July 4, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: May 06, 2022


FDA restricts Covid vaccine

US limits Johnson & Johnson’s jab to certain adults only, citing potentially dangerous side effects.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has limited its approval of Johnson & Johnson’s Covid vaccine to those over the age of 18, pointing to dangerous side effects observed in younger recipients. 

The agency announced the move in a press release on Thursday following a review of data, saying the J&J shot (alternatively known as the Janssen vaccine) would no longer be authorized for minors due to “rare and potentially life-threatening blood clots.” 

“After conducting an updated analysis, evaluation and investigation of reported cases, the FDA has determined that the risk of thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS)… warrants limiting the authorized use of the vaccine,” it said, referring to the blood-clotting ailment. It noted that symptoms typically appear “approximately one to two weeks” after the jab is administered.

Peer-Reviewed MIT Study Finds ‘Significant Association’ Between Covid Jab and Cardiac Arrest

A study published last week in the Nature Journal Scientific Reports, conducted by scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Ben Gurion University in Israel raises grave concerns over mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations worldwide. Researchers found that the COVID-19 vaccination significantly increased cardiac complications for young adults aged 16-39.

Researchers set out to find if there was a difference between cardiovascular adverse outcomes such as blood clotting (e.g., coronary artery thrombosis), acute coronary syndrome, cardiac arrest and myocarditis caused by a COVID-19 infection versus an adverse reaction to one of the multiple COVID-19 vaccines currently in use.

The authors cited the increased reports of adverse events in in multiple reporting systems including the Vaccine Adverse events Reporting System (VAERS) in the United States (US), the Yellow Card System in the United Kingdom, and the EudraVigilance system in Europe. What they found should give pause to anyone who advocates for the forced vaccination of others.

“While not establishing causal relationships, the findings raise concerns regarding vaccine-induced undetected severe cardiovascular side-effects and underscore the already established causal relationship between vaccines and myocarditis, a frequent cause of unexpected cardiac arrest in young individuals,” researchers wrote. “Surveillance of potential vaccine side-effects and COVID-19 outcomes should incorporate EMS and other health data to identify public health trends (e.g., increased in EMS calls), and promptly investigate potential underlying causes.”

One of the main talking points about the observed increase in cardiovascular adverse outcomes during the pandemic was that they were solely due to COVID-19 and not due to the jabs at all. But this study dispels that point and found even though cardiac arrests did surge when they compared 2019 to 2020, they still observed a statistically significant association with the vaccine.

“The main finding of this study concerns with increases of over 25% in both the number of CA (cardiac arrest) calls and ACS (acute cardiac syndrome) calls of people in the 16–39 age group during the COVID-19 vaccination rollout in Israel (January–May, 2021), compared with the same period of time in prior years (2019 and 2020).

UK Finally Terminating Domestic Covid Pass System Next Week

The UK government has announced it will be discontinuing the domestic vaccination passports that allowed businesses to discriminate against would-be customers based on medical status from next week.

The UK’s ‘NHS COVID Pass’, a digital document used to prove vaccination status in order to gain admittance to public venues, businesses, and the like will no longer be available from the 12th of May, the government has said.

While the Covid pass hasn’t been mandatory since January, the government has, until now, allowed businesses and events to bar patrons from entry depending on their vaccination status, on a voluntary basis. As the updated advice puts it, the change to stop providing the public with vaccine passports on request now means “that venues and events will no longer be able to request it as a condition of entry”, in effect ending one of the last visible vestiges of the Covid security state.

White House Denies US Shared Intelligence to Kill Russian Generals

Pentagon spokesman John Kirby denied reports saying the United States shared intelligence to target Russian generals earlier this week.

“The United States provides battlefield intelligence to help Ukraine defend their country,” Pentagon press secretary John Kirby told reporters Thursday. “We do not provide intelligence on the location of senior military leaders on the battlefield or participate in targeting decisions of the Ukrainian military.”

Earlier this week, the New York Times and other outlets reported that Ukrainian forces used American intelligence to carry out attacks that killed Russian generals and other top officials. Previously, Ukrainian officials have claimed that their military has killed around a dozen generals since the start of the conflict on Feb. 24.

The U.S. National Security Council (NSC) released a statement after the NY Times’ report, saying it is irresponsible and misleading.

“The United States provides battlefield intelligence to help the Ukrainians defend their country,” NSC spokesperson Adrienne Watson told the AFP news agency. “We do not provide intelligence with the intent to kill Russian generals.”

Meanwhile, the Kremlin also issued an angry response and said that “the Russian military is doing whatever is necessary in this situation.”

WHO Pandemic Treaty and the Banality of Evil

In December 2021, the World Health Organization announced their plan to develop a new pandemic treaty

The new treaty has the potential to undermine national sovereignty as we know it

In 2009, the WHO changed the definition of the word “pandemic” and then used the new definition to declare an influenza pandemic and activate massive vaccine purchasing agreements

The definition of “public health” is being used in a misleading manner to push for the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Dr. Tess Lawrie was on a call with the WHO as a part of the public commentary submission process, and the call left her “shaken”


States sue Biden over Big Tech ‘collusion’

Missouri and Louisiana Attorneys General have accused the US president of ‘colluding’ with Big Tech to censor information

Attorneys General from two Republican-led US states, Missouri and Louisiana, have filed a lawsuit against the Biden administration, Fox News reported on Thursday. The states are accusing high-ranking officials, including President Joe Biden, of having “pressured and colluded” with social media companies to censor and suppress information on a number of big stories over the past two years.

Among the officials named as defendants are White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki and the President’s Chief Medical Advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci. They, and others, are accused of exerting undue pressure on, or working together, with a number of Big Tech companies such as Meta, Twitter and YouTube to suppress information regarding the Hunter Biden laptop controversy, the origins of Covid-19, and security concerns associated with mail-in voting during the pandemic.

Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt and Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry claim the Biden Administration has been doing so “under the guise of combating misinformation.”

The lawsuit, filed on Thursday in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana, describes the  administration’s supposed efforts to hush up certain information as “one of its greatest assaults by federal government officials in the Nation’s history” on Americans’ constitutional right to free speech.

The filing goes on to claim that “Having threatened and cajoled social-media platforms for years to censor viewpoints and speakers disfavored by the Left, senior government officials in the Executive Branch have moved into a phase of open collusion with social-media companies to suppress disfavored speakers, viewpoints, and content on social-media platforms under the Orwellian guise of halting so-called ‘disinformation,’ ‘misinformation,’ and ‘malinformation’.”

In an exclusive statement to Fox News Digital, Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt explained the decision to file the lawsuit by saying that he would “not stand idly by while the Biden Administration attempts to trample on the First Amendment rights of Missourians and Americans.”

CBP Reveals Number of Possible Terrorists Encountered at US Border

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) publicized the number of terrorism-related border encounters in the past fiscal years—for the first time since President Joe Biden took office. It came under mounting pressure from Republicans.

Such individuals, either known or “reasonably suspected” to be previously been involved in terrorism, are part of a federal terror watchlist identified in the FBI’s Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB). The Biden administration had previously refused to publicly reveal updates on TSDB encounters at the border, citing “law enforcement sensitive” concerns.

Although the recent statistical release doesn’t count those who evaded Border Patrol agents, the latest update indicates rising border encounters related to terrorist suspects.

It shows that TSDB encounters at ports of entry by CBP’s Office of Field Operations reached a peak in the federal government’s fiscal year 2019 at 538 and fell in the following two years to 157 in the fiscal year 2021.

The current fiscal year, ending on Sept. 30, however, is set to go beyond the number of 2021, recording so far 131 TSDB encounters, including 96 at the northern border and 35 at the southern border.

U.S. Border Patrol has also recorded higher numbers of TSDB encounters during patrols at the northern and southern borders in the past two fiscal years. There have been 27 encounters in the fiscal year 2022—all from the southern border—compared to single digits of years between 2017 and 2020.

The percentage of total encounters in the current fiscal year has more than doubled compared to a year earlier.

Greenwald: Homeland Security’s “Disinformation Board”

The DHS is gaslighting the nation when it says it will protect us from disinformation: the polar opposite is true. Biden has orchestrated the entire Executive Branch of government to intentionally lie and deceive in order to create a monopoly of information based on their own contrived narrative.  Who will supply DHS with “truth”? The myriad disingenuous “fact checkers” and left-wing organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center. ⁃ TN Editor

The power to decree what is “disinformation” now determines what can and cannot be discussed on the internet. It is now in the hands of trained disinformation agents of the U.S. Security State.

The most egregious and blatant official U.S. disinformation campaign in years took place three weeks before the 2020 presidential election. That was when dozens of former intelligence officials purported, in an open letter, to believe that authentic emails regarding Joe Biden’s activities in China and Ukraine, reported by The New York Post, were “Russian disinformation.” That quasi-official proclamation enabled liberal corporate media outlets to uncritically mock and then ignore those emails as Kremlin-created fakes, and it pressured Big Tech platforms such as Facebook and Twitter to censor the reporting at exactly the time Americans were preparing to decide who would be the next U.S. president.

The letter from these former intelligence officials was orchestrated by trained career liars — disinformation agents — such as former CIA Director John Brennan and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. Yet that letter was nonetheless crucial to discredit and ultimately suppress the New York Post‘s incriminating reporting on Biden. It provided a quasi-official imprimatur — something that could be depicted as an authoritative decree — that these authentic emails were, in fact, fraudulent.

After all, if all of these noble and heroic intelligence operatives who spent their lives studying Russian disinformation were insisting that the Biden emails had all of the “hallmarks” of Kremlin treachery, who possessed the credibility to dispute their expert assessment? This clip from the media leader in spreading this CIA pre-election lie — CNN — features their national security analyst James Clapper, and it illustrates how vital this pretense of officialdom was in their deceitful disinformation campaign:

This same strategic motive — to vest accusations of “disinformation” with the veneer of expertise — is what has fostered a new, very well-financed industry heralding itself as composed of “anti-disinformation” scholars. Knowing that Americans are inculcated from childhood to believe that censorship is nefarious — that it is the hallmark of tyranny — those who wish to censor need to find some ennobling rationale to justify it and disguise what it is.

They have thus created a litany of neutral-sounding groups with benign names — The Atlantic Council, the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, various “fact-checking” outfits controlled by corporate media outlets — that claim to employ “anti-disinformation experts” to identify and combat fake news. Just as media corporations re-branded their partisan pundits as “fact-checkers” — to masquerade their opinions as elevated, apolitical authoritative, decrees of expertise — the term “disinformation expert” is designed to disguise ideological views on behalf of state and corporate power centers as Official Truth.

Yet when one subjects these groups to even minimal investigative scrutiny, one finds that they are anything but apolitical and neutral. They are often funded by the same small handful of liberal billionaires (such as George Soros and Pierre Omidyar), actual security state agencies of the U.S., the UK or the EU, and/or Big Tech monopolies such as Google and Facebook.

Indeed, the concept of “anti-disinformation expert” is itself completely fraudulent. This is not a real expertise but rather a concocted title bestowed on propagandists to make them appear more scholarly and apolitical than they are. But the function of this well-funded industry is the same as the one served by the pre-election letter from “dozens of former intelligence officials”: to discredit dissent and justify its censorship by infusing its condemnation with the pretense of institutional authority. The targeted views are not merely wrong; they have been adjudged by official, credentialed experts to constitute “disinformation.”

Mitt Romney on Trump: ‘He’s Very Likely’ to Get GOP Nomination

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) said that if former President Donald Trump decides to run for president in 2024, he will probably win the Republican nomination.

“I don’t delude myself into thinking I have a big swath of the Republican Party,” Romney, a frequent critic of Trump, told Politico on May 5. “It’s hard to imagine anything that would derail his support. So if he wants to become the nominee in [2024], I think he’s very likely to achieve that.”

While it’s not set in stone that Trump will run for president again, the former commander-in-chief has offered strong hints in recent days. Trump hasn’t formally announced his plans, saying that he would do so after the 2022 midterm elections are over. He’s also cited federal election rules regarding election donations.

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.), said Trump is “the leader of the party, that’s clear. … If he decides to run, he will be the nominee.”

Trump, 75, said in April that his health would play a factor in whether he would run in 2024. The former president will turn 78 in 2024.

“You always have to talk about health. You look like you’re in good health, but tomorrow you get a letter from a doctor saying come see me again,” Trump told The Washington Post in April. ‘That’s not good when they use the word ‘again.’”

Trump noted that he’s in good health.

Suspected Terrorists Who Crossed Border Into United States May Have Been Released: Mayorkas

Some of the 42 illegal immigrants who were arrested by U.S. border agents and identified as suspected terrorists may have been released into the United States, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandryo Mayorkas said on May 4.

“Some may be placed in removal proceedings. Some may be placed in criminal custody. Some may be cooperating with law enforcement. Some may be downgraded from the terrorist rating,” Mayorkas told the Senate Homeland & Governmental Affairs Committee in Washington.

Mayorkas said officials in his agency know the “precise disposition” of each of the 42 suspected terrorists but declined to share that information in a public setting.

Instead, he offered to give a classified briefing to Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio), who had been questioning him.

“I look forward to getting that information,” Portman said.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) recently revealed that 42 people on the terror watchlist “attempted to enter the United States illegally” and were arrested by border agents between Jan. 20, 2021 and March 2022. The watchlist is maintained by the FBI, which says people on it are “reasonably suspected to be involved in terrorism (or related activities).”

In a hearing in late April, Mayorkas said he did not know whether any of the terrorists had been released into the United States, triggering criticism from Republicans.

In his opening statement, Portman, the ranking member of the Senate panel, described himself as shocked when he learned about the number of suspected terrorists apprehended.

Dave Chappelle ‘Fully Cooperating’ With Police After Being Attacked on Stage

A spokesperson for Dave Chappelle said the comedian will not let Tuesday night’s physical attack in Hollywood deter him from future performances as officials said the suspect was charged in connection to the incident.

“Dave Chappelle celebrated four nights of comedy and music, setting record-breaking sales for a comedian at the Hollywood Bowl,” his representative, Carla Sims, told local media. “This run ties Chappelle with Monty Python for the most headlined shows by any comedian at the Hollywood Bowl, reaching 70k fans of diverse backgrounds during the first ‘Netflix Is A Joke: The Festival,’ and he refuses to allow last night’s incident to overshadow the magic of this historic moment.”

The spokesperson added that Chappelle is cooperating with authorities in the case.

Isaiah Lee, 23, was arrested by the Los Angeles Police Department after he allegedly stormed the stage during Chappelle’s Hollywood Bowl show, according to police. He was described as a black male with black hair and brown and who is 5’11 and weighs 140 pounds.

Video footage of the incident appears to show Lee attacking Chappelle during the event. Lee, who appeared to be carrying a weapon, was injured and taken away in an ambulance. Chappelle wasn’t injured in the attack.

The Los Angeles Police Department told local media that Lee was armed with a replica gun that could eject a knife blade. The motivation for the attack is not yet clear.

Biden Has Been ‘Struck’ by Trump’s ‘Hold’ on Republican Party: Psaki

President Joe Biden has been “struck” by the influence that former President Donald Trump holds over the Republican Party, according to White House press secretary Jen Psaki.

“He’s been struck by the hold his predecessor seems to have on far too many members—not all, but far too many members of the party,” Psaki said during a press briefing on May 4.

Her comment comes a day after two candidates endorsed by Trump—J.D. Vance and Max Miller—won in Ohio Republican primaries.

Vance secured a victory in the Ohio Republican Senate primary on May 3. The race was the first sign of Trump’s influence in the midterm elections in November.

“They wanted to write a story that this campaign would be the death of Donald Trump’s America First agenda,” Vance said at a victory party in Cincinnati on May 3. “Ladies and gentlemen, it ain’t the death of the America First agenda.”

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) took to Twitter to call Vance’s victory “a big moment for the Republican Party.”

“JD represents the future of the conservative movement, as a coalition of working people, families, and people of faith, welcoming every American who believes in this nation. On to victory in Nov!,” Hawley wrote.

Currently, the U.S. Senate is split 50–50 between Republicans and Democrats. In November, Ohio voters will choose a successor to GOP Sen. Rob Portman, who decided against running for reelection.

Max Miller, a former aide to Trump, won the GOP primary for Ohio’s 7th Congressional District in a May 3 primary. The district is reliably Republican.

Aside from Vance and Miller, pro-Trump candidates Jennifer-Ruth Green and Erin Houchin won Republican primaries in Indiana’s 1st and 9th Congressional Districts, respectively, on May 3.

Earlier on May 4, Biden harshly criticized MAGA supporters, characterizing the “MAGA crowd” as the “the most extreme political organization that’s existed” in recent American history. The president made the remark during a speech on the U.S. economy.

Biden also criticized “MAGA” Republicans, who he asserted want to raise taxes on millions of working-class Americans while protecting billionaires and big corporations.

After his speech, Biden was asked about the leaked draft opinion penned by Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, which indicates that the nation’s top court has decided to undo the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision. If undone, it would return the power to decide abortion policy to state governments.

What Happens If Roe v. Wade Is Overturned?

An overturning of Roe v. Wade will not come close to ending legal abortion in the United States, but rather, a flurry of legal wrangling at the state level is all but certain to follow the ruling’s expected rollback, said longtime observers of the battles over abortion in the United States. This will lead the way to numerous contrasting and opposing laws and regulations in different states, they said.

The leak of a draft opinion on the case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization by Politico on Monday night caught many people off guard, caused censure from both sides of the political spectrum, and kicked off a flurry of statements by federal and state politicians looking to get ahead of an expected overturning of the seminal 1973 precedent that wrested the regulation of abortion from the states and made the procedure lawful throughout the entire United States.

In the 67-page leaked majority opinion, its author Justice Samuel Alito calls Roe v. Wade “egregiously wrong from the start” and says, “It is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people’s elected representatives.”

In addition to Roe, the justice calls for overturning Planned Parenthood v. Casey, a 1992 ruling upholding the earlier one. That case held that states can’t impose significant restrictions on abortion before a fetus becomes viable for life outside the womb, somewhere around the 24-week gestation mark.

For all the shock engendered by the leak of the Dobbs opinion, it is consistent with the pro-states’ rights position articulated in recent hearings on the issues at the heart of this case. The case concerns the validity of a Mississippi law that greatly restricts abortions at 15 weeks.

“If you listened to the oral arguments and read the briefings, it would not surprise you that this is the kind of opinion that would come out of it. It was aligned with the case that the state of Mississippi made, when they asked for Roe v. Wade to be overturned,” said Katie Glenn, government affairs counsel at Americans United for Life.

‘MAGA Is Saving America’: Trump in Response to Biden’s Criticism

Former President Donald Trump criticized President Joe Biden for being “very divisive” when he referred to the “MAGA crowd” as the “the most extreme political organization that’s existed “ in recent American history.

“MAGA is saving America,” Trump told Fox News Digital on May 5. “Our country is going to hell. MAGA is saving America.”

“Inflation, incompetent withdrawals from Afghanistan, leaving hostages horribly wounded, soldiers, $85 billion of military equipment—MAGA is saving America,” Trump added, before adding that the United States is “no longer respected throughout the world.”

The former president also said the Ukraine war “should have never happened,” since “Russia would have never gone into Ukraine” under his leadership.

Biden’s criticism of MAGA took place on May 4 during his speech on the U.S. economy. He slammed MAGA while responding to the issue of abortion, which would be decided by state governments if the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision was overturned as suggested by the leaked Surpeme Court draft opinion.

“What happens if you have—a state changes the law saying that—that children who are LGBTQ can’t be in classrooms with other children, is that, is that legit under the way the decision is written?” Biden said.

“What are the next things that are going to be attacked?” Biden asked. “Because this MAGA crowd is really the most extreme political organization that’s existed in American history—in recent American history.”

Pro-Abortion Mob Targets Pro-Life Students in Arizona as Police Stand By

Anthony DeWitt attended a rally outside Arizona’s capitol building in downtown Phoenix on May 3 to support his pro-life beliefs, only to find himself surrounded by an angry mob of leftist protesters and fearing for his life.

DeWitt, 20, said he felt sure the protesters would have hurt him if he hadn’t been open-carrying a handgun for personal protection.

“I was surrounded [and] didn’t have much room. [The protesters] were screaming at me—telling me to kill myself, that I was worthless, that my mom should have aborted me.”

“I had water thrown at me [and] people poking me. People came up to me trying to take my megaphone.”

The former Arizona law enforcement cadet said he believes coming to the rally armed helped keep the protesters at bay.

“I want to be very clear about this—I wasn’t carrying to intimidate. I was carrying for personal safety and the right to preserve my life [if] I am attacked or in fear of my life,” DeWitt told The Epoch Times.

Child Gang’s Violent Spree Shakes Up Downtown Boston

A gang of young juveniles led by an 11-year-old girl is terrorizing random people throughout the popular downtown area of Boston.

According to incident reports released by police, all the children are black and under the age of 14.

A 13-year-old in the gang already had an outstanding felony warrant for assault with a dangerous weapon at the time of the recent attacks.

Their victims were all white—with the exception of one victim identified in the reports as a light-skinned Hispanic woman who the gang of juveniles allegedly called a “white [expletive] with braids.”

The gang has been menacing people throughout the popular Boston Common. (George KUZ/Shutterstock)

She told police the young minors began punching and kicking her after telling her she could not wear her hair “in the style” because she was “not black.”

In one incident, the child gang is alleged to have entered a McDonald’s outlet chanting “Black Lives Matter” and ordering customers to say the phrase. They also demanded free food.

When the McDonald’s owner asked them to leave, they spat at him with an 11-year-old lunging at him with a knife, police reports state.

They then smashed the glass of the front doors to the establishment.

Several of their attacks were captured on both surveillance cameras and filmed by bystanders with the 11-year-old leading some of the attacks.

They included the beating of an elderly man and a violent assault of two college students that left one with head trauma. One of the children stomped on her eyeglasses after they fell off the student’s head in the attack.

Police arrested, but then released some of the older children.


Elon Musk and Cathie Wood Say Passive Investing Has Gone ‘Too Far’

Tesla chief Elon Musk and Ark Invest founder Cathie Wood touted the benefits of active portfolio management while taking aim at the rise of passive investing, with the duo arguing in a series of tweets that the passive trend has gone too far, leading to market distortions and weaker returns for investors.

Musk waded into the passive versus active debate when he wrote in a May 1 tweet: “There should be a shift back towards active investment. Passive has gone too far.”

Wood later shared Musk’s tweet, arguing that passive investment funds have prevented many investors from benefiting from the meteoric growth of some disruptive firms, like the 400-fold gain in Tesla stock.

The electric vehicle maker didn’t become included in the S&P 500 until around ten years after its IPO, after it had already hit a market value of around $650 billion.

When Tesla went public, it was worth around $1.6 billion, offering a lucrative entry point to prescient—or lucky—stock-pickers who are in the active camp.

“According to ARK Invest’s research, most broad-based passive funds are ‘short’ disruptive innovation at a time when the global economy is undergoing the largest technological transformation in history,” Wood said.

“In my view, history will deem the accelerated shift toward passive funds during the last 20 years as a massive misallocation of capital,” she added.

Janet Yellen: Biden’s Spending ‘Did Feed’ Inflation

President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan did contribute to inflation, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen conceded on May 4.

Speaking in an interview with Matt Murray, editor-in-chief of The Wall Street Journal, the former head of the Federal Reserve said the White House’s enormous spending did play a role in the current inflationary environment, noting that it was “justified” because of the various economic risks.

“So, look, inflation is a matter of demand and supply, and the spending that was undertaken in the American Rescue Plan did feed demand,” Yellen said.

She said inflation, which is at a 40-year high, is an unintended consequence of the Biden administration attempting to avoid a sharp economic downturn and facilitate full employment.


Millions Led Astray by These Pills, No Better Than a Placebo

In the U.S. in 2017, an estimated 17.3 million American adults, or 7.1% of the adult population, experienced at least one major depressive episode. The highest rates were reported among those aged between 18 and 25

In the period of March 30, 2022, to April 11, 2022, 22% of U.S. adults reported symptoms of depression, although it was even higher in 2021: Early in the pandemic depression tripled, from 8.5% just before to 27.8%, then skyrocketed to 32.8% in 2021

Research suggests major depression may be vastly overdiagnosed and overtreated with antidepressants, and that a majority of those who take these drugs stay on them long-term, which may compromise their health

Antidepressants double the risk of harm from suicide and violence in healthy adults, increase aggression two- to threefold in children and adolescents, increase risk of suicide and violence by four to five times in middle-aged women with stress urinary incontinence, and double women’s risk of a core psychotic or potential psychotic event

There’s a solid and ever-growing body of scientific evidence showing physical exercise is a major key in the successful treatment of depression. Several studies investigating this oft-ignored prescription are reviewed

A review that examined randomized controlled trials published between 1999 and 2016, and meta-analyses/systematic reviews published between 2009 and 2016, concluded that “exercise is an evidenced-based medicine for depression”

—> Power Mall Products of Interest: Lithium Balance (200 CT)

The trace mineral organic lithium, paired with organic orotate, creates a safe potential mood stabilizer and possible healthy alternative to anti-depressants, which many professionals have used naturally for many years. Lithium Balance is 100% natural and completely safe to use. It does not lower your energy level and has no harmful side effects.


Biden Announces Food Shortages Then Makes it Happen

On March 24, 2022, after the G7 meeting in Brussels, Biden announced that the food shortages around the world would be “real” – of course, because of the Ukraine war, which he so desperately wanted, and those dastardly Russians. Now, he is making it happen. In the last five months, TWENTY food and fertilizer plants and storage facilities across America have been destroyed by fire. The latest incident is a plane, crashing into a General Mills plant in Covington, GA, April 21, 2022. The day before, it was a nut and vegetable processing plant in Dafur, OR, where employees responded to a popping sound as the electrical system caught fire. The week before, a massive fire brought down East Conway Beef and Pork in Conway, NH – as well as a Taylor Farms plant in Salinas CA. A few weeks before that, a huge Walmart processing plant in Indiana was reduced to ash.

Still Think It’s Coincidence?

Add to the above, a meat processing plant in Lackawana County, PA; the family-owned Cobb Country Meats in Cobb County, GA; the JBS Nebraska Plant of Meat Importers of America; Azure Standard Headquarters facility, the nation’s premier distributor of organic healthy foods, back in Darfur, OR; a Tyson-owned feed ingredients plant; a Tyson poultry plant in KY; a Hot Pockets plant in Jonesboro, AR; Wisconsin River Meats, Mauston, WI; Deli Star Meats, Fayetteville, IL; a Smithfield peanut plant, Richmond, VA; an Oregon potato chip factory; McCrum Potato Processing plant, OR; Aynor Conway Meat Center in Conway, SC; the rice dryer at a Kellogg plant in Memphis TN (ok, this was all the way last summer in July, 2021; and at the Cargill-Nutrena Feed Mill, Lecompte, LA. This is NOT coincidental! This destruction of our food supplies is intentional and is war against the people. There can be no other explanation.

No Bombers Required

For all of the Junta’s efforts to blame everything they have messed up on Russia, they are failing miserably. Not a single foreign enemy or Russian bomber has been found to be a part of any of this. Sarc…as they say. The overt destruction of America is underway, and our food supply is the primary weapon of the enemy, our own government. No bombers required.

Stay alert, America. We are at war with our own government, and it was declared by them. If you work at a food or fertilizer facility, be suspicious. Keep your eyes and ears open, and stay safe. If you are working to secure our November election, work twice as hard. Gather groups who will have 24/7 eyes-on at the ballot drop boxes around the country. The election – IF we should get there – will be our last chance to save our Republic and ourselves. This will be the finest and best local action we can render.

[See: BlackRock & Vanguard Taking Over US Centralized Food Production to Control Supply]

‘Perfect Storm’ Hitting US Crop Planting Amid Talk of Shortages

When farmers in the United States returned to their fields in April, officially kicking off the 2022 growing season, they implemented significant changes in their crop plantings.

Due to soaring fertilizer costs and chemical shortages, and protracted drought conditions, farmers are now planting different and smaller quantities of certain crops.

Some experts believe forecasts for the 2022 growing season may outstrip existing production resources and may be overly ambitious.

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) conducted a survey of producers across the country, which showed intentions to plant a record-high 91 million acres of soybeans in 2022. This would be an increase of 4 percent from last year.

However, corn growers surveyed across 11 states revealed a planting forecast of only 89.5 million acres this year. This represents a production drop of 4 percent.

Record low corn production is expected for 2022 in three states—Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island.

Additionally, wheat planting is at its fifth-lowest level since 1919.


Fully Vaccinated Carnival Cruise Ship Hit With COVID-19 Outbreak

Carnival Cruise Lines confirmed that it experienced a COVID-19 outbreak on its Carnival Spirit in recent days even though the company requires all passengers and staff to be fully vaccinated.

“The Carnival Spirit team managed a number of COVID cases during its 16-day Panama Canal journey that departed Miami on April 17 and arrived in Seattle on May 3,” told The Epoch Times Thursday. “There were no serious health issues, and while some guests showed minor symptoms, most were asymptomatic.

It’s not clear how many passengers or employees contracted the virus. A spokesperson for the company did not elaborate when asked about the figure.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) dashboard says the Carnival Spirit meets the threshold for a CDC investigation based on the number of COVID-19 cases. The agency said it has “started an investigation” and the “ship remains under observation.”

Carnival’s spokesperson said that “all health and safety protocols were closely followed including vaccination requirements and pre-cruise testing of all guests” and “our crew are also vaccinated and wear masks.”

“Our protocols are designed to flex up as needed and additional measures were implemented during the voyage, including mask requirements for guests,” the spokesperson said.  “Carnival provided transportation and lodging support for guests who needed to quarantine per CDC guidelines” and that the “ship departed on its next cruise on Tuesday afternoon as scheduled,” said the spokesperson.

Several passengers onboard the Carnival Spirit complained about how Carnival allegedly handled the COVID-19 outbreak on board the ship.

Cardiologist Estimates 30 Percent of US Pilots May Have COVID Jab-Induced Heart Conditions

Are we on the precipice of a major uptick in serious heart problems among otherwise young, healthy Americans due to the mass-disseminated mRNA COVID shots? Observations from several medical experts, including a well-known cardiologist, suggest that we are.

Some individuals who appear to be facing worrisome jab-related heart problems are commercial airline pilots. Advocacy groups also say these pilots are being forced to keep mum about their health issues—and that a far greater percentage of them are likely suffering than the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) would like to admit.

‘It’s Going to End in Catastrophe’: Airline Pilot Fears for Colleagues’ Safety, Says US Pilots Are Unable to Talk About Jab-Related Health Problems

Joshua Yoder is an airline pilot and co-founder of the U.S. Freedom Flyers (USFF), an advocacy group formed to help transportation industry employees maintain their medical autonomy and oppose federal vax statutes.

As noted by the website American Greatness, Yoder recently disclosed in an interview with Vaccine Safety Research Foundation founder Steve Kirsch that the USFF has already received hundreds of reports of pilots experiencing chest pain and other adverse side effects of COVID shots while flying planes.

Of course, people experiencing chest pain caused by jab-related pericarditis or myocarditis (heart inflammation) is concerning enough. But to know that men and women are experiencing these issues while flying commercial aircrafts is deeply worrisome, Yoder says. Plus, many of these airline pilots are reluctant to speak out about their health problems because they fear losing their jobs.

“I’m afraid if we keep going down this path,” he said in his interview with Kirsch, “at some point, it’s going to end in catastrophe.”

“If passengers actually knew what was going on at the airlines and the FAA,” he adds, “they would be livid, and everyone would be jumping on a class action suit against all of them.”

Vaxxed Pilots Should Be ‘Medically Flagged,’ Experts Warn, and Not Allowed to Fly If They Fail Heart Function Tests out of Fear of Suffering Medical Emergency, Losing Control of Aircraft Mid-Flight

In his interview, Yoder also shared what well-known Texan cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough said to him in a prior conversation: “if every vaccinated pilot were to be screened, there would be somewhere around a 30 percent loss in manpower” due to new jab-related cardiac issues.

The Many Ways in Which COVID Vaccines May Harm Your Health

COVID-19 vaccines are capable of causing damage in a number of different ways. Disturbingly, all these different mechanisms of harm have synergistic effects when it comes to dysregulating your innate and adaptive immune systems and activating latent viruses

The worst symptoms of COVID-19 are created by the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, and that is the very thing gene-based COVID vaccines are instructing your body to make

While the natural spike protein is bad, the spike protein your body produces in response to the vaccine is even worse, as the synthetic RNA has been manipulated in such a way as to create a very robust and unnatural spike protein

The spike protein is toxic in and of itself, and has the ability to induce vascular, heart and neurological damage

The COVID-19 vaccine disables the Type I interferon pathway, which explains why vaccinated patients are reporting herpes and shingles infection following COVID-19 vaccination


Robert Epstein Warns Against Big Tech Manipulation

Robert Epstein, Ph.D. warns about Google’s ability to control public policy, swing elections and brainwash our children

The methods Google uses are ephemeral and leave no paper trail behind, making it very difficult to track and prove that they’re using humans as pawns, manipulating us via ways that we can’t counteract

Research by Epstein and colleagues has found that biased search results can change people’s opinions and voting preferences, shifting opinions in undecided voters by 20% to 80% in certain demographic groups

Google’s “autocomplete” feature on its search engine can turn a 50/50 split among undecided voters into nearly a 90/10 split — all without people realizing they’re being manipulated

The first step to breaking free from Google’s dictatorship is recognizing that the manipulation is occurring; the next involves consciously opting out of it as much as possible by protecting your privacy online


Quick-Thinking UPS Store Owner Helps Elderly Man Dodge $12,000 ‘Grandparent Scam’

Spotting red flags in an elderly customer’s shipping request, a UPS store owner stepped in, called a trusted relative, and saved the man from losing $12,000 to a scammer.

Julie and her husband, David Osborne, have owned and run a store in Lebanon, Pennsylvania, as part of the UPS franchise since 2011. Julie didn’t recognize Clyde Blount, who’s in his 90s, when he walked into her Quentin Road store at the end of March, but she could quickly tell something was wrong when he handed her a thick envelope.

“We were just doing our normal day,” Julie told The Epoch Times. “Clyde came in and asked if he could ship something … he was visibly distressed and shaking. I started asking him questions.”

Julie recalled that, as she questioned Clyde, he barely gave any information to her. When he asked her to overnight the package for an 8 o’clock delivery, stating that it was a document, she knew right then that this was a “red flag” in the shipping business.

Clyde gave Julie a New Jersey address and named his grandson, Jeremy, who lives in York, Pennsylvania. She immediately asked him why it needed to be shipped overnight, but Clyde didn’t answer her question.

“I had my members Google the address on another computer while I was talking with Clyde,” said Julie. “He said, ‘Yes, this is my grandson’s attorney’s office,’ and I said, ‘No, it’s not an attorney’s office, this is an apartment building.’ He paused and started looking confused.”

Julie then suggested they call Jeremy to confirm details, but the elderly man became desperate, pulling close to $100 from his wallet and pleading with Julie to process his request fast. However, Julie had seen it all before; as her uncle was targeted by the very same scam.

“What they do is, they call these elderly people early in the morning, so they’re usually disoriented,” she explained. “They’re getting a call from somebody who is pretending to be an attorney, and they’ll say things like, ‘I’m here with your grandson … he’s been involved in a terrible drunk-driving accident. He’s been injured and hurt, and he’s been arrested.’”

The scammer will threaten the elderly relative to pay fast and keep quiet, said Julie.

Clyde also believed he’d spoken to his grandson on the phone; the scammer, who’d researched Clyde’s family, explained the unfamiliar voice by saying Jeremy’s face had been injured in the crash. Clyde was fearful that Jeremy would go to jail and lose the construction company that he owns with his father. He was also concerned for a fictitious pregnant woman the scammer said was involved in the crash.

Julie asked Clyde for his grandson’s occupation, found him on social media, and sent him an urgent message with the subject line, “a problem with your grandfather, Clyde.” Jeremy called her back within minutes to speak to his panicked grandfather.

“[Clyde] just kind of sat there, shook his head, and listened. He kept saying, ‘Okay, okay,’ and then they hung up,” said Julie. “The last thing he said before he left the store was, ‘I understand now, that wasn’t Jeremy.’”

The store owner suspected that Clyde—a “tough old guy” and a very active former carpenter who still drives in his 90s and lives alone—felt embarrassed to have fallen victim to a scam. Yet, he and his grateful family later met with Julie and David to say thank you. Clyde brought a poem he had written, himself.

Reflecting on the incident, Julie said: “I wish I could tell you this is the first time it’s happened … this is probably the twelfth time. Sadly, this is very familiar to us in the shipping business.

“We’re very, very alert. When seniors come in and start dropping the keywords, we start asking a lot more questions … it’s usually an elderly person, usually stressed or upset, they always ask for the eight o’clock delivery, and they always tell us it’s a document or magazine or book … but it’s thicker than a typical document.”

Julie thinks the largest scam they’ve intercepted so far was for almost $30,000.

She has since reported Clyde’s experience to the fraud department of her local police through UPS, but remains skeptical that the scammers will be caught, since most use random addresses. Clyde, however, has sidelined his embarrassment to help others.

“I think after he thought about it … he felt it was very important to share what these scammers say to make it believable, so that other people wouldn’t fall for it,” said Julie.


Tavistock, The Best Kept Secret in America (July 31, 2001)


TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE . . . . . . . . .

30 Tabernacle Street, London EC2A 4DD.–

Formed in 1947, the Tavistock Institute is an independent not-for-profit organization which seeks to combine research in the social sciences with professional practice. Problems of institution-building and organizational design and change are being tackled in all sectors – government, industry and commerce, health and welfare, education, etc. – nationally and internationally, and clients range from multinationals to small community groups. A growth area has been the use of a developmental approach to evaluation of new and experimental programs, particularly in health, education and community development. This has also produced new training events alongside the regular program of group relations conferences. The Institute owns and edits the monthly journal Human Relations (published by Plenum Press) which is now in its 48th year, and has recently launched (in conjunction with Sage Publications) a new journal Evaluation.

Three elements combine to make the Institute unusual, if not unique: it has the independence of being entirely self-financing, with no subsidies from the government or other sources; the action research orientation places it between, but not in, the worlds of academia and consultancy; and its range of disciplines include anthropology, economics, organizational behavior, political science, psychoanalysis, psychology and sociology.

The ideology of American foundations was created by the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in London. In 1921, the Duke of Bedford, Marquess of Tavistock, the 11th Duke, gave a building to the Institute to study the effect of shellshock on British soldiers who survived World War I. Its purpose was to establish the “breaking point” of men under stress, under the direction of the British Army Bureau of Psychological Warfare, commanded by Sir John Rawlings-Reese.

Tavistock Institute is headquartered in London. Its prophet, Sigmond Freud, settled in Maresfield Gardens when he moved to England. He was given a mansion by Princess Bonaparte. Tavistock’s pioneer work in behavioral science along Freudian lines of “controlling” humans established it as the world center of foundation ideology. Its network now extends from the University of Sussex to the U.S. through the Stanford Research Institute, Esalen, MIT, <https://archive.is/HduBc> Hudson Institute, <https://archive.is/fSv6f> Heritage Foundation, Center of Strategic and International Studies at Georgetown, where State Dept. personal are trained, US Air Force Intelligence, and the Rand and Mitre corporations. The personnel of the corporations are required to undergo indoctrination at one or more of these Tavistock controlled institutions. A network of secret groups, the Mont Pelerin Society, Trilateral Commission, Ditchley Foundation, and the Club of Rome is conduit for instructions to the Tavistock network.

[Editor, Tim Aho’s note: See Watch Unto Prayer report on The Heritage Foundation founded by Paul Weyrich with funding from Joseph Coors, who also founded and financed respectively the Moral Majority and Council for National Policy.]

Tavistock Institute developed the mass brain-washing techniques which were first used experimentally on American prisoners of war in Korea. Its experiments in crowd control methods have been widely used on the American public, a surreptitious but nevertheless outrageous assault on human freedom by modifying individual behavior through topical psychology. A German refugee, Kurt Lewin, became director of Tavistock in 1932. He came to the U.S. in 1933 as a “refugee”, the first of many infiltrators, and set up the Harvard Psychology Clinic, which originated the propaganda campaign to turn the American public against Germany and involve us in World War II.

In 1938, Roosevelt executed a secret agreement with Churchill which in effect ceded U.S. sovereignty to England, because it agreed to let Special Operations Executive control U.S. policies. To implement this agreement, Roosevelt sent General [William] Donovan to London for indoctrination before setting up OSS (now the CIA) under the aegis of SOE-SIS. The entire OSS program, as well as the CIA has always worked on guidelines set up by the Tavistock Institute.

[Editor, Tim Aho: See Watch Unto Prayer report on <https://archive.is/CLSXa>The John Birch Society & Council for National Policy for information regarding CIA operations on the Christian Right.]

Tavistock Institute originated the mass civilian bombing raids carried out by Roosevelt and Churchill purely as a clinical experiment in mass terror, keeping records of the results as they watched the “guinea pigs” reacting under “controlled laboratory conditions”. All Tavistock and American foundation techniques have a single goal—to break down the psychological strength of the individual and render him helpless to oppose the dictators of the World Order. Any technique which helps to break down the family unit, and family inculcated principles of religion, honor, patriotism and sexual behavior, is used by the Tavistock scientists as weapons of crowd control.

The methods of Freudian psychotherapy induce permanent mental illness in those who undergo this treatment by destabilizing their character. The victim is then advised to “establish new rituals of personal interaction”, that is, to indulge in brief sexual encounters which actually set the participants adrift with no stable personal relationships in their lives, destroying their ability to establish or maintain a family. Tavistock Institute has developed such power in the U.S. that no one achieves prominence in any field unless he has been trained in behavioral science at Tavistock or one of its subsidiaries.

Henry Kissinger, whose meteoric rise to power is otherwise inexplicable, was a German refugee and student of Sir John Rawlings-Reese at SHAEF. Dr. Peter Bourne, a Tavistock Institute psychologist, picked Jimmy Carter for President of the U.S. solely because Carter had undergone an intensive brainwashing program administered by Admiral Hyman Rickover at Annapolis. The “experiment” in compulsory racial integration in the U.S. was organized by Ronald Lippert, of the OSS and the American Jewish Congress, and director of child training at the Commission on Community Relations. The program was designed to break down the individual’s sense of personal knowledge in his identity, his racial heritage. Through the Stanford Research Institute, Tavistock controls the National Education Association. The Institute of Social Research at the National Training Lab brain washes the leading executives of business and government.

Such is the power of Tavistock that our entire space program was scrapped for nine years so that the Soviets could catch up. The hiatus was demanded in an article written by Dr. Anatol Rapport, and was promptly granted by the government, to the complete mystification of everyone connected with NASA.

Another prominent Tavistock operation is the Wharton School of Finance, at the University of Pennsylvania. A single common denominator identifies the common Tavistock strategy—the use of drugs. The infamous MK Ultra program of the CIA, in which unsuspecting CIA officials were given LSD, and their reaction studied like “guinea pigs”, resulted in several deaths.

The U.S. Government had to pay millions in damages to the families of the victims, but the culprits were never indicted. The program originated when Sandoz AG, a Swiss drug firm, owned by S.G. Warburg Co. of London, developed Lysergic Acid [LSD]. Roosevelt’s advisor, James Paul Warburg, son of Paul Warburg who wrote the [1913] Federal Reserve Act, and nephew of Max Warburg who had financed Hitler, set up the <https://archive.is/ZSGs9> Institute for Policy Studies to promote the drug. The result was the LSD “counter-culture” of the 1960s, the “student revolution”, which was financed by $25 million from the CIA.

One part of MK Ultra was the Human Ecology Fund; the CIA also paid Dr. Herbert Kelman of Harvard to carry out further experiments on mind control. In the 1950s, the CIA financed extensive LSD experiments in Canada. Dr. D. Ewen Cameron, president of the Canadian Psychological Association, and director of Royal Victorian Hospital, Montreal, received large payments from the CIA to give 53 patients large doses of LSD and record their reactions; the patients were drugged into weeks of sleep and then given electric shock treatments.

One victim, the wife of a member of the Canadian Parliament, is now suing the U.S. companies who provided the drug for the CIA. All the records of the CIA’s drug testing program were ordered destroyed by the head of MK Ultra. Because all efforts of the Tavistock Institute are directed toward producing cyclical collapse, the effect of the CIA programs are tragically apparent. R. Emmett Tyrell Jr., writing in the Washington Post August 20, 1984, cites the “squalid consequences of the 60s radicals in SDS [Students for Democratic Society]” as resulting in “the growing rate of illegitimacy, petty lawlessness, drug addiction, welfare, VD, and mental illness”.

This is the legacy of the Warburgs and the CIA. Their principal agency, the Institute for Policy Studies, was funded by James Paul Warburg; its co-founder was Marcus Raskin, protege of McGeorge Bundy, president of the Ford Foundation. Bundy had Raskin appointed to the post of President Kennedy’s personal representative on the National Security Council, and in 1963 funded Students for Democratic Society, through which the CIA operated the drug culture.

Today the Tavistock Institute operates a $6 Billion a year network of Foundations in the U.S., all of it funded by U.S. taxpayers’ money. Ten major institutions are under its direct control, with 400 subsidiaries, and 3000 other study groups and think tanks which originate many types of programs to increase the control of the World Order over the American people. The Stanford Research Institute, adjoining the Hoover Institution, is a $150 million a year operation with 3300 employees. It carries on program surveillance for Bechtel, Kaiser, and 400 other companies, and extensive intelligence operations for the CIA. It is the largest institution on the West Coast promoting mind control and the behavioral sciences.

One of the key agencies as a conduit for secret instructions from Tavistock is the Ditchley Foundation, founded in 1957. The American branch of the Ditchley Foundation is run by Cyrus Vance, former Secretary of State, and director of the Rockefeller Foundation, and Winston Lord, president of the Council on Foreign Relations.

[Editor, Tim Aho’s note: The wife of Winston Lord (CFR, Bilderberg, Skull & Bones), Bette Bao Lord (CFR, Bilderberg), is Chairman of the Board of Freedom House whose manipulation of the Christian Right via the Religious Persecution issue is documented in our report <https://archive.is/ZSGs9>Freedom House: A CFR Front.]

One of the principal but little known operations of the Rockefeller Foundation has been its techniques for controlling world agriculture. Its director, Kenneth Wernimont, set up Rockefeller controlled agricultural programs throughout Mexico and Latin America. The independent farmer is a great threat to the World Order, because he produces for himself, and because his produce can be converted into capital, which gives him independence. In Soviet Russia, the Bolsheviks believed they had attained total control over the people; they were dismayed to find their plans threatened by the stubborn independence of the small farmers, the Kulaks.

Stalin ordered the OGPU to seize all food and animals of the Kulaks, and to starve them out. The Chicago American, February 25, 1935 carried a front page headline, SIX MILLION PERISH IN SOVIET FAMINE; Peasants’ Crops Seized, They and their Animals Starve. To draw attention from this atrocity, it was later alleged that the Germans, not the Soviets, had killed six million people, the number taken from the Chicago American headline by a Chicago publicist.

The Communist Party, the Party of the Peasants and Workers, exterminated the peasants and enslaved the workers. Many totalitarian regimes have found the small farmer to be their biggest stumbling block. The French Reign of Terror was directed, not against the aristocrats, many of whom were sympathetic to it, but against the small farmers who refused to turn over their grain to the revolutionary tribunals in exchange for the worthless assignats. In the United States, the foundations are presently engaged in the same type of war of extermination against the American farmer.

The traditional formula of land plus labor for the farmer has been altered due to the farmer’s need for purchasing power, to buy industrial goods needed in his farming operations. Because of this need for capital, the farmer is especially vulnerable to the World Order’s manipulation of interest rates, which is bankrupting him. Just as in the Soviet Union, in the early 1930s, when Stalin ordered the Kulaks to give up their small plots of land to live and work on the collective farms, the American small farmer faces the same type of extermination, being forced to give up his small plot of land to become a hired hand for the big agricultural trusts. The Brookings Institution and other foundations originated the monetary programs implemented by the Federal Reserve System to destroy the American farmer, a replay of the Soviet tragedy in Russia, with one proviso that the farmer will be allowed to survive if he becomes a slave worker of the giant trusts.

Once the citizen becomes aware of the true role of the foundations, he can understand the high interest rates, high taxes, the destruction of the family, the degradation of the churches into forums for revolution, the subversion of the universities into CIA cesspools of drug addiction, and the halls of government into sewers of international espionage and intrigue. The American citizen can now understand why every agent of the federal government is against him; the alphabet agencies, the FBI, IRS, CIA and BATF must make war on the citizen in order to carry out the programs of the foundations.

The foundations are in direct violation of their charters, which commit them to do “charitable” work, because they make no grants which are not part of a political goal. The charge has been made, and never denied, that the Heritage-AEI network has at least two KGB moles on its staff. The employment of professional intelligence operatives as “charitable” workers, as was done in the Red Cross Mission to Russia in 1917, exposes the sinister political economic and social goals which the World Order requires the foundations to achieve through their ” bequests “.

Not only is this tax fraud, because the foundations are granted tax exemption solely to do charitable work, but it is criminal syndicalism, conspiracy to commit offenses against the United States of America, Constitutional Law 213, Corpus Juris Secundum 16. For the first time, the close interlocking of the foundation “syndicate” has been revealed by the names of its principle incorporators—Daniel Coit Gilman, who incorporated the Peabody Fund and the John Slater Fund, and became an incorporator of the General Education Board (now the Rockefeller Foundation); Gilman, who also incorporated the Russell Trust in 1856, later became an incorporator of the Carnegie Institution with Andrew Dickson White (Russell Trust) and Frederic A. Delano. Delano also was an original incorporator of the Brookings Institution and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

Daniel Coit Gilman incorporated the Russell Sage Foundation with Cleveland H. Dodge of the National City Bank. These foundations incorporators have been closely linked with the Federal Reserve System, the War Industries Board of World War I, the OSS of World War II and the CIA. They have also been closely linked with the American International Corporation, which was formed to instigate the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. Delano, an uncle of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, was on the original Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System in 1914. His brother-in-law founded the influential Washington law firm of Covington and Burling. The Delanos and other ruling families of the World Order trace their lineage directly back to William of Orange and the regime which granted the charter of the Bank of England.

Tavistock Institutions In The United States

Flow Laboratories Gets contracts from the National Institutes of Health.

Merle Thomas Corporation Gets contracts from the U.S. Navy, analyzes data from satellites.

Walden Research Does work in the field of pollution control.

Planning Research Corporation, Arthur D. Little, G.E. “TEMPO”, Operations Research Inc. Part of approximately 350 firms who conduct research and conduct surveys, make recommendations to government. They are part of what President Eisenhower called “a possible danger to public policy that could itself become captive of a scientific-technological elite.”

Brookings Institution Dedicates its work to what it calls a “national agenda.” Wrote President Hoover’s program, President Roosevelt’s “New Deal”, the Kennedy Administration’s “New Frontiers” program (deviation from it may have cost John F. Kennedy his life), and President Johnson’s “Great Society.” Brookings has been telling the United States Government how to conduct its affairs for the past 70 years and is still doing so.

Hudson Institute This institution has done more to shape the way Americans react to political and social events, think, vote and generally conduct themselves than perhaps any except the BIG FIVE. Hudson specializes in defense policy research and relations with the USSR. Most of its military work is classified as SECRET. (One idea during the Vietnam War was to build a moat around Saigon.) Hudson may be properly classified as one of the Committee of 300’s BRAINWASHING establishments. One of its largest clients is the U.S. Department of Defense which includes matters of civil defense, national security, military policy and arms control.

[Editor, Tim Aho: This is the same <https://archive.is/HduBc> Hudson Institute which gave us GOALS 2000 and authored the Freedom From Religious Persecution Act, which became the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998. This law required the creation of a federal commission to monitor religion chaired by a presidentially-appointed Ambassador-at-Large on International Religious Freedom under the mandates of the United Nations’ covenants and authority of the International Criminal Court.]

National Training Laboratories One of the key institutions established for this purpose in the United States was the National Training Laboratories (NTL). Founded in 1947 by members of the Tavistock network in the United States and located originally on an estate in Bethel, Maine, NTL had as its explicit purpose the brainwashing of leaders of the government, educational institutions, and corporate bureaucracies in the Tavistock method, and then using these “leaders” to either themselves run Tavistock group sessions in their organizations or to hire other similarly trained group leaders to do the job. The “nuts and bolts” of the NTL operation revolves around the particular form of Tavistock degenerate psychology known as “group dynamics,” developed by German Tavistock operative Kurt Lewin, who emigrated to the United States in the 1930s and whose students founded NTL.

In a Lewinite brainwashing group, a number of individuals from varying backgrounds and personalities, are manipulated by a “group leader” to form a “consensus” of opinion, achieving a new “group identity.” The key to the process is the creation of a controlled environment, in which stress is introduced (sometimes called dissonance) to crack an individual’s belief structure. Using the peer pressure of other group members, the individual is “cracked,” and a new personality emerges with new values. The degrading experience causes the person to deny that any change has taken place. In that way, an individual is brainwashed without the victim knowing what has taken place.

This method is the same, with some minor modification, used in all so-called “sensitivity groups” or “T-groups,” or in the more extreme rock-drug-sex counterculture form, “touchy-feely groups,” such as the kind popularized from the 1960s onward by the Esalen Institute, which was set up with the help of NTL.

From the mid-1950s onward, NTL put the majority of the nation’s corporate leaderships through such brainwashing programs, while running similar programs for the State Department, the Navy, the Department of Education, and other sections of the federal bureaucracy. There is no firm estimate of the number of Americans who have been put through this process in last 40 years at either NTL, or as it is now known the NTL Institute for Applied Behavioral Sciences, which is based in Rosslyn, Virginia, or its West Coast base of operations, the Western Training Laboratories in Group Development, or in various satellite institutions. The most reliable estimate is in the several millions.

One of the groups that went through the NTL mill in the 1950s was the leadership of the National Education Association, the largest organization of teachers in the United States. Thus, the NEA’s outlook has been “shaped” by Tavistock, through the NTL. In 1964, the NTL Institute became a direct part of the NEA, with the NTL setting up “group sessions” for all its affiliates. With funding from the Department of Education, the NTL Institute drafted the programs for the training of the nation’s primary and secondary school teachers, and has a hand as well in developing the content of educational “reforms,” including OBE [Outcome Based Education].

Also known as the International Institute for Applied Behavioral Sciences. This institute is a brainwashing center in artificial stress training whereby participants suddenly find themselves immersed in defending themselves against vicious accusations. NTL takes in the National Education Association, the largest teacher group in the United States. While officially decrying “racism”, it is interesting to note that NTL, working with NEA, produced a paper proposing education vouchers which would separate the hard-to-teach children from the brighter ones, and funding would be allocated according to the number of difficult children who would be separated from those who progressed at a normal rate. The proposal was not taken up.

University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of Finance & Commerce Founded by Eric Trist. One of the “brain trusts” of Tavistock, Wharton has become one of the more important Tavistock in so far as “Behavioral Research” is concerned. Wharton attracts clients such as the U.S. Department of Labor [USDL]—which teaches how to produce “cooked” statistics at the Wharton Econometric Forecasting Associates Incorporated. This method was very much in demand as we came to the close of 1991 with millions more out of work than was reflected in USDL statistics. Wharton’s Econometric Modeling is used by every major Committee of 300 company in the United States, Western Europe, the International Monetary Fund, the United Nations, and the World Bank. Institute for Social Research Among its clients are The Ford Foundation, U.S.Department of Defense, U.S.Postal Service and the U.S. Department of Justice. Among its studies are “The Human Meaning Of Social Change”, “Youth in Transition” and “How Americans View Their Mental Health”.

Institute For The Future This is not a typical Tavistock institution in that it is funded by the Ford Foundation, yet it draws its long-range forecasting from the mother of all think tanks. Institute for the Future projects what it believes to be changes that will be taking place in time frames of fifty years. So called “DELPHI PANELS” decide what is normal and what is not, and prepare position papers to “steer” government in the right direction to head off such groups as “people creating civil disorder.” (This could be patriotic groups demanding abolition of graduated taxes, or demanding that their right to bear arms is not infringed.) This institute recommends action such as liberalizing abortion laws, drug usage and that cars entering an urban area pay tolls, teaching birth control in public schools, requiring registration of firearms, making use of drugs a non-criminal offense, legalizing homosexuality, paying students for scholastic achievements, making zoning controls a preserve of the state, offering bonuses for family planning and last, but most frightening, a Pol Pot Cambodia-style proposal that new communities be established in rural areas, (concentration camp compounds). As can be observed, many of their goals have already been more than fully realized.

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