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Today's News: May 18, 2018

World News
UN votes to send war crimes investigators to Gaza
Al Jazeera – UN Human Rights Council decides to urgently dispatch experts to probe Israel’s killing of Palestinians in Gaza.
Chile’s bishops offer to resign en masse over sex abuse cover-up
Al Jazeera – In a leaked document, the pope blamed the Chilean church hierarchy for ‘grave defects’ in handling sex abuse cases.
‘Violent Explosions’ Reported at Iran-Linked Syrian Airbase
Breitbart – A series of blasts were reported on Friday in the vicinity of a military airbase that is reportedly controlled in part by Iran in Hama in northwestern Syria.
Vatican warns of financial ‘ticking time bomb’ ready to explode
RT – The Vatican has called for more regulation of markets and financial systems, saying economic crises showed they were not able to govern themselves and needed a strong injection of morality and ethics.
In a major document, written by two key Holy See departments, the Vatican said profit for the sake of profit and not for the greater good was “illegitimate.”
It also condemned a “reckless and amoral culture of waste” which has created oligarchies in some countries while leaving great masses of impoverished people “without any means of escape”.
U.S. News, Politics & Government
Texas high school shooting is a multiple-casualty incident, suspect in custody
Fox – Several people were injured after reports of an active shooter at a Texas high school Friday morning, school officials confirmed. The suspected shooter was taken into custody.
Report: IG refers FBI, Justice officials for criminal prosecution
WND – State Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz has found “reasonable grounds” for believing the FBI and the Justice Department violated federal criminal law in their handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation, according to investigative reporter Paul Sperry.
Trump: Why isn’t McCabe being investigated?
Fox – President Trump took aim once again Friday at fired FBI official Andrew McCabe, asking why he’s not “being investigated” over his political connections during the Hillary Clinton email investigation.
Cory Gardner Introduces Body Armor Bill to Keep Police Officers Safe
Fox – In honor of National Police Week, Sen. Cory Gardner (R-Colo.) introduced a bill to equip every U.S. law enforcement officer with body armor that can withstand a shot from a rifle.
Trump Administration to Restrict Planned Parenthood Family Planning Funds
Breitbart – The Trump administration is expected to announce Friday a proposed rule to cut family planning funding from abortion providers such as Planned Parenthood that promote abortion and refer women for the procedure as a method of family planning.
Psychiatrists: 97% of abortions for false ‘mental health’ reasons
Life News – A group of psychiatrists have said in an open letter that they do not want to see spurious appeals to ‘mental health’ being used to justify abortion.
The intervention comes with just over a week to go (and with polls tightening) until Ireland votes on whether to repeal the Eighth Amendment and legislate for liberal access to abortion.
Abortion isn’t “healthcare” or “treatment”
The open letter, published yesterday, is signed by 26 consultant psychiatrists, and argues that presenting the case for repeal in terms of “healthcare” is misleading and inverts the true purpose of medicine.
It points out that “under the law as proposed by the Government, the vast majority of abortions would involve healthy babies and healthy women. This is not ‘healthcare’ but something else entirely.” The fact that abortion would be allowed up to 12 weeks for any reason, it goes on, “makes it even more misleading for Government spokespeople or pro-choice advocates to continually present abortion as a form of ‘treatment’.”
Gina Haspel makes history as first female CIA director
Christian Science Monitor – n the closest vote in history, Gina Haspel has been confirmed by the Senate as the next CIA director. While backed by many senior intelligence officers, opponents expressed concern about her involvement in the agency’s interrogation program after 9/11.
Lawyer suing for Mueller’s media contacts: Produce documents now
WND – Washington watchdog lawyer suing to obtain access to special counsel Robert Mueller’s communications with the media is asking a court to order that the documents be made available now – not in “dribbles” over coming months or years.
Veteran courtroom fighter Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch has filed a response to government plans to roll out the documents – beginning months from now – in small releases.
Veteran News
House to Vote on Major VA Overhaul for Private Care Option
Military.com – The House is expected to vote this week on a bill aimed at ending the political infighting that has riven the leaderless Department of Veterans Affairs by overhauling the way the VA pays and provides for the health care and benefits of the nation’s veterans.
Passage of H.R. 5674, the “VA Mission Act,” would mark a major victory for the White House in the long-running battle over the Choice program, which allows veterans to opt for community care.
Trump Nominates Robert Wilkie To Head Dept. Of Veteran Affairs
CBS – Acting Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert Wilkie is President Donald Trump’s pick to permanently lead the beleaguered department.
Economy & Business
US, China launch trade talks to avert tariff war
Al Jazeera – China has offered to cut its trade surplus with United States by $200bn, according to media reports, amid fresh round of talks in Washington aimed at averting a trade war.
Science & Technology
Google has plan to remake society with total data collection
The Verge –  Google has built a multibillion-dollar business out of knowing everything about its users. Now, a video produced within Google and obtained by The Verge offers a stunningly ambitious and unsettling look at how some at the company envision using that information in the future.
Gardening, Farming & Homesteading
24 Creative Uses for the Aloe Vera Plant on Your Windowsill
Care2 – Affectionately dubbed by the Egyptians as “the plant of immortality,” the aloe vera plant is a jack of all trades. Inside the leaves of the plant is a clear, gel-like substance that has a long history f being used everywhere from the kitchen to the vanity. It’s also a natural antiseptic, may have anti-cancer compounds and can be a great detox solution if you’re feeling worn down.
Here are 24 ways to put your aloe vera plant to maximum use!
9 Plants to Grow That Help Your Brain and Memory
Care2 – You don’t have to spend a fortune on fancy supplements to enhance your brain power. You can grow them for practically free!

  1. Peppermint
  2. Sage
  3. Turmeric
  4. Thyme
  5. Kale
  6. Ginkgo
  7. Ginger
  8. Beans

DRC’s Ebola outbreak spreads to Mbandaka city
Al Jazeera – World Health Organization has called for an emergency meeting to decide whether the virus is likely to spread internationally.
Using Less Plastic Reduces Harmful Chemicals in the Body in as Little as a Month
Care2 – A tiny pilot study has shown that women who reduce their exposure to plastic see a decrease in estrogen-mimicking chemicals in their bodies within a month.
Gentian Root: The Ancient Herb that Aids Digestion, Wound Healing & More
Dr. Axe – Gentian (Gentiana lutea) is a bitter herb that has been used in traditional systems of medicine practiced throughout Europe for over 2,000 years. As a liver tonic and digestive aid, it also has a long history of use in Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).
What is gentian root used for today? Many of this herb’s original applications still stand, such as treating indigestion, liver dysfunction and fatigue. Among its many active compounds are gentiopicroside and amarogentin, a characteristic bitter compound that binds to the bitter taste receptors in the mouth. (1)
Like other bitter herbs and foods, herbalists commonly use gentian’s taste and quality to support digestive health since it helps with stimulating bile, increasing the appeal of food, and detoxing the liver, gallbladder and other organs. Other benefits of gentian include fighting inflammation, supporting the nervous system, boosting endurance and aiding in heart health

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