June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

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Today's News: May 01, 2020


World News


Canada set to ban 11 categories of assault rifles, other weapons: source

Reuters – Canada is set to announce it is banning 11 categories of assault rifles and other weapons, including those that have been used in mass shootings, a security source said on Thursday.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government has long promised to clamp down on firearms, citing a spike in gun crime.

Officials said the new measures – which will apply to about 125,000 weapons – had been in the works for months and were not directly prompted by a shooting rampage in Atlantic Canada earlier this month. [nL2N2CG2I9]

A gunman armed with weapons that included an assault rifle killed 22 people in Nova Scotia. Police said nine of the victims died in fires the man had set, while the rest were shot

The new ban will further tighten gun controls that are already stricter than those in the United States. The source, who requested anonymity given the sensitivity of the situation, said the announcement could come as soon as Friday.

“We have long been committed to strengthening gun control in this country, including banning military style-assault weapons,” Trudeau told reporters on Thursday.

“There is no need in Canada for guns designed to kill the largest amount of people in the shortest amount of time,” he added, saying an announcement would be made in the coming days.


U.S. News, Politics & Government


Trump won’t extend federal coronavirus social distancing guidelines

NY Post – President Trump on Wednesday said the federal coronavirus social distancing guidelines — which expire Thursday — will not be extended as states have dealt their own restrictions.

“They’ll be fading out because now the governors are doing it,” Trump told reporters in the Oval Office as he met with John Bel Edwards, the Democratic governor of Louisiana.

The guidelines were presented in March — originally for 15 days — but Trump extended them for another 30 days to help slow the spread of the virus.

Vice President Mike Pence on Wednesday said the guidelines, part of which encouraged Americans to work from home and avoid large gatherings, were included in the administration’s three-phase plan for state’s to gradually revive their economies.

“Every state in America has embraced those guidelines at a minimum, or even done more, and now our focus is working with states,” Pence said.

“The current guidelines, I think you can say, are very much incorporated in the guidance that we’re giving states to open up America again.”


Trump administration launches ‘Operation Warp Speed’ to accelerate vaccine development

The Hill – The Trump administration is pushing agencies to speed up the vaccine development process in the hopes of quickly coming up with an effective way to guard against the coronavirus, two people familiar with the effort confirmed Wednesday.

The push, dubbed “Operation Warp Speed,” involves the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), among other government agencies, according to one official.

“Operation Warp Speed is clearly another extension of President Trump’s bold leadership and unwillingness to accept ‘business as usual’ approaches to addressing the COVID-19 crisis,” said Michael Caputo, the assistant secretary for public affairs at HHS.

Bloomberg News first reported on the effort. The project will reportedly cost billions of dollars, most of which will be shouldered by taxpayers, with the goal of having 100 million doses ready by the end of 2020.

Health officials have repeatedly said the timetable for a vaccine is between 12 and 18 months, meaning a coronavirus vaccine would likely not be ready until early or mid-2021. 

Animals would be tested first, with the doses widely produced once the vaccine moves to clinical trials, Bloomberg reported. The news outlet said there may be one large trial to test multiple vaccines simultaneously in an effort to cut down on the time needed to advance the most effective ones. 


Amid Ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic, Governor Cuomo Announces Contact Tracing Pilot Program Supported by Mayor Mike Bloomberg to Begin in Coming Weeks

New York State – New York’s Nation-Leading Program Expected to Have 6,400 to 17,000 Tracers Statewide Depending on Projected Number of Cases

State Health Department Working with Mayor Bloomberg, Johns Hopkins University and Vital Strategies to Build Army of Contact Tracers for Program

Amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced that New York’s contact tracing pilot program, with leadership from Mayor Mike Bloomberg, will begin in the coming weeks. This nation-leading tracing program will focus on areas with the highest rates of infection and on regions where data shows could be the first to open. The program will operate through the next flu season, and it will be implemented in coordination with tri-state neighbors New Jersey and Connecticut.

The program will include a baseline of 30 contact tracers for every 100,000 individuals and will utilize additional tracers based on the projected number of cases in each region. The program is expected to have 6,400 to 17,000 tracers statewide depending on the projected number of cases. Contact tracing teams will work remotely with state-of-the-art software to develop a secure database of information on the spread of the infection.


FBI agents reportedly tried to get Michael Flynn to lie to get him fired

New York Post – Newly released FBI documents turned over to former national security adviser Michael Flynn show agents openly questioned if their “goal” was to “get him to lie,” so they could “prosecute him or get him fired,” when questioning him about Russian contacts.

The documents, provided by the Justice Department as part of a re-examination of Flynn’s case, include a single page of handwritten notes.

While the notes are not listed with an author, they are believed to have been written by former FBI counterintelligence director Bill Priestap. The notes were taken in January 2017, following a meeting with former FBI Director James Comey and Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, according to Fox News.

Priestap’s handwritten remarks were taken down on the heels of a critical interview with the newly installed national security adviser regarding Flynn’s contacts weeks earlier with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.

“What’s our goal? Truth/Admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired?” Priestap wrote. “If we get him to admit to breaking the Logan Act, give facts to DOJ & have them decide. Or, if he initially lies, then we present him [redacted] & he admits it, document for DOJ, & let them decide how to address it.”

Priestap went on to note that his work must “protect our institution by not playing games,” also saying that “If we are seen as playing games, [the White House] will be furious.”

In a 2018 public appearance, Comey admitted his decision to send FBI agents for the interview in question with Gen. Flynn was not standard practice. Speaking to MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace in a forum discussion, Comey said the interview was “something I probably wouldn’t have done or maybe gotten away with in a more … organized administration.”

He explained, “If the FBI wanted to send agents into the White House itself to interview a senior official, you would work through the White House counsel, and there would be discussions and approvals of who would be there.”

However, the former FBI director and outspoken critic of President Trump decided to bypass protocol in this instance, saying, “I thought, ‘It’s early enough, let’s just send a couple guys over.’”

Flynn pleaded guilty in late 2017 to lying to the FBI about conversations he had with Kislyak. However, his lawyers now say they believe this document supports their case to reverse his plea, citing investigative misconduct.

Sidney Powell, Flynn’s attorney, said in a Fox News appearance Wednesday night of the documents, “It’s just absolutely appalling what these agents, and then special counsel operatives, did to General Flynn. It’s abuse of their authority at every turn.”

Trump appears to agree, saying in a Thursday morning tweet, “What happened to General Michael Flynn, a war hero, should never be allowed to happen to a citizen of the United States again!”


Trump: CNN, others ‘should pay a big price for what they have purposely done’ to Flynn

The Hill – President Trump  lashed out at CNN over the network’s coverage of former national security advisor Michael Flynn, one of the first Trump officials to be ensnared in the special counsel’s investigation into Russia’s election interference.

In a pair of tweets late Wednesday evening, the president indicated his support for Flynn amid his former aide’s efforts to withdraw a guilty plea in his case, and said that CNN and others should “pay a big price for what they have purposely done to this man & his family.”

“.@CNN doesn’t want to speak about their persecution of General Michael Flynn & why they got the story so wrong. They, along with others, should pay a big price for what they have purposely done to this man & his family. They won’t even cover the big breaking news about this scam!” Trump tweeted.

The president in another tweet linked, without comment, to a Daily Caller article detailing the latest developments in Flynn’s case including the unsealing of notes indicating that FBI officials discussed the possibility of catching Flynn in a lie during his interrogation.


Marriage Rate Falls to Lowest Level In 120 Years

Sputnik – While lockdowns amid the global COVID-19 pandemic are causing many couples to spend more time together, the rate of formation of new marriages in the US has been dropping for years, recently reaching its lowest point in more than a century.

The US marriage rate has fallen to its lowest level in 120 years after having declined steadily since the 1980s and flattening over the past 10 years. On Wednesday, a study was published by the National Center for Health Statistics, a part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which stated that only 6.5 wedding licenses were issued for every 1,000 US adults in 2018, the most recent year for which the agency had complete data. 

This marks a 6% decline from 2017 and comes after a relatively stable rate between 2009 and 2017, when about seven couples married per every 1,000 Americans, the Washington Times reported. 


Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announces plan for free college tuition for frontline workers

Fox – During the COVID-19 crisis, Gov. Whitmer is thanking essential employees by setting up a Futures for Frontliners program that would give free college tuition to all frontline workers.


Veteran News


It Took Coronavirus for the Veterans Affairs to House Homeless Vets in Tents

Judicial Watch – We have been in the thick of litigation about the plight of homeless veterans in Los Angeles for some time. Now comes word of more senselessness by Veterans Affairs. Our Corruption Chronicles blog reports.

It took a global pandemic for the Los Angeles Veterans Affairs to offer a few vets temporary housing on a sprawling parcel deeded to the federal government over a century ago for the specific purpose of caring for disabled military veterans.

Thousands of veterans have long lived on the streets surrounding the lush facility in West L.A., yet the VA has been derelict in its duty to help them. With the COVID-19 crisis deeply impacting the region’s vast homeless population, the VA finally erected several small tents in the parking lot of its healthcare system campus to accommodate a couple dozen vets who were sleeping on the sidewalk immediately adjacent to the grounds.

It’s a tiny gesture that will barely put a dent on the crisis, but it’s a start, say some local veterans.

>>  Related: Tents Raised Outside LA VA to Help Homeless Vets Neglected by Agency


Economy & Business


Fed holds rates near zero as economy reels from coronavirus

The Hill -The Federal Reserve said Wednesday that it would hold interest rates near zero percent and continue to pump trillions of dollars of stimulus into the economy as the U.S. struggles through the steepest economic downturn since the Great Depression.

The central bank’s Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), which controls the Fed’s monetary policy tools, announced it would hold its baseline interest rate range at zero to 0.25 percent following its two-day meeting, typically held in Washington, D.C.

The Fed will also continue to purchase hundreds of billions of dollars in Treasury and mortgage bonds to keep financial markets stable and money flowing through an economy wracked by the coronavirus pandemic.

“The coronavirus outbreak is causing tremendous human and economic hardship across the United States and around the world,” the FOMC said in a Wednesday statement. 

“The Committee expects to maintain this target range until it is confident that the economy has weathered recent events and is on track to achieve its maximum employment and price stability goals.”

More than 26 million Americans have filed for unemployment benefits since mid-March, according to the Labor Department, when thousands of businesses shuttered to help slow the spread of COVID-19. 

>> Note: Joseph Meyer will join TPH on Monday to discuss this


Nine companies rent U.S. emergency oil reserve space for 23 mln barrels: official

Reuters – Nine companies including Chevron Corp (CVX.N), Exxon Mobil Corp (XOM.N) and Alon USA Inc have agreed to rent space to store 23 million barrels of crude in the U.S. emergency oil reserve, a U.S. official said on Wednesday, as the Trump administration tries to help the industry deal with crashing oil prices.


With Meat Shortages Looming Renewed Calls to Repeal Federal Ban on Sale of Meat from Custom Slaughterhouses

NaturalBlaze – One rancher in Texas speaks out. Texas state officials are reportedly advising Texas ranchers how to depopulate and dispose of their beef, while at the same time beef is still being imported into the U.S. from other countries.

“This is a national crisis. Overnight you’re going to go hungry. It’s coming…..”

In the last week, the media headlines have included concerns about possible meat shortages. Livestock farmers and ranchers across the country are verging on bankruptcy – while consumers are facing increasing prices and empty shelves in the groceries.

With hundreds of millions of livestock and poultry in this country, why are we having these problems?

COVID-19 is not the reason for the problems, it’s just the straw that is breaking the camel’s back in our deeply flawed food system. Four companies control processing of over 80% of the country’s beef, and four companies control processing of two-thirds of the country’s pork. The consolidation has led to most meat being processed at massive plants where as many as 400 cattle are slaughtered an hour. Workers in these facilities labor under very difficult and often unsafe conditions – and that’s before you add in the issue of a highly contagious disease.

Yet the government regulations are designed for these massive, industrial-scale facilities, making it difficult or sometimes even impossible for small-scale facilities to comply. And federal law requires that “state inspected” facilities use the exact same USDA standards, leaving no flexibility for states to develop standards better suited to small operators.

So we have a shortage of small-scale processors in this country, and small-scale livestock farmers have few places they can take their animals for processing. In some areas of the country, the nearest USDA or equivalent state facility may be several hours’ drive away or more.

There are alternatives, known as “custom slaughterhouses,” which legally operate in many states. But the meat from them can only be provided back to – and consumed by the family of – the person who owned the animal when it entered the slaughterhouse. A consumer who is not able to pay for and store hundreds of pounds of meat in one order is unable to access the meat from a custom slaughterhouse. And a farmer who wants to sell his or her beef, lamb, goat, or pork to consumers at a local farmers’ market or other local outlet cannot use a custom slaughterhouse.

The PRIME Act, H.R. 2859/ S.1620, addresses this problem and can help with both the short-term crisis and the long-term change we need in our food system. TAKE ACTION TO SUPPORT THIS IMPORTANT BILL.

The PRIME Act repeals the federal ban on the sale of meat from custom slaughterhouses. The bill returns control to the states to address the issue of meat processing. States would be able to permit producers to sell meat processed at a custom slaughterhouse within the state. States could choose to impose whatever conditions or limitations that best suited their particular agricultural, food system, and social conditions.

These facilities meet state regulations as well as basic federal requirements. They are typically very small with few employees. The extensive and complicated federal regulations that apply to massive meatpacking facilities are neither needed nor appropriate for these operations, which might process as much meat in an entire year as the large facilities do in a single day. Their small scale also means that they are better able to provide necessary social distancing and sanitation measures while safely continuing operations.

The PRIME Act could help improve access and reduce meat prices for consumers in the coming months, while providing income for small farmers and ranchers across the country. 


McDonald’s Starts To Ration Meat Amid Supply Chain “Concerns”

Activist Post – Just days after the CEO of Tyson Foods warned that the “food supply chain is breaking”, the disruptions due to the coronavirus are starting to surface not only in households and grocery stores, but also across corporate America, and even McDonald’s has now said it is changing how it is doling out beef and pork to its restaurants as a result.

The company has placed items like burgers, bacon and sausage on “controlled allocation,” according to Business Insider. Additionally, the company’s distribution centers have been placed on “managed supply”.

This means that the company is now going to be rationing meat supplies based on demand, instead of just ordering what the company thought was necessary. And while it doesn’t yet mean the company is facing shortages, it does suggest that even the largest US fast food restaurant believes further scrutiny of its inventory is warranted as the next may very well be shortages.

Two key McDonald’s suppliers are Smithfield and Tyson – names we have covered extensively (here  and here) over the last month as they grapple with the coronavirus causing significant production bottlenecks. More than 5,000 factory workers have contracted the coronavirus, with at least 20 of those dying.

McDonald’s executives said mid-week that major production reductions were expected through “at least” the first half of May. McDonald’s CEO said on Thursday that the company, so far, had not had a supply chain break.

He also admitted, however, the state of the meat industry was “concerning” and that the company was “monitoring it, literally, hour by hour.”


Coronavirus fallout: McDonald’s Canada to start using imported beef due to supply chain issues

Fox – Imported beef, it’s what’s for dinner.

McDonald’s in Canada announced a big change to its burgers. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the fast-food chain will have to start using imported beef.

Due to disruptions in the supply chain, McDonald’s Canada will start using imported beef, according to a press release on the restaurant’s website. Prior to this change, the fast-food chain served 100 percent Canadian beef.

The press release stated: “At McDonald’s Canada, we are proud of our long-standing commitment to serve 100 percent Canadian beef and plan to continue our Canadian beef sourcing long-term. However, due to unprecedented COVID-19 impacts on the Canadian beef supply chain, we are temporarily adjusting our supply to incorporate beef from outside Canada — from pre-approved McDonald’s suppliers and facilities globally — in order to meet the current demand, effective immediately. Until Canada’s beef supply stabilizes, we will source as much Canadian beef as we can and then supplement with imported beef.”

The company added: “Tapping into the strength of our global supply chain will allow McDonald’s Canada to continue to serve our communities, without interruption.”

According to the press release, the change in beef sourcing can be at least partially attributed to the closure of Cargill’s High River processing facility in Alberta.

While McDonald’s Canada will mostly maintain its menu, it will be temporarily removing Angus burgers from its menu nationwide. According to the press release, locations will only continue to sell these items while supplies last.

“McDonald’s is committed to supporting Canadian ranchers and farmers, and we look forward to returning to sourcing 100 percent Canadian beef as quickly as possible,” the company added.


Meat plant workers to Trump: Employees aren’t going to show up

MSN – Meat processing plant workers are concerned about President Donald Trump’s executive order that compels plants to remain open during the coronavirus pandemic. Some say they expect staff will refuse to come to work.

“All I know is, this is crazy to me, because I can’t see all these people going back into work,” said Donald, who works at Tyson’s Waterloo, Iowa, facility. “I don’t think people are going to go back in there.”

Donald asked to be referred to by his first name only. He is currently recovering after testing positive for the virus.

“I’m still trying to figure out: What is he going to do, force them to stay open? Force people to go to work?” he asked.

CNN Business has spoken to employees in several Tyson plants who do not want to be named for fear of losing their jobs.

On Tuesday, Trump signed the order after some companies, such as Tyson Foods, were considering only keeping 20% of their facilities open. The vast majority of processing plants could have shut down — which would have reduced processing capacity in the country by as much as 80%, an official familiar with the order told CNN.


Las Vegas Transforms Casino Into Food Bank As Working Poor Line Up For Miles

NaturalBlaze – In a post-corona world, Americans returned to some casinos along the Las Vegas Strip, but as we explain in this piece, they are not gambling.

A new, shocking reality has unfolded in a world of social distancing, stay-at-home public health orders, a crashed economy, and tens of millions of people out of work, the rise of America’s new breadlines, as we’ve documented over the last several months, has been reminiscent of the breadlines of the Great Depression.

The Daily Mail, citing local reports from Nevada Public Radio, indicates some casinos in “Sin City” have been transformed into food banks as tens of thousands of working poor have recently become unemployed in the past six weeks thanks to the lockdowns. Many of these folks were employed at casinos, hotels, restaurants, and other non-essential businesses that remain closed.

Now, with an influx of people who can’t survive on $1,200 checks from President Trump, and have drained savings, as their insurmountable debts cannot be serviced (likely deferred at the moment), casinos have joined the effort to feed America.

On Tuesday (April 28), we described in “”Money Is Running Out” – Vegas Struggles To Survive Shutdown” that an economic sh*tstorm has slammed into the city, decimating the labor force. One in three jobs in the state is tied to the tourism, leisure, hospitality, and the gambling industries, which has seen massive layoffs, resulting in a jump in the state’s unemployment rate to over 17%.

Three Square food bank COO Larry Scott, who oversaw food distribution at Boulder Station Hotel & Casino on Wednesday (April 29) said a traffic jam of cars stretched miles long.

“If you were to just drive past that line, you would absolutely see that the cars are representative of a lot of different economic classes,” Scott told Nevada Public Radio.

Scott said the virus has been “absolutely impactful” on the local economy. As we have previously noted, Vegas has imploded.

To make matters worse, Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak has extended the stay-at-home orders that will likely result in Vegas closed for another month.

It’s only a matter of time before people get angry and start to protest. Oops! It’s already happening, according to NBC Vegas


More big companies are talking about permanent work-from-home positions

NBC – Thousands of Americans are waiting to return to normalcy, but for many that may not mean going back to an office.

Working from home could be the new normal for many employees as more major employers and CEOs, including Mondelez, Nationwide and Barclays, talk about a permanent shift to work from home and reduced office space.

Companies have been forced to embrace remote working amid stay-at-home orders for all nonessential positions and businesses. In the process, corporations are seeing proof that productivity does not suffer, and employees may not need to return to offices in order to be productive and accomplish their work tasks. It also may be part of required cost-cutting as companies plan for what could be a prolonged global economic slump.

Nationwide announced on Wednesday a permanent transition to a hybrid work model. The insurance company will operate in their four main corporate offices in central Ohio; Des Moines, Iowa; Scottsdale, Arizona; and San Antonio, while the majority of their locations will continue working from home.


Survey Finds Working From Home Has So Many Benefits, 48% of Workers Would Take Pay Cut to Continue

Good News Network – Although adults around the world have been forced to start working from home amidst the novel coronavirus outbreaks, a global poll of 2,250 office workers suggests that many of them are actually much happier working from home.

Not only that, 77% believe working from home is one of the most effective ways to help the environment.

The survey, conducted by OnePoll in conjunction with GoTo by LogMeIn, aimed to uncover how office workers feel about working from home and their environmental impact. The poll included 1,000 U.S. office workers, 250 office workers in India, the UK, Brazil, and Germany, 125 office workers in Australia and 125 office workers in New Zealand.

The average office worker surveyed revealed they used to spend nearly an hour every single day commuting to and from their jobs—that’s five hours each week office workers could get back by working from home.

Additionally, the poll revealed that 48% of participants would happily take a pay cut if it meant they could work from home indefinitely.

“We’ve long seen the benefits of remote work to allow employees to have more flexible schedules, but as most of the world has turned to full-time remote working amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the unexpected benefits is the impact this is already having on the environment,” said Mark Strassman, SVP and GM for Unified Communications & Collaboration at LogMeIn.


Energy & Environment


California Closes All State Beaches And Parks After Crowds Ignore Social Distancing

Activist Post – After the season’s first heatwave last weekend and tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of people flocked to beaches in Southern California, ignoring social distancing rules, Gov. Gavin Newsom is expected to close all state beaches and parks starting Friday, according to a memo first seen by CNN.

“We wanted to give all of our members a heads up about this in order to provide time for you to plan for any situations you might expect as a result, knowing each community has its own dynamics,” the memo reads.

The closure could be announced as soon as Thursday, and state park officials, along with local law enforcement, will support efforts to close the sites, the memo adds.


Science & Technology


Congress tells FCC to stop 5G rollout in Virginia because it interferes with military signals

NaturalNews – Some of the 5G rollout in Virginia is under attack, but not necessarily for the reasons you might think.

Members of two powerful congressional committees are demanding that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) reverse a ruling allowing a mobile phone operator to activate its new 5G network because the signals could interfere with military and other operations.

A bipartisan cohort of politicians in the House and Senate Armed Services committees wrote in a recent appeal to the FCC that if the commission does not immediately halt this 5G activation that Congress itself will force through legislation towards that end.

According to Senators Jim Inhofe and Jack Reed, along with Representatives Adams Smith and Mac Thornberry, Ligado Networks, based out of Virginia, is planning to open up its 5G network on the L-band spectrum, which could disrupt signals used by the military and GPS systems.

These four, who serve as the chairmen and ranking members of the two committees, have accused the FCC of using the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis as an excuse to rush through approval for Ligado’s 5G network, which had previously run into roadblocks gaining activation approval.

“But the Federal Communications Commission has used the crisis, under the cover of darkness, to approve a long-stalled application by Ligado Networks – a proposal that threatens to undermine our global positioning system (GPS) capabilities, and with it, our national security,” their letter reads.

“The departments of Defense, Commerce, Interior, Justice, Homeland Security, Energy, and Transportation – as well as NASA, the National Science Foundation, the Coast Guard and the Federal Aviation Administration – all strongly object to Ligado’s plan.”




Worried about Trump saying something about injecting disinfectants? You do the same thing every time you get a flu shot with mercury (thimerosal) in it

NaturalNews – Recently, every American suffering Trump Derangement Syndrome pounced on the POTUS gaffe about injecting disinfectants, but not a single person who did has given one ounce of thought to the fact that nearly everyone who gets their beloved yearly flu shot is doing just that – injecting disinfectant. If the CDC were to tell them that injecting Lysol was “safe and effective” for fighting COVID, you can bet they’d all run to the clinic right away, without doing any research or doubting it for even a split second.

If you tell anyone who bows down to the CDC that they’re brainwashed, they get defensive immediately and call you a conspiracy theorist, but the CDC has been corrupt and criminal from inception. Mercury is still used in influenza vaccines today (think multi-dose vials), despite the fact that it’s the most lethal non-radioactive element on earth. That’s why it’s listed on the vaccine insert as thimerosal (50 percent mercury), so the brainwashed, mind-numbed sheeple won’t think twice.

Yet mercury is a chemical element (and topical disinfectant) commonly known as “quicksilver,” but if it spills in a clinical environment, the whole area must be evacuated, and medics with hazmat suits have to come in and clean it up. That’s because mercury poisoning results from exposure to it, so imagine what happens when you have it injected by medical deities (MDs) and nurses.

For decades, the CDC has mixed aluminum with mercury in vaccines, knowing aluminum catapults the toxicity of mercury

As published in TruthWiki: “Does the CDC mix aluminum and mercury together in vaccines, knowing that aluminum catapults the toxicity of mercury? Answer: Yes. The Diphtheria and Tetanus “Toxoid” inoculations have “trace” amounts of mercury combined in the same vaccine with aluminum. How potent are “trace amounts” when combined with aluminum phosphate, aluminum sulfate and aluminum hydroxide? Very potent and it sends the central nervous system and the immune system into shock.”

Still, the CDC is so corrupt that they highly recommend flu shots for the most immune-vulnerable Americans, including the elderly, pregnant womenand infants just 6 months young. Talk about population reduction schemes.

Injecting extremely toxic cleansers, disinfectants and heavy metal toxins is standard practice for the CDC and the M.I.C. (medical industrial complex) of the USA. The risk far outweighs the benefits, but they’ll never run double-blind, clinical studies on that. The flu shot, in fact, causes MORE respiratory infections, not less.

Still interested in a vaccine that causes more than five times as much sickness? Then the flu shot is perfect for you. That’s according to a double-blind, placebo-controlled study published in Clinical Infectious Diseases. Over 100 subjects of the trial, children ages 6 through 15, were followed for nearly a year.

Though mercury is deadly to humans, in America, it’s still a popular antiseptic and anti-fungal agent used in vaccines, skin tests, nasal products, cosmetics, contact lens solutions, and tattoo inks

Pharmaceutical corporations in America make a fortune off keeping people sick. The vaccine industry in particular is immune (pun intended) to lawsuits from all faulty vaccines, including horrid side effects and adverse events. They’ve settled with injured families for over $4 billion in their secretive courts so the media never catches wind of it all (only truth media informs you).

In fact, mercury tests have been conducted on vaccines at the Natural News Forensic Food Lab in the past decade that revealed a mind-blowing high level of mercury in a flu shot made by GlaxoSmithKline called Flulaval. Those tests were conducted by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, and his team, using calibrated, high-end ICP-MS instrumentation.

Yes, mercury in that toxic jab registered off the charts at over 50 ppm (parts per million). That’s 25,000 times higher than the maximum contaminant level for inorganic mercury allowed in drinking water that was set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This is what most lib-tard Americans have injected into their bodies every year, all while freaking out because Trump simply mentioned that it would be great if we could somehow “disinfect” the inside of our bodies the way we do the outside.

What’s worse is that MDs will swear up and down that there’s not enough mercury in vaccines to be dangerous, but vaccines are even worse than eating or breathing in mercury, because it bypasses your body’s natural filtration systems, including your skin, digestive tract, and lungs. That makes it even more lethal. You might want to double check those tattoo inks and ask important questions before you get injected with a disinfectant.

If you think for one second that the CDC removed all mercury from vaccines, like they lied and said years ago, think again. In fact, they list it themselves right on their own CDC vaccine ingredient web page. Oops.


Good News


For the First Time, Researchers Make Plants That Glow Sustainably—And They Could One Day Light Up Our Homes

Good News Network – Although glowing plants may seem like a work of science fiction, researchers have succeeded in creating plants that produce their own visible luminescence—and they say the possibilities for how we can use these plants are endless.

This week in Nature Biotechnology, the scientists revealed that bioluminescence found in some mushrooms is metabolically similar to the natural processes common among plants. By inserting DNA obtained from the mushroom, the scientists were able to create plants that glow much brighter than previously possible.

This biological light can be used by scientists for observing the inner workings of plants. In contrast to other commonly used forms of bioluminescence, such as from fireflies, unique chemical reagents are not necessary for sustaining mushroom bioluminescence—in other words, plants containing the mushroom DNA glow continuously throughout their lifecycle, from seedling to maturity.

The breakthrough is similar to a project launched by MIT scientists in 2017, which used nanoparticle infusions to turn the plant’s stored energy into light, although the glow only lasted for about four hours at a time. The researchers later used their glowing plants for an art exhibit exploring the possibilities of integrating the plants into modern eco-friendly architecture.

“Lighting right now consumes a vast portion of our energy demand, approaching close to 20% of our global energy consumption, generating two gigatons of carbon dioxide per year,” says Michael Strano, the Carbon P. Dubbs Professor of Chemical Engineering at MIT. “Consider that the plants replace more than just the lamp on your desk. There’s an enormous energy footprint that could potentially be replaced by the light-emitting plant.”

The plants described in this week’s discovery can also be used for practical and aesthetic purposes, most notably for creating glowing flowers and other ornamental plants—and while replacing street lights with glowing trees may prove fantastical, the plants produce a pleasant green aura that emanates from their living energy.


Instead of Selling Lemonade, Boy Sets Up ‘Drive-By Joke Stand’ to Spread Laughter During Quarantine

Good News Network – 6-year-old Callaghan McLaughlin had been looking forward to starting his own lemonade stand once the weather warmed up—but since the novel coronavirus outbreaks has forced the world into quarantine, he had to improvise.

Rather than spend his times indoors, Callaghan decided to spread joy in his community by setting up a “drive-by joke stand” so he could make his neighbors laugh while respecting social distancing guidelines.

Callaghan’s mother Kelsea says that the youngster has been using one-liners from a kid’s joke book that she bought for him six months ago.

Since she and her husband have already been privileged to hear the bulk of Callaghan’s jokes, she felt it was time he share his jokes with a new audience.

The youngster has been setting up shop every morning at the end of his driveway in Saanich, British Columbia for at least one hour before taking a lengthy lunch break and returning in the afternoon for another shift.

Callaghan also told CBC that he has been offering the jokes for free since he wants people to save their money for more important things—like groceries.


Americans Who Drink This Much Water a Day Were More Likely to Report Feeling ‘Very Happy’

Good News Network – Is drinking water the secret to feeling happy? Probably not, but this survey says that it may be indicative of a person’s happiness.

In the survey, 2,000 Americans were asked how much water they consumed on average. The results then found that adults were three times more likely to feel “very happy” if they reported drinking enough water.

Additionally, 67% of respondents who drank “more than enough” water evaluated themselves as “very happy,” whereas only 21% of those who said they “didn’t drink enough water” said they’re “very happy.”

The statistics emerged in a poll conducted by OnePoll on behalf of O. Vine. The results also revealed that the average American drinks almost five glasses of water per day, with the average respondent believing the “recommended amount” of water per day is only five eight-ounce glasses (most experts believe you should drink eight).

Once again, those who drank more glasses of water per day were more likely to evaluate themselves as “very happy.”

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