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Today's News: May 03, 2018

World News
Nigeria companies raided over cough syrup addiction
BBC – Four pharmaceutical companies have been raided in Nigeria after a BBC investigation into the role of cough syrup containing codeine in an addiction epidemic.
Guatemala Begins Moving Embassy to Jerusalem
Breitbart – Guatemala on Wednesday started to move its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, transferring furniture and other equipment into a yet-unfinished office in the capital’s Malha Technology Park. Earlier this week, the Guatemalan flag was raised outside the building.
Syrian Military Intelligence Seizes Weapons and Israeli Medicine Shipment Heading to Rebels in Northern Homs (Photos)
Global Research – On May 2, the Syrian Military Intelligence detected and seized a weapon shipment, which was on its way from southern Syria to the besieged militants in the northern Homs countryside, according to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA).
Two US airmen injured by Chinese lasers in Djibouti
Defense News – Two U.S. airmen suffered “minor” injuries as a result of the use of Chinese-deployed lasers in Djibouti, the Pentagon’s chief spokeswoman said Thursday.
Dana White told reporters that the U.S. has formally lodged a diplomatic complaint, known as a demarche, with the Chinese government, requesting an investigation into the incident.
UK: Man Arrested For Possessing a Potato Peeler
Infowars – While violent crime in the UK continues to soar and grooming gangs roam the streets, a man in Scotland was imprisoned and charged for the crime of possessing a potato peeler in public.
U.S. News, Politics & Government
Trump says Cohen used retainer on ‘extortions accusations’
WND – President Trump said Thursday that his personal lawyer Michael Cohen received a monthly retainer and none of the money used to pay porn actress Stormy Daniels came from campaign cash.
Arkansas Supremes allow enforcement of state voter-ID law
WND – The Arkansas Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that the state could enforce its voter ID law during the primary elections later this month, despite another judge declaring the law unconstitutional, The Associated Press reported.
DOJ sends 35 lawyers, 18 judges to border to stop immigrant caravan
Washington Times – Attorney General Jeff Sessions deployed dozens of new prosecutors and 18 more immigration judges down to the U.S.-Mexico border Wednesday to handle the illegal immigrant caravan and to try to head off another summertime surge of border jumpers.
The additional lawyers should give the government capacity to file more criminal charges as a deterrent to illegal immigrants, and the added judges will help speed decisions on asylum claims like the ones the caravan participants say they’re making.
“We are not going to let this country be overwhelmed. People are not going to caravan or otherwise stampede our border,” Mr. Sessions said.
More women accuse Rose; some say they alerted CBS managers
ABC – More than two dozen additional women have come forward with sexual misconduct allegations against former CBS News anchor Charlie Rose, and the Washington Post says managers were alerted about his questionable behavior on at least three occasions.
Heritage Foundation Defends Facebook’s ‘Right’ to Censor, Will Oppose Regulation
Breitbart – The Heritage Foundation will defend Facebook’s legal right as a “private company” to censor content and will oppose attempts to regulate the tech giant, according to the think tank’s senior research fellow for technology, Klon Kitchen.
BREAKING: Some Body Camera Footage of Las Vegas Shooting Finally Released
Free Thought Project – After seven months and a supreme court battle, the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police have finally began releasing video from the officer’s body cameras who breached the room of Stephen Paddock.
Bill Gates Warns of Doomsday ‘Global Pandemic’ That Could Kill 30 Million in Under a Year
Free Thought Project – During a speech for the Massachusetts Medical Society and the New England Journal of Medicine last week, Bill Gates warned an audience that humanity must prepare for “war” with a “global pandemic,” which he believes could kill 30 million people in the span of 6 months. Gates predicted that there is a “reasonable probability” that the world will experience something like this in the next 10-15 years.
Arizona Passes Education Budget To End Teacher Walkout
Huff Post – Arizona teachers appeared ready to head back to their classrooms after the governor signed a budget bill Thursday that will pump more money into schools and give teachers the first of what should be two pay raises.
Economy & Business
Trump Praises China’s Xi as Trade Talks Begin in Beijing
Newsmax – U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday praised his relationship with Chinese President Xi Jinping as officials from the world’s two largest economies began trade talks in Beijing, while state media said China would stand up to U.S. bullying.
Energy & Environment
Texas officials ignore dioxin spread in Houston waterways
AP – Dioxin damage already has spread far beyond the boundaries of the Superfund San Jacinto Waste Pits site, an investigation by the Houston Chronicle and The Associated Press shows, but state environmental officials have failed to act.
Rainstorm kills at least 91, injures over 160 in India
AP – A powerful dust storm and rain swept parts of north and western India overnight, causing house collapses, toppling trees and leaving at least 91 people dead and more than 160 injured, officials said Thursday.
Hawaii to ban certain sunscreens harmful to coral reefs
BBC – Hawaii has become the first US state to pass a bill banning the sale of any sunscreens that have chemicals known to harm coral reefs.
Investigation Finds Unsafe Amounts of Monsanto’s Glyphosate in Common Foods
Care2 – According to data found in internal emails at the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and secured through the Freedom of Information Act, the FDA has been conducting tests on the amount of glyphosate on common foods and finding excessively high amounts. They’ve found so much of the toxic pesticide on foods including: crackers, granola and cornmeal, that broccoli is the only food they’ve tested without glyphosate.
The Drugging of American Seniors: Big Pharma Profits Depend on Sick Seniors
Health Impact News – As the “baby-boomer” generations move into their senior years, they are seen as a “cash-cow” for pharmaceutical companies.
For example, it is estimated that about one out of every four Americans over the age of 55 are currently being prescribed cholesterol-lowering statin drugs, in spite of the evidence that these drugs do not prolong lifespans, and have very serious side effects.
Studies have confirmed that dementia, especially early onset dementia, is often caused by too many pharmaceutical drugs.

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