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Today's News: March 27, 2020

World News

Globalist Think Tank Laid Out Scenario Where Virus Outbreak Prompts Authoritarian Crackdown

Infowars – A Rockefeller Foundation report produced 10 years ago imagined a viral pandemic as the perfect catalyst to implement “tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership,” eerily similar to what’s unfolding during the current coronavirus outbreak.
The 2010 report, entitled, “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development,” outlines several possible future global scenarios, including a “Lock Step” vision in which a “new influenza strain… infects nearly 20 percent of the global population… killing 8 million in just seven months…”
“In 2012, the pandemic that the world had been anticipating for years finally hit,” the scenario begins. “Unlike 2009’s H1N1, this new influenza strain—originating from wild geese—was extremely virulent and deadly.”
“The pandemic also had a deadly effect on economies: international mobility of both people and goods screeched to a halt, debilitating industries like tourism and breaking global supply chains,” the scenario continues, describing almost the exact events of 2020 in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak. “Even locally, normally bustling shops and office buildings sat empty for months, devoid of both employees and customers.”
Mandatory quarantines were also a key feature in the fictional scenario dreamt up by the globalist think tank:
The Chinese government’s quick imposition and enforcement of mandatory quarantine for all citizens, as well as its instant and near-hermetic sealing off of all borders, saved millions of lives, stopping the spread of the virus far earlier than in other countries and enabling a swifter postpandemic recovery.
A “day in the life” anecdote, written from the viewpoint of an Indian citizen living in the year 2025, also credits quarantine orders for helping re-educate Hindus on the religious practice of placing the bodies and cremated remains of loved ones in the Ganges river.
Many lives in [Manisha’s] home city of Jaipur had been saved by the government’s quarantines during the pandemic, and that experience, thought Manisha, had given the government the confidence to be so strict about river usage now: how else could they get millions of Indian citizens to completely shift their cultural practices in relationship to a holy site? Discarding ritually burned bodies in the Ganges was now illegal, punishable by years of jail time.
The scenario also predicts future technologies such as MRI scanners which detect abnormal behavior and predict “antisocial intent,” diagnostic screenings for people released from hospitals and prisons, and government clampdowns on the internet “Driven by protectionism and national security concerns.”
“Governments have varying degrees of success in policing internet traffic, but these efforts nevertheless fracture the ‘World Wide’ Web,” the scenario envisions.

Europe coronavirus cases dramatically SURGE as worldwide death toll surpasses 25,000

RT – The worldwide death toll from Covid-19 has surpassed 25,000 and researchers have detected a huge spike in Europe with Spain, Germany and the UK reporting thousands of fresh cases.
The Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center noted that the grim milestone had been reached on Friday. Professor Steve Hanke from the university said that Europe has seen a “massive surge” in cases over a 16 hour period with Spain recording over 6,000 fresh diagnoses, Germany racking up over 5,400 and the UK seeing nearly 3,000 new cases.

Ireland’s ICUs could reach capacity in ‘days,’ PM warns as ‘temporary morgues’ planned amid Covid-19 crisis

RT – Intensive care units across Ireland could be at full capacity “within a few days,” Irish PM Leo Varadkar has warned as the country begins to see significant upticks in the number of confirmed Covid-19 cases.
Varadkar told reporters on Friday that he was concerned about ICU capacity, saying that “As things stand, we have empty beds in our ICUs, but just the way things are heading would indicate that our ICUs will be at capacity within a few days.”
Ireland has one of the lowest ICU bed capacities across Europe, with only 50 beds per million people. By comparison, Italy, which has seen its hospitals overwhelmed by Covid-19 cases, has 125 ICU beds per million people. If Ireland was to experience a major surge in patients requiring intensive care, the units could become quickly overwhelmed.

Fighting resumes in Libya amid efforts to stop coronavirus pandemic

RT – Battles raged on several fronts in Libya on Friday after a night of heavy bombardment in Tripoli, Reuters reported, citing combatants and residents. After a comparative lull, serious warfare resumed this week despite international calls for calm to allow Libya’s fragmented health system to prepare for any spread of the coronavirus. Libya confirmed its first case of the infectious disease on Monday.
The Libyan National Army (LNA) of eastern-based commander Khalifa Haftar has been assaulting Tripoli for nearly a year, hoping to capture the capital in the northwest where the internationally recognized Government of National Accord (GNA) is based.
The arms embargo on Libya was being routinely violated, according to the UN, with foreign weaponry and fighters arriving in the country to join both sides.
On Thursday, the European Union said it would launch a new naval and air mission to stop further breaches of the embargo.
North Korea secretly begs for coronavirus aid while claiming no cases
WND – North Korea has been quietly asking for international coronavirus aid as it maintains that there are no confirmed cases in the country, according to a Thursday report.
Despite there being 9,241 cases of COVID-19 in South Korea as of Thursday, according to data from Johns Hopkins, North Korea has not reported any cases of the virus.
Within the country, the state propaganda has promoted Juche, a political ideology of self-reliance created by Kim Jong Un’s grandfather, Kim Il Sung, according to Vox.
The Financial Times reported Thursday that officials have been secretly seeking international help in the last several weeks, citing people familiar with the matter and a document it had viewed.
According to an anonymous source, 590 people have been tested in the country and yielded negative results for the virus after returning from overseas trips in January.
“The government has testing kits for COVID-19 and they know how to use them, but [the number of kits are] not sufficient, hence, [officials are] requesting all organizations … to support them in this regard,” a person involved told the Financial Times.
North Korean state media reports have said as many as 10,000 people have been quarantined in the country over the past two months.

Footage Of Indian Police Beating Lockdown Violators Goes Viral

Activist Post – With only 500 or so cases confirmed as of Tuesday, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi declared in a late-night address that as of midnight (at the time, only a few hours away) the entire country of between 1.3 and 1.4 billion people would be placed under a strict lockdown.
Individuals would be allowed to leave just once per day to buy food, and only for trips to buy essential products like medicine, or to see a doctor.
Modi claimed the 21-day lockdown would be necessary to avoid setting India back “21 years”, and argued that “to save India, to save its every citizen, you, your family…every street, every neighborhood is being put under lockdown.”
Less than a day later, images and video of Indian police beating citizens caught violating the lockdown, or perhaps mistakenly accused of leaving home for frivolous reasons when they were really out buying food.
Alok Barman, a houseworker who works in south Delhi, said he was beaten by cops when he ventured into the outskirts of the city to try and find food, according to wire reports cited by the NYP.
“Some homes that I work in paid me some money and I thought it was best to get some food in the house. But the police attacked us with sticks and beat us,” Barman said. “Now we have nothing to eat.”
Another local, Tarique Anwar, said he went out to buy milk and vegetables at a grocery store in Delhi’s Jamia Nagar neighborhood, but was stopped by police, who ordered him to turn back. While the owner of a meat shop, whose name wasn’t given, said police beat him for opening his store on Wednesday even though he thought it was protected as an essential business.
“They charged inside and started abusing and beating me,” the store owner said.
Some of the video show police forcing locals to do uncomfortable exercises like squats.

Boris Johnson Tests Positive for Coronavirus, Self-Isolating

Breitbart – Prime Minister Boris Johnson has tested positive for coronavirus and is self-isolating.
“Hi folks, I want to bring you up to speed with something that’s happening today, which is that I’ve developed mild symptoms of the coronavirus, that’s to say a temperature and a persistent cough, and on the advice of the Chief Medical Officer I’ve taken a test,” the Tory leader announced via a video message shared on social media.
“We urge the US side to respect facts and the public opinion of the international community and stop politicizing the pandemic and stigmatizing China,” the foreign ministry spokesman said.

Thousands Participate in Legal Action Against Utility “Smart” Meters in France

Activist Post  – Tens of millions of utility smart meters have been installed in the U.S. and worldwide so they are probably installed on your home and throughout your community.  They have NOT saved customers money AND they have been plagued with multiple problems from the start.  One big problem – they operate wirelessly so emit harmful Electromagnetic Radiation and “Dirty Electricity” which can make people and animals sick
Last summer, a French judge ruled in favor of customers who had been made sick from these meters.  Now thousands are taking joint legal action against these meters.

U.S. News, Politics & Government

House members race back to Washington amid fears the $2 trillion coronavirus bill could be delayed

NBC – Democratic and Republican leaders were scrambling members of Congress back to Washington late Thursday because they suddenly believe the $2 trillion economic relief package might not pass by the voice vote planned for Friday and could be delayed if at least 216 members don’t show up to vote on the floor.
Members are now racing to get back to Washington by Friday morning — in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic — because leaders fear that at least one member, likely to be Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., will demand a recorded vote.
Massie was in the chamber Friday morning just after the House came into session at 9 a.m. ET. He was one of about 50 members who were present at the time, and they were spaced out around the room.
Shortly after the House began debate on the bill, President Donald Trump slammed Massie in a pair of tweets, saying that he only wants publicity and that delaying the bill would be “dangerous & costly.”

US now has more coronavirus cases than either China or Italy

NBC – The United States now has more confirmed coronavirus cases than Italy and China, making it the country with the largest outbreak in the world.
The total number of cases in the U.S. reached 82,404 Thursday evening, eclipsing China’s 81,782 cases and Italy’s 80,589, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University.
The virus emerged in Wuhan, China, in December. It has since spread to more than half a million people in almost every country around the world and continues to pick up speed, the World Health Organization warned earlier this week.
“The pandemic is accelerating,” WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said Monday at a press briefing from the organization’s Geneva headquarters. “It took 67 days from the first reported case to reach 100,000 cases, 11 days for second 100,000 cases, and just four days for the third 100,000 cases.”
Confirmed U.S. cases passed 5,000 last week. At the beginning of the month, there were roughly 100 confirmed cases in the U.S.
The number of confirmed cases likely underestimates the true number of infections across the country, officials have acknowledged. Testing in the U.S. has been hampered by delays and a restrictive diagnostic criteria that limits who can get tested.

Cuomo: Not sure if closing all businesses, keeping everyone home was ‘the best public health strategy’

Fox – New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Thursday that his stay-at-home order for the entirety of New York State was “probably not the best public health strategy.”
In a press conference in Albany, Cuomo said the smartest way forward would be a public health strategy that complemented a “get-back-to-work strategy.”
“What we did was we closed everything down. That was our public health strategy. Just close everything, all businesses, old workers, young people, old people, short people, tall people,” said Cuomo. “Every school closed, everything.”
“If you rethought that or had time to analyze that public health strategy, I don’t know that you would say quarantine everyone,” Cuomo admitted. “I don’t even know that that was the best public health policy. Young people then quarantined with older people was probably not the best public health strategy because the younger people could have been exposing the older people to an infection. “
Cuomo stressed the need for both public health and economic growth. “We have to do both,” said the governor. “We’re working on it.”
At the same time, Cuomo addressed the newly released unemployment statistics, which showed 3.3 million people filed for unemployment benefits last week. Cuomo called the news a  “terrible, frightening feeling for everyone.”
“This is going to form a new generation and transform who we are. You are not alone. Nobody is alone,” Cuomo assured the millions who are now out of work due to the pandemic.
Cuomo said he is working on developing a test which would identify coronavirus antibodies in a healthy person who had recovered from the virus, and after the antibodies showed they had had the virus and it was resolved, they would be able to return to work. Their plasma of antibodies could also be used to treat a sick person and build an immunity to the virus in them.
Addressing reports that New York hospitals were running out of personal protective equipment, Cuomo assured that hospitals had enough in stock for the immediate need, but not beyond. “We have enough PPE in stock for the immediate need, not past it, but for the immediate need.” He added that he was dealing with hospitals who have a need for PPE “today and tomorrow, that’s the kind of time frame we’re dealing with.”
Cuomo also lauded the outpouring of support those across the world were providing to New Yorkers. “You would be amazed at how many phone calls we get,” the governor added. He said that more than 40,000 medical staff and retired medical staff had volunteered to join the front lines and more than 8,600 mental health professionals had volunteered to offer free services for those dealing with stress and trauma.

China: Pompeo ‘Evil’ for Accusing Beijing of Spreading Coronavirus ‘Disinformation’

Breitbart –  A spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry lambasted U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Thursday for acknowledging that Beijing continues to engage in an “intentional disinformation campaign” that is contributing to the spread of the fatal and highly contagious Wuhan coronavirus.
On Thursday, China’s state-run Global Times noted:
Pompeo went against the global consensus of recognizing China’s efforts in combating COVID-19 [coronavirus illness], smeared China’s efforts and stigmatized China in an attempt to divert the attention of Americans and shift the blame to China, which exposed his extremely evil intentions, Geng Shuang, spokesperson of Chinese Foreign Ministry, said at Thursday’s media briefing.
“This American politician continues to defy [the] global consensus, stigmatize China and discredit its epidemic response,” Shuang told reporters. “The sinister intention behind his attempt is to deflect attention at home and shift the blame to the innocent.”
The foreign ministry spokesman spoke to reporters after Pompeo accused China of engaging in a coronavirus-related “disinformation campaign” at the Group of Seven (G7) meeting this week.
Pompeo also called the disease the “Wuhan virus,” prompting Beijing to accuse the secretary of stigmatizing China by noting the precise geographical origin of the virus.
“We strongly condemn these remarks by Secretary Pompeo,” Shuang declared.
The spokesman went on to deny assertions by health experts across the world that the virus originated in China’s Wuhan city, claiming:
As China has repeatedly pointed out, origin-tracing of the virus is a complicated matter, where we should rely on professional views from the science community. WHO [World Health Organization] and the international community explicitly object to linking the virus with specific countries or regions, or seeking stigmatization. They have commended China’s response.
Echoing Democrats and their mainstream media allies, the Chinese Communist Party has accused President Donald Trump and members of his administration of racism for calling the disease the “Wuhan” or “Chinese” virus although experts agree the new coronavirus originated in China.
During a press briefing on Wednesday, Pompeo acknowledged that he brought up the coronavirus-related propaganda that China continues to spew at the G7 meeting this week, telling reporters:
There was a lot of discussion today amongst the G7 about the intentional disinformation campaign that China has been and continues to be engaged in. … You see it in the social media.  You see it in remarks from senior people inside the Chinese Communist Party talking about whether this was … brought to China [by the U.S. I mean, this is crazy talk.

NYPD Releases Orwellian Video of Drones Spying on Citizens to Enforce Social Distancing

Activist Post – New York, NY — In a matter of weeks, Americans have watched a police state unfold in front of their eyes. The phrase “that could never happen here” has taken a back seat to “omg what will they do next.” Well, next up on the “holy sh*t we have reached 1984 status” list is the fact that residents in New York and California are now being monitored by drones — and officials are bragging about it.
On Thursday, Police Commissioner Dermot Shea posted a video to Twitter of some of the aerial footage over multiple locations throughout the city of New York, including Carl Schurz Park, Inwood Hill Park and Juniper Valley Park.
Sadly enough, some folks took to the tweet thread to beg the commissioner to bring the drones to their neighborhood. “Come to Borough Park, my neighborhood. Not the case here!” one Twitter user wrote.

Chicago Mayor Warns — Those Who Go Outside To Exercise Risk Arrest

Activist Post – Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot threatened to shut down public areas on Wednesday after becoming increasingly frustrated with people disobeying the COVID-19 stay-at-home order. The mayor’s warning also made clear that anyone breaking the new measure would be fined or even possibly arrested, reported CBS Chicago.
“Stay at home. Only go out for essentials. You have to readjust your thinking. Be smart,” Lightfoot said at a Wednesday afternoon press conference. “Not only will our police be deployed to shut them down if you are not abiding by these orders we will be forced to shut down the parks and lakefront. The situation Is deadly serious and we need you take it deadly seriously.”
Lightfoot said the public is forbidden to spend long periods outdoors amid a virus crisis that is sweeping across the state.
You cannot go on long bike rides. Playgrounds are shut down. You must abide by the order. Outside, is for a brief respite, not for 5Ks. I can’t emphasize enough that we abide the rules.
By Wednesday evening, it was unclear if the mayor directed the police to shut down part of the Lakefront Trail community park. A YouTube video surfaced on Wednesday night, showing the incident, where officers told people on the trail to turn around.

Energy & Environment

‘Huge Victory’ for Standing Rock Sioux Tribe as Federal Court Rules DAPL Permits Violated Law

Waking Times – A federal judge handed down a major victory for the Standing Rock Sioux tribe of North Dakota on Wednesday, ruling that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers violated the National Environmental Policy Act by approving federal permits for the Dakota Access Pipeline.
The USACE must complete a full environmental impact study of the pipeline, including full consideration of concerns presented by the Standing Rock Tribe, the judge ruled. The tribe has asked the court to ultimately shut the pipeline down.
The court chastised the USACE for moving ahead with affirming the permits in 2016 and allowing the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) crossing the Missouri River after President Donald Trump assumed office in 2017, without considering the expert analysis put forward by the tribe.
DAPL and the fight against the pipeline was the subject of international attention in 2016 when thousands of water defenders gathered at camps in North Dakota, facing a highly militarized police force armed with tanks, riot gear, rubber bullets, and other weapons.
Since Trump reversed former President Barack Obama’s December 2016 order denying the permits and allowed the construction to be completed in June 2017, the tribe has challenged the permits and demanded the USACE conduct a full environmental analysis.
Wednesday’s ruling represented a “huge victory” for the tribe, 350.org co-founder Bill McKibben tweeted.


Scientists Question Accuracy of Quick Tests for Coronavirus

Newsmax =- Some political leaders are hailing a potential breakthrough in the fight against COVID-19: simple pin-prick blood tests or nasal swabs that can determine within minutes if someone has, or previously had, the virus.
The tests could reveal the true extent of the outbreak and help separate the healthy from the sick. But some scientists have challenged their accuracy.
Hopes are hanging on two types of quick tests: antigen tests that use a nose or throat swab to look for the virus, and antibody tests that look in the blood for evidence someone had the virus and recovered. The tests are in short supply, and some of them are unreliable.
“The market has gone completely mad,” Spanish Health Minister Salvador Illa said Thursday, lamenting the lack of face masks, personal protection equipment and rapid tests, “because everybody wants these products, and they want the good ones.”
The Spanish government on Thursday sent 9,000 rapid antigen tests that were deemed unreliable back to a manufacturer that, according to the Chinese government, had no license to sell them.

What Is Curcumin? Why This Anti-Inflammatory Active Is A Game-Changer

Mindbodygreen – Turmeric has gotten buzz for years now as a spice with major health properties. But a lot of the perks of turmeric are actually due to its main active ingredient: curcumin. The compound may help manage bodily inflammation, support a healthy heart, and even promote cognitive health.* “The benefits of curcumin have long been known, but it was recently that we discovered the mechanism in which it reacts with our bodies,” says Scott Keatley, R.D. And there’s actually quite a bit of research to back up the benefits of this active: As far as natural remedies go, it is one of the most widely backed and supported. Here’s what you need to know.
Curcumin’s benefits.
Curcumin is a super compound, with more perks than most people realize:

  1. It’s an anti-inflammatory.*

Bodily inflammation can be caused by a slew of things, including oxidative stress, diets, UV damage, and chronic diseases. As part of the body’s inflammatory response, free radicals are generated, which can ultimately damage your cells, explains Yufang Lin, M.D., an integrative medicine specialist at Cleveland Clinic. Free radicals have an uneven number of electrons. So free radicals steal electrons from healthy molecules to stabilize themselves—and those turn into a free radical, and the chain reaction continues. You stop this process through antioxidants, which are able to neutralize those free radicals
“Curcumin has been shown to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory properties,” she says. Its anti-inflammatory properties are it’s most definitive and well-understood. In fact, one study done on human cells even found that curcumin can manage inflammation better than anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin and ibuprofen.* To understand why it’s such a trusted anti-inflammatory agent, you must look at how it works in the body. Not only does it help neutralize free radicals, but curcumin goes a step further: The ingredient is thought to manage inflammation at the cellular level by blocking NF-kB, a molecule that can work its way into your cells and turn on genes that lead to inflammation.*

  1. It can promote brain health.*

Your brain has nerve cells called neurons that can multiply within certain areas of your brain. A big factor behind this is a growth hormone called brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). “BDNF is a protein produced by brain cells that is very important to the function and survival of brain cells,” Lin explains. “We used to believe that we are born with a specific number of nerve cells in the brain, and once they die, they don’t grow back. We now know that is not true.”
Instead, your brain has the ability to regenerate and repair itself, and BDNF is “critical” in the process, Lin says. “Studies show curcumin can increase BDNF levels, and thus support brain healing and regeneration from injury and trauma,” she says.* Cognitive decline is a form of inflammation of the brain tissues, and, given that curcumin manages inflammation, it may help protect people from developing cognitive decline, Lin says.*

  1. It may support heart health.*

There are many factors that can lead to declined heart health, including genetics and diet, but curcumin “has been shown to help manage cholesterol, which helps to prevent the hardening of arteries by plaque,” says Keatley.*
Research has also found that curcumin can support the lining of your blood vessels, which is known as endothelium.* (When your endothelium isn’t working as it should, you can end up with heart conditions.) One moderately sized, placebo-controlled, human study found that curcumin can support the function of your endothelium as well as moderate aerobic exercise. Another randomized, placebo-controlled, 8-week human study found that curcumin was as effective as the drug atorvastatin, which works to manage your blood level of cholesterol and fats.*

  1. It might help manage age-related diseases.*

The reason behind this is simple: “Age-related diseases are often inflammation-based,” says Lin. More specifically, curcumin activates the enzyme telomerase.* Telomerases have a very important job, which is to help lengthen and preserve telomeres. Telomeres are the caps on the end of DNA strands that help cells do their job and protect them from degradation, says Beth Warren, R.D. When telomeres can’t do their job, it results in damaged DNA, which contributes to premature aging and all the issues that come with it. But by activating the telomerase, “this slows down the process of aging and prevents many aging-related conditions,” she says. This benefit is more theory-based, however as researchers continue to look into curcumin they’ll be better to understand the promising effects.*

How to Sprout Seeds in a Jar for Vitamins, Minerals and to Improve Digestion

We have been regularly sharing healthy recipes to help support your natural health and immune system… and today we have a really good one for you! Sprouting seeds isn’t exactly a recipe, but it is a regular eating practice that I do myself to produce fresh vitamin-packed greens every day. We’re going to show you how to easily sprout seeds in a jar and fill you in on all the health benefits.
Quite simply, “sprouts” are 3-5 day old sprouted seeds which can easily be grown on your windowsill. Seeds most commonly used are mung beans, lentils, clover, radish, alfalfa, broccoli and mustard seeds (nice spicy flavor!) They may then be eaten in their entirety, including the sprout and seed, on salads, sandwiches, soups, in stir-fries and as a garnish or accompaniment to almost any dish.
Sprouted seeds contain an impressive list of vitamins, including vitamin A , vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, pantothenic acid, niacin, thiamin and riboflavin. They also contain several minerals, including manganese, copper, zinc, magnesium, iron, and calcium as well as a notable amount of protein and dietary fiber.
Perhaps less widely known, are the digestive benefits of sprouting seeds. Proteolytic enzymes contained within sprouts help to make carbohydrates and proteins digestible by your body. Your body also makes this enzyme, but as we age, our ability to manufacture enzymes wanes and regularly consuming them can preserve your enzyme-making ability for other essential enzymes.
You may have heard some bad press about eating sprout seeds and this is mainly due to the mass production and commercial supply of sprouts. There have been some incidence of grocery store sprouts containing bacteria, including Salmonella, Listeria, and E. coli. This has led many stores to add preservatives to the sprouts… yuck!
Sprouting your own seeds is much safer, so easy and you’ll have a constant fresh crop of sprout seeds to add to your food every day!
Sprout Seeds Ingredients
All you need to sprout seeds is:

  • A packet of sprouting seeds (This is very important! Do not use commercial seeds sold for planting, as they are most likely sprayed with an anti-fungal agent. Use only seeds sold specifically for sprouting.)
  • A clean glass jar

Sprout Seeds Method
There are commercially available sprouting kits and specially made glass bottles, but I simply use a glass bottle I have left over. Be sure to wash it thoroughly and even consider boiling it, particularly before your first use.
Follow the directions on the sprout seeds package, but most likely it will tell you to take a few dessert spoons full of seeds and add to your jar. Rinse them a few times and leave about an inch of water in the jar covering the seeds overnight.
In the morning, drain and rinse the seeds. It is only essential to place them on your windowsill in the last day or two, so for the first couple of days, you may place them in any safe spot.
Simply rinse your sprout seeds two times per day with fresh clean water and drain fully. After even 24 hours you should begin to see small roots emerge and they are ready for eating in 3-5 days.
Why not soak a new batch regularly and have a few jars at varying stages every day so that you’re never out of these delicious and nutritious treats!

Good News

People Are Stocking “Little Free Libraries” With Food And Supplies For Neighbors

NaturalBlaze – Trials and tribulations may befall the human race, but our species will never lose its resiliency. This has never been more apparent than in the current age of Covid-19. Yes, fights over toilet paper have been documented around the world. But, plenty of positive action has also been witnessed in the wake of the pandemic. For instance, many good Samaritans are stocking Little Free Libraries with food, toilet paper, and other supplies for neighbors.
Currently, more than 75,000 Little Free Libraries are registered around the world. To help fellow community members during the Covid-19 crisis, many people have converted the book homes into Little Free Pantries.
Little Free Pantries have been popping up in people’s front yards since 2016. However, it’s the sudden increase of the food banks that has been praised as an uplifting example of community kindness during a challenging time. Photos uploaded to social media show the Little Food Pantries stocked with books, hand sanitizer, toiletries, and canned goods.
“My kids have invested a lot of time into just making sure there’s stuff up there,” a Minnesota woman told CNN, referring to their front-yard pantry. “The experience for them being able to be a part of something that gives back. That’s really cool.”

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