June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: May 07, 2024


Hamas says it agrees to Egypt’s ceasefire plan; Israel says no; moves on Rafah!

Israel said yesterday that its war cabinet had decided to proceed with its military offensive in the Gaza city of Rafah and had initiated strikes in the area in preparation for a ground invasion.

The action came hours after Hamas stated that it had accepted an Egyptian–Qatari cease-fire proposal, the details of which are unknown. The terrorist group released a statement that its chief, Ismail Haniyeh, informed Qatar’s prime minister and Egypt’s intelligence chief about accepting the proposal.

Israel, in response, said the proposal fell short of the country’s requirements while vowing to press on with its planned offensive.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office released a statement declaring Hamas’s proposal to be “far from Israel’s necessary requirements” and that its war cabinet “unanimously decided that Israel continues the operation in Rafah to exert military pressure on Hamas in order to promote the release of our hostages and the other goals of the war.”

But Israel stated that it would also send a delegation of mediators to “exhaust the possibility of reaching an agreement under conditions acceptable to Israel.”

Moments after the announcement, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) announced on X that it was “conducting targeted strikes against Hamas terror targets” in eastern Rafah. 

Israeli forces then reportedly seized control of the Rafah border crossing between Gaza and Egypt and tanks pushed into the southern Gazan city of Rafah as international mediators struggled to find agreement on a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, which accused Israel of trying to undermine the truce talks taking place in Cairo by mounting the offensive.

Bloomberg News: Migration drives up housing costs in 13 countries! 

Migration is expanding per-person poverty in many advanced countries, chiefly by raising

housing costs, said Bloomberg, a pro-migration business magazine.

“All up, thirteen economies [with high immigration] across the developed world were in per-capita [per-person] recessions at the end of last year, according to exclusive analysis by Bloomberg Economics,” the publication recently reported. 

While there are other factors — such as the shift to less-productive service jobs [instead of manufacturing] and the fact that new arrivals [migrants] typically earn less — housing shortages and associated cost-of-living strains are a common thread.

The countries damaged by this immigration process include Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Germany, and Britain, said the article, which tried to blame the housing prices on a “lack of [housing] supply,” not on excessive migration.

A shortage of properties for the bigger population has sent house prices to over eight times average earnings in England and Wales, and 12 times in London. In 1997, they were 3.5 times earnings and four times, respectively. A lack of supply has also caused rental costs to rocket at a record pace in the last 12 months, worsening a cost-of-living crisis for young Britons especially.

Pessimism among renters about the ability to ever own a home is worsening, with the expectations of someday owning a home falling to a new all-time low, a survey released Monday by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York showed.

The average probability of buying a home, according to renters in the New York Fed’s Survey of Consumer Expectations, fell to 40.1 percent. That’s down from 44.4 percent a year ago and the lowest in records stretching back a decade.

The extra immigrants will be used to build housing for current migrants, Bloomberg said. “Skills shortages across much of the developed world mean more, not fewer, workers are needed,” said the article, which is headlined “Global Housing Shortages Are Crushing Immigration-Fueled Growth.”

Yet public opinion is running against more migration, lamented Bloomberg. “Immigration shapes up as a defining issue in the November presidential election,” said the article. Bloomberg News is owned by Michael Bloomberg, who is a prominent advocate for more migration.

Panama Conservative Party wins presidency on promise to shut down the Darien Gap!

José Raúl Mulino, a last-minute conservative candidate in Panama’s 2024 presidential race, was elected in Sunday’s general election with a nearly ten percent lead over his closest rival.

Mulino, a 64-year-old lawyer and former minister of security in the country, campaigned on implementing a crackdown on migration by “closing” the dangerous Darien Gap jungle trail that Panama shares with Colombia, which thousands of migrants from South America and other regions use to reach the United States. Mulino has also vowed to improve Panama’s economy.

In April, Mulino vowed that, if elected president, he would “close” down the Darien Gap and duly deport migrants in accordance with human rights provisions. Mulino, however, has not given the specifics of what his plan to close the infamous jungle trail would entail at press time.

Almagro said in a statement that the Central American country could count on OAS to continue expanding the agenda of democracy, human rights, security, and sustainable development.

Report: Firearm crime surging in gun-controlled Canada!

Firearm-related crime is surging in heavily gun-controlled Canada, according to a report

from Toronto Star contributor Shaquille Morgan.
Morgan pointed to data from Canadian police, noting “there were 9,198 victims of gun-related crime” in  Canada in 2022.

The 2022 figures represented a ten percent jump in the rate of gun-related crime compared to 2021 and a 60 percent jump compared to 2013.

Morgan zeroed in on handguns, explaining that “63 per cent of gun-related homicides were committed with a handgun.”

Canada has stringent gun controls, and Morgan indicated they have gotten even more stringent during the past years. During that time frame “the federal government has expanded background checks, banned 1,500 models of assault weapons, imposed a national handgun freeze and committed $250 million to address the root causes of gun and gang violence.”

Public Safety Canada noted the handgun freeze prohibits “the sale, purchase or transfer of handguns by individuals within Canada, and…bringing newly acquired handguns into Canada.”

One must acquire a license to legally own a gun in Canada, and the process for getting the license requires applicants to take an approved gun safety course.

Bill Gates admits the COVID jabs contain nanotech; slow kill with no evidence of a crime!

When the COVID vaccines were first being distributed to the public, the vaccine inserts were intentionally left blank. Because they were never safe and effective. And for those who did their own research, they were discovered to be deadly. The Moderna patent for this mRNA technology stated that they contain self assembling lipid nanoparticle technology. And now that an estimated six hundred million doses have been administered to the US public, Bill Gates admits this.

Gates further says these mRNA shots can easily be programmed to administer any type of spike protein pathogen. And the Moderna patent lists several. Over a hundred pathogens that can be control-released over time so that deaths will appear to be random and mysterious. Those injected are understandably having a hard time accepting this reality, and while they are busy trying to figure out where all the heart attacks, turbo cancer, and neurological disease is coming from, they are being told that it’s due to Climate Change, and that regular pandemics are to now be expected.

During the roll-out of the experimental shots, mainstream media pundit, Chris Cuomo, pushed for vaccine passports and attacked vaccine hesitancy.

Cuomo is now claiming to be injured from the vaccines and says we need a 9/11 style commission to figure it all out.

Cuomo assures us that there will be another pandemic. And this does seem to be the one sure thing in today’s uncertain times. The released notes on the current discussions of the WHO pandemic treaty, are all about profit margins. Disease X is coming. The US Dollar is beyond saving. But while it still has a heartbeat there are billions to be made by another fake pandemic. And the CEO of Blackrock, Larry Fink, is saying that because of Artificial Intelligence, continuing the depopulation agenda is a good thing.

So long as we the people do nothing, the outcome is predictable. We will be slaves to a bureaucratic non-human system run by machines. And if we want to remain human and save our souls, then we had better stop being complacent audience members and start getting involved. 

Pfizer whistle-blower Dr. Michael Yeadon recently said the obvious. Without an insurrection we can expect a new event that will trigger a digital ID connected to a digital currency, and a wave of fake pandemics with mandated shots until the population reaches their desired levels.

And as long as we remain stubbornly divided, we don’t stand a chance.


Trump trial enters 4th week; Trump says he’ll go to jail if he has to, on principle!

President Trump also criticized the judge over his gag order. Reporters have been asking President Trump about testimonies in the trial all day, and he has not engaged.

“I tell you people, you ask me a question, a simple question, I’d like to give it but I can’t talk about it, because this judge has given me a gag order and said you’ll go to jail if you violate it,” he said.

“And frankly, you know what, our Constitution is much more important than jail, it’s not even close, I’ll do that sacrifice any day,” he said.

President Trump told the press prosecutors estimate another two or three weeks of trial.

“So we just found out, the government said they want two to three more weeks,” he said. “They want to keep me off the trail for two to three more weeks. Now, anybody in there would realize there’s no case, they don’t have a case.”

“This is just a political witch hunt, it’s election interference, and this is really, truly election interference,” he said, claiming that the case was only brought after he announced his campaign, for political reasons.

“I thought they were finished today! And they are finished today if you look at what’s happening,” he said. “The judge is so happy about two to three more weeks because they all want to keep me off the campaign trail.”

He criticized the prosecutors for not having “enough to fill up the time,” pointing out that they adjourned early today.

“The government didn’t have another witness,” he said.

Witness says Trump did not personally ask him to carry out “hush money” payments! 

A witness in former President Donald Trump’s New York “hush money” trial on May 6 appeared to confirm his attorneys’ claims that payments at the center of the case were legal expenses and that he was not personally directed by the former president to make those payments.

Former Trump Organization Controller Jeffrey McConney testified yesterday that payments that were sent to former attorney Michael Cohen were legal expenses, confirming defense attorneys’ arguments.

“Michael Cohen was a lawyer?” Trump defense attorney Emil Bove asked Mr. McConney.

Mr. McConney replied, “Sure, yes.”

Mr. Bove asked, “And payments to lawyers by The Trump Organization are legal expenses, right?”  Mr. McConney replied, “Yes.”

Later, Mr. McConney said President Trump and Trump Organization official Allen Weisselberg never told him to log the payments to Mr. Cohen as legal expenses.

“President Trump did not ask you to do any of the things you just described?” the attorney then asked.  Mr. McConney replied, “He did not.”

Mr. Bove asked, “And as far as you know, President Trump did not ask anyone to do those things?  “In none of the conversations that you had with Weisselberg, did he suggest that President Trump had told him to do these things?”

Mr. Conney replied, “Allen never told me that.”

Trump Media fires auditor after SEC investigates, replacing it with Arizona firm!

An auditing firm in Phoenix, Arizona just landed a massive client—former President Donald Trump’s media company, Trump Media and Technology Group Corp., which owns the former president’s social media network Truth Social.

Trump Media officially has a market capitalization of $6.7 billion, more than all of the Phoenix-based auditing firm Semple, Marchal & Cooper (SMC), LLP’s pre-Trump clients combined.

A filing submitted to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission yesterday showed that the company fired their former accounting firm BF Borgers CPA PC on May 3, immediately after the SEC announced charges against that company for “massive fraud.”

Trump Media hired the Phoenix firm one day later, according to the filing, and the decision to change independent accounting firms was “made with the recommendation and approval of the Audit Committee of [Trump Media].”

Borgers was Trump Media’s independent accounting firm before the company went public earlier this year, with the company re-hiring BF Borgers as the public company’s accounting firm in March.

Marxist Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders announces bid for 4th term!

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) announced on May 6 that he is running for reelection.

In a video just more than eight minutes long, Mr. Sanders, 82, who caucuses with the Democrats, remarked that given his seniority on committees, he would be “in a strong position to provide the kind of help the Vermonters need in these difficult times.”

“Much more needs to be done if
we are to become the state and the nation our people deserve,” he
said in the video, which was posted on X, formerly Twitter.

Mr. Sanders served in the House of Representatives between 1991 and 2007. He has been in the Senate since 2007.

He was chairman of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee between 2013 and 2015 and the Senate Budget Committee between 2021 and 2023. He currently chairs the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee.

Before entering Congress, he was the mayor of Burlington, Vermont. A self-described democratic socialist, he has been a member of many socialist organizations.

RFK, Jr. claims he’ll win the 2024 election if Americans don’t vote out of fear!

If Americans vote out of hope instead of fear, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will win the 2024 presidential election, he told Epoch TV’s “American Thought Leaders” on May 4.

Multiple polls have shown that at least half of American voters don’t want to cast their ballots for President Joe Biden or former President Donald Trump, the presumptive nominees of their parties.

Mr. Kennedy announced his candidacy to challenge President Biden for the 2024 Democratic Party nomination in April 2023. Claiming that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) was “rigging the primary” to prevent anyone from opposing President Biden, Mr. Kennedy decided to run as an independent in October 2023. Since then, he has embarked on a quest to get ballot access in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The DNC has started a campaign to stop Mr. Kennedy from accomplishing that feat, citing concern that he is a “stalking horse” for President Trump who will prevent President Biden from getting reelected.

“Almost 100 percent” of people planning to vote for President Biden will say they are doing so because “they’re scared that President Trump will be elected and it will be the end of the Republic,” Mr. Kennedy said.

Many President Trump supporters are voting for the former president because they believe that President Biden will “get us into a war” or “just deteriorate in office,” Mr. Kennedy added.

“They would rather vote for me. My challenge is how do I get Americans to vote out of hope rather than out of fear,” he continued.

Republican Tiffany Smiley enters the race to oust Trump impeacher from Congress!

Tiffany Smiley, a veterans’ advocate and former triage nurse, has entered the race for Washington’s Fourth Congressional District, which is currently represented by Rep. Dan Newhouse (R-Wash.)—one of 10 Republicans who voted to impeach President Donald Trump in January 2021.

Ms. Smiley, a Republican, announced the launch of her campaign in a video posted on X on May 6, in which she mentioned her experience of taking on government dysfunction while fighting on behalf of veterans as a Washington outsider. She said she now hopes to change the system from within, while vowing to tackle deficit-fueled government spending and fight for border security.

“We’re spending money that we don’t have while our border is wide open, bringing more crime and drugs into our cities,” she said in the campaign video. “Families are struggling with increases in prices, while homeless veterans sleep on our streets. We can do better.”

While she made no mention in her campaign video about Mr. Newhouse or his vote to impeach President Trump, she has made critical remarks about it in the past. She told the National Review that, given Mr. Newhouse’s history with President Trump, she doesn’t believe he’s the best person for the job.

President Trump has thrown his weight behind U.S. Navy veteran Jerrod Sessler to oust Mr. Newhouse in Washington’s Aug. 6 primary, meaning Ms. Smiley must contend with a Trump-endorsed candidate in the primary.

Of the 10 Republicans who voted to impeach President Trump for the second time, the only ones still left in office are Mr. Newhouse and Rep. David Valadao (R-Calif.).


Is the economic system being destroyed on purpose?

Technocracy News’s Patrick Wood spoke last weekend with his friend Andy Schectman about the state of the world, markets, geopolitics and the economy. What started as a friendly catch-up quickly turned into delving into angles on the state of our nation that I had never before considered — specifically, Andy laying out one theory that started in the 1960’s that could explain the chaos that it appears our economy — and nation — is devolving into.

First, we talked about the bond market, excessive fiscal spending and why gold continues to be the answer. Andy told me: “I think it’s a lot deeper than that, too. I think that we have proven to the rest of the world, largely through weaponizing of the dollar, that if you don’t align ideologically with us, well, that’s even a bigger problem. So, yeah, when you look at what gold has done over the past 25 years, it’s outpaced the bond market, but it doesn’t have the counterparty risk.”

“And I think that’s really the big problem here,” he continued, explaining why he thinks the bond market will eventually lose its footing. “It’s counterparty risk on top of brain-dead monetary policy and as irresponsible a fiscal policy as you could ever imagine. So, yes, I do think it is. And I don’t know if 5% is the line in the sand. I mean, it just seems as though, according to Jim Willey, we can hand money to Ireland and the Caymans and the United Kingdom under the table to continue to, you know, continue the facade, if you will. as to who would be stupid enough to buy any treasuries of maturity, any U.S. bonds of length of maturity, 10-year or greater, who in their right mind would do that?”

Andy then told me about the “Cloward–Piven theory”, which I had never heard of before.

The Cloward–Piven strategy is a political strategy outlined in 1966 by American sociologists and political activists Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven. The strategy aims to utilize “militant anti poverty groups” to facilitate a “political crisis” by overloading the welfare system via an increase in welfare claims, forcing the creation of a system of guaranteed minimum income and “redistributing income through the federal government”.

Watch out for “tech support” scams lurking within “sponsored search results”!

A campaign using sponsored search results is targeting home users and taking them to tech support scams.

Sponsored search results are the ones that are listed at the top of search results and are labeled “Sponsored”. They’re often ads that are taken out by brands who want to get people to click through to their website. In the case of malicious sponsored ads, scammers tend to outbid the brands in order to be listed as the Urst search result.

The criminals that buy the ads will go as far as displaying the oVcial brand’s website within the ad snippet, making it hard for an unsuspecting visitor to notice a difference.

Who would, for example, be able to spot that the below ad for CNN is not legitimate. You’ll have to click on the three dots (in front of where we added malicious ad) and look at the advertiser information to see that it’s not the legitimate owner of the brand.

Only then it becomes apparent that the real advertiser is not CNN, but instead a company called Yojoy Network Technology Co., Limited.

In our example, the scammers failed to use the correct CNN or Amazon icons, but in other cases (like another recent discovery by Jerome Segura), scammers have even used the correct icon.


That ‘New Car Smell’ Could Be Toxic Carcinogens

“New car smell” is a beloved benefit of buying a new vehicle.

However, at least part of that scent could be due to toxic carcinogens released by flame retardants, a new study says.

Flame retardant chemicals added to seat foam and other car components pollute the cabin air inside all personal vehicles, according to findings published in the journal Environmental Science & Technology.

Further, these chemicals are added to meet an outdated federal flammability standard that actually holds no proven fire-safety benefit, researchers said.

“Considering the average driver spends about an hour in the car every day, this is a significant public health issue,” lead researcher Rebecca Hoehn, a doctoral student and toxicology scientist at Duke University, said in a news release. “It’s particularly concerning for drivers with longer commutes as well as child passengers, who breathe more air pound for pound than adults.”

The research team found flame retardants inside the cabins of 101 cars model year 2015 or newer from across the United States, results show.

Nearly all cars (99%) contained tris (1-chloro-isopropyl) phosphate (TCIPP), a flame retardant under investigation by the U.S. National Toxicology Program as a potential carcinogen, researchers said.

Most cars also had two other flame retardants considered carcinogenic in California, tris (1,3-dichloro-2-propyl) phosphate (TDCIPP) and tris (2-chloroethyl) phosphate (TCEP), researchers said.

These and other identified flame retardants also have been linked to neurological and reproductive health concerns, researchers said.


Space Force Intel: China’s satellite fleet poses threats to U.S. troops in potential Pacific conflict!

China has achieved a strategic breakout in space, now deploying a vast network of satellites capable of targeting U.S. forces, should a conflict break out between the two nations in the western Pacific, according to the U.S. Space Force’s intelligence chief.

“The PLA [People’s Liberation Army] has rapidly advanced in space in a way that few people can really appreciate,” Maj. Gen. Gregory J. Gagnon, deputy chief of space operations for intelligence, told the Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies on May 2.

“I tried to think about historical analogies, about rapid buildups. I haven’t seen a rapid build-up like this. … I was thinking about World War II … but even as I was looking more broadly, an adversary arming this fast is profoundly concerning.”

Maj. Gen. Gagnon said that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has increased its on-orbit capability by 550 percent since the end of 2015.


California Supreme Court rules people can’t be detained just for trying to avoid the police!

The California Supreme Court issued a unanimous ruling that police or sheriff’s deputies cannot detain people on the street just because they are trying to avoid contact with them.

The state’s high court wrote that the fact that a person appears to be concealing him- or herself or acting nervously cannot be the only reason for an officer to detain the person. Those actions can be “relevant context,” but there still needs to be “reasonable suspicion of criminal activity,” Justice Carol Corrigan wrote in the court’s 7-0 ruling.

Law enforcement officials, she added in the opinion, “may consider what they see in plain view,” and they can “approach people in public, engage them in consensual conversation, and take note of their appearance and behavior.“ However, there needs to be probable cause because the individual is ”constitutionally protected and empowered to go on his or her way,” Justice Corrigan wrote.


Green new globalism: Stellantis to make hydrogen Ram Trucks in Mexico!

Multinational automaker Stellantis is set to launch its first hydrogen-powered vehicle for

the United States market with its made-in-Mexico Ram 5500 trucks.

Stellantis executives have announced that its hydrogen-powered Ram 5500 large pick-up truck will be manufactured in Mexico and sold in the United States market with a focus on sales in hydrogen vehicle- friendly California.

“This year, we are starting production of larger vehicles in Poland, and development in North America is expected to follow quickly, especially with the large Ram 5500 in a fuel-cell version,” Stellantis’s Jean-Michael Billig told Welt am Sonntag, a German newspaper.

Specifically, Stellantis will produce the hydrogen Ram 5500 trucks at its Saltillo Truck Assembly Plant in Saltillo, Mexico.

Last year, records reviewed by The American Prospect showed that Stellantis workers at its Saltillo plant can earn as little as $2.54 an hour.

The production of its hydrogen-powered Ram trucks in Mexico comes as Stellantis has laid off about 400 American engineers with plans to hire engineers in countries like Mexico, Brazil, India, and Morocco.


Mosquitoes Hate These Plants. Grow Them In Your Home

By incorporating mosquito-repelling plants into your living space, you can create a garden indoors that not only enhances the ambiance but also helps keep those pesky insects at bay.


Report: Colorado assault weapons ban sponsor plans to kill her own bill!

A report from Colorado Newsline indicates the Democrat sponsor of Colorado’s “assault

weapons” ban legislation plans to kill her own bill.

According to the report, State Sen. Julie Gonzales (D) said she plans to ask for the bill to be removed from consideration on Tuesday during a committee hearing.

Colorado’s legislative session ends Wednesday, and it appears Gonzales does not believe that that provides the time needed to work on the bill.

She said, “After thoughtful conversations with my Senate colleagues, I decided that more conversations need to take place outside of the pressure cooker of the Capitol during the last weeks of the legislative session.”

The Colorado Sun noted the “assault weapons” ban legislation “passed the House in mid-April on a 35- 27 vote.” No Republicans voted for it.

Breitbart News pointed out that the “assault weapons” ban legislation banned 9mm pistols with threaded barrels and detachable magazines, as well as AR-15s and AK-47s.

Moreover, the text of the legislation makes clear that a semiautomatic handgun of any caliber would be banned if it took a detachable magazine and had a threaded barrel.

Amazon delivery driver shoots and kills alleged armed carjacker! 

An Amazon delivery driver shot and killed an alleged armed carjacker around 4:00 p.m.

Saturday in Cleveland’s Ohio City neighborhood.

WKYC reported that the suspect allegedly approached the Amazon driver intending to take the delivery truck “at gunpoint.”

The Amazon driver shot the alleged carjacker, who managed to get into the delivery truck and drive it until crashing a short distance away.

Cleveland 19 noted it is unclear precisely when the Amazon driver shot the suspect, who was pronounced dead at the scene after crashing the vehicle.

USA Today pointed out that the alleged carjacker was 17 years old.

No charges have been filed against the driver at this time.


Study suggests COVID boosters provide no added protection for children!

U.S. health agencies continue to recommend additional COVID-19 vaccine doses for children, yet research suggests booster vaccinations do not provide healthy children with additional immunologic protection against symptomatic infection.

A recently published study in Nature Medicine found that a third COVID-19 vaccine dose in healthy children aged 5 to 12 improved antibody titers but did not impact B cell memory or T cell responses, which are the most important predictors of protection against symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Moreover, neutralizing antibodies against SARS-CoV-2, widely used to infer protection against COVID-19, were only indicative of protection in those with hybrid immunity who had a history of infection and vaccination.

“Collectively, our findings question current pediatric vaccination guidelines that call for booster vaccination in children who have completed two-dose mRNA vaccination; the higher rates of adverse events from booster compared to primary vaccination in our cohort further cautions on the possibility of risks outweighing benefits,” the paper’s authors wrote.


Illegal alien accused of sexually assaulting 11-year-old girl after being freed into U.S. by Biden’s DHS!

An illegal alien who was recently released into the United States from the southern border is accused of kidnapping and sexually assaulting an 11-year-old girl in Palm Beach County, Florida.

Marvin Perez Lopez, a 20-year-old illegal alien from Guatemala, has been arrested and charged with kidnapping a minor under 13 years old and sexual assault by the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office.

According to police, on May 2 the mother of the victim went looking for her daughter when she realized she was not inside their residence at the apartment building. She found her daughter inside a van with a man, later identified as Lopez, who also lives in the building.

After the victim’s mother banged on the windows of the van, Lopez allegedly came running out and apologized. The woman said she did not immediately call the police because she was concerned about her own immigration status.

When police were eventually notified of the incident, they interviewed the 11-year-old girl who said she was forced into the van by Lopez. According to the girl, the illegal alien started touching her and she responded by pushing him away.

The girl said she tried to flee the van but Lopez grabbed her and sexually assaulted her. When police arrived at Lopez’s residence the next day, he attempted to evade arrest.

According to the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office, Lopez crossed the U.S.-Mexico border in January of this year. He was given a court date to appear before an immigration judge in 2027 and released from Department of Homeland Security (DHS) custody into the United States interior. Lopez remains in Palm Beach County Jail without bail.


Dog Lifestyle: Hiking with your dog … 

There are a few hiking essentials for dogs you should always bring: The most important thing you can do for your dog is to protect them from ticks. Just like humans, dogs can get seriously ill from ticks, and trails are more tick-packed than a neighborhood sidewalk. NexGard, for example, is a chewable preventative that stops ticks from biting in the first place, and one dose lasts a whole month. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still periodically check your dog for ticks — you definitely should do that.

No matter the season, extra drinking water is a necessity. Always carry a collapsible dog bowl or water bottle made especially for dogs with a built-in dispenser. Either one fits conveniently into a backpack, and makes it easy to stop and admire the view while your pup hydrates. Another must? Poop bags. Some trails have dispensers at the trailhead, but don’t count on it.

  1. Start with short, smooth trails 

Before you head out on an intense hike, take your dog on easier trails first. And if your pup hasn’t had their annual check-up, make sure you see a vet before you head out.

  1. Research dog-friendly hikes.

Look up the best dog-friendly trails in your area, and make sure dogs are allowed on the path you want to hike. 

  1. Pack a dog first aid kit.

Make sure you pack a few first aid items in case your dog cuts their paw, so you can keep them safe. Bring alcohol wipes, bandages, tweezers and alcohol wipes and Benadryl. 

  1. Prepare a small dog.

If you’re hiking with a small dog, be aware that they might not be able to go as far as large breeds. So, you may need to spend some time building up their strength and endurance before you head out on your hike.

How can we get to know the trail? 

Do your homework when you’re researching the best hiking trails that are dog friendly: During which hours are dogs allowed? Do they need to be leashed? I prefer trails where dogs may be off-leash but must be under voice control, which means your dog will actually need to come when called. You could be sharing the trail with other hikers, cyclists, horseback riders, and, of course, wildlife. Make sure you’re not putting your dog, yourself, or others in danger.

… and make sure the hiking trail allows pets! 

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