July 5, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: March 29, 2022


For the First Time, Russia Signals Intent To Cut Military Operations After Positive Peace Talks

As the first statements coming off now concluded for the day Russia-Ukraine ceasefire talks trickle out, both Interfax and Reuters are reporting the potential for a major breakthrough, as Russia’s Defense Ministry has said it’s seeking to create conditions for dialogue towards halting military activity around the capital of Kiev and major northern city of Chernihiv.

The New York Times suggests this possible overture comes as Russian forces are facing stiff resistance near the capital, as also yesterday Ukraine said it retook the major Kiev suburb of Irpin. “Diplomats from Ukraine and Russia were discussing a possible cease-fire on Tuesday at talks in Turkey, an effort that comes as a Ukrainian counteroffensive pushed back Russian forces in a hard-fought area near Kyiv, the capital,” NY Times writes.

No-confidence motion in Pakistan parliament in bid to remove Khan

Alliance of opposition politicians, the Pakistan Democratic Movement, launches the motion against PM Imran Khan in parliament.Pakistani opposition legislators have launched a no-confidence motion against Prime Minister Imran Khan in parliament, hoping to remove Khan’s government amid accusations he has mismanaged the nation’s economy.

The house will begin a debate on the motion on Thursday and a vote is to be held within seven days.

UK seizes first superyacht in British waters

The UK has seized its first superyacht in British waters as part of sanctions against Russia.

The £38m yacht, named Phi, is owned by an unnamed Russian businessman.

Transport Secretary Grant Shapps said the individual was not currently sanctioned but had “close connections” to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The UK has introduced a raft of sanctions against Russian individuals and businesses following the country’s invasion of Ukraine.

The 58.5m (192ft) Phi was first identified as being potentially Russian-owned on 13 March but its ownership is “deliberately well hidden”, the government said.

It added that the company the ship is registered to is based in the Caribbean islands of St Kitts and Nevis but it carried Maltese flags to hide its origins.

Transport secretary Mr Shapps said the move was “a clear and stark warning to Putin and his cronies”.

“The ship won’t be going anywhere for the time being,” he said. “People who have benefitted from [Mr Putin’s] regime cannot benefit from sailing around London and the UK in ships like this.”


US moves to shore up unhappy allies on North Africa visit

US Secretary of State Blinken’s visit to Morocco and Algeria aims to bring the rivals together, and improve relations with the United States.

With the focus on strained relations between the United States and its Gulf allies, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, it has been easy to overlook that discontent with the Biden administration has also spread to North Africa.

Algeria has continued to remain deeply concerned about President Joe Biden’s refusal to reverse his predecessor Donald Trump’s recognition of Moroccan sovereignty over the disputed Western Sahara. Equally, Morocco has been frustrated that Biden does not intend to go beyond Trump’s “recognition”.

Tucker Carlson: It’s Time to Invoke the 25th Amendment Before Joe Biden Ignites World War III

Joe Biden flew to Europe over the weekend and nearly started World War III — several times.

Biden’s gaffes on US troops in Ukraine, on Ukrainian troops being trained by US troops in Poland, on replacing Vladimir Putin in Russia…  ALL nearly brought the US and NATO into direct war with Russia.

The US already started a financial war to ruin the Russian economy but this was not enough for Joe Biden.

Several times his administration had to step in and correct Joe Biden in gaffe after gaffe.  And, of course, as the public watches in amazement, the fake news has yet to notice President Biden’s worsening dementia.

The man is dangerous.  The regime is dangerous.  And we’re not just talking about Vlad Putin here.

Tucker Carlson last night called on Congress to invoke the 25th Amendment before Joe Biden destroys the US economy, US borders, and gets us into a nuclear war with Russia.

AZ Sheriff: Biden Comparing Border to Ukraine Is Admission He Knows There’s a Problem and He’s Doing Nothing

On Monday’s broadcast of the Fox Business Network’s “Evening Edit,” Pinal County, AZ Sheriff Mark Lamb (R) stated that President Joe Biden’s comparison between the refugee crisis stemming from the war in Ukraine and the situation on the U.S. southern border is at least an acknowledgment that there’s a problem on the border, but it’s also an admission that the administration knows the problem on the border exists, but isn’t doing anything about it.

Lamb said the situations in Ukraine and Poland and the southern border are “not the same. It’s not even close to being the same. What we’re dealing with on the southern border is human trafficking and drug trafficking into America, even the people claiming asylum are not doing it the way they’re supposed to be doing it. But here’s the thing: He does acknowledge at least the fact that there are thousands of people every day trying to come into the country illegally, yet they do nothing about it, which is even worse, that they know there’s a problem, yet he does nothing about it. This is about human trafficking and drug trafficking, not the same as what’s going on in Ukraine and Poland.”

Jan. 6th committee votes to hold two in contempt

The House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol voted unanimously Monday night to hold former Trump advisers Peter Navarro and Dan Scavino in contempt of Congress for their monthslong refusal to comply with subpoenas. 

‘255,000 excess votes’ for Biden found in 2020 presidential race

Even Democrats believe there was voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election, according to a commentary from John R. Lott Jr., formerly the senior adviser for research and statistics at the DOJ’s Office of Legal Policy and now the president of Crime Prevention Research Center.

Lott explained in his commentary at Real Clear Politics that peer-reviewed research confirms evidence of voter fraud.

Reporter Mocked For Claiming Biden Has Most Foreign Policy Experience of Any President Ever

A White House correspondent was mocked online for flattering President Joe Biden on Monday by telling him that he had “more foreign policy experience than any President who has ever held this office” before asking him a question.

The statement arose as the president answered questions following his presentation of his budget proposals. The reporter, who was described online as a PBS correspondent (but neither named nor confirmed as such) made the statement before asking about his remarks in Warsaw declaring that Russian President Vladimir Putin cannot remain in power: “Whether those are your personal feelings or your feelings as President, do you understand why people would believe you, as someone commanding one of the largest nuclear arsenals in the world, saying someone cannot remain in power is a statement of U.S. policy?” she asked. “And also, are you concerned about propaganda use of those remarks by the Russians?”

Florida governor signs bill limiting LGBTQ instruction in schools

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis on Monday signed a Republican-backed bill that bans classroom instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity for many young students, drawing swift criticism from companies, Democrats and advocacy groups.

The legislation, referred to by its opponents as the “don’t say gay” bill, has stirred national controversy and got attention during Sunday’s Oscars telecast amid an increasingly partisan debate over what schools should teach children about race and gender.

Formally called the “Parental Rights in Education” bill, the Florida measure bars classroom instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity for children in kindergarten through third grade, or from about ages 5-9, in public schools.

It also prohibits such teaching that “is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate” for students in other grades.

Under the law, which takes effect on July 1, parents will be allowed to sue school districts they believe to be in violation.

Mainstream Media Completely Ignores New Developments In Hunter Biden Scandals

Scandals are piling up around Hunter Biden and the media is not interested in the slightest.

The major networks have not even mentioned Hunter’s name in months.

Do you think they would ignore these scandals if they involved one of Trump’s kids? There’s no way they would.

FOX News reports:

ABC, CBS, NBC ignore Hunter Biden scandals, haven’t mentioned his name in 259 days, study says

Morning and evening newscasts on ABC, CBS and NBC haven’t uttered the name “Hunter Biden” in 259 days despite ongoing scandals surrounding the president’s son, according to a study by the Media Research Center.

“It has now been 259 days — 37 weeks — since July 12, 2021. That’s when any of the corrupt network newscasts last uttered the words ‘Hunter Biden.’ Scandal after scandal, nothing seems to shake the determination of the ABC, CBS, and NBC morning and evening news shows to keep the public from knowing about the President’s wayward son and his sketchy financial and foreign dealings,” MRC research director Scott Whitlock wrote.

Whitlock analyzed ABC’s “Good Morning America,” “World News Tonight,” CBS’ morning offerings, “CBS Evening News,” NBC’s “Today” and “NBC Nightly News” and discovered zero mentions of “Hunter Biden” since last July.

While the broadcast networks have avoided Hunter Biden at all costs, the president’s son has been mentioned by other news outlets.

The New York Times confirmed earlier this month the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop, which he left in a Delaware repair shop in 2019 before it was turned over to the FBI by the repair shop owner.

It must be nice to be a Democrat.


Soaring Cotton Prices Could Mean Clothing Is About To Get More Expensive

Cotton futures jumped as high as 4% Monday, reaching a new decade high, as data supplied by weather forecasters say drought conditions in Texas could tighten supplies. The front-month contract in New York hit $1.41 a pound, the highest intraday level since May 2011.

Cotton futures have soared nearly 9.5% in the last three sessions. Prices are coming back in on Monday after hitting a new decade high. Prices around 0950 ET are around $1.36. The latest spike in prices has been due to drought fears in Texas and the Ukraine conflict tightening supplies.

Cotton futures jumped as high as 4% Monday, reaching a new decade high, as data supplied by weather forecasters say drought conditions in Texas could tighten supplies. The front-month contract in New York hit $1.41 a pound, the highest intraday level since May 2011.

Cotton futures have soared nearly 9.5% in the last three sessions. Prices are coming back in on Monday after hitting a new decade high. Prices around 0950 ET are around $1.36. The latest spike in prices has been due to drought fears in Texas and the Ukraine conflict tightening supplies.

Biden pitches largest tax hike in history as part of $5.8T budget request 

President Biden made a renewed push on Monday to galvanize congressional Democrats to overhaul the nation’s tax code and dramatically raise rates on corporations and ultra-wealthy Americans.

The president laid out the tax hikes as part of his $5.8 trillion budget blueprint for federal spending in fiscal 2023, which begins in October. Under his proposal, taxes would rise by $2.5 trillion, marking the largest increase in history in dollar terms. The deficit would be $1.15 trillion.

The higher taxes would largely be borne by Wall Street and the top sliver of U.S. households, in the form of a steeper corporate rate, a modified wealth tax and a global minimum tax.

“We are reducing the Trump deficits and returning our fiscal house to order,” Biden said at the White House on Monday, referring to the widening spending gap under former President Donald Trump. He said the budget “makes prudent investment and economic growth, a more equitable economy, while making sure corporations and the very wealthy pay their fair share.”

W.H. Economic Adviser Won’t Rule Out Biden Minimum Tax Being First Step to Further Tax Hikes

On Monday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Hallie Jackson Reports,” White House Council of Economic Advisers member Jared Bernstein responded to a question on whether the minimum tax proposal in President Joe Biden’s budget is a first step towards further tax increases by stating that the proposal “injects a huge dose of fairness into the tax code,” which is important to Biden, and is historic legislation “to try to figure out how we can fix this problem that billionaires tend to pay an effective tax rate of 8%.”

Host Hallie Jackson asked, “Let me start with this new minimum tax for very rich Americans, which the White House says would apply to people, I think with more than $100 million basically. Is this just a first step towards potentially raising taxes on a bigger group of rich people, of wealthy Americans, or is this it for the moment?”

Bernstein answered, “Well, I think what this is is an absolutely historically unique piece of tax legislation, the idea of which is to do something that’s really never been done in U.S. tax policy, which is to try to figure out how we can fix this problem that billionaires tend to pay an effective tax rate of 8%. I didn’t leave off a number there, 8%, below 10%, below what a firefighter or a teacher pays, in many cases. And that’s because our tax system leaves wealth out of its base and this billionaire’s minimum tax disallows that and it requires billionaires, the top .01% of the income scale to pay, at a minimum, a 20% tax rate, not the current 8%, raises 360 billion over 10 years, and injects a huge dose of fairness into the tax code, very important to this president.”


FDA Approves First Gene-Edited Cows for Beef

Story at-a-glance:

  • While a lengthy approval process is typically necessary for gene-edited animals to enter the food market, the FDA streamlined the process for gene-edited cattle, allowing them to skirt the regular approval process.
  • The FDA announced in March 2022 that Recombinetics’ gene-edited cattle received a low-risk determination for marketing products, including food, made from their meat.
  • This marks the FDA’s first low-risk determination for enforcement discretion for an intentional genomic alteration in an animal for food use.
  • The animals have genes modified to make their coats shorter and slicker, which is intended to help them better withstand heat stress, allowing them to gain more weight and increase the efficiency of meat production.
  • In 2019, Brazil stopped its plans to allow a herd of Recombinetics’ gene-edited cattle after unexpected DNA changes were uncovered.
  • Long-term safety studies have not been conducted, and experts are calling for long-term safety and toxicity studies.

In as little as two years, Americans could be biting into their first gene-edited burgers, courtesy of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) regulatory clearance of gene-edited cattle.

The animals, created by bioengineering company Recombinetics, have genes modified to make their coats shorter and slicker.

The genetic modification to their coats is intended to help them better withstand heat stress, allowing them to gain more weight and increase the efficiency of meat production — but at what cost?

While a lengthy approval process is typically necessary for gene-edited animals to enter the food market, the FDA streamlined the process for gene-edited cattle, allowing them to skirt the regular approval process.

Military Looks For AI To Replace Decision-Making On Battlefield

When a suicide bomber attacked Kabul International Airport in August last year, the death and destruction was overwhelming: The violence left 183 people dead, including 13 U.S. soldiers.

This kind of mass casualty event can be particularly daunting for field workers. Hundreds of people need care, the hospitals nearby have limited room, and decisions on who gets care first and who can wait need to be made quickly. Often, the answer isn’t clear, and people disagree.

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) – the innovation arm of the U.S. military – is aiming to answer these thorny questions by outsourcing the decision-making process to artificial intelligence. Through a new program, called In the Moment, it wants to develop technology that would make quick decisions in stressful situations using algorithms and data, arguing that removing human biases may save lives, according to details from the program’s launch this month.

“DARPA envisions a future in which machines are more than just tools,” the agency said in announcing the AI Next program. “The machines DARPA envisions will function more as colleagues than as tools.”

To that end, DARPA’s In the Moment program will create and evaluate algorithms that aid military decision-makers in two situations: small unit injuries, such as those faced by Special Operations units under fire, and mass casualty events, like the Kabul airport bombing. Later, they may develop algorithms to aid disaster relief situations such as earthquakes, agency officials said.

The program, which will take roughly 3.5 years to complete, is soliciting private corporations to assist in its goals, a part of most early-stage DARPA research. Agency officials would not say which companies are interested, or how much money will be slated for the program.

Matt Turek, a program manager at DARPA in charge of shepherding the program, said the algorithms’ suggestions would model “highly trusted humans” who have expertise in triage. But they will be able to access information to make shrewd decisions in situations where even seasoned experts would be stumped.

For example, he said, AI could help identify all the resources a nearby hospital has – such as drug availability, blood supply and the availability of medical staff – to aid in decision-making.

“That wouldn’t fit within the brain of a single human decision-maker,” Turek added. “Computer algorithms may find solutions that humans can’t.”

Left unchecked, artificial intelligence will eventually subsume all areas of life on earth, including health, population management and warfare. As the wounded are harvested from battlefields, AI is now sought for performing triage to decide which soldiers to treat first who are deemed to be “savable,” potentially leaving others to die. — Technocracy News & Trends Editor Patrick Wood


300 Babies Died Unnecessarily within Socialised Healthcare Unit in UK- Report

A report into maternity care at a unit run by Britain’s socialised healthcare service is to find that over 300 babies died unnecessarily thanks to quotas and an obsession with “natural births” at the expense of medical intervention where required.

The independent investigation looked into the experiences of 1,500 families who received medical treatment at the Shrewsbury and Telford hospital trust between 2000 and 2019, concluding that a number of factors resulted in many of them receiving unnecessarily poor and even deadly ‘care’.

According to a report by The Times, at least twelve mothers died within the unit while trying to give birth, while 300 babies were found to have died unnecessarily.

These deaths were reportedly the result of a fixation on “normal births”, which the publication claims was fueled by targets set by the NHS which aimed to keep the number of caesarean sections performed in hospitals low.

This in turn was reportedly driven by an edict from the World Health Organisation, which in 1985 declared that countries should endeavour to keep their c-section births at levels below 10 to 15 per cent, an instruction the international group reportedly later rolled back.

The report is slated to say, The Times claims, that the fixation led to a number of women being forced to give birth naturally — with some even being given drugs to induce labour — when a c-section would have likely been a better course of medical care.

Speaking on the findings, Donna Ockenden — an experienced midwife who headed up the independent inquiry — said that multiple opportunities to detect and tackle the problem were missed, leading women to be forced into suffering traumatic births.

“There were numerous opportunities for the system to wake up and realise that there was a problem at this trust,” Ockenden said, reportedly “shocked and saddened” by her findings.

“There have been a number of occasions where families tried to be heard over many years and were silenced or ignored,” she continued. “We have seen families that have been split apart, families where relationships have been broken, cases of trauma and PTSD that have persisted for years after the event as well as terrible, terrible sadness.”

“At times, after meeting families, I went back to my hotel room and I cried,” she also said.

Common Diabetes Drug Taken by Dads Linked to Birth Defects in Babies

Babies born to fathers who were taking the common diabetes drug metformin may have a slightly increased risk of certain birth defects, a large new study suggests.

Among over 1 million babies born in Denmark, just over 3% had a birth defect of some kind. But that rate was roughly 5% among babies whose fathers had used metformin in the three months before they were conceived, the findings showed.

In particular, the medication was tied to a higher risk of genital birth defects, all in baby boys, according to the report published March 28 in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

Experts stressed that the study does not prove metformin is to blame, and there is no known mechanism to explain the connection. And men should not stop using their medication based on a single study, they added.

“We know metformin works well for controlling diabetes,” said senior researcher Dr. Michael Eisenberg, a professor of urology at Stanford University School of Medicine in California.

But the results do bring up a “signal” that should be studied further, Eisenberg said. On a broader level, he added, the study highlights the importance of understanding fathers’ influence on birth defect risks.

Sweeteners May Be Linked To Increased Cancer Risk – New Research

Sweeteners have long been suggested to be bad for our health. Studies have linked consuming too many sweeteners with conditions such as obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. But links with cancer have been less certain.

An artificial sweetener, called cyclamate, that was sold in the US in the 1970s was shown to increase bladder cancer in rats. However, human physiology is very different from rats, and observational studies failed to find a link between the sweetener and cancer risk in humans. Despite this, the media continued to report a link between sweeteners and cancer.

But now, a study published in PLOS Medicine which looked at over 100,000 people, has shown that those who consume high levels of some sweeteners have a small increase in their risk of developing certain types of cancer.

To assess their intake of artificial sweeteners, the researchers asked the participants to keep a food diary. Around half of the participants were followed for more than eight years.

The study reported that aspartame and acesulfame K, in particular, were associated with increased cancer risk – especially breast and obesity-related cancers, such as colorectal, stomach and prostate cancers. This suggests that removing some types of sweeteners from your diet may reduce the risk of cancer.


New Study Shows More People Under 65 Died from Alcohol-Related Causes in 2020 Than of COVID

“The Science,” we have been told since March 2020, is the rigorous set of guidelines that must be “followed” with unquestioning obedience in order to reduce the spread, flatten the curve, return to normal, get our freedom back, end the lockdowns, or any other arbitrary carrot placed on the stick (yes they literally said this) that is wielded by the tyrant class.

If you don’t follow said “The Science” you are a science denying buffoon who wants grandma to die, doesn’t care about the children, are an alt-right Trump humper, a white supremacist, extremist, and most likely a domestic terrorist.

“Don’t wear a mask!” “Wear a mask!” “Wear two masks!” Wear three masks!” “Cloth masks don’t work!” “Only N95s will protect you!”

“If you’re vaccinated you can’t get covid.” “Vaccines are 100% effective at stopping covid.” “Vaccines are 96% effective.”

“Vaccines are 70% effective.” “Vaccines no longer effective after six months.” “Boosters are our only way out of covid.” “It is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.” “You now need a fourth booster!”

“The Science,” as our readers know has been a shifting goal post since day one and has had almost nothing to do with actual science at all. When the pro-mandate psychopaths changed an arbitrary dictate, we are told that the virus has changed, not “The Science.”

One thing about science and data, however, is that it is very difficult to hide the truth because unlike politicians and corrupt “experts,” the numbers do not lie. Recent findings, according to research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, show that more people under the age of 65 died from alcohol-related causes than of covid.

All thanks to “The Science(TM).”

Approximately 74,408 Americans ages 16 to 64 died of alcohol-related causes, compared to 74,075 individuals under 65 who died of COVID, according to the data. What’s more, the second number continues to decrease as the CDC and others actually examine “with and from covid” deaths and adjust the final count.

As the NY Times reports, during the pandemic, binge drinking increased, as did emergency room visits for alcohol withdrawal. But the new report found that the number of alcohol-related deaths, including from liver disease and accidents, soared, rising to 99,017 in 2020, up from 78,927 the previous year — an increase of 25 percent in the number of deaths in one year.

“The assumption is that there were lots of people who were in recovery and had reduced access to support that spring and relapsed,” said Aaron White, the report’s first author and a senior scientific adviser at the alcohol abuse institute.

“Stress is the primary factor in relapse, and there is no question there was a big increase in self-reported stress, and big increases in anxiety and depression, and planet-wide uncertainty about what was coming next,” he said. “That’s a lot of pressure on people who are trying to maintain recovery.”

While stress from the pandemic was certainly demanding, the government and media’s amplification of it was far greater. Couple the 24/7 constant fear mongering from the media with the unscientific lockdowns by the state which put millions of people out of work and the establishment created the perfect storm.

As the media and government attempt to claim this is some new phenomenon, the record will show that there was an entire body of science pointing these things out as they were unfolding in real time. Sadly, however, those doctors and scientists were banned from social media, had their licenses revoked, and were silenced into oblivion as the problem they tried to stop, got worse.

The Free Thought Project was reporting on this since the beginning in regard to overdoses which soared to historically deadly rates. In 2020, as California was shutting down outdoor parks and outlawed outdoor kissing, residents turned to drugs and alcohol to cope with their new tyrannical world. By December 2020, 360 percent more people had died from overdose than died from covid.

It wasn’t just California either. a year later, we would find that the number one killer of all Americans aged 18-45 was not covid-19 but overdose.


Polish vets help treat pets of Ukraine refugees (Video)

A veterinary clinic in a Polish border city is treating wounded animals and pets from Ukraine. Vets are now opening a new warehouse in Przemysl, and volunteers are invited in the evening to visit and provide some loving human interaction with the pets

Two by two: Rescuers save lion, wolf from Ukraine war zone

Simba the lion and a wolf named Akyla have been evacuated from a zoo in war-torn Ukraine and brought to safety in Romania in what an animal rights group involved in the operation says was a four-day mission “full of dangers” further hampered by border entry bureaucracy.

The adult male lion and the gray wolf, who were fully awake during the dangerous journey due to lack of tranquilizers in Ukraine, arrived Monday at a zoo in Radauti, from a zoo in Zaporizhzhia in southeast Ukraine.

Now at a safe distance from the conflict and after spending four days in cages in the back of a van, the two animals were recovering from the journey in their new enclosure Wednesday, regaining their strength as they lounged in the shade.

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