June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: May 23, 2023


Report: UC Berkeley Failed to Disclose $240 Million Deal with China

UC Berkeley repeatedly neglected to inform the U.S. government of its massive deal with China, which involves the communist country funding a highly sensitive $240 million joint tech venture that has been running for the last eight years.

The university failed to disclosed to the U.S. government a $220 million investment from the city of Shenzhen for a tech project inside China, and another $19 million from Tsinghua University in Beijing, according to documents obtained by the Daily Beast.

France Bans Short-Haul Flights: Decrees Travelers Must Catch a Train Instead

The French government published a decree Tuesday banning domestic commercial airline flights for journeys possible in less than two-and-a-half hours by train.

AFP reports although the move was first included in a 2021 climate law and applied in practice, the Union of French Airports (UAF) as well as the European branch of the Airports Council International (ACI Europe) sought European Commission action to investigate whether it was legal.


Exclusive – Tim Scott on 2024: ‘100 Percent’ This Is Not a Two-Man Race Between Trump, DeSantis

Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), who just launched his 2024 presidential campaign on Monday, told Breitbart News exclusively that “100 percent” he does not view the GOP primary as a “two-man race” between former President Donald Trump and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis—which is why he jumped in the race.

Trump Reacts to Sen. Tim Scott’s 2024 Presidential Announcement

Former President Trump on Monday welcomed Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) to the 2024 Republican presidential primary, using Scott’s move as a means to target Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

“Good luck to Senator Tim Scott in entering the Republican Presidential Primary Race,” Trump wrote on Truth Social moments after Scott’s announcement on Monday. “It is rapidly loading up with lots of people, and Tim is a big step up” from DeSantis, he said.

Trump, who was not critical of Scott, added that he and Scott worked together to come up with the Opportunity Zone program, an idea that was included in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. And Scott has remained largely uncritical of Trump over the past several years, though he has said on different occasions that the former president should have apologized for what he described as racist statements.

Oracle’s Larry Ellison Set to Donate Millions to Back Tim Scott’s Presidential Run 

Oracle co-founder Larry Ellison is set to donate tens of millions of dollars to back Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) for president in 2024, according to reports.

Ellison has been planning to support Scott’s presidential bid since he donated $30 million to the pro-Scott super PAC, Opportunity Matters Fund, CNBC reported.

Report: Glenn Youngkin ‘Reconsidering’ 2024 White House Bid

Republican Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin is “reconsidering” a bid for the White House in the 2024 election, Axios reported.

This month, Youngkin said he would not run for president “this year,” leading many to speculate he called off any possibility of running for president.

AI Generated Hoax of Pentagon Explosion Causes Markets to Dip

A fake image showing the aftermath of an explosion near the Pentagon in Washington D.C., home to the U.S. Department of Defense, apparently created by AI technology, went viral on social media early this morning.

The image showed a cloud of smoke near buildings that appeared to be close to the Pentagon, leading many accounts to speculate that there had been an explosion near the building.

2023 FPEA Florida Homeschool Convention

If you’re a Florida homeschooler, please come out to the Florida Parent-Educators Association annual #homeschooling convention. Alex Newman will be teaching on the threats to educational liberty, why most Americans struggle with reading, and the purpose of education! 

Note: Alex Newman will be joining the show on Wednesday to discuss this convention

Durham Report: Jim Jordan Says ‘Everything’s on the Table’ When Asked About Opening Probe Into Clintons

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) said Sunday that the committee is going to take a “good, hard look” at individuals highlighted in the recently released Durham report and that “nothing is off the table” in terms of potential probes.

Jordan made the remarks in an interview on Fox News, in which he was asked about pursuing new investigations in light of special counsel John Durham’s report, which found that the FBI dropped four criminal investigations into former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ahead of the 2016 presidential election.

The long-awaited Durham report (pdf) showed that the FBI began investigating claims in late 2014 that two foreign governments were trying to make illegal donations to buy influence during Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. Later, three different FBI field offices launched probes into the Clinton Foundation for “possible criminal activity.”

Jeffrey Epstein Tried to Blackmail Bill Gates, Microsoft Co-Founder Says

Sex offender Jeffrey Epstein attempted to blackmail Bill Gates, one of the wealthiest men in the world, the co-founder of Microsoft has said through a spokesperson.

“Epstein tried unsuccessfully to leverage a past relationship to threaten Mr. Gates,” a spokeswoman for Gates told The Wall Street Journal.

Gates has acknowledged meeting with Epstein, who pleaded guilty to soliciting a minor for prostitution in Florida in 2008 and was accused of trafficking young girls, multiple times.

IRS to Send Attachés Abroad to Fight Cybercrimes

The Internal Revenue Service’s (IRS) Criminal Investigation (CI) unit will launch a pilot program in June in which cyber attachés will be sent across four continents to combat cybercrime, the agency announced on May 18.

This initiative focuses on cracking down on tax and financial crimes involving cryptocurrency, decentralized finance, peer-to-peer payments, and mixing services. It signals the IRS’s commitment to staying one step ahead of cybercriminals in the digital landscape.

The program will be from June to September 2023, in which cyber attachés will be stationed in strategic locations worldwide. The chosen cities for deployment include Sydney, Singapore, Bogota, and Frankfurt, covering the regions of Australia, Asia, South America, and Europe, respectively.

The IRS CI seeks to facilitate a seamless exchange of expertise, intelligence, and tools with foreign counterparts to effectively combat cybercrime.

Biden Suggests He Can Raise Debt Ceiling Without GOP Support Using 14th Amendment

President Joe Biden says he believes he can raise the debt ceiling unilaterally under the 14th Amendment even without GOP support.

“I’m looking at the 14th Amendment as to whether or not we have the authority [to raise the debt ceiling without congressional backing]—I think we have the authority,” Biden said during a May 21 press conference at the Group of Seven (G-7) summit in Hiroshima, Japan.

Specifically, Biden is referencing a little-known portion of the 14th Amendment which reads: “The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned.”

Particularly important to Biden’s argument is the final clause, “shall not be questioned.” Some argue that this means that the president can act unilaterally to ensure that the nation does not default, even without Congress.

Part of the so-called “Civil War amendments,” this provision was included in the 14th amendment as a means to ensure that newly reconquered southern states would not question the debts of the United States—particularly debts it picked up in wag

Rein in the FBI: Put an End to the FBI’s Gestapo Tactics

One of the creeping hands of totalitarianism running through the democracy is the Federal Bureau of Investigation… Because why does the FBI do all this? To scare the hell out of people… They work for the establishment and the corporations and the politicos to keep things as they are. And they want to frighten and chill the people who are trying to change things.”—Howard Zinn, historian

Power corrupts. We know this.

In fact, we know this from experience learned the hard way at the hands of our own government.

So why is anyone surprised to learn that the FBI, one of the most power-hungry and corrupt agencies within the police state’s vast complex of power-hungry and corrupt agencies, misused a massive government surveillance database more than 300,000 times in order to target American citizens?

This is how the government operates, after all.

Supreme Court Won’t Hear Florida Democrat’s Defamation Appeal

A defamation lawsuit that controversial former Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.) brought against independent political groups over the 2018 election was dismissed by the Supreme Court on May 22.

The formerly high-profile, left-wing, ex-lawmaker represented Florida’s 9th congressional district from 2013 to 2017. He sought the Democrats’ nomination for the seat in August 2018 but lost the primary election. Before that, he represented the state’s 8th congressional district from 2009 to 2011. Grayson attempted a political comeback in 2022 but lost the Democratic Party’s primary for Florida’s 10th congressional district.

The Supreme Court’s new decision in Grayson v. No Labels Inc., court file 22-906, took the form of an unsigned order. The court did not explain why it declined to hear Grayson’s petition. No justices dissented from the order.

Florida Restaurant Sues DeSantis for Banning ‘Family Friendly’ Drag Shows

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) is being sued by a restaurant after the state implemented a ban on “family friendly” drag shows.

Hamburger Mary’s Bar & Grille in downtown Orlando launched the federal lawsuit Monday to end what it claims is “the continued oppression of the LGBTQ+ community.”

Democrat NC Governor Declares ‘State of Emergency for Public Education’ over School Choice Plan

Democrat North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper (D) declared a “State of Emergency for Public Education” on Monday over a Republican-led effort to promote school choice by expanding the state’s private school voucher program.

Cooper claimed in a video address posted to social media that Republican lawmakers are “dropping an atomic bomb on public education” by expanding voucher eligibility to any K-12 student. The governor claimed expansion will result in “steep funding cuts” for public schools.


2 gun control bills pass in Pennsylvania House

Authorities could temporarily seize firearms and background checks would be expanded for gun buyers, under two bills passed Monday in the Pennsylvania House, where Democrats are using their razor-thin majority to push gun-control measures after a yearslong standstill in the politically divided government.

The party describes the proposals as relatively moderate measures to cut down on gun trafficking, suicide deaths, accidental shootings and day-to-day violence. Republicans oppose the bills, saying they punish law-abiding gun owners.

“While this is just the first step, by passing these commonsense and responsible gun safety measures we’ve shown our neighbors and communities that we are listening and we are acting, and that we stand with them in combating senseless gun violence,” said House Speaker Joanna McClinton, a Philadelphia Democrat.

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer set to sign red flag law

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer will give final approval Monday afternoon to a red flag law that aims to keep firearms away from those at risk of harming themselves or others as the state grapples with ways to slow gun violence in the wake of its second mass school shootings.

Whitmer plans to sign the legislation just outside of Detroit, with Lt. Gov. Garlin Gilchrist II, Attorney General Dana Nessel and former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords all expected to be in attendance. Giffords began campaigning for gun safety after she was shot in the head in 2011 in Tucson, Arizona.

Michigan will join Minnesota as the second state in under a week to implement a red flag law after Democrats in both states won control of both chambers and the governor’s office in November. New Mexico previously was the last state to pass a red flag law in 2020.


It Was Central Banks That Rigged The 2008 Lehman Brothers Crisis

Just when you thought it was all over (or couldn’t get any worse)…

In the last decade, 37 traders and brokers have been prosecuted by the US Department of Justice and the UK’s Serious Fraud Office for their roles in ‘rigging’ interest-rates during the Great Financial Crisis (GFC).

However, in extracts from Rigged, a book by Andy Verity on the Libor-rigging scandal (published in The Times), he explains how in 2008, it was central banks and government that pressed banks to bring down key interest rates, but none of this evidence was ever shown to jurors in nine criminal trials which resulted in multiple jail sentences for those involved (19 convicted, 9 jailed).

Backed up and supplemented by published data, The BBC reports that the suppressed evidence indicates that in October 2008, central banks intervened on a large scale in the setting of Libor and Euribor.

This was at the same time as dozens of former traders were criminally prosecuted for much less serious rate “manipulation”, it is claimed.


Child safety app riddled with vulnerabilities: Update now!

An app designed to restrict screen time and add a “kids’ mode” for children on smart devices has been found to have a broad range of security issues

The app, “Parental Control – Kids Place” is an Android app which is incredibly popular, sporting 5M+ downloads on its Google Play page. In terms of what the app does with user’s data, Play’s Data Safety page has this to say: 

  • No data shared with third parties 
  • Precise location, name and email, installed apps and other actions, crash logs, and device / other IDs may be collected 
  • Data is encrypted in transit 
  • You can request that data be deleted 

Despite this, the five flaws discovered by the SEC Consult researchers would give most parents quite the headache in terms of device, account, and child safety. The explanations given for the various flaws are quite technical. Fear not, because below we’ll explain how these affected app users without wandering into the coding weeds. 

  • Passwords were being stored insecurely, in a way which would be potentially easy for an attacker to crack using automated methods.
  • The parent’s web dashboard was insecure and vulnerable to attack.
  • This same dashboard could be exploited to send download links to the child’s device which could contain malware.
  • Finally, the child could potentially bypass the restriction features without anyone noticing. This last one involves a couple of steps which includes booting into safe mode. While a child may not figure the flow out themselves, it’s the kind of thing which routinely ends up on social media and streaming sites as a “cool hack”. 


FBI Again Promises to Stop Unjustly Searching NSA Data on Americans

After a recently unsealed court opinion censuring the FBI for impermissibly searching sprawling NSA databases for information on Americans, the bureau has again vowed to fix itself.

The FBI has for years promised to address the issue, but the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC), which oversees the use of the intelligence databases, has repeatedly found the remedies lacking, though the last FBI internal audit showed improvements.

A 2022 FISC opinion unsealed on May 12 noted the FBI had no right to search the databases for information on as many as hundreds of thousands of Americans, including many participants in the Jan. 6, 2021, protest and riot at the U.S. Capitol. Those were only the violations identified by the government itself.

3 reasons to use a VPN

There are many good reasons to use a Virtual Private Network (VPN), even if you are just casually scrolling. Privacy is a right that is yours to value and defend, and if you want to increase your online privacy then a VPN is one of the possible solutions. 

A VPN works like this: When you’re connected to the internet, all of your activity is logged and associated with your Internet Protocol (IP) address. Using a VPN creates an encrypted tunnel from your device to the VPN server, which is like creating a digital middleman between your device and the internet that blocks others from seeing what you’re doing. When you connect to a VPN, instead of your activity being associated with your IP address, now it’s the VPN server’s IP address that is associated with your data. Yours remains private.

Here are three reasons why you might want to use a VPN.

  1. To stay private, at all times

Someone who is worried about being spied on — perhaps by their Internet Service Provider (ISP) or by someone that is on the same network, such as an employer or spouse — may choose to use a VPN. All these snoops will see when you are using a VPN is the fact that you are communicating with the VPN server. They are unable to see the content of the communications and where the traffic goes from there. Even if hackers are on the same WiFi network, that encrypted tunnel makes it impossible for them to capture any of your data.

  1. To change your location

There are some basic reasons why someone would like to change their location. Some services have location-based restrictions and these services usually rely on your IP address to figure out where you are. So, if you want to evade such a restriction, you can pretend to be in a location where these restrictions don’t apply. Or the other way round if you want to restrict content: For example, if you don’t want your children to visit Pornhub you can set your location to Utah, because visitors from this state are blocked over an age verification law.

  1. To protect when you need it the most

Some users only use a VPN when they feel they need its protection the most. For example, they might turn on the VPN when they are connected to a public WiFi, accessing their bank accounts, sending work-related or other sensitive information, or because they plan on visiting high-risk websites.


The Club Of Rome, Climate Hysteria And Global Governance

In the early 1970s the US and much of the western world was shifting into a stagflationary economic crisis. Nixon removed the dollar completely from the gold standard in 1971 with the aid of the Federal Reserve (or perhaps under the direction of the Fed) which ultimately escalated inflation pressures. Europe’s post war boom came to an abrupt end, while prices on goods (and oil/gasoline) in the US skyrocketed up until 1981-1982, when the Federal Reserve jacked interest rates up to around 20% and created a deliberate recessionary crash.

Interestingly, the IMF had created the SDR system in 1969 just before the gold standard was cut (the same SDR which the IMF is poised to use as the foundation of a global digital currency mechanism).  And, the World Economic Forum was founded in 1971.

The time period is often depicted in films as a happy-go-lucky era of disco, drugs, hippies and rock n’ roll, but the reality is that the early 1970s was the beginning of the end for the west – it was the moment that our economic foundations were sabotaged and the affluence of the middle class was slowly but surely stolen by inflation.

New EPA Rule ‘All Out Attack’ on Texas Energy, Education Funding, Says Land Commissioner

Texas Land Commissioner Dawn Buckingham sounded the alarm about proposed rule changes from the EPA in regard to electricity production capacity in the state. Buckingham called the rule changes “an all-out attack on the energy industry, the robust Texas economy, everyday taxpayers, and public education funding in the state of Texas.”

In a letter (attached below) to Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Michael S. Regan regarding a proposed EPA rule change, Commissioner Buckingham wrote, “I am appalled and extremely concerned at the draft rule proposed on May 8, 2023, by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regarding carbon pollution standards for coal and natural gas-fired power plants (the Rule). Simply put, the implementation of this Rule would be an all-out attack on the energy industry, the robust Texas economy, everyday taxpayers, and public education funding in the State of Texas.”


Can Honey Be Used for Rooting Plant Cuttings?

A popular method of producing new plants from existing ones is by taking cuttings. Depending on the time of year and the plant, tree or vine being propagated, we can take hardwood cuttings from older wood, or softwood cuttings from newer, more pliable growth.

Treating cuttings with rooting hormone can increase the chances of stimulating root growth. This is more critical in plants that are more difficult to root.

There’s not much to using rooting hormone products, we simply dip the base of the prepared cutting into the rooting hormone, which can come in the form of a liquid, gel, or powder, and that’s all! After that the cutting is inserted into a suitable propagating medium and moved to a protected location to grow new roots.

Which Natural Products Can Be Used to Produce Roots in Cuttings?

It’s possible to make our own natural rooting hormone, see article – How to Make Home Made Plant Rooting Hormone – Willow Water. I’ve made willow water before, and in my experience, it works really well!

Another natural product that gardeners have been using to stimulate root growth in cuttings that doesn’t require any preparation is regular honey – yes, you heard right!

Recent studies have shown that while honey was not as successful as synthetic plant rooting hormone, with many plants it significantly increased the percentage of cuttings that produced roots, and the amount of root development.

Considering that honey is so readily available, relatively cheap, and how well it increases root growth compared to not using it, it’s definitely worthwhile to use when propagating plants from cuttings.

Are Cedar Shavings Good for Chickens as Bedding?

Chickens always need bedding in their coops. For warmth, for hygiene, nesting and more, bedding plays an important part in keeping them.

However, there is one type of bedding it seems to be constantly villainized when it comes to chickens, and that is cedar shavings.

Often touted as having harmful respiratory or neurological effects, many online sources caution against it. But could it be that cedar shavings are good for chickens?

Yes, cedar shavings are actually safe for chickens. So long as the shavings have been dried they do not represent any special threat to a chicken’s health. Cedar shavings actually have antimicrobial properties that make them beneficial when used as bedding.

On a surface, it certainly seems like a contrarian opinion. But in reality, the people screaming about cedar shavings as bedding for chickens have probably just been repeating the same bad advice that has been propagating for years.

We will crack open this interesting but perplexing topic in the rest of this article, so keep reading.


Is This Why Pediatricians Push Vaccines?

Primary care providers across the U.S. were bribed with incentive programs to coerce patients into getting the toxic COVID shot. Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield paid doctors $50 for each Medicaid patient aged 6 months and older, who got the experimental jab

Doctors have been financially incentivized to vaccinate children for a long time. In 2016, Blue Cross Blue Shield paid pediatricians a $400 bonus for each patient that completed 10 vaccinations before their second birthday, provided 63% of their patients were fully vaccinated

“Client and family incentives” also exist. In 2015, the Community Preventive Services Task Force recommended boosting vaccination rates by giving small, inexpensive incentive rewards to patients

Bribery is also par for the course when it comes to vaccine mandates. Pfizer paid undisclosed sums to front groups that advocated for COVID jab mandates, thereby hiding their conflict of interest

While the COVID-19 pandemic furthered many globalist goals, it inadvertently tanked childhood vaccination rates. To get childhood vaccination rates back on track, a global alliance has launched “The Big Catch-Up” initiative. It’s touted as the largest childhood immunization effort ever

Black Seed Oil’s Effects on Obesity, Eczema, and More 

This traditional remedy has been shown to be effective against several ailments, including COVID-19

Black seed oil, which can be ingested or applied to the skin, has been touted as a remedy for everything from headaches and obesity to insomnia to COVID-19.

Black seed oil is extracted from Nigella sativa, a plant native to the Middle East and Eastern Europe but now cultivated in a much larger area. Nigella sativa was long been used as medicine and food. For instance, in the area that is now Iran, it was traditionally used to help with menstrual cycle problems; in India, it was used for indigestion problems; and in China, it was used to treat insomnia, dizziness, and bronchial disorders.

Among the existing research looking solely at the effects of black seed oil, one study found that it could aid in weight loss. In the study, approximately 90 obese women aged 25 to 50 on low-fat diets were split into two groups. One received one gram of black seed oil before each meal and the other received only a placebo.

After eight weeks, the black seed oil group showed an average weight loss of 6 percent and a waist circumference reduction of 6.9 percent. Meanwhile, the control group had an average weight loss of only 3.6 percent and a waist circumference reduction of 3.4 percent.

Black seed oil has also demonstrated activity against the SAR-CoV-2 virus, which causes COVID-19. The thymoquinone and other components of the oil have a high binding affinity for the ACE2 receptor in the lungs and can effectively prevent the virus from binding and entering the cell. It can also bind a toxic uremic byproduct made by the virus, which is known to contribute to kidney failure occasionally seen as a result of infection.

Black seed oil may also treat vitiligo, a skin condition that occurs when cells that increase skin pigmentation called melanocytes die, resulting in patches of very pale skin. These can vary from small inconspicuous patches to a large patch that covers the entire body.

Some have also claimed that black seed oil treats eczema. A study of 60 people with eczema compared the effects of black seed oil, a steroid cream called betamethasone, and a popular moisturizer called Eucerin.

—> Power Mall Product of Interest: OIL OF BLACK SEED (12 FL OZ)

FOR PETS*: Use a ½ teaspoon for small animals and one teaspoon for large animals. You can also rub it on the paws and body. They will lick it off. Wonderful for skin and fur. Also supports heart, digestion and so much more. *The instructions and dosages recommended are based only on the ingredients used in North American Herb & Spice pet friendly products. Substitutes have proven dangerous, especially oregano products.


NIH Spends $1 Billion Studying Long COVID — Produces Nothing

In February 2021, NIH announced that Congress would provide the agency $1.15 billion in funding over four years to study long COVID

An investigation by STAT and MuckRock, a nonprofit news outlet, revealed the NIH’s efforts to study long COVID have done little to benefit those struggling with the disorder and haven’t contributed meaningful information about the condition, either

As of April 2023, NIH has “basically nothing to show for” its research to date

Instead of conducting trials to pin down how to prevent and cure long COVID, NIH has spent most of its money simply watching, tracking and recording long COVID symptoms

Gathering information about NIH’s long COVID data — and where the $1.15 billion in funding has gone — hasn’t proven easy; there is no single NIH official in charge of the efforts and the agency isn’t sharing even basic information about its research


Bud Light Distributor Sends Out Public Plea to Bring Back Customers

A Bud Light distributor in Alabama issued a public plea to bring back customers who boycotted the brand after it produced a can with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney’s face on it.

Steve Tatum, with the Montgomery, Alabama-based Bama Budweiser distributor, deployed a radio advertisement for several area stations, pleading with customers to purchase Bud Light again. In April and during the first week of May, sales of Bud Light were down significantly, and sales of other Anheuser-Busch products also dropped amid the Mulvaney backlash.

“We too at Bama Budweiser are upset about it and have made our feelings known to the top leadership at Anheuser-Busch,” Tatum said in the ad, according to multiple news reports. “The voice of the consumer has been heard, and Anheuser-Busch has taken action.”

Dodgers Cave to Woke Mob, Invite Anti-Catholic Drag Queens ‘Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence’ to Pride Night

The Los Angeles Dodgers have reversed course and decided to invite the anti-Catholic drag queen group “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” to the team’s LGBTQ Pride Night.

As Breitbart News reported last week, the Dodgers disinvited the drag queen group “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” after several Catholic groups decried the troupe for its anti-Catholic imagery and stance.


Sister Saves Twin Brother Choking on a Piece of Cheese

Twelve-year-old Charlie Loverme thought he was going to die when a piece of mozzarella cheese got lodged in his throat in the school cafeteria.

School surveillance footage shows the Massachusetts middle-schooler standing up from his chair and waving his hands toward his throat, Good Morning America reported. His classmates were shocked and confused about what was happening and some thought Loverme was about to be sick. One boy scooted his chair away from Loverme.


The Late Great USA: The End Of The American Age

The title of this article, The Late Great USA, is borrowed from the 1970 book, The Late Great Planet Earth, by author Hal Lindsey in which he chronicled some of the end-times events that Scripture prophecy foretold would occur before the return of Yeshua Messiah (Jesus Christ). Since Lindsey’s 1970 publication, many more end-times prophesies have been unsealed, so that the believer in the Scriptures can be relatively aware and informed of these end-times events as they unfold.

DANIEL 12:4,9 (NKJV):
“But you, Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.” …
“Go your way Daniel, for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.”

AMOS 3:7 (NKJV):
Surely YHWH (the Lord) God does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.
Planet Earth and all the works within it are prophesied to be burned up by fire, then afterward Earth will be restored, and then man will live eternally with God. Earth’s judgment, passing away, and restoration will occur after the conclusion of the 1,000-year Millennial Kingdom reign of Yeshua Messiah (Jesus Christ) and the great white throne judgment.

2 PETER 3:10,13 (NKJV):
But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up. …
Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.

Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea. Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.”

Before the Earth is burned up by fire, an end-of-the-age, end-times, powerful nation referred to as Babylon the great is foretold to be judged and burned by fire. In the 1970s, when Hal Lindsey wrote his book The Late Great Planet Earth, it was debatable as to whether or not the United States of America was Babylon the great of Revelation chapter 18 and other corresponding verses. While once debatable, it is now undeniable that the United States of America is the powerful end-times Babylon nation spoken of in Scripture prophecy.

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