July 16, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: March 26, 2021

World News

Russia & China to bolster financial security systems, reducing dependency on West in response to ‘threats from unfriendly nations’

RT – Money moving between Moscow and Beijing needs to be better protected against hostile states, Russia’s foreign minister has claimed, announcing that a payments system to rival Western alternatives will soon see more and more use.

At a press conference with his Chinese counterpart earlier this week, Sergey Lavrov said that the Bank of Russia Financial Messaging System will underpin increasing volumes of trade between the two countries. “Our respective fiscal authorities, financial departments and the Central Bank will expand its application,” the diplomat said.

Explaining the decision, he argued that Russia and China will do whatever it takes to prevent relations between Moscow and Beijing “from being exposed to any and all threats from nations that are unfriendly towards our countries.”

Houthis launch attacks on Saudi oil facilities, military sites

Saudi Arabia says it plans to take action after Yemen’s Houthis launch drone and missile attacks on sixth anniversary of Saudi intervention.

Al Jazeera – Yemen’s Houthi rebels say they have launched drone and ballistic missile attacks on Saudi Arabia, targeting oil facilities owned by the state-run Saudi Aramco company and military sites, coinciding with the sixth anniversary of the kingdom’s military intervention into the neighbouring country.

The Iran-aligned group on Friday said they launched attacks on Thursday against King Abdulaziz military base in Dammam and military sites in Najran and Asir. The group also said they targeted Aramco facilities in Ras Tanura, Rabigh, Yanbu and Jizan.

Doubts simmer over EU plan to fund new refugee camps in Greece

The bloc is set to announce a 250 million-euro ($295m) investment, but rights groups have told Al Jazeera the sites may not improve life for those on the islands.

AL Jazeera – A top European Union official is set to announce a 250-million euro ($295m) fund for new refugee camps to be built on Greece’s Aegean islands, but rights groups have warned the investment may do little to support those living in precarious conditions.

EU Commissioner for Home Affairs, Ylva Johansson, is expected to visit Lesbos and Samos on Monday with Greek Migration and Asylum Minister Notis Mitarachi.

Johansson has said the funds for the camps, or Multi-Purpose Reception and Identification Centres (MPRICs), should be sufficient for “acceptable standards”, to be delivered “on a reasonable timetable”.

The structures, planned to be ready before the end of the year, would not be “closed”, she wrote in a blog post on the European Commission website, published on Wednesday. “They will be humane, and allow for areas for families and vulnerable people.

“They will allow children to get schooling – essential so that precious years are not wasted.”

However, Greek authorities have repeatedly stated that the new sites will be “closed and controlled”.

Where is the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine made?

BBC – The European Union has stopped short of backing controversial plans to ban exports of vaccines produced in the bloc.

The EU is struggling with the slow pace of its vaccine rollout and is unhappy with pharmaceutical companies – primarily AstraZeneca – who, it says, have not delivered promised doses.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen says the firm must “catch up” on its promised deliveries to the EU and “honour the contract it has with member states”.

AstraZeneca – which has supplied millions of doses to the UK – denies that it is failing to honour its contract with the EU.

Where does the UK get its Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine from?

The Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine is made in the UK at two sites: in Oxford and Keele. A third plant in Wrexham puts the vaccine into vials and packages them up for distribution.

The UK has ordered 100 million doses. Almost all will come from within the UK, but 10 million doses are being made by the Serum Institute in India.

Half of these have already been received, with half held up by delays.

Israelis Cry Out to the World to Stop Mandatory COVID Injections as Lawsuit is Filed in International Criminal Court Over Nuremberg Code Violation

Health Impact News – The entire world is watching in horror as death rates have skyrocketed in Israel since the Israeli government brokered a secret deal with Pfizer to inject the entire population with their experimental COVID shots, which are now being mandated as a condition to participate in society. See:

Death Rates Skyrocket in Israel Following Pfizer Experimental COVID “Vaccines”

The National File reported this past week that a group of Israeli doctors, lawyers, campaigners and concerned citizens have hired the services of Tel Aviv-based firm A. Suchovolsky & Co. Law to file a criminal complaint in the International Criminal Court, stating that the mandatory vaccine laws are a violation of the Nuremberg Code.

Israel became one of the first nations in the world to mandate COVID-19 vaccines, and to introduce a COVID passport system that would only allow individuals to participate in society – including commerce – after they received the vaccine and were approved to join the system.

Now, a group of Israeli Jews are suing the Netanyahu administration in international court, making the case that Israel is violating the Nuremberg Code by essentially making Israelis subject to a medical experiment using the controversial vaccines.

Reporting for Church Militant, Jules Gomes wrote:

The Anshe Ha-Emet (People of the Truth) fellowship — comprising Israeli doctors, lawyers, campaigners and concerned citizens — complained to the ICC prosecutor at the Hague, accusing the government of conducting a national “medical experiment” without first seeking “informed consent.”

“When the heads of the Ministry of Health as well as the prime minister presented the vaccine in Israel and began the vaccination of Israeli residents, the vaccinated were not advised, that, in practice, they are taking part in a medical experiment and that their consent is required for this under the Nuremberg Code,” the Anshe Ha-Emet suit states.

Tel Aviv-based firm A. Suchovolsky & Co. Law argues that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s agreement with Pfizer and Netanyahu’s own admission make it clear that Israel’s warp-speed vaccination campaign “is indeed a medical experiment and that this was the essence of the agreement.”

The complaint has now been accepted by the International Criminal Court (ICC), and will be considered.

The Nuremberg Code was “written after Nazi doctors were put on trial for performing their medical experiments on concentration camp prisoners, stipulates that it is deeply unethical to force or coerce a person to take part in medical experiments,” according to a Jewish anthropologist. Those behind the lawsuit believe this is especially relevant after Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla called Israel the “world’s lab” due to its ready acceptance of the company’s COVID-19 vaccine.

This comes after an Israeli group decried the country’s green passport system, which allows only those who have taken the COVID-19 vaccine or developed immunity from the virus to engage in commerce and leave their homes, as “demonic” and a “second Holocaust.”

Read the full article at The National File.

U.S. News, Politics & Government

Dems describe saving unborn lives as ‘racist,’ target Hyde Amendment

The Daily Caller – Democratic senators plan to introduce legislation that would repeal the Hyde Amendment, arguing that the decades-old legislation is both “anti-choice” and “blatantly racist.”

The Equal Access to Abortion Coverage in Health Insurance Act will be introduced in Congress Thursday, the HuffPost reported, by Democratic Illinois Sen. Tammy Duckworth and Democratic California Sen. Barbara Lee. The legislation demands the reversal of the 1976 Hyde Amendment, which bans the use of federal funds for abortions.

Duckworth and Lee argue that the Hyde Amendment prevents low-income women and women of color from accessing abortions.

“This isn’t about what side you’re on in the abortion debate, it’s about equality and opportunity plain and simple,” Duckworth said Wednesday, HuffPost reported. “Whatever you think about the procedure, we should all agree that what’s legal for wealthy Americans should not be so inaccessible for Americans of color and low-income Americans.”

“Let’s call this amendment what it is: It’s anti-choice and it’s blatantly racist,” Lee said during a Wednesday call with reporters. “We know it disproportionately impacts low-income people and women of color. It should never have been signed into law and it’s way past time that it was repealed. The Hyde Amendment has been used by anti-choice politicians to keep abortion care out of the reach for people already marginalized by our health care system.”

Reverend Dean Nelson, the Human Coalition Action Executive Director, told the Daily Caller News Foundation Thursday that the Hyde Amendment is one of the few remaining legal barriers to “the abortion industry’s systematic and racist exploitation of people of color.”

“Across the country, Black women experience the highest abortion rate of any demographic, nearly five times higher than white women,” Nelson told the DCNF. “And even with the Hyde Amendment in place, the abortion industry already targets the poor with great success; close to half of the women who get abortions in America live below the federal poverty line.”

“The Hyde Amendment alone won’t halt the advance of abortion in America, but it does do something to protect Black lives,” Nelson said. “If the Democratic party seriously wants to fight racism, then it won’t repeal one of the few legal measures standing in the way of abortion’s Black genocide.”

Nolte: Michael Flynn Family Files $75 Million Defamation Suit Against Blue Anon’s CNN

Breitbart – “Michael Flynn’s brother and sister-in-law have sued CNN for $75 million, according to documents filed in New York federal court,” reports the far-left Daily Beast.

According to the suit, the Flynn family says CNNLOL — an extremist, far-left Blue Anon outlet that spreads conspiracy theories, fake news, and promotes blacklists and violence against Trump supporters — lied about them being followers of QAnon.

In early February, CNNLOL did a segment called “CNN[LOL] Goes Inside A Gathering Of QANON Followers” that included a video from Ret. Gen. Flynn’s Twitter account of a 4th of July get-together with his family. The video was of Flynn’s extended family, including his brother and sister-in-law, Jack and Leslie Flynn.

In the video, Jack and Leslie Flynn recite the Pledge of Allegiance and close with “Where we go one, we go all,” a slogan CNNLOL claims is used by QAnon.

The Flynns say their use of the slogan has nothing to do with QAnon and they are  “not followers or supporters of any extremist or terrorist groups, including QAnon.”

It is long, long, long past time for people to start suing Blue Anon outlets like CNNLOL and the New York Times, etc.

Unfortunately, the laws make this difficult, but that doesn’t mean people should give up. Nick Sandmann has successfully sued Blue Anon smear artists like CNNLOL and others. Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe just won a legal and moral victory that greatly embarrassed the far-left New York Times.

Hopefully, this country will come to its sense and we will someday open up the libel laws to stop this corporate-funded media  defamation. In the meantime, though, if you can prove actual malice — and CNNLOL is only about actual malice — you can make a big difference and maybe even make these Blue Anon monsters think twice before they smear the next person.

We need to bury these liars and make them pay for their lies by any peaceful means available, most especially litigation.

Dominion Voting Systems files $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit against Fox News

CNN – Dominion Voting Systems, a voting technology company that was the target of baseless conspiracy theories about the 2020 election, filed a $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit against the right-wing channel Fox News on Friday.

The company alleged that the network “recklessly disregarded the truth” and participated in a disinformation campaign against it because “the lies were good for Fox’s business.”

In the immediate aftermath of the 2020 election, then-President Donald Trump falsely asserted that the election had been rigged against him. His allies promoted outlandish conspiracy theories about Dominion to support Trump’s false claims.

“Fox took a small flame” of disinformation and “turned it into a forest fire,” Dominion said in its lawsuit.

Rachel Levine: first trans official to receive Senate confirmation

CS Monitor – Rachel Levine has been confirmed as assistant secretary for health in the Department of Health and Human Services, the first time the Senate has confirmed an openly trans person for a position.

Voting mostly along party lines, the U.S. Senate has confirmed former Pennsylvania Health Secretary Rachel Levine to be the nation’s assistant secretary of health. She is the first openly transgender federal official to win Senate confirmation.

The final vote Wednesday was 52-48. Republican Sens. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Susan Collins of Maine joined all Democrats in supporting Ms. Levine. Some Republicans objected over Dr. Levine’s past stances on hormone treatment used for transition for minors.

Dr. Levine had been serving as Pennsylvania’s top health official since 2017, and emerged as the public face of the state’s response to the coronavirus pandemic. She is expected to oversee Health and Human Services offices and programs across the United States.

Georgia’s restrictive new voting law hit with legal challenge

The Hill – Voting rights groups on Thursday night filed a lawsuit just hours after Georgia enacted a Republican-crafted law that gives state lawmakers more power over elections and imposes a raft of new voting restrictions.

The 35-page complaint filed in federal court in Atlanta alleges that minority voters will be hit especially hard by the new legislation, which plaintiffs say illegally suppresses voters’ rights in violation of constitutional protections and the 1965 Voting Rights Act.

According to the lawsuit, the new restrictions are “clearly intended to and will have the effect of making it harder for lawful Georgia voters to participate in the State’s elections,” adding that the measure will impose “unjustifiable burdens” that disproportionately impact people of color, as well as young, poor and disabled voters.

The lawsuit was filed shortly after Gov. Brian Kemp (R) signed a sweeping elections bill into law, tightening voting rules in the Peach State by limiting the use of ballot drop boxes and setting photo ID requirements for absentee voting, among other restrictions.

The GOP-controlled state General Assembly gave final approval to the measure in a party-line vote Thursday.

Biden Admin Urges SCOTUS to Allow Cops to Warrantlessly Raid Homes, Seize Guns of Innocent Citizens

Free Thought Project – Last month, the Free Thought Project reported on HR 127, the most tyrannical gun bill ever proposed. The bill would target the poor by forcing citizens to pay $800 per year to possess firearms that they are required to register. It also bans multiple legal guns and ammo types, turning tens of millions of Americans into felons over night. While this bill is, without a doubt, the worst gun bill in history, it didn’t lay out any guidelines for violating a citizen’s Fourth Amendment right. That was February, now we are in March and the Biden administration is encouraging the Supreme Court to rule that can cops enter a home to seize guns without a warrant and pushing a ban on millions of legal guns.

On Tuesday, after the tragic shooting in Boulder, Colo., Biden called for banning “assault weapons.”

“I don’t need to wait another minute, let alone an hour, to take common sense steps that will save lives in the future and to urge my colleagues in the House and Senate to act,” Biden said in remarks at the White House following Monday’s shooting. “We can ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines in this country once again. I got that done when I was a senator. … We should do it again.”

Then, on Wednesday, the US Court for 9th Circuit waged a massive attack against your right to self defense, concluding the 2nd Amendment does not guarantee right to carry firearms outside the home.

“There is no right to carry arms openly in public; nor is any such right within the scope of the Second Amendment,” U.S. Circuit Judge Jay Bybee, a George W. Bush appointee, wrote for the majority of an 11-judge panel in a 127-page opinion.

That escalated quickly.

Energy & Environment

Severe storms and tornadoes hit the South, killing at least 6 and leaving heavy destruction

CNN – Strong storms and tornadoes whipped across parts of the South on Thursday evening and Friday morning, killing at least five people in Alabama and one in Georgia, and leaving parts of several communities in ruins.

In Alabama and Georgia especially, tornadoes are believed to have caused devastating scenes evident Friday: homes and businesses ripped apart, and streets and yards littered with mangled debris.

One of the last tornadoes struck the western Georgia city of Newnan early Friday, the weather service said, tearing roofs and mangling trees and utility poles just after midnight.

Firefighters were going door to door in the city of about 40,000 people southwest of Atlanta on Friday morning, and helped several people from their homes after trees fell on the structures, a CNN crew there reported.

The storms killed at least one person in Newnan’s Coweta County, Fire Chief Deron Patrick Wilson said.

Branches, metal and other items were strewn across Newnan’s roads and fields.

New pesticides will modify insect genes: What could go wrong?

GM Watch  – Pesticides will broadcast “gene silencing” agents across our farm fields — resulting in an open-air genetic engineering experiment

EXCERPT: Farmers across the U.S. could soon fill their pesticide spray tanks with a substance known as interfering RNA (RNAi). (RNA is a molecule similar to DNA.) Insects that are exposed to it — either by eating crops sprayed with the substance or by landing on a crop and absorbing it through their bodies — would be genetically modified right there in the field. The pesticide would trigger a process inside the insects’ cells to switch off or “silence” genes that are essential for survival — like those needed to make new, healthy cells — thus killing them.

Science & Technology

Campaign Launched Against “Surveillance Advertising” via Tracking and Profiling People Based on Online History, etc.

Activist Post – Campaign Launched Against “Surveillance Advertising” via Tracking and Profiling People Based on Online History, etc.

While there is an overarching (and dubious) theme in the article below pointing to the rise of conspiracy theories and other “extremism” as a consequence of these Big Tech practices, the central concerns about data harvesting and misuse remain accurate. This is why Activist Post is heavily promoting the Presearch search engine as a decentralized and private solution to break a key component of this data collection, rather than begging for government intervention which likely would put our privacy and free speech in even greater peril.

From Common Dreams:

Big Tech ‘Making Billions’ Off Surveillance Advertising

A global coalition of nearly 40 groups launched a campaign to ban the practice of tracking and profiling people, then microtargeting ads at them based on their behavioral history, relationships and identity.

A global coalition of more than three dozen groups on Monday launched a campaign to ban surveillance advertising, which the leaders of the effort described as “the extractive profit model underlying so many of Big Tech’s worst behaviors.”

“Surveillance advertising — the core profit-driver for gatekeepers like Facebook and Google, as well as adtech middlemen — is the practice of extensively tracking and profiling individuals and groups, and then microtargeting ads at them based on their behavioral history, relationships, and identity” the coalition — co-organized by Accountable Tech and the American Economic Liberties Project — said in a joint statement.

In their joint statement released ahead of the March 25 House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing on “Social Media’s Role in Promoting Extremism and Misinformation,” the groups said that “Big Tech platforms amplify hate, illegal activities and conspiracism — and feed users increasingly extreme content — because that’s what generates the most engagement and profit.”

“Their own algorithmic tools have boosted everything from white supremacist groups and Holocaust denialism to COVID-19 hoaxes, counterfeit opioids and fake cancer cures,” the coalition added. “Echo chambers, radicalization and viral lies are features of these platforms, not bugs — central to the business model.”

“Facebook and Google’s monopoly power and data harvesting practices have given them an unfair advantage, allowing them to dominate the digital advertising market, siphoning up revenue that once kept local newspapers afloat,” said the coalition. The result is that “while Big Tech CEOs get richer, journalists get laid off.”

David Heinemeier Hansson, creator of Ruby on Rails and founder of Basecamp, lamented how “surveillance advertising has robbed newspapers, magazines and independent writers of their livelihoods and commoditized their work — and all we got in return were a couple of abusive monopolists. That’s not a good bargain for society.”

“By banning this practice,” he added, “we will return the unique value of writing, audio and video to the people who make it rather than those who aggregate it.”


EXPLOSIVE warning from a medical doctor about the COVID-19 Injection

Natural Health 365 – Astute readers who use social media might have come across a major gaffe by Instagram and Facebook “fact-checkers” recently, who have made the incredibly misleading claim that the COVID injection has been “approved” for use in the United States.  This may seem like a small matter of semantics, but as supplement companies know well, “approval” from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is a LOT different from “authorized for use” under emergency use authorization (EUA).

Indeed, the EUAs for the Pfizer, Moderna, and now Janssen jabs explicitly allow the FDA to authorize the use of “unapproved medical products.”  We bring this up to remind people what the media seems all too willing to brush aside: that these shots are investigational and there’s still a lot about them we don’t know.  Now, one Houston-area doctor is calling special attention to his concerns over the mRNA technology used to make the Pfizer and Moderna experimental drugs.

“Experimental gene therapy:” Houston doctor offers his thoughts on the true nature of COVID shot

In a video posted to Rumble.com on March 15, Houston doctor Dr. Steve Hotze talks about his professional opinion about what the mRNA COVID shot from Moderna and Pfizer really are.  Here are a few talking points from the 18-minute clip:

  • Dr. Hotze asserts that the current shots available for COVID-19 don’t provide immunity against COVID-19 — which explains why the FDA and CDC warn it’s still possible for people to get and spread SARS-CoV-2 even if they’ve gotten the jab.  Indeed, these unapproved “vaccines” — which were authorized for use without any long-term data nor published animal studies — do not meet the CDC’s own definition of a vaccine.  (You may notice that even Dr. Hotze inaccurately refers to the vaccines as having been “approved” by the government — goes to show you how blurry the lines truly are surrounding these drugs.)
  • What these experimental gene therapy drugs are actually designed to do is minimize your symptoms if you do become infected.
  • By law, pharmaceutical companies are not liable for vaccine-related injuries or deaths.  According to Dr. Hotze, this explains why Moderna and Pfizer (with the support of the US government) are deceptively marketing their drugs as vaccines, in order to preemptively protect themselves against future litigation.
  • Meanwhile, mRNA gene therapy has never before been tested in humans, “because of its failure in previous animal studies.”

In case you’re wondering, here’s how an mRNA COVID injection works, according to the FDA:

“The [Pfizer and Moderna] COVID-19 Vaccine contains messenger RNA (mRNA), which is genetic material.  The vaccine contains a small piece of the SARS-CoV-2 virus’ mRNA that instructs cells in the body to make the virus’ distinctive “spike” protein.  When a person receives this vaccine, their body produces copies of the spike protein, which does not cause disease, but triggers the immune system to produce an immune response against SARS-CoV-2.”

In other news: Why does the FDA seem so desperate for people NOT to talk about immune health?

Along with many other medical professionals, Dr. Hotze has received official warnings from the FDA for allegedly writing about products that are “intended to mitigate, prevent, treat, diagnose, or cure COVID-19.”  (It seems the government has a Google Alert set for any mention of “immune-boosting” or “immune function” and COVID-19 in the same sentence.)

Have you heard of this superfood? Here are 3 powerful benefits of moringa you need to know

Natural Health 365 – Moringa oleifera, also called the drumstick tree, horseradish tree, or miracle tree is native to India and can also be found growing in Asia, Africa, South America, and even some parts of the southern U.S.  As a medicinal plant, moringa has been used for thousands of years.  As has been the case for many traditional plants, there is now a resurgence in popularity and interest in this superfood as a nutritional supplement, which is typically consumed as a capsule, powder, or extract.

What are the reported health benefits of moringa, and how much should you take if you’re interested in adding it to your healthy lifestyle routine?  Let’s dive into some available research.

Moringa fights inflammation, but there are many other health benefits you should know

Overall, there is a limited amount of research right now on this medicinal plant, especially quality research involving human participants.  But so far, here are three things we currently know about the possible health benefits of moringa supplementation on human well-being:

  1. The moringa plant is highly concentrated in antioxidants including vitamin C, beta-carotene, and quercetin, all of which are known to help fight harmful inflammation.  And it appears that adding moringa leaf extract or powder to your daily routine can significantly increase antioxidants in your blood.  It also contains an isothiocyanate called moringin;  isothiocyanates are a class of plant compounds that have been shown to offer anticancer properties and support the body’s detoxification process.
  2. Taking moringa powder may help lower blood sugar levels.  One older study published in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition found that consuming 50 grams of moringa with a meal reduced rises in blood sugar by over 20 percent.  A more recent study in 2012 found that taking 1.5 teaspoons of moringa powder daily for three months was associated with a 13.5 percent reduction in fasting blood sugar levels, on average.
  3. Moringa may improve blood lipids.  A 2016 study published in EMJ Diabetes involving 20 men with diabetes or pre-diabetes determined that daily supplementation with moringa leaf powder was associated with decreased levels of triglycerides, LDL cholesterol, and total cholesterol after two to three months.  It’s important to note that these changes were also observed in the control group, and both groups saw increases in “healthy” HDL cholesterol levels — however, the increase was statistically more significant in the group taking moringa.

If you’re going to use moringa supplement, here’s how much you should take, according to the available data

Interested in trying moringa powder or extract yourself?  As always, we advise you to chat with your physician before adding any supplement to your routine, especially if you’re breastfeeding, pregnant, taking any other medications, or have a chronic health condition.

That said, consuming the fruit, seeds, and leaves of this plant is likely safe, especially if you select a high-quality product that uses sustainably sourced ingredients without added fillers (Kuli Kuli is a top-rated brand).

And while there’s not enough data to determine the exact amount you should take for optimal health benefits, research studies in humans have found positive results when subjects are taking anywhere from 1.5 teaspoons to 2 tablespoons of moringa powder per day or more.

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