continues throughout the U.S., much of it being funded by the Biden Administration.  Last week AT&T announced it will be speeding up deployment by attaching small cells to existing streetlights.  Today Verizon announced how it plans to increase coverage.


Not Thirsty? Eight Ways to Drink More Water

Water is too important of a nutrient not to be getting enough. In fact, it’s considered to be an essential nutrient because your body needs more water than it can ever produce on its own. Think about it; you lose water every day through evaporation, elimination, respiration and sweating. You can live for quite a long time without food, but only for about three days without water. Here are a few of the things that water does for you:

  • It helps regulate your body temperature
  • Water supports your digestion and keeps the process moving
  • Water in the form of synovial fluid in your joints acts as a shock absorber and slows down wear and tear
  • It’s crucial in controlling your blood pressure
  • Water helps your immunity by flushing toxins from your body
  • It helps balance your body’s electrolytes which regulate nerve and muscle function and maintains the acid balance (pH) in your body.

Experts vary widely in their recommendations of how much water you actually need to drink each day. Some recommend between four and eight cups (32-64 oz.) daily, while others say you need as much as 96 oz., which translates into 12 cups a day. What you actually need is specific to you, depending on your age, exercise levels, the medications you’re taking and your overall health. In addition, you need more water when it’s hot out, if you’re running a fever or if you’ve had an illness that causes diarrhea or vomiting.

While your brain tells you when you’re dehydrated and need water by feeling thirsty, your thirst isn’t a reliable gauge for when to drink. Thirst signals actually decrease as you get older, which means you need to make sure you’re getting enough water, whether or not you’re thirsty.

This is my problem. I’m just not thirsty, unless I’ve worked out for a long time on a hot day. And getting dehydrated isn’t a good thing. It can cause headaches, muscle cramps, and even sprains and muscle strains, because dehydrated tissues are more prone to injuries. For me, being dehydrated makes my mouth dry and is a powerful trigger for migraine headaches.

The question is how can you get enough fluids if you’re just not thirsty? Here are a few tips that may help if you also struggle to get enough water each day:

1) Set a goal for how much water you want to drink throughout the day. Make it realistic and achievable, and then track how you’re doing.

2) Try to drink the largest portion of water early in the day. Playing catch up late in the day is a recipe for lots of bathroom trips at night.

3) Carry a water bottle with you and sip constantly. This accomplishes a couple of things: it tells you how much you’re actually drinking, it can help you reach your daily goal and it serves as a reminder to drink. Without the guidance of thirst, your water bottle serves as a good reminder.

For some people plain water gets boring, especially when you’re not thirsty it in the first place. Try adding a little flavor, such as a wedge of lemon, lime or orange; bits of strawberry or raspberry, cucumber or add a small amount of juice to your water.

5) If your water tastes outright bad, try a water filter. You can get one that attaches to your tap or a pitcher that filters the water before you drink it. A good filter removes chlorine and contaminants from your water, including lead.

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6) Eat hydrating foods. This includes soup and water-dense fruits and vegetables, such as melons, lettuce, cucumbers, strawberries, peaches and citrus fruits.

7) Wrap drinking water into your routine. Just like you brush your teeth when you get up in the morning (you do this, right?) you can schedule to drink during or after certain activities. For example, you could plan to drink when you first get up, before each meal, after a walk or workout and while you’re making dinner. You know your routine, so schedule what works best for you.

8) A couple of things to avoid are alcohol and sugary drinks. Alcohol is actually dehydrating. And fruit juices or sugary drinks are too…um, loaded with sugar to be healthy.

The bottom line is that being dehydrated isn’t good for you. It can lead to kidney problems, urinary tract infections, kidney stones, low blood volume, fatigue and dizziness. I am one of those people who have to work at drinking enough and you may be, too. Without the signal of thirst, it’s helpful to have workarounds and reminders. In the time it took me to write this, I drank a 12 oz. glass of water. Baby steps!

Florida Rejects COVID Shots For Kids 5-12

States have the right to ignore federal mandates. Nullification As A Growing Form Of Resistance To The Federal Government By U.S. States points out:

“Nullification is a legal doctrine, which argues that states have the ability — and duty — to invalidate national actions they deem unconstitutional. In its most overt manifestation, this form of resistance is used by state leaders to dispute perceived federal overreach and reject federal authority.  Less overt forms of the practice involve actions by states to ignore or refuse to implement federal policy initiatives they deem outside the scope of federal authority. Nullification declarations appeared in U.S. political debates as early as the late 1700s, when Thomas Jefferson presented it as a way to preserve the principles of the constitution while states resisted unwanted direction.”

On Monday, March 7, Gov. Ron DeSantis and Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo of Florida spoke at a roundtable of doctors skeptical of COVID-19 mitigation measures as scores of doctors and scientists tuning in worldwide were shown on a huge wraparound screen behind the panel.

Newly Released Pfizer Documents Reveal COVID Jab Dangers

A small batch of documents released by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in mid-November 2021 revealed that in the first three months of the COVID jab rollout, Pfizer received 42,086 adverse event reports that included 1,223 deaths

The first really large tranche of Pfizer documents — some 10,000 pages — was released by the FDA March 1, 2022. Included are nine pages of recorded side effects, about 158,000 different health problems in all

An initial review of case report forms (CRFs) reveal significant data collection errors and anomalies

Problems included patients entered into the “healthy population” group who were far from healthy; serious adverse event (SAE) numbers that were left blank; sample barcodes that were missing; at least one death of a patient the day before being listed as being at a medical checkup; and second doses that were administered outside the three-week protocol window. There also are questions as to whether participants were properly observed for an adequate amount of time; plus adverse events were listed as “not serious” despite extended hospital stay and much more

A majority of the CRFs in this release were from Ventavia-run trial sites. Ventavia is currently facing a lawsuit brought by Brook Jackson, a former Ventavia regional director. Jackson was fired shortly after she brought concerns about potential data falsification and poor laboratory management to the attention of the FDA and higher-ups in the company

No Insurance Payments: The Next COVID Shot ‘Mandate’?

Delta Air Lines charges a $200 monthly surcharge to employees on the company health plan who do not get a COVID-19 shot

The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) announced that public employees in Nevada, along with their adult dependents, would be charged a surcharge on their state health insurance plan if they don’t get a COVID-19 shot by July 2022

Mercyhealth, which runs hospitals and health clinics in Wisconsin and Illinois, deducts $60 per month from employees’ wages if they choose not to get the shot

By making COVID-19 injections a requirement of a wellness program, companies may be able to skirt legal issues, as they’re “rewarding” members who participate in the program by letting them avoid the premium surcharge hoisted on the unvaccinated

While health insurance companies have long charged higher premiums based on factors like smoking, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission requires that penalties not be so large as to be coercive

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