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Today's News: May 07, 2018

World News
Shootings, stabbings & acid attack: London rocked by violence on holiday weekend
RT – A spate of shootings and stabbings in London has prompted additional police patrols on the capital’s streets over the bank holiday weekend.
>> Related: Gun-Free Britain: Four Shootings in 48 Hours in Sadiq Khan’s Londo
Mr. Johnson goes to Washington: Is pushing Trump to stay in Iran deal exercise in futility?
RT – The UK is trying to succeed where France and Germany failed – convincing US President Donald Trump not to bail on the nuclear deal with Iran. But the top man in Washington is now reportedly committed to regime change in Tehran.
‘US Embassy’ road signs appear in Jerusalem
Al Jazeera – Road signs installed close to location of the US consulate building that will be repurposed as embassy on May 14.
U.S. News, Politics & Government
Congress lining up behind indefinite detention, for Americans
Activist Post – While much of the reporting on the National Defense Authorization Act, now pending in Congress, has focused on issues such as authorization for a military parade in Washington, Jon Schwarz at the Intercept noticed a far different issue: the option for the indefinite detention of American citizens without charges.
Nunes says he’ll push for Sessions contempt citation
Washington Times – The chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence is pushing to hold Attorney General Jeff Sessions in contempt of Congress this week for not complying with a subpoena.
Why is Washington reactivating its Second Fleet?
Al Jazeera – The United States Navy is reviving its naval operations in the North Atlantic Ocean.
Trump: Democrats Want Gina Haspel Out Because She Was ‘Too Tough on Terror’
Daily Beast – President Trump on Monday railed against lawmakers who oppose Gina Haspel, his nominee to be the new CIA director, claiming Democrats are against her because “she was too tough on terror.” “My highly respected nominee for CIA Director, Gina Haspel, has come under fire because she was too tough on Terrorists. Think of that, in these very dangerous times, we have the most qualified person, a woman, who Democrats want OUT because she is too tough on terror,” he tweeted. Haspel reportedly nearly withdrew her nomination last week amid mounting scrutiny of her role in a CIA interrogation program that used torture against terror suspects. Ahead of what is expected to be a tough confirmation hearing Wednesday, Trump has called on Haspel to “win.”
California School Mural Depicts Aztec Warrior Holding Trump’s Severed Head, Heart
Breitbart – Artists who painted a school mural depicting an Aztec warrior carrying the severed head of President Donald Trump on a spear have decided to change it — and paint it elsewhere.
California Asks Federal Judge to Dismiss ‘Sanctuary State’ Lawsuit
Breitbart – California Attorney General Xavier Becerra filed a motion with a federal court in Sacramento on Friday, asking the judge to dismiss a U.S. Department of Justice lawsuit challenging three of the state’s so-called “sanctuary” laws.
Trump suggests legal action coming against Mueller’s team
CNN – President Donald Trump suggested Monday that “angry Democrats” on special counsel Robert Mueller’s team could face legal action over alleged “conflicts of interest.”
NFL may let teams choose whether to stand for anthem
Bleacher Report – The NFL is considering allowing teams to make their own decision whether to require players to stand for the national anthem, according to Mark Maske of the Washington Post.
Economy & Business
Nestle in $7.1bn Starbucks coffee deal
BBC – The Swiss consumer goods group has bought the rights to market the Seattle chain’s products.
Energy & Environment
Kilauea: Hawaii volcano destroys dozens of homes
BBC – New fissures have opened up as the Kilauea volcano spews lava into residential neighbourhoods.
Science & Technology
Chicago Police One Step Closer To Using Drone Surveillance At Protests
Activist Post – In the wake of tragedies like the Las Vegas shooting, we’ve seen a justification emerge for using drone surveillance of large public events. Most recently we saw drones being used at the 2018 Coachella music festival with very little if any public outcry.  However, the use of drones for public protests is also being pursued, which finally has drawn the attention of civil liberties advocates in Chicago.
A new bill introduced by Rahm Emmanuel seeks to amend the privacy guarantees currently afforded under the Freedom From Drone Surveillance Act to include political protests as part of their consideration of “large-scale events.” According to Gizmodo, this amendment already has passed the first two stages of approval and is heading for the third soon. The ACLU is also disputing reports by the Illinois government that the ACLU was consulted and that their suggestions were woven into the new bill
Cousin of HIV is ‘off the charts’ in Australia, doctor warns
CNN – An ancient virus infecting residents across Australia’s Northern Territory is leaving death and despair in its path, and doctors are now calling for greater efforts to stop the spread of infection.
ObamaCare rule requiring calorie counts on menus takes effect
The Hill – Calorie counts will be required to be posted at thousands of food selling establishments starting on Monday as part of a provision included in ObamaCare, Politico reported.
If You Feel Immense Joint Pain, Have Yourself Checked for This Immediately
Mercola – Gout is a form of arthritis characterized by painful, stiff and inflamed joints. The stiffness and swelling are a result of excess uric acid-forming crystals in your joints,1 and the pain associated with this disease is caused by your body’s inflammatory response to the crystals.2 A “disease of kings” was the moniker given to gout, as it was often seen in members of the aristocracy who overindulged on fancy food and liquor.
Although gout itself isn’t exactly fatal, the health problems that may develop because of the disease can greatly increase a person’s risk of dying.10 Gout attacks or “flare-ups” can be extremely painful, so do not take this disease lightly.11
8 Natural Ways to Freshen Your Breath
Care2 – Bad breath happens to nearly all of us at some time. It’s embarrassing and can impact your work, social and intimate life. Luckily, bad breath can often be prevented or stopped with some basic, natural care and treatments.

  1. Take Care of Your Teeth and Gums

You’ve heard it before, but it’s important to brush your teeth twice a day in order to fight bacteria and plaque. Also, floss once a day to remove food debris from in between your teeth. If you don’t like commercial toothpastes, there are many excellent natural toothpaste options. Care2 has a recipe for homemade toothpaste. Consider adding activated charcoal to your brushing routine as well.
Oil pulling has also been shown to improve oral health and reduce smelly bacteria, as well as scraping your tongue each morning. And if you have a mouth guard or dentures, make sure you regularly disinfect them.

  1. Support Your Gut

Bad breath can be a sign of poor digestion, so what’s good for your gut is good for your breath. Eating foods that are rich in probiotics is an excellent way to boost your beneficial bacteria, which will out-compete any unwanted bacteria. You can also check out these other suggestions on how to supercharge your digestion.

  1. Swish with Baking Soda

Rinsing with a baking soda solution is shown to effectively kill mouth bacteria. Mix one teaspoon of baking soda in a cup of water and swish some in your mouth for at least 30 seconds. You can also add a couple drops of essential oil to the mix for extra anti-bacterial action, such as peppermint, tea tree or clove oil.

  1. Go Herbal

Chewing on fresh herbs will give you a quick breath pick-me-up. Mint, thyme, basil, oregano, parsley and cilantro are all well-known bacteria fighters that will also leave a delicious aftertaste behind. Brewing them into a tea is another good option.

  1. Spice It Up

Aromatic spices like fennel, cloves, cardamom, cinnamon, ginger or anise provide a tasty way to counteract any unpleasant smell on your breath. You can chew on whole seeds when possible or steep some spices to make a tea. Enjoy the tea as a hot drink or use it cooled as a mouthwash

  1. Eat Healthy Carbohydrates

Bad breath can be an unfortunate side-effect of low-carb diets. When your body breaks down fats instead of carbohydrates for energy, it creates foul-smelling ketones. Production of ketones is the body’s reaction to starvation. And that’s one reason why they smell bad, because it’s a sign something is wrong.
It’s always recommended to avoid refined carbohydrates, like white bread and potato chips. But make sure you eat enough healthy carbohydrates to properly fuel your body, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes.

  1. Stay Hydrated

You naturally produce about 1 liter of saliva every day. Saliva contains enzymes that break down any lingering food particles in your mouth, keeping bacteria at bay. Low saliva production can lead to nasty breath as the bacteria counts in your mouth rise. If your mouth feels dry, reach for some water. Also give your mouth a quick swish for extra cleaning action.
Other effective breath-freshening drinks are cow’s milk and green tea. The fat in milk is able to neutralize odor-causing compounds from certain foods, such as the sulphur in garlic. And a 2011 study showed that green tea can reduce mouth bacteria and prevent bad breath and plaque build-up.
But, not all drinks are created equal. Coffee and alcohol should be avoided as they both dry out your mouth and promote bad breath.

  1. Nosh on Fruit and Veggies

A diet rich in vitamins and minerals helps your overall health, including your digestive health. And when your body is in good health, you’re far less likely to develop bad breath. Fruits and vegetables are the best natural source of vitamins and minerals, so make sure you get your recommended 5 to 9 servings per day.

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