July 3, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: March 29, 2023


W.H.O Revises Guidance on Vaccines and Boosters

The World Health Organization (W.H.O.) Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (SAGE) updated its guidance for coronavirus vaccines and boosters this week, revising its recommendation for boosters for certain groups.

In a March 28 news release, SAGE Chair Dr. Hanna Nohynek explained that the guidance has been updated to reemphasize “the importance of vaccinating those still at-risk of severe disease, mostly older adults and those with underlying conditions, including with additional boosters.”

Great Reset Setback: UK’s Royal Mint Drops Rishi Sunak’s Cashless Society NFT Scheme

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s Great Reset-style plans to introduce a government-backed NFT have been dropped, the Royal Mint announced this week.

Last April, while serving as the Chancellor of the Exchequer, the historical name for the UK finance minister, Rishi Sunak laid out plans for the introduction of a “NFT for Britain” to be produced by the Royal Mint and which could be bought and sold online.

Fiery Paris Protests Continue as Nation Revolts Against Macron’s Globalist Government

Violent protests continued in Paris again on Tuesday evening on the tenth straight day of demonstrations against the government of President Emmanuel Macron, which enraged the nation by steamrolling through reforms to the pension system without a vote through the use of a constitutional loophole earlier this month.

Fatal Mexican Detention Center Fire near U.S. Border Set by Protesting Migrants

Mexico’s President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador announced Tuesday that 39 migrants died during a fire at a detention center in Ciudad Juarez. The president said detained migrants started the fire during a protest after the group learned they were going to be deported.

The incident took place on Monday night shortly after 9:30 p.m. at a detention facility run by Mexico’s National Migration Institute (INM). The fire began when a group of migrants became agitated and stacked sleeping mats by the door and set them ablaze.

North Korea Debuts Underwater ‘Nuclear Attack Drone,’ Apparent Tactical Warheads

North Korea’s state media outlets published photos on Tuesday of communist dictator Kim Jong-un alongside a weapon identified as the “Hwasan-31,” the country’s first apparent tactical nuclear warhead produced in response to Kim’s call for the country to become “flawlessly prepared to use nuclear weapons anytime and anywhere.”

The Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), the flagship state media apparatus is North Korea, also claimed on Tuesday that the nation’s Academy of Defense Science once again tested an “underwater nuclear attack drone” throughout the weekend.


Here’s What We Know About the Covenant School Shooting Suspect

Officials have identified the suspect in Monday’s Nashville Christian school shooting incident as 28-year-old Audrey Hale and Nashville Police released surveillance footage of the suspect breaking into the facility. Six people, including three 9-year-old children, were confirmed to have died in the shooting.

The footage shows Hale, who Police Chief John Drake initially identified as transgender, arriving at The Covenant School’s campus before 10 a.m. Monday. Edited footage then shows Hale apparently shooting glass doors before she climbs through the frame while wearing a camouflage vest and a red baseball cap turned backward.

A Metropolitan Nashville Police Department spokesperson, Kristin Mumford, told The Epoch Times that the shooter was born a woman. However, Mumford and other officials could not confirm if she identified as a man or not.

More guns found in transgender Nashville shooter Audrey Hale’s home: cops

Nashville mass shooter Audrey Hale hid her cache of weapons from her parents, who didn’t want her to own guns due to an emotional disorder she was being treated for, police revealed Tuesday.

Hale, 28, who was transgender, had legally purchased seven guns from various local stores — including the three she used to kill six victims at the Covenant School on Monday, Metropolitan Nashville Police Chief John Drake said.

According to Drake, Hale’s parents told investigators they only knew about one of the guns but they believed she had sold it sometime before the massacre that left three 9-year-olds and three adults dead.

“She was under care, doctor’s care, for an emotional disorder,” the police chief said without elaborating, adding that cops “knew nothing about the treatment she was receiving.”

Drake previously said police are looking into whether Hale’s gender identity played a role in the slaughter. It’s unclear whether Hale identified as man or a woman, but cops have referred to her using female pronouns.

With Untested Cases Challenging Trump, Legal Experts Weigh In

Former President Donald Trump currently faces four lawsuits and investigations with potential criminal liabilities.

As the leading Republican presidential candidate for 2024, Trump has characterized these legal challenges as part of a political “witch hunt” and attempts to hurt his candidacy. Across the aisle, Trump’s critics describe the investigations as the proper application of the rule of law.

The former president’s legal troubles—those potentially carrying criminal liabilities—include a potential indictment on money Trump allegedly paid to adult entertainment actress Stormy Daniels; potential charges related to election interference in Georgia; a probe into Trump’s handling of classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago property; and an investigation into Trump’s alleged interference with the transfer of power after the last presidential election.

The Epoch Times asked legal experts to evaluate Trump’s potential vulnerabilities as prosecutors signaled they would employ legal strategies in their cases against him that had never been used before.

Local Trump Fans Say Controversy Over Choice of Waco for First 2024 Rally Is Bogus

Controversy seems to follow former President Donald Trump. Sometimes he invites it but this time it was unfairly foisted upon him, Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick insisted at Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign kickoff rally.

On March 25, after thousands of people stood for hours in 78-degree heat at the Waco Regional Airport, Patrick bounded up the stairs and took center stage in advance of Trump’s appearance.

Patrick dispelled speculation about the motivation behind Trump’s decision to launch his third presidential campaign at this time and place.

Using one of Trump’s stock phrases, Patrick dismissed as “fake news” any connection to an infamous tragedy near Waco.

DC judge orders Mike Pence to testify before Jan. 6 grand jury: reports

A federal judge has ordered former Vice President Mike Pence to answer questions about conversations he had with former President Donald Trump prior to the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot, multiple reports indicated Tuesday.

Chief DC US District Judge James Boasberg said in a sealed ruling that Pence must share details with a grand jury about any of the 76-year-old Trump’s potentially illegal actions on or before his supporters stormed the seat of the legislative branch, according to sources who spoke with CNN and ABC News.

However, Boasberg also said the vice president may decline to answer questions about his own actions on that day.

Trump had previously attempted to block Pence from testifying before the grand jury, citing his own executive privilege. However, President Biden informed special counsel Jack Smith that the White House would not assert executive privilege over Pence’s testimony.

“These events — which reflected the most serious attack on the operations of the Federal Government since the Civil War — threatened not only the safety of Congress and others present at the Capitol, but also the principles of democracy enshrined in our history and our Constitution,” White House special counsel Richard Sauber wrote in a letter to Smith last month, which was obtained by ABC.

Investigation Launched Into Alvin Bragg’s ‘Abusive and Partisan’ Pursuit of Trump

America First Legal (AFL) has launched an investigation into the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office’s “abusive and partisan” pursuit of former President Donald Trump, with the foundation seeking records that are expected to unmask the probe against Trump as politically motivated.

The foundation filed a New York Freedom of Information Law request on March 27 (pdf), requesting a range of Trump-related communications records from the Manhattan DA’s office, which is pursuing an investigation against the former president.

“America First Legal will obtain and expose records about Alvin Bragg’s unprecedented efforts to target a political opponent,” said Gene Hamilton, AFL vice president and general counsel, in a statement.

Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg is probing Trump over an alleged misclassification of a hush money payment to adult performer Stormy Daniels over an alleged affair.

Trump, who has denied the affair with Daniels and insists he’s the victim of extortion, initially said he expected to be indicted last week, but Bragg has so far not made his move. The former president has since said he believes Bragg has given up on the case.

“I think they’ve already dropped the case … they have absolutely nothing.” Trump said after a rally in Waco, Texas, on Saturday. “It’s a fake case.”

Guerrilla Warfare in the United States

Commentary by By Cliff Kincaid – Train derailments, attacks on power substations, lasers directed at aircraft, firebombing pro-life pregnancy centers, a communist-inspired Antifa attack on a police facility in Atlanta, and now a transgender killer at a Christian school.

Some of the above might be accidents or the work of deranged individuals. But you would have to be naïve to rule out the involvement of subversives determined to undermine public safety and security.

You do not have to be a “conspiracy theorist” to consider that there might be something sinister happening behind the scenes.

On the other hand, stories about the “search for a motive” in the mass murder at the Christian school demonstrate the clueless nature of our media on these shocking events.

The conclusion is inescapable: America is under attack by foreign ideologies based in Russia and China and anti-American cultural tendencies encouraged by the national Democratic Party.

To obscure these facts, the media focus on guns, not mental problems, educational malpractice, and parental irresponsibility.

Consider the transgender movement, which spawned 28-year-old Nashville killer “Audrey Hale.” She/he went to the Christian school and was obviously opposed to its Christian values.

Leslie Feinberg, founder of the modern transgender movement, was described by his supporters as “an anti-racist white, working-class, secular Jewish, transgender, lesbian, female, revolutionary communist.” A member of the communist Workers World Party, his/her books included Rainbow Solidarity in Defense of Cuba.

He/she represents the “Cultural Marxism” that has infected the lives of many young people and has now struck down three students and three staff members at that Christian school.

What’s happening is not a mystery. It is much more than an “emotional disorder” and is based on rejection of the United States and its Christian heritage.

Trump Returns to Fox News, Responds to ‘Death and Destruction’ Controversy

Former President Donald Trump returned to Fox News on Monday night for the first time in months and responded to questions about allegations that he might be charged by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office.

Last week, Trump received criticism after he posted to Truth Social that “death and destruction” may occur if he’s indicted in connection to the case. Speaking to Fox News host Sean Hannity in a wide-ranging interview, the former president denied that he did not call for destruction but was merely issuing a warning of what might happen in the future.

Trump, a 2024 presidential candidate, noted that he “didn’t say [to] do something bad … I said I’m afraid people will do something.” The former president also disputed claims he wanted to incite violence after posting to Truth Social a National File article that featured an image of Trump jokingly holding a baseball bat that was juxtaposed next to Bragg’s head.

“We didn’t see pictures. We put up a story that was very exculpatory, very good story from the standpoint of what we’re talking about,” he said of the National File article.

Also in the interview, Trump spoke about other investigations, including the Department of Justice’s probe into whether he mishandled allegedly classified materials. In another high-profile incident, FBI agents raided his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida last August, drawing condemnation from the former president.

“Remember this: This is the Presidential Records Act. I have the right to take stuff,” Trump told Fox News, adding: “I have the right to take stuff. I have the right to look at stuff. But they have the right to talk, and we have the right to talk.”

Man Arrested in Connection with 2022 Firebombing of Wisconsin Pro-Life Organization

Law enforcement arrested a suspect on Tuesday for allegedly firebombing a Wisconsin pro-life organization more than ten months ago following the leak of the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision, the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced.

Madison resident Hridindu Sankar Roychowdhury, 29, is accused of attacking Wisconsin Family Action early in the morning on May 8, 2022. Law enforcement responded to an active fire at the organization’s building and found the remnants of two mason jars, one of which was singed but had not successfully caught fire, according to the complaint. On the outside of the building, the suspect allegedly spray-painted, “if abortions aren’t safe then you aren’t either,” as well as a large “A” and the number “1312.” Law enforcement collected DNA from the scene of the attack.

Suspect Arrested in Second Attack on Buffalo Pregnancy Center

Police arrested a woman on Saturday who allegedly vandalized a sign belonging to a New York pro-life organization that was firebombed last year.

Hannah Kamake, 39, is accused of spray-painting “LIARS” in red on a sign belonging to CompassCare, a pregnancy center in Buffalo on March 16. The organization released footage and pictures following the incident, showing the suspect trudging through the snow in a hoodie to spray paint the sign. 

Joe Biden Says Americans ‘Aren’t Allowed to Own a Flamethrower’

During a gun control push in the wake of the Nashville Christian school attack, President Joe Biden claimed that Americans “aren’t allowed to own a flamethrower.”

He said this while re-stating his belief that the Second Amendment is not absolute.

FNC’s MacCallum: ‘We Have a Serious Problem in This Country’ with Mass Shootings

Fox News anchor Martha MacCallum said Tuesday on her show “The Story” that “we have a serious problem in this country” with mass shootings.

MacCallum said, “Let’s take a look at some of these numbers. We have a serious problem in this country, and we do see these weapons being used in these situations. We have a couple of things going on here, right? We have 30% have seriously considered attempting suicide rate among young women in this country. This young woman told a friend on a text that she was going to kill herself, that it was all going to be on the news. We have a serious problem going on in this country, and it has many layers to it.”

She added, “We need to have places where families can turn to when they have no more control over their young person and their family. And yes, we need to raise serious questions about whether this person should be able to purchase these guns.”

MacCallum added, “We’re saying it’s a number of factors, but you can’t leave the gun out of the picture either.”

Co-host Geraldo Rivera said, “There are more guns than people in America.”

MacCallum said, “We’re doing something wrong. We’re doing something majorly, majorly wrong.”


‘More Dangerous Than Ever’: Experts Warn Americans Against Going to Mexico to Buy Cheap Pharmacy Drugs

A recent study by the University of California (UCLA) concluded that many drugs from Mexican pharmacies are laced with fentanyl, heroin, and methamphetamine. U.S. tourists are often the buyers of these pills, which include counterfeit replicas of Oxycodone, Percocet, and Adderall.

The UCLA-led study reported that two out of three (68 percent) pharmacies in four cities in northern Mexico had at least one controlled substance for sale without requiring a prescription. Prescriptions were also offered in bottles or individual pills.

Eleven pharmacies contain counterfeit pills laced with fentanyl, heroin, and/or methamphetamine. “Of 45 pill samples,” UCLA Health reported, “nine sold as Adderall contained methamphetamine, eight sold as Oxycodone had fentanyl, and three sold as Oxycodone contained heroin.”

The Epoch Times spoke to Derek Maltz, a former head of the Special Operations Division (SOD) of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). As the study suggested, he said, “One of the reasons why Mexican pharmacies attract buyers from America is because you don’t need a prescription, and they’re inexpensive.”

He further explained, “Some people think they can’t afford medicine here, and others can’t afford medical procedures.” As a result, many go to Mexico to make their drug purchases or get their procedures done at a more affordable rate.

“The trend of medical tourism—Americans traveling to Mexico for medical care because it’s cheaper—is now more dangerous than ever,” he said.

The UCLA study pointed out that a person could be led into thinking they’re receiving pharmaceutical-grade pills but could be receiving fake pills, Maltz said. “And this is more dangerous than I have the words to express,” he added.

“What if these pills make it into the medical offices where you’re having a procedure and are seeking pain relief?”

Maltz offered this warning: “You get what you pay for.” With that in mind, he said, “Rather than going to Mexico for inexpensive drugs or medical procedures, it would be smarter to spend a little extra money on this side of the border.

“Now, more than ever, dealing with a Mexican pharmacy is a terrible decision because it could kill you.”

Fentanyl is 100 times more potent than morphine and 50 times more potent than heroin.

Stories related to Dr. Paul Haider’s discussion on yesterday’s show:

Chu Chu Huasi One of the Most Mysterious Trees of the Amazon Can Help You Achieve a Healthier Life

Indigenous exclusively to the Amazon rainforests of Bolivia, Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela, the magnificent Chu Chu Huasi tree grows to heights of nearly 100 feet.  With a wide canopy, large leaves up to a foot in diameter, and dainty white flowers, it may be easy to miss the substantial strength of its reddish-brown bark.

It is for its bark that indigenous people of the Amazon sought for centuries to provide relief for body pains and to increase physical endurance. Chu Chu Huasi, in fact, means, “trembling back” because natives used the bark to give relief and help with sore muscles or joint stiffness after a hard day’s work, or as a tea or topical lotion upon rising in the morning.

In Peru, the native Shipibo and a dozen other indigenous clans use Chu Chu Huasi’s bark as a general tonic. Deep in the jungle an entire industry revolves around it; with drinks, lotions and potions being made in the tens of tons annually. The primary uses of Chu Chu Huasi as a general tonic to support overall body functions and increase strength and balance.

The Chu-Chu has diuretic, cardiovascular and anti-inflammatory properties.

A tea made from Chu-Chu leaves can be taken for hypertension, arteriosclerosis, or cardiovascular problems (tested in modern studies) and to dissolve kidney stones.

A tea made from the Chu-Chu fruit, is used to alleviate water retention and it has been used since colonial times, for curing kidney diseases.

Of interest is the fact that the Chu-Chu plant has remarkable cell regenerative properties — if the fruit is stung by a fruit fly, it will heal itself — unlike other fruit, and especially other curcubits, which will rot. Urban legend has it that Chu-chu caused the mummification of people from the Columbian town of San Bernarde, who over-consumed Chu-Chu. Their very well preserved skin and flesh can be seen in the mummies found in this region.

Other uses

Chu-Chu makes an excellent animal feed for poultry.

Green Banana For Gut Health

When it comes to thinking about your bodily health, the majority of medical professionals agree that there are few things more important than gut health. 

Why a GREEN Banana?

The majority of banana enthusiasts are used to waiting for their bananas to turn a delightful yellow color before eating them. In fact, some people even prefer their bananas slightly browned. While many make the case that bananas taste and feel better after a bit of time, the reality is that this is a bit of a health oversight on behalf of humanity.

A green banana contains high amount of fiber. It is through the ripening process that enzymes break down the fibers and turn them into sugars. If anyone has ever tried to eat a green banana you would find it very difficult. As the ripening process continues past ripe the banana starts to break down. At that point we consider the banana “over ripe” and we use it for baking purposes mostly. This is because the enzymes have broken down almost all of the fibers making the banana mushy and brown but also very sweet! 

As mentioned, green bananas are not the most desirable form of banana to eat so why do it? It’s all about the fiber. The fiber that makes up the green banana is considered a Prebiotic. Prebiotics are considered the food that the probiotics within the gastrointestinal tract consume. Majority have heard of probiotics at this point and all the positive benefits they provide to the body. Pre-biotics are an essential componate to rebalance the microbiome. 

How Prebiotics and Probiotics Work

While in a conference a few years ago, a physician explained it like this: your GI is like a yet to be lawn. First you lay down the grass seed. The grass seed is like a probiotic. To make the seed grow it needs the proper environment and food. The environment is the environment of the GI tract itself, is it acidic or base and what other bacteria are there fighting for space (weeds). Then it needs the fertilizer, the food, the prebiotics.

It’s normal to have to lay grass seed a few times, take probiotics for a few months. It should not be necessary to have to lay grass seed forever or even every year. It’s the environment and the food you give the lawn as it grows to keep it healthy and keep the weeds out. In relation to the GI you want to put in the probiotics and provide them with the correct components to allow them to set up residence and provide continual benefit. When that happens they will multiple themselves just as any other living organisms. 

Foods and Fibers

There are fibers in many foods, especially when eaten raw, that act as prebiotics, but there is a short list of foods that contain the highest content of prebiotics 

  1. Green banana
  2. Raw potatoes
  3. Jerusalem artichoke 
  4. Chicory
  5. The thick part of fruits and vegetables that are normally cut off such as the center core of a pineapple and the white bottom of celery. 

 >> Additional Uses for Green Bananas: Green Bananas : A Natural Diarrhoea Remedy

Have you tried cooking green bananas??? It is a real thing (tried and tested in our house!) and there are a number of clinical studies supporting the use of green bananas as a treatment for persistent diarrhoea.

Bananas are one of my favourite fruits but I have only ever eaten ripe bananas (and the more black spots the better!). But I have since discovered that unripe green bananas:

  1. Is awesome for ridding the body of diarrhoea and firming up stools
    2. Calms an irritable gut.
    3. Is a nutrient powerhouse. It is a rich source of vitamins like Vitamin B6 and Vitamin C; it is also high in minerals— potassium, zinc, magnesium, phosphorous and manganese.
    4. Cooked green bananas are a real dish! It is a popular side dish in many Caribbean islands where they are used like potatoes i.e as a side dish for a meat dish.
    5. Unlike ripe bananas, unripe bananas are not sweet. When cooked they have the texture and taste of potatoes.  And are actually delicious!

Vitamin D Insufficiency Linked to Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is the most common gastrointestinal disorder in the U.S. An estimated $1.6 billion is spent on treatments each year

Common signs and symptoms of IBS include frequent abdominal discomfort, spastic colon, gas, bloating, diarrhea and/or constipation

About 75% of people with IBS have insufficient levels of vitamin D, and about 70% report improvement when taking vitamin D supplements

Research looking at gene expression and variations in serotonin pathways also concluded that IBS patients tend to have lower vitamin D levels, and that expression of genetic biomarkers for IBS are modulated by vitamin D

Nearly 60% of NFL players have low vitamin D, placing them at increased risk for injury; 56% of those with insufficient levels (20 to 31 ng/mL) of vitamin D suffered lower extremity muscle strain or injury

—> Power Mall Products of Interest: OPTIVIDA VITAMIN D 

Most Baby Formula Claims Not Backed by Science

An international cross-sectional survey of 757 formulas sold in 15 countries found only 26% of the products used clinical trials and 90% of those carried a high risk of bias due to missing data or conclusions that were not supported by data

A Lancet Series on breastfeeding calls for greater regulation over “predatory” marketing aimed at new mothers that have influenced families, scientists and policy makers

The 2022 formula shortage highlighted a monopoly in the market that contributed to a disaster in which the lives of millions of babies were threatened, government regulations that effectively ban imports that meet or exceed FDA requirements and corporate greed that dictates infant nutrition

Albertson’s grocery store app merges information about your food purchases, prescriptions and vaccinations in one place, aligning Big Food with Big Pharma and moving society one step closer to the globalist’s end goal — limiting your freedoms


U.S. Home Prices Fall for Seventh Straight Month

Home prices in the U.S. fell for the seventh consecutive month in February, according to the latest S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller home price data.

The S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller National Home Price Index fell 0.2 percent in January compared with December on a seasonally adjusted basis. Before seasonal adjustment, the national index fell 0.5 percent month-over-month.

Despite declining for over half a year, home prices are still above year-ago levels. Compared with the previous January, the index is up 3.8 percent. That represents a major cooling from the 5.8 percent year-over-year gain recorded for December.

McCarthy Sees ‘Dire Ramifications’ for US If Biden Won’t Negotiate on Debt Ceiling

Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) warned in a March 28 letter that there could be “dire ramifications” for “the entire nation” if President Joe Biden refuses to negotiate with Republicans on the debt ceiling.

Biden has taken a hard line on the debt ceiling since Republicans took the House, suggesting that he will not allow Republicans to use the issue to force compromises. Republicans, on the other hand, hope to use the issue to force Biden to give concessions and reduce federal spending.

Two months ago, at the start of the 118th Congress, Biden nevertheless indicated a willingness to meet with McCarthy to discuss the dispute. This public willingness to talk, McCarthy said, has not translated to negotiations between the two leaders.

“Since that time, however, you and your team have been completely missing in action on any meaningful follow-up to this rapidly approaching deadline,” McCarthy said in his letter to the president.

By Biden’s refusal to meet with him, the speaker said, “[Y]ou are putting an already fragile economy in jeopardy by insisting upon your extreme position of refusing to negotiate any meaningful changes to out-of-control government spending alongside an increase of the debt limit.”

Since taking office, Biden has signed off on trillions in spending, including the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan, the $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the $745 billion Inflation Reduction Act and, most recently, a $1.7 trillion omnibus package rushed through Congress at the end of the last Congress.

26 Michigan Burger King Locations to Close by Mid-April

Twenty-six Michigan Burger King franchises are slated to shut down by mid-April, according to a letter from a major franchise operator.

A letter from EYM King Michigan, LLC, to the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity said the company will “[p]ermanently cease operations in Michigan due to the unforeseen business circumstances and not being able to reach a resolution with the Burger King Corporation.” 

According to the letter, the company began closing locations on March 17, and the company plans to close all 26 locations by or around April 15. 

Report: 62% of American Consumers Live Paycheck to Paycheck

A report revealed 62 percent of United States adults live paycheck to paycheck.

A report by PYMNTS and LendingClub, a peer-to-peer lending platform, revealed that as of February, 62 percent of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, including 48 percent of high-income consumers.


Musk Announces Shakeup for Twitter Verified Users

Elon Musk has touted Twitter’s paid Blue subscription plan as providing users with additional benefits while helping to prevent AI bots from taking over the platform.

In a March 27 Twitter post, Musk said users will now need a “verified account” if they want to be eligible to vote in polls or be recommended on the platform’s “For You” page, which displays a stream of tweets from accounts on Twitter, including those that users don’t necessarily follow.

Users who wish to appear on the recommended feed and vote in polls will need to be verified by April 15, Musk said.

“Starting on April 15, only verified accounts will be eligible to be in For You recommendations,” Musk tweeted. “[This] is the only realistic way to address advanced AI bot swarms taking over. It is otherwise a hopeless losing battle. Voting in polls will require verification for same reason.”

Musk clarified that AI bots will still be allowed to pay for verification via the Blue subscription plan as long as they don’t impersonate a human.

“That said, it’s ok to have verified bot accounts if they follow terms of service and don’t impersonate a human,” Musk added.

Twitter announced on March 23 that it would begin “winding down” its legacy blue checkmarks for all users on the platform starting April 1.

Prior to Musk acquiring Twitter in October for $44 billion, Twitter users such as celebrities, politicians, government officials, journalists, or other accounts of public interest, were able to get verification badges for free as long as they met certain criteria.

However, Musk had complained that the process to get accounts verified was often difficult and convoluted and that the blue checkmarks were handed out in a “corrupt and nonsensical” way.


Another Powerful ‘Bomb Cyclone’ Set to Hit California This Week

Another powerful winter storm system that is evolving into a “bomb cyclone” is set to hit California this week, bringing heavy rains, damaging winds, and snow to much of the state, according to experts.

The latest storm is a “hybrid” of two storms that joined forces over the northeastern Pacific Ocean late on Sunday and began hitting the northwestern part of the state late on Monday, according to AccuWeather.

After setting in the northwestern part of California, the storm system will then advance south through central and southern areas into Tuesday and Wednesday before rolling into the western and southwestern United States amid colder conditions, experts said.

In an update on Twitter, the National Weather Service (NWS) said that winter storm warnings were already in effect for heavy snow and strong winds in the mountainous area of Sierra and northeast California.

Multiple other storm watches and advisories are in effect across various parts of the state.

John Kerry Says New Climate Change Executive Orders Are Coming

President Joe Biden is preparing a series of new executive orders to address climate change, according to recent comments by his special envoy on climate-related issues, John Kerry.

Kerry discussed the Biden administration’s plans for reducing U.S. emissions during an interview with Yahoo News Senior Climate Editor Ben Adler on Friday.

Adler noted that the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) championed by the Biden administration is projected to bring down U.S. emissions by about 40 percent, despite a goal set by the administration to bring about a 50 percent reduction in U.S. emissions by the end of the decade.

“We’re doing a lot more than just the IRA,” Kerry responded. “The IRA is a package that in and of itself can get the 40 percent. But in addition to that, the president is issuing executive orders. There’ll be changes on automobile, on light truck, heavy truck, heavy duty—a number of initiatives that are being taken by states, subnational, cities. They really kept us in the game, frankly, during the Trump administration when he pulled out of the [Paris Climate Agreement].”

Kerry didn’t provide many details on what new executive orders could be coming or how they might specifically impact businesses and industries.

“We have a lot of other options, tools, if you will, in the toolkit besides the IRA,” Kerry said. “The IRA is a huge leap forward, and it’s already having a major impact.”


Effortless Tub and Shower Cleaner: A Homemade Solution for Sparkling Cleanliness

Experience the power of this homemade tub and shower cleaner, designed to make your cleaning routine a breeze. Watch as it effortlessly tackles grime and soap scum, leaving your shower looking like new. Not only does it outperform many store-bought cleaners, but you can also whip it up in your kitchen for just a few cents. Bring your shower doors back to their sparkling glory with this simple yet effective solution.

This fantastic recipe from Food is a game-changer when it comes to cleaning your tub and shower. The quick and efficient formula ensures a thorough clean that leaves your surfaces spotless.


  1. Heat the white vinegar in the microwave until hot, and then pour it into a squirt bottle.
  2. Add the blue Dawn liquid detergent to the bottle.
  3. Secure the lid and gently shake the bottle to mix the ingredients.

Your homemade cleaning solution is now ready to tackle soap scum, tub and shower buildup, sink stains, and even appliance grime. To use, simply spray the cleaner onto the surface, scrub, and rinse for a dazzling result. For particularly stubborn soap scum, let the solution sit for several hours or even overnight before scrubbing and rinsing.

Ingredients (US measurements):

  • 12 ounces of white vinegar
  • 12 ounces of blue Dawn liquid detergent

In conclusion, this homemade tub and shower cleaner offers an affordable, efficient, and easy-to-make solution for keeping your bathroom surfaces spotless. By combining the cleaning power of white vinegar and blue Dawn liquid detergent, you can create a potent formula that outshines many commercial cleaners. Say goodbye to stubborn soap scum and buildup, and enjoy a sparkling clean bathroom with this simple yet effective homemade cleaner. Give it a try and see the difference it can make in your cleaning routine.


How to Make Homemade Dog Food for a Healthy Pet

As a pet owner, you want to make sure your furry friend is well-fed and healthy. But have you ever wondered what goes into the commercial dog food you buy from the store? What if there’s an emergency and you can’t buy any commercial dog food? The good news is that you can make your own homemade dog food to ensure your pet is getting the best nutrition possible, even in tough times. Here’s a simple recipe for balanced homemade dog food that’s easy to make and will keep your dog healthy and happy.

The Importance of Natural Dog Food

Before the rise of commercial dog food, people fed their dogs with table scraps or homemade recipes. But with the advent of canned horse meat after World War II, the pet food industry took off, and now there are hundreds of dog food varieties available. However, the trend is now going back to natural dog food, especially after the poisoned grain episode from China and the increasing cost of dog food.

As a pet owner, you can take advantage of this trend by making your own natural dog food. With a degree in Animal Science, I decided to put my education to a practical use and develop a recipe for homemade dog food. My recipe is simple, balanced, and versatile, and my German Shepherds love it. Plus, it’s far less expensive than canned or dry food. Here’s how to make it.

The “Third Recipe” for Dogs

This recipe is called the “Third Recipe” because all the portions are in roughly thirds; Rice, Vegetables, and Meat. Dogs are omnivores, which means they eat all sorts of stuff, not just meat. A meat protein diet will make a dog hyper and overly aggressive and can also damage their kidneys. Feeding dogs is not an “exact” science, but the basics of good nutrition are covered in this formula and are inexpensive to feed.


  • White rice boiled with an optional chicken bullion cube
  • Vegetables (frozen or canned or fresh): green beans or peas/carrots or mixed vegetables
  • Meat: chicken, turkey, tuna, beef or wild game or eggs

Rand Paul: ‘I’m 100% Confident that Fauci Lied to Us’

Tuesday on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) spoke on his latest evidence regarding the origins of COVID-19.

According to Paul, evidence indicates that former National Institution of Allergy and Infectious Disease Dr. Anthony Fauci had lied about how the virus came to be.

“I’m 100% confident that Fauci lied to us and that they were doing dangerous research there,” he said. “I would say all of the evidence I have seen so far points towards it coming from a lab. And it all adds together, and proximity makes a difference. The fact that the lab is within walking distance of where most of the coronaviruses of the world, the largest collection of coronaviruses in the world is within walking distance of where this started — yes, there’s too many coincidences to add up. But there is also evidence that this virus, COVID-19, is the product of something that was being developed and experimented upon. A group in Wuhan actually asked our Defense Department for money and said they wanted to take a coronavirus, like COVID, and put something in it to make it more infectious. It’s called a furin cleavage site. It’s not found in nature, and that’s exactly what COVID turned out to be.”

“So, this is a — this is a mystery, it’s a mystery with a cover-up,” Paul continued. “We’ve now found that American universities have given money to military research in China. And we are going to get to the bottom of this. But there’s a massive cover-up going on, and the lead in all of the cover-up has been Fauci. We now have information that he’s still working for the government, even though he says he’s retired. And it is my belief that he is worried about being indicted, and so he continues to work so he will get legal protection under the federal government. But this is wrong on every level of it, and we are going to get to the bottom of it. We are sending a letter to find out what the actual status of his employment is. Is he retired? Is he still getting a federal detail? So, there is a lot of stuff going on, but at the top of this, at top of every sort of concern we have, is Tony Fauci.”

EXCLUSIVE: CDC Found COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Signals Months Earlier Than Previously Known, Files Show

The top U.S. public health agency identified hundreds of safety signals for the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines months earlier than previously known, according to files obtained by The Epoch Times.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found more than 700 signals that the vaccines could cause adverse events—including acute heart failure and death—in May 2022, the files show.


How the Virality Project Threatens Our Freedom

We now have proof that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) partnered with a censorship consortium called the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP) to illegally censor Americans

During the 2020 election cycle, the EIP and CISA worked with the State Department’s Global Engagement Center (GEC) and the DHS-backed Elections Infrastructure Information Sharing and Analysis Center (ISAC) to police political wrongthink on social media

In February 2021, the EIP rebranded itself as the Virality Project, and went on to censor COVID-19 narratives on behalf of the government, even when they knew it was true

The Virality Project targeted first-hand accounts of COVID jab injuries to prevent vaccine hesitancy, and posts that expressed fears about vaccine passports because being against vaccine passports was a “gateway to being anti-vax.” They also censored jokes and satirical memes on the basis that they might “exacerbate distrust” in public health officials, and made asking questions a punishable event because questioning is “commonly used by spreaders of misinformation”

As bad as things are, they’re about to get a whole lot worse unless Congress puts a stop to it. In the last three years, the U.S. government has granted more than 500 contracts and/or grants aimed at tackling “misinformation”

The Department of Defense is also focused on research involving AI and tech that can monitor internet conversations and deploy countermeasures before wrongthink goes viral. Congress must defund all of these programs, as well as any agency department or team involved in censoring Americans

Children Groomed for Trans Lifestyle by Gender Ideology in Schools: Experts

Maryland parents are on the warpath against gender ideology, which they believe is steering their children onto the wrong track.

And so the mothers and fathers of Frederick County have petitioned the County Superintendent of Schools to notify a parent when his or her child signals a desire to change gender.
On March 23, a public forum in Eldersburg, Maryland, heard from a panel of experts that public schools are grooming vulnerable students to transition away from their sex at birth.

The gathering was sponsored by Moms for Liberty and co-sponsored by the Heritage Foundation and the Leadership Institute.

The word “grooming” might refer to two types, according to Dr. Jay Richards, director of the DeVos Center for Life, Religion and Family at the Heritage Foundation, who spoke to the gathering.

“One is grooming a child for sex,” he said, “but there is also ideological grooming that gets a child in a total new thought world.

“That’s why the word ‘grooming’ is important even when the teacher is not a pedophile,” Richards added.

“Introducing children to these concepts in gender ideology whereby you can have a gender identity that is totally contrary to your biological sex is the worst toxic ideology you could teach to a kid because you are teaching a child that he or she is born into the wrong body.”

“What the schools are doing is definitely grooming,” said Utah-based advocate Dr. Erin Brewer, co-founder of Advocates Protecting Children and Compassion Coalition, at the gathering.

Brewer added: “It allows teachers to talk to small children about their genitals, breaking down barriers, and teaches the kids to deceive their parents, telling them ‘what goes on in this classroom, don’t go tell your parents!’”

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