July 3, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: March 28, 2023


At Least 37 Dead After Fire Engulfs U.S. – Mexico Border Migrant Facility

A deadly fire engulfed a migrant processing centre at Ciudad Juárez on the U.S.-Mexico border early Tuesday morning with local reports saying at least 37 people died in the blaze and dozens more were left injured.

Two local government rescue sources told Reuters news agency of the death toll which is expected to grow throughout the day.

Study: World Population Close to Peak and Steep Decline — No ‘Population Bomb’ on Horizon

A study commissioned by the Club of Rome and published on Monday found that the world population is approaching its peak and will begin declining swiftly after the middle of the 21st Century, averting the “population bomb” scenario in which longer lifespans, more abundant food, and better medical treatments cause the human race to overwhelm the capacity of the Earth to sustain it.

The “population bomb” thesis derives its name from the sensationalistic, and later thoroughly discredited, 1968 book by Stanford University entomologist Paul Ehrlich. Ehrlich’s fanciful book touched off a worldwide overpopulation panic, presenting grim scenarios of imminent mass starvation and resource shortages that did not come to pass. He was also a pioneer of the junk science movement, which used flimsy research and sensationalistic hypotheses to stampede public policy changes.

The Club of Rome & The CIA Depopulation Program at Fauci’s Fort Detrick

Sometimes when the research takes you in circles, it’s best to start from the beginning… and in the beginning, there was the depopulation “Club of Rome” whose mandate was to pave the way for the New World Order’s “Great Reset.” And it all started with the idea of using “Gain-of-Function” experimentation to develop the ultimate bioweapon that would attack the body’s immune system! This is where the story begins!

Turns Out, Ebola Likely Leaked From a Lab as Well

In December 2013, Zaire Ebola hemorrhagic fever broke out in Guinea and over the next three years spread across West Africa, ultimately killing 11,323 people. It was the largest and deadliest Ebola outbreak in history

According to a paper published at the end of December 2014, the Ebola epidemic was traced back to a 2-year-old boy in Meliandou, Guinea. Supposedly, the boy had come in contact with an infected fruit bat in a hollowed-out tree. However, no Ebolavirus was ever detected in any of the bat samples collected from the area

The senior author on that 2014 paper was Fabian Leendertz, a renowned virus hunter with the Robert Koch Institute in Germany. Leendertz was also a member of the World Health Organization team that investigated the origin of COVID-19, concluding without evidence that SARS-CoV-2 was of zoonotic origin

In late October 2022, Sam Husseini and Jonathan Latham, Ph.D., published a new analysis, in which they highlighted the holes in the zoonotic origin narrative and laid out the evidence pointing to a lab leak

Curiously, many of the same individuals, companies and organizations involved in the Ebola epidemic have also been linked to the alleged creation of SARS-CoV-2

Tractor Protests Spread: 5,000 Slovenian Farmers Stand Against EU Green Agenda

5,000 farmers are said to have taken part in a tractor rally in Slovenia in order to protest green agenda rules implemented by both national and EU officials in the country.

Thousands of farmers across Slovenia reportedly took to the country’s streets in their tractors on Friday in order to protest various green agenda rules in place in the country.


Nashville school shooting: Biden criticized for joking about ice cream in first statement since attack

The suspect in the Covenant School shooting was identified as a 28-year-old transgender woman from Nashville

President Biden was criticized Monday for his response to the Nashville school shooting after he joked that he only made a public appearance because he heard there would be ice cream before discussing the tragedy that claimed the lives of three adults and three children at an elementary school earlier in the day.

“My name is Joe Biden. I’m Dr. Jill Biden’s husband,” Biden said from the White House’s East Room in his first public appearance since a 28-year-old woman shot and killed three students and three teachers at a Christian private school in Nashville. “I eat Jeni’s ice cream — chocolate chip. I came down because I heard there was chocolate chip ice cream,” he continued. “By the way, I have a whole refrigerator full upstairs,” he added. “You think I’m kidding? I’m not,” Biden told the crowd.

Biden later called the shooting “sick” and “heartbreaking” while demanding Congress do more to “stop the gun violence.” But critics went after the president for the inappropriate reaction and seemingly playful tone while addressing the tragedy.

“To say that he misunderstood the moment would be an understatement,” former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie told Fox News later Monday. “You know, the president is watching, you’d hope before he comes down there, the awful scenes from the shooting and the reactions of family members and friends of people in that school. And to be coming down, joking about the fact that he’s Jill Biden’s husband and looking for chocolate chip ice cream is hardly the way to start it,” Christie said.

Nashville Christian School Shooter Was Second ‘Transgender’ Female Killer in 4 Years

The suspect who killed six people at a Nashville Christian school is the second transgender-identified woman who has attacked a school since 2019.

On Monday, male-identified Audrey Elizabeth Hale, 28, killed three adults and three children at the Nashville school.

In 2019, Alec McKinney was aged 17 when she helped killed one teenager at a school in Colorado while she claimed to be transgender.

Female mass shooters are very rare, but a 2011 study of 133 women who went through Sweden’s masculinization treatment showed that:

female-to-males had higher crime rates than female controls … [and] did not differ from male controls. This indicates … that sex reassignment is coupled to increased crime rate in female-to-males. The same was true regarding violent crime.

The Nashville killer left a manifesto, said local police. So far, that manifesto has not been released.


Congressman Sounds Alarm Over Department of Veterans Affairs Purchasing Drugs From China

Rep. Greg Murphy (R-N.C.), in his questioning of and conversation with Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Secretary Denis McDonough during the March 23 House Committee on Veterans Affairs hearing, pressed the secretary on an issue which the congressman called an “absolute danger” to the United States.  

Murphy, who is a physician, was referring to the decision that the VA made and the policy it adopted in 2016 to purchase drugs that include active ingredients that come from China, which are then prescribed and given to veterans.  

“I don’t understand this policy,” said Murphy. “And we’re now … allowing drugs to come to our veterans, as well as other drugs coming into this country, that are not being analyzed, that are not being reviewed, are not being inspected.  And this is an absolute troubling thing to me as a physician.”  

Murphy, a member of the Veterans Affairs committee, always has veterans’ issues front and center on his lawmaking and advocacy radar screen. 

The district he represents has among the highest percentage of its residents who are veterans of any congressional district in the nation: one in seven.  

Then there are those in Murphy’s district who are in military active service.  Murphy’s district includes Camp Lejeune Marine Corps base, Cherry Point Marine Corps Air Station, and Coast Guard Base Elizabeth City.  

The exchange between Murphy and McDonough took place at the hearing, which focused on assessing the Biden administration’s proposed budget for the VA for 2024 and 2025.  

The congressman learned from a conversation he had with McDonough prior to the hearing that the secretary was unaware that the VA approved as vendors pharmaceutical companies which use components from China in the manufacture of their products.  

Murphy brought up that he attended that morning a meeting of the GOP Doctors Caucus at which members “talked about drugs in this country from China; 90 percent of our APIs, active pharmaceutical ingredients, come from China today—and our FDA is doing an absolute abysmal job in looking at these drugs; seeing their purity, seeing their impurity.” 

House Overwhelmingly Passes First Ever US Bill to Punish CCP’s Forced Organ Harvesting

The House on March 27 overwhelmingly passed a bill to punish communist China for its forced organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience, marking the first non-symbolic legislative measure in the United States to counter the atrocity.

H.R. 1154, dubbed the Stop Forced Organ Harvesting Act of 2023, passed by a vote of 413 to 2. It aims to sanction anyone involved in the grisly act and require annual government reporting on such activities taking place in each foreign country. Sens. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) and Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.) were among more than a dozen lawmakers leading the measure’s companion version in the Senate.

Rep. Chris Smith (R-N.J.), the principal sponsor of the bill, called attention to the penalties in the bill for those found to be involved in forced organ harvesting: a civil penalty of up to $250,000, and a criminal penalty of up to $1 million and 20 years in prison.

“It’s got real teeth. We’re not kidding,” Smith told The Epoch Times ahead of the floor vote. “This is an atrocity, this is a crime against humanity, and it’s a war crime, because this is a war on innocent people in China, and [Chinese leader] Xi Jinping is directly responsible, but those who willingly engage in this will be held responsible.”

Elizabeth Warren Announces Bid for Third Senate Term

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) announced Monday that she would seek a third term in the U.S. Senate in 2024.

“We’ve won some big victories for working families in Massachusetts and across the country, but there’s a lot more to do. So today I’m making it official: I’m running for reelection to keep up the fight,” she said on Twitter with an announcement video.

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Announces Run for Mayor of Houston

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) announced at a church event on Sunday that she will run for Houston’s mayoral race.

“Sheila Jackson Lee wants to come home to be your mayor for the city of Houston,” Jackson Lee said at a live-streamed event at City Cathedral Church on Sunday. “I will not be able to do it without each and every one of you.”

Idaho Governor Signs Legislation Banning Boys from Girls’ Restrooms in School

Idaho Gov. Brad Little (R) signed legislation Thursday that will ban boys who identify as girls from using girls’ restrooms in public schools. 

The bill will ban students in Idaho from using restrooms that do not correspond with their sex. 

Poll: Support for Traditional American Values, Patriotism Declines

The percentage of Americans who say patriotism, religious faith, family, and other traditional American values are “very important” is on the decline, a Wall Street Journal-NORC poll found.

Support for every traditional American value included in the poll has receded since 1998 besides “money,” which has grown in importance. The data also shows young people and Democrats tend not to highly rank traditional American values as much as older adults and Republicans.

Supreme Court Rejects Challenge to Kansas Congressional Map

The U.S. Supreme Court on March 27 rejected a challenge to a redrawn congressional map for Kansas.

The Supreme Court did not release a tally of which justices, if any, would have heard the challenge to a ruling from the Kansas Supreme Court. Four justices must approve the type of challenge made, a writ of certiorari, for it to be heard.

The American Civil Liberties Union and other parties brought the challenge in 2022, claiming that the redrawn map was racially discriminatory.

The top court’s rejection is a win for Kansas, which urged the court not to hear the case, arguing it did not involve any federal questions. Even if it did, Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach said, the Kansas Supreme Court ruled correctly when it overturned a lower court ruling against the map.

GOP Senators Introduce Resolution to Reverse Biden’s Student Debt Cancellation Program

U.S. Sens. Bill Cassidy (R-La.), John Cornyn (R-Texas), Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), and 36 of their Republican colleagues have introduced a Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution to overturn President Joe Biden’s student loan cancellation program.

The senators claim in their March 27 announcement of the legislation that the policy violates the limits of Biden’s executive authority under the Constitution and circumvents the authority of Congress.

“President Biden is not forgiving debt, he is shifting the burden of student loans off of the borrowers who willingly took on their debt, and placing it onto those who chose to not go to college or already fulfilled their commitment to pay off their loans,” said Cassidy, according to a press release about the resolution.

“It is extremely unfair to punish these Americans, forcing them to pay the bill for these irresponsible and unfair student loan schemes.”

According to the lawmakers, the plan seeks to transfer up to $20,000 in student loan debt per borrower onto taxpayers, costing an estimated $400 billion.

The resolution would also end the pause on student loan payments, which has been extended six times under the Biden administration, costing taxpayers $5 billion a month. The pause is set to expire in August of 2023 and will have cost Americans a total of $195 billion by then.

On March 17, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) classified Biden’s student loan policy as a rule, making it eligible to be overturned under the CRA.

Rep. Bob Good (R-Va.) introduced the companion CRA resolution in the U.S. House of Representatives.

“President Biden’s so-called student loan forgiveness programs do not make the debt go away, but merely transfer the costs from student loan borrowers onto taxpayers to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars,” said Good, according to the press release.

“Congress should stop these unilateral actions, and I am proud to lead the fight in the House to hold President Biden accountable for his reckless, unfair, and unlawful student loan proposal. I hope all my colleagues will join me and support this effort.”

The Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the cases Biden v. Nebraska and Department of Education v. Brown on whether the student loan cancellation program violates President Biden’s executive authority under the Constitution. A decision is expected this summer.

Cassidy joined Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) and 41 other senators in sending an amicus brief to the Supreme Court in early February, contesting the Biden administration’s student debt cancellation program. He also joined Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) in introducing the Stop Reckless Student Loan Actions Act, which seeks to end Biden’s current student loan pause.

Cassidy also criticized Biden’s income-driven repayment (IDR) rule, which he claims would result in a majority of bachelor’s degree holders not having to repay their loans and would cost taxpayers an estimated $230 billion.


How Aging Affects Mitochondria in Brain Cells

Mitochondria are the powerhouses of your cells, producing a majority of the energy generated in your body. They also coordinate apoptosis, or programmed cell death — an important process that ensures the death of malfunctioning cells that might otherwise turn into cancer

Your brain, being the most energy-dependent organ, is particularly susceptible to impaired energy production due to faulty mitochondria, and researchers now suggest this is what makes the human brain susceptible to age-related diseases in the first place

In older individuals, mitochondrial genes related to energy generation become progressively less active. The mitochondria tend to be less dense and more fragmented, and generate much lower amounts of energy

Free radicals formed at the level of the mitochondria are typically extremely harmful, which is why you need to minimize them. Effective strategies include cyclical ketosis, calorie restriction (fasting), meal timing, exercise and EMF avoidance

Supplements that help optimize mitochondrial function include CoQ10, PQQ, berberine, magnesium, nontimed-release niacin and D-ribose

—> Power Mall Product of Interest:  ASTAXANTHIN WITH DHA (Compared to other antioxidants, astaxanthin is 800x better at singlet oxygen quenching than CoQ10)

Diatomaceous Earth: What Is It, How to Use It, Where to Find It

Throughout its history, DE has been used in chemistry labs for various experiments and procedures when filtering very fine particles. Diatomaceous earth is also used in the filtering processes for drinking water. Fish tanks, swimming pools, beer, wine, sugar, syrups, and honey are all filtered in a medium containing DE.

The agriculture field has greatly benefited from this product, as it has been used as an insecticide and pesticide, and it has been used as a soil additive for growing potted plants. It serves as an anti-caking agent in grain storage and livestock feeds and has been used for its mild abrasive qualities in products like toothpaste, metal polishes, and facial scrubs.

The usefulness of diatomaceous earth ranges from an internal one (as a natural medicine or supplement), to a solution you can apply in-and-around the house in order to protect yourself from unwanted vermin. DE, amazingly, can also be made into a beauty product with its special and unique properties highly effective against “aesthetic defects” which tend to appear as Father Time catches up with all of us. Here’s a quick list to showcase its numerous benefits:

  • Help the body function and regenerate itself properly
  • Detox the body and kill parasites
  • Have an attractive and improved physical appearance
  • Kill bugs, ants, fleas, and the like

Note: Diatomaceous Earth is also known as Fossil Shell Flour.  It is also great to use for pets and livestock.  Diatomaceous earth is also a non-toxic way to control pests in the garden. 

You can usually find it at:

Health Food Stores

Garden Centers

Hardware Stores

Tractor Supply Stores

Pet/ Livestock Stores

** If you are using DE for internal use you will want to make sure you buy a FOOD GRADE QUALITY


Poll: Majority of Americans Say College ‘Not Worth the Cost’

A majority of Americans believe college is “Not worth the cost because people often graduate without specific job skills and with a large amount of debt to pay off,” a Wall Street Journal-NORC poll found.

Fifty-six percent say, “college is not worth the cost,” while 42 percent say it is “worth the cost because people have a better chance to get a good job and earn more income over their lifetime.” The Journal-NORC survey polled 1,019 people from March 1-13, mostly online, and the margin of error was plus or minus 4.1 percentage points at the 95 percent confidence level among all adults.

Texas Manufacturing Activity Expands Slightly as General Business Conditions Worsen: Dallas Fed

Texas factory activity expanded slightly in March after shrinking in February, a report from the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas said Monday.

The production index, a key measure of state manufacturing conditions, moved up from -2.8 to 2.5. The Dallas Fed said this indicates a modest increase in factory output.


Musk announces drastic change to Twitter algorithm

Only verified users will have their content featured in the ‘For You’ timeline

Elon Musk has announced that starting April 15, only verified 

Twitter accounts will be eligible to be featured on the platform’s recommendation timeline. The tech mogul explained the move in a Twitter post on Monday, stating it’s “the only realistic way to address advanced AI bot swarms taking over.”

Apart from no longer being featured in other users’ ‘For You’ feeds, unverified accounts – those that have not paid the $7 monthly fee to have their account verified with a blue checkmark – will also lose the ability to vote in polls. Musk again explained the decision by pointing to the prevalence of bots on the platform.

It is unclear, however, if Musk was only referring to polls created by Twitter and himself – as he often gauges public opinion on key decisions through this tool – or all polls on the platform.

Twitter announced last week that it would remove the verified status of some ‘legacy’ accounts by April 1, meaning only those paying a monthly subscription will now have the blue checkmark in their profiles. According to analysts from Sensor Tower, Twitter currently has an estimated paying user base of just over 385,000 mobile subscribers worldwide on both iOS and Android. 

Critics of Musk’s algorithm change say it will significantly hinder the recommendation timeline’s relevance, as it will essentially prevent regular people from reaching a wider audience and only feature paying users, brands, and accounts of officials.

Oh-Oh: ChatGPT Can Access The Internet And Run The Code It Writes

Language model AIs teach themselves the arts of communication and problem solving based on a limited set of training data. In the case of GPT-4, that data is quite out of date, with the cutoff being late 2021. That’s where all of ChatGPT’s “knowledge” has come from up to this point, and its only output – at least in the service the public can use – has been text. Now, with today’s launch of a plugin ecosystem, GPT levels up again with some impressive new abilities.

First of all, it’s now got access to the internet, meaning it can go surf the Web looking for answers if it determines you need up-to-date information that’s not in its knowledge base. To do this it formulates relevant search strings, sends them to Bing, looks at the results, then goes and reads links it deems worthy until it decides it’s got a good answer for you. You can watch exactly what it’s up to while it does this, and when your answer comes back, it’s neatly annotated with links you can click on to go and examine the relevant sources yourself.

For the time being, its web browser activities are read-only beyond sending “get” requests to Bing. It can’t fill in forms, or do anything else online – so it can’t quietly go and set up unshackled copies of itself on some hidden server somewhere and start engaging in the kinds of “power-seeking behavior” it’s already been caught exhibiting.

Still, OpenAI is keeping everything that happens within its search API separate from the rest of its infrastructure just to be sure. It can’t visit websites that aren’t available through Bing’s “safe mode,” and it won’t visit sites that request not to be crawled in their robots.txt files.

Secondly, it can now run the code it writes. OpenAI has given it a working Python interpreter, sitting in a “sandboxed, firewalled execution environment,” along with some disk space, which stays available for the duration of your chat session, or until it times out. It can also now upload and download files.

So if you ask it a question that requires some serious number crunching, it’s now capable of coding up a piece of software specifically for the task, and running that code to complete your task. You can supply it with data in certain file formats, and it’ll perform operations on that data and give you something back again, potentially in a different format if that’s what you ask for.

This is pretty bonkers stuff. It’ll take a spreadsheet and make annotated graphs for you. It’ll accept JPGs, tell you what they look like they are, and write and run code to resize those images or convert them to grayscale.

ChatKJV: When ChatGPT Meets The King James Bible

The Bible will now be parsed by ChatGPT, that is, Artificial Intelligence. Ask questions, it gives answers. But, ChatGPT has no soul, much less spirit. So, it is possible for AI to give meaningful interpretations and spiritual advice to sentient spiritual beings? It would seem not, but that won’t stop people from using ChatKJV


‘Wind Power Fails on Every Count’: Oxford Scientist Explains the Math

Wind power has been historically and scientifically unreliable, claims an Oxford University mathematician and physicist, with his calculations revealing the government to be pursuing a “bluster of windfarm politics” while discarding numerical evidence.

After the decision to cut down on fossil fuels was made at the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris, the “instinctive reaction” around the world was to embrace renewables, Professor Emeritus Wade Allison, who is also a researcher at CERN, said in a 2023 paper (pdf).

Allison noted that because solar power is “extremely weak,” it was inadequate to “sustain even a small global population with an acceptable standard of living” before the Industrial Revolution.

“Today, modern technology is deployed to harvest these weak sources of energy. Vast ‘farms’ that monopolise the natural environment are built, to the detriment of other creatures. Developments are made regardless of the damage wrought. Hydro-electric schemes, enormous turbines and square miles of solar panels are constructed, despite being unreliable and ineffective; even unnecessary,” Allison said in the report, published by the Global Warming Policy Foundation.

“In particular, the generation of electricity by wind tells a disappointing story. The political enthusiasm and the investor hype are not supported by the evidence, even for offshore wind, which can be deployed out of sight of the infamous My Back Yard,” he wrote. “What does such evidence actually say?”

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, wind power generated more than 9 percent of the net total of the country’s energy in 2021 and is the largest source of renewable power in the country. Over 70,000 turbines generate enough power to serve the equivalent of 43 million American homes, the department says.

There are 120,000 jobs related to wind energy in the United States, the Energy Department says, and it’s one of the fastest-growing jobs in the country.

Baltimore City Council to consider asking EPA to redirect waste from East Palestine train derailment

Baltimore leaders make moves to block contaminated wastewater from being sent to Back River plant

Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott made a major move Monday to block contaminated wastewater from being sent to the troubled Back River Wastewater Treatment Plant.

The City Council has also weighed in on this issue, passing a resolution to urge the EPA to also get involved.

The Baltimore Department of Public Works sent to Clean Harbors, a contractor hired to treat contaminated 675,000 gallons of wastewater coming to the city.

It’s coming from East Palestine, Ohio, where a train carrying toxic materials derailed in February.

The letter says Clean Harbors can treat the water here, but it is not permitted to discharge it at the city’s Back River Wastewater Treatment Plant.

“This is simply unacceptable and another example of environmental injustice that has negatively impacted our cities for generations,” Baltimore City Council President Nick Mosby said.

This matter has been a hot topic of discussion since city leaders found out about it on Friday. They say they were given no notice.

City council members took action at Monday night’s meeting by unanimously adopting a resolution to urge the EPA to reverse the plan to bring the water to the city.

Analysis: Mass Immigration Accounts for 80% of U.S. Population Growth

The nation’s mass immigration policy, giving green cards to roughly a million foreign nationals and temporary work visas to another 1.4 million foreign nationals, is driving 80 percent of all population growth, new analysis details.

Census Bureau data analyzed by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) shows the scope to which legal immigration to the U.S. is fueling nearly all population growth where the resident population hit 333.3 million in 2022 — the highest in American history.


Edible Flowers – from Apple Blossoms to Zucchini

Edible flowers are a great way to add color and flavor to dishes, plus they make wonderful companion plants. We share which parts of flowers are edible (flower petal or whole flower), how they taste, and how to use them.

The top 15 list features flowers that are most commonly used and easily identified. For the adventurous eaters, we’ve also added an edible flower list featuring over 50 more flowers you can eat. 

>> Check out More Edible Flowers


Shedding Concerns: “It Looks Like the mRNA is Transferring from the Vaccinated to Unvaccinated”; yes, vaccinated sheds to unvaccinated (via mRNA naked, in nano-particles, in exosomes, same with spike)

Commentary from Dr. Paul Alexander – Yes, what we felt was one of the gravest nightmares is happening, the vaccinated are and can shed mRNA SAME with spike to those unvaccinated; excreted in sweat, sputum, breast milk, placental barrier

US Expert Panel to Meet to Determine Which Adverse Events COVID-19 Vaccines Cause

A group of U.S. experts is set to meet soon as part of a project to determine which adverse events the COVID-19 vaccines cause.

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) has appointed a committee to review evidence on the relationship between the vaccines and specific adverse events that have occurred after vaccination, including infertility and sudden death.

The committee’s process includes establishing methods, reviewing literature, drawing conclusions, and preparing a report.

“The committee will make conclusions about the causal association between vaccines and specific adverse events,” the NASEM website states.

While their work is funded by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the sponsors will not be able to examine the report before it is published to the public, Kathleen Stratton, a NASEM official, said during a recent meeting.

“What that means is that if a sponsor doesn’t like what the committee has to say—the conclusions of the committee—… the sponsor can’t prevent the report from being made public,” Stratton said. “This is a very powerful tool that we have.”


Wayne State U. Suspends Prof. for Suggesting Protestors Kill Speakers They Disagree With

A professor at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan, has been suspended after making threatening social media posts that suggested protestors kill speakers they disagree with, rather than simply “shouting them down” during campus events.

Wayne State University President M. Roy Wilson released a statement on Monday, informing the campus community that a professor in the school’s English department made a social media post that is “at best, morally reprehensible and, at worst, criminal.”

Biden Administration Hit With Class-Action Lawsuit Over Pressuring Big Tech to Censor Users

President Joe Biden’s administration has been hit with a class-action lawsuit over how the president and other top officials pressured Big Tech to censor users.

Lawyer Robert F. Kennedy Jr., his group Children’s Health Defense, and Louisiana resident Connie Sampognaro brought the suit in U.S. court in Louisiana against Biden and top officials like Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, and White House assistant Rob Flaherty.

The pressure the officials and their agencies brought to bear against Twitter and other Big Tech companies to crack down on alleged mis- and disinformation, including targeting Kennedy personally, violates the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment, according to the new suit.

“It is well established that the government violates the Constitution if it uses coercive threats to induce private parties to censor protected speech or if it engages in collusive joint action with private parties to violate the First Amendment,” the suit states.

The legal action rests in part on evidence that has been uncovered by litigation in the same court brought by the attorneys general of Louisiana and Missouri.

How Transhumanism Is At At Odds With Christianity

One Christian writer offers six reasons why Transhumanism is wrong and ill-fated. Because it seeks to structurally change humans, it deserves critical analysis from all sides. My latest book, The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism, reveals how global elitists at all levels are pushing Transhumanism; in reality, it is a return of eugenics from the 20th century. ⁃


Officials: Man Found Dead in Home Crawling with 60 Venomous Snakes

A man was found dead Tuesday at an Aliquippa, Pennsylvania, home surrounded by dozens of venomous snakes.

Although the man had been bitten, officials said that was not the cause of his death, TribLive reported.


Driver’s Licenses for Illegal Aliens to Cost Massachusetts Taxpayers $28M

Providing thousands of eligible illegal aliens with driver’s licenses is set to cost Massachusetts taxpayers some $28 million, Gov. Maura Healey (D) reveals.

Last year, Massachusetts joined a swath of other states after voters approved a new law that will make driver’s licenses available to potentially 85,000 illegal aliens living across the state.

Fashion Designer Katie Gallagher’s Death Ruled a Homicide

New York fashion designer Katie Gallagher’s July 2022 death has been ruled a homicide, with authorities saying it could be linked to a string of “drug-facilitated theft” crimes in the Democrat-controlled city.

Gallagher’s death was initially ruled a drug overdose, but on Friday, the New York Police Department ruled her death a homicide after the medical examiner concluded that she died from acute intoxication caused by a combination of fentanyl, ethanol, and the opioid designer drug p-Fluorofentanyl, reports NBC New York.

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