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The Power Hour

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Today's News: March 28, 2018

World News
China and North Korea confirm Kim Jong-un visit to Beijing
Al Jazeera – Kim Jong-un ready to give up nuclear weapons if S Korea, US respond ‘with goodwill’, Beijing says after landmark visit.
Ecuador cuts WikiLeaks founder Assange’s internet at London’s embassy
Guardian – Ecuador has cut Julian Assange’s communications with the outside world from its London embassy, where the founder of the whistleblowing WikiLeaks website has been living for nearly six years.
The Ecuadorian government said in statement that it had acted because Assange had breached “a written commitment made to the government at the end of 2017 not to issue messages that might interfere with other states”.
German Beer Industry in Shock Over Monsanto Glyphosate Contamination
Global Research – The Munich Environmental Institute (Umweltinstitut München) has released shocking results (February) of laboratory testing it has completed on 14 of the most sold beers in Germany. The probable carcinogen and World’s most used herbicide – glyphosate – was found in all of the 14 beers tested.
The German Brewers’ Association, reacted by calling the study by the Munich Environmental Institute “not credible”, but admitted that low residues of the probable human carcinogen glyphosate could not be prevented, because “the herbicide is now found virtually everywhere after decades of use in agriculture”.
U.S. News, Politics & Government
Fake News: CNN’s Cuomo Says ‘No One Calling for 2nd Amendment Repeal’ (They Are)
Breitbart – CNN’s Chris Cuomo, co-host of the far-left network’s basement-rated morning show, is flat-out lying with a claim that “no one [is] calling for Second Amendment repeal.”
Dem Lawmaker: We Don’t Want To Confiscate Guns, We Want To ‘Seize’ Them
Infowars – A Georgia state lawmaker said she didn’t want to take guns away from Americans, but she also supports legislation that would seize guns from Americans. Likely missing a dictionary and basic common sense, Erica Thomas still expects us to believe that the government isn’t coming for our guns.
During an interview with Tucker Carlson, Thomas claims to not be talking about “taking the guns from law-abiding citizens, I’m talking about a ban on assault rifles. We are not trying to promote a militia. What war are we going at that we need assault rifles?”
John Stossel: Why so many are ‘taking the red pill’ (and discovering the truth about the mainstream media)
Fox News – In the movie “The Matrix,” swallowing a red pill reveals the truth, while downing a blue pill leaves you trapped in illusion.
Today, in the parlance of some political activists, “taking the red pill” means seeing the lies of mainstream media — and learning the truth.
“People don’t care to watch CNN anymore: People pay attention to YouTubers,” says Candace Owens. Owens is a young black woman who created a YouTube site she calls Red Pill Black. “My second video went trending worldwide with 80 million views.”
My new internet videos sometimes reach 10 million people; I consider that a lot. This woman’s video reached 80 million?
She released it shortly after a man at a Charlottesville, Virginia, white supremacist rally drove his car into a crowd of protesters, killing a woman.
At that time, media coverage of racism was everywhere. Cable news talked about “America’s lack of racial progress” and threats to minorities posed by white nationalists.
“CNN was trying to sell to me, as a black person, that the KKK was alive and well,” Owens added. “That was ridiculous.”
In her video, she sarcastically shouts, “OMG, Charlottesville! White supremacy is alive and well!” Then she goes on to argue, “Black people have scarier things on the horizon than the almost-endangered species of white supremacy.”
Owens also objects to the way the media cover police brutality. It leads some people to believe that the biggest threat to young blacks is the police.
But Owen’s main argument is that the media mislead. The biggest issue facing blacks today is not racism or police shootings, she says, but dependence on government that began 50 years ago with Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society” programs.
BREAKING: Corey Feldman Hospitalized After Ambush Stabbing Attack
Free Thought Project – Actor Corey Feldman reported that he was the subject of an attack late Tuesday night, and he claimed three men approached him in his car and one man began stabbing him. He was admitted to the hospital and now says he believes he was targeted as “revenge” for exposing pedophiles in Hollywood who abused him when he was a child.
5 Stories the Media Buried While Obsessing Over ‘March for Our Lives’
Freedom Outpost – Over the weekend, hundreds of thousands of children, teens, and adults alike took part in the March for Our Lives rally to demand government take away our rights.
When hundreds of thousands of people march on the capital to demand the government take away their rights, we are witnessing the power of years of public indoctrination. Political activism has been co-opted by the establishment who now exploits young Americans to promote an agenda of gun control. Aside from being incredibly shameful, watching Americans beg the state to take away their right to self-defense is a telling sign of how well the indoctrination system is working.
The Free Thought Project has put together a list of five stories the media buried while promoting and spotlighting teenagers who are begging for tyranny.

  1. Video of Stephan Paddock has finally been released.
  2. Americans waking up to the “shadow government” who runs things behind the scenes.
  3. Report shows that multiple high-level government officials are flocking to ‘Doomsday’ Camps
  4. Obama AND Trump Insiders Blow Whistle, Reveal Facebook ALLOWED Them BOTH to Spy on You
  5. Police across the country now confiscating guns without due process.

Economy & Business
Tesla just months from total collapse, says hedge fund manager
RT -The American electric-car company Tesla will be bankrupt within four months unless its CEO Elon Musk “pulls a rabbit out of his hat,” according to hedge fund manager John Thompson.
“Companies eventually have to make a profit, and I don’t ever see that happening here,” the head of Vilas Capital Management told Market Watch.
“This is one of the worst income statements I’ve ever seen and between the story and the financials; the financials will win out in this case.”
Thompson manages $25 million and his Tesla short is the fund’s biggest position. He has been betting big against the electric automaker for years.
Science & Technology
Interstitium: New organ discovered in human body after it was previously missed by scientists
Independent – Scientists have identified a new human organ hiding in plain sight, in a discovery they hope could help them understand the spread of cancer within the body.
Scientists have identified a new human organ hiding in plain sight, in a discovery they hope could help them understand the spread of cancer within the body.
Layers long thought to be dense, connective tissue are actually a series of fluid-filled compartments researchers have termed the “interstitium”.
These compartments are found beneath the skin, as well as lining the gut, lungs, blood vessels and muscles, and join together to form a network supported by a mesh of strong, flexible proteins.
New analysis published in the journal Scientific Reports is the first to identify these spaces collectively as a new organ and try to understand their function.
Remarkably, the interstitium had previously gone unnoticed despite being one of the largest organs in the human body.
Astronomers baffled by distant galaxy void of dark matter
AP – It’s a double cosmic conundrum: Lots of stuff that was already invisible has gone missing.
Astronomers have found a distant galaxy where there is no dark matter.
Other outside scientists said the initial look at the calculations appear to be correct, though the results are confounding. A galaxy with so few stars should have more dark matter than others, not none.
One outsider suggested that perhaps the “galaxy” van Dokkum studied is so diffuse that it may not really be a galaxy. Another suggested that the dark matter might just be outside of the area that van Dokkum measured.
No country for jaywalkers: Chinese city wants facial recognition to ID offender
RT – A Chinese city is taking jaywalker-shaming to the next level: Shenzhen authorities hope to instantly fine jaywalkers via text message. The city already has LED screens in the streets used to publicly shame unruly pedestrians.
Jaywalking has always been an issue in China and can hardly be resolved just by imposing fines or taking photos of the offenders. But a combination of technology and psychology… can greatly reduce instances of jaywalking and will prevent repeat offences,” Wang Jun, Intellifusion’s director of marketing solutions, told the paper.
China’s largest cities like Beijing and Shanghai already have automated traffic enforcement systems which use AI and facial recognition technology to identify drivers who violate the rules of the road – but Shenzhen has retooled this technology to combat a plague of unruly pedestrians.
Why Farmed Salmon Are a Toxic ‘Junk Food’
Mercola – If you’re aware of the health benefits of animal-based omega-3 fats and the fact that salmon is a great source, you may be shocked to discover that farmed salmon has more in common with junk food than health food. This is the grim reality revealed in Nicolas Daniel’s documentary “Fillet-Oh-Fish,” which includes exclusive footage from fish farms and factories across the globe.
Among the experts featured is Kurt Oddekalv, a respected Norwegian environmental activist who claims salmon farming is an unmitigated disaster, both from an environmental and human health perspective. Below the salmon farms dotted across the Norwegian fjords is a layer of waste some 15 meters (49.2 feet) deep, teeming with bacteria, drugs and toxic pesticides, and since the farms are located in open water, this pollution is in no way contained.
Farmed salmon also pose a more direct toxic threat to your health. Fish has always been considered a health food, but food testing reveals that today’s farmed salmon is one of the most toxic foods in the world. As noted by the producers of the film, “through intensive farming and global pollution, the flesh of the fish we eat has turned into a deadly chemical cocktail.”1
In a global assessment of farmed salmon published in the January 2004 issue of Science,2 13 persistent organic pollutants were found. Farmed salmon also does not have the nutritional profile of wild salmon. Rather than being a wonderful source of much-needed omega-3 fats, farmed salmon contains far more omega-6 than omega-3, which can have deleterious health ramifications, seeing how most people are deficient in omega-3 while getting far more omega-6 than they need.
This Surprising Mineral Can Counteract The Effects Of Sugar
Mind Body Green – Salt may actually be an antidote to sugar addiction.
Sodium depletion sensitizes the reward system, making sugar more appealing; increasing the intake of salt may actually reduce sugar cravings and may even reduce the reward that you get from consuming sugar. Low-salt diets may even increase the addictive properties of drugs of abuse.
Unlike sugar, salt also appears beneficial to our brain. Indeed, sodium helps to move vitamin C into the brain, whereas glucose competes with its uptake. Sugar also depletes the body of B vitamins, including thiamine, which is extremely important for brain health. This suggests that consuming salt is indeed good, and even necessary, for brain health whereas overconsuming sugar wreaks havoc.
The benefits of eating more salt have been undervalued for decades.

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