June 26, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: May 24, 2024


More than 100 people believed killed by a landslide in Papua New Guinea

Authorities in the South Pacific island nation have not confirmed the death toll, which was reported by Australian media, and which villagers said could be much higher.


Judge blocks Illinois law that changed ballot access rules after the primary!

An Illinois judge just halted a newly enacted state election law that prevents candidates from gaining access to a major party ballot through an alternative “slating” option.

Prior to the change, a local committee for a political party could nominate, or “slate,” a candidate to a general election ballot even if no member of that party filed nominating petitions for the primary, so long as the candidate gathered the required number of petition signatures.

Under the new law, signed by Gov. J.B. Pritzker on May 3—after the Illinois primary has passed, a party can no longer appoint candidates who didn’t run in the party’s primary to fill general election ballot spots.

The change adds more “transparency” into the upcoming race for Illinois’ legislative seat, argued Mr. Pritzker.

“It really does make sure that we don’t have backroom deals to put people on the ballot and run as a result of some small group of people in a smoke-filled room making the choice,” the Democrat governor said. “So I think, to me, more transparency is better.”

Republicans were outraged by the sudden change in the middle of an election cycle. The piece of legislation itself, they noted, was introduced more than a year ago as a child welfare bill unrelated to the election, only to have been modified on May 1 into a ballot access measure before it advanced through both chambers to the governor’s desk in a matter of two days with little public notice.

Fraudster ex-Baltimore DA Marilyn Mosby avoids jail for mortgage fraud

The corrupt former DA of Baltimore has avoided jail for perjury and mortgage fraud after the Biden-appointed judge overseeing the case said she should be at home with her daughters.

Marilyn Mosby was facing a possible 40-year prison sentence after lying on her mortgage application for a $428,000 home in Longboat Key, Florida, including the false claim she received a $5,000 gift from her husband.

Prosecutors said she claimed to receive the $5,000 to secure a lower interest rate, while she actually sent the funds to her husband first for him to then send back in a Mosby has asked for a Presidential pardon as she maintained her innocence but was sentenced to 12 months of home detention and three years of supervised release.

‘You have an absolute right to maintain your innocence and should not be punished in any way for doing so,’ Federal Judge Lydia Kay Griggsby told Mosby in court.

Mosby, a progressive whose soft-on-crime stance was blamed for soaring crime in murder-ravaged Baltimore, was indicted in January 2022 on perjury and mortgage fraud charges.

Prosecutors claimed she lied about a COVID-19 financial hardship to access restricted retirement funds in order to buy two Florida vacation homes and then lied in her application to secure a better rate.

She was found guilty on both counts of perjury in November 2023 before she was convicted in February on one count of mortgage fraud.

Shortly before today’s sentencing she was ordered to forfeit the condo in Longboat Key, Florida.

She had been renting it out but will now have to hand over 90 percent of the proceeds to the federal government.

Harvard graduates stage commencement walkout over Gaza

Hundreds of students in robes chanted “Free Palestine” on Thursday as degrees were conferred

Hundreds of graduates walked out of a commencement ceremony at Harvard University on Thursday, calling for an end to the war in Gaza and decrying the disqualification of students involved in earlier protests.

A day earlier, it was announced that 13 students who had participated in a pro-Palestinian encampment on campus would not be allowed to receive their diplomas along with fellow graduates.

According to the Associated Press, groups of students walked out of the commencement chanting “Free, free Palestine” and “Let them walk, let them walk,” in reference to the graduates barred from participating in the ceremony.

Harvard said on Wednesday that one of its two governing boards overruled faculty members, who had voted to re-invite 13 student protesters omitted from commencement.

Student speakers at the ceremony strongly criticized the decision, deviating from their prepared remarks to voice support for their disqualified peers.

DOJ Inspector General Accused of “Targeting Political Opponents” and Being “Deeply Infected With Partisan Actors”

The Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Office of Inspector General (OIG) has come under fire over allegations of politically motivated attacks and deep partisan bias.

Reports have emerged that some of the OIG’s personnel have an apparent political bias against the targets of their investigations.

This alleged bias has reportedly led to the OIG “targeting political opponents.”

For regular Slay News readers, it won’t come as much of a surprise which way that partisan bias sways.

According to the OIG, its mission is:

“To detect and deter fraud, waste, abuse, and misconduct by conducting objective, independent, and impactful oversight of the Department, its programs, and the conduct of its personnel.”

OIG personnel are supposed to be non-political bureaucrats and do not shift with changes to the executive branch.

Inspector General Michael Horowitz was confirmed by the Senate in 2012 and has remained in the position since.

However, recent reporting and documents show that some OIG personnel, including ones responsible for overseeing investigations into political appointees by President Donald Trump’s administration, appear to have “deep” partisan bias.

Missouri politician Ben Baker’s daughter and son-in-law are killed in Haiti

The daughter and son-in-law of Missouri politician Ben Baker have been killed in Haiti while working there as missionaries. 

Representative Baker said in a post to his social media that his daughter Natalie, 21, and son-in-law Davy, 24, were attacked by gangs on Thursday evening. 

In an emotional statement, Baker said: ‘My heart is broken in a thousand pieces. I’ve never felt this kind of pain. 

‘Most of you know my daughter and son-in-law Davy and Natalie Lloyd are full time missionaries in Haiti. 

‘They were attacked by gangs this evening and were both killed. They went to Heaven together.’

Haiti descended into chaos after attacks in February where gunmen seized control of police stations and attacked the airport in the capital Port-au-Prince

Baker added: ‘Please pray for my family we desperately need strength. And please pray for the Lloyd family as well. I have no other words for now.’

The couple had been working for Missions in Haiti who shared an update on what had happened to the couple. 

In a post to their social media, the organization said that the two were ambushed by a gang of three trucks full of men after coming out of church.

The group said that Davy was taken to a house, tied up, and then beaten before the gang stole the groups trucks and all they had. 

After that gang left the area, another arrived with one member being shot and killed causing them to going into ‘full attack mode’, according to the charity. 

The couple are said to have been using starlink internet to call for help and were holed up inside a property. 

The charity said: ‘So they are holed up in there, the gangs has shot all the windows out of the house and continue to shoot. 

‘Their lives are in danger. I have been trying all my contacts to get a police armored car there to evacuate them out to safety but can’t get anyone to do. 

‘I also am trying to negotiate with the gang so how much $ to stand down and let them leave and get to safety.’

In an update just hours later, the charity confirmed that they had been shot and killed by the gang, saying they were all devastated by their loss. 

Former president Donald Trump shared a post to his Truth Social page about the couple, saying: ‘God bless Davy and Natalie. Such a tragedy. Haiti is totally out of control. Find the killers NOW!!!’

Hunter Biden is in court in Delaware. Here’s what he doesn’t want the jury to hear

Hunter Biden doesn’t want a jury to hear about the sordid details of his personal life as he faces federal gun charges

Hunter Biden will appear in court at noon on Friday in his hometown of Wilmington, Delaware, where he is on trial for federal gun charges — and he is asking the court to block prosecutors from discussing certain evidence. 

The court is meeting for its last hearing before jury selection begins on June 3. Fox News has previously reported that prosecutors plan to use portions of his book and laptop, including photos, to convince a jury that the first son is guilty of making false statements on a federal form when he purchased a revolver in 2018, while actively using narcotics. 

In court documents filed Friday morning, Biden’s defense attorneys asked the court to block certain salacious details of his life from being shown to the jury to avoid “significant risk of unfair prejudice.”

In what is called a “motion in limine,” Biden asked the court “to exclude reference to the child support proceedings in Arkansas and reference to his discharge from the Navy.” This is in reference to the child Biden fathered out-of-wedlock with ex-stripper Lunden Roberts, whose daughter is President Biden’s grandchild

Acknowledging that some of the evidence prosecutors wish to bring forward may be relevant to the case, including purported drug purchases, ATM withdrawals, and the purchase of the revolver, Biden’s lawyers said other details like references to money allegedly spent on “adult entertainment, online chat rooms, or escort services are not relevant to the charges.” 

“Characterizing or referencing unnecessary salacious details — such as how much things cost, whether they are upscale, or citing expenses concerning collateral alleged sexual conduct unrelated to the charges here — are the exact type of prejudicial, inflammatory evidence that has a tendency to make a conviction more likely because it provokes an emotional response in the jury,” the defense argued.

“Accordingly, Mr. Biden respectfully requests that this Court grant his Motion in limine to exclude any reference to an ‘extravagant’ or ‘lavish’ lifestyle during periods of his addiction.” 

Biden’s legal team had earlier sought to delay the impending June 3 trial, which was set by a federal judge two months ago. U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika rejected the request, and the trial will proceed on schedule.

 A 56-page indictment against Biden was handed down in Los Angeles in December. It included felony charges and laid out his salacious spending habits and lifestyle while cataloging alleged related tax violations.

Ways and Means: Report Details Hunter Biden’s Lies to Committees

New evidence released by the U.S. House Ways and Means Committee this week shows that Hunter Biden lied at least three times to congressional committee investigators.

Two lies concern Biden’s business deals with Chinese Reds and Burisma Holdings, the Ukrainian energy company at the nexus of the Biden-Burisma influence peddling scheme. The third concerns his claim that he never tried to procure a visa for his foreign business cronies.

The committee also released an affidavit from IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley about CIA interference in the Biden income-tax probe.

RFK Jr. Filing FEC Complaint Over Potential Debate Block

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., accusing the campaigns for President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump of “collusion” with CNN, says he will file a complaint with the Federal Elections Commission over his potentially being blocked from taking the stage with them at next month’s debate.

“There’s strong evidence that’s been reported in the mainstream media of collusion between the Trump campaign, the Biden campaign, particularly the Biden campaign, and CNN,” Kennedy told Scripps News about the debate, planned for June 27.

To participate in the debate, candidates must be carrying at least 15% of the support in four separate polls that CNN recognizes and be on enough ballots to get 270 electoral votes.


Restaurant CEO opens her mouth and stock drops 20%!  Is someone shorting it?

An iconic American eatery’s stock has plummeted in recent weeks after the company’s CEO said the restaurant is no longer ‘relevant’.

Cracker Barrel, the Southern country-themed restaurants with 662 locations across the nation, has been diminishing in popularity over the past decade – with its loyal clientele of elderly people failing to return after the pandemic. 

The business tanked even more when its chief executive Julie Felss Masino told investors, ‘We’re just not as relevant as we once were.’

While speaking on an investor call, Masino, who took over the CEO position nine months ago, admitted, ‘Some of our recipes and processes haven’t evolved in decades.’ 

Since the call, the 54-year-old company’s shares fell by nearly 20 percent.

On Thursday, Cracker Barrel traded as low as $45.35 – a 52-week low that marked its lowest level in over a decade.

The stock closed today at $45.67 – down 2.1 per cent since Masino’s comments. Cracker Barrel’s yearly dividend was slashed from $1.30 per share to just 25 cents.

Last Thursday, the Southern eatery announced plans to spend $700 million over the next three years to drive up its popularity.

The restaurant rose to prominence after it was founded in 1969 as patrons flocked to its all-American dishes, like biscuits and gravy and fried chicken.

But as its footfall plummeted in recent years, company management believe that some of the restaurant’s problems can be fixed by updating the menu and marketing, as well as ‘refreshing the interior and exterior’ with a ‘different color palette.’

Two of the stores have already been revamped with a makeover and 10 others are experimenting with a refreshed menu.

Cracker Barrel is cutting 20 items from the traditional menu and replacing them with such dishes as ‘premium savory chicken and rice, slow-braised pot roast and hashbrown casserole Shepherd’s Pie.’ The new menu items will be showcased this fall.

Luxury Electric Vehicle Maker Becomes Latest In Industry To Announce Huge Layoffs

Electric vehicle (EV) maker Lucid Motors announced that the company would be laying off staff in a bid to lower expenses amid a slowdown in the market.

The layoffs will affect 6% of its workforce, equating to around 400 employees, and will trim from all employee levels, including leadership and mid-level management, according to a filing submitted Friday with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Lucid is one of several EV makers to announce

The company estimates that it will have to pay out between $21 million and $25 million in severance pay and benefits in connection with the layoffs, according to the filing. The planned terminations are expected to be done by the end of the third quarter.


Urgent warnings for common allergy and asthma drug escalate! 

Millions take it for asthma and allergies, but Singulair is under scrutiny. The popular drug, prescribed for decades, is linked to an array of psychiatric symptoms—from nightmares and depression to suicidal thoughts.

As regulators slap its packaging with warnings of neuropsychiatric issues and patients recount similar experiences, a question looms: How did a once-celebrated treatment become problematic for some? As families seek answers, scientists work to unravel how a medication meant to ease breathing could cloud the mind.

FDA and Global Health Warnings

The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), a UK government agency, announced that more prominent warnings will be added to the information leaflet for the asthma drug montelukast, sold as Singulair.

Since its last drug safety update in 2019, the MHRA has received ongoing reports from patients and caregivers about neuropsychiatric risks. The MHRA’s review confirmed these risks are not well known. New boxed warnings are being added to make these risks more clear.

CDC warns of multi-state salmonella outbreak linked to backyard poultry, including Utah –

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Thursday that public health officials are investigating multi-state outbreaks of salmonella linked to contact with backyard poultry.

The CDC said that 109 people from 29 states, including one from Utah, have gotten sick from salmonella after touching or caring for backyard poultry such as chickens and ducks.

The states with the highest number of cases are Missouri, Texas and Oklahoma.

No deaths have been reported while 33 people have been hospitalized.

The true number of sick people is likely much higher than the number reported because many recover without medical care and are not tested for salmonella, the CDC said.

In this outbreak, 43% of those infected are under 5 years old, the CDC said.

Symptoms for salmonella include diarrhea, fever and stomach cramps, but children under age 5 may experience more severe illnesses that require medical treatment or hospitalization.

Forever chemicals are raining down, contamination found in all 5 Great Lakes

A concerning new study is giving people even more reason to stay out of the rain. Researchers have found that perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances, better known as “forever chemicals,” are making their way into vital sources of fresh water — from the sky.

In fact, these chemicals have been discovered in all five of the Great Lakes, according to researchers working with the American Chemical Society.

Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances get their dubious nickname due to their stability and the near impossibility of these chemicals degrading over time. These air pollutants have accumulated in the air, water, and soil. Exposure to forever chemicals is linked to a range of poor health problems, prompting the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to label perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl as hazardous substances.

Since they are so hard to break down, forever chemicals easily move across the water cycle, contaminating all sorts of water sources, including rainfall.

In the new study, published in Environmental Science & Technology, researchers found precipitation around the Great Lakes contained traces of forever chemicals. However, each lake eliminates the chemicals at different rates. The Great Lakes are a source of freshwater for the United States and Canada, which suggests contaminated drinking water may be prevalent in these areas. Additionally, the area around the Great Lakes is home to about 10 percent of the American population and 30 percent of Canada’s population.

Previous studies have shown evidence of forever chemicals present in the Great Lakes. However, this study sought to investigate where these compounds came from.


Microsoft Announces New PCs with Built-in AI

American software maker Microsoft says it will release new computer models with built-in artificial intelligence (AI) tools.

The new computers will be equipped with a new version of Microsoft’s existing AI tool, called Copilot. Copilot can operate across a series of Microsoft business products.

The Copilot service is based on OpenAI’s ChatGPT tool, which launched in late 2022. ChatGPT is an AI tool designed to interact smoothly with humans and perform high-level writing and creative work. Such tools are also known as chatbots or generative AI.

Microsoft is a major investor in OpenAI. It is providing computing power and support for ChatGPT’s operations.


Electricity grids creak as AI demands soar

There’s a big problem with generative AI, says Sasha Luccioni at Hugging Face, a machine-learning company. Generative AI is an energy hog.

“Every time you query the model, the whole thing gets activated, so it’s wildly inefficient from a computational perspective,” she says.

Take the Large Language Models (LLMs) at the heart of many Generative AI systems. They have been trained on vast stores of written information, which helps them to churn out text in response to practically any query.

“When you use Generative AI… it’s generating content from scratch, it’s essentially making up answers,” Dr Luccioni explains. That means the computer has to work pretty hard.

A Generative AI system might use around 33 times more energy than machines running task-specific software, according to a recent study by Dr Luccioni and colleagues. The work has been peer-reviewed but is yet to be published in a journal.

It’s not your personal computer that uses all this energy, though. Or your smartphone. The computations we increasingly rely on happen in giant data centres that are, for most people, out of sight and out of mind.

“The cloud,” says Dr Luccioni. “You don’t think about these huge boxes of metal that heat up and use so much energy.”

The world’s data centres are using ever more electricity. In 2022, they gobbled up 460 terawatt hours of electricity, and the International Energy Agency (IEA) expects this to double in just four years. Data centres could be using a total of 1,000 terawatts hours annually by 2026. “This demand is roughly equivalent to the electricity consumption of Japan,” says the IEA. Japan has a population of 125 million people.

At data centres, huge volumes of information are stored for retrieval anywhere in the world – everything from your emails to Hollywood movies. The computers in those faceless buildings also power AI and cryptocurrency. They underpin life as we know it.



The ATF Director gave the House Judiciary Committee the runaround in yesterday’s hearing! 

ATF Director can’t say at what point does a private citizen become engaged in the business of selling guns … 

ATF Director Steven Dettelbach could not define a precise threshold for when private citizens are considered “engaged in the business” of selling guns during a House Judiciary hearing on Thursday.

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) referenced the ATF’s new universal background check rule during the hearing, then pointedly asked Dettelbach, “So, how many firearms does someone have to sell to be ‘engaged in the business’ of firearms dealing?”

Dettelbach responded, “Congressman, as you know, that matter is being litigated in several courts. So sticking with what’s already in the public record, the rule itself is about 16 pages, skipping lines, and there is about…over 400 pages of explanation. So, there are factors that are conduct based, not numerical based but conduct based.”

He then went on to say the agency “received many comments” on the rule, suggesting some of those comments dealt with where the threshold might be.

Gaetz responded to Dettelbach’s avoidance of presenting an exact threshold by noting that the ambiguity is part of the reason U.S. District Court Judge Matthew J. Kacsmaryk issued a May 19 temporary restraining order (TRO) against enforcement of the ATF rule in the state of Texas. The TRO also prevents the enforcement of the rule against members of Gun Owners of America, the Gun Owners Foundation, the Tennessee Firearm Association, and the Virginia Citizens Defense League.

Gaetz criticized the ambiguity, suggesting it would have been better to describe the threshold in clear terms rather than put law-abiding citizens in a situation where they have “[ATF] guys breaking their doors down and potentially killing them.”


Academics of COVID-19 psyops and the war for technocracy! 

Finally, academia weighs in on Technocracy. David A. Hughes has released his massive book, “Covid-19,” Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy. He says, “Technocracy has been incubated for decades in China with the support of the Rockefellers and various technology transfers, and, with proof of concept having been established, the aim is now to roll it out in the West.”

Catherine Austin Fitts recognized David Hughes on the Solari Report:

Our Hero of the Week, the brilliant David A. Hughes, is a university lecturer on security studies, international relations theory, foreign policy analysis, globalization, and U.S. exceptionalism. With dual doctorates in German Studies and International Relations, his wide-ranging research interests include psychological warfare, 9/11, Covid-19, the deep state, intelligence crime, technocracy, resurgent totalitarianism, and global class relations.

Hughes frequently cites my work on the Trilateral Commission, Technocracy, and Transhumanism, keeping the whole body of thought in proper context.

If successfully implemented, technocracy will be worse than anything imaginable by Hitler or Stalin, because it amounts to the biodigital enslavement of humanity through biometric technologies, the “Internet of Bodies,” constant surveillance and monitoring, central bank digital currencies, and a Chinese-style social credit system. Moreover, if allowed to happen, such a control system could prove irreversible. Technocracy has been incubated for decades in China with the support of the Rockefellers and various technology transfers, and, with proof of concept having been established, the aim is now to roll it out in the West.

Fitts gives further details,

“Covid-19,” Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy (Volume 1) by Dr. David A. Hughes, lecturer and program leader in International Relations at the UK’s University of Lincoln, is “dedicated to all who are actively resisting the global technocratic coup.” In the book’s eight chapters—titled “Permanent Counterrevolution, Technocracy, and World War III,” “Shock and Stress,” “Trauma-based Mind Control,” “Fear and Threat,” “Cognitive Attack,” “Weaponised Deception,” “Mass Paranoia and Hysteria: Turning Society Against Itself,” and “The Coming Unrest”—Hughes discusses “a novel, biodigital form of totalitarianism that threatens to lead to the irreversible enslavement of humanity.”

Describing the “wide portfolio” of invisible psychological and neurological weapons that Hughes so ably documents in this book, I remind readers, “The first step to not falling victim is to see these 21st century weapons of war clearly. Hughes’ formidable scholarship helps you to do so.” Another reviewer comments, “Dr. Hughes stands out as a rare, brave academic, who is willing to go where few are willing to tread.”


Groping Grandma Goes Goofy for Goofy! 

An actor playing the character Goofy says he was sexually touched by a grandmother during a meet-and-greet with a family at Disney World in Orlando, Florida.

The victim and Disney World staff notified police, who provided a detailed report with some redactions.

The Orange County Sheriff’s office released a report about a February 2024 incident from a 32-year-old costumed Disney actor who took issue with an elderly woman during a photo session.

At around 10:30 a.m., a family of four was taking pictures with Goofy as three of the family members stood to the character’s right while the grandmother stood at his left side, with her arm around the actor, the victim reportedly said.

The grandmother then allegedly “placed her right hand on his ‘butt’ and squeezed her hand three times,” the report claimed. “During the squeezing the grandmother said ‘Woo hoo!'” the report also alleged.

After the photo was taken, the victim allegedly stopped the meet-and-greet and alerted the Disney attendant that he had been groped by the senior, who was allegedly in her 60s.

A Disney parks and recreation leader was also notified behind the scenes, and authorities were later called.

It would seem the family was asked to leave, as according to the report, the grandmother said “with an attitude, ‘What? I guess he doesn’t want us here.'”

The family then “walked off,” the report said.

According to WDWNT, a Disney photographer was also witness to the events and gave a statement to police. The statement was somewhat redacted, however.

The photographer’s statement said that “Goofy stopped the interaction with the family and was asking them to leave.” The photographer also noted that they had overheard the family’s discussion:

 “What did you do?” the father apparently asked the grandmother.

“I didn’t do anything … Goofy wants us to leave now,” she replied.

The victim told police that the older woman squeezed his buttocks over his costume and wanted her prosecuted for battery. The grandmother was reportedly wearing leggings and a black Minnie Mouse shirt that read “Nana Mouse.” However, no arrests had been made according to the local outlet.

Goofy: Plaintiff and defendant

The Disney World grope is not the only alleged incident involving Goofy that recently made headlines. Just a month prior, across the country at Disneyland (which is also located in Orange County), a woman filed a lawsuit alleging that Goofy caused her injuries.

The lawsuit stemmed from a 2022 trip when a woman claimed she was bent over, tying her daughter’s shoes. At that time, a Goofy actor allegedly ran into her and fell on top of her, driving her into the “hard cement floor.”

The LA Times, which also said Disney did not provide comment, said that the woman claimed she suffered “severe, traumatic, debilitating, and permanent” injury.

She also made claims of emotional pain and suffering.

The woman is suing the park and Goofy’s “handler.” The handler’s job was reportedly to guide the costumed actor around the park to make sure he didn’t bump into anything.


Teenage girl’s miraculous survival of horror crash that saw her break her neck after car rolled multiple time

A teenage girl has miraculously survived a car accident which almost left her paralyzed.

Aleah Orr, a 16-year-old from Rigby, Idaho, was on her way to the Mike Walker Boat Dock to go fishing on May 12, her mother’s birthday and Mother’s Day, when she collided with a guard rail. 

‘She missed her turn and her (GPS) maps dinged and said she missed her turn and she looked at her maps,’ her mother Sarah told East Idaho News.

‘Next thing she knew, she hit the guardrail — and the speed limit out there is 55 so it’s high speed — and (flipped her car) like 50 feet … she landed feet from the river.’

Had it not been for the way her seat was positioned during the crash, Aleah could have been left paralyzed.


13th Oregon County secures approval to ditch Democrat-comprised state to join Idaho!

Bereft of sympathetic representation in Salem, rural Oregonians are willing to redraw the map.

The “Greater Idaho” movement continues to gain steam, promising to liberate conservative counties east of the Deschutes River from the ruinous policies and Democratic control all but ensured by residents in the more populous leftist areas nearer the coast, such as Mayor Ted Wheeler’s crime-ravaged Portland.

On Tuesday, Crook County voters were presented with ballot measure 7-86, which asked: “Should Crook County represent that its citizens support efforts to move the Idaho state border to include Crook County?”

The majority signaled their support for moving the state border westward and joining their conservative compatriots in the Gem State.

Did eating McDonald’s have a long term effect on him?  Makes you wonder

Morgan Spurlock, ‘Super Size Me’ Director, Dies at 53

Morgan Spurlock, a documentary filmmaker who captured his own psychological and physical symptoms from eating McDonald’s every day for a month in the Oscar-nominated 2004 feature “Super Size Me,” died Thursday in upstate New York due to complications of cancer. He was 53.

Spurlock’s family confirmed his death.

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