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Today's News: May 29, 2019

World News
Boris Johnson to face trial for alleged Brexit lies
Independent – Boris Johnson is to go on trial for allegedly “lying and misleading the British public” about the consequences of Brexit.
A judge summonsed the Conservative MP to appear in court after a member of the public launched a private prosecution over claims EU membership was costing the UK £350m a week.
District Judge Margot Coleman threw out arguments by Mr Johnson’s lawyers that the case was a “vexatious” attempt to undermine the result of the 2016 referendum.
Danes make welfare a hot election issue as cracks show in Nordic model
Reuters – The Nordic welfare model, long the envy of many across the world seeking an egalitarian utopia, is creaking.
Aging populations have led to politicians across the region chipping away at the generous cradle-to-grave welfare state for years. In Denmark, next week’s election could prove a turning point as frustrated voters say: No more.
Danes, like citizens of other Nordic nations, have largely been happy to shell out some of the highest taxes in the world, seeing them as a price worth paying for universal healthcare, education and elderly services.
However, spending cuts by successive governments to reduce the public deficit have led to more people paying out of their own pockets for what used to be free.
“We pay very high taxes in Denmark, and that’s alright. But in return, I think we can demand a certain service,” said pensioner Sonja Blytsoe.
Her 92-year old mother, who has dementia, was told by her local council in the central Danish town of Assens that the cleaning of her small apartment at a nursing home would be almost halved to 10 times a year.
Her mother, who lives off her state pension of 9,000 Danish crowns ($1,350) per month, could not afford to pay the roughly 1,000 crowns a month for a private cleaning firm, Blytsoe said.
In an illustration of the simmering public anger at such cuts, the council’s move sparked an outcry on social media that prompted the prime minister to comment on the case in parliament and the decision to be reversed.
600,000 Afghan children at risk of dying from malnutrition as international aid dries up
RT – Hundreds of thousands of children in war-torn Afghanistan are in danger of dying from malnutrition, with officials warning that the health crisis is growing day by day. UNICEF says it lacks funds to properly address the issue.
Acute malnourishment affects an estimated two million children in Afghanistan. Of those, 600,000 are at risk of dying from severe acute malnutrition, the UN Children’s Fund has reported.
Doctors working to combat malnutrition in Afghanistan said that poverty, ongoing war, unsafe drinking water and poor education for mothers and families have exacerbated the problem.
“The malnutrition level is spiking day by day in Afghanistan,” Muqeem Shah Miakhil, Head of Malnutrition Department of the Nangarhar Regional Hospital, told Ruptly. More than 15,000 women and children in Nangarhar have sought treatment for severe malnutrition so far this year, but less than half have recovered.
While the crisis isn’t new, malnutrition has become worse in Afghanistan due to a series of devastating droughts, Alison Parker, UNICEF’s Chief of Communication, Advocacy & Civic Engagement in Afghanistan, told RT.
John Cleese: London is Not an English City Anymore
Infowars – Monty Python icon John Cleese has stoked controversy by reiterating his belief that London is no longer an English city due to mass immigration.
In a tweet to his 5.6 million followers, Cleese said, “Some years ago I opined that London was not really an English city any more. Since then, virtually all my friends from abroad have confirmed my observation So there must be some truth in it.”
“I note also that London was the UK city that voted most strongly to remain in the EU,” he added.
Cleese first made similar statements back in 2011 when he opined that London was handed the Olympic Games because of mass immigration.
“I’m not sure what’s going on in Britain. Or, let me say this – I don’t know what’s going on in London, because London is no longer an English city,” said Cleese.
The actor said that London was the most cosmopolitan city on earth but that it “doesn’t feel English”.
“I had a Californian friend come over two months ago, walk down the King’s Road and say, “Where are all the English people?”
“I mean, I love having different cultures around. But when the parent culture kind of dissipates, you’re left thinking, “Well, what’s going on?”‘ said Cleese.
The Monty Python star’s comments are just a reflection of reality. In London, white British people are a minority and have been for some years.
Over 41% of London’s population is foreign born. London also has the second highest foreign-born population of any city in the world.
Bolton says Iran behind oil tanker attack off UAE…’almost certainly’
RT – Tehran was ‘most likely’ responsible for sabotaging oil tankers off the coast of the United Arab Emirates two weeks ago, National Security Advisor John Bolton has alleged. He did not provide evidence to support the accusation.
Bolton claimed on Wednesday that Iran was “almost certainly” behind an attack that targeted four oil tankers off the coast of Fujairah.
Speaking to journalists at a press briefing in the Emirati capital of Abu Dhabi, Bolton also alleged that Iran was behind a failed attack on the Saudi oil-port of Yanbu. Iran used “naval mines” to carry out the attack on the oil tankers, Bolton said, without going into details.
The accusations come just days after the Pentagon blamed Iran’s Revolutionary Guards for the attack.
The Iranian Foreign Ministry has requested more information about exactly what happened off the UAE coast, and cautioned that the incident could be a “conspiracy by ill-wishers.” Tehran has denied any involvement in the alleged sabotage, but says it’s not intimidated by Washington’s incendiary rhetoric and military posturing.
>> Related: Iran lashes out at ‘warmonger’ Bolton over ‘ridiculous’ claims about UAE oil tanker attacks
RT – While Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi mocked the allegations against his country, he noted that it was unsurprising that Bolton would make them at a press conference in the United Arab Emirates, a country who has developed a rivalry with Iran.
Mr Bolton and other warmongers need to know that the strategic patience, high vigilance and full defense readiness of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which emanates from the strong resolve of its great nation, will not let them fulfill their ominous schemes to create chaos in the region.
Tehran ready for possibility of war with US, but hopes for dialogue – Iran’s deputy FM
RT – Iran is prepared for the possibility of war with the United States, but hopes instead that tensions between the two nations can be solved with dialogue, the country’s deputy foreign minister has said.
“We hope that we can start a dialogue, but we are ready for war,” Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi told RIA Novosti.
He stressed that Iran was aware of “certain elements” within the US government pushing for war with Iran, even though such a conflict would be “catastrophic” for the entire Middle East.
U.S. News, Politics & Government
BREAKING NEWS: Robert Mueller to finally emerge TODAY to break his silence about Russia probe after clash over whether he will ever appear before Congress
Daily Mail – Special Counsel Robert Mueller will finally break his silence Wednesday to speak about the Russia probe, his office revealed.
Mueller ‘will make a statement on the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential election,’ the special counsel’s office announced Wednesday morning shortly before the event was to be held.
‘This will be a statement only, no question and answer period to follow,’ according to Mueller’s office.
His appearance is set for 11 am at a conference room in the Justice Department – the same room where Barr provided his own comments about what was in the report before he released it.
Robert Mueller Says He’s Resigning and Closing Special Counsel’s Office
NY Times – What he’s said so far:

  • Robert S. Mueller III announced his retirement from the Justice Department, ending his two-year appointment as special counsel overseeing the Russia investigation.
  • “The report is my testimony,” Mr. Mueller said, pointing to his investigators’ 448-page report. Though he did not rule out congressional testimony, Mr. Mueller said that he would only testify about the facts already in the report.
  • Mr. Mueller reemphasized the report’s main findings, including that there was not enough evidence to prove a criminal conspiracy with Russia’s interference and that he made no decision on possible obstruction of justice because of a Justice Department policy on not indicting sitting presidents.
  • “The matters we investigated were of paramount importance,” Mr. Mueller said, rebutting President Trump’s claims that the investigation was a “witch hunt” motivated by politics.

DHS Flying Illegal Aliens to U.S. Cities, Releasing Them into Communities
Breitbart – The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is flying border crossers and illegal aliens into cities across the United States and releasing them directly into American communities, reports claim.
A report by the Associated Press (AP) states that aside from DHS releasing nearly 200,000 border crossers and illegal aliens into about four American communities since December 2018, the agency is flying border crossers and illegal aliens into U.S. cities and then releasing them:
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has historically ensured that families had travel plans before releasing them, but last year it shortened custody stays in response to the growing numbers of arrivals from Mexico. They began dropping migrants off in cities along the border at burgeoning shelters and bus stations. [Emphasis added]
At the same time, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, which turns over border crossers to ICE after arresting them, has begun flying migrants to other cities for processing and is releasing them directly into communities without going through ICE, saying their own facilities are at capacity. [Emphasis added]
As numbers have swelled in border cities, authorities have begun looking farther inland. [Emphasis added]
Similarly, a report by the New York Times detailed similar cases where DHS has started flying border crossers and illegal aliens into the interior of the U.S. before releasing them.
Bombshell suit claims Carranza’s ‘toxic’ whiteness purge cost DOE execs their jobs
NY Post – Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza’s crusade against “toxic” whiteness at the city Department of Education created an “Us vs. Them’’ culture that saw three longtime officials demoted in favor of less-qualified persons of color, a blockbuster $90 million lawsuit claims.
“If you draw a paycheck from DOE … get on board with my equity platform or leave,” Carranza thundered to employees assembled in the rotunda of the agency’s Lower Manhattan headquarters last June, according to the suit, filed Tuesday in state supreme court.
That “totalitarian threat” was just the most direct example of Carranza’s push to overhaul the leadership at the top and attitude throughout the DOE since he took the helm last year, claims the suit, levied against the department and Carranza by the trio of demoted white female executives.
“Under Carranza’s leadership, DOE has swiftly and irrevocably silenced, sidelined and punished plaintiffs and other Caucasian female DOE employees on the basis of their race, gender and unwillingness to accept their other colleagues’ hateful stereotypes about them,” wrote the group’s lawyer, Davida S. Perry, in the filing.
Plaintiff Lois Herrera, who started at the DOE in 1986 as a guidance counselor and worked her way up to lead its Office of Safety and Youth Development, claims in the suit that she saw a sea change almost immediately after Mayor Bill de Blasio appointed Carranza in April 2018.
Patriots planning mass protest at Facebook headquarters – May 30th – over politically motivated censorship of conservatives, Christians
NaturalNews – In just a few days, thousands of Americans who support free speech and the First Amendment will converge in front of Facebook’s headquarters in Menlo Park, California, to protest the social media giant’s mass censorship policies against pretty much any person or group that’s not aligned with Leftist ideology.
Beginning at 9a.m. on May 30, 2019, patriots will join other patriots at Hotel Nia, located at 200 Independence Drive in Menlo Park, to make as big of a scene as possible during Facebook’s annual shareholders meeting – the goal being to stand in solidarity with the many who’ve been censored by Facebook in recent years.
In a recent Twitter announcement, “California Rising” called on its followers to bring whistles, horns, and other noisemaking objects to the rally, which those present will use to make their voices heard by as many passersby as possible.
“Fight for freedom of speech – before they silence YOU!” California Rising added about the importance of this event.
Netflix the Only Hollywood Studio to Speak Out in Attack Against Abortion Rights (EXCLUSIVE)
Variety – Many of Hollywood’s most powerful content companies have maintained a deafening silence on the raging abortion legislation debate that’s sweeping the country as their star talent and producers go off script to speak out about threats to women’s reproductive rights and boycott states like Georgia that have signed the bills. Protests are erupting on the ground and across social media as seven other states — including Alabama, Missouri and Ohio — also adopt anti-abortion laws.
Most of the industry uproar is currently focused on Georgia, where a massive number of Hollywood movies and TV shows film thanks to a highly favorable state tax incentive.
Following Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp’s May 7 signing of a bill that aims to outlaw abortion after the detection of a fetal heartbeat, powerhouse female creators like “The Handmaid’s Tale” breakout director Reed Morano and the Oscar-nominated writing team behind “Bridesmaids,” Kristen Wiig and Annie Mumolo, abandoned plans to film in the state. Actor and talk-show host Busy Philipps fronted an ad campaign with the ACLU countering what she said is an attempt by the Trump administration to undermine the nearly 50-year-old precedent set by Roe v. Wade, via multistate anti-abortion bills. Actors like “Titanic” star Frances Fisher and local women in the film industry picketed on the steps of Atlanta City Hall.
Calls for a flat-out boycott continue to gain traction across the industry, despite a move from several high-profile filmmakers to keep their productions in Georgia but donate their salaries and fees to the ACLU and local activist groups combating the legislation. Creators behind those shows include J.J. Abrams and Jordan Peele, Peter Chernin and Jenno Topping, and Ron Howard and Brian Grazer’s Imagine Entertainment.
“A woman’s right to make choices about her own body is fundamental to her personal and professional well-being,” Kirsten Schaffer, executive director of the nonprofit group Women in Film, told Variety in an exclusive statement. “We support people who make the choice not to take their production to Georgia or take a job in Georgia because of the draconian anti-choice law. To that end, we’ve compiled a list of pro-choice states that offer meaningful tax rebates and production incentives, and encourage everyone to explore these alternatives: California, Colorado, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Washington.”
Economy & Business
Morgan Stanley says economy is on ‘recession watch’ as bond market flashes warning
CNBC – The stock market and economic outlook in the United States are “deteriorating,” according to an analysis from one of Wall Street’s top investment banks.
Renewed trade tensions and a slump in economic data — ranging from falling durable goods and capital spending to a downshift in the services sector — has put U.S. profits and economic growth at risk, Morgan Stanley warned Tuesday.
“Recent data points suggest US earnings and economic risk is greater than most investors may think,” wrote Michael Wilson, the firm’s chief U.S. equity strategist.
Specifically, the stock strategist highlighted a recent survey from financial data firm IHS Markit that showed manufacturing activity fell to a nine-year low in May. That report also revealed a “notable slowdown” in the U.S. services sector, a key area for an American economy characterized by huge job gains in health care and business services.
Many recent reports reflect April data, “which means it weakened before the re-escalation of trade tensions,” Wilson continued. “In addition, numerous leading companies may be starting to throw in the towel on the second half rebound–something we have been expecting but we believe many investors are not.”
Robots are taking on more warehouse jobs
The Bulletin – Tephnee Usher stands in a McDonough, Georgia, warehouse, separated from the stored goods by a black chain-link fence, and waits for robots to deliver the goods to her.
Human workers are confined to opposite edges of this 17-acre roofed space: delivery bays and shipping bays about a football field apart. The vast concrete area between them belongs to 225 electric powered, eerily silent robotic Butlers that perform tasks people used to do.        E-commerce, growing at 15 percent a year, is driving a second boom in Georgia’s robust warehousing and logistics industry, which employs about 118,000 packers and material handlers across the state. Companies setting up ready-to-ship warehouses here last year included Target’s furniture line, Wayfair home furnishings and Dynacraft bikes and scooters. Amazon has four “fulfillment” centers scattered from Braselton to Macon.
It’s clear the industry is changing. What’s less clear is how much that will translate into a jobs boom or bust as automation and artificial intelligence increasingly take over the work.
The robot-powered warehouse in McDonough just south of Atlanta will begin operations in June after test runs. It belongs to Verte, a Sandy Springs, Georgia, start-up aiming to compete with Amazon. Verte targets mom-and-pop to midsize sellers, offering to help them track, keep inventory, sell and move their goods ranging from shoes to cosmetics from manufacturer to home.
The human cost of US ‘economic war’ on Venezuela: Hyperinflation hits 130,000% last year
RT – Venezuela’s inflation has been soaring dramatically and reached 130,060 percent in 2018, the country’s central bank said in its first report on key economic indicators since 2015.
The latest data from the watchdog released on Tuesday means that an item that cost 1 bolivar in 2017, cost 1,300 bolivares a year later. Even compared to the huge inflation spike in 2017 of 862.6 percent, last year was disastrous for the country’s economy.
Venezuela’s central bank published its previous report three years ago. Before the latest release, inflation data and forecasts were published by the opposition-controlled National Assembly and some international organizations. For example, the International Monetary Fund projected an inflation of over 10 million percent for this and next year.
Energy & Environment
After coal, forest-rich Finland will need to import biomass to keep warm
Reuters – Finland faces having to import biomass because, despite being Europe’s most densely forested country, it will be unable to meet an expected 70% rise in demand for the fuel after it phases out coal.
Finland approved in February banning the use of coal in energy production by May 2029, which means utilities will have to find alternatives to keep Finns warm as coal currently accounts for around 20% of the energy used for household heating.
As there are limited plans to use more gas to produce heat in Finland, and other sources such as solar and geothermal energy are not yet commercially viable, using more biomass is seen as the most economic way of meeting the country’s future energy needs.
Biomass includes forest wood, timber logging residues, and industry by-products such as wood chips, black liquor and other bio-waste.
Estimates shown to Reuters by Poyry consultancy – which advises the government on energy, industry and infrastructure needs – calculate that Finland will need 64 terawatt hours (TWh) worth of biomass in 2030 just for energy production, up from 38 TWh currently.
Domestic supply of biomass on the other hand, is forecast to grow by only 8 TWh between now and 2030, according to Poyry.
As a result, Poyry says the country will have to import biomass as well as improve forest management and ensure greater utilization of harvest residues.
Science & Technology
Army’s ‘Google Earth On Steroids’ Can Look Inside Buildings
ZeroHedge – New mapping technology that is expected to transform training and simulation exercises for America’s warfighters was unveiled at the IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC) 2019 conference on May 15 in Stockholm, Sweden, reported National Defense Magazine.
Jason Knowles, director of geospatial science and technology at the University of Southern California’s Institute for Creative Technologies, an Army affiliated research center, spoke at ITEC about the new terrain capture and reconstruction software that recreates complex environments including cities for simulation exercises and war planning. The institute is part of a cross-functional team working on the mapping software (called One World Terrain (OWT) project).
Knowles described the new software as “Google Earth on steroid.”
6 months later, gene-edited babies stir new interest, debate
AP – Six months after a Chinese scientist was widely scorned for helping to make the world’s first gene-edited babies, he remains out of public view, and new information suggests that others may be interested in pursuing the same kind of work outside the United States.
A fertility clinic in the United Arab Emirates city of Dubai emailed scientist He Jiankui to seek training in gene editing, Stanford University bioethicist Dr. William Hurlbut said ahead of a speech Tuesday at the World Science Festival in New York.
Hurlbut, whose advice He often sought, said He told him that scientists from multiple countries and families with inherited health problems had messaged support and interest in altering the genes of embryos to prevent or treat disease. Hurlbut gave The Associated Press an email he said the Dubai clinic sent to He in December, altered to hide the clinic’s name.
“It reveals what eagerness there is out there to use this technology” and the need “for some sort of enforceable governance” of it, Hurlbut said.
Jennifer Doudna, a University of California, Berkeley, co-inventor of the CRISPR gene-editing tool that He used, said that she also has heard of others who want to edit embryos.
“I think they’re entirely credible,” she said of such reports. Doudna, who was also a speaker at the New York festival, said the field needs to focus on setting specific criteria for how and when such work should proceed.
“The technology is frankly just not ready for clinical use in human embryos,” although research should continue, she said. Doudna is paid by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, which also supports AP’s Health and Science Department.
Shocking News About Beans, Peas and Potatoes
Mercola – Genetically engineered foods are not the only source of glyphosate in your diet. Most conventional, non-GE crops are also contaminated, as are some organics, as glyphosate is widely used as a desiccant or drying agent to speed up harvesting.
Food testing by The Detox Project shows glyphosate contamination is rampant in organic plant-based protein supplements. When testing eight of the most popular pea protein brands sold on Amazon.com, one organic brand was found to contain more glyphosate than conventional brands.
Two conventional (nonorganic) brands, Naked Pea and Anthony’s Pea Protein, had 39 ppb and 80 ppb respectively, while two separate batches of a top-selling organic brand, Orgain Organic Plant-Based Protein Powder, contained 83 ppb and 281 ppb.
Research shows the desiccant paraquat can trigger Parkinson’s disease when combined with plant lectins found in peas, beans, potatoes and many other foods, as the lectins can transport the toxin into the brain.
Evidence suggests diquat may have similar risks as paraquat. According to research, diquat causes cell death by producing reactive oxygen species independently of the mitochondria, and appears to be quite hazardous to brain tissue
Factory-farmed Chickens Responsible for Many Human Infections
Mercoal – Urinary tract infections (UTIs) affect anywhere from 25% to 60% of women over the course of their lifetime, and hospitalization rates for UTIs in the U.S. rose by 52% between 1998 and 2011 as a result of increasing antimicrobial resistance.
Researchers have found the reason UTIs tend to have such a high recurrence rate in postmenopausal women is because the infection can be caused by several different pathogens that are deeply embedded in the tissue, making them more resistant to elimination.
In addition to E. coli, bacteria in urine samples included Klebsiella pneumoniae and Enterococcus faecalis, and species in biopsied tissue included E. coli, Staphylococcus hominis and Bacillus firmus.
About 80% to 90% of UTIs are caused by E.coli, which is normally found in your intestinal tract. Problems only arise when this ordinary bacterium is present in high numbers in your urinary system.
Recent studies have conclusively demonstrated that a majority of UTIs are caused by exposure to contaminated chicken; American, Canadian and European studies have all confirmed close genetic matches between drug-resistant E. coli collected from human patients and those found on poultry
Zest up your day – and your health – by drinking lemon water
NaturalNews  – Your body requires a certain amount of water every day to stay properly hydrated, but what if you could take regular water a step further? You’d be surprised how much drinking lemon water can benefit your body, as opposed to drinking plain old water. Not only can lemon water provide a number of health benefits, but it can leave a refreshing taste that regular water simply can’t match. More than that, you can even choose what specific health benefits you want to enjoy by changing the temperature of your lemon water. Here are a few ways lemon water can enhance your health.
Health benefits of drinking cold lemon water
Cold lemon water is an ideal beverage for hot summer days and it can even promote your overall health.

  • Cold lemon water is a refreshing low-calorie drink. Ditch the sugary energy drinks and artificial fruit juices. If you’re looking for a flavorful alternative to plain old water that is also low on calories, why not sip a cool refreshing glass of lemon water instead? You can even add some honey, a few slices of ginger, or even a few mint leaves if you want to enhance the flavor even further. You get roughly only seven calories when you drink an ounce of cold lemon water.
  • Cold lemon water supports the growth of healthy, glowing skin. Vitamin C is necessary for the production of collagen in your skin. Fortunately, lemon water contains plenty of vitamin C. If you want smooth, healthy, and glowing skin, you should drink a glass of cold lemon water every morning. Not only will it keep you freshly hydrated at the start of the day, but it can also provide natural sun protection and prevent the formation of wrinkles. (Related: A citrusy pick-me-up: The 15 health benefits of drinking lemon water in the morning.)
  • Cold lemon water provides protection from harmful free radicals. Vitamin C also happens to serve as an excellent antioxidant that can protect you from the effects of harmful free radicals. This essential vitamin can even aid your body in metabolizing cholesterol. You can prevent oxidative stress from occurring in your tissues by regularly drinking cold lemon water.

Health benefits of drinking warm lemon water
Warm lemon water has its own fair share of health benefits too, including improving your metabolism and digestive health.

  • Warm lemon water improves your digestive function. Drinking warm water in the morning can aid your digestion, but drinking warm lemon water can more effectively stimulate your liver to produce bile. This enhanced bile production facilitates the movement of food in your digestive tract. If you want to maintain a healthy liver, you should start drinking one to two glasses of warm lemon water before drinking any tea or coffee.
  • Warm lemon water boosts your energy levels. If you need a drink to perk you up at the start of the day, consider taking a glass of warm lemon water instead of a hot cup of coffee for your early morning energy boost. Lemon has a sweet citrusy fragrance that can elevate your mood and reduce your stress levels.
  • Warm lemon water helps you manage your weight. Drinking cold lemon water won’t boost your metabolism, but warm lemon water can at least encourage your body to process food at a slower rate. If you want to get optimal nutrient absorption from the food you eat, you might want to drink warm lemon water half an hour before eating any of your meals.

Stay hydrated by drinking eight glasses of refreshingly clean lemon water every day.
How to Eat Watermelon Seeds
Tree Hugger – Why have we been spitting out watermelon seeds all this time? They’ve got more protein than eggs and taste delicious, silly us.
Maybe it is a sign of our lucky abundance that most of us don’t know (or didn’t until recently) that we can (and should) eat watermelon seeds. Why didn’t we remember that seeds are nutritional powerhouses? Why didn’t we think of eating those from the watermelon before, rather than turning them into mouth-born projectiles to be aimed at pesky siblings?
Well, better late than never.
My lesson came from seeing a package of sprouted watermelon seeds at the supermarket. Having already discovered the wonder of exploring the palatability of other novel-to-me seeds (like butternut squash), I thought, “huh, of course.” And I got to reading and experimenting.
Seeds really are wonder foods. They are tiny little fuel packs waiting to sprout forth and turn into a plant – and because of that, they are loaded with all the good things, like protein, vitamins and minerals, fiber and importantly, healthy unsaturated fats.
Watermelon seeds are no different, despite the carefree fruit they produce. With 8 grams of protein per ounce, they have more than a large egg! They are also a great source of healthy fats, iron, magnesium, zinc, and other nutrients.
Alas, they shouldn’t be eaten straight from the fruit – they are at their tastiest and most nutritious after sprouting. Sprouting also removes the black shell, to reveal surprising creamy seeds like those pictured below.
Sprouting takes a few days, but it’s worth it. The Kitchn describes how to do it here; and the Vegetarian Times has an even more comprehensive tutorial. The gist of it is, you just need to soak them so that they begin to sprout; the seeds then emerge from the shells, and then you dry them in the oven or dehydrator.
Or, you can take a shortcut:
If you don’t have the patience, can also roast your seeds; though they won’t have quite the same nutritional punch, they are still awesome. Rinse and dry your seeds, toss in olive oil and a little salt, and bake on a baking sheet at 325F for 10 to 15 minutes. They will still have their shell, so crack and eat them like you would sunflower seeds.

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