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Today's News: May 09, 2018

World News
US deportations to Mexico rise to start year
AP – Human rights and immigrant advocates are calling on the Mexican government to devote more resources to supporting the growing number of Mexicans deported from the United States.
Saudis to Seek Nuclear Weapon If Iran Resumes Its Nuclear Program
Sputnik – The US decision to withdraw from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), more commonly known as Iran nuclear deal, has sparkled uncertainty over the reached nuclear arrangements and Tehran’s further actions.
Iran to Face ‘Very Severe Consequences’ If Restarts Nuclear Program – Trump
Sputnik – US President Donald Trump said Wednesday that Iran would either negotiate or “something will happen.”
U.S. News, Politics & Government
3 Americans freed in North Korea, returning to U.S. with Pompeo   
AP – Three Americans detained in North Korea for more than a year are on their way back to the U.S. with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, President Donald Trump announced Wednesday in the latest sign of improving relations between the two longtime adversary nations.
Trump threatens to remove news networks’ press credentials over negative coverage
The Hill – Trump threatens to remove news networks’ press credentials over negative coverage
early Wednesday suggested taking away news networks’ press credentials over “negative” coverage.
“The Fake News is working overtime. Just reported that, despite the tremendous success we are having with the economy & all things else, 91% of the Network News about me is negative (Fake),” Trump wrote on Twitter.
“Why do we work so hard in working with the media when it is corrupt? Take away credentials?”
Contra Costa County sues drug companies over opioid epidemic   
AP – Contra Costa County is among 30 California counties suing pharmaceutical manufacturers and distributors for their role in creating a widespread opioid epidemic.
The lawsuit filed by Contra Costa County seeks reimbursement of taxpayer funds that have been spent responding to the opioid epidemic in the county and for ongoing costs, such as emergency response for overdoses, prevention, monitoring and treatment.
Big Donors Form New Alliance to Seize House From Republicans
NYT –     Major Democratic donors in New York have discreetly formed a new political alliance to raise roughly $10 million that would be injected into as many as two dozen key House battlegrounds in an effort to wrest control of Congress from Republicans.
House GOP members force Ryan’s hand on immigration vote
Washington Post – A small group of Republicans has launched an effort to sidestep House Speaker Paul D. Ryan and put immigration legislation on the House floor this year in a bid to secure protections for young undocumented immigrants.
CIA nominee Haspel vows spy agency will not reinstate torture
AFP – Gina Haspel, Donald Trump’s nominee to lead the CIA, vowed Wednesday that the spy agency will not engage in torture of detainees under her watch, even if ordered by the president.
Facing opposition over her role at a secret CIA prison in Thailand in 2002 where Al-Qaeda detainees were waterboarded, Haspel made clear she would not support such activity in the future if she is confirmed as CIA director.
Nancy Pelosi Promises To Raise Taxes If Dems Take Over In Midterm Elections
SHFT Plan – Nancy Pelosi has promised that Democrats will work to roll back the tax cuts enacted by president Donald Trump if her party takes over after the midterm elections. Apparently, the American people aren’t having enough of their hard earned money stolen from them already.
Economy & Business
Putin: Russia Needs to Get Rid of ‘Dollar Burden’ in Oil Trade
Sputnik – Beginning his new term in office, the Russian President has made disengaging the US currency from the Russian economy one of his goals, stating that the dollar monopoly is dangerous. The announcement comes as Moscow and Beijing attempt to step up bilateral oil sales and financial cooperation.
Wall Street climbs on oil rally after U.S. exits Iran deal
Reuters – U.S stocks advanced on Wednesday as a surge in oil prices boosted energy stocks following President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw the United States from a nuclear deal with Iran.
Energy & Environment
California red tide is glowing blue at night
AP -A red tide on the Southern California coast is causing the surf to glow neon blue in the dark.
An algae bloom filled with bioluminescent phytoplankton has been lighting up the ocean the past two nights on an 18-mile stretch from La Jolla to Encinitas. The micro-organisms light up along the face of the wave when it crashes near the shore.
Science & Technology
Amazon is showing what it’s like to have a home completely controlled by Alexa
CNBC – Amazon wants to show you how much you can rely on its Alexa voice assistant to control everything in your home, from thermostats to TVs.
The company announced Wednesday it’s partnering with homebuilder Lennar to create “Amazon Experience Centers” — model homes containing built-in Alexa-controlled appliances — in hopes of persuading homeowners and homebuyers to embed Amazon services into their houses.
The Iran Nuclear Deal Unraveling Raises Fears of Cyberattacks
Wired – For the last three years, Iran has restrained its state-sponsored hackers from disruptive attacks on the West. That ceasefire may now be over.
Fifth Element Style: WATCH How Uber’s Flying Taxi Will Look
Sputnik – The mobile service giant has expanded its cooperation with NASA and partnered with the US Army to develop and test “taxi aircrafts,” which it plans present by 2020. In the meantime, the company has teased the public, visualizing how it would feel to ride in Uber’s version of Korben Dallas.
Gardening, Farming & Homesteading
Morel Mushrooms: Tips For Hunting Them This Spring
Off Grid News – The time for morel mushroom hunting is upon us. The temperatures are starting to rise, and signs of spring are popping up all around us. That means morel mushroom season is here as well.
In most areas, morel mushrooms start to bloom in late April. Their growing season lasts throughout early June. The season will depend on your area.

  • If it is your first year hunting mushrooms, ask local, experienced hunters when they typically find them. Also, start hunting a month or so before you expect to see them to increase your chances.

The best time to find morel mushrooms is after heavy rainfall when the air is warm and humid. Keep an eye on the temperature. Morels tend to be a bit picky about the temperature.
They enjoy the weather when it gets around 60 degrees and above throughout the day. Night temperatures should hover around 40 degrees. Soil temperatures will be between 45 and 50 degrees when morels start to develop.
In the early spring, southern-facing hills will be the ideal place to check for mushrooms. They receive more sunlight in this area. As the season gets closer to June, morel mushrooms grow more on northern-facing hills.
24-hour fast could help reverse gut problems
Natural Health News – Older people with stomach and digestive problems could benefit from the regenerative power of a 24-hour fast, according to new research.
For many decades, scientists have known that low caloric intake is linked with greater longevity in humans and other organisms. The researchers were interested in exploring how fasting worked at the molecular level, specifically in the stem cells in the intestine.
Lutein gives a boost to IQ and creative thinking
Natural Health News – Lutein is recognised as a vision-improving vitamin – but a new study suggests what’s good for the eyes may also be good for your brain power.
The link between lutein and eye health was first reported in 1994 when researchers discovered a link between the intake of carotenoid-rich food, particularly dark green leafy vegetables like spinach, and a significant reduction in age-related macular degeneration (AMD)
Since then it has become the go-to nutrient to help prevent macular degeneration, cataracts and other eye-related problems.
More recently scientist have discovered that it may have a role to play in reducing systemic inflammation. Other data has shown that the brain requires lutein for proper development.
Pet News
Congressman Exposes ‘Secretive’ USDA Experiments that are Incinerating Hundreds of Kittens
The Daily Sheeple – Prince George’s County, MD — Rep. Mike Bishop, a Republican representing Michigan’s 8th District, is exposing a program that he calls “secretive and problematic” within the U.S. Department of Agriculture in which hundreds of kittens are being incinerated in Maryland.
According to the USDA, the breeding and subsequent mass killing of kittens is essential to understanding and combating a dangerous parasite. However, citing inhumane procedures and wasted taxpayer funds, Bishop has called for an official investigation into the program.

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