July 5, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: March 24, 2022


North Korea tests banned intercontinental missile

North Korea has tested a banned intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) for the first time since 2017, South Korea and Japan say.

Japanese officials said it flew 1,100 km (684 miles) and fell in Japanese waters after flying for over an hour.

ICBMs, designed for nuclear arms delivery, could extend North Korea’s strike range as far as the US mainland.

The test is being seen as a major escalation by the North and has been condemned by its neighbors and the US.

North Korea has launched a flurry of missile tests in recent weeks.

The US and South Korea have said some of those tests, which Pyongyang claimed were satellite launches, were in fact trials of parts of an ICBM system.

Thursday’s missile appeared to be newer and more powerful than the one North Korea fired five years ago, reaching an altitude of more than 6,000km (3,730 miles), according to Japanese officials

South Korea’s military responded with five missile tests of its own, from land, sea and air. The United States condemned the North for a “brazen violation” of UN Security Council resolutions.

Corbett: Globalists Release Timeline for Health Tyranny

One thing you learn after spending years in the conspiracy realist space: when the globalists tell you that something is about to happen, you’d better believe they’re hard at work behind the scenes to make that “prediction” a reality.

For example, when 9/11 suspect Philip Zelikow takes to the pages of Foreign Affairs to “warn” about the “eminent threat” of “Catastrophic Terrorism” that, “like Pearl Harbor,” will “divide our past and future into a before and after,” you’d better believe his neocon cronies are about to deliver a 9/11 to the public.

When Bill Gates “warns” us that “we’re not ready” for what he calls “the next epidemic,” you’d better believe that he’s using his monopolization of global “health” to prime the pump for the COVID scamdemic.

When Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping release a joint statement vowing to “accelerate the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” by cooperating on “key areas” like “vaccines and epidemics control, financing for development, climate change, sustainable development, including green development, industrialization, digital economy, and infrastructure connectivity,” you’d better believe they are actively collaborating on the promotion of an AI-driven, Fourth Industrial Revolution globalist agenda with their WEF cronies.

And when the globalists release a detailed timeline telling you exactly what the next steps are in the rollout of the global biosecurity security state, you’d better believe they are hard at work erecting that enslavement grid as we speak.

Luckily for us, we do not need to be mind readers or fortune-tellers to know what the globalists are preparing for our dystopian future. We simply have to read their documents. And boy, have they released some real doozies in the past month: three documents that lay out a precise timeline and an overview of what they’re hoping to achieve and how they’re hoping to achieve it.

Phase 2 of The Great Reset: War

We’re being hit with one crisis after another, but there’s nothing “organic” or natural about these crises. They seem manufactured and intentional because they all strengthen, support and further the technocratic plan for a Great Reset

Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, has relaxed its hate speech policies in certain countries — but only as long as the hatred is directed against Russians. While hatred against an attacker is normal, one day, the designated target for “justifiable hatred” may be you

We cannot continue to accept the idea of “justifiable hatred” — that it’s OK to hate and call for violence against any one group — because the target group of the day is decided by powers that ultimately seek to destroy us all

World war is Phase 2 of The Great Reset plan, which includes the destruction of supply chains, the energy sector, food supply and workforce, to create dependency on government, which in turn will be taken over by private interests and central banks through the collapse of the global economy

Pandemic lockdowns have sped up the Fourth Industrial Revolution — the transhumanist dream to merge man and machine, which will allow the technocratic elite to control all of mankind — and disruptions caused by war will speed it up even further


Senior official: US to welcome 100,000 Ukrainian refugees

The United States will welcome up to 100,000 Ukrainians and others fleeing Russia’s aggression, a senior administration official announced Thursday.

“To meet this commitment, we are considering the full range of legal pathways to the United States,” the official said, which includes US refugee admissions program, parole and immigrant and non-immigrant visas.

More than 3.5 million refugees have now fled Ukraine, according to data from the UN refugee agency released on Tuesday. A vast majority of those refugees have fled to Ukraine’s western neighbors across Europe.

The official said the White House will not have to ask Congress to expand the current cap on annual refugees, which is set at 125,000 for fiscal year 2022, because it is more of a “long-term commitment” and there will be other avenues for many of those Ukrainians to enter the United States.

5 Key Takeaways From Judge Jackson’s Hearing

Supreme Court nominee Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, President Joe Biden’s pick to replace retiring Justice Stephen Breyer, fielded over a dozen hours of questions during three days of her confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Here are some of the key takeaways from those hearings:

  1. Jackson Backs Off From Committed Judicial Philosophy
  2. Jackson Questioned on If She Would Overturn Precedent
  3. ‘I’m Not a Biologist’: Jackson on What Is a Woman
  4. Jackson Pressed on Child Porn Sentencing
  5. Dems Emphasize Jackson Would Be 1st Black Female Justice

HERE IT IS: Ketanji Brown Jackson’s Disgusting Harvard Law Review Article on Being Nicer to Sex Offenders

Joe Biden’s radical, America-hating nominee for the the US Supreme Court is the latest assault on the country by Biden and the Democrat Party.

Ketanji Brown has a lengthy record of being soft on sex crimes, pushing a radical anti-American agenda, making outlandish decisions that are overturned even by liberal courts, and defending Gitmo killers.

On Tuesday, Ted Cruz got his first crack at questioning Biden Supreme Court nominee Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, and the Texas Senator did not hold back one bit.

Cruz, who attended Harvard Law School at the same time as Jackson, used his legal expertise to grill his former classmate over her extraordinarily lenient sentencing record when it comes to sexual predators – especially ones who possess child porn.

Following up on Sen. Josh Hawley’s opening remarks yesterday, in which he laid out Jackson’s troubling history with these types of offenders, Cruz broke down each of the ten cases involving child pornography that Jackson presided over and showed exactly how much time she shaved off their recommended punishments.

In every child pornography case – 10/10 – Jackson gave the mandatory minimum sentence that was allowed by law, and/or drastically reduced their jail time far below the prosecution’s recommendation.

And, as Cruz points out, that’s while she served in the Washington DC District Court, which has prosecutors who are substantially more ‘liberal’ than most areas in the country.

Yet, somehow, Jackson inexplicably reduced jail time for these crimes by an average of nearly half (47%) “100% of the time,” according to Cruz.

And now Ketanji Brown Jackson’s HARVARD LAW REVIEW Article on being nicer to sex offenders was dug up by Radio Patriot and posted online.

Ketanji Jackson did not just hand out lenient sentences on sex crimes, she wrote about it at Harvard!

Read teh Review Article Here: Ketanji Brown Jackson: Prevention Versus Punishment Toward a Principled Distinction in the Restraint of Released Sex Offender 

Officials in major U.S. city named for 2020 presidential election ‘bribery’

A complaint has been filed with the Wisconsin Elections Commission bringing bribery allegations against the mayor, a former mayor and the city clerk of Milwaukee over their actions leading up to and during the 2020 president election.

Officials with the Thomas More Society, acting on behalf of a Milwaukee voter, levied the claims against Milwaukee Acting Mayor Cavalier Johnson, former Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett and City Clerk Jim Owczarski.

The allegations are that the officials acted in violation of Wisconsin’s bribery law by “accepting private money from the Center for Tech and Civic Life in order to facilitate in-person and absentee voting and to purchase and place absentee ballot drop boxes.”

The complaint also charges that the city’s absentee ballot drop boxes actually were illegal under state law.

“This is representative of a national trend, explained Erick Kaardal, a Thomas More Society special counsel. “Sixteen states have now passed legislation to ban or regulate the acceptance and use of private funds by public election officers. Thomas More Society attorneys, prior to the 2020 election, were the first to litigate this issue. Thomas More Society lawyers filed litigation in nine states. All of this litigation led to successful legislative action to ban this ‘dark money.’

“Arizona, Georgia and Texas passed legislation addressing this issue; and, in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, the legislature passed laws regulating this conduct, but those laws were vetoed by Democrat governors. Three other states, Minnesota, Iowa, and South Carolina have passed bills regulating this conduct, and are now waiting for those bills to be enacted,” he said.

The Milwaukee complaint followed similar complaints against officials in Racine, Green Bay, Kenosha and Madison, which also asserted violations of election law and bribery of election officials by the Center for Tech and Civic Life.

The legal team explained, “The Milwaukee complaint contends that Barrett and Owczarski entered into an agreement with the Center for Tech and Civic Life, a partisan, special interest organization, to accept $3.4 million to facilitate in-person and absentee voting in the city, which is a violation of Wisconsin law. The Center for Tech and Civic Life is a non-profit Chicago-based organization, led and staffed by former Democratic activists and funded by billionaire Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, to influence the 2020 election.”

Leaders of 10 Major US Airlines Call on Biden to Drop Mask Mandates, Pre-Departure Testing Requirements

The advocacy group Airlines for America issued President Joe Biden a letter demanding the end of mask mandates for transportation, and other COVID-19 requirements, such as pre-departure testing for international flights.

The letter from the group’s board of directors was signed by the leaders of 10 major U.S. airlines, including American Airlines, United Airlines Holdings, Delta Air Lines, and Southwest Airlines.

Others include the leaders of UPS Airlines, Fedex Express, JetBlue Airways, Alaska Air Group, and Atlas Air Worldwide.

“We are encouraged by the current data and the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions from coast to coast, which indicate it is past time to eliminate COVID-era transportation policies,” the group wrote in their letter, which comes as overall numbers of infections decline in the nation, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

All 50 U.S. states have announced plans to lift indoor mask mandates.

The airlines’ CEOs and presidents said they implemented various policies voluntarily at the start, including mask mandates, contact tracing, and enhancing cleaning protocols, and later followed measures imposed by the CDC including pre-departure testing and vaccination requirements for international travelers.

“However, much has changed since these measures were imposed and they no longer make sense in the current public health context. The persistent and steady decline of hospitalization and death rates are the most compelling indicators that our country is well protected against severe disease from COVID-19,” the group wrote.

“Given that we have entered a different phase of dealing with this virus, we strongly support your view that ‘COVID-19 need no longer control our lives.’

“Now is the time for the Administration to sunset federal transportation travel restrictions—including the international predeparture testing requirement and the federal mask mandate—that are no longer aligned with the realities of the current epidemiological environment.”

Kansas, Kentucky Set to Be First ‘Ballot Tests’ in Post-Roe America

A post-Roe world is being assembled by state legislatures across the country in anticipation of the United States Supreme Court in June or July overturning its 1973 Roe v Wade ruling that established the constitutional right to abortion.

All sides of the abortion debate expect the court to uphold a Mississippi law that bans abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy when it rules on Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, and to return regulation of abortion to the states.

Lawmakers in state capitals nationwide have been revising state abortion laws and regulations over the past two years to prepare for Roe, which allowed abortions up to 22-24 weeks, being struck down.

According to the Guttmacher Institute, a research and policy nonprofit that supports abortion rights, at least 531 “anti-abortion restrictions” were introduced in 40 states during 2022 sessions after lawmakers in 2021 adopted more than 100 laws restricting abortion, the most in any year in the past five decades.

At least 26 states are likely to either ban abortion outright or severely limit access to the procedure, the Guttmacher Institute maintains, if the Supreme Court returns the issue to states, as expected. According to Congressional Quarterly/Fiscal Note, at least 12 states have adopted “trigger bans,” which would instantly prohibit abortion in their state if the court overturns Roe or sends it back to the states.

Lawmakers in Arizona, Florida, West Virginia, and Idaho are among state lawmakers who have adopted—or are considering doing so in 2022 sessions—15-week bans similar to Mississippi’s while Idaho is among Republican-controlled legislatures that had adopted bills similar to Texas’ 2021 law that allows anyone to file lawsuits against anyone who knowingly “aids or abets” an abortion after the sixth week of pregnancy.

Meanwhile, progressive-controlled states, such as New Jersey and Vermont, have gone in the opposite direction in passing measures that protect access to abortion.

Supreme Court Won’t Say Whether Justice Clarence Thomas Remains Hospitalized

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas on March 23 missed his third consecutive day of oral arguments after being hospitalized earlier in the month as the court refuses to provide an update on his condition.

Thomas, 73, “is unable to be present today,” Chief Justice John Roberts told the court, before continuing to repeat a line word-for-word about the justice participating in the decisions on all the cases the court has been hearing.

Thomas began missing oral arguments on Monday, a day after a court spokeswoman revealed he had been hospitalized with an infection on Friday.

The spokeswoman told The Epoch Times that the infection is not related to COVID-19 but declined to share more details on the justice’s condition.

In a statement that day, the court said Thomas was “resting comfortably” and “his symptoms are abating.” It also said he was expected to be discharged from the hospital “in a day or two.” It said he was being treated with intravenous antibiotics.

The court didn’t respond to an email on Wednesday. Reached by phone, a spokeswoman refused to say whether the justice is still in the hospital.

She pointed back to the March 20 press release, adding, “That’s the only information we have available at this time.”

Ginni Thomas, the wife of the justice, has not commented publicly on his status and has not responded to requests for comment.

Sibley Memorial Hospital has declined to share details about Thomas, including whether he is still being cared for at the facility.

Thomas is the longest-serving justice on the court and the second-oldest.

Republicans Received Judge Jackson Records Hours Later Than Democrats

Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee received Judge Kentaji Brown Jackson’s court records hours after Democrats received them, Judiciary Chairman Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) admitted.

Since before Jackson’s hearings began, Republicans have said that they were having trouble receiving the full documents of Jackson’s record with the U.S. Sentencing Commission, a group created in 1984 for the stated purpose of “[reducing] sentencing disparities and [promoting] transparency and proportionality in sentencing.”

“So far, the Sentencing Commission has refused to turn over all Judge Jackson’s records from her time there,” said Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) in a March 16 Twitter thread discussing Jackson’s “alarming pattern” of leniency toward those in possession of child porn. In light of what we have learned, this stonewalling must end. We must get access to all relevant records.”

During the first round of Jackson’s hearings Monday, Judiciary Republicans still had not received the documents.

“I was disappointed we weren’t able to get bipartisan agreement to ask for Judge Jackson’s documents from her time as Vice Chair at the Sentencing Commission,” Ranking Member Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) said in his opening statement.

Late Tuesday night, Republicans finally received the requested documents but received them several hours after Democrats.

Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) referenced Jackson’s probation recommendation records during her questions to Jackson on Tuesday, suggesting that Democrats had had enough time to look through the documents.

Just before taking a dinner break from the hearing, which was over 12 hours long, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) renewed GOP demands for access to the records, citing Hirono’s use of the documents in her own questions.

“To the best of my knowledge, those probation recommendations are not in the record. I haven’t seen them, my staff hasn’t seen them,” Cruz said before suggesting that the White House had given the records to Democrats but not to Republicans.

“You know we completed discovery before this hearing,” Judiciary Chairman Dick Durbin interjected.

“How did Senator Hirono get that information that Republicans have not been given?” Cruz responded.

“I’m not gonna entertain this,” Durbin said.

“Do you have access to them?” Cruz asked.

“I don’t know if I do, I really don’t,” Durbin responded, putting an end to the discussion by ordering the beginning of the 10-minute dinner break.

Later, Durbin seemed to admit that he did have access to the records, but only after they had been handed to Republicans as they returned from their dinner break.

‘Condescending’ Biden, Democrats losing key congressional districts

Voters in key congressional battleground districts find President Biden and Democrats to be “out of touch” and “condescending,” holding them responsible for record-high inflation, soaring crime and the illegal immigration crisis.

The voters, who were queried in a poll commissioned by the National Republican Congressional Committee, overwhelmingly support Republicans, reported the Washington Examiner’s Paul Bedard.

Significantly, the survey covered 77 battleground congressional districts that Biden won in 2020 by 5 and a half points.

Only 40% of voters in the key districts approve of the job Biden is doing, while 55% disapprove.

Republicans lead the generic ballot by 4 points, Bedard noted, a 7-point improvement on the generic ballot since February 2021.

Overall, 75% of swing voters in the polled districts agree that Democrats are out of touch with everyday people and are condescending toward voters.

The biggest issue of concern is the economy, with 46% of battleground voters putting it at the top of their list. A total of 26% of battleground voters say inflation and the cost of living are the most important issues.

While the Biden and his administration have blamed Vladimir Putin and his invasion of Ukraine for high gas prices, 52% of battleground voters blame Biden and congressional Democrats. The voters note the administration’s unwillingness to allow more oil and gas production in the United States.

Nolte: Donald Trump’s Favorability Rating Tops Every National Political Figure

Former President Donald Trump’s favorability rating is in much better shape than every national political figure, including those the corporate media spend billions of dollars to protect.

What’s key about “favorability” is that it’s basically a “likability” poll. A winning favorability rating means the public likes you, which can be even more important than your job approval ratings. A good example is Barack Obama.

Twitter Censors Tucker Carlson for Supporting Babylon Bee

Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, the most popular cable news host on television, is the latest victim of Twitter censorship as the platform cracks down on anyone who even jokes about the fact that Biden administration Health & Human Services Assistant Secretary Rachel Levine is a biological man.

The censorship of Tucker follows the censorship of the official account of conservative satirical website The Babylon Bee, the editor-in-chief of the same website, and Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk, both because of tweets referring to Levine by his biological gender.

Carlson had posted screenshots of tweets by the Babylon Bee and Kirk, stating that “both these tweets are true.”

The Bee’s tweet, a joke, said that the site’s Man of the Year award was going to Rachel Levine — a dig at USA Today for nominating Levine as one of their woman of the year.

Kirk’s pointed out that “Rachel” Levine lived for 52 years as a man, complete with a wife and family, and questioned why more feminists were not objecting to USA Today’s decision.

Simply for stating that the tweets were true, Tucker was censored by Twitter as well. The tweet is now no longer available on Twitter because it “violates the Twitter rules” against “hateful conduct.”

The Babylon Bee has been told that it must delete its tweet calling Levine a man before the account will be unlocked and allowed to tweet again. The site’s CEO, Seth Dillon, has said he plans to fight the suspension rather than cave in to Twitter’s demands.

The Babylon Bee’s editor-in-chief, Kyle Man, was also banned by Twitter after mocking the far-left platform’s censorship. Mann tweeted that maybe the Bee will be allowed to tweet again “if we throw a few thousand Uighurs in a concentration camp,” as Chinese authorities are still allowed to tweet.

US Judge Rules Cruise Lines Docking in Cuba Trafficked in Stolen Property

A Miami federal judge has ruled that four major cruise lines—Carnival, Norwegian, Royal Caribbean and MSC Cruises—violated a ban on tourism and engaged in “trafficking” of confiscated property by allowing passengers to disembark at a port terminal in Havana that was confiscated decades ago by the communist government in Cuba following the Cuban Revolution.

The ruling, issued Monday by U.S. District Judge Beth Bloom of the Southern District of Florida, represents a rare win for a claimant brought under Title III of the Helms-Burton Act that aims to compensate individuals whose property was confiscated in Cuba.

Havana Docks, an American company, held a concession to operate the port of Havana. It was never compensated when Cuban leader Fidel Castro nationalized the port facilities in 1960. The company is represented by Roberto Martínez, Stephanie A. Casey, Zachary A. Lipshultz and Aziza F. Elayan-Martinez of Colson Hicks Eidson, a trial law firm based in Coral Gables, Florida; and Rodney S. Margol of Margol & Margol, a civil litigation firm in Jacksonville.

The cruise lines, which could now be liable for huge damages awards, are represented by a lineup of top firms in Big Law. Royal Caribbean Cruises is represented by Scott D. Ponce and Sanford L. Bohrer of Holland & Knight; Carnival Corp. is represented by Stuart H. Singer of Boies Schiller Flexner, Pedro A. Freyre of Akerman and George J. Fowler III of Jones Walker; Norwegian Cruise Line is represented by Richard C. Lorenzo and Allen P. Pegg of Hogan Lovells; and MSC Cruises is represented by J. Douglas Baldridge, Andrew T. Hernacki and Justin B. Nemeroff of Venable.

Law.com International has reached out to all of the law firms involved for comment. They  declined to comment.

Florida Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Appeal on Textbooks Being Used in Florida School District

On March 18, the Florida Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal filed by the Collier County School Board over a lower court ruling stating the school board violated the state’s Sunshine Laws during its textbook selection process in the 2016–2017 school year.

Attorneys for the parents’ rights organization that filed the initial lawsuit assert that the same illegal process was used for the adoption of books for the 2021–2022 school year and have filed motions to have every textbook removed, or to have the court “order the school district to immediately start the textbook adoption process all over again.”

As explained on the website for Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody, “Florida’s Government-in-the-Sunshine law provides a right of access to governmental proceedings at both the state and local levels,” and “virtually all state and local collegial public bodies are covered by the open meetings requirements.”

On Sept. 15, 2021, The Epoch Times reported that the Second District Court of Appeal of Florida had ruled the “textbook committee” process used by the Collier County School Board to review and approve textbooks had violated Florida’s Sunshine Laws.

“The Sunshine Law applies to the Textbook Committees, and the failure to give reasonable notice to the public of their meetings resulted in violations of the Sunshine Law,” the court concluded. “Further, the School Board did not cure the violations.”

“This has huge ramifications for every Florida school district that uses a committee to adopt and purchase textbooks,” Keith Flaugh, managing director of Florida Citizens Alliance, told The Epoch Times. “This rules that school boards who delegate textbook selection to their superintendent, who subsequently delegates to a committee, must operate in the sunshine with proper public notice of every committee meeting. It’s a huge win.”

Moreover, Flaugh contends that “every textbook that [Collier County Public Schools] has adopted since is tainted unless they can prove they cured the original public notice requirement of the Sunshine Law. It also means that the English Language Arts (ELA) and math textbooks that [Collier County Public Schools] just adopted on March 8 are null and void because all of their committee meetings to finalize those recommendations also failed to comply with the Sunshine Law and the basis for this original case.”

Brantley Oakey, an attorney for Florida Citizens Alliance, has filed motions with the local court to amend the final judgment entered by the Second District Court of Appeal.

“In September, the Second District Court of Appeal entered a ruling that found the trial court had erred and the school board of Collier County had violated the Florida Sunshine Laws in the way they went about adopting the textbooks for the 2016–2017 cycle,” Oakey explained to The Epoch Times, “which included all of the social studies or social science textbooks for every grade in Collier County.”

While the school board sought a rehearing with the Second District Court, that appeal was denied. A move to have the Second District Court stay the effect of the ruling until they could review it with the Florida Supreme Court (FSC) was also denied. A subsequent petition with the FSC to take the case and stay the mandate from the Second District Court was also denied, as was the petition to have the FSC itself review the case.

“That means the school board has exhausted any and all remedies at trying to stay the effect of the Second District’s mandate and there’s no further possibility for appeal,” Oakey concluded.

Because the process used in 2017 was deemed to have violated Florida law, and the same process was used to adopt the current textbooks, Oakey contends that “every textbook being used in Collier County is unapproved and therefore illegal because state law requires that every textbook be approved through a specific approval process in the district.”

“We have filed motions with the local court to amend the final judgment they entered, which is erroneous, to have it reflect the order of the Second District Court of Appeal and are asking the local court to enforce the Second District’s order, which specifically asks that every textbook be removed or they order the school district to immediately start the textbook adoption process all over again so all the textbooks currently being used in the classroom will go through the legal vetting process in the Sunshine where the public can participate in the meeting and provide input.”

Bidens Announce They Are Building a Wall – Around Their Delaware Beach House

Joe Biden has decided to build a wall, but not at the Southern border to protect the country, around his beach house in Delaware.

According to an attentive neighbor, the Bidens are requesting that they be allowed to build a bigger wall around their beach house in Delaware.

CDMedia reports:

An observant resident of Rehoboth Beach, DE, Joe Biden’s home community, brought to our attention that Jill Biden has applied for a variance from the Sussex County Planning and Zoning Commission to make the fence around their compound higher.


Non-COVID Excess Deaths Decline in Ages 18-49

Last year’s dramatic spike in excess deaths—mortality not attributed to COVID-19—has appeared to wane. Between October and January, the number of such deaths decreased by more than half, according to death certificate data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

In January, fewer than 7,500 Americans died in excess of the average for the same month in 2019 and 2018, before the COVID-19 pandemic, adjusted for the country’s population change. About 5,000 of those deaths were attributed to COVID-19, leaving fewer than 2,500 to other causes.

By contrast, in September, there were over 14,000 such excess deaths, with fewer than 9,000 attributed to COVID.

The non-COVID excess deaths reached their peak between May and October last year, when more than 5,000 such deaths occurred each month. In the 12 months ending October 2021, there was an excess death spike of more than 40 percent, compared with the same period in 2018–2019. The January figure is the lowest since March 2020, when the pandemic was just taking off.

It is not clear what caused the decline.

The CDC warns that the death certificate data is preliminary, and has a lag of eight weeks or more. As such, the January numbers may still change.


Farmers Paying Triple for Fertilizer: We’re Not the Ones Raising Food Costs

Beep, beep, beep. It’s the familiar sound of food scanned and placed into bags at your local grocery store. You just went in for a few things and meant to keep it under $100. But you walk away with a new case of sticker shock and fewer bags than $100 used to buy.

Inflation has hit every link of the food chain, such as diesel that fuels tractors in the field, and the trucks that deliver food from farm to the food processor, to the warehouse, and then to the retail store.

Another cost impacting your grocery bill is a major jump in the price of fertilizer. Farmers are paying roughly three times what they paid in 2020.

“I think folks tend to forget—I hear the mainstream media talking a lot about it—the cost of farming went up and you’re going to see that in the grocery store. Well, that points the finger at the farmer, and that’s very frustrating because the farmer, we don’t set the price for our corn, or our beans, or cattle, or hogs, or chickens. We don’t set the price of fertilizer,” Iowa Corn Growers Association President Lance Lillibridge told The Epoch Times.

—> The Grow Network has a free webinar on how to grow food. Register for free at www.PowerHourFood.com

CCP Strategy Is to ‘Buy Off’ US Elites With Lucrative Deals in China’s Markets: Author Peter Schweizer

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) relies to a large degree on a strategy of luring powerful figures in American politics and business to extend its influence and avoid the consequences of its misdeeds, according to Peter Schweizer, author of the book “Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China.”

“The strategy is to buy off the elites in the United States by giving them lucrative deals and special access to the Chinese market,” Schweizer told NTD’s “China in Focus” program on March 21. NTD is an affiliate of The Epoch Times.

“It involves political figures, but it also involves corporate executives. And it’s a very effective strategy, and it hamstrings our ability to deal with the threat posed by the Beijing regime,”

The breadth and depth of the cross-section of American policymakers and businesspeople caught up in this web of influence is “scary,” he said. It encompasses the president’s family and the biggest names on Wall Street and in Silicon Valley, he added. Nor can the amounts of money involved be dismissed.

“We’re not talking about small sums of money, we’re talking about deep financial ties, whether it’s the tens of millions of dollars that the Biden family has received from CCP-linked businessmen, or whether it’s the billion-dollar deals, or more, that some firms on Wall Street or in Silicon Valley have received,” Schweizer said, referring to Hunter Biden’s, President Joe Biden’s son, alleged links to Chinese executives and companies.

Shocking Numbers Show That The Middle Class In The U.S. Is Being Systematically Destroyed

People often wonder why I get so upset about inflation.  Well, the truth is that there are many reasons, but one of the big ones is because it destroys the middle class.  This has been true for a long time, but here in 2022 prices are rising at a far faster rate than most of our paychecks are.  That means our standard of living is steadily going down.  It is taking more out of our incomes to pay for essentials such as housing, food and gasoline, and that is leaving a lot less money for other things.  Of course there are many Americans who are going into tremendous amounts of debt in order to maintain the standard of living that they are currently enjoying.  But going into debt only brings more pain in the long run.

As our leaders have absolutely flooded the system with new money, those at the very top of the economic food chain have greatly prospered.

Meanwhile, the colossal gap between the ultra-wealthy and the rest of us just continues to grow.

Today, almost 52 million American workers make less than $15 an hour…

With an effort by Democrats to boost the national minimum wage stalled, a new report finds that on average one in three U.S. workers is still making less than $15 an hour, while the share of women and people of color earning that amount is even greater.

Nearly 52 million U.S. workers — or 32% of the country’s workforce — earn less than $15 an hour, according to a report published Tuesday by Oxfam America. The data help quantify how many Americans could be impacted by the Raise the Wage Act, which would set a $15 federal hourly minimum and has been pending in Congress since January 2021.

Once upon a time, $15 an hour was a really good wage.

But thanks to inflation, in 2022 you simply cannot live a middle-class lifestyle in the United States on less than $15 an hour.

The Social Security Administration compiles extremely detailed information about how much money American workers make each year.  The final numbers for 2021 won’t be out for a number of months, but for 2020 the median yearly wage in the U.S. was just $34,612.04.

In other words, half of all American workers made more than $34,612.04 and half of all American workers made less than $34,612.04.

If you are making less than $34,612.04 per year, life is certainly not easy.  When you break that down, that is less than $3,000 a month, and that is before taxes are taken out.

That isn’t a lot of money.

In the old days, the vast majority of U.S. adults could look forward to owning a nice home, but now housing prices are soaring to absolutely absurd levels.  In fact, we just learned that the average price of a new home in the United States just rose above $500,000 for the first time ever

Nolte: Investors Want Far-left BuzzFeed News ‘Shut Down Entirely’

Far-left BuzzFeed News is facing cutbacks, losing $10 million a year, has zero impact on the news cycle, and investors want it “shut down entirely.”

“BuzzFeed is shrinking its money-losing news organization, the company announced Tuesday,” reports CNBC, “amid what people familiar with the matter describe as broader investor concern that the division is weighing down the company.”

“Weighing down the company.”


“Several large shareholders have urged BuzzFeed founder and CEO Jonah Peretti to shut down the entire news operation, said the people [familiar with the matter],” the report continues. “BuzzFeed News, which is part of its content division, has about 100 employees and loses roughly $10 million a year[.]”


Microplastics found in human blood for first time

Exclusive: The discovery shows the particles can travel around the body and may lodge in organs

Microplastic pollution has been detected in human blood for the first time, with scientists finding the tiny particles in almost 80% of the people tested.

The discovery shows the particles can travel around the body and may lodge in organs. The impact on health is as yet unknown. But researchers are concerned as microplastics cause damage to human cells in the laboratory and air pollution particles are already known to enter the body and cause millions of early deaths a year.

Huge amounts of plastic waste are dumped in the environment and microplastics now contaminate the entire planet, from the summit of Mount Everest to the deepest oceans. People were already known to consume the tiny particles via food and water as well as breathing them in, and they have been found in the faeces of babies and adults.

“Our study is the first indication that we have polymer particles in our blood – ​it’s a breakthrough result,” said Prof Dick Vethaak, an ecotoxicologist at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in the Netherlands. “But we have to extend the research and increase the sample sizes, the number of polymers assessed, etc.” Further studies by a number of groups are already under way, he said.

“It is certainly reasonable to be concerned,” Vethaak told the Guardian. “The particles are there and are transported throughout the body.” He said previous work had shown that microplastics were 10 times higher in the faeces of babies compared with adults and that babies fed with plastic bottles are swallowing millions of microplastic particles a day.

“We also know in general that babies and young children are more vulnerable to chemical and particle exposure,” he said. “That worries me a lot.”

Alcohol-Associated Deaths Surged During First 12 Months of CCP Virus Pandemic: Study

The number of Americans who died of alcohol-associated causes throughout the first 12 months of the COVID-19 pandemic has increased dramatically, according to a recent study.

The study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) on March 18, revealed that 99,017 U.S. citizens died of alcohol-related causes in 2020—a 25.5 percent increase from the 78,927 deaths documented in 2019.

Researchers noted that the most significant increase in deaths was among the 35 to 44 age group, amounting to nearly 40 percent of all deaths. The second age group that suffered most from lethal alcohol use were Americans aged 25 to 34, with males and females having a similar mortality rate.

The study analyzed data from the same year when there was a reported 54 percent increase in national sales of alcohol in March 2020 compared with the same period in 2019. Online alcohol sales for the week ending March 21, 2020, were also 262 percent higher in 2020 than in 2019.

Anxiety and pressure induced by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus pandemic contributed to the increase in drinking to cope with stress, researchers said. Other key factors include more emergency department visits for alcohol withdrawal and delays in treatment.

“The assumption is that there were lots of people who were in recovery and had reduced access to support that spring and relapsed,” Aaron White, one of the authors of the study, told The New York Times.

“Stress is the primary factor in relapse, and there is no question there was a big increase in self-reported stress, and big increases in anxiety and depression, and planet-wide uncertainty about what was coming next,” he said. “That’s a lot of pressure on people who are trying to maintain recovery.”

Most alcohol-related deaths were in people with an underlying liver condition or disease, followed by overdoses from alcohol, along with opioid overdose deaths that involved alcohol as a contributing cause.

Meanwhile, alcohol-related deaths among adults younger than 65 outnumbered CCP virus deaths in 2020. Approximately 74,408 Americans ages 16 to 64 died of alcohol-related causes, compared to 74,075 individuals under 65 who died of COVID-19, according to The New York Times.


‘Catastrophic’ bleed: Coroner concludes 34-year-old mom died of COVID vaccine

A coroner in England has concluded that a 34-year-old mother died from a “catastrophic” bleed on the brain caused by a COVID-19 vaccine.

Eight days after receiving an AstraZeneca shot, Kim Lockwood complained of an excruciating headache. About 17 hours after arriving at Rotherham Hospital in South Yorkshire, she was pronounced dead, BBC News reported.

She died one year ago, in March 2021, but the coroner said little was known at the time of her death about the link between the COVID-19 vaccine and the condition Lockwood suffered, Vaccine-Induced Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia, or VITT.

The coroner, Nicola Mundy, said that because of “medical advances,” the condition is better-recognized since the initial vaccine rollout.

Lockwood’s husband, Damian, said she had complained of being in so much pain “her head felt like it was going to explode.” Her father, Wayne Merrill, said his daughters last words to him were that her headache was “actually killing her.”

Government figures, the BBC said, show there have been 438 reported cases of VITT and 78 related deaths after an estimated 24.9 million first doses and 24.2 million second doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine.

How the COVID Vaccine Altered These People’s Lives

Some people who have received COVID-19 shots experience a range of debilitating symptoms or death

Healthy teenagers, athletes and doctors are among those who have died within hours or days of receiving COVID-19 shots

Others have experienced stroke-like symptoms, paralysis, tics, partial blindness and seizures following the shots

Increasing numbers of people are becoming compelled to speak out and share their stories of how COVID-19 shots altered their lives

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