July 4, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: May 03, 2022


Is China Starting Another Giant Purge Of Citizens?

China’s brutal lockdown of 1 billion people is inexplicable. If there is widespread sickness, why hasn’t it spread to the rest of the world like SARS-Cov-V-2? The answer lies only in Technocrat social engineers who have determined some other agenda that is not yet readily apparent.

China has had a bad habit of launching horrible genocidal campaigns against its own people. The “Great Leap Forward” from 1958-1962, for instance, killed well over 15 million people. ⁃ TN Editor

The official policy in China is aimed at zero COVID cases in the country. They have locked down over 1 billion people to stop the spread of a virus from a family of cold viruses known to have an animal reservoir

This means to achieve zero COVID China must kill every living animal, close all borders to people moving into or out of the country and change crews for all imports and exports on planes, trains and trucks to completely isolate the people

The goal is likely not zero COVID since one government adviser told a reporter, “eventually everyone will have to live with the virus.” In the meantime, people are starving in their homes, their pets are beaten to death, food is being thrown away and adults and children are being force vaccinated in their homes and on the street

> Roughly 26 million Shanghai residents, 1 out of 3 of whom are elderly, have been unable to go to the store or get medication starting March 28, 2022, and if they test positive, they are forced to quarantine in metal cubicle cities without temperature control or running water in their hut

Food Shortages Surge to Record High, Food Price Inflation 2nd Highest Ever

The supply of food around the globe saw a sharp uptick in disruptions, survey data from S&P Global indicated Monday.

Supply shortages matched the record hit at the height of the global financial crisis in 2008.

“Supply shortages surged in April to reach a joint-record level as the war in Ukraine continued to hit global food exports. Reports of increased food prices were meanwhile at the second-highest on record,” said S&P Global economist Usamah Bhatti.

The Global Supply Shortages Index signaled that shortages were just under seven times higher than the normal level, unchanged from March’s four-month high. Freight capacity remained the hardest hit, with reports of shortages at the highest since last December, S&P Global said.

“Transport capacity remains the most severely affected, with reports of a lack of logistical capacity nearly 32 times above the normal level, as vessel shortages and port congestion continue to disrupt the supply of materials. At the same time, while price pressures eased, firms reported that freight costs were rising at 11 times the normal speed,” Bhatti said.

Global price pressures were also unchanged from March at the start of the second quarter, indicating that tightening by central banks around the world has not yet reigned in inflatin. Reports of higher prices for electrical items reached the highest level since May 2021, S&P Global said.


Supreme Court has voted to overturn abortion rights, draft opinion shows

“We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled,” Justice Alito writes in an initial majority draft circulated inside the court.

The Supreme Court has voted to strike down the landmark Roe v. Wade decision, according to an initial draft majority opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito circulated inside the court and obtained by POLITICO.

The draft opinion is a full-throated, unflinching repudiation of the 1973 decision which guaranteed federal constitutional protections of abortion rights and a subsequent 1992 decision – Planned Parenthood v. Casey – that largely maintained the right. “Roe was egregiously wrong from the start,” Alito writes.

“We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled,” he writes in the document, labeled as the “Opinion of the Court.” “It is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people’s elected representatives.”

Barricades Go Up Around Supreme Court after Leak of Alleged Roe v. Wade Draft Decision

Fence barricades went up around the Supreme Court on Monday evening after a leak of an alleged draft of a decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.

“Right now: Barricades are up around the Supreme Court building, just minutes after reports from Politico were leaked indicating SCOTUS has voted to overturn Roe v. Wade,” tweeted Washington Examiner reporter Cami Mondeaux.

Mondeaux tweeted that she got the alert for the breaking news story as she was passing by the court and that the barricades were going up right then.

She tweeted at 9:10 p.m. ET. Politico published the story at 8:32 p.m. ET.

Another reporter tweeted a photo of the barricades. The reporter, Gabe Fleisher, tweeted that the barricades were set up by the “order of the Supreme Court Marshal” and that two police officers were standing watch as a crowd of about 50 gathered, most sitting quietly with candles.

Unprecedented: Supreme Court’s Roe Draft Leak Is First in Modern History

The recent leak of a draft opinion that signals the U.S. Supreme Court is ready to overturn its decision in Roe v. Wade is unprecedented in the Court’s modern history.

On Monday, Politico reported on a draft opinion it obtained “from a person familiar with the court’s proceedings,” reportedly written by Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito.

According to the draft, Alito comes to the “inescapable conclusion” that “a right to abortion is not deeply rooted in the Nation’s history and traditions.”

“The Constitution does not prohibit the citizens of each State from regulating or prohibiting abortion,” the draft says. “Roe and Casey arrogated that authority. We now overrule those decisions and return that authority to the people and their elected representatives.”

Throughout the last half-century, journalists have speculated on Justices’ decisions ahead of time, and former Supreme Court clerks have provided insight into the deliberation process. However, never in the Court’s modern history has a draft decision been leaked while the case was still pending.

For example, there were reports about the Justices’ internal debates during deliberations on Roe v. Wade in 1972. Additionally, former Chief Justice Warren Burger launched an inquiry into if Supreme Court staff leaked decisions after reports predicting the outcome of two decisions in 1979 were run.

According to Politico:

In 1972, while Roe was under deliberation, an unbylined Washington Post story detailed the justices’ internal wrangling on that subject. The Post story — which appeared days after the justices ordered a second round of arguments in the case — was attributed to anonymous informed sources and did not quote any draft opinions or internal memoranda, but described them in significant detail.

In 1979, ABC News Supreme Court correspondent Tim O’Brien went on air with reports predicting the outcome of two decisions that were days away from release. Chief Justice Warren Burger launched an inquiry into whether anyone at the court had breached protocol, and a Government Printing Office employee involved in setting type for the court’s rulings was transferred to a different division. The staffer denied leaking any information.

Even then, no internal documents were released public as with Monday’s release of Alito’s draft.

Many politicians and other pundits have speculated the draft’s leak was meant to intimidate the Justices into changing their decisions in the Mississippi abortion case, Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization.

“Obviously, one of the leftist judges leaked the Court memo to ignite protests and riots that would intimidate the justices,” Dave Reaboi tweeted. “You will see this leaker be feted in the media.”

Boston Violated First Amendment by Prohibiting Christian Flag, Rules Unanimous Supreme Court

In a unanimous ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court has concluded that the City of Boston violated the First Amendment when it refused to fly a Christian flag on a city flagpole while allowing other flags. “Through history, the suppression of unpopular religious speech and exercise has been among the favorite tools of petty tyrants,” noted Justice Neil Gorsuch in his concurring opinion. “The day governments in this country forage for ways to abandon these foundational promises [of the free exercise of religion] is a dark day for the cause of individual freedom.” Weighing in before the U.S. Supreme Court in Harold Shurtleff v. City of Boston, Rutherford Institute attorneys had sounded the alarm over attempts by Boston officials to use the “government speech doctrine” to censor or discriminate against expressive activities by Christians that take place in public which may be perceived as unpopular or politically incorrect.

Mark D. Taticchi, D. Alicia Hickok, Renee M. Dudek, Elizabeth M. Casey, and Nicholas J. Nelson of Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP helped to advance the arguments in the amicus brief.

“This is exactly the slippery slope that we have been warning about for years when it comes to the so-called ‘government speech doctrine’ which empowers the government to censor private speech whenever it occurs in a public or government forum,” said constitutional attorney John W. Whitehead, president of The Rutherford Institute and author of Battlefield America: The War on the American People. “What started out years ago as attempts to use the ‘government speech doctrine’ to censor license plates that were perceived as politically incorrect has snowballed into broad efforts to whitewash and restrict any First Amendment-protected expression, including speech that is political or religious in nature, that occurs in public places.”

For twelve years, the City of Boston had allowed groups to temporarily fly a flag on one of its three flagpoles in front of City Hall. The City’s website stated that it wanted to create an environment where everyone feels included and to foster diversity and build connections among Boston’s many communities. The application form noted that the City sought to accommodate all applicants seeking to take advantage of its public forums. For that purpose, the City had approved 284 flag-raising events and had never denied any group’s application to fly its flag until 2017 when Camp Constitution applied to fly a Christian flag as part of an event featuring speeches by local clergy on Boston’s history as part of an effort to enhance understanding of the country’s Judeo-Christian moral heritage. Although the City had previously allowed groups to fly flags of other countries and flags celebrating causes such as gay pride, the City denied Camp Constitution’s flag-raising request. Camp Constitution’s second request, to raise a Christian flag for an event to celebrate the contributions which Boston’s Christian community has made to the City’s cultural diversity, was also not granted. Although both the district court and the appellate court ruled in favor of Boston, affirming its decision not to allow Camp Constitution to fly a Christian flag, the U.S. Supreme Court concluded that Boston’s actions, prohibiting the Christian flag while allowing other flags, were unconstitutional.



Elon Musk Tells Rep. Ocasio-Cortez ‘Stop Hitting on Me’ After She Takes Swipe at Billionaire on Twitter

Elon Musk told Democratic lawmaker Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (N.Y.) to “stop hitting on me” on Friday after she took aim at what she called a “billionaire with an ego problem.”

The representative for New York took to Twitter where she took a swipe at a billionaire who she said “controls a massive communication platform” but stopped short of specifically naming Musk, who is acquiring the social media site for $44 billion.

Twitter’s board of directors accepted Musk’s proposal of $54.20 per share in cash last week after previously resisting the offer, paving the way for the businessman to embrace his vision for freedom of speech and expression within the law on the social media platform.

Tucker Carlson Responds to 20,000-Word NY Times Story Calling Him ‘American Nationalist’

Fox News host Tucker Carlson said he won’t read and isn’t planning on reading several New York Times articles about his career and show content.

On Sunday, the NY Times published a lengthy series online and featured it prominently on the front page of its website, dubbing Carlson an “American Nationalist,” replete with heavily edited, stylized, and distorted photos of Carlson.

Carlson, for his part, told Axios that he won’t read it and disputed the paper’s claims that he cares about ratings. During the first quarter of 2022, Carlson’s show was the second-highest-rated cable news program on TV.

“I’ve never read the ratings a single day in my life. I don’t even know how. Ask anyone at Fox,” Carlson told the outlet in response to the NY Times’ article. “Most of the big positions I’ve taken in the past five years—against the neocons, the vax, and the war [in Ukraine]—have been very unpopular with our audience at first.”

Carlson also posted a photo on Twitter of him apparently laughing while holding a physical copy of the NY Times, which featured the “American Nationalist” as its lead story. Carlson last week returned to Twitter after a month-long suspension after his account re-posted a satirical Babylon Bee article describing U.S. Assistant Secretary of Health Rachel Levine, known as Richard Levine, as “Man of the Year” for 2022.

In a statement to news outlets on Sunday and Monday in response to the articles, Fox News said that its editorial content has driven higher viewership.

“Fox News Media has grown through strategic innovation, redirecting investments in journalism to encompass more than 50 percent of the budget while expanding our footprint beyond one legacy linear network to eight thriving platforms,” the network told The Hill. “As a result, we’ve doubled our audience, achieved unrivaled results, and have become the destination that more Democrats and independents choose for their news coverage, while our competitors have lost dramatic levels of viewership.”

And last week, Carlson suggested on his show that he was aware that the NY Times was going to publish what he described as a hit piece against him and his show.

Baby ‘Kidnapped’ by Authorities Over Missed Medical Appointment, Attorney Says

Baby Cyrus was taken away from his parents by authorities on the same day his mother canceled a child’s periodic medical checkup appointment because she was not feeling well, said Diego Rodriguez, grandfather of baby Cyrus.

The baby was returned to his parents after seven days in state custody, thanks to the irresistibly strong support of people, organizations, and some lawmakers, Rodriguez told on EpochTV’s “Crossroads” program.

Baby Cyrus, raised by Rodriguez’s daughter Marissa and her husband, had been exclusively breastfed until he reached about seven and a half months, at which point the parents started introducing him to solid foods, Rodriguez said.

The baby did not tolerate solid foods well and started throwing up, the grandfather continued, so the parents started seeing different doctors and specialists to diagnose the baby’s digestive problem.

At one point, the baby was hospitalized and the hospital performed all kinds of lab tests on the baby trying to figure out the cause of this food intolerance, but could not find anything wrong, Rodriguez said.

“[The hospital] even said by their own admission that as far as the lab tests are concerned and a blood test, he’s one of the healthiest babies they’ve ever seen.”

The hospital then discharged the baby with a clean bill of health and wanted to do some reviews on him, Rodriguez said. Cyrus was dismissed from the hospital on Friday and the following Monday visited the Functional Medicine of Idaho for the reviews recommended by the hospital, the grandfather continued the story.

The review went fine and the next visit was scheduled for Thursday, he said. However on Wednesday, Cyrus got sick again and threw up, so on Thursday the nurse practitioner who was doing the review determined that “baby Cyrus had lost 35 grams, which is like 1.23 ounces,” Rodriguez said, adding that the nurse ordered Marissa to bring the baby again for a weight check the next day and the mother agreed.

The next day, Marissa was feeling a little under the weather when she woke up, so she called the medical office to cancel her baby’s appointment scheduled at 10 a.m., the grandfather said. The medical office called her later but she did not answer the call because she was sleeping, he added.

At 10:20 a.m. on March 11, the nurse practitioner notified Child Protective Services (CPS). The CPS contacted the mother via a text message and sent two police cars to escort her with the baby to a center for victims of abuse, but the father of baby Cyrus refused to go there, Rodriguez explained.

Since the mother started feeling better, she wanted to visit the family’s friend who was a former police officer to talk to him about this unexpected turn of events, Rodriguez said. “She was obviously rattled by this point.”

The family had dinner with their friend at his house but when they left, they realized that their truck was followed by the police into a gas station around the corner, Rodriguez said.

“You can see on the video at that point of time, [the police] take my son in law, they pull them out of the truck, slammed them up against a truck, handcuffed them, take them off, arrest my other daughter sitting in the front seat … you can see in the video exactly how they mistreated her, abused her, falsely accused her, and then arrested her for no reason whatsoever.”

Miranda Chavoya, Marissa’s sister said on EpochTV’s “Crossroads” program that the police tried to arrest her first because they mistakenly took her for Cyrus’ mother.

When she asked the police what crime she had committed and refused to step out of the truck, policemen forcibly dragged her outside, Chavoya said. After the policemen realized their mistake they still arrested her “for resisting and obstruction,” she added.

People at the gas station started filming the police action, Rodriguez said, adding that he was also filming.

WATCH: Kidnapped by Child Protective Services: The Shocking Case of Baby Cyrus

Subpoenas Issued in Georgia Ballot Trafficking Investigation

Georgia election officials last week issued subpoenas to obtain the identities of individuals and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) who may have engaged in the crime of ballot trafficking.

The offenses are alleged to have occurred in both the 2020 presidential election and the December 2020 U.S. Senate runoff election in Georgia.

Recipients of the subpoenas are the election watchdog organization True the Vote (TTV), the group’s founder Catherine Engelbrecht, and the research contractors that worked on the 15-month investigation into illegal vote trafficking in Georgia and a half-dozen other swing states.

“We presented our data a year ago to Governor Kemp (a Republican) and the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. They covered it up for seven months,” alleged Engelbrecht in an April 30 television interview on Real America’s Voice.

“The GBI told us they had no jurisdiction,” Engelbrecht said.

“We gave our data to the FBI in Atlanta. No response for seven months,” she said.

“We filed a full complaint with the Georgia Secretary of State in November of 2021. We heard nothing for six months. Finally, we got the subpoenas.”

Children’s Drag Queen Dance Party Draws Outrage in New England

A government-run drag queen dance party for high school kids has set off outrage among parents in an affluent seacoast New England community.

Newburyport Mayor Sean Reardon did not return phone calls from the Epoch Times about the event titled “Over the Rainbow.”

However, Reardon tweeted on Friday that “the event has been grossly mischaracterized by a handful of bad faith actors, who are calling it things it is not.”

Newburyport City Council Bruce Vogel called those opposed to it “viciously intolerant” telling one parent in an email “you should move to a community that supports your intolerant views.”

That parent, Laurie Kench, is among dozens of parents who sent emails to The Epoch Times and posted on Facebook and Twitter expressing their outrage over the event.

The Massachusetts Family Institute (MFI), a statewide organization, also decried the city-run drag-queen-hosted dance party.

“Local municipalities should not be endorsing adult sexualized entertainment for minors,” MFI director of communications and research Mary Ellen Siegler told The Epoch Times, “this is crazy to be promoting  someone in the adult entertainment business as a fun time for kids.”

The drag queen providing the entertainment for the 9th grade to 12th grade dance party goes by the name Miz Diamond Wigfall. Wigfall, a biological male,  performs at a variety of venues locally and nationally. He also posts videos of himself performing in drag.

A month ago, Wigfall posted a video in which he performs a racy dance while lip syncing to a sexually explicit song called “Coconuts.” The song was recently released by Kim Petras who last year released the album “Slut Pop.”  In a December 2021 article by DIY Magazine, Petras said about her song Coconuts, “I love writing [expletive] up, dirty stuff, so there’s a lot of slut on it.”

Wigfall also has  several partially nude pictures of himself posted on his Instagram page including completely nude and closeup photos of his buttocks.  In an article published last month in Rainbow Times, Wigfall, who also goes by the name name of AJ Fenway Parker, gave a detailed account of a performance during the New York City Pride Festival in which the leotard he was wearing came undone near his genitals.

“The crotch on my leotard popped open and I was like, ‘Whatever, I’m going to keep going and from that point on, I always had a safety pin,” he recalled with a laugh, the online magazine reported him as saying. Wigfall joked about it happening again at a later show.

In a 2018 article, Wigfall was also quoted as saying that when he performs he tries “his best to keep toxic masculinity away from children.”

Newt Gingrich Predicts Republicans Could Pick Up Historic 70 House Seats in 2022

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has predicted that Republicans could pick up around 70 seats in the House during the 2022 midterm elections as Democrats have increasingly sounded the alarm about their prospects.

“I think we’ll pick up between 25 and 70 seats in the House. We’ll probably pick up about four seats in the Senate,” Gingrich told Fox News’s “Sunday Morning Features.”

Notably, Gingrich helped preside over the 1994 midterm elections known as the “Republican Revolution” that saw the Republican Party pick up 54 net seats in the House two years after Democratic President Bill Clinton’s election. Gingrich, a Georgia Republican, was then elected as speaker of the House.

And during the 2010 midterms, Republicans took a net 63 seats in the House two years after former President Barack Obama’s election amid the height of the Republican-aligned Tea Party movement.

Currently, Republicans need to net five seats to take a majority, while the Senate is tied at 50–50, with Vice President Kamala Harris serving as the tie-breaker vote. Historically, the party of the president tends to lose congressional seats during midterm elections.

Gingrich highlighted former NFL player Herschel Walker’s Senate campaign against incumbent Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.), who narrowly eked out a win against former Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler during last year’s runoff election.

“I think that people like Herschel Walker are going to do very, very well,” Gingrich told Fox News.

The former House speaker also said he believes Hispanic voters are increasingly embracing Republican Party politics, claiming that there will be a “tsunami” of  Hispanic support for Republicans.

“I would say that if you’re in a district that Biden carried by less than 15 or 20 points, you’re in great danger as a Democrat,” Gingrich said.

A recent aggregate of polls has suggested that Americans largely disapprove of President Joe Biden’s job performance thus far, coming amid record gas prices and increasing inflation.

Judge Upholds Jan. 6 Committee Subpoena for Republican National Committee Records

A federal judge ruled on May 1 that a subpoena that the House panel investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, U.S. Capitol breach issued to a Republican National Committee (RNC) vendor for reams of data is legitimate.

The subpoena was for documents and testimony from Salesforce, which the RNC and former President Donald Trump’s 2020 campaign used to send hundreds of emails, including delivery metrics dating as far back as Nov. 3, 2020.

The subpoena was sent as part of an effort to see whether the campaign “used Salesforce’s platform to disseminate false statements about the 2020 election in the weeks leading up to the Jan. 6 attack,” Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) said in February when it was issued.

The RNC recently sued the panel and its members over the subpoena, arguing it violated the Constitution. But U.S. District Judge Timothy Kelly, a Trump appointee, sided with the defendants.

Kelly dismissed the claims against members of the House, saying they were immune under the Constitution’s speech or debate clause. He also tossed claims against Salesforce, ruling that the claims “came up short … given the highly deferential review the court must give Congress’s investigative power and the nature of the materials at issue.”

In his ruling, Kelly also ruled that the subpoena has a valid legislative purpose, noting that the authorizing resolution states that the panel will investigate the causes of the Jan. 6 breach, including “how technology … may have factored into the motivation” for the attack. And the judge found that the panel is legitimately authorized, despite it lacking the 13 members that the authorizing resolution said “shall” be appointed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).

There are only nine members at present. Seven are Democrats. Pelosi rejected members picked by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and chose the only two Republicans on the committee.

While the RNC raised important First Amendment issues, some of the information the panel seeks is already in the public realm, while for the confidential data, “the strength of the select committee’s interest in this information outweighs any actual burdens imposed by its disclosure to the select committee,” Kelly said.

The judge said the panel may make the RNC data public, which could “reveal some of its strategic decisions,” but also said any harm that may befall the RNC was too speculative to outweigh the panel’s interest.


Firefighters Respond to Industrial Fire at Perdue Farms Food Processing Facility

First responders responded to an industrial fire that threatened a Perdue Farms facility in Virginia over the past weekend, according to a local fire department.

“Chesapeake firefighters battled an industrial fire this evening at Perdue Farms in the South Norfolk area. Plant operators reported a fire in [a] large soybean processing tank,” said the Chesapeake Fire Department in a social media post on Saturday. “Water was applied and the fire brought under control in approximately one hour.”

It added that there is “much work” that remains to be done in dumping materials from the tank. Officials told WTKR-TV that the damage caused by the fire will have little impact on the Perdue plant’s operations.

The fire comes in the midst of heightened awareness about fires and explosions reported at food processing plants across the United States, which were notably highlighted in a Tucker Carlson segment last month.

Apple Accused of Breaking EU Competition Laws Over Digital Wallets

European Union regulators have accused Apple of breaking the law by stifling competition in markets for mobile wallets, a move that could lead to billions of dollars in fines.

The European Commission (EC) said in a May 2 statement that it had sent a charge sheet known as a statement of objections to Apple, alleging that the tech giant had abused its dominant position in markets for mobile wallets on iOS devices, restricting rivals’ access to the detriment of consumer choice.

“We have indications that Apple restricted third-party access to key technology necessary to develop rival mobile wallet solutions on Apple’s devices,” EU Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager said, noting that a preliminary finding determined that Apple may have restricted competition to the benefit of Apple Pay, the company’s own mobile wallet solution.

“If confirmed, such a conduct would be illegal under our competition rules.”


Bill Gates Proposes Global Surveillance Pact With WHO to Spot Pandemic Threats

Former world’s richest man Bill Gates called for a global surveillance team headed by the World Health Organization (WHO) to spot pandemic threats.

Speaking to the Financial Times over the past weekend, the Microsoft co-founder said that more money is needed to prevent a future pandemic from emerging. At the same time, Gates claimed that he believes WHO is the only organization that can run such an operation.

Gates warned that as the conflict in Ukraine dominates international policies, leaders shouldn’t lose focus on COVID-19, the illness caused by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus.

“It seems wild to me that we could fail to look at this tragedy and not, on behalf of the citizens of the world, make these investments,” Gates told the paper. “The amount of money involved is very small compared to the benefit and it will be a test: can global institutions take on new responsibilities in an excellent way, even in a time period where U.S.-China [relations are] tough, U.S.-Russia is extremely tough?” he also asked.

Gates then claimed that “less [sic] than 10 full-time people” are working on pandemic preparedness at WHO, saying that “those people are distracted with many other activities.”

“The current WHO funding is not at all serious about pandemics,” added Gates, who is due to release a book titled “How to Prevent the Next Pandemic.”

Since the start of the pandemic, Gates has repeatedly touted vaccines. But in February 2022, the billionaire asserted that the Omicron COVID-19 variant moved faster than vaccines in creating a higher level of natural immunity.

“Sadly, the virus itself, particularly, the variant called omicron, is a type of vaccine, that is, it creates both B-cell and T-cell immunity, and it’s done a better job getting out to the world population than we have with vaccines,” he said at the time. “That means the chance of severe disease, which is mainly associated with being elderly and having obesity or diabetes, those risks are now dramatically reduced because of that infection, exposure.”

Bill Gates Calls For Global Surveillance Pact With WHO

Bill Gates is a leading figure promoting Technocracy through surveillance technology and population control. He just cannot figure out why people don’t like him or his actions, but that has never stopped him from moving forward with his crackpot schemes. ⁃ TN Editor

Begin preparing now for the appearance of “even more fatal” variants of coronavirus in the future. That’s the advice from billionaire globalist Bill Gates who warned Sunday that international health surveillance driven by increased funding for the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) is one way to forestall pandemic outbreaks.

The Microsoft founder said he did not want to sound “doom and gloom” but warned there was a risk an “even more transmissive and even more fatal” variant could be generated.

He told the Financial Times (FT) in an interview the risk of that happening is “way above five per cent” and would mean the world has yet to see the worst of the pandemic, if his predictions are indeed correct.

Gates cautioned that while the war in Ukraine dominates the international agenda, global leaders should not to lose sight of the health crisis, even as he flies around the world relentlessly lecturing about climate issues.

Yes, Transhumanists Really Do Want To Achieve Immortality

The quest for man-made immortality is thousands of years old. With the promise of modern technology, transhumanists are celebrating but prematurely so. Every age old would-be immortal ended up dying in the end. ⁃ TN Editor

The Renaissance philosopher Montaigne quipped that “death has us by the scruff of the neck at every moment.” He could have added: until, finally, it strangles us. But what if we knew how to escape death’s chokehold? What if we could avoid death and live forever?

Immortality might seem like the stuff of science fiction, yet it’s increasingly becoming the focus of real science. In 2013, Google launched Calico, a biotech firm whose objective is to “solve” death. PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel, meanwhile, has pledged to “fight” death. And last year, it was reported Amazon chairman Jeff Bezos had invested in Altos Labs, a company that plans to “rejuvenate” cells in order to “reverse disease.” (Bezos owns The Washington Post.)

There’s even a start-up developing drugs so that dogs can live longer. Clinical trials are scheduled to start this year. If they’re conclusive, the plan is to apply the same science to people.

Immortality — or anti-aging, as researchers soberly call it — is the next big thing. Estimates put the industry’s worth at a staggering $610 billion by 2025.

From Silicon Valley to Cambridge, England, scientists are writing the latest chapter in the tortuous history of our quest for eternal life. It’s a history that goes back a long way.

We’ve been trying forever to live forever. Our species’ oldest story, “The Epic of Gilgamesh,” is about that very longing.

Etched on clay tablets four millennia ago in Mesopotamia, it concerns King Gilgamesh, a “wild bull of a man” with gigantic muscles and an even more gigantic ego. After the death of his best friend, Gilgamesh is forced to confront his own mortality. “Must I die too?” he cries to the heavens.


This Overlooked Mineral Might Save You From a Heart Attack

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Low magnesium will impede your cellular metabolic function and deteriorate mitochondrial function, and is a component necessary for the activation of vitamin D

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Magnesium is also important for the prevention of kidney and liver damage, bacterial and fungal infections, impotence, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, premenstrual syndrome, osteoporosis, muscle cramps, Type 2 diabetes and mortality from all causes

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Does the COVID Jab Kill More People Than It Saves?

According to U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data, more than 1 million excess deaths — that is, deaths in excess of the historical average — have been recorded since the COVID-19 pandemic began two years ago, and this cannot be explained by COVID-19. Deaths from heart disease, high blood pressure, dementia and many other illnesses rose during that time

Across the world, death rates have also risen in tandem with COVID shot administration, with the most-jabbed areas surpassing the least-jabbed in terms of excess mortality and COVID-related deaths

According to Walgreens data, during the week of April 19 through 25, 2022, 13% of unvaccinated persons tested positive for COVID. Of those who received two doses five months or more ago, 23.1% tested positive, and of those who received a third dose five months or more ago, the positive rate was 26.3%. So, after the first booster shot (the third dose), people are at greatest risk of testing positive for COVID

U.K. government data show the all-cause mortality rate is between 100% and 300% greater among people who got their first COVID shot 21 days or more ago. The risk for all-cause death is also significantly elevated among those who got their second dose at least six months ago, and mildly elevated among those who got their third dose less than 21 days ago. As of January 2022, all who got one or more doses at least 21 days ago were dying at significantly elevated rates

Other data also show that COVID mortality rates are far higher in areas with high vaccination rates, and risk-benefit analyses reveal the jabs do more harm than good in most age groups

Federal Panel Recommends Against Use of Ivermectin to Treat COVID-19

For the first time, a federal health panel has recommended against the use of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19, despite reports that it’s successfully been used to treat the illness.

In a statement published last week, the National Institute of Health’s COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel said that as the “safety and efficacy of ivermectin for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 have been evaluated in clinical trials and observational cohorts,” it “recommends against the use of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19, except in clinical trials.”

Ivermectin, which is generally well-tolerated and has mild side effects, was primarily developed to treat several tropical diseases and parasites, including onchocerciasis, helminthiases, and scabies. But since the start of the pandemic, some COVID-19 patients said they saw positive results after taking the drug. Meanwhile, a Japanese study published in January suggests the drug has an antiviral effect against the Omicron variant, although another clinical, peer-reviewed study found the medication “did not prevent” severe instances of COVID-19.

The COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel said it doesn’t recommend ivermectin after evaluating the “results of several randomized trials and retrospective cohort studies” among COVID-19 patients.

“Most of these studies, especially studies completed earlier in the pandemic,” according to the board, “had incomplete information and significant methodological limitations, which made excluding common causes of bias difficult. Many of these studies have not been peer-reviewed, and some have now been retracted.”

Meanwhile, the panel said there are several drugs that “now have demonstrated clinical benefit for the treatment of COVID-19,” further rendering ivermectin—which is a relatively inexpensive drug—unnecessary.

San Diego Parents Sue School District Second Time Over School Vaccine Mandate

The parents of four San Diego public school students are suing in federal court over the local school district’s requirement that forces students aged 16 and older to be vaccinated against COVID-19.

The board of the San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) first imposed the mandate in spite of parental protests in September last year but then delayed it, ordering its implementation in March. No religious objections to the mandate have been allowed, which legal experts say makes the mandate constitutionally suspect.

The latest legal complaint (pdf) in the case, Doe v. San Diego Unified School District, court file 3:21-cv-1809, was filed April 29 in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California.

This is the second lawsuit brought by the plaintiffs. On Feb. 18 of this year, the Supreme Court decided not to intervene in the first lawsuit because the school district delayed enforcement of the policy, The Epoch Times reported. But the high court made its order “without prejudice to applicants seeking a new injunction if circumstances warrant.”

Two years into the pandemic, just about every other school district in the United States “has found a way to protect students from COVID-19 without banishing the handful of students with religious objections,” according to the newly filed complaint.

But not San Diego.

“Ignoring the pleas of thousands of parents, the Board of Education of the San Diego Unified School District voted to make vaccination from COVID-19 a requirement to attend school,” the complaint states.

And the mandate’s rules are discriminatory, the parents claim.

On any given day, the school district exempts 85 percent or more of its students, “for reasons ranging from medical accommodations (because they might have allergic reactions) to administrative convenience (because they had turned 16 a day after the semester started),” the complaint states.

“But SDUSD expressly forbids accommodations for religious believers like the Plaintiffs.”

Students of faith can opt to violate their religious beliefs or get expelled from school, kicked off sports teams, or be isolated from classmates and teachers, according to Paul Jonna, a special counsel for the Thomas More Society Special Counsel, a national public interest law firm that focuses on religious freedom.

“Our clients hold sincere religious beliefs that prevent them from taking any of the currently available COVID-19 vaccinations because they were either made or tested using aborted fetal cells,” Jonna said in a statement.

“However, SDUSD is completely ignoring our clients’ religious protections under the First Amendment by requiring that they comply with the illegal vaccine mandate, while not imposing the mandate on the vast majority of students, and allowing medical exemptions and religious exemptions for staff,” said Jonna, who is also a partner at LiMandri and Jonna LLP.

The school district’s vaccine mandate “was unconstitutional and unjustified from its inception. But the data available now makes it more clear than ever that SDUSD has no basis—in law or science—to refuse to offer religious exemptions,” Jonna said.


Mainstream Media Remains Dedicated Inside Inferno of Lies

During The Atlantic’s “Disinformation and the Erosion of Democracy” conference, two college students challenged the panel for their hypocritical and selective media coverage

The panel members deflected the questions, refusing to address their failures and lies

Jeffrey Goldberg, The Atlantic’s editor-in-chief, was forced to address the two viral moments, which he did by stating that his disinformation conference was a victim of disinformation campaigns

The Chicago Thinker fired back at Goldberg’s comment, “First rule in the corporate media’s playbook: Dismiss truthful reporting as ‘disinformation’ to avoid accountability. A fitting end to the conference!”

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell Rejoins Twitter, Suspended Again Hours Later

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell announced that he rejoined Twitter Sunday after his account was banned last year, but he was quickly reported and banned from the platform.

“Hello, everyone at Twitter. This is Mike Lindell,” Lindell said in a Twitter video published on Sunday. “I’m here to tell you about my new account here, @MikeJLindell. That’s the only account over here at Twitter that I’m using.”

He added: “So we started this account … Please share it with everybody you know. Let everybody you know so we can get the word out over here at Twitter in case they do take it down.”

A Twitter spokesperson told news outlets Sunday that the account was banned. The Epoch Times has contacted the firm for comment.

“The account you referenced was permanently suspended for violating the Twitter Rules on ban evasion,” a Twitter spokesperson told the Daily Beast website. Lindell also confirmed to the left-wing publication that his recently created account was suspended, calling it “a shame,” adding that former Twitter CEO “Jack Dorsey should be first in line for prison!”

Screenshots of the new account showed that Lindell had amassed more than 30,000 followers in a few hours after it was created Sunday.

The MyPillow CEO added to Business Insider that he decided to create a new account because there were numerous fake accounts pretending to be him.

“I put up the Twitter account today to let the public know that none of the fake Mike Lindell accounts on Twitter are mine,” Lindell remarked.

About a week ago, Twitter and Elon Musk announced that the Telsa CEO would purchase the social media platform for $44 billion and take it private, giving Musk sole ownership. The deal has not yet been closed, and Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal and other executives are still in charge of the company.

Lindell’s original Twitter account was banned in January 2021 amid posts that he believed former President Donald Trump won the 2020 election. Twitter alleged that “repeated violations” of its policies led to Lindell’s suspension.

Before the Twitter–Musk preliminary deal was announced last week, Musk often criticized Twitter’s content moderation policies, suggesting they are akin to censorship. The world’s richest man also said in a statement that he believes the platform should foster a pro-free speech policy with more neutral content moderation practices.

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