July 5, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: March 23, 2022


Ukraine Says It Recaptured Kyiv Suburb as Zelensky Reiterates Call for Talks With Putin

Ukrainian forces announced Tuesday they reclaimed control over a suburb of Kyiv from Russian forces, as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky reiterated that he is seeking direct talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The Defense Ministry said Ukraine’s military pushed Russians from Makariv, allowing the Ukrainians to retake control of a key highway and block Russian troops from encircling Kyiv.

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine told the Kyiv Independent that “the Ukrainian flag was raised over the town of Makariv,” located 30 miles from Kyiv, and Russian forces were pushed back.

Still, the ministry said, Russian forces were able to take control of several other Kyiv suburbs including Bucha, Hostomel, and Irpin, according to The Associated Press.

The claims have not been confirmed by U.S. or NATO officials. Russian officials also have not issued any public comments on Ukraine’s claims.

Zelensky told European public television networks such a meeting could discuss the future of occupied Ukrainian territory, but more time would be required to resolve the issue. He also repeated his acknowledgment made earlier this month that Ukraine could not now secure NATO membership.

“I believe that until such time as we have a meeting with the president of the Russian Federation…you cannot truly understand what they are prepared to do in order to stop the war and what they are prepared to do if we are not ready for this or that compromise,” Zelensky said.

Zelensky also suggested his government would be open to future talks on the status of Crimea, which Russia annexed in 2014, as well as areas in the Donbas region held by Russia-backed separatists.

“If people are trying to stop a war, there is a cease-fire, and troops are withdrawn. The presidents meet, reach an agreement on withdrawing troops and there are security guarantees of one sort or another,” Zelensky added. “Compromises must be found, one way or another of guaranteeing our security.”

An assessment provided Monday by the United Kingdom’s Ministry of Defense noted that as heavy fighting continues north of Kyiv, “Russian forces advancing on the city from the northeast have stalled.”

Russian troops advancing from Hostomel to the northwest have been “repulsed by fierce Ukrainian resistance” and said that “the bulk” of Russian forces were over 16 miles from the city center.

Kyiv is now under a curfew announced by the city’s mayor, former heavyweight boxing champion Vitali Klitschko, on Monday. Klitschko wrote on Telegram that the curfew would start Monday at 8:00 p.m. local time and last until 7:00 a.m. Wednesday.

“Shops, pharmacies, gas stations, institutions will not work tomorrow,” he said. “Therefore, I ask everyone to stay at home or in shelters … at sound of an alarm. Only those with special permits will be able to move around the city.”

Since the start of the conflict on Feb. 24, Ukraine has accused Russia of committing war crimes by targeting civilians. Russia says its armed forces are only targeting military infrastructure and troops, accusing Ukrainian troops of hiding inside residential and business areas.

Ukrainian Official Pleads With Chinese Drone Maker to Stop Use by Russian Military

A Ukrainian statesman called upon a Chinese drone manufacturer to halt the use of its products by the Russian military, which he said were being used to target Ukrainian civilians with missiles.

“In 21 days of the war, Russian troops [have] already killed 100 Ukrainian children,” Ukrainian Vice Prime Minister Mykhailo Federov wrote in a March 16 tweet. “They are using DJI products in order to navigate their missile[s].”

Headquartered in Shenzhen, DJI is one of the world’s largest drone manufacturers. Though its products are ostensibly designed for civilian use, they are used by militaries the world over.

Federov attached an open letter to DJI CEO Frank Wang, pleading that he halt business ties in Russia and place limits on the use of DJI drones in Ukraine.

“The socially responsible business always supports values of humanity, responsibility, and peace,” Federov wrote. “We believe your company also shares them. Now, responsibility is the choice, the choice that defines the future. And now, more than ever, people’s lives depend on your choice.”

“We call on your company to end any relationship and stop doing business in the Russian Federation until the Russian aggression in Ukraine is fully stopped and fair order is restored.”

Federov said that Russian forces were using a version of DJI’s AeroScope technology to assist in its missile targeting.

DJI advertises AeroScope as a comprehensive drone detection platform that identifies and tracks drones in real time, and says that all of its current drone lineup uses the technology.

Federov also asked Wang to shut off all DJI drones that had not been activated within Ukraine, saying that Russia was utilizing drones purchased in Syria or Lebanon. He said that a similar action had been taken in the war in Georgia.

The letter followed reports that stated that Russian AeroScope platforms were continuing in normal working order, but that service for Ukrainian models had been downgraded.

DJI issued a statement on Twitter saying that the technology could not be turned off and denied the report that it had altered the functionality of Ukrainian-based systems.

The company did state in its response that it could implement geofencing, effectively grounding any drones in the area that were connected to the internet, if the Ukrainian government formally requested it. But this would only apply to DJI drones in Urkainee.

Chinese businesses are under increasing scrutiny as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine drags on.

Meanwhile, the Chinese regime has continued to refuse to denounce Moscow’s actions or join Western sanctions, a stance widely seen as showing tacit support to Russia.


‘Constitutional Carry’ Bill Signed Into Law in Indiana

Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb on March 21 signed into law a measure that will allow the state’s citizens to carry a handgun without a permit, also referred to as a “constitutional carry” bill by some, in reference to the Second Amendment.

The measure, HEA 1296, was passed by a 30–20 vote in Indiana’s Senate on March 8 after it was approved by the state House by a 68–30 vote on Jan. 11, both largely along party lines.

The law becomes effective on July 1, after which people aged 18 and over won’t need to apply for a license to carry a handgun in the state, except for reasons such as having a felony conviction or having been diagnosed with a dangerous mental illness.

Indiana currently requires people to obtain a license to carry a loaded handgun outside their homes, businesses, or cars, although people can generally carry rifles and shotguns without a permit.

Holcomb’s signing of the bill comes just before the deadline on March 22, effectively making Indiana the 24th state in the nation that has a “constitutional carry” law. Other terms used to refer to the law include unrestricted carry or permitless carry.

Supporters say that requiring a permit undermines people’s Second Amendment rights by making law-abiding citizens go through police background checks that can take weeks. They also point out that criminals aren’t the ones applying for these permits, so only law-abiding people are obeying the requirement.

Opponents of the measure compare the permit requirement to how people have to obtain state-issued identification and register to vote in elections.

Confirmation Hearing Flares Up As Questions Raised on Jackson’s View of Critical Race Theory

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, President Joe Biden’s Supreme Court nominee, attended Harvard Law School at the same time as Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and the two had, he said, a “very friendly and cordial” relationship despite their conflicting views.

“You and I had a very positive and productive meeting in my office,” Cruz also noted at the outset of what became one of the most intense question-and-answer sessions on the second day of Jackson’s confirmation hearing before the Senate Judicial Committee.

At issue was Jackson’s understanding of and apparent enthusiasm for Critical Race Theory (CRT), the view that America is an inherently and irredeemably racist society, and the New York Times’ controversial “1619 Project” that is based on CRT.

The Times project claims the American colonists declared independence primarily to protect the institution of slavery.

Cruz asked Jackson what she meant when during a lecture in 2020 at the University of Michigan she praised as “a provocative thesis that the America that was born in 1776 was not the perfect union it purported to be” and cited the 1619 project as support for that thesis.

The Texas senator asked Jackson if she agreed that protecting slavery was one of the purposes of the Declaration of Independence.

Jackson acknowledged calling the thesis “provocative,” but then said, “it is not something I’ve studied, it doesn’t come up in my work, I was mentioning it because it was at least at that time something that was talked about and well known to the students I was speaking to at the law school.”

When Cruz pointed out to her that the New York Times had substantially revised the digital version of the 1619 Project to remove the claim about slavery and the declaration, Jackson said she was not aware of that fact.

The Times product continues to be used in many public school systems across the country despite widespread academic and media criticism.

Cruz then asked Jackson what her understanding is of CRT and she responded by describing it as “an academic theory that is about the ways in which race interacts with various institutions, it doesn’t come up in my work as a judge.

“It’s never something that I’ve studied or relied on and it wouldn’t be something I would rely on if I were on the Supreme Court.”

Jackson further responded that she does not agree with a description of American society as irredeemably racist but qualified her answer by again noting that she has never studied CRT.

Cruz told Jackson he was confused by her response because in a 2015 speech at the University of Chicago she said “sentencing is just plain interesting … because it melds together myriad types of law—criminal law, of course, but also administrative law, constitutional law, critical race theory, negotiations, and to some extent, even contracts.”

A visibly irritated Jackson told Cruz “with respect senator the quote you are mentioning there was about sentencing policy, it was not about sentencing. I was talking about the policy determinations of bodies like the [U.S.] Sentencing Commission when they look at a laundry list of various academic subjects as they consider what policy should be.”

But Cruz interrupted Jackson, pointed out that at the time she was vice-chairman of the commission, and then repeated his question: “What did you mean that what you were doing was Critical Race Theory?”

Jackson told Cruz the slide he was showing of her quote did not contain all of the factors that she cited in her remarks. “But none of that relates to what I do as a judge,” she insisted.

Cruz was followed in questioning Jackson by Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.) who asked the judge if she had ever cited the 1619 Project in any of her more than 500 federal court decisions.

Jackson said she has never cited it.

Coons also asked Jackson if in her time on the federal bench she had “ever used, employed, or relied upon Critical Race Theory to determine the outcome of a case or to impose any sentence, as a framework for your decision making?” Jackson again said “no.”

In a related development from the hearing, Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), the judiciary panel’s ranking Republican, issued a statement as Cruz began his questioning of Jackson.

In the statement, Grassley said, “in speeches and writings, Judge Jackson has frequently cited leading advocates and ideas of Critical Race Theory. Judge Jackson praised the late Derrick Bell, better known as the godfather of CRT, and his wife Janet Bell.

“She referred to his 1993 book, ‘Faces At The Bottom Of The Well: The Permanence Of Racism’ as ‘essential reading’ and ‘a pioneering contribution to critical race theory scholarship.’”

Sen. Cruz Spars With Supreme Court Nominee Over Child Porn Sentencing Decisions

During the second day of Supreme Court confirmation hearings for Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, President Joe Biden’s pick to replace outgoing Justice Stephen Breyer, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Jackson herself heatedly debated her record in sentencing those accused of child porn possession.

Republicans have said that Jackson has been too lenient in sentencing people convicted of possessing child porn, while the White House, Democrats, and Jackson have said that her decisions were largely in accord with federal sentencing standards.

Jackson earlier defended herself from the charge of being too lenient, saying that the guidelines laid out under federal law “lean to extreme departures” where the judge can make an independent judgment about the necessary sentencing for the crime and arguing that she looked at a totality of circumstances when making her rulings.

Citing Jackson’s earlier comment, Cruz pulled out a graphic displaying the outcomes of several cases overseen by Jackson.

In cases where she had no discretion due to mandatory minimum sentencing laws, Cruz noted, Jackson gave the recommended sentence “because she had no choice.”

But in several cases where she was not subject to mandatory minimums, Cruz showed that Jackson gave sentences well below state recommendations.

In one case, United States v. Chazin, prosecutors asked for a 78 to 97-month prison sentence, but Jackson ultimately gave him a 28-month sentence. In another, U.S. v. Hawkins, prosecutors requested 24 months in prison, but Jackson only gave the defendant three months. In U.S. v. Stewart, the defendant received a 57-month sentence, far below the 97 months requested by the state.

On average, Cruz said, Jackson gave 47.2 percent less time behind bars than prosecutors asked for.

“Do you believe the voice of the children is heard when 100 percent of the time you’re sentencing those in possession of child pornography to far below what the prosecutors asked for?” Cruz asked.

“Yes senator, I do,” Jackson responded.

“Your chart does not include all of the factors that Congress has told judges to consider, including the probation office’s recommendation in these cases,” Jackson claimed.

“The second thing I would say is that I take these cases very seriously as a mother, as a … judge who has to review all of the evidence in these cases and take into account not only the sentencing guidelines, not only the recommendations of the parties, but also things like the stories of the victims … the nature and circumstances of the offense and the nature and history of the defendant,” Jackson continued.

“Congress is the body that tells sentencing judges what they’re supposed to look at,” Jackson said. The process, she added, is not “a numbers game,” but takes into account the totality of circumstances in the individual case.

Following an increasingly heated exchange between Cruz and Jackson, Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.) interjected to defend Jackson.

Jan. 6 Defendant Couy Griffin Found Guilty on One Charge, Acquitted of Other

The founder of Cowboys for Trump was found guilty on March 22 of illegally entering restricted U.S. Capitol grounds on Jan. 6, 2021.

U.S. District Court Judge Trevor McFadden, a Trump appointee, said Couy Griffin broke the law because he was aware he was in a restricted area and didn’t leave that day during the breach of the U.S. Capitol.

Griffin, one of three members of the Otero County Commission in southern New Mexico, crossed over three walls, needing help from others or a ladder to get over them, the judge noted, though Griffin never went inside the building.

“All of this would suggest to a normal person that perhaps you should not be entering the area,” McFadden said from the bench in federal court in Washington.

The judge decided on the charges against Griffin because the defendant opted for a bench trial versus a jury one.

“If I was anywhere except Washington, D.C., I would say, ‘Go with a jury trial,’” Griffin told reporters outside the courthouse. ”You can’t get a fair jury trial in Washington, D.C., if you’re someone like me, a strong conservative.”

Griffin faces up to one year in prison following the conviction.

McFadden rejected the other charge brought by prosecutors, that Griffin engaged in disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds.

“Arguably, he was trying to calm people down, not rile them up,” he said.

The second charge could have brought up to another year in jail.

Both charges were misdemeanors.

A sentencing hearing is scheduled for June 17.

“We’re halfway pleased. Of course, we wanted, we went in there expecting full exoneration. It just didn’t happen today,” Griffin said.

Griffin is to remain free on personal recognizance until sentencing.

Proud Boys Trio Plead Not Guilty to Conspiracy, Obstruction, Assault, and Other Jan. 6 Charges

Three members of the Proud Boys pleaded not guilty to a slew of Jan. 6-related charges on March 22 in U.S. District Court.

Joseph R. Biggs, 38, of Ormond Beach, Fla., pleaded not guilty to seven charges during an arraignment hearing before U.S. District Judge Timothy J. Kelly in Washington D.C.

Charles J. Donohoe, 38, of Kernersville, N.C., pleaded not guilty to the same list of charges, which includes assaulting, resisting or impeding police; obstruction of law enforcement during civil disorder; destruction of government property; conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding; and three other counts.

Biggs and Donohoe were already under indictment for alleged crimes at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.

A second superseding indictment of six members of the Proud Boys was issued on March 7.

That indictment added former Proud Boys national chairman Enrique Tarrio, 38, of Miami, who faces the same charges as Biggs and Donohoe. Tarrio will be arraigned on March 30.

The superseding indictment also added Dominic J. Pezzola, 45, of Rochester, N.Y., who pleaded not guilty March 22 to the same seven charges, and a charge of robbery of personal property of the United States.

Two other Proud Boys, Ethan M. Nordean, 31, of Auburn, Wash., and Zachary Rehl, 36, of Philadelphia, will be arraigned on seven counts each on March 23.

Prosecutors allege the men formed a new Proud Boys chapter called the Ministry of Self Defense to prepare for the Jan. 6 Stop the Steal rally in Washington and a subsequent storming of the Capitol.

The group encouraged other Proud Boys to attend the rally and obtained “paramilitary gear and supplies” such as tactical vests, protective gear, and radios. They planned to be “incognito” by not wearing the group’s traditional colors or apparel, prosecutors said.

The Proud Boys are accused of dismantling metal barricades on the Capitol grounds, destroying metal fencing, breaking a Capitol window, and assaulting law enforcement officers.

Navy Veteran, 66, Lives an ‘American Horror Story’ Since His Arrest on Jan. 6 Seditious-Conspiracy Charge

“Abba, Father! Please don’t let them murder my wife!”

After more than two decades in the U.S. Navy and assignments around the world, Thomas E. Caldwell thought he knew the meaning of horror.

That all changed in the predawn hours of Jan. 19, 2021.

Minutes after being jostled awake, Caldwell found himself outside in the freezing cold in his undershorts and a T-shirt. In handcuffs attached to a belly chain, he was dragged across the lawn by FBI agents and thrown onto the hood of a government sedan.

Caldwell looked back at the porch of his farmhouse and saw Sharon, his wife of 22 years, standing in her nightgown, with arms extended. She clutched a sock in each hand.

Laser dots appeared on her face and chest, beamed from the carbine barrels of an FBI SWAT team. In an instant, Caldwell saw it all, just a finger twitch from unspeakable tragedy.

“That was moral terror,” the white-haired 66-year-old Caldwell told The Epoch Times.

“I would rather that they had shot me between the eyes than to threaten her like that.”

“I will never forget that image, because she looked like an angel in a white nightshirt, standing in her bare feet on that cold concrete, with her arms extended to her side in compliance to them,” Caldwell recalled, choking back tears.

“That was the moment I learned what real horror was,” he said. “Because I’m looking at that and I said, ‘Abba, Father! Please don’t let them murder my wife! Please don’t let them kill my wife!’ ”

Democrat Governor Nominee Beto O’Rourke Denies Defamation Allegations

The Democratic nominee for Texas governor Beto O’Rourke on March 21 rebuffed legal accusations of defamation from comments he made about Dallas oil executive Kelcy Warren, chairman and CEO of Energy Transfer.

O’Rourke asked for a jury trial and a change of venue to settle the issue.

Kelcy brought the lawsuit on February 22 in San Saba County, located in central-western Texas. Warren owns property in the county.

O’Rourke asked that the venue for the public trial be moved to El Paso County where O’Rourke is a resident, declaring that the change would benefit his campaign against energy industry officials.

In a court filing, Warren’s lawsuit states that “O’Rourke intentionally, repeatedly and widely disseminated his deliberate and defamatory falsehoods through publicly released messages on Twitter, Facebook, and other social media sites and during speaking engagements and interviews.”

O’Rourke’s campaign for governor has been centered on what has been referred to locally as “Snowmaggedon” the brutal Winter Storm Uri of 2021 and the ineffective performance of energy providers.

Millions of Texans were left without power during Uri and 240 people were estimated to have died.

O’Rourke has accused energy companies of “illegally” profiting after the storm.

Energy companies took in an estimated $11 billion as a result of rate increases due to the storm, according to news reports.

Warren’s lawsuit claims O’Rourke crossed the line of political speech and was “out of bounds.”

“That Warren has committed felonies in a purported effort to profit off the suffering of his fellow Texans are completely out of bounds for any speech, let alone as talking points for a candidate for the governor of the state of Texas.

“The accusations go well beyond the sorts of vague and generalized accusations of political and corporate corruption that are often thrown around; rather they focus on a particular person, a particular campaign contribution at a specific point in time, and a particular purported favor done in exchange for the contribution,” the lawsuit said.

White House Goes 30 Minutes into Press Briefing Before Mentioning Justice Thomas’s Hospitalization

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki failed to mention Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’s recent hospitalization at the top of the White House’s press briefing.

Psaki did not mention Justice Thomas’s hospitalization until roughly thirty minutes into the White House press briefing.

After Deputy National Security Advisor for Cyber and Emerging Technology Anne Neuberger addressed reporters for close to fifteen minutes, Psaki returned to the podium and did not lead with Justice Thomas.

Psaki only mentioned Justice Thomas after ABC reporter Elizabeth Schulze asked her if the White House has “had any contact” with him or “any updates.”

Psaki told reporters she is “not aware of any direct contacts” between the White House and Justice Thomas. “Of course, we wish him a speedy recovery, and of course thoughts out to his family,” Psaki added.

Twitter Suspends Charlie Kirk for Calling Biological Male Rachel Levine a ‘Man’

Turning Point USA founder and conservative firebrand Charlie Kirk has been locked out of his Twitter account until he deletes a tweet about male-to-female transgender Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services Rachel Levine.

“Richard Levine spent 54 years of his life as a man,” Kirk wrote in his tweet. “He had a wife and a family. He ‘transitioned’ to being a woman in 2011, Joe Biden appointed Levine to be a 4-Star Admiral and now USA Today has named ‘Rachel’ Levine as a ‘Woman of the Year.’ Where are the feminists?”

Following his tweet, Kirk was locked out of his Twitter account and informed that he had violated the social media platform’s “rules against hateful conduct.”


Phase 2 of The Great Reset: War

We’re being hit with one crisis after another, but there’s nothing “organic” or natural about these crises. They seem manufactured and intentional because they all strengthen, support and further the technocratic plan for a Great Reset

Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, has relaxed its hate speech policies in certain countries — but only as long as the hatred is directed against Russians. While hatred against an attacker is normal, one day, the designated target for “justifiable hatred” may be you

We cannot continue to accept the idea of “justifiable hatred” — that it’s OK to hate and call for violence against any one group — because the target group of the day is decided by powers that ultimately seek to destroy us all

World war is Phase 2 of The Great Reset plan, which includes the destruction of supply chains, the energy sector, food supply and workforce, to create dependency on government, which in turn will be taken over by private interests and central banks through the collapse of the global economy

Pandemic lockdowns have sped up the Fourth Industrial Revolution — the transhumanist dream to merge man and machine, which will allow the technocratic elite to control all of mankind — and disruptions caused by war will speed it up even further

Report: To Fight ‘Climate Change’ U.S., Other Rich Countries Must Ditch Fossil Fuels by 2034

A globalist climate change-focused organization in the United Kingdom has issued an analysis that claims rich countries should be the first to drop the harvesting of all fossil fuels by 2034 in order to keep the global warming cap at 1.5 degrees Celsius. This would give poor countries more time to divest of oil and gas.

Agence France-Presse reported on the analysis from Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, which is deeply involved in the United Nation’s efforts to regulate energy around the globe in the name of so-called global warming:

Countries such as South Sudan, the Republic of Congo and Gabon have little economic revenue apart from oil and gas production. By contrast, wealthy nations that are major producers would remain rich even if fossil fuel income were removed.

Oil and gas revenue, for example, contribute eight percent to U.S. [GDP], but the country’s GDP per capita would still be about $60,000 — second highest in the world among oil and gas producing nations — without it, according to the report.

For a 50/50 chance of limiting the rise in global temperatures to 1.5C, 19 countries in which per capita GDP would remain above $50,000 without oil and gas revenue must end production by 2034.

Aside from the United States, countries that meet that standard include Norway, Britain, Canada, Australia, and the United Arab Emirates.

Fourteen other countries, described in the analysis as  “high capacity” nations where per capita GDP would be about $28,000 without income from oil and gas, must halt oil and gas by 2039, including Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Kazakhstan.

The next group of countries — China, Brazil, and Mexico — would need to end output by 2043, followed by Indonesia, Iran, and Egypt by 2045.

Extremely poor countries like Iraq, Libya, and Angola could keep producing oil and gas until 2050.

“We use the GDP per capita that remains once we’ve removed the revenue from oil and gas as an indicator of capacity,” lead author Kevin Anderson, a professor of energy and climate change at the University of Manchester, told AFP.

“We calculated emissions phase-out dates for all of them consistent with the Paris Agreement temperature goals,” Anderson said. “We found that wealthy countries need to be at zero oil and gas production by 2034.”

The analysis, dubbed Phaseout Pathways for Fossil Fuel Production, said there are 88 countries in the world that produce oil and gas.

According to the federal Energy Information Administration (EIA), petroleum and natural gas will remain the most-consumed sources of energy in the United States through 2050, even as alternative energies are steadily growing.

Experts Confused by Crash of China’s Eastern Airlines Flight MU5735

A plane crash in China that is believed to have killed all 132 people onboard has baffled aviation experts, who expressed confusion in trying to explain how the Boeing 737 suddenly took a nosedive into the ground.

The Eastern Airlines’ Boeing 737-800 was heading from Kunming to Guangzhou’s International Airport in China. Video footage that captured the crash appeared to show the plane taking a steep dive before crashing into a mountainous area.

Flight records revealed the plane plunged more than 26,000 feet in the span of about 95 seconds, according to Flightradar24.

“It’s very odd,” Jeff Guzzetti, the former accident investigation chief for the Federal Aviation Administration, told Bloomberg News of the crash.

“It’s an odd profile,” noted aviation safety consultant and former Boeing 737 pilot John Cox. “It’s hard to get the airplane to do this.”

But former National Transportation Safety Board investigator Benjamin Berman told the outlet that it’s still too soon to make a conclusion on what caused or led to the crash. He said that the 737-800 is designed so that it will normally not dive at such steep angles, saying that it was either caused by a highly unusual malfunction or a serious effort by the pilot of the plane.

Biden mentions ‘New World Order,’ now Twitter gets all conspiratorial

Twitter is among the media platforms taking to task “conspiracy theorists” who spotlighted President Biden’s mention in a speech that “there’s going to be a new world order.”

The Big Tech giant said “New World Order” is a trending term on the platform as “unfounded claims” are being spread.

At a meeting Monday in Washington of the Business Roundtable lobbying organization, Biden declared: “Now is a time when things are shifting. We’re going to — there’s going to be a new world order out there, and we’ve got to lead it. And we’ve got to unite the rest of the free world in doing it.”

The Independent newspaper of London reported Biden “has inadvertently drawn the attention of conspiracy theorists with remarks he made at the end of a speech about the implications of Russia’s assault on Ukraine.”

The paper said the “‘new world order’ conspiracy theory dates back decades.” The British stated that the theory “holds that a nefarious elite led by the United Nations and other shadowy forces is planning to install a single transnational global government via the use of force – possibly with the involvement of US agencies including the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which some believe is preparing to put Americans in concentration camps.”

However, regardless of what Biden meant when he used the term on Monday, his administration is an advocate of the World Economic Forum, the globalist organization that calls for a “Great Reset” of capitalism and national sovereignty while boasting of regularly assembling “the world’s most powerful decision-makers.”

Biden has adopted WEF’s term “Build Back Better,” which captures the idea of a “Great Reset” of the world order in the aftermath of the pandemic.


Ron DeSantis Signs Bill Making Financial Literacy Class a Requirement for High Schoolers

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) signed a measure Tuesday making a financial literacy class a requirement for high school students.

Flanked by several individuals, including Education Commissioner Richard Corcoran and Senate President Wilton Simpson, DeSantis explained they are working to provide students with the “fullest education possible,” as the Sunshine State is devoted to high standards. 

“Today I think is good because what the bill’s doing with financial literacy is really providing a foundation for students that’s going to be applicable in their lives regardless of what path they take,” he said during the Pasco County press conference.

“I think that what we’re doing here today, we’re going to be signing S.B. 1054 … it will require all Florida high school students to meet a financial literacy, one half-credit requirement in order to graduate,” DeSantis explained, noting it will be applied in the ’23-’24 school year.

This will “provide a foundation for students to learn about the basics of money management, understanding debt, understanding how to balance a check book, understanding the fundamentals of investing,” he said.

“Any financial literacy has really been intertwined with economics courses, which you know, economics is a little bit different than financial literacy. And so we want a strong focus on economics, both micro and macro, but you want to also have standalone financial literacy,” the governor added.


Lower your overall cancer risk by making THIS simple diet change

Vegetarian and vegan lifestyles have grown increasingly popular as people tout the associated health benefits.  Still, regardless of the data, many people can’t turn away from their carnivorous nature.  The numbers don’t lie, though.

There does seem to be some merit to eating plant-based foods.  Lower risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and some cancers are just a few of the perks.  But even that isn’t enough to convince many to make a move to eating less meat.  The question is, should they have to?  When it comes to meat consumption, do you really have to totally eliminate it to reap the benefits of a “meat-free” diet?

Not necessarily, according to a recent UK study.  It seems that even scaling back your meat consumption can be quite good for you.

Eating less meat means lower cancer risk, new study finds

Researchers from the University of Oxford, UK, looked into the relationship between a person’s risk of cancer and diet.  The study involved collecting data from 472,337 British adults recruited from 2006 through 2010 to the UK Biobank and analyzing it to identify the correlation, if any.  The participants were between the ages of 40 and 70 and were cancer-free at the time they were recruited.

The participants were then split into four groups according to information gleaned from dietary questions they answered when they were recruited:

  • Regular meat eaters – 247,571
  • Low meat eaters – 205,385
  • Fish eaters – 10,696
  • Vegetarians – 8,685

Diet-cancer connection: Researchers reveal impressive results

The study had some pretty impressive results.  Regarding the overall cancer risk, compared to the participants who consumed meat more than five times a week, it showed:

  • 2% decreased cancer risk in those who consumed meat five times a week or less
  • 10% decreased cancer risk in those who ate fish and no meat
  • 14% decreased cancer risk in those who were vegetarians or vegans

They also examined the incidence of specific cancers and correlated them to participants’ diets.  Compared to the group that consumed meat more than five times a week:

  • 9% decreased risk of colorectal cancer in the group that consumed meat five times or less a week
  • 18% decreased risk of breast cancer in the group that adhered to a vegetarian diet (although this could be attributed to the lower BMI that is consistent with most vegetarian women)
  • 20% decreased risk of prostate cancer in men in the group that consumed fish and no meat
  • 31% decreased risk of prostate cancer in men in the group that adhered to a vegetarian diet

Here is how to modify your diet to lower your risk of cancer

Reducing your meat consumption can have many health benefits.  And the good news is that you don’t have to cut it out completely.  Try these tips for reducing your meat intake.

  • Eat fish at least twice a week.
  • Make meat your side dish instead of the main course.
  • Use more turkey and chicken.
  • Eat beans cooked in chicken stock and flavored with turkey or chicken sausage.
  • Give tofu a try.
  • Add whole grains to your diet.

One thing should be made very clear: the researchers probably did not look at the quality of the meat consumed.  Simply put, most commercially produced meat products are loaded with unwanted chemicals … including synthetic hormones and antibiotics.  This kind of meat is highly toxic and increases the risk of many dis-eases.

Look at what you are eating daily and find ways to cut back on the meat while bulking up on the organic veggies and fruits.  If you do consume meat (or fish) … be sure it’s 100% grass-fed or wild.  Remember, quality does matter!

After all, we’re talking about taking better care of your health.  And, you’re worth it.

FDA Gives Green Light to Gene-Edited Cattle

While a lengthy approval process is typically necessary for gene-edited animals to enter the food market, the FDA streamlined the process for gene-edited cattle, allowing them to skirt the regular approval process

The FDA announced in March 2022 that Recombinetics’ gene-edited cattle received a low-risk determination for marketing products, including food, made from their meat

This marks the FDA’s first low-risk determination for enforcement discretion for an intentional genomic alteration in an animal for food use

The animals have genes modified to make their coats shorter and slicker, which is intended to help them better withstand heat stress, allowing them to gain more weight and increase the efficiency of meat production

In 2019, Brazil stopped its plans to allow a herd of Recombinetics’ gene-edited cattle after unexpected DNA changes were uncovered

Long-term safety studies have not been conducted, and experts are calling for long-term safety and toxicity studies

How Technocrats Dabble: Killer AI Invented 40,000 ‘Lethal Chemical Weapons’ In Just Six Hours

Artificial intelligence was used to ‘easily’ invent 40,000 new possible chemical weapons in just six hours.

This is according to researchers who turned a drug-developing AI into a “bad actor” to see how it could be abused to create evil arms.

Scientists revealed how easy it was to tweak the AI so it became a toxic tool.

The AI was said to come up with possible chemical weapons similar to one of the most dangerous nerve agents of all time.

That dangerous substance is called VX.

VX is a tasteless and odorless nerve agent and even the smallest drop can cause a human to sweat and twitch.

A larger dose can cause convulsions and can even stop a person from breathing completely.

The scientists were told to withhold the specific details on how they managed to turn good-acting AI into an evil version.

Fabio Urbina, the lead author of the paper, told The Verge: “Broadly, the way it works for this experiment is that we have a lot of datasets historically of molecules that have been tested to see whether they’re toxic or not.

“In particular, the one that we focus on here is VX. It is an inhibitor of what’s known as acetylcholinesterase.

“Whenever you do anything muscle-related, your neurons use acetylcholinesterase as a signal to basically say “go move your muscles.”

“The way VX is lethal is it actually stops your diaphragm, your lung muscles, from being able to move so your lungs become paralyzed.”

He went on to explain that his team took the data usually given to AI to see if something is toxic and changed how the AI processed it.

Urbina told The Verge: “We weren’t really sure what we were going to get. Our generative models are fairly new technologies.

“So we haven’t widely used them a lot.

“The biggest thing that jumped out at first was that a lot of the generated compounds were predicted to be actually more toxic than VX.

“And the reason that’s surprising is because VX is basically one of the most potent compounds known. Meaning you need a very, very, very little amount of it to be lethal.”

The scientists were mostly shocked about how easy they found the experiment was to conduct.


44 Studies on Vaccine Efficacy That Raise Doubts on Vaccine Mandates

As some people have now been vaccinated for more than half a year, evidence is pouring in about Covid vaccine efficacy. When evaluating vaccine efficacy, it is important to distinguish between efficacy against infection, symptomatic disease, and transmission versus efficacy against hospitalization and death. For infection and symptomatic disease, the COVID-19 vaccines are not as efficacious as hoped, with immunity gradually waning after a few months. For hospitalization and death, immunity is stronger, lasting for at least six months.

The gestalt of the findings implies that the infection explosion globally that we have been experiencing—post double vaccination in e.g. Israel, UK, United States, etc.—may be due to the vaccinated spreading Covid as much or more than the unvaccinated.

A natural question to ask is whether vaccines with limited capacity to prevent symptomatic disease may drive the evolution of more virulent strains? In a PLoS Biology article from 2015, Read et al. observed that:

“Conventional wisdom is that natural selection will remove highly lethal pathogens if host death greatly reduces transmission. Vaccines that keep hosts alive but still allow transmission could thus allow very virulent strains to circulate in a population.”

Hence, rather than the unvaccinated putting the vaccinated at risk, it could theoretically be the vaccinated that are putting the unvaccinated at risk, but we have not yet seen any evidence for that.

Here I summarize studies and reports that shed light on vaccine induced immunity against Covid. They highlight the problems with vaccine mandates that are currently threatening the jobs of millions of people. They also raise doubts about the arguments for vaccinating children.

Volunteers Start National Legal Network to Help COVID Patients, Families in ‘Dire Circumstances’

Lawyers around the country are volunteering their time to help connect people who are experiencing “dire circumstances” involving COVID-19 to attorneys with experience who are ready to help.

Patients and families of patients told The Epoch Times that they’ve struggled to find any lawyer willing to even talk about their legal needs. Tapping into the network that was officially introduced on March 22 will give clients access to information that participating attorneys have learned and shared about fighting COVID-19-related legal battles since the pandemic began.

About 250 attorneys are participating in the loosely affiliated group known as the COVID Resource Network. Organizers say they expect it will grow exponentially as more “freedom-fighting” attorneys commit to helping patients get access to drugs they want to try, help workers fight their employers’ vaccine mandates, prepare to enter the hospital with proper power of attorney documents, and more.

“We’re just trying to move the needle—that’s what patriots do,” said West Palm Beach, Florida, attorney Rachel Rodriguez, who is, for now, hosting the network’s intake form on her law office website. “We’re sharing ideas, pleadings, motions. We’re trying to multiply our efforts,” and save time, which, for some clients, is running out.

The plan is to expand the network soon to include a nationwide list of medical providers who would offer help by advising on how to avoid the hospital and treat COVID-19 at home, or suggest treatments that could help hospitalized patients.

For now, people with an urgent legal need related to COVID-19—such as a patient worried about legal documents needed before checking into a hospital, or the family of a loved one being treated in a hospital, where care may not be optimal—can fill out an online form requesting help. Volunteer attorneys sort through the requests and send SOS emails to custodians maintaining lists of willing lawyers who have experience with cases involving COVID-19.

Those list-keepers then identify experts best suited to help; fees are worked out privately between clients seeking help and the attorneys they hire.

Rodriguez first got involved with COVID-19 cases when she filed a lawsuit in 2021 representing Orange County Fire Rescue in Florida. The department’s employees were trying to avoid choosing between their jobs and submitting to COVID-19 vaccines they didn’t want or felt they didn’t need. Eventually, their efforts prevailed when Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis outlawed vaccine mandates in the state.

Hillary Clinton Tests Positive for Coronavirus, Has Mild Symptoms

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton tested positive for coronavirus on Tuesday and has experienced mild symptoms.

“Well, I’ve tested positive for COVID. I’ve got some mild cold symptoms but am feeling fine. I’m more grateful than ever for the protection vaccines can provide against serious illness. Please get vaccinated and boosted if you haven’t already!” Hillary announced on Tuesday.

“Bill tested negative and is feeling fine. He’s quarantining until our household is fully in the clear. Movie recommendations appreciated!” she added.

Jen Psaki Tests Positive for Coronavirus Again, Over Four Months After First Infection

White House press secretary Jen Psaki again tested positive for coronavirus on Tuesday, she revealed in a statement.

“Today, in preparation for travel to Europe, I took a PCR test this morning. That test came back positive, which means I will be adhering to CDC guidance and no longer be traveling on the President’s trip to Europe,” Psaki said in a statement released before the White House press briefing.

She will not travel with the president to Europe on Wednesday.

Psaki revealed she met with Biden twice on Monday but said they were “socially-distanced” occasions that were not considered “close contact” by the Centers for Disease Control.

She said that Biden tested negative for coronavirus on Tuesday.

The press secretary is fully vaccinated and has had her booster shots.

Psaki said she would work from home for five days before returning to work in person at the White House.

“Thanks to the vaccine, I have only experienced mild symptoms,” she said.

ACTION ITEMS: Crimes Against Humanity Nine-City U.S. Tour

Exposing the Great Reset! This spring 2022 tour will take the evidence all across America, where YOU can decide what is happening. Presenting the Crimes Against Humanity Tour: A Cross Examination Of The Global Pandemic, the global reset and humanity’s path to a Great Awakening.

I am humbled to be a part of this tour with esteemed colleagues such as Dr. Judy Mikovits, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Dr. Richard Fleming. These are one-day events that will give each speaker an ample opportunity to give full disclosure of their extensive knowledge and understanding! 

As you know, I testified on two occasions for the Grand Jury investigating Crimes Against Humanity that was organized and presented by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich. It was a blockbuster of evidential testimony from dozens of top experts around the world. I brought to the table my knowledge and expertise on Technocracy and Transhumanism.

Both Technocracy and Transhumanism have been accepted and validated on an international basis now. They are no longer to be considered “conspiracy theories”, but rather evidential facts.

Here are the list of cities and dates where the conferences will take place. All of the venues will hold at least 2,000 people, but the tour organizer believes they will be filled up quickly.

Book Your Tickets Now!

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