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Today's News: November 06, 2018

Top Headlines
Maryland: Cops Shoot Man to Death In His Home For Resisting Gun Confiscation
Information Liberation – Police in the Democrat haven of Maryland shot and killed a man in his home on Monday while serving a “protective order” under a new law which allows them to seize people’s guns without due process.
Since the new gun confiscation law went into effect on October 1st, police have carried out 19 such confiscation orders, which comes out to around one such seizure every other day.
From The Baltimore Sun:
Two Anne Arundel County police officers serving one of the new “red flag” protective orders to remove guns from a house killed a Ferndale man after he refused to give up his gun and a struggle ensued early Monday morning, police said.
The subject of the protective order, Gary J. Willis, 60, answered his door in the 100 block of Linwood Ave. at 5:17 a.m. with a gun in his hand, Anne Arundel County police said. He initially put the gun down next to the door, but “became irate” when officers began to serve him with the order, opened the door and picked up the gun again, police said.
“A fight ensued over the gun,” said Sgt. Jacklyn Davis, a police spokeswoman.
One of the officers struggled to take the gun from Willis, and during the struggle the gun fired but did not strike anyone, police said. At that point, the other officer fatally shot Willis, police said.
[…] Anne Arundel County reported 19 such “red flag” petitions in October, tied with Harford County for the most in the state, according to a report on requests made under the new law by Montgomery County Sheriff Darren M. Popkin. The state has reported 114 petitions overall.
This is what Democrats want for every state in America.
In the demographically transformed state of Georgia, Stacey Abrams wants to ban AR-15s and is open to gun confiscations.
Americans who oppose this lunacy need to get out and vote GOP today like their lives depend on it.
World News
Erdogan: US sanctions on Iran wrong, aimed to unbalance world
Al Jazeera – Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has slammed the new US economic sanctions on Iran, saying that Turkey will not abide as they are aimed at unbalancing the world.
“US sanctions on Iran are wrong. For us, they are steps aimed at unbalancing the world; we don’t want to live in an imperialist world,” Erdogan told reporters on Tuesday after addressing ruling party MPs at the parliament in the capital, Ankara.
His comments come after Washington this week imposed a second set of sanctions on Iran that aim to isolate the country’s banking sector and slash its oil exports.
Eight countries including Turkey – a NATO member – have received a US waiver to continue importing Iranian oil without consequences.
More than 200 mass graves discovered in Iraq: UN report
Al Jazeera – More than 200 graves containing the corpses of thousands of victims have been discovered in areas formerly controlled by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS), a UN report said.
The report by the UN Human Rights Office and the UN Assistance Mission documented the existence of 202 mass grave sites in the northern and western Iraqi governorates of Nineveh, Kirkuk, Salah al-Din and Anbar.
The dead include women, children, the elderly and disabled, as well as members of Iraq’s armed forces and police, the report said.
U.S. News, Politics & Government
Final Gallup Poll: Majority of Americans Think Republicans Will Retain the House
Infowars – Despite almost every poll predicting that Democrats will win the House today, a final Gallup survey finds that the majority of Americans believe Republicans will retain control of Congress.
Respondents were asked, “Regardless of how you, yourself, plan to vote, which party do you think will win control of the U.S. House of Representatives in the congressional elections this fall?”
According to the results, 50% of Americans think Republicans will retain control of the House, compared to 44% who think Democrats will win enough seats to gain victory.
Every single prediction Americans have made over the last 10 such midterm election years between 1946 and 2014 has come true.
The poll also found that 61% of Americans think Republicans will retain the Senate compared to 33% who think Democrats will take control.
As we reported yesterday, the Real Clear Politics average of polls has Democrats 7.3 points ahead in the race for Congress, however, a shock Rasmussen poll contradicted all others by putting Republicans one point ahead.
This is drastically different to other polls, such as one published by CNN, which has Democrats 13 points ahead.
Why Isn’t Anyone Reporting That Beto O’Rourke Is Married To The Daughter Of A Billionaire That Has Far More Money Than Trump?
Infowars – Politics is all about branding, and it definitely would not be convenient for Beto O’Rourke’s campaign if the people of Texas knew that he was married to a billionaire heiress.
He constantly portrays himself as a progressive champion of the poor and working class, but in reality he is married to the daughter of a real estate magnate that is worth approximately 20 billion dollars.  In case you are wondering, Donald Trump only has a net worth of about 3 billion dollars.  But the mainstream media isn’t talking about this.  They just keep touting O’Rourke as some sort of “anti-Trump” savior that could become the new face of the Democratic Party.  In fact, during a recent discussion on ABC News, Matt Dowd told George Stephanopoulos that if Beto O’Rourke wins “he becomes the biggest rock star in the country”.
And without a doubt, he is already being treated like a rock star by many liberals in Texas.  Just check out the following excerpt from a recent Yahoo News article about Beto
Beto never talks about the fact that he is married to the daughter of one of the richest men in America.
His name is William D. Sanders, and he is known as “the Warren Buffett of real estate”.  This is what Wikipedia has to say about him…
Sanders was raised in El Paso, Texas, the son of an advertising agency owner.[2] In 1964, Sanders graduated from Cornell University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.[3] In 1968, he founded the real estate firm LaSalle Partners, in El Paso, Texas, and years later he partnered with real estate tycoon, Ron Blankenship and founded, the Security Capital Group(1990) and Verde Realty. Among existing companies that evolved from holdings once associated with Sanders are: ProLogis, Archstone-Smith Trust (a real estate investment trust), CarrAmerica Realty and Storage USA. In 1999, LaSalle Partners merged with Jones Lang Wooton to form Jones Lang LaSalle.[1]
He served as Chairman of the National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts (NAREIT).[3] In 1999, he received Cornell’s Entrepreneur of the Year award.[3]
Bloomberg estimated Sanders’ wealth at $20 billion and called him “the Warren Buffett of real estate.”
And further down in that Wikipedia entry, there is just one line about the fact that he is the father of Beto O’Rourke’s wife
Sanders’ daughter, Amy Hoover Sanders, is the wife of Rep. Beto O’Rourke, DTX, of Texas’s 16th congressional districtand candidate for the United States Senate election in Texas, 2018.
Amy is his only daughter, and that means that the couple stands to inherit billions.
So whether he wins or he loses, the truth is that Beto is set for the rest of his life.  Perhaps if he loses, he could even write a book about “marrying well”.
All throughout the campaign, the mainstream media has chosen to ignore this connection.  Instead, they constantly refer to Amy as “a charter school administrator”.
That sounds so much more noble than a “billionaire heiress”, doesn’t it?
Because Texas is such a red state, most pundits believe that Beto is going to lose, but the latest poll does show him within 3 points of Ted Cruz.
So there is a possibility that he could win, and some of his followers are absolutely convinced that it will happen
America’s public education COLLAPSING as 2018 student test scores the worst in history
NaturalNews – Eight years after adopting Bill Gate’s common core indoctrination standards, the public education system is reporting the lowest test scores for college readiness. According to the ACT’s annual report, average test scores for mathematics plummeted to their lowest level in two decades. The report, Condition of College and Career Readiness 2018, warned that readiness in English is at its lowest since the ACT standards were introduced. In 2015, readiness for English was 46 percent; just three years later, readiness had fallen to just 40 percent. Readiness in reading fell to 46 percent , and science readiness remained the most problematic for graduates, dropping to 36 percent.
Math scores continue to fall to historically low levels
Most shocking, U.S. high school graduates in all 50 states and the District of Columbia recorded their lowest math scores in twenty years. According to the ACT College Readiness Benchmark in mathematics, only 40 percent of 2018 graduates are ready for a college level algebra class. Math scores have been plummeting in recent years. In 2012, American students scored 21.1. Last year the average score was 20.7. This year, students scored a meager 20.5.
Common Core national indoctrination standards are hurting educators and students alike
The problem over the past eight years are the one-size-fits all procedures that the public education system has adopted from Bill Gate’s Common Core program. Adopted back in 2010, this federalized education system coerced school districts with financial incentives from the federal government. As local school districts gave up control over their curriculum, local educators were forced to teach from a nationalized set of core standards. From 2010 to 2015, local teachers and school board members had no choice but to concede to common core. The local teacher doesn’t choose what is on the tests, and now these nationalized tests dictate what is taught in most classrooms across the country. A teacher’s success is gauged on their ability to teach students to comply, just like they have to.
This top-down education system has stifled innovation, taken away individual choice, and tied the hands of local educators. The one-size-fits all common core standards do not inspire students and do not prepare them for the real world. The plunge in ACT test scores shows that students aren’t getting any smarter. They are being dumbed down by a controlling system that does not inspire learning. The majority of students no longer want to ask questions and push the boundaries of science. They don’t want to explore the depths of knowledge in reading. The majority aren’t even prepared to calculate and compute mathematics.
Common Core abandons time-tested approaches to solving math problems. Common Core indoctrinates students with so-called “settled science,” discouraging students from asking questions and seeking answers of their own. Common Core is laced with corporate and industry propaganda and sells a very limited perspective in the subjects of social sciences and history. Common Core pushes for social justice initiatives, which are out of touch with reality. Common Core distracts students with screens, but doesn’t impart the freedom necessary for students to explore past the boundaries. Common Core is presented in a way to indoctrinate, instead of expanding student’s own ability to problem solve and pursue knowledge.
Napolitano: Impeachment Probes Will Start If Dems Win House
Newsmax – If the House goes to the Democrats through the midterm elections, it will likely mean the beginning of impeachment investigations into President Donald Trump and his actions, Judge Andrew Napolitano said Tuesday.
“We know what it means for the president,” Napolitano, Fox News’ senior judicial analyst, told “Fox and Friends.” “The likely chair of the House Judiciary Committee, who represents this part of Manhattan where we are right now, Congressman Jerrold Nadler  said the first of the investigations will be a shadow investigation of Bob Mueller’s investigation. Did the president fire Jim Comey for improper purpose and if so is that impeachable?”
After that, the questions will be whether Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh lied under oath to get confirmed, said Napolitano.
“Now, in the case of the former, the investigation of the president, they want to be able to lay out on national television whatever Bob Mueller has acquired that he keeps secret, as the law requires,” said the judge. “In the case of Justice Kavanaugh…for the sake of argument that he lied, I don’t believe there is any evidence that he did. They would be re removing him from office for something he didn’t do well in office. They don’t care. They want to use the impeachment power to vindicate their view of government.”
Further, Democrats will want to look into how much money Trump and his family earned when foreign diplomats stay at Trump-managed hotels in New York City and in Washington, and even at his income tax return, said Napolitano.
Democrats haven’t been speaking much about impeachment, he added, because “Nancy Pelosi sent out the word, sent out the message, don’t use the ‘I word.’ They have followed that lock step until tomorrow morning.”
Early Voting Hits Record With 36 Million Ballots Cast
Newsmax – The 2018 midterm elections have seen record turnout for early voting, as pre-election surveys show that 36 million people voted early this year, Politico reports.
Early voters in Arizona, Nevada and Texas already outnumber the total number of voters in the previous midterm election, according to McDonald, and other states are expected to far exceed the usual turnout rate for a non-presidential election.
Veteran News
Detroit is the worst city for veterans, according to study
WXYZ – Detroit was named 2018’s worst city for veterans to live in by a WalletHub study.
The study compared the largest 100 U.S. cities across key indicators of livability, affordability and veteran-friendliness. The indicators range from military-related skill jobs to availability of VA health facilities.
Detroit has a particularly high veteran unemployment rate and percentage of veterans in poverty, according to the study.
The study says the best cities for veterans to live in are Austin, Texas; Scottsdale, Arizona and Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Research shows how service dogs can help veterans with PTSD
Medical Express – For veterans struggling with post-traumatic stress disorder, service dogs might be able to offer both behavioral and physiological benefits to help counter some of those symptoms, according to research that is being led by the Purdue College of Veterinary Medicine.    Maggie O’Haire, assistant professor of human-animal interaction in the College of Veterinary Medicine, is at the forefront of the research that is taking a closer look at how service dogs help veterans with PTSD. The latest findings have indicated that veterans may benefit physiologically from having a service dog—the first published research to use a physiological marker to show the effects of service dogs.
“I think a lot of veterans are struggling and they are looking for treatment options anywhere they can find them,” O’Haire says. “There is a lot of hope around this practice and veterans deserve to know if it works.”
A preliminary study that took place in 2015-16 showed that overall symptoms of PTSD were lower among war veterans with service dogs. The pilot study was co-funded by the Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI) and Bayer Animal Health. The study examined 141 veterans—with 76 of them having a service dog and 66 being on a waiting list for a dog.
Energy & Environment
Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, November 3, 2018, #169
Dane Wigington – What is the state of affairs within the ranks of industrialized / militarized societies? It is a rapidly unfolding Orwellian nightmare come true. Up is down, day is night, black is white, and all the while the web of life is being looted, plundered, and pillaged into total collapse. The so called “experts” have betrayed us all and, unfortunately, the majority of the population have been all too willing to go along. What is unfolding on the wider horizon? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.
Have those in power now successfully broken down the will of the population to even face reality? Or will rapidly deteriorating conditions finally fortify a driving sense of purpose which will awaken the masses at this late hour? All of us are needed in this critical battle to effectively and efficiently sound the alarm.
Large hydropower dams ‘not sustainable’ in the developing world
BBC – A new study says that many large-scale hydropower projects in Europe and the US have been disastrous for the environment.
Dozens of these dams are being removed every year, with many considered dangerous and uneconomic.
But the authors fear that the unsustainable nature of these projects has not been recognised in the developing world.
Thousands of new dams are now being planned for rivers in Africa and Asia.
‘They dammed everything’ – hydropower gone sour
Are too many hydropower dams being built?
Hydropower is the source of 71% of renewable energy throughout the world and has played a major role in the development of many countries.
But researchers say the building of dams in Europe and the US reached a peak in the 1960s and has been in decline since then, with more now being dismantled than installed. Hydropower only supplies approximately 6% of US electricity.
Dams are now being removed at a rate of more than one a week on both sides of the Atlantic.
The problem, say the authors of this new paper, is that governments were blindsided by the prospect of cheap electricity without taking into account the full environmental and social costs of these installations.
Gene editing will put experimental Franken-foods on store shelves SOONER than expected
Natural Health 365 – he biotech industry wants us to believe that gene editing technology will help to create fruits and vegetables with a longer shelf life; raspberries in luscious shades of violet and even peach-flavored strawberries.
But, will all these ‘Franken-food’ creations really be healthy for us?
Many experts warn that not enough is known about the long-term effects on health of these so-called ‘improvements’ in food production.  The mere fact that the gene editing tool is licensed by Monsanto (known as the “most hated corporation in the world”) is enough to give pause for many food safety advocates.
An explosive study published last May in Nature Methods reveals that CRISPR caused literally hundreds of unintended mutations in mice.
The problem came to light when researchers sequenced the animals’ genomes (their entire collection of genes), and found that two of the mice had sustained more than 1500 mutations involving the nucleotide – a small packet of DNA.
The mutations were “off-target” – meaning they occurred in unedited genes (not the genes that were edited in the first place).
Molecular geneticist and GMO expert Dr. Michael Antoniou points out even tiny changes could cause unintended effects. For example, a disruption in the function of an enzyme could lead to unpredictable biochemical reactions.
Alarmingly, computer algorithms used to screen for possible mutations failed to predict them.
And, here’s the kicker.
Three days after the announcement of the partnership between Monsanto and Pairwise, the study was officially retracted.
9 Plants that Contain Healing Cannabinoids, Besides Marijuana
Care2 – For many of us, cannabis is the first thing that comes to mind when we hear of cannabinoids. This makes perfect sense, since cannabis contains many cannabinoids that have not been found in other plants.
However, marijuana actually isn’t the only source of cannabinoids. Below are other plants that contain cannabinoids, which can ease your anxiety and relieve pain.

  1. Black Pepper

Adding black pepper to your diet can help ease pain, thanks to beta-caryophyllene (BCP), a compound that functions as a cannabinoid. In fact, the cannabinoids and anti-inflammatory properties in black pepper are helpful to arthritis and osteoporosis patients, according to research.

  1. Cacao

It’s not just the sugar in chocolate that makes you feel good, the cacao in it contains anandamide, an endocannabinoid that makes you feel happy and relaxed. It’s also worth mentioning that cacao is a good source of magnesium, which also helps ease anxiety.

  1. Kava

If you’ve ever drunk kava tea, you know that it makes your mouth numb. That’s because it contains natural pain relievers. Additionally, it contains a compound called yangonin that binds the same receptors as THC.

  1. Echinacea

This herb was traditionally used for medicinal purposes and now research shows it contains cannabimimetics that can relieve migraines, fatigue, and anxiety. Cannabimimetics are compounds that mimic the biological activities of cannabinoids.

  1. Flaxseed

There are many reasons to love flaxseeds. One is that they’re a good plant source of omega 3s. Second, they contain compounds that mimic CBD, which have strong anti-inflammatory properties, recent research says.

  1. Liverwort

In olden days, this plant was used to treat bladder, gallbladder, and liver problems. Now we know that it mimics THC in the body. Liverwort contains perrottetinenic acid, which interacts with CB1 receptors like THC, but researchers say that liverwort doesn’t have any psychoactive effects.

  1. Electric Daisy

The pain-relieving properties of this plant have earned it the nickname “toothache plant“. It eases pain by blocking pain receptors in your body. Electric daisy extracts have many medicinal benefits thanks to its antioxidant, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties.

  1. Black Truffles

Did you know that dogs and pigs love the smell of black truffles? Researchers suspect that this could be because they contain anandamide, a molecule that is similar to THC. Anandamide helps release mood-enhancing chemicals in the brain, just like THC.

  1. Labrador (Rhododendron)

This plant has very strong antimicrobial properties. The essential oil extracted from it can treat infections and even kill cancer cells, according to research. A recent study found two cannabinoid-like compounds called anthopogocyclolic acid and anthopogochromenic acid in this plant.
Weight control and heart benefits linked to daily nut consumption
Natural Health News – A daily serving of nuts may prevent weight gain and provide other cardiovascular benefits, according to two separate preliminary studies commissioned by the American Heart Association.
One study looked at the influence of eating nuts and peanuts on long-term body weight in American men and women. The other examined whether eating Brazil nuts could increases a sense of fullness and improve glucose and insulin responses.
In the nuts and peanuts study, nut consumption was assessed through a food-frequency questionnaire submitted to participants every four years in three different established study groups of 25,394 men in the Health Professionals Follow-up Study, 53,541 women in the Nurse’s Health Study and 47,255 women in the Nurse’s Health Study II in follow-up research.
Specifically the findings revealed that:

  • Eating a daily serving of any type of nut or peanuts was associated with less risk of weight gain or becoming obese over the four-year intervals.
  • Substituting one serving a day of any type of nuts in place of one serving of red meat, processed meat, French fries, desserts or potato chips was associated with less weight gain over the four-year intervals.

The Benefits of Lithium Orotate
LiveStrong – Lithium orotate is a dietary supplement used for the treatment of many ailments and medical conditions by alternative healers. According to LithiumOrotate.com, this supplement is an organic form of lithium, which is an essential mineral in our bodies used for the regulation of many body functions.
Treatment of Bipolar Disorder
Mental disorders and conditions, such as bipolar disorder, are caused by the brain’s inability to regulate the secretion and absorption of certain neurotransmitters. This illness, according to the University of Michigan Health System, causes extreme mood changes, ranging from high levels of intense energy to severe levels of depression.
Lithium orotate, however, stimulates the brain to increase both secretion and reuptake of neurotransmitters critical to mood regulation in patients, as the LithiumOrotate.com website suggests. While further research is needed to determine the proper dosages for patient age groups, lithium supplements are already used by psychiatrists for the treatment of many mental disorders.
Anti-Suicidal Effects
According to an article by Ward Dean, M.D., published on the NutritionReview.org website, lithium orotate is a unique supplement that offers many different uses. For example, this supplement may help severely depressed individuals eliminate suicidal thoughts. As the article states, individuals with extreme cases of manic-depressive disorders have a shorter life expectancy in comparison to individuals not diagnosed with a mental disease. Many times, but not exclusively, death occurs as the result of suicide.
According to Dean, patients who are prescribed lithium orotate supplements showcase a lower prevalence of suicide attempts. Dean’s research may indicate that lithium orotate treatment reduces the risk of suicidal behavior.
Other Supplement Uses
Lithium orotate supplements may also help alleviate pain and other symptoms associated with migraine headaches and other medical conditions. As Dean states in his article on the NutritionReview.org website, lithium orotate may also improve white blood cell counts in patients afflicted with autoimmune diseases, help patients alleviate symptoms associated with alcoholism and reduce pain associated with cluster headaches.
H.A. Nieper suggested in a lecture at the International Academy of Preventative Medicine in Washington that lithium orotate, when used with calcium supplements, may also help treat chronic hepatitis.
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