July 16, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: March 24, 2021

Boulder mass killing suspect who reportedly criticized Trump for his immigration stance was ‘previously known’ by FBI: Report

The Blaze – The Federal Bureau of Investigation was aware of accused mass killer Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa’s potentially dangerous background even before he carried out the massacre that took the lives of 10 people in Boulder, Colorado, according to reports.

What are the details?

Tuesday, the New York Times reported that 21-year-old Alissa was “previously known” because he reportedly had connections to another individual who was under investigation by the agency.

According to the report, the suspect was convicted of misdemeanor assault against another student at his high school in 2018. When questioned about his assault, Alissa reportedly told authorities that he carried out the attack in response to “insults and ethnic taunts.”

“Fellow students recall him having a fierce temper that would flare in response to setbacks or slights,” the report noted.

Alissa, the Times noted, purchased a firearm on March 16 — just days before the deadly attack.

Alissa, who was born in Syria in 1999, lived “most of his life in the United States” according to Boulder County District Attorney Michael Dougherty.

Twitter says calling Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa a ‘white Christian terrorist’ doesn’t violate its misinformation policies

The Blaze – Twitter told Newsweek that characterizing accused mass killer Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa as a “white Christian terrorist” doesn’t violate its misinformation policies — even though Alissa is from Syria and has been identified as Muslim.

Sen. John Kennedy rips Dems’ push for gun control after deadly supermarket attack: ‘You don’t stop drunk drivers by getting rid of all sober drivers’

‘We don’t need more gun control; we need more idiot control’

The Blaze – Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) put Democrats’ call for gun control on blast following the supermarket mass killing in Boulder, Colorado.

Authorities arrested accused mass killer Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, 21, and charged him with 10 counts of first-degree murder in connection with the deadly attack in King Sooper’s grocery store on Monday.

What are the details?

On Tuesday, Kennedy said that Democrats’ push for gun control after the devastating mass killing is entirely asinine.

“These killings were terrible,” Kennedy said on Tuesday’s broadcast of “Fox & Friends.”

“They were horrible,” he added. “I’m reminded though, that, you know, America is a big country, we’re free. And one of the prices we pay for that freedom is that you’re always going to have some people who abuse it. Freedom is risk. What we’ve got to concentrate on is how to control that risk; you’re not going to stop the killings until you stop the killers.”

Kennedy pointed out that there are ways to stop mass killings — but enacting stricter gun control is not the way.

“You don’t stop drunk drivers by getting rid of all sober drivers,” he added, “which is what many of my Democratic friends want to do with respect to the Second Amendment. In my judgment, we do not need more gun control. We need more idiot control. How do we do that? We’ve already tried, the Republicans have, Sen. Grassley, Sen. Cruz had a bill to strengthen our national database. We regulate gun ownership in America. If you’re convicted of certain crimes, if you have a tendency to violence, if you’re mentally ill, and you want to buy a gun, your name has to be run through a database.”

“The problem,” he continued, “is that the database has huge holes in it. And many federal agencies and state agencies are very cavalier about sending in the names. Grassley and Cruz’s bill, which I support, would have tightened up the database and it would have cracked down on people who have guns who shouldn’t have guns. You know why the bill didn’t pass? Many of my Democratic colleagues filibustered it.”

Anything else?

On Tuesday, President Joe Biden called for a national assault weapons ban.

“I don’t need to wait another minute, let alone an hour, to take commonsense steps that will save lives in the future,” Biden said. “We can ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines in this country once again. I got that done when I was a senator. It passed, it was the law for the longest time and it brought down these mass killings. We should do it again.”

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), however, offered Democrats the opportunity to support legislation he said would hamper the ability of violent criminals to procure guns, all while protecting responsible, gun-owning Americans’ Second Amendment rights.

“Every time there’s a shooting, we play this ridiculous theater where this committee gets together and proposes a bunch of laws that would do nothing to stop these murders,” Cruz said Tuesday, pointing to legislation he and Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) introduced: the Protecting Communities and Preserving the Second Amendment Act.

“Grassley-Cruz, targeted at violent criminals, targeted at felons, targeted at fugitives, targeted at those with serious mental disease to stop them from getting firearms, to put them in prison when they try to illegally buy guns,” Cruz said.

“What happens in this committee after every mass shooting is Democrats propose taking away guns from law-abiding citizens because that’s their political objective. But what they propose, not only does it not reduce crime, it makes it worse. The jurisdictions in this country with the strictest gun control have among the highest rates of crime and murder. When you disarm law-abiding citizens, you make them more likely to be victims. If you want to stop these murders, go after the murderers.”

Kamala Harris Says No One Is Taking Away Guns While Biden And Democrats Gear Up To Do Just That

The Federalist – Vice President Kamala Harris said no one is “trying to come after your guns” as President Joe Biden and congressional Democrats prepare to do exactly that.

“Stop pushing the false choice that this means everybody’s trying to come after your guns,” Harris said. “That is not what we’re talking about.”

Harris’s comments come as Biden and his allies in Congress are calling for a federal ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, restricting gun access for even law-abiding citizens after multiple deadly shootings in the last two weeks.

“We can ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines in this country once again,” Biden said shortly after the shooting in Boulder, Colorado. “I got that done when I was a senator. It passed. It was the law for the longest time. And it brought down these mass killings. We should do it again.”

Biden also urged legislators to pass bills expanding a background check system for firearm sales, a change that some senators on the left side of the aisle think could garner enough Republican support to bypass the filibuster, which multiple members are trying to abolish.

“I think a universal background checks bill can get 60 votes,” said Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy of Connecticut. “We’re going to sit down with Democratic leadership this week and talk about the path forward. I think we’ve got two weeks of recess in which I think there’ll be a lot of conversations, across the aisle, about the path forward on background checks.”

While GOP members such as Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell have said they are “open to the discussion,” even the moderate Republican senators such as Sen. Susan Collins of Maine view the Democrats’ current legislative proposals as “very, very broad” and unlikely to pass the upper chamber.

Biden and Harris previously sparred over gun control measures during a primary debate in 2019 after Biden rejected Harris’s bid to use executive power to ban imports of AR-15s as well as potentially implement “universal background checks, ban semi-automatic rifles, repeal the NRA’s corporate gun manufacturer immunity shield (PLCAA), criminalize gun trafficking at the federal level, ban high-capacity magazines, and prohibit people convicted of a federal hate crime from buying guns.”

“You can’t do it by executive order any more than Trump can do things when he says he can do it by executive order,” Biden pointed out.

“I mean I would just say, ‘Hey Joe, instead of saying “no, we can’t,” let’s say “yes, we can,”’” Harris replied while laughing.

You’re Racist, whether You Like It or Not

American Thinker – “In my mind…this was an anti-Asian hate crime.”  So declared Congresswoman Judy Chu regarding the Atlanta shooting, in which eight women died, six of whom happened to be Asian.  It seems to be a popular opinion.  Andrew Sullivan, writing on his Substack page, reported that (as of March 19) the New York Times had published nine pieces that presented the slaughter as motivated by anti-Asian racism, while the Washington Post had published sixteen stories in the same vein.  All these stories, to a T, found the real motivation of the murders the deeply rooted anti-Asian bigotry in American history.  Many of them also linked it to the rise in anti-Asian crimes, which was then coupled with Donald Trump’s labeling of COVID-19 as “the China virus.”

What makes these stories so shocking — or predictable — is that there is no evidence at this point to suggest that the shooter, Robert Aaron Long, was motivated by racism of any kind.  When questioned by police as to why he killed the eight women and wounded several more, Long replied that he was a sex addict who saw the women as a near occasion of sin (he is also Southern Baptist) and decided that if there were no more temptations, there would be no more addiction.  Several pieces of evidence back up this declaration.  Long’s former roommates told authorities that he had frequented the spa/masseuse parlor where his victims worked because he could acquire cheap sex easily.  It also doesn’t make sense that a white supremacist operating under anti-Asian bigotry would kill two white women along with his six Asian victims.  But the lack of evidence has not stopped the powers that be from declaring with the gravitas of Nero that Long’s crime was racially motivated.

NBC made one of the most blunt statements in this regard, declaring that Long “doesn’t get to decide” whether his crime was motivated by racism or not.  According to Elaine Gross, president of the New York–based organization ERASE Racism, “you can’t ask perpetrators what they think.  That’s not how we determine whether something is or isn’t a hate crime.”  She also asked, if his spree wasn’t racially motivated, “then why wasn’t there a variety” among the victims?  That has to count for something” (ignoring that two of his victims were white).

In the minds of those baptized into the gnostic faith of critical theories, the lack of evidence is itself evidence for their own interpretation of events, facts and personal confessions be damned.  As Sullivan observed:

n this way, CRT becomes not a theory, a set of parameters, or even a paradigm.  Instead, it becomes an alchemical machine in which any series of events or actions can be transmuted into evidence that circles back to reinforce the theory.  It’s an arrangement that will inevitably lead to terrible consequences for everyone who does not swear allegiance to the elites.

It will, in the first place, empower the elites more by allowing them to usurp even more power.  There is no point denying that the left, at this moment, controls all the major avenues of power in America — from the media to academia, from education to entertainment, from government to business, the left has entrenched itself, giving it unprecedented power over our lives.  We see this in the nationwide spread of “drag queen story time,” the unveiling of a “gay Captain America,” and the continual pledges of “diversity” and “equity” from companies as prestigious as Bank of America and Nabisco.  But this narrative around the Atlanta shooting marks a graduation of the left’s power. It has, in essence, declared that it can divine our actions better than we can.  Divine is an appropriate word here, since the left is ultimately claiming to be able to read our thoughts and souls.  Trevor Noah all but admitted this when he declared, “You killed six Asian people.  Specifically, you went there.  Your murders speak louder than your words.”  Noah knows the real motive behind Long’s killing spree because as a woke member of a minority group, he can see “the truth.”

Graham: We’ll ‘Shut the Senate Down’ if We’re Denied Access to Border Facilities

Breitbart – On Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) stated if he is denied the ability to go anywhere on the border when he visits with other senators on Friday, “we’re going to shut the Senate down.”

Graham said, “I am going down [to the border] with 18 senators Friday, and if I’m denied the ability to look into any place I want to go, we’re going to shut the Senate down. Where are all the liberal hypocrites? Where is AOC? Where is Elizabeth Warren? Where is Vice President Harris, who basically protested outside of a facility — in Homestead, Florida during the Trump years — holding migrant children?”

He later added, “All I can say is, I’m going down with 18 senators, if they deny me the ability to go where I want to go and see what I want to see, we’re going to shut the Senate down.”

Blackwell: Corrupt Politicians Act Destroys Right to Election Integrity Like Voter ID

Breitbart – Democrats’ push for the S. 1 / H.R. 1 Corrupt Politicians Act claims to be advancing voting rights, but ignores the foundational truth that every voter has the right to his legal vote not be canceled by someone else’s fraud, which is why the bill’s eradication of voter ID – an election integrity measure with strong bipartisan support – show this as a cynical power grab that principled senators must reject.

S.1 is the Senate version of H.R. 1, officially named the For the People Act. It is currently the top priority for all national Democrats, from Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, to Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi in Congress, to even Barack and Michelle Obama. It is called the Corrupt Politicians Act by those who study it because it throws out the Constitution’s guarantees of fully counted votes, and does so in a way to hijack America’s election system to guarantee that Democrats will keep the White House every four years, and permanently hold a solid majority in Congress.

Although Democrats say it expands voting rights, it instead takes away those rights. Your right to vote has two parts: The first is being able to cast a ballot that is counted. The second is that your vote is not cancelled or watered down by someone else’s illegal ballot or other election fraud.

The Corrupt Politicians Act destroys the latter in the name of the former.

North Carolina Senator Accuses Elections Director of Breaking the Law in Easing Voting Requirements

The Epoch Times – A North Carolina state senator on Tuesday accused the state’s Board of Elections (BOE) director of breaking the law ahead of last November’s general election by agreeing to a settlement that changed the rules around voting—allegations the director denied. “In my heart, you broke the law,” Sen. Bill Rabon, a Republican, told BOE executive director Karen Brinson Bell, at a Senate hearing on Tuesday. Rabon’s allegations of unlawful conduct were in reference to Bell entering into an agreement in September 2020 with a union-affiliated group to settle a lawsuit that sought to ease some voting requirements. The group argued that restrictive absentee rules burdened the right to vote during the COVID-19 pandemic, in violation of the state constitution. North Carolina’s Democrat-controlled elections board unanimously authorized Bell to enter into the agreement, which introduced a number of rule changes that Senate Republicans on Tuesday argued amounted to modifications to state election laws.

The Biden Border Crisis Is Real, And It’s About To Get Much Worse

The Biden administration still refuses to acknowledge the crisis, even as it spirals out of control and record numbers of children are in federal custody.

The Federalist – The Biden administration is facing not just a crisis at the border, but a crisis of unprecedented magnitude. Unaccompanied migrant teenagers and children have never before arrived at the border in such numbers.

For the past three weeks, federal agents have apprehended on average more than 550 unaccompanied minors every day, and are on pace to bring in more than 17,000 children and teens in March, the most ever in a single month. The numbers for April and May, when border crossings usually peak, will undoubtedly bring far higher numbers.

The federal agencies tasked with managing this crisis are overwhelmed. The facilities that house unaccompanied minors in federal custody are overrun. The Biden administration has tried to impose a media blackout at the border, but the truth is getting out. Images of migrant children sleeping on the floor of an overcrowded, makeshift detention facility in South Texas circulated widely on Monday.

The photos, first leaked to Axios by Rep. Henry Cuellar, D-Texas, show a large tent structure partitioned into “pods” by clear plastic walls. Children and teenagers are packed into each of these pods, sleeping or sitting on plastic mattresses, huddled under emergency blankets in close proximity. The U.S. Customs and Border Protection facility where the images were taken was 1,500 percent over its pandemic-rated capacity as of Sunday, according to CBP data reviewed by the Washington Post.

In response to the leaked photos, CBP released dozens of its own photos of emergency migrant shelters Tuesday in a belated attempt at transparency and damage control. Both the leaked and official photos reveal conditions that are more or less identical to the 2019 border crisis, when then-President Trump was denounced by Democrats—including Joe Biden and Kamala Harris—for putting “kids in cages,” a misleading phrase that would become a rallying cry for the anti-Trump resistance over his supposedly cruel immigration policies.

Now, as illegal immigration surges along the southwest border, the Biden administration is stuck with their own version of “kids in cages” amid calls to end the media blackout and allow journalists access to these detention facilities, where thousands of minors have been held for longer than 10 days in blatant violation of federal law.

In every way, though, this is a crisis of the Biden administration’s own making. Immediately upon taking office, President Biden signed a raft of immigration-related executive orders that ended a number of Trump-era policies and programs designed to deter illegal immigration. Those orders, combined with strong messaging and rhetoric from Biden and other Democrats, that migrants claiming asylum should be allowed into the country, created powerful incentives for migrants, most of them from Central America, to get across the border.

As the crisis has worsened, Biden administration officials—and Biden himself—have been consistently dishonest about what they’re doing and why. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, who recently said the United States was on pace to see the largest number of border apprehensions “in the last 20 years,” went on all the Sunday shows to insist, falsely, that “the border is closed.”

In fact, the border is mostly open. How do we know? Because the administration is scrambling to house a record number of migrant families and minors that are coming across.

Poll: 42 Million From Latin America, Caribbean Want to Migrate to US

The Epoch Times – A new survey found that 42 million people from Latin America and the Caribbean region want to immigrate to the United States. “There are 33 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. Roughly 450 million adults live in the region. Gallup asked them if they would like to move to another country permanently if they could,” said Gallup’s CEO Jim Clifton, whose company conducted the poll, in an article Wednesday. “A whopping 27 [percent] said ‘yes.’ This means roughly 120 million would like to migrate somewhere.” Then he added: “Of those who want to leave their country permanently, 35 percent—or 42 million—said they want to go to the United States.” The poll comes as a surge of illegal immigrants have attempted to cross the U.S.-Mexico border in recent weeks, as White House officials have told them that the border is closed and not to come. 

Kamala Harris Accepts Bill Clinton Invite for ‘One on One’ Talks About Female Empowerment

Breitbart – Vice President Kamala Harris has accepted an invitation from former President Bill Clinton to join him Friday to discuss “empowering women and girls in the U.S. and around the world.”

The exchange will be held in partnership with Howard University, Harris’s alma mater, and showcase “A one-on-one conversation with President Clinton and Vice President Kamala Harris on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women, and empowering women and girls in the U.S. and around the world,” according to a statement from the Clinton Foundation.

A Federal Judge Has Hidden 200 Hours Of Undercover Footage About Abortion Atrocities For 5 Years

District Judge William Orrick has ruled in favor of Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation every step of the way. Can he continue to do so?

The Federalist – Late one Friday in July 2015, District Judge William Orrick of San Francisco issued a restraining order blocking the release of undercover videos at the National Abortion Federation (NAF) convention showing Planned Parenthood employees negotiating the sale of aborted fetus body parts. After nearly six years, more than 200 hours of that footage are yet to be seen by the public, but that is now up for deliberation.

Since the first undercover footage was released, The Center for Medical Progress and its founder, David Daleiden, have been fighting legal battles with both NAF and Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA). Luckily for both NAF and PPFA, the federal judge presiding over their cases against Daleiden is more than friendly to their pro-abortion causes.

Orrick was nominated to his position by former President Barack Obama and was a major donor to and bundler for Obama’s presidential campaign. Both Orrick and his wife are longtime donors to San Francisco’s Good Samaritan Family Resource Center (GSFRC), where Orrick was a board member and helped fund and open a Planned Parenthood clinic on its site. That clinic sold fetal tissue to StemExpress, a for-profit wholesaler exposed by CMP’s videos and reporting.

Orrick’s wife is also an outspoken abortion advocate on social media, “liking” pro-abortion groups on Facebook and even “liking” posts calling CMP and Daleiden’s videos “domestic terrorism.” Suffice it to say, Orrick is not an impartial judge on abortion. Despite attempts by Daledien and CMP to have Orrick removed from their cases, Orrick has refused to step down or even disclose his relationship with the Planned Parenthood clinic.

Nearly six years later, Daleiden is still fighting both Planned Parenthood and NAF in court, and two cases in particular have put Orrick in an interesting, if not damning, position.

The first is Planned Parenthood’s $16 million civil lawsuit in which Daleiden and CMP just recently filed an appeal in the federal Ninth Circuit, arguing it should be reversed on First Amendment grounds. What’s curious about this lawsuit, and more importantly, how it differs from NAF’s case against Daleiden, is that Planned Parenthood sued Daleiden for fraud, trespass, unlawful recording, and breach of contract, but not defamation.

Planned Parenthood strategically avoided bringing up the issue of whether the content of the videos was false or defamatory. They never denied the truth of what was revealed in those undercover videos.

NAF is taking the opposite approach. They agreed to drop most of their claims, asking only for a summary judgment on its breach of contract claim and seeking a permanent ban on the videos solely because of the way it will harm their reputation. They believe Daleiden will deceptively edit the footage to lie about abortion practices. Unlike Planned Parenthood, NAF is directly putting at issue the truth or falsity of the videos.

At a recent hearing via video on Feb. 17, Orrick focused on whether he should make a preliminary injunction he issued in 2016 permanent. “The real question I’m interested in is the scope of the injunction,” he said. “I think the general arguments that the defendants have raised against injunctive relief aren’t persuasive.”

In 2016, he justified blocking the release of the videos by claiming the safety of abortion workers (NAF’s members) outweighs Daleiden’s First Amendment rights. Orrick also stated that he reviewed both transcripts and recordings of the videos in question, and determined that he found “no evidence of actual criminal wrongdoing.” But the addition of one of CMP’s witnesses whose testimony was thrown out of the Planned Parenthood case may change that.

Dr. Forrest Smith, an OB-GYN in California who said he’s performed at least 50,000 abortions, was retained by CMP and Daleiden to review their videos and testify that Planned Planned employees violated the medical standard of practice. He took the witness stand in 2019 at the trial of PPFA’s criminal case against Daleiden, testifying that “there’s no question” some of the induced abortions discussed in the videos “were live births.”

In the PPFA civil case, Orrick did not allow Smith to testify because, again, PPFA strategically did not put the veracity of the videos up for debate. Orrick deemed Smith’s testimony unnecessary and his expert report was submitted but never used, and was recently unsealed in late January.

Daleiden and the CMP submitted another even more extensive expert report from Smith in the NAF case, in which he examines videos that have not been released. But because NAF has put the issue of what the videos show at the center of their case, Orrick is not going to be able to keep Smith’s report out the same way he did in Planned Parenthood. Herein lies Orrick’s catch-22.

“Orrick must grapple with Smith’s report in a way that he didn’t have to before,” Daleiden told The Federalist.

The problem for Orrick is that Smith’s expert report directly contradicts what he said in his 2016 preliminary gag order, that he found no “criminal wrongdoing.”

“Here’s a 50-year experienced abortion doctor who’s worked at Planned Parenthood before, who is saying ‘Actually, your Honor, as a professional in this area, I’m telling you this is extremely wrong, extremely unprofessional, extremely unethical, and extremely illegal,’” Daleiden said.

In his recently unsealed report in the PPFA case, Smith found that PPFA abortionists violated standards in obtaining consent from women whose fetal tissue was donated, in the techniques they used to collect the fetus body parts, in the way the clinics accepted payment for the “donations,” and that their procedure resulted in infants being born alive. Although currently sealed, one can presume Smith’s findings submitted in the NAF case are similar.

This pits Orrick, a well-known pro-abortion donor, against one of the country’s longest practicing abortion doctors.

“Is he going to say that he, Judge Orrick, knows better than the abortion doctor, which would show he’s on the side of Planned Parenthood, or is he going to start to liberate some of this footage, which may have consequences for his career as an Obama-appointed judge?” Daleiden said.

During February’s Zoom hearing, Peter Breen, Daleiden’s defense attorney, vice president, and senior counsel at the Thomas More Society, argued that the videos should be made available to police or lawmakers investigating Planned Parenthood, and on top of that, are a matter of “public interest.”

“There’s nothing inconsistent with the court saying ‘I don’t see it but others do’ and certainly the court would not want to stand in the posture of a censor over something that has First Amendment value and public interest value,” Breen said.

Orrick said he found Daleiden’s arguments “unpersuasive,” and seemed to think it was going to be a repeat of his 2016 preliminary injunction, but was also made aware of the issues at play, including Smith’s testimony which previously he was able to avoid.

It remains unclear how, or even when, Orrick will make his decision.

CREEPY Bill Gates strikes again: Windows 10 secretly listens to everything you say and records all your keystrokes with hidden keylogger that uploads to Microsoft

Dr. Leonard Coldwell – Hidden inside Microsoft’s Windows 10 operating system software is a keylogger spyware module that records the keystrokes and voices of users and sends this private data straight to the mother ship.

Another creepy “feature” of a software platform that was originally designed by billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates, the Windows 10 keylogger add-on was supposedly “intended for testing, not day-to-day use.” And yet the latter is what it became, though most users have no idea that it exists.

Microsoft reluctantly admitted when pressed that “we may collect voice information” and “typed characters” from users without their knowledge or expressed consent. We now know that the Washington-based corporation is doing precisely that.

“I said that ‘I seriously doubt that the worst spyware features will remain in the finished product,’” wrote PC World contributing editor Lincoln Spector. “I was wrong.”

The Windows 10 “speech, inking, typing, and privacy FAQ” section admits that when a user interacts with a Windows device by “speaking, writing (handwriting), or typing, Microsoft collects speech, inking, and typing information – including information about your Calendar and People (also known as contacts) …”

Microsoft’s Privacy Statement reiterates this, though it contains all sorts of other information in the form of 17,000 words that requires some extra time and effort to fully peruse.

More related news about the tech invasion of personal privacy can be found at Surveillance.news.

Microsoft is guilty of committing treason with communist China

The good news is that the Windows 10 keylogging function can be disabled, or so it would appear. Clicking Settings on the Start menu’s left pane, followed by clicking the Privacy button, a Windows 10 user will find a selection box to turn it off – all the way at the bottom, of course.

“Once in Privacy, go to the General section and Turn off Send Microsoft info about how I write to help us improve typing and writing in the future,” Spector explains.

“While you’re there, examine the other options and consider if there’s anything else here that you may want to change.”

To stop Windows 10 from collecting your speech, you must also go to the Speech, inking and typing section and click Stop getting to know me. This same area contains options for restricting Microsoft from collecting data from your camera, microphone, contacts and calendar.

“I wish I had that capability in Android,” Spector notes, suggesting that smartphones are prone to similar spying without the option to disable it.

It is important to note that Microsoft is a close ally of communist China, having worked with Huawei, the communist Chinese corporation that President Donald Trump banned from the United States through an executive order.

As we reported, Huawei works closely with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to spy on people through technology and artificial intelligence (AI). The company is also under investigation, or was, for its participation in the Iran nuclear arms agreement.

Microsoft temporarily ceased its partnership with Huawei after Trump’s executive order was signed, however the company later decided to continue selling its existing inventory of Huawei laptop computers at Microsoft stores.

The official Microsoft website proclaims with pride that the company deeply values its partnership with communist China and various communist Chinese corporations.

“Today, our most complete subsidiary and largest R&D center outside the United States is in China,” the website explains. “Microsoft boasts a robust partner ecosystem with 17,000 partners. For every RMB that Microsoft earns in China, Microsoft partners earn 16.”

Microsoft has also boasted that it is one of the major corporations responsible for “remaking the Chinese economy.” Meanwhile, Microsoft is quietly implementing spying technologies like this that would make even the most radical Chinese communist blush with envy.

COVID-19 Vaccine Tested on Babies Even as Death Toll Mounts

Mercola – Mid-March 2021, Moderna started testing its mRNA COVID-19 vaccine on children between the ages of 6 months and 11 years.

As of March 5, 2021, the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) had received 31,079 adverse reaction reports for COVID-19 vaccines, including 1,551 deaths.

Using March 5 VAERS statistics, assuming all deaths have been reported as required, the lethality rate of COVID-19 vaccines is 0.0028%.

CDC statistics puts the death rate following COVID mRNA vaccination at 0.0024% — significantly higher than that following influenza vaccination at 0.0000265%.

There are compelling reasons to suspect these vaccines may contribute to death further down the line, perhaps months or a few years into the future. Those ending up with permanent disability as a result of these vaccines will be at increased risk of early death, and there’s no telling how these vaccines might impact the longevity of children

‘COVID Relief’ Bill Collides With the Constitution

An 11th-hour clause violates the 10th Amendment.

The American Spectator – Well, that didn’t take long. The first major bill passed by the new Democratic congressional majority and signed into law by our new president on March 11 had already provoked a constitutional challenge by March 17. The attorney general of Ohio filed suit against the Biden administration last Wednesday in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio, alleging that the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) unconstitutionally and coercively limits the right of states to manage their internal fiscal policies: “This suit challenges an unconstitutional provision in the American Rescue Plan Act — a provision that allows the federal government to commandeer state taxing authority.”

If the use of “commandeer” in this context seems vaguely familiar, it’s probably a vestigial memory of the Obama administration’s failed attempt to exert equally questionable control over state budgets using the mandatory Medicaid provision of Obamacare. Fortunately, in NFIB v. Sebelius, the Supreme Court ruled 7-2 that such coercion is unconstitutional. Ohio’s ARPA challenge involves a provision whereby $195.3 billion in fiscal recovery aid will be distributed among the states and the District of Columbia. Beyond its effect on the federal budget deficit, this doesn’t seem particularly pernicious. The real problem arises from the restrictions the provision imposes on the power of the states to reduce taxes:

A State or territory shall not use the funds provided under this section or transferred pursuant to section 603(c)(4) to either directly or indirectly offset a reduction in the net tax revenue of such State or territory resulting from a change in law, regulation or administrative interpretation during the covered period that reduces any tax (by providing for a reduction in a rate, a rebate, a deduction, a credit or otherwise) or delays the imposition of any tax or tax increase.

This constitutionally dubious language was inserted into the legislation by the Democrats at the last minute, the New York Times reports, for the express purpose of interfering with the ability of the states to make changes in their tax codes. It is a deliberate and insolent attack by the federal government on state sovereignty and the doctrine of federalism. As Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost puts it in his Motion for Preliminary Injunction, “The Tax Mandate thus gives the States a choice: they can have either the badly needed federal funds or their sovereign authority to set state tax policy. But they cannot have both. In our current economic crisis, that is no choice at all. It is a metaphorical ‘gun to the head.’ ”

Ohio is by no means the only state where this surprise addition to ARPA caused an immediate uproar. The day before Ohio filed its lawsuit, 21 state attorneys general wrote to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen to protest what they obviously consider to be an outrageous example of federal overreach: “This language could be read to deny States the ability to cut taxes in any manner whatsoever … Absent a more sensible interpretation from your department, this provision would amount to an unprecedented and unconstitutional intrusion on the separate sovereignty of the States.” Lest anyone mistake this response as mere political bluster, consider this reaction from the National Law Review:

his provision of ARPA is, in our view, the most significant federal pre-emption of state tax policy in history. For the next three years, legislators and tax administrators alike will be scrutinized as their tax policy decisions are evaluated through the lens of this prohibition. This level of congressional control over state tax policy decisions and fiscal autonomy likely violates the Tenth Amendment of the US Constitution and would dismay the framers’ basic notions of federalism.

The Tenth Amendment states, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” Consequently, because the Constitution doesn’t empower the federal government to set state taxing policy, Congress has no authority to impose the restrictions contained in this last-minute addition to ARPA. In response to the outcry caused by this provision, a Treasury spokesperson told the Associated Press that the provision isn’t meant as a blanket prohibition on tax cuts: “In other words, states are free to make policy decisions to cut taxes — they just cannot use the pandemic relief funds to pay for those tax cuts.”

This predictably flippant comment oversimplifies the problem, of course. If the provision in question were that clear, it would not be so controversial. It was ostensibly inserted in the legislation to prevent states from using COVID-19 relief money to fund tax cuts, but it is worded so nebulously that it defies any attempt to divine such a straightforward interpretation. Particularly problematic is its attempt to prohibit both direct and indirect diversion of relief funding to tax cuts and the wide array of actions included in that nebulous category. Any determined Treasury Department auditor can find multiple violations involving the “indirect” use of relief finds as they are defined in this provision.

State of Ohio v. Yellen will not be the last lawsuit filed against ARPA’s “Tax Mandate.” West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey, one of the 21 signatories to the letter quoted above, suggests that they are already strategizing about potential litigation. Their letter to Secretary Yellen threatens to take “appropriate action” if they don’t receive a satisfactory answer by March 23. It would also be wise for Yellen to wrap up the ARPA problem before the dreaded HR 1 is signed into law. Twenty state AGs have already committed to fighting the latter monstrosity with everything they’ve got. The Biden administration doesn’t want to find itself in a two-front constitutional war with the states during the run-up to 2022.

The Environmental Working Group Releases 2021 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce

Newsmax – Each year the Environmental Working Group (EWG) informs consumers about the safest choices when buying and consuming produce. This year, they have added some newcomers.

Collard and mustard greens join kale among the most pesticide-contaminated fresh produce on the group’s 2021 Dirty Dozen™ list. For the first time, bell peppers and hot peppers have made the list.

The Dirty Dozen and the Clean Fifteen™ together make up EWG’s annual Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™, which analyzes Department of Agriculture test data to identify which fresh fruits and vegetables are most and least contaminated with pesticide residues.

“Whether organic or conventionally grown, fruits and vegetables are critical components of a healthy diet,” said EWG toxicologist Thomas Galligan, Ph.D. “We urge consumers who are concerned about their pesticide intake to consider, when possible, purchasing organically grown versions of the foods on EWG’s Dirty Dozen, or conventional produce from our Clean Fifteen.”

This year, the USDA’s tests found residues of potentially harmful chemical pesticides on nearly 70 percent of the non-organic fresh produce sold in the U.S. Before testing fruits and vegetables, the USDA washes, scrubs and peels them, as consumers would, says the EWG.

Until this year, kale was alone in the No. 3 spot on the Dirty Dozen. A total of 94 different pesticides were found on leafy greens, including neonicotinoids, or neonics. One sample of mustard greens had 20 different pesticides, and some kale and collard samples had as many as 17.

On all three types of greens, the pesticide most frequently detected by the USDA was DCPA, sold under the brand name Dacthal. The Environmental Protection Agency classifies DCPA as a possible human carcinogen, and the European Union banned it in 2009.

Neonics are the fastest-growing class of insecticides, despite a decade of research making it clear that they are highly toxic to honeybees and other pollinator species. Some studies on human health also suggest that exposure to neonics may be harmful to the developing fetus and to children.

Bell peppers and hot peppers, tested for the first time since 2012 and 2011, respectively, are also included in this year’s list at No. 10. The USDA found 115 pesticides on peppers – the most, by far, on any item.

The EWG says that most pesticide residues the USDA finds fall within government-mandated restrictions. But legal limits are not always safe. The EPA’s safety levels, called tolerances, help agency regulators determine whether farmers are applying pesticides properly. If tolerance levels were set to protect all children eating produce, as EWG believes they should be, more fruits and vegetables would fail to meet them.

“EPA’s tolerances are often far higher than what many scientists believe is safe – particularly for pregnant women, babies and young children,” said EWG president Ken Cook. “EWG releases our Shopper’s Guide each year so consumers can make informed decisions that will let them reduce their family’s exposure to toxic pesticides while allowing them to eat plenty of healthy fruits and vegetables.”

Galligan tells Newsmax that his organization recommends buying organic whenever possible.

“Research has repeatedly shown that eating organic produce is an effective way to dramatically reduce exposure to toxic pesticides,” he says. “A diet high in organic food has been linked to a variety of important health benefits, including improved fertility, lower BMI, reduced incidence of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and lower risk of type 2 diabetes.”

EWG knows that organic produce may not always be available and affordable for every consumer, so the organization urges consumers to consult their Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™.

“Choosing organic is particularly important for items on the Dirty Dozen list, as these have the most pesticides on them. Items on the Clean Fifteen list have the least, so consumers can buy these fruits and vegetables in their non-organic forms without compromising on pesticide exposures,” says Galligan.

7 Plagues That Are Hitting Our Planet Right Now

What Really Happened – Things are starting to get really crazy out there.  In recent interviews, I have used the term “stability” to describe the current state of affairs, and some people may think that is quite strange.  But I stand by that assessment.  In the short-term, we have experienced a period of relative stability over the last couple of months, but of course that will soon change.  I believe that global events will soon greatly accelerate, and much chaos is on the horizon.  However, that certainly doesn’t mean that nothing of importance is happening at the moment.  In fact, the following are 7 plagues that are hitting our planet right now…

#1 A Plague Of Millions Of Rats In Australia

Could you imagine having so many rats infesting your community that it is literally impossible to ever get away from the smell?  Right now, millions upon millions of rats are making lives miserable for countless residents of Australia, and in some instances it is literally taking hours just to clean up all of the poop that they leave behind…

#2 Large Earthquakes

According to the USGS

According to long-term records (since about 1900), we expect about 16 major earthquakes in any given year. That includes 15 earthquakes in the magnitude 7 range and one earthquake magnitude 8.0 or greater.

So far in 2021, we have already had 7 that are magnitude 7.0 or greater, and that includes a magnitude 7.0 earthquake that just shook Japan

A 7.0 preliminary magnitude earthquake has struck Japan off the coast of Ishinomaki, a city located just 65 miles (104 km) from Fukushima, the site of a devastating 9.0 magnitude quake 10 years ago.

Latest information from USGS shows the earthquake has a depth of 54 kilometers (34 miles). CNN teams in Tokyo felt the tremor.

#3 Volcanoes Are Roaring To Life All Over The Globe

According to Volcano Discovery, 29 volcanoes around the planet are currently erupting right now, and that includes a volcano in Iceland that had been dormant for hundreds of years

#4 The “Megadrought” In The Southwestern United States

Earlier this month, I wrote an entire article about the megadrought in the Southwest entitled “You Were Warned That Dust Bowl Conditions Would Return, And Now It Has Happened”.

Well, this drought just continues to get even worse. In fact, NBC News is telling us that there is “little hope for relief” any time soon…

#5 Armies Of Locusts In Africa And The Middle East

In 2020, giant armies of locusts the size of major cities relentlessly marched across parts of Africa, the Middle East and Asia.  Millions of farmers had their crops wiped out, and experts told us that it was unlike anything they had ever seen before.

That was only supposed to be a one year plague, but now it is happening again

#6 H5N8 Bird Flu In Russia

When cases of H5N8 bird flu started to pop up in Russia, many experts started to become extremely concerned that it could start being transmitted from human to human.

Because if it starts spreading widely among humans, the percentage of victims that will die will be far higher than for COVID.

Unfortunately, one of the top experts in Russia says that there is “a fairly high degree of probability” that it is now being passed from one person to another…

#7 The COVID Pandemic

Even though people are being vaccinated at a feverish pace all over the globe, the number of confirmed cases in Brazil is higher than ever before and experts are telling us that a “fourth wave” has begun in Europe.

Could it be possible that the vaccines are not going to be the “saviors” that so many people were anticipating?

At this point, more than 2.7 million victims have already died from COVID, and more are passing away every single day.

But even though so many bad things have already happened, if you are familiar with my new book then you already know that I believe that what is on the horizon is going to be much worse.

We live at a time when everything that can be shaken will be shaken, and what we have experienced so far is just the beginning.

So buckle up and get ready for a bumpy ride, because things certainly aren’t going to be getting any easier.

The Polio vaccine rollout–the 40,000 injured kids, the secret contamination with cancer-causing monkey viruses, and the surge in cancer cases 30 years later

NaturalNews – The Polio Vaccine, like all others, came about because of public demand for it. Public demand comes down to one word: Fear. Rightfully so, because people who don’t understand the nature of viruses want to rush “science” to find a “cure”. The same is true for cancer. Rushing a vaccine is never a good idea; the long-term consequences can never be determined in short-term trials. The same mistakes hold true today.

After years of watching loved ones slowly succumb to the terrifying struggle to walk and breathe, followed by destruction of the brain-the word polio struck fear into the heart of every American. At the height of the “epidemic” in the early 1950s, over 58,000 Americans became crippled or died—most were children. Stadium sized hospital wards were full of “iron lung” machines for those who became too weak to breathe on their own.  (historyofvaccines.org resource below)

President Franklin Roosevelt (himself crippled with polio before entering the White House), as well as the most powerful political forces at the time, supported a national scientific effort to create a vaccine. One of Roosevelt’s friends organized The March of Dimes—an organization that collected millions of dollars of dimes from grade school children to help finance the research effort.

Jonas Salk postulated that if you grew the poliovirus in the lab, killed it, and then injected it into healthy children—the dead viruses would not be able to reproduce, so no harm would come to the children. Their immune systems would detect the presence of the virus, mount a strong defense and would produce a supply of antibodies in the process. Then –the child’s fully primed immune system would be ready to repel any live poliovirus that attacked them in the future. His trials in 1953 and ’54 were successful. Newspaper headlines excitedly proclaimed, “SALK’S VACCINE WORKS!”— “POLIO VACCINE IS SAFE, EFFECTIVE AND POTENT”.

Five laboratories began producing the vaccine with a process designed by Salk. The excitement was palpable.  

“The results of years of research, millions of dollars of investment, and the fate of thousands of crippled children were ready for the most publicized and anticipated event in in the history of medicine.” Dr. Mary’s Monkey

“On April 12, 1955, the tenth anniversary of Roosevelt’s death, Francis announced that Salk’s vaccine was effective and potent in preventing polio. Within just two hours, the US Public Health Service issued a production license and the foundation prepared for a national immunization program. The conference had been live-broadcasted to physicians all over the country who had gathered in movie theaters to watch the announcement, millions of Americans received the news over the radio, spontaneously putting down their work in celebration of the news.” (ourworldindata.org resource below)

What didn’t make the news was what happened right before the “most anticipated event in the history of medicine”.

At the last minute, a brilliant government scientist working in bacteriology at the National Institutes of Health was given the order to safety-test the vaccine. When Bernice Eddy, M.D., PhD. injected the polio vaccine into her monkeys, they fell paralyzed in their cages. Eddy knew immediately that the virus in the vaccine was not dead as Salk had proclaimed, but was alive and ready to replicate. This had to be reported.

Eddy sent pictures of the paralyzed monkeys to her bosses at NIH and warned them of the upcoming tragedy if the vaccine proceeded as planned. Several prominent doctors from around the country joined those in NIH management to use their reputations to proceed forward with the vaccine. One of these was Dr. Alton Ochsner. Ochsner was very influential and had friends in high places. He was also a stockholder in one of the laboratories that produced the polio vaccine. To show the country his trust in the vaccine, he inoculated his own grandchildren with it. The mass inoculation proceeded on schedule, despite Dr. Bernice Eddy’s warning.

Within days, 40,000 children developed polio—some were crippled and some died. Dr. Ochsner’s grandson died. His granddaughter contracted polio but survived. A huge lawsuit followed. The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare stepped down. The Director of the National Institutes of Health, (Dr. Eddy’s boss) resigned. It was the biggest scandal in medical history.

40,000 children developed polio within days of getting the first polio vaccine. But you never read about this in history books. And of course, the whistle blower was punished for doing the right thing. But Bernice Eddy was far from finished.

Bernice Eddy was removed from polio research and demoted to the influenza section. Eventually, a second vaccine was released that was created by Albert Sabin that used a weakened live virus instead of a dead one. It appeared to work.

In 1957, Bernice Eddy and her lunch partner Sarah Stewart, both working at NIH, discovered the “polyoma virus”, which produced several types of cancer in a variety of small animals. Polyoma proved that viruses caused some cancers. By 1959, Eddy, who was still officially assigned to the flu vaccine project, worried that something much worse than polio was going on with the vaccines. The vaccine manufacturers had been growing their polioviruses on monkey kidneys. When they removed the poliovirus from monkey kidneys, they also removed an unknown number of other monkey viruses. As time went on, more and more viruses were found.   Confronted with mounting evidence that some monkey viruses caused cancer, Eddy began to wonder if they had inoculated an entire generation of Americans with cancer causing monkey viruses. This time, she kept her research secret, until the proof was undeniable.

In October of 1960, Bernice Eddy gave a talk to the New York Cancer Society and without any warning to her NIH superiors, announced that she had examined the monkey kidney cells in which the poliovirus was grown, and found that they were indeed infected with cancer-causing viruses. This was essentially a forewarning of a cancer epidemic in America, considering how many people had been inoculated.

Needless to say, her bosses at NIH were not happy. The last thing they needed the public to hear was that a cancer epidemic caused by monkey viruses were in the polio vaccine. This time, they destroyed Bernice Eddy professionally. They removed her from the lab, destroyed her animals, served a gag order on her, prohibiting her from attending professional conferences, and delaying the publication of her scientific papers. That still did not stop her. And she wasn’t the only one who knew the truth.

Funny how some things never change. I bet the America’s Frontline Doctors can relate to Dr. Eddy. And instead of transparency and truth—the top government scientists feared there might be a problem involving contamination of the polio vaccine long before they acted upon it. But they had already inoculated millions of children. So they instead classified it as National Security and kept it secret. Dr. Ochsner was asked to look into the matter.

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