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Today's News: November 02, 2018

Top Headlines
EXPOSED: Beto O’Rourke Campaign Giving Funds to Members of Migrant Caravan
Redstate.com – Beto O’Rourke, the current Democratic hopeful looking to unseat Ted Cruz in Texas, is apparently giving money to members of the migrant caravan according to his own staff.
O’Rourke’s campaign staff was exposed in an undercover sting video conducted by Project Veritas, where they admit to using pre-paid credit cards to get Honduran immigrants supplies and possibly transportation, specifically O’Rourke’s Field Managers Dominic Chacon and AnaPaula Themann
Cruz suggests O’Rourke campaign money is funding migrant caravan
The Hill – Sen. Ted Cruz (R) claimed on Friday that his opponent in the Texas Senate race, Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D), was funding a caravan of migrants traveling north to the U.S. through his campaign donations.
In a tweet Friday morning, the senator questioned whether O’Rourke believed the migrant caravan should be allowed to reach the U.S.–Mexico border in Texas and apply for asylum.
He also questioned whether campaign dollars raised by O’Rourke’s campaign had been used to illegally fund the caravan.
Trump administration to reinstate all Iran sanctions
BBC – The Trump administration is to reinstate all US sanctions on Iran removed under the 2015 nuclear deal.
The White House said it was “the toughest sanctions regime ever imposed on Iran” and targeted Iran’s energy, shipping and banking sectors.
However, eight countries will not be penalised by the US for continuing to import Iranian oil.
EU states which backed the deal have said they will protect EU firms doing “legitimate” business with Iran.
President Donald Trump withdrew from the deal in May, describing it as “defective at its core”.
Trump keeps immigration front and center with new asylum restrictions
Talking Points Memo – President Donald Trump is expected to announce on Thursday his plans to automatically deny asylum to migrants who try to enter the U.S. illegally between ports of entry — part of his latest election-season response to caravans heading toward the border.
It was unclear whether the restrictions Trump was expected to propose would apply only to those traveling in the caravans or extend to all people trying to enter the country. And it also was unclear whether Trump has the legal authority to change the rules.
The asylum clause of the Immigration and Nationality Act notes that anyone who arrives to the U.S. may apply for asylum. And any change would almost certainly be immediately challenged in court.
Trump was to make his announcement during brief remarks Thursday afternoon, according to three people familiar with the plans. They spoke only on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly by name.
World News
Russia re-equipping military storages in Crimea for nuclear weapons – Ukraine’s permanent representative to the UN
Crimea News Agency – According to Yelchenko, weapons supplied to the Donbas from the Crimea by the Sea of ​​Azov                                        Russia continues to prepare military infrastructure in the annexed Crimea for the deployment of nuclear weapons,
the permanent representative of Ukraine to the UN, Volodymyr Yelchenko, stated at a meeting of the UN Security Council.
“In the occupied Crimea, active militarization continues in full force. Russia has more than doubled its military forces on the peninsula and continues to prepare the Crimean military infrastructure for the deployment of nuclear weapons, including the re-equipment of Soviet storage facilities for nuclear weapons.”
According to him, the Russian authorities use the Sea of ​​Azov for the supply of weapons from the Crimea to the Donbas.
Yelchenko noted that Russia did not abandon the idea of ​​getting a land corridor to the Crimea.
“Moreover, the threat of a maritime attack in the direction of the Sea of ​​Azov in the event of a large-scale military confrontation remains a source of security destabilization in the Donetsk region.”
Korea’s halt all ‘hostile’ military acts near border
SEOUL, Nov. 1 (Yonhap) — The armed forces of South and North Korea on Thursday ceased all “hostile acts” against each other as part of a set of confidence-building measures under a summit deal, defense authorities in Seoul said.
The comprehensive military agreement, signed on Sept. 19 during their summit talks, took effect at the beginning of the day, banning hostility in every space: land, sea and air.
It also calls for the creation of buffer zones in border areas aimed at preventing accidental clashes and avoiding war.
The two sides are prohibited from conducting live-fire artillery drills and regiment-level field maneuvering exercises or those by bigger units within 5 kilometers of the Military Demarcation Line (MDL).
No-fly zones have been established along the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) as well to ban the operation of drones, helicopters and other aircraft over an area up to 40 km away from the MDL.
UN votes overwhelmingly to condemn US embargo on Cuba
Al Jazeera – The United Nations General Assembly has overwhelmingly backed a resolution condemning the US economic embargo on Cuba after rejecting proposed US amendments criticising the communist nation on its human rights record.
U.S. News, Politics & Government
Judge orders Georgia to allow new U.S. citizens to vote
Axios – A federal judge ordered that Georgia must allow new U.S. citizens to vote if they show proof of citizenship at polling locations, per the Atlanta Journal Constitution.
More than 3,000 U.S. citizens who have been newly naturalized have been turned away from early voting locations in the state when their citizenship status hadn’t been updated in government computers.
The details: Citizenship status is not updated on Georgians’ state driver’s license records until they renew their licenses, per the AJC.
Google accused of ‘illegal contributions’ to pro-amnesty campaigns
WND – An organization that opposes illegal immigration filed a complaint asking the Federal Election Commission to investigate Google’s “illegal contributions of value to pro-amnesty Democrat and GOP campaigns.”
William Gheen, president of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC, said the complaint alleges Facebook, Google and Twitter violated federal regulations that prohibit corporations and corporation employees “from contributing any services or anything of value to elections and campaigns.”
“Silicon Valley companies are contributing to Democrat campaigns by silencing conservative opposition to illegal immigration and groups like ALIPAC that support the conservative anti-amnesty opponents of left-wing candidates favored by these companies,” he said.
One provision states: “National banks and corporations organized by authority of any law of Congress are prohibited from making a contribution, as defined in 11 CFR 114.1(a), in connection with any election to any political office, including local, state and federal offices, or in connection with any primary election or political convention or caucus held to select candidates for any political office, including any local, state or federal office.”
The complaint to the FEC alleges Google, Facebook and Twitter employees are breaking U.S. laws “by using their company technologies, equipment, and employees to contribute to campaigns and influence the outcome of U.S. elections, legislation, and policies in favor of left-wing positions they share with the Democratic Party and Democrat candidates and certain Republicans who also support increases in foreign labor visas and Amnesty legislation backed by these companies.”
6 Reasons to Start Homeschooling ASAP
Activist Post – Millions of American parents are now… schooling their offspring at home, and new computer software is making quality home education easier to accomplish. Recent studies have shown that home-schooled students are superior to schooled students both academically and socially…
It shouldn’t surprise you that home-schooled students do so well. In school all students are expected, cookie-cutter style, to learn the same way and at the same pace; at home, learning is individualized and self-paced, as all learning should be.
Plenty of young people become well educated by their parents and through their own efforts despite going to public school.
But you can make the results even more dramatic by removing your children from these harmful institutions. Tomorrow we will dive into creative ways to homeschool or “unschool” if you think the logistics are impossible for your situation.

  1. Freedom Makes People Smarter

A study on rats found that when they were given “enriched” environments to explore, their brains physically grew, and the rats displayed better problem-solving skills.
They didn’t have to be forced to interact with their environment. They were naturally curious.

  1. At School, They Are Indoctrinated by Strangers

School is not about knowledge or intelligence. It is about obedience. It trains youth to be obedient to authority figures and to seek their approval.
Look, many teachers are wonderful people. But even the greatest teachers are restrained by the system.

  1. At Home, They Are Less Exposed to Troublemakers

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to keep your kids away from the riff-raff.
“But in the real world, they’ll have to deal with…”
Really? I don’t see it. This isn’t a matter of sheltering your kids so they don’t understand that there is evil in the world. It is a matter of teaching kids that they don’t have to associate with bullies.
But it’s not just bullies, it is the other students who conform to the “teen culture” spreading like cancer throughout the world.

  1. Age Segregation is Harmful

It is only quite recently in history that anyone thought it was a good idea to group a bunch of youngsters of the same age together.
Avoiding the problems associated with teen years requires a healthy continuum from childhood to adulthood. That means becoming more and more exposed to adult culture and responsibilities as you go through your teenage years.

  1. Get Them Away From School Violence

It’s not just crazy gunmen students are left defenseless against.
Some schools put cops in the school, which sounds like a good idea. But if they aren’t stopping school shootings, they are generally handcuffing non-resistant elementary school students. Other “resource officers” assault the students, or taze them while the Principal holds them down.
Donald Trump: The Word ‘Racist’ is Used to Describe ‘Every Republican That’s Winning’
Breitbart – President Donald Trump defied charges Thursday from Democrats and the establishment media that he was a racist for supporting tough measures on immigration enforcement.
“Well you know the word ‘racist’ is used about every Republican that’s winning,” Trump said in an interview with Christian Broadcast Network. “Any time a Republican is leading they take out the ‘R’ word, the ‘racist’ word.”
Trump denied that he was anti-immigrant, asserting that the country needed them but that all immigrants had to come into the country legally.
Dying cancer patient says he’ll take reduced $78 million award in trial against Roundup maker
CNN – The payment is $211 million less than he expected, but Dewayne Johnson said he’ll take it.
After months of legal drama, the terminally ill cancer patient has agreed to a reduced award of about $78 million from the agrochemical giant Monsanto, a sharp decrease from a jury’s $289 million verdict.
Still, Monsanto’s parent company says it will appeal.
Chris Cornell’s Family Files Lawsuit for ‘Dangerous, Mind-Altering’ Prescription Drugs that Led to Suicide
Free Thought Project – Last year, rock fans worldwide were shocked and saddened to hear that the legendary Soundgarden singer, Chris Cornell, had killed himself.
Chris Cornell was taking Ativan, a psychoactive drug in the Benzodiazepines class. Now, a lawsuit filed by the family is going after Cornell’s doctor, Dr. Robert Koblin, for “negligently and repeatedly” prescribing “dangerous mind-altering controlled substances” that impaired Cornell and “caused him to engage in dangerous impulsive behaviors that he was unable to control, costing him his life.”
Benzodiazepines, sometimes called “benzos,” are a class of psychoactive drugs whose core chemical structure is the fusion of a benzene ring and a diazepine ring. The drug works by enhancing the effect of the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) at the GABA receptor in the brain, producing a hypnotic effect. The drug, which was accidentally discovered in 1955 by Leo Sternbach, helps some people with high-anxiety. However, it can also be detrimental to one’s well-being.
Hallucinations, insomnia, psychosis, excitability, irritability, aggressive behavior, agitation, hostility, anxiety, vivid dreams, hyperactivity, organic disinhibition, depersonalization, apathy, excitement, feeling mad, illusion, nightmares, sleep disorders, suicide ideation, and rage are just a few of the side effects caused by benzos.
Economy & Business
October Surprise: U.S. Added More Than 1,000 Manufacturing Jobs a Day, Best Since 1998
Breitbart – Rumors of a slowdown in American manufacturing were greatly exaggerated.
The United States added 32,000 new manufacturing jobs in October, more than 1,000 every day, including holidays and weekends.  Twenty-one thousand of the new manufacturing goods were in durable goods manufacturing, including more than 10 thousand in transportation manufacturing. More than 6,000 new jobs were added in autos and auto parts. Nearly 5,000 jobs were added by makers of machinery.
October is not typically a strong month for manufacturing jobs. In fact, the U.S. has not created this many manufacturing jobs in October since 1998, according to Department of Labor data. Manufacturing was expected to grow by just 13,000 jobs.
October was a surprisingly strong month for jobs overall, with the economy adding 250,000 jobs. That far exceeded expectations of 190,000.
The strong growth of manufacturing comes after widespread predictions that trade disputes and tariffs on metals would weigh on domestic manufacturing. Instead, domestic manufacturing is booming.
In California, Home Sales Are Plunging Like It Is 2008 All Over Again
Economic Collapse Blog – What goes up must eventually come down.  For years, the California housing market was on the cutting edge of “Housing Bubble 2” as we witnessed home prices in the state soar to absolutely absurd levels.  In fact, it got so bad that a burned down house in Silicon Valley sold for $900,000 earlier this year, and a condemned home in Fremont sold for $1.2 million.  But now things have changed in a major way.  The hottest real estate markets in the entire country led the way down during the collapse of “Housing Bubble 1”, and now it looks like the same thing is going to be true for the sequel. According to CNBC, the number of new and existing homes sold in southern California was down 18 percent in September compared to a year ago
Science & Technology
Researchers Warn Hackers Could Target Memories Of Those With Brain Chip Implan
Activist Post – Scientists and security experts are warning of the potential for a person’s brain to be hacked, who have had “brain implants” to treat Parkinson’s disease, according to cybersecurity firm Kaspersky Lab and the University of Oxford Functional Neurosurgery Group, ZDNet reported.
The problems of medical device vulnerabilities were first brought up by Barnaby Jack, a hacker who mysteriously died right before he was set to give a presentation on how to hack a pacer monitor in 2012. Jack’s death was ruled a drug overdose by medical examiners but, still, the timing is coincidental.
Barnaby expressed that he could induce an 830-volt shock into someone on a laptop up to 50 feet away.
Eating Organic Can Dramatically Reduce Your Cancer Risk
Care2 – There are many great reasons to eat more organic food, including: reducing intake of genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), ingesting fewer toxic pesticides, and organic foods just taste so much better. But, there’s another reason to eat organic, according to research. A new study found that simply by switching to organic foods you can slash your cancer risk.
8 of the Most Dangerous Household Products
Care2 – We expect our homes to be sanctuaries, keeping us comfortable and safe. But some common items people often have in their homes can be extremely hazardous to their health. Here are eight of the most dangerous household products.

  1. Chemical cleaners
  2. Air fresheners
  3. Nonstick cookware
  4. Lead paint
  5. Flame retardants
  6. Manufactured wood products
  7. Mothballs (and other pesticides)
  8. Nonfunctioning smoke and carbon monoxide detectors


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