July 18, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: March 29, 2024


China blocks use of Intel and AMD chips in government computers, FT reports

China has introduced guidelines to phase out U.S. microprocessors from Intel and AM from government personal computers and servers, the Financial Times reported on Sunday.

The procurement guidance also seeks to sideline Microsoft’s Windows operating system and foreign-made database software in favor of domestic options, the report said.

Government agencies above the township level have been told to include criteria requiring “safe and reliable” processors and operating systems when making purchases, the newspaper said.

Illegal immigrant testifies he did not see Arizona rancher gun down victim on his property 

Prosecutors in the second-degree murder trial of Arizona ranch owner George Alan Kelly called as their first witness an illegal immigrant who has been deported from the United States nearly a dozen times, once for illegally smuggling drugs into the country.

Honduran national Daniel Alberto Ramirez, 43, testified in Santa Cruz County Superior Court on March 27 that he saw the victim, Gabriel Cuen-Buitimea, shot and killed by what he believes was an AK-47 rifle on Mr. Kelly’s property.

Mr. Ramirez also testified that he had no idea there was a legal immigration process before paying criminal Mexican guides, known as “coyotes,” $25,000 for 10 illegal entries, two of which failed.

In 2014, immigration officials charged him with illegally transporting marijuana into the country before deporting him later that year after his conviction.

Mr. Ramirez told a 12-member jury that on the afternoon of the shooting, Jan. 30, 2023, he’d been traveling with a group of nine illegal immigrants, including the victim, when they encountered a passing Border Patrol vehicle after crossing the border.

The group scattered and headed back toward the U.S.–Mexico border wall located to the south. However, Mr. Ramirez said he and the victim remained together, dumping bottles of water from their backpacks to lighten their load, and continued walking.

Mr. Ramirez testified that both he and Mr. Cuen-Buitimea, a Mexican national, had entered the country illegally to look for jobs as roofers and construction workers in the Phoenix area and pursue “the American Dream.”

Eventually, they found their way onto a dirt road along a wire fence line when, at about 2:30 p.m., they encountered a hail of gunfire from the direction of Mr. Kelly’s house.

One of the bullets allegedly struck Mr. Cuen-Buitimea, 48, in the lower back and exited his chest.

Through Spanish-language interpreters, Mr. Ramirez testified that he watched Mr. Cuen-Buitimea grab his chest and cry out, “I’m hit,” before collapsing face up in the dirt. He died shortly after.

Mr. Ramirez estimated that he heard about 10 shots fired from an AK-47 rifle, the same rifle shots he’d become familiar with in Honduras during Christmas celebrations and at the U.S.–Mexico border.

Mr. Ramirez testified that he jumped over the victim’s body in a state of panic and hid in a dry riverbed for about 15 minutes.

He said that when he felt it was safe, he began walking back to the border wall across the desert.

At one point, he turned around and allegedly saw someone with gray hair standing over the victim’s body from a distance of about two soccer fields (200 to 260 yards).

Mr. Ramirez couldn’t identify Mr. Kelly as the shooter. A search of Mr. Kelly’s property using metal detectors and a police canine failed to locate a bullet that matched the weapon Mr. Kelly allegedly used to shoot and kill Mr. Cuen-Buitimea.

The victim was found fatally shot 115 yards from Mr. Kelly’s house.

After interviews with investigators, county law enforcement charged Mr. Kelly with second-degree murder and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

If convicted of second-degree murder, he faces a minimum of 10 years and a maximum of 22 years in prison.

Mr. Kelly rejected a plea deal in January, opting instead to go to trial on both charges.

During cross-examination by Mr. Kelly’s defense attorney, Brenna Larkin, Mr. Ramirez testified that he met the victim working as a roofer in the Sonora, Mexico, and Nogales areas.

He testified that he had no idea Mr. Cuen-Buitimea would be at the border wall on Jan. 30, 2023, awaiting a coyote to usher illegal immigrants across the border into the United States.

The alleged coyote’s name was “El Cholo,” he said.

He said that beyond that, he knew nothing of El Cholo or his background. He allegedly paid the man in $20 bills, which El Cholo put in his pants pocket.

Mr. Ramirez testified that his family in Honduras helped raise the money to pay the coyote to cross the border despite their poverty.

The witness then testified that he thought the only way to gain entry into the United States was illegally.

In previous testimony, Mr. Ramirez allegedly told authorities that he had never carried drugs across the border.

“You lied to investigators in this case,” Ms. Larkin said during questioning.

“Well, it wasn’t a lie,” Mr. Ramirez responded. “When [the detective] asked me if I carried drugs at the time of the shooting, I said no.”

“But that’s not what the detective asked you. Correct?” Ms. Larkin said.

“No, but that’s what I figured he was asking,” the witness said.

Mr. Ramirez allegedly gave U.S. investigators a false name, which was an error in paperwork by Mexican officials, he said.

He also testified that a man named Ramon was part of the group he was with on the day of the shooting. He later denied making that statement in court.

“Do you have problems with your memory?” Ms. Larkin asked.

“Yes,” Mr. Ramirez replied. He qualified that statement by saying he was nervous about giving testimony.

Mr. Kelly’s red-colored horse became a point of focus during Mr. Ramirez’s testimony. It was the horse bucking and jumping in front of the witness that he believed saved his life.

“I just thank God for the horse, for saving me,” Mr. Ramirez testified. “If it hadn’t been for that horse, I wouldn’t be here telling the story.”

He said that at one point, he believed that the horse had been shot and killed during the gunfire.

Mr. Ramirez also testified that it was the victim’s family that first contacted him after he returned to Mexico.

U.S. investigators would interview him at a hotel in Mexico days later after a man named Juan Carlos Ramirez located him recuperating by “word of mouth.”

“They started looking for me because people started talking that I was [with the victim] and had been shot at,” Mr. Ramirez testified.

“My nerves are getting the best of me. I am remembering what happened,” Mr. Ramirez said during further cross-examination. “I feel like vomiting.”

The court took a brief recess so that Mr. Ramirez could compose himself and finish his testimony.

The trial resumed on March 28 and concludes on April 19.

A fundraiser at spotfund.com has garnered $32,000 toward a goal of $1 million to cover Mr. Kelly’s litigation costs. GoFundMe shut down funding pages on its platform for Mr. Kelly’s legal defense.

The defense presented as evidence a previous photo showing Mr. Cuen-Buitimea wearing tan pants and a jacket, a hooded sweatshirt, a fanny pack, binoculars, sunglasses, and a two-way handheld radio.

On the day authorities found his body lying face down in the dirt, he wore similar clothing and had on his person a camouflage backpack, a radio in his waistband, and a cellphone. These items reportedly are often used by drug and human smugglers to communicate and avoid detection.

Mr. Ramirez testified that neither he nor the victim nor anyone in their group was smuggling drugs for cartels.

Mr. Kelly told investigators he fired warning shots into the air from an AK-47 and wasn’t shooting at anyone. Authorities recovered nine shell casings from his patio and eight more shell casings used in AK-47s.

Investigators didn’t locate a body on Mr. Kelly’s property, but the court was told he later found the deceased Mr. Cuen-Buitimea lying face down.

He told authorities that he fired the shots after he saw a group of armed men from his kitchen window while preparing lunch. He said the men were all carrying camouflage backpacks while crossing his property near Kino Springs, about 1.5 miles north of the border.


Biden wants We the People to pay to reconstruct the Key Bridge in Baltimore!

Rep. Dan Meuser (R-Pa.) doesn’t believe taxpayers should finance the rebuilding of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore.

After a massive cargo ship obliterated the bridge, President Joe Biden promisedto “move heaven and earth to reopen the port and rebuild the bridge as soon as humanly possible.”

His plan? To force taxpayers to fund the project.

“It’s my intention that federal government will pay for the entire cost of reconstructing that bridge, and I expect the Congress to support my effort,” Biden explained on Tuesday.

But Meuser thinks the government must explore other options instead of rushing to spend more taxpayer money.

“It was kind of outrageous immediately for Biden to express in this tragedy the idea that he’s going to use federal funds to pay for it in the entirety,” he said Thursday on Fox Business. “You know, he doesn’t refer to it as the American taxpayers’ dollars on anything. You know, the first reaction, in fact the only reaction, tends to be to spend.”

He added, “We just can’t take the easy route all of the time and just spend the taxpayers’ money.”

Instead, Meuser suggested three alternative ways to pay for the rebuilding project.

First, Meuser said Singapore, where the company that owns the ship is located, could play a role in helping finance the project. Second, he pointed to insurance companies, something Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has also suggested. Third, he said that money from Biden’s massive infrastructure bill that isn’t being used can be reappropriated to pay for the project.

The exact cost of the rebuilding project is not yet known. It is expected to cost several billion dollars.

Still, it would not be totally unprecedented for taxpayers to foot the bill.

After the I-35W Mississippi River bridge collapsed on August 1, 2007, Congress unanimously approved a bill allotting $250 million in emergency money to rebuild the bridge. Then-President George W. Bush signed that bill on August 6, 2007.

ABC News asks judge for more time to respond to Trump defamation lawsuit

American Broadcasting Companies Inc. (ABC) and ABC News have sought a 30-day delay to respond to a defamation lawsuit filed by former President Donald Trump against the network and its host George Stephanopoulos.

In his lawsuit, President Trump argues that Mr. Stephanopoulos made a dozen allegedly defamatory remarks on air on March 10 when the host repeatedly stated that a jury had found the former president liable for the rape of writer E. Jean Carroll.

According to a court filing, ABC, which was served on March 19, reached out the next day to President Trump’s attorneys, who consented to the broadcaster’s accepting service on behalf of Mr. Stephanopoulos, who hadn’t been served.

The broadcaster has until April 9 to file a response motion, and Mr. Stephanopoulos has until May 20.

ABC has requested a uniform response date of May 10.

“That date will extend the deadline for the corporate Defendants’ response by 30 days, while reducing the deadline for Defendant Stephanopoulos’s response by 10 days. Plaintiff consents to this request,” the court filing reads.

At the heart of the lawsuit are remarks made by the host of “This Week With George Stephanopoulos” on March 10 during an interview with Rep. Nancy Mace (R-S.C.).

The complaint alleges that Mr. Stephanopoulos repeatedly stated that a jury had found President Trump liable for the rape of Ms. Carroll, despite being “aware of the truth.”

TX Governor Abbott says Operation Lone Star is working; illegal immigrant encounters plunge

Gov. Greg Abbott said that the inflow of illegal immigrants into Texas has dropped considerably, claiming that the proactive measures undertaken by state authorities are beginning to show results.

Mr. Abbott pointed to a March 26 report from media watchdog Media Research Center (MRC) to substantiate his claims. As part of Operation Lone Star, Mr. Abbott deployed floating border barriers, installed wire fencing, and used the Texas National Guard to stem the flow of illegal immigrants. “And, his efforts have been successful,” the report stated.

During the first five months of fiscal year 2024, from October 2023 to February 2024, encounters with illegal immigrants at Texas entry points fell by 28 percent compared to the same period a year ago. In contrast, border agent encounters at entry points in California were up by 35 percent during this period.

Border Patrol Union says Biden is flying in migrants so border doesn’t look as out of control

National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd told the New York Post on Wednesday that the Biden administration is artificially reducing the number of migrant encounters at the southern border.

Judd explained that the administration is flying migrants into the United States “so that the border doesn’t look as out of control.” The union president called the plan “just a bait and switch.”

“They’re just paroling people in through airports rather than having them come across the border,” Judd told the Post. “They’re just gonna keep the numbers at around 5,000 [border crossings per day], parole people in and say, ‘Oh, look, we cut our numbers down.'”

National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd (Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

The number of border encounters is “astronomical[ly] high” compared to the Donald Trump and Barack Obama administrations.

Judge rebukes DOJ while releasing J-6 Defendant!

A Jan. 6 defendant seeking to be released from prison was granted in part by the United States District Court for the District of Columbia this week.

The order, signed by U.S. District Judge Trevor McFadden on March 26, will grant (pdf) the release of Kevin Seefried, a defendant convicted for his role in the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol breach, pending the appeal of his conviction.

This decision comes despite stark warnings from the Justice Department regarding the implications of such a move.

Mr. Seefried received a three-year prison sentence for obstructing an official proceeding among other charges, facing a potential maximum sentence of 23 years.

After his conviction, he appealed and requested release pending appeal, a request that gained new relevance when the Supreme Court decided to review a related case, Fischer v. United States, which could impact many Jan. 6 defendants.

The high Court’s decision on this case may influence the outcome of Mr. Seefried’s conviction, suggesting it could be vacated depending on the justices’ ruling.

The decision to release Mr. Seefried is grounded in the ongoing legal debate over the application of 18 U.S.C. § 1512(c), the obstruction of an official proceeding statute, beyond the context of “evidence impairment.”

This legal question is currently under review by the Supreme Court in a related case, Fischer v. United States, which directly challenges the scope of § 1512(c) and its application to the Jan. 6 defendants.  Judge McFadden, in his memorandum order, outlined that the release is premised on two conditions mandated by 18 U.S.C. § 3143(b): a defendant is not likely to flee or pose a danger to the community if released, and that the appeal raises a substantial question likely to result in a significantly lesser sentence or reversal. Judge McFadden found that Mr. Seefried met both conditions, noting a lack of evidence to suggest Mr. Seefried would flee or pose a danger, and that the Supreme Court’s review of Fischer represents a substantial question of law that could materially affect Mr. Seefried’s conviction.

Meanwhile, J-6 participant Victoria White files excessive force lawsuit in J-6 beating

A Minnesota woman beaten by police in the Lower West Terrace tunnel at the U.S. Capitol has filed a $2 million civil suit for being repeatedly struck in the head and slammed into a concrete wall on Jan. 6, 2021.  Victoria Charity White, 42, of Rochester, Minnesota, alleges at least two Metropolitan Police Department officers unlawfully used “deadly force” by repeatedly striking her head and face with steel riot batons and fists at about 4 p.m. on Jan. 6, 2021.The complaint—filed on March 27 by Washington attorney Paul Kamenar—names MPD Commander Jason Bagshaw and MPD Officer Neil McAllister, and alleges other unnamed officers took part in the beatings.

It alleges violations of the Civil Rights Act, 42 U.S. Code § 1983. It is an amended version of a suit Ms. White filed representing herself in January.

“The defendants willfully and unlawfully seized plaintiff by means of objectively unreasonable, excessive, and indeed, deadly force that shocks the conscience, thereby unreasonably restraining and depriving plaintiff of her freedom and inflicting physical and mental harm and anguish,” read the suit, filed in U.S. District Court in Washington.

“Because of the senseless and unlawful beating she received at the hands of the defendants and the other MPD officers, Ms. White suffered great physical, traumatic, and emotional harm that day and continues to suffer to this day, particularly the traumatic and emotional harm,” Mr. Kamenar wrote in the lawsuit.

Mr. Bagshaw, the suit alleges: “Repeatedly struck an unarmed and defenseless White about her head, face, shoulders, and upper body with a metal baton and his fists.”

He is being sued in his professional and personal capacity, the lawsuit stated.

Mr. McAllister “along with defendant Bagshaw and other police officers, physically assaulted the plaintiff,” the suit said.

West Virginia’s Governor vetoed a bill that would have loosened vaccine requirements 

West Virginia’s governor vetoed a bill on March 27 that would have allowed fewer children to get mandated vaccines. Gov. Jim Justice, a Republican, said the move came after receiving feedback from doctors and others in the medical community.

“The overwhelming majority that have voiced their opinion believe that this legislation will do irreparable harm by crippling childhood immunity to diseases such as mumps and measles,” he said.

Mr. Justice later added: “I have always and will always defend our freedoms as West Virginians and as Americans. I hear how strongly people believe in one side or the other on this subject, and I respect all opinions.

“But I must follow the guidance of our medical experts on this subject. Our medical community in West Virginia serves our people every single day, helping protect our people from disease and poor health. Their wisdom should not be ignored—especially when it comes to the health and safety of our children.”

West Virginia law mandates that schoolchildren receive certain vaccines, including the combination shot against measles, mumps, and rubella. The vetoed bill would have exempted private schools from these requirements, provided the schools notified the state’s Department of Health of their custom vaccination policy. The legislation would have also exempted students who attend virtual schools from the requirements.


Home affordability improves slightly in U.S.; still remains difficult for the average family

ATTOM, a leading curator of land, property, and real estate data, today released its first-quarter 2024 U.S. Home Affordability Report showing that median-priced single-family homes and condos remain less affordable in the first quarter of 2024 compared to historical averages in more than 95 percent of counties around the nation with enough data to analyze. The latest trend continues a pattern, dating back to 2022, of home ownership requiring historically large portions of wages around the country.

The report also shows that major expenses on median-priced homes consume 32.3 percent of the average national wage in the first quarter, several points above common lending guidelines.

Both measures represent slight quarterly improvements but remain worse than a year ago and still sit at levels that have worked against home buyers for three years. That scenario has continued as increases in home values and major home-ownership expenses have outpaced gains in wages, despite a small respite from the second half of last year into the first quarter of 2024.

As a result, the portion of average wages nationwide required for typical mortgage payments, property taxes and insurance remains up almost three percentage points from a year ago and 11 points from early in 2021, right before home-mortgage rates began shooting up from their lowest levels in decades. The latest expense-to-wage ratio continues to sit above the 28 percent level preferred by mortgage lenders and marks one the highest points over the past decade.

Home Depot inks agreement acquiring distribution of roofing supplier SRS Distribution

The Home Depot, the world’s largest home improvement retailer, has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire SRS Distribution Inc. (“SRS”), a leading residential specialty trade distribution company across several verticals serving the professional roofer, landscaper and pool contractor.

SRS will accelerate The Home Depot’s growth with the residential professional customer. SRS complements The Home Depot’s capabilities and will enable the company to better serve complex project purchase occasions with the renovator/remodeler, while also establishing The Home Depot as a leading specialty trade distributor across multiple verticals.

With this acquisition, The Home Depot now believes its total addressable market is approximately $1 trillion, an increase of approximately $50 billion.

SRS’s 2,500-plus professional sales force and 760-plus branch network across 47 states, together with its 4,000-plus truck fleet and jobsite delivery capabilities, will enable The Home Depot to extend its offering to residential specialty trade pros while better serving renovator/remodelers.  


Tackle inflammation and reduce blood pressure with these tiny seeds

If flaxseed hasn’t been on your radar, it might just make a grand entrance now.  A newly released systematic review and meta-analysis have shed light on the incredible potential locked within these tiny seeds, including lowering blood pressure.

Despite their unassuming appearance and taste, flaxseeds boast significant anti-inflammatory effects that could redefine your health journey.  With benefits extending to individuals with coronary artery disease, the impact of flaxseed is truly extraordinary.

Herb Queen of the Spring: Stinging Nettle Benefits

See for yourself why nettle is a powerful herb to have at your disposal.

Preserve this healthy wild weed rich in vitamins, minerals, and iron, while also learning about stinging nettle benefits and some recipes on how to cook it!

Here in the Appalachian Mountains, spring creeps across the landscape. Despite a vicious cold spell that swept across our curvy hills, wild edibles are emerging in our valleys, meadows, and forests. One of the most nutritious and energy-rich of these wild edibles is a dark-green weed with a ferocious bite. Stinging nettle is her name, and though she bites with shockingly strong needles, her leaves are well worth harvesting, for they are extremely nutritious and fortifying for the body.

Stinging Nettle Benefits

As herbalist Susun Weed writes in her herbal e-zine, “Nettle is amazingly rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals, especially the critical trace minerals: anti-cancer selenium, immune-enhancing sulphur, memory-enhancing zinc, diabetes-chasing chromium, and bone-building boron. A quart of nettle infusion contains more than 1000 milligrams of calcium, 15000 IU of vitamin A, 760 milligrams of vitamin K, 10% protein, and lavish amounts of most B vitamins.”

Nettles are also high in vitamin C and iron, making them an excellent supplement for pregnancy, bone and blood health. Here at Wild Abundance, a permaculture and primitive skills school just north of Asheville, North Carolina, we harvest nettle in these early months of spring, while the plant is still young, and relish the taste of this health-giving herb. Here in Appalachia, we also gather a native woodland nettle (Laportea Canadensis) as well as the common stinging nettle (Urticaceae), which grows across North America, Europe, through Asia and in northern regions of Africa.

FDA warns consumers about high lidocaine topical gel relief products! 

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has warned the public to avoid using certain over-the-counter topical products marketed to relieve pain before, during, or after specific cosmetic procedures, including microdermabrasion, laser hair removal, tattooing, and piercing.

The agency has issued warning letters to six companies responsible for manufacturing these products, citing violations of federal law due to containing higher concentrations of lidocaine than permitted.

“These products pose unacceptable risks to consumers and should not be on the market,” Jill Furman, director of the Office of Compliance in the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, said in a press release. “We are committed to using all available tools to stop the sale of these illegal high-risk products.”

The high amount of lidocaine in these products could lead to increased absorption through the skin, potentially causing serious injuries such as irregular heartbeat, seizures, and breathing difficulties, according to the FDA.

Additionally, these products have the potential to interact with medications or dietary supplements. In fact, lidocaine can produce moderate interactions with at least 62 different medications and mild interactions with another 28.

FDA’s warning letters were sent to the following companies for their respective products:

  • TKTX Company for TKTX Numb Maximum Strength Pain Reliever, Mithra+ 10 percent Lidocaine, TKTX Dring Procedure Numbing Gel 40 percent, and J-CAIN Cream (Lidocaine) 29.9 percent;
  • SeeNext Venture, Ltd. for NumbSkin 5 percent Lidocaine Numbing Cream (15-gram and 30-gram sizes) and NumbSkin 10.56 percent Lidocaine Numbing Cream;
  • Tattoo Numbing Cream Co. for Signature Tattoo Numbing Cream and Miracle Numb Spray;
  • Sky Bank Media, LLC, doing business as Painless Tattoo Co., for Painless Tattoo Numbing Cream and Painless Tattoo Numbing Spray;
  • Dermal Source Inc. for New & Improved Blue Gel, Superior Super Juice, Premium Pro Plus, Five-Star Vasocaine, and Maximum Zone 1; and
  • Indelicare, doing business as INKEEZE, for Ink Eeze Original B Numb Numbing Gel, Ink Eeze B Numb Numbing Spray Black Label, and Ink Eeze B Numb Numbing Foam Spray.

In the letters, the FDA gave each company 15 days to respond with how they will address the issues or provide supporting information demonstrating that their product does not violate federal law. According to the FDA, companies that fail to promptly address these violations could be subject to legal action, including product seizure or court orders mandating the cessation of manufacturing and distribution.

The pain relief products containing lidocaine are only safe if they contain less than 4 percent lidocaine, the FDA said. Lidocaine-based pain relief products should not be used heavily over large areas of skin or on irritated or broken skin. Additionally, the skin should not be wrapped after being treated with pain relief products, especially those containing lidocaine.


The most censored subjects on earth…

While everyone else whines about being censored over trivial news stories, the most important themes are being obliterated. Why? Because the threat of exposure is too great for the evil agenda of Technocrats and Transhumanists. For over 50 years, Technocrats and the designers of the so-called “Technetronic Era” and the “New International Economic Order” have operated under the cover of anonymity. You can see the big artillery of the Trilateral Commission swoop in to destroy any person or organization who gets too close.

In 1977, Professor Antony Sutton was drummed out of the Hoover Institution at Stanford over his investigative work on the Trilateral Commission. The President of Stanford was David Packard, a member of the Trilateral Commission. When our books, Trilaterals Over Washington Vols. I and II broke through major publicity barriers in 1981, the national book chain B. Dalton Bookseller sent out a memo to all its stores around the country that “The publisher is out of business and the books were out of print” – a bald-faced lie. A director of B. Dalton’s parent company was a member of the Trilateral Commission. In both cases, the action was swift and definitive: it destroyed Sutton’s academic career, my publishing business, and our reputation.  Thereafter, no book store in the country would carry our books.

Simply put, we got too close.

Other serious journalists and writers who covered other topics occasionally got a swat, but they were not a threat to the “establishment.” We were signaled out for annihilation.

Over the years, this story has been suppressed.  People’s attention is drawn to every other topic under the sun but not this one! The Trilateral Commission hates publicity even though it is hiding in plain sight.

Nevertheless, Sutton and I wrote in April 1979 that the Trilateral Commission was:

a shadow world government – unelected and almost unrecognized. It will no doubt be followed in due course by another global elitist institution designed to knit together the nine “core countries” more closely, but not fully, into a single world state.

This was plainly obvious to us where they were headed, so much so that we concluded (in print) at the time,


  • TOTALITARIAN: there is no hint of citizens’ participation or of citizens’ sanction of the Commission or its members. All members are appointed by a small founding group.
  • REPRESSIVE: Trilateral objectives take precedence over human rights.
  • SELF-SERVING: the studies and commissions promoted by Trilateralists reflect Trilateral aims, i.e., the aims of its members,
  • SUBVERSIVE: the present U.S. Constitution is not acceptable to U.S. Commissioners. They have called for a revised Constitution, which will presumably assist Trilateral aims and objectives.
  • SECRET: implementation of Trilateral policies is protected by U.S. government security laws.

Elitism does not mean that every action taken by a Trilateral Commissioner can be foreseen or that it will be the same as an action taken by another commissioner. All we can say is that the broad direction of their actions will be consistent and moving TOWARDS A ONE WORLD STATE UNDER TRILATERAL CONTROL.

Over 50 years later, the Trilateral Commission has not deviated from its course. What we know now is that the chosen vehicle is Technocracy, which draws the world into a net of scientific dictatorship. But, Technocracy is ONLY a vehicle to accomplish their singular goal of the takeover of the global system and to twist all natural resources out the hands of nation-states, private citizens and any non-Trilateral aligned company. 

Until and unless the world wakes up to this hidden threat to humanity and to the people behind it (by name!), there is no hope of escape.

Woman Given New 3D-Printed Windpipe in World First

A biotech company has established a stunning milestone for prosthetics as their firm became the first and only one in the world to produce a bio-3D-printed windpipe that was successfully transplanted into a human body.

Nasal stem cells and cartilage cells were obtained from other patients who underwent other procedures, and these were replicated and combined with polycaprolactone (PCL) for structural support as well as a special ink made from living cells to make the windpipe, or trachea.

The transplant procedure was performed at St. Mary’s Hospital in Seoul on a woman in her 50s who lost part of her own trachea during thyroid removal surgery. The one-of-a-kind 3D printer, designed with over a decade of research and testing, was provided by the company T&R Biofab.


Amazon Bets $150 Billion on Data Centers Required for AI Boom

Amazon.com Inc. plans to spend almost $150 billion in the coming 15 years on data centers, giving the cloud-computing giant the firepower to handle an expected explosion in demand for artificial intelligence applications and other digital services.


How to Build a Garden Hot Bed

Learn how to build a garden hot bed with industrial strength to extend the gardening season from eight months to a year or more.

Here are plans for an industrial-strength hotbed that you can use eight months a year or more in most climate zones. It features nearly 18 square feet of protected planting area and a foundation built of lightweight concrete partition blocks that are worthy of a house.

This hotbed is rugged enough to last many years while withstanding the worst weather that nature can muster. Too good to be true? Hardly. The best part is that it’s easy to build, and you can do it in a weekend.


CDC issues “ventilation guidance” for curbing spread of COVID-19 and influenza

Improving ventilation is one way to curb the spread of respiratory viruses like COVID-19, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says in new guidance.

“By using core strategies, like vaccination and practicing good hygiene, we can protect ourselves and those we care about from respiratory illness. Improving ventilation is another one of the core strategies that can reduce our risk of catching or spreading respiratory viruses,” the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases said in a recent update.

COVID-19 vaccines and influenza vaccines both have subpar effectiveness against infection and neither prevent transmission, the agency did not note.

“Good ventilation can help safeguard our health by reducing our exposure to respiratory viruses. People can still get sick after ventilating a space, so it is important to use ventilation as one part of a multi-layered approach to protect ourselves against getting sick from respiratory viruses,” the CDC added. “It’s important to take steps to improve ventilation in our homes and other indoor spaces as a core prevention strategy year round, from cold winters to hot summers.”

Key tips include bringing in fresh, outdoor air inside, which helps keep virus particles from accumulating indoors, the CDC said. One method for doing so is to open windows and doors.

Another is maintaining home heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems by having them checked regularly and replacing filters as recommended by manufacturers, and to set systems to circulate more air when people are inside.

The CDC is also advising to use high-rated filters, air purifiers, and portable CO2 monitors.

“A portable CO2 monitor can help you determine how stale or fresh the air is in rooms. Readings above 800 parts per million (ppm) suggest that you may need to bring more fresh, outdoor air into the space,” the CDC said. “Check that the exhaust fans in kitchens and bathrooms work and vent to outside your home or building. These fans help remove stale air and bring fresh air into your living spaces. You can also keep exhaust fans turned on when visitors are in your home and leave them on for an hour after they leave.”

Steps to improve ventilation should especially be a focus among people who are at higher risk of developing severe illness after catching a virus, following exposure to an illness, or when respiratory viruses are causing high levels of illness in one’s community, according to the CDC.

“Some of these recommended actions to improve ventilation may require systems-level changes, but individuals can still take steps to reduce exposure to virus particles in buildings, especially in their homes,” the CDC said in a statement.

Dr. Dick Zoutman, a Canadian physician, was among those pleased with the new guidance.

“Quite good summary of recommendations for indoor air quality,” he wrote on X, formerly Twitter, although he noted many of the recommendations were offered in 2021 by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers.

Some studies have found that ventilation helped curb COVID-19 spread. An analysis of 32 papers, for instance, concluded that “increased ventilation rate was associated with decreased transmission, transmission probability/risk, infection probability/risk, droplet persistence, virus concentration, and increased virus removal and virus particle removal efficiency.”

Other papers have found that revamping ventilation systems did not have an impact on COVID-19 transmission or cases.

“In the setting of high community COVID-19 disease transmission, 6 feet of distance between elementary students and major ventilation system renovations in primary or secondary schools do not appear to be necessary to minimize disease spread,” researchers reported in a preprint paper on schools in Wisconsin.

The CDC said in another preprint that masking and ventilation was associated with fewer cases in schools in Georgia.


There’s someone at our back door with a rifle! 

A camouflaged man seemingly fired an unloaded gun at a North Carolina couple while intruding on their back porch, surveillance video showed.

A McDowell County couple shared surveillance footage with local news outlets and authorities after a man identified as Tyler Messer stood on their back porch wielding a rifle.

Aiming down the sights, Messer looked back and forth at the couple who was in their house at the time.

“As I’m folding one towel, I have my phone lying in front of me and I see an alert that there’s some motion on the back,” Preston McHone told WLOS. “So, I just turn around and yell, ‘Billy, there’s somebody at our back door with a gun,’” he added.

It was about 11 p.m. when Messer, still on the porch, pulled the action on his rifle. Audio of the gun failing to fire any projectiles can be heard on video, indicating that it was likely an empty chamber. However, it is still unclear and has been described as a misfire by local news outlets.

After the alleged misfire, Messer took a moment to inspect his rifle before fleeing from the property. 

It also remained unclear whether or not the intent of the suspect was to kill the home owners at all, as law enforcement notes have described Messer as “mentally ill.”

“Defendant is mentally ill. Defendant stated to family that he was going to rid the world of sin,” the notes from the McDowell County Magistrate Bail Explanation Form read.

“As he pulls the trigger, he turns and, in that short turn, he’s realizing it didn’t go off because he’s supposed to, at that point, have shot [my partner] and would be turning towards me,” McHone continued. “He didn’t follow through because he missed one step, and that was loading his weapon.”

The couple reportedly hid inside their home for several minutes until police arrived. They would soon learn that it wasn’t the first time Messer had been to their home. Messer had reportedly visited their house three times within the past year, allegedly looking for his father.

The couple did not know who the man’s father is. The McDowell County Sheriff’s Office reported that the suspect was charged with assault by pointing a gun, first-degree trespassing, and stalking. The charges came with a set bail of $200,000. Two days later, 29-year-old Messer had his charges upgraded to include attempted murder.

It looks like P. Diddy is the rap industry’s new Jeffrey Epstein

After the Department of Homeland Security’s Investigations Task Force raided his home, Rap artist, Sean Combs, A.K.A. P Diddy, has been in the news quite a bit. And the more you look into this story, the bigger it gets

According to a recent lawsuit, Combs and several members of his staff have been accused of sexual assault, human trafficking, and operating a blackmail operation with hidden cameras that captured politicians, athletes, and members of the music industry, in homosexual acts and other compromising positions.

In declassified MK-Ultra documents we know that as early as 1954, in Operation Midnight Climax, the CIA ran several brothels with two-way mirrors set-up where they would film targeted persons having sex with prostitutes. According to several close witnesses, Hugh Hefner was operating an extension of this blackmail scheme in his Playboy mansion. And of course the infamous Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell were involved in this as well. With close ties to Israeli Mossad. and the British Crown’s Prince Andrew.

Sean Combs has been using his friendship with Prince Harry to lure powerful people into his own blackmail operation. But it gets much worse than just blackmail.

Combs was allegedly drugging underage girls and trafficking them across state lines. And appears to be a pedophile. In a disturbing video, Sean Combs claims he adopted a young girl, Ava Baroni, who said that she was on the streets before he took her into his home.

A series of recent trials and investigations appear to spell out a much bigger situation brewing in the background. In April of last year, movie star Leonardo DiCaprio gave eye-witness testimony in federal court to support claims that Pras Michel funneled over twenty million dollars of stolen money from Malaysian billionaire Jho Low into Barack Obama’s 2012 presidential campaign.

Leonardo DiCaprio’s film, “The Wolf of Wall Street,” was funded with over a hundred million dollars of stolen money from Jho Low, and was likely given a plea deal in return for his testimony.

On July 17th of 2023, twenty seven years after he was murdered, Las Vegas police served a new search warrant as part of their ongoing Tupac Shakur homicide investigation.

Two months later, Las Vegas police arrest Duane Davis, who according to former LAPD detective Greg Kading, gave testimony in 2008 that Sean Combs offered him one million dollars to murder Tupac.

This criminal trail clearly leads to Obama and the satanic pedophile cabal that has been destroying America from inside the Federal government. And while many of us remain cynical of ever seeing real justice, comedian Kat Williams predicted this would all come to light.

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