July 18, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: November 05, 2020

Trump poised to sue Nevada claiming voter fraud, says 10,000 votes came from people who no longer live there – reports

RT – Incumbent US President Donald Trump is reportedly suing to stop the vote count in Nevada as the state prepares to release new vote totals. It would be the fifth state targeted by his campaign’s lawyers over fraud allegations.

The lawsuit halting the vote count in Nevada will soon be announced in a press conference in the state by former Director of National Intelligence Ric Grenell, several news outlets reported on Thursday. Trump’s Twitter feed appeared to confirm the reports — he tweeted “STOP THE COUNT!” in all-caps on Thursday morning as the results of Tuesday’s election remained incomplete.

Democratic challenger Joe Biden led Trump by fewer than 8,000 votes in Nevada as of Thursday morning, with the state expected to release new vote totals later that day. Like many states that were ultimately called for Biden, Nevada initially appeared to go for Trump before slowly turning blue — reportedly the result of counting mail-in votes, which trend toward Democrats. Republicans have claimed that 10,000 “voters” who no longer live in Nevada — whether they’re dead or have moved out of state – have “voted” for Biden, fraudulently swaying the election his way.

Fmr NV AG Laxalt: ‘No Question’ Trump Would Have Won Nevada ‘Convincingly’ Without Mail-in Voting

Breitbart – Wednesday on Fox News Channel’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” former Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt decried changes to his state’s mail-in voting laws and subsequent decisions from a court that made it difficult for allies of President Donald Trump to monitor ballot-counting now underway.

According to Laxalt, the rules were changed 90 days out of the election.

“Let me first say we believe we have a path to victory, but the Democrats have absolutely stacked the deck against us in this election,” he said. “They’ve changed this election inside 90 days and as votes are being counted and America thinks that with all these mail-in ballots, that you think you have people watching that counting going on, we are still not allowed to watch the signature-matching. We are not allowed to challenge any of those signatures. So, they switch us to this new system, and they give us no right to be sure that only legal voters count. As America knows, those that stayed up like me all night — they dumped these at 3 a.m. They counted through the middle of the night.”

“They’re counting all day today,” Laxalt continued. “And we’re still having to wait until tomorrow. And we are still right at this second, not in that door. And I warned them about this — that if it came down to Nevada, we’d finally get people to pay attention to the fact that the Democrats didn’t give us this right, and a judge agreed that we weren’t entitled to this right. Of course, we disagreed with that, and we’re still fighting that. But just for your viewers, that has to be quite startling that almost 400,000 votes were cast last night, and there was no observation, no transparency. And you know, we’re supposed to just trust but not be able to verify.”

Laxalt said had the state not chosen a course for mail-in voting, Trump would have won Nevada over former Vice President Joe Biden “convincingly.”

“There is no question that Donald Trump would have won Nevada last night convincingly if we did not move to mail-in ballots,” he added. “And again, we don’t know how bad voters there are in this giant stack. We also know there are likely to be dead voters. There are likely to be people that have moved out of Las Vegas but found their ballots were still cast. So we’re looking into all of this, but it’s just astounding when you watch the news commentary last night about this. They keep acting these systems are foolproof, and there’s no way that any improper voter can get through. And it is just simply not true.”

Military ballots still arriving in swing states where vote count is unfinished

Fox – Military mail-in ballots are still arriving in battleground states such as Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Nevada, even as President Trump and his campaign protest the counting of votes after Election Day

Trump has argued that ballots received afterward should not be counted and filed lawsuits to stop the tally in states where he says observers haven’t been given “meaningful access” to ensure the process is fair.

DOJ Reportedly Claims Armed Feds Can Inspect State Vote-Counting Locations On Allegations of ‘Fraud’

Sputnik – As the vote count continues in the 2020 US presidential elections, the process has been significantly slowed down this year by a record-breaking number of ballots having been cast by mail – something Republican President Donald Trump has long been railing against as fraught with the potential for fraud.

Amid the ongoing vote count in the US presidential elections, where Donald Trump and his Democrat opponent have yet to gather the required 270 electoral college votes to obtain victory, state officials have vowed they would not be intimidated by the possibility of armed federal agents showing up at ballot-counting sites.

The tabulation of votes from some states is still in process, as the current elections have gone on record for their massive surge in mail-in votes – something applauded by the Democrats amid the coronavirus pandemic and repeatedly slammed by the Republican President as fraught with the potential for disaster and vote-rigging.

Earlier, a New York Times report cited a Justice Department email dated Wednesday that had allegedly informed federal prosecutors that US law allows armed federal agents to enter ballot-counting sites to investigate alleged “fraud”.

In response, Pennsylvania’s attorney-general Josh Shapiro told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow on Wednesday that the state would “protect, secure, and count every vote in Pennsylvania.”

Arizona voters sue Maricopa County over ‘Sharpiegate’

Fox – Several voters in Maricopa County, the largest in Arizona, brought a lawsuit Wednesday against Democratic County Recorder Adrian Fontes, the county Board of Supervisors and others, claiming that the use of Sharpie permanent markers at some polling sites left ballots too damaged to be counted.

After an investigation was opened into the matter by Republican Attorney General Mark Brnovich in Arizona, county and election officials have sought to reassure voters who may have used such a marker.

Democratic Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, whose office oversees elections statewide, told Arizona’s in-person voters that their regular ballot would be counted, no matter what kind of pen was used to fill it out.

Rumors about Sharpies or other writing tools and ballots have circulated across the country, including in the city of Chicago and the states of Michigan, Massachusetts and Connecticut, according to Reuters.

Reuters reported Wednesday that a viral Facebook video shared by prominent Republicans had been labeled by the social media giant as “false information” and the hashtag #sharpiegate has since been blocked on the platform.

Protesters Clash With NYPD

WSJ – At least 60 protesters taking part in a march against President Trump were arrested in Manhattan on Wednesday evening as the nation waited a second night for an outcome to the presidential election.

The arrests occurred at around 8 p.m. as protesters made their way through streets in the borough’s West Village neighborhood. Fires had been set in areas where protesters were gathered, according to a New York Police Department spokesman. The spokesman didn’t say if protesters had set the fires.

Antifa Protesters in Denver: ‘No Borders. No Walls. No U.S.A. at All!’

Brietbart – Antifa protesters shouted chants of, “No Borders. No Walls. No U.S.A. at all,” during a demonstration in Denver, CO, on Wednesday evening.

One sign held by marchers read, “DEATH to FASCISM AND the LIBERALISM THAT ENABLES IT.” Another had the message, “DEATH TO FASCISM” with Antifa A-letter symbols.

A left-wing Twitter account shared images of leftists in Denver burning a President Donald Trump campaign flag and thin blue line-themed U.S. flag.

Protesters burning flags did a question-and-answer chant, with one leftist asking, “Whose land?”, and others replying, “Indigenous land!”.

In September, former Vice President Joe Biden said, “Antifa is an idea, not an organization,” during a debate with President Donald Trump, denying the organizational dimension of the left-wing group.

Shadowy Group Allied With BLM Threatens Unrest, Takeover of Gov’t Buildings if Trump Doesn’t Concede

Sputnik – Protests have broken out across US cities in the aftermath of a contentious presidential election where a clear winner has yet to be determined. Donald Trump’s campaign has mounted legal challenges over alleged irregularities in multiple battleground states. Challenger Joe Biden has announced the creation of an ‘election protection’ legal fund.

Black Lives Matter activists and allied Democrat-leaning protest groups have begun a mass mobilisation across major cities to ensure that the counting of votes continues, and have threatened to continue protests outside the White House and elsewhere unless the Trump campaign halts its planned legal challenges in states where voting irregularities have been suspected.

BLM and a group known as ‘Count Every Vote’ has called on Trump to concede defeat, staging rallies Wednesday in major cities including Washington, DC, New York, Chicago, Philadelphia,  Pittsburgh, Minneapolis, Seattle, Houston, Los Angeles, San Diego, and Seattle, demanding that the count of mail-in ballots continues unabated. In Portland, the city which has witnessed widespread protests since the summer, a riot was declared, prompting Oregon authorities to activate the National Guard.

Free Speech, What’s That? Dem Lawmakers Ramp Up Calls to Suspend Trump’s Twitter Account

Sputnik – The president’s Twitter account has already been subjected to ‘soft’ censorship, with the social media giant hiding about a third of his tweets Wednesday behind a “some or all of the content shared in this Tweet is disputed and may be misleading” wall and slapping others with disclaimers.

A growing chorus of Democratic lawmakers and liberal-leaning public figures, journalists and activists has called on Twitter to suspend Donald Trump’s account.

“Suspend his account, @Twitter. This is pure disinformation. Valid votes are being counted. This is America, not Russia,” Virginia Congressman Gerry Connolly wrote, responding to a tweet by the president accusing Democratic-led states of eating into his lead in key battleground states via illegal “surprise ballot dumps.”

Nancy Mace flips SC House seat: Republican women ‘breaking barriers’

Fox  – South Carolina Congresswoman-elect Nancy Mace made history as the first Republican woman elected to the House from her state, telling “Fox & Friends” Thursday they had a red wave.

Mace, the first female Citadel graduate, narrowly defeated Democratic incumbent Joe Cunningham with the race called shortly after 2 a.m. Wednesday morning by the Associated Press amid a tight national race between President Trump and Joe Biden.

“It’s not just Democratic women who are breaking barriers,” Mace told cohost Ainsley Earhardt. “Republican women are doing it all across the country this election year.”

Biden pledges to rejoin Paris Climate Agreement on day one of presidency

The Hill – Democratic nominee for president Joe Biden vowed to lead the United States back into the Paris Climate Accord on the first day of his presidency should he win the election. 

“Today, the Trump Administration officially left the Paris Climate Agreement,” Biden said this week. “And in exactly 77 days, a Biden Administration will rejoin it.”

Puerto Rico votes in favor of US statehood

The Hill – Puerto Ricans voted in favor of U.S. statehood Tuesday, the sixth time the territory has held such a nonbinding referendum, The New York Times reported.

The U.S. territory voted 52 percent to 48 percent in favor of the referendum. While the question won by a large margin in 2017, pro-independence and pro-territory groups boycotted the vote, leading to just 23 percent turnout.

Turnout was around 51 percent for the 2020 plebiscite and gubernatorial election but was far below the average for previous votes for governor.

Colorado passes resolution to award electoral votes to whoever wins the popular vote

The HIll – Colorado has passed Proposition 113, joining the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, which is an agreement to give all of a state’s electoral votes to the winner of the national popular vote. Colorado currently controls nine electoral votes.

The ballot measure passed with 52 percent of the vote, The Denver Post reports, with 88 percent of votes reported statewide.

Colorado first enacted the proposition into law in 2019, but the decision had to be confirmed by vote cast by Nov. 3. The Centennial State joins 14 other states and the District of Columbia in enacting the proposition into law. Other states that have joined the compact include California, Connecticut and Maryland.

Walmart to Remove Robot Employees from U.S. Stores Instead of Adding More

AFP – Walmart has pulled the plug on a program to use robots to scan items in stores and help maintain inventory, a company spokeswoman said Tuesday.

The retail giant had worked with Bossa Nova Robotics for five years employing elongated robots that take readings on inventory and utilize artificial intelligence to predict product movement and inventory needs.

Walmart had announced earlier this year plans to employ the robots in around 1,000 of its 4,700 US stores.

But the company reversed course after bringing the machines into around 500 stores, Walmart said.

“We’ve worked with Bossa Nova for five years and together we learned a lot about how technology can assist associates, make jobs easier and provide a better customer experience,” the Walmart spokeswoman said.

“We will continue testing new technologies and investing in our own processes and apps to best understand and track our inventory and help move products to our shelves as quickly as we can.”

Walmart garnered higher sales from an expanded consumer base amid the upheaval of the coronavirus that has seen consumers flock to “essential” stores like Walmart and spend more on e-commerce.

Walmart, which has invested heavily on e-commerce ventures in recent years in a race with Amazon, in September launched a membership program that will charge $98 annually or $12.95 a month that will provide free delivery as soon as the same day as well as “scan and go” feature that lets consumers pay for items with a smart phone application.

ESPN President Jimmy Pitaro Announces Hundreds of Layoffs

Breitbart – ESPN President Jimmy Pitaro has announced that 300 positions within the company will be eliminated 200 will not be filled, as the network looks to cut costs in the face of continuous subscriber losses and the effects of the coronavirus.

Federal Judge Denies Emergency Injunction Against Punch Google Lawsuit To Restore Free Speech

Activist Post – On November 4th, Judge Beth Labson Freeman denied the emergency injunction recently filed against Google. Now the plaintiffs are considering all of their legal options.

“I am inclined to deny this temporary restraining order,” Judge Freeman hinted on November 2nd, following the Zoom hearing. The ruling was decided the day following the election.

Following the emergency injunction filed against Google at the end of October, the big tech company’s attorney Lauren White of Wilson Sonsini maintained that the plaintiffs’ videos violated the spirit of their policy, and yet remarkably stated Google/YouTube didn’t have to go into the specifics of the videos to illustrate and prove cyberbullying violations.

White asserted that there was no breach of contract. She also reiterated the onus on the plaintiffs to prove their content did not violate the harassment policy, but interestingly did not give specifics on which videos violated the policy over a span of six years on the platform. Meanwhile, Judge Freeman was not interested in reviewing content that YouTube won’t provide. In fact, YouTube claimed they’re exercising “their own First Amendment right.”

Tuesday Was a Green Wave for Marijuana Legalization

Foundation for Economic Education – For months, we’ve heard about “blue waves” and “red waves.”

Americans saw neither on Tuesday.

Democrats retained their House majority but bled several congressional seats, while Republicans appear poised to keep the Senate. And nobody knows who the president will be.

That doesn’t mean there was no wave, however. America’s march toward ending cannabis prohibition continued on Tuesday, as voters in several states embraced legalization by overwhelming margins.

Five states — Arizona, Mississippi, Montana, New Jersey, and South Dakota — had ballot initiatives seeking to legalize use of the recreational drug. Each state voted in favor of legalization.

Though marijuana remains a controlled substance under federal law, US Attorney General William Barr has signaled support for a Tenth Amendment-style approach that would allow states to determine the legality of marijuana use.

While states saw some questionable policies pass, on marijuana use Americans spoke loud and clear: end prohibition.

Following Tuesday’s vote, some 16 million more Americans will soon be able marijuana smoke freely. 

“1 in 3 Americans now lives in a state where recreational marijuana is legal,” Politico points out

The reasons America has headed in this direction are are manifold.

Studies show marijuana legalization is creating tens of thousands of jobs projected to generate more than a quarter billion dollars of labor income annually by 2024. (These projections will only grow as more states adopt legalization policies.)

Marijuana prohibition, on the other hand, has resulted in mass prosecution and imprisonment of non-violent Americans. According to the ACLU, arrests for pot account for more than half of all drug busts in the US. These arrests disproportionately impact African Americans, who are 3.73 times more likely to be arrested for marijuana than whites, despite similar usage rates.

Vax Rollout to Feature App Tracking, Monitoring of Vulnerable Groups

WSJ – Government health officials and drugmakers plan to roll out extra tools to detect whether Covid-19 vaccines cause any serious side effects once the shots are cleared for widespread use, aiming to fill gaps in existing safeguards given the expected speed and scope of the rollout.

The measures include surveys tracked through a smartphone app developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and special monitoring for groups including pregnant women and the elderly, according to health officials and company executives involved in the plans.

“We want to have early eyes on safety as soon as possible,” said Grace M. Lee, who leads a Covid-19 vaccine safety group on the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.

The CDC plans to send daily texts to people who get vaccinated, steering them to web surveys to self-report chills and other potential symptoms following vaccination. The smartphone-based system, V-SAFE, will send the surveys to anyone vaccinated who provides contact information, officials said. The surveys will be sent out daily for the first week post-vaccination, then weekly for six weeks.

German Neurologist Says Masks Cause Oxygen Deprivation and Permanent Brain Damage, Especially in Children

G. Edward Griffin – Dr. Margareta Griesz-Brisson MD, PhD is a Consultant Neurologist and Neurophysiologist with a PhD in Pharmacology, with special interest in neurotoxicology, environmental medicine, neuroregeneration and neuroplasticity.

“The reinhalation of our exhaled air will without a doubt create oxygen deficiency and a flooding of carbon dioxide. We know that the human brain is very sensitive to oxygen deprivation.

There are nerve cells for example in the hippocampus that can’t be longer than 3 minutes without oxygen – they cannot survive.

The acute warning symptoms are headaches, drowsiness, dizziness, issues in concentration, slowing down of reaction time – reactions of the cognitive system.

However, when you have chronic oxygen deprivation, all of those symptoms disappear, because you get used to it.

But your efficiency will remain impaired and the under-supply of oxygen in your brain continues to progress.

We know that neurodegenerative diseases take years to decades to develop. If today you forget your phone number, the breakdown in your brain would have already started 20 or 30 years ago.

While you’re thinking that you have gotten used to wearing your mask and rebreathing your own exhaled air, the degenerative processes in your brain are getting amplified as your oxygen deprivation continues.

The second problem is that the nerve cells in your brain are unable to divide themselves normally.

So in case our governments will generously allow as to get rid of the masks and go back to breathing oxygen freely again in a few months, the lost nerve cells will no longer be regenerated. What is gone is gone.

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