July 1, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today's News: March 27, 2018

World News
Australia, Ireland join countries expelling Russians
STL Today – Australia and Ireland on Tuesday joined more than 20 other nations in expelling Russian diplomats in response to the nerve agent attack on a former Russian military intelligence officer and his daughter in Britain.
Crowds call for Putin to resign
BBC – Thousands of people have taken to the streets in the Siberian city of Kemerovo, angry at Russian officials over the leisure complex fire that killed at least 64 people.
Earlier, President Vladimir Putin visited Kemerovo and blamed “criminal negligence” for Sunday’s blaze.
41 Swedish Citizen Islamic State Fighters Arrested in Syria
Breitbart – Kurdish forces have arrested 41 Swedish citizens in Syria who left Sweden to fight for the Islamic State with five being described as high-level members of the terror organisation.
‘Smoking’ elephant in India baffles experts
BBC – A video of a wild elephant in India blowing out ash from a fire has baffled wildlife experts around the world.
Vinay Kumar, a scientist belonging to the Wildlife Conservation Society (India), filmed the 48-second video during a work trip to Nagarhole forest in Karnataka state in April 2016.
He told the BBC that he had not released the video until now because he did not “quite realise its importance”.
Scientists say they are still not clear why the elephant was blowing ashes.
“This is the first known video-documentation of a wild elephant exhibiting such behaviour, and this has scientists and experts puzzled,” a statement issued by Wildlife Conservation Society (India) said.
Abandoned medieval village found near Cambridge
Mail Online – An abandoned medieval village has been uncovered by workers upgrading a stretch of road near Cambridge.
The remains of 12 buildings cover an area of six hectares, and the entire layout of the settlement is discernible despite the fact it was deserted more than 1,800 years ago.
Earlier remains of up to 40 Anglo Saxon timber buildings are also identifiable, with alleys winding between houses, workshops and agricultural structures.
The village is thought to have been occupied from the eighth to the 12th centuries, according to a team of almost 250 archaeologists working on the site.
Artefacts uncovered during the project include a rare Anglo Saxon bone flute from the fifth to ninth century, an ornate Roman jet pendant depicting the head of Medusa, and a Middle Iron Age timber ladder.
U.S. News, Politics & Government
Planned Parenthood: We Need Disney Princess Who’s Had Abortion
Infowars- Planned Parenthood argued in support of new Disney characters Tuesday including a princess who’s had an abortion.
In a statement on Twitter, the “Planned Parenthood Keystone” account called on the animation company to expose children to numerous left-leaning themes.
The tweet, which received only 40 retweets, was deleted shortly after as both supporters and opponents of the organization voiced their concerns.
“Disney princesses are for CHILDREN and these are adult issues. Jesus,” one supporter said. “This far-out crap is why we got stuck with Donald Trump.”
Kill Americans to take their firearms, jokes Dem sheriff candidate
Activist Post – A Democratic candidate for sheriff in North Carolina is drawing fire after he suggested authorities should kill Americans to confiscate their firearms and then claimed he was joking.

  1. Daryl Fisher, a former Asheville police officer who has been in law enforcement since 1985, was speaking at a Moms Demand Action meeting on March 7, 2018, at the West Asheville Library when he made the controversial comments.

Fisher’s campaign
posted the following video of his speech on YouTube:
“Any weapon that is designed for use by the military, I think we should ban,” Fisher said. “You’ve heard people say you have to pry my gun from my cold, dead hands? (shrugs) OK.”
Retired Supreme Court Justice Stevens says Second Amendment should be repealed
Fox News – John Paul Stevens, the 97-year-old retired Supreme Court justice, is calling for the repeal of the Second Amendment and is encouraging anti-gun protesters to do the same.
Stevens, once the leader of the court’s liberals, said the “schoolchildren and their supporters” who have been demonstrating against school shootings should “seek more effective and more lasting reform.”
“They should demand a repeal of the Second Amendment,” Stevens wrote in an op-ed for the New York Times on Tuesday.
Liberty University Opens New Gun Range for Students
Newsmax – As schools across the nation wrestle with how to keep firearms off campus, Liberty University has opened a new gun range for students to brush up on their shooting skills.
The range, built at cost of $3.2 million, opened on Monday and is currently available only to students of the Christian school in Lynchburg, Virginia,
Google Just Partnered With Mainstream Media to Wipe Independent Journalism Off the Map
Free Thought Project –  Search engine and advertising monolith Google continued to press its offensive against alternative media this week with an announcement unveiling a new $300 million project called the Google News Initiative.
The initiative encompasses a range of new projects announced by the tech giant, which has long been accused of enjoying a monopoly position and of siphoning off digital advertising revenue from traditional news publishers.
Google sees it differently, however, and asserted in a press statement announcing the initiative that it “paid $12.6 billion to partners” while driving “10 billion clicks a month to publishers’ websites for free.” The company is now promising to continue working “with publishers to elevate accurate, quality content and stem the flow of misinformation and disinformation.”
Calif. AG to Sue Trump Admin. Over Citizenship Question in 2020 Census
Newsmax – California Attorney General Xavier Becerra announced on Monday that he is filing a lawsuit against the Trump administration over the inclusion of a citizenship question to the 2020 Census.
“We’re prepared to do what we must to protect California from a deficient Census. Including a citizenship question on the 2020 census is not just a bad idea — it is illegal,” Becerra and California Secretary of State Alex Padilla, wrote in a column for the San Francisco Chronicle.
Economy & Business
Facebook Loses $70 Billion in Market Value over Last 10 Days
Breitbart – Facebook’s share price took a massive hit as the company’s data privacy scandal deepened.
China’s Premier Pledges to Open Markets in a Bid to Avert a Trade War with the US
Infowars -Premier Li Keqiang said on Monday China and the United States should maintain negotiations and he reiterated pledges to ease access for American businesses, as China scrambles to avert a trade war.
Li told a conference that included global chief executives that China would treat foreign and domestic firms equally, would not force foreign firms to transfer technology and would strengthen intellectual property rights, repeating promises that have failed to placate Washington.
The United States asked China in a letter last week to cut a tariff on U.S. autos, buy more U.S.-made semiconductors and give U.S. firms greater access to the Chinese financial sector, the Wall Street Journal reported on Monday, citing unidentified sources.
Science & Technology
Report: Facebook ‘Transparency’ Function
Breitbart – A Facebook tool designed to inform users about the advertisers trying to target them through the platform withholds key information from consumers that get too curious, even locking them out when they use it too many times, according to a report in Bloomberg Businessweek.
Mysterious ‘cloud’ spotted over AZ, CA and Mexico…
Fox  – Viewers have reported seeing an odd “cloud” in the sky on Monday night, as they looked to the west.
Throughout the night, FOX 10 Phoenix has received photos and video from people in Phoenix, Yuma, as well as Coachell, Menifee and San Diego in California, showing what happened.
Similar sighting were also reported to FOX 10 Phoenix from the northernmost portion of Mexico’s Baja California state
FOX 10 Phoenix has reached out to the National Weather Service for an explanation on what people saw Monday night. An official said the “cloud” looks very reminiscent of rocket and missile exhaust that is high in the atmosphere, and that they have seen things before with a similar appearance that were associated with activity at the White Sand Missile Range and/or Vandenberg Air Force Base.
Officials with NWS, however, did not have an authoritative explanation on the exact nature of the “cloud”.
5 Ways to Better Absorb Vitamins and Minerals from Your Food
Care2 – You are what you absorb. That includes the good (vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients) and the bad (environmental toxins, food additives, etc). In this article, we will focus on the good; that is, effective ways to better absorb vitamins and minerals.
The amount of vitamins and minerals you absorb from the foods you eat can range from 10 percent to 90 percent! Why is the range so large? Several factors have an impact on the percentage of nutrients you actually get from your food, including (but not limited to): how the food is prepared, any drugs or supplements you may be taking, your age, health status, time of day, and other foods you are eating at the same time.

  1. Digestive Enzymes
  2. Probiotics
  3. Friendly Nutrients
  4. Prebiotics
  5. Aloe Vera

Power Mall Products of Interest: Essential Digestive Plus & Latero-Flora Probiotic
Both available from The Power Mall by calling 877-817-9829
Super Antioxidant Chaga Mushrooms: Healing Cancer and Autoimmune Diseases
Health Impact News – Anything implying a cancer remedy outside of lucrative orthodox oncology business is controversial. However, in a video interview, integrative M.D. Dr. Issac Eliaz explains how medicinal mushrooms not only regulate the immune system – they “have the intelligence to train the immune system.”
It’s important to understand that chaga doesn’t merely stimulate the immune system, it’s adaptogenic and regulates the immune system according to what’s needed, keeping it from overstimulating and creating a cytokine storm that attacks its host.
Chaga’s adaptogenic immunological responses are able to help reduce inflammation, the physiological foundation of most autoimmune diseases.
Chaga is effective at restoring apoptosis in cancer cells. Apoptosis is programmed cell death that removes older normal cells to be replaced by new ones. Cancer cells don’t ordinarily recognize this normal procedure to make room for new cells to replace older ones. That’s how they survive “eternally.”
With chaga, as with other natural treatments, apoptosis is induced only in cancer cells while leaving healthy cells alone.
Using chaga as a daily tea has shown the ability to improve endurance, probably as a result of its flexible adaptogenic immunological properties, which increases muscle glycogen, a glucose formation, and reduces lactic acid, which will inhibit oxygenation for producing energy.
It is also antiviral. One study showed that it greatly reduced the viral load of hepatitis C in vitro (lab cultures) in a very short time. (Study abstract)
Chaga is a super antioxidant. It has the highest ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbent Capacity) among high antioxidant superfoods. (Source)
It’s many attributes make it a highly medicinal mushroom whether used as an adjunct with other natural cancer remedies, a survival support with conventional cancer therapies, a support for autoimmune diseases, or as an immune support to protect against all diseases including cancer.
You can purchase Chag-o-Charge Tea from The Power Mall by calling 877-817-9829

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