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Today's News: November 04, 2019

World News

India turns its back on the world’s biggest trade pact
RT – New Delhi has backed away from joining a massive multinational trade pact as the other 15 members of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) have agreed on major points of the deal.
The mega trade deal, which is supposed to span from India to New Zealand, is set to include 30 percent of global GDP and half of the world’s population. The RCEP involves 16 countries in the Asia Pacific, including all 10 Southeast Asian nations (ASEAN states) and six of their large trading partners: China, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia, and New Zealand.
Deadly grenade attack hits Kashmir amid India lockdown
Al Jazeera – At least 1 killed and 34 others injured, including 3 Indian paramilitary police, in attack in Srinagar.
ONE in THREE people in Germany will have migrant roots in only 2 decades, researcher predicts
RT – In as little as 20 years, more than 30 percent of people living in Germany will have foreign backgrounds, a migration expert has calculated, estimating that the percentage could be double in larger cities.
British Baking Show Bans Hong Kong Cake to Appease Communist China, Allows Anti-Trump Cake
Breitbart – In the latest example of Western capitulation to the Chinese Communist Party, a cake celebrating pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong has been removed from the Cake International baking show in the United Kingdom for being “offensive”.
Cake International, which hosts cake-makers from around the world, dubbing itself “The World’s Greatest Cake Show”, has come under fire for banning a Hong Kong protests themed cake — but allowing a cake lampooning U.S. President Donald Trump to enter.
The cake, designed by a baker from the 3rd Space café in Sheung Wan, Hong Kong, was decorated with prominent symbols of the Hong Kong protest movement, including umbrellas, yellow hard hats, tear gas canisters, and a Guy Fawkes mask.  Inside the cake was a music box that played “Glory to Hong Kong”, a song that has become an anthem of the protest movement.
ake sparked a backlash from some Chinese people who attended the show. The café released on its Instagram page an email  that it had received from Cake International, which said that “The content and message behind the cake has been viewed as offensive and led to complaints from attendees, therefore the decision has been taken to withdraw it from the competition.”

U.S. News, Politics & Government

Lawyer: Ukraine ‘Whistleblower’ Willing to Answer GOP Questions — in Writing
Breitbart – The whistleblower who raised alarms about President Donald Trump’s dealings with Ukraine and touched off the Democratic-led impeachment inquiry is willing to answer written questions submitted by House Republicans, the person’s lawyer says.
The offer made over the weekend to Rep. Devin Nunes, the top Republican on the intelligence committee, was aimed in part at fending off escalating attacks by Trump and his GOP allies who are demanding the whistleblower’s identity be revealed.
It would allow Republicans to ask questions of the whistleblower without having to go through the committee’s chairman, Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif.
All four White House officials scheduled for House inquiry depositions Monday won’t testify
CNN – All four White House officials who are scheduled to give depositions on Monday during the House’s impeachment inquiry won’t show up, as a source with knowledge of the situation tells CNN that National Security Council lawyers John Eisenberg and Michael Ellis will not testify.
Trump must hand over tax returns, US appeals court rules
The Guardian – Court rules that Donald Trump’s accounting firm must turn over eight years of the president’s tax returns to New York prosecutors.
Thanksgiving Government Shutdown Looms
Newxmax – Another government shutdown looks increasingly likely after President Donald Trump said he “wouldn’t commit” to signing a budget agreement before the November 21 deadline.
Beto O’Rourke drops out of 2020 presidential race
The Daily Sheeple – Beto O’Rourke has ended his bid for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020.
The former Texas congressman made the announcement on Friday in a series of tweets, saying, “I am announcing that my service to the country will not be as a candidate or as the nominee.”
George Soros praises Warren calling her the ‘most qualified to be President’
The Daily Sheeple – Far-left billionaire and political donor George Soros lavished praise on Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) on Friday, calling her the “most qualified to be president.” He also predicted a Warren presidency.
The liberal kingmaker said he was not endorsing any candidate in the 2020 presidential race, so he could support whichever candidate the Democratic Party nominates against President Donald Trump.
In an interview with The New York Times, Soros called Trump “an aberration,” accusing the president of “clearly putting his personal interests ahead of the national interests. I think it will contribute to his demise next year. So I am slightly predicting that things will turn around.”
He predicted that Warren — who has emerged as a co-frontrunner with former Vice President Joe Biden in recent weeks — would become the Democratic nominee.

Economy & Business

Apple will spend $2.5 billion to help solve California’s housing crisis
CNN – Apple announced a $2.5 billion financial package to help address the housing crisis in California, which has worsened in part because of the rapid growth of tech companies.
The company laid out a five-point plan, including $1 billion for an affordable housing investment fund, $1 billion in mortgage assistance for first-time home buyers and opening some Apple-owned land valued at $300 million for development. The remaining $200 million will go toward a San Francisco housing fund and to support vulnerable populations.
In San Francisco, roughly 7,000 people are homeless. There is a shortage of affordable homes across the Bay Area, which is pushing out middle and low-income workers like teachers and restaurant employees. Critics say the influx of tech companies and their well-paid workers has contributed to the ongoing housing crisis.
“Affordable housing means stability and dignity, opportunity and pride,” said Apple CEO Tim Cook in a press release. “When these things fall out of reach for too many, we know the course we are on is unsustainable, and Apple (AAPL) is committed to being part of the solution.”
McDonald’s boss Steve Easterbrook fired after dating employee
BBC – McDonald’s has fired its chief executive Steve Easterbrook after he had a relationship with an employee.
The US fast food giant said the relationship was consensual, but Mr Easterbrook had “violated company policy” and shown “poor judgement”.
In an email to staff, the British businessman acknowledged the relationship and said it was a mistake.
“Given the values of the company, I agree with the board that it is time for me to move on,” he said.
Mr Easterbrook, 52, who is divorced, first worked for McDonald’s in 1993 as a manager in London before working his way up the company.
Oklahoma City Police Investigating “It’s Okay to be White Fliers” as Potential Hate Crime
Infowars – Police in Oklahoma City are investigating “It’s okay to be white” fliers that were posted at the Oklahoma City University School of Law as a potential hate crime.
Although authorities acknowledge that the fliers were “not believed to be a threat” and that posting them wasn’t a crime because no property was damaged, the individual responsible is under investigation anyway.
“Investigators are trying to determine his intent and whether the actions are a hate crime,” reports the Associated Press.
Law school Dean Jim Roth said the OCU is “intentional and relentless” in supporting diversity and the hatred and exclusion “will not be tolerated.”
Meanwhile in another incident, a sign that read “It’s OK to be white” was hung on a bridge over a highway in Massachusetts. A local ADL spokesman said the message “excludes people” and “targets people.”

Energy & Environment

A deep sigh as California wildfires mostly under control
CS Monitor – Evacuations orders have been lifted in southern California. Firefighters have gained the upper hand with the biggest fires, Kincade and Maria.
They’re Gonna Need a Bigger Boat: More Climate Activists Cry for Help to Reach COP25 Climate Conference
Breitbart – Swedish activist Greta Thunberg is not alone in asking the world for help so she can join 25,000 other delegates at the rescheduled United Nations COP25 climate conference in Spain.
Young Belgian climate proponents Adelaide Charlier and Anuna De Wever (pictured) had boarded a sailing boat for South America in October to sail to Chile to participate in COP25 when it was set down for South America.
Now they are stranded and desperate to head back to Europe for the COP25 meeting rescheduled for Madrid next month in the biggest and fastest boat that can be made available to them free of charge.
Hundreds Of Earthquakes Rattle The U.S. As The Level Of Seismic Activity In North America Continues To Rise
Michael Snyder – Why is the mainstream media being so quiet about all of the seismic activity that has been happening all across the United States?  During the last 7 days, there has been an earthquake swarm directly along the New Madrid Fault zone, Kansas and Oklahoma have been hit by a very unusual number of significant quakes, and there have been several sizable seismic events in the vicinity of the Yellowstone supervolcano.  But of course the west coast is getting hammered more than anyone else. According to Cal Tech, there have been more than 1000 earthquakes in California and Nevada over the last week, but of course most of them have been very small.  Overall, the latest USGS numbers tell us that there have been more than 2,000 earthquakes nationally during the last 7 days, and apparently we aren’t supposed to be alarmed by that.  But could it be possible that all of this seismic activity is leading up to something really big?
Over the weekend, we witnessed some very unusual quakes in the middle of the country.  On Sunday, a magnitude 3.2 earthquake rattled Kansas…

Science & Technology

Amazon Alexa Could Be Used To Prosecute Case In Florida — But Is There Probable Cause?
Activist Post – Police in Florida are investigating whether Alexa can be a witness to a possible murder and are attempting to use the smart device for its knowledge on the death.
In July, Sylvia Galva Crespo, 32, was killed by a spear to the chest at home in her Hallandale Beach, Florida, north of Miami, in which her husband, Adam Crespo, 43, stated was a mysterious accident.
Police believe that the smart device in the home at the time may have heard and recorded something relevant during the fatal altercation when the couple argued after a night out, the Sun Sentinel reported.
“It is believed that evidence of crimes, audio recordings capturing the attack on victim Silvia Crespo that occurred in the main bedroom … may be found on the server maintained by or for Amazon,” police wrote in a legal filing.
Facebook and Google urged to ban political ads before UK election
The Guardian – Letter calls for suspension until after vote due to lack of time to reform online advertising rules.
The UK does not have time to solve the problems of online political advertising before the general election, meaning it should be voluntarily suspended by Facebook and Google until after the vote, campaigners, academics and non-profits have said.
In a letter addressed to Mark Zuckerberg and Sundar Pichai, the chief executives of Facebook and Google, as well as Nick Clegg and Kent Walker, the heads of policy of the respective companies, the campaigners write that “with the announcement of the election coming in only six weeks, there is no time for regulations to catch up” with the reality of online advertising.


A silent killer: Leaky gut syndrome is often misdiagnosed or ignored
NaturalNews – Leaky gut syndrome (LGS) is a silent killer, often misdiagnosed or ignored. Your susceptibility to infection, sickness, and pain begins here, in the gut. Your gut is the crucible where disease processes either begin or come to an end.
The main culprits that are destroying your gut health
If so many chronic health issues can be cured by addressing gut health, what are the causes of this inflammation?
Sadly, modern medicine is the primary driver of leaky gut syndrome. When antibiotics are consumed, the gut loses important microbes that help protect the gut wall. These intestinal microbiota are in relationship to the human host and play beneficial roles to protect physiological and metabolic processes occurring within the host. While antibiotics disable traits of infectious microorganisms, they also harm beneficial hosts, altering the microbial environment and functional structures inside the gut that are influenced by gut metabolites. As beneficial bacteria are reduced, their protective actions are lost, putting the villi at risk of inflammation. These bacteria are there to transform metabolic and microbial wastes so these toxins can be readily discharged by the body. If the good bacteria are not present, cellular debris, bile, chemical waste, viral toxins, fungus, and pus accumulate and put pressure on the gut wall. Hormones that are discharged from the liver to the small intestine are intended to be broken down by beneficial bacteria as well. If the bacteria are depleted, then the intestines may be reabsorbing estrogens that ultimately cause tumors throughout the body.
To make matters worse, non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs such as Motrin and Advil widen the spaces between cells in the gut wall, perpetuating leaky gut syndrome. Not to mention, anti-acid drugs eliminate the gastric acid in the gut, harming intestinal microbes and their ability to use enzymes for removal of wastes.
Just as modern medicine puts pressure on the gut microbes and the villi’s ability to protect the blood, so does  diet impact the strength and diversity of protective microbes in the gut. Non-organic foods that contain glyphosate inflame the intestinal lining. Glyphosate works like an antibiotic and negatively impacts human gut bacteria through the skikimate pathway. Alcohol and complicated grief also causes inflammation in the gut. A diet high in processed foods and low in fiber does not support the gut.
If you’re experiencing chronic fatigue, digestive issues, cramps, constipation, mood changes, and bloating, – you are likely experiencing leaky gut syndrome. More advanced signs include rashes, food sensitivities, psoriasis, celiac disease, or Crohns disease. Don’t ignore these signs. Take action to restore your gut health before suffering becomes a normal way of life.
Prostate Cancer Risk Rises From Eating Too Much Cheese
Newsmax – You may want to hold the cheese on your next pizza.
According to the American Osteopathic Association, eating too much cheese and other dairy products has been linked to an increased risk of prostate cancer. According to Medical Daily, men who regularly consumed cheese, milk, butter and yogurt appeared to have a 76 percent increased risk of developing this disease.
Natural Ways to Lower Elevated Liver Enzymes
Global Healing Center – The liver is the detoxification hub of your body. It works with your digestive tract, gallbladder, and pancreas to process everything you eat and drink, from almonds to zucchini — plus the occasional donut. But sometimes, toxins or disease damage the liver. Among other issues, this can cause elevated liver enzymes to course through your veins.
What exactly does this mean? What is a liver enzyme, and what does it mean when they are higher than “normal”? Read on to learn more about liver enzymes and how to lower them naturally.
Common Signs of Elevated Liver Enzymes
Liver conditions may occur with no outward symptoms.[2] Also, elevated liver enzymes in and of themselves may not cause any symptoms. However, if liver damage continues, signs may appear. Your healthcare provider may order a liver test to check for elevated liver enzymes or bilirubin. Below are some of the common symptoms that may co-occur with elevated liver enzymes indicating possible liver issues:

  • Nausea
  • Poor appetite
  • Fatigue
  • Yellow eyes and skin (jaundice)
  • Itching
  • Swollen abdomen
  • Pale stool and dark urine
  • Skin blemishes, spots, or rashes

Natural Ways to Lower Elevated Enzymes
The liver is an incredible organ. It’s one of the only body organs that can repair itself and return to its previous level of function![2] That requires resting your liver and supporting it with a healthy lifestyle. Here are a few of the most effective natural ways to support the health of your liver and digestion system.
Stop Drinking Alcohol
If you have elevated liver enzymes, stop drinking alcohol. Alcohol is very hard on your liver. Excessive drinking is one of the most common reasons for elevated liver enzymes. Cutting down or stopping your consumption of alcohol is an excellent way to bring them down and help your liver heal.
If you have developed an “alcoholic fatty liver,” the most effective management strategy is drinking less — or not at all. Even if your liver is already injured, stop drinking. Cutting out alcohol for one and a half years improved survival rates of patients with alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver.[4]
Avoiding alcohol can help even if you have nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and only partake on occasion. In fact, cutting out alcohol can help you maintain a healthy liver and keep your liver enzymes in a normal range no matter the condition of your liver.[5]
Change Your Diet
Because your liver breaks down everything you eat, opting for a healthier diet gives it a chance to rest and become less inflamed.
First, start by reducing your fat intake. This not only helps weight loss efforts but may also decrease any elevated liver enzymes. Replace saturated fats with unsaturated fats. This will also lower your risk of heart disease.
Next, lower your sugar intake. Cut out soft drinks and store-bought juices, which have large amounts of sugar. Try eating low-glycemic index foods, such as gluten-free whole grains or leafy green vegetables, instead of high-glycemic-index foods like white rice, bread, and cookies.[6] These steps will also reduce your risk of metabolic syndrome and other metabolic disorders.
Last but not least, add a variety of fresh, organic fruits and vegetables into your daily diet and cut down on meat. Eliminating harmful foods is the basis of a liver cleanse — see below.
Take Medicinal Herbs
Many medicinal herbs contain beneficial plant compounds and bring added nutrients to your body. The following ones specifically support your liver.
Milk Thistle
Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) is one of the most-used herbal supplements for liver health in the world — and for good reason. Milk thistle’s active compound silymarin protects the liver against harmful toxins and invading organisms. It also reduces redness and swelling.[7] Milk thistle is safe and well-tolerated.
Holy Basil (Tulsi)
Tulsi (Ocimum tenuiflorum) has liver-protective effects and also reduces systemic redness and swelling.[8] It is a potent adaptogen that helps the body respond to stress. Tulsi may work synergistically with milk thistle, which means the two herbs complement the action of the other.[8]
One of the most popular spices in Indian cuisine, turmeric (Curcuma longa) is also well-known as a medicinal herb. It promotes normal liver enzyme levels and reduces redness and swelling.[9
Try a Liver Cleanse
Consider doing a liver cleanse to remove toxins and encourage your liver back to overall health. Global Healing Center’s liver cleanse program involves eating liver cleansing foods and adding natural digestive aids to your diet. These include olive oil, Epsom salts, ozonated magnesium, and turmeric. A liver cleanse using these supplements will also cleanse your gallbladder.

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