July 3, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: November 07, 2022


Amidst Energy Crisis, Austria Seeks To Ban Oil And Coal Heaters In 2023

Austria’s government is looking to ban the use of new fossil fuel heaters as of next year and replace very old oil and coal heaters with climate-friendly options by 2025, Euractiv reports.

Austria, like the other EU countries, aims to cut its reliance on Russian gas as soon as possible. The government says that abandoning Russian gas should happen simultaneously with adopting renewable heat options.

Before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Austria received around 80% of the natural gas it consumed from Russia. As of August, this high dependence on Russian gas flows had dropped to below 50%, the government said.

The ban on new fossil fuel heaters, however, would need the approval of at least two-thirds of the Austrian Parliament because the draft bill would require amendments to the constitution, Euractiv’s Nikolaus Kurmayer notes.

Company In Finland Seeks To Regulate US Companies For SDG Compliance

CNBC carried a story, It’s a ‘wild west out there’: CEO says regulation needed to keep firms in line on sustainability,  suggesting that American companies need to be forcibly whipped into shape over the United Nations’ Sustainable Development goals. Sustainable Development is Technocracy, any which way you slice it.

SDG Monitor is a Finland company that claims authority because they are “citizens of the world.” Their website states,

We are proud members of Pledge 1% community and we give back by sharing our knowledge of how to grow your business sustainably. 

Thank goodness they give back by sharing their wonderful knowledge with the world.

SDG Monitor’s CEO, Tuuli-Anna Tiuttu, recently addressed CNBC’s Sustainable Future Forum, making a case that CEOs and management “needed to be ‘accountable’ when it came to the sustainability goals they’d set.” According to her, “companies need regulation and greater accountability to ensure they’re meeting goals related to sustainability.”

TSA to Continue Requiring COVID-19 Vaccine Proof for Non-US Citizens to Enter Country

The U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has extended its COVID-19 vaccine proof requirement for non-U.S., nonimmigrant citizens flying to enter the United States, making the United States the only western country and among the few remaining countries in the world still to require such proof for entry.

The latest TSA security directive (pdf) states that effective to at least Jan. 8, 2023, aircraft operators must require each non-U.S., nonimmigrant citizen to present paper or digital documentation for “proof of being fully vaccinated against COVID-19,” or documentation proving the person is excepted from taking the vaccine, before boarding a flight to the United States.

A “nonimmigrant” means not a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, lawful permanent resident, or traveling to the United States on an immigrant visa.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), being fully vaccinated means having had an accepted single-dose vaccine or a second dose of an accepted 2-dose series at least 14 days ago. A booster dose is not needed to meet the requirement.

RAPHIC VIDEO — Dad Celebrating Son’s Birth Fatally Shot with Arrow: ‘What Have You Done to Me?’

A man celebrating his son’s birth was shot and killed with an arrow, allegedly by a neighbor in Genoa, Italy, according to a report.

Forty-one-year-old Javier Alfredo Miranda Romero was with friends walking home from a bar after marking the joyous occasion and the group was apparently making too much noise, the Daily Mail reported Friday.

Migrant ‘Taxi’ Ship Turns to Other EU Countries as Meloni’s Italy Refuses Entry

The NGO migrant “taxi” ship Ocean Viking has called on France, Spain, and Greece – but apparently no African or Middle Eastern countries – to find them a port to drop off over 200 migrants after Italy’s Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi refused access to Italian ports.

SOS Méditerranée, the French NGO that operates the vessel, have called for help from France, Spain, and Greece to allow the Ocean Viking to dock at a port in one of the three countries and drop off the 234 migrants currently on board.

Dozens of ships carrying LNG linger around Europe’s coast

The tankers are carrying a combined $2bn in natural gas and slowly sailing around northwest Europe and the Iberian peninsula.


National Guard Cybersecurity Units Activated in 14 States Ahead of Midterm Elections: Reports

Cybersecurity units from the National Guard will be activated in 14 U.S. states to help counter any threats to election officials’ networks ahead of, during, and following the Nov. 8 elections, according to reports.

The 14 include battleground states Arizona, Iowa, and Pennsylvania, as well as Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Louisiana, North Carolina, New Mexico, New York, Washington, and West Virginia, Politico reported.

Arizona Elections Chief Katie Hobbs Won’t Recuse Herself in Governor’s Race Against Kari Lake

Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, the Democratic nominee for governor, will not recuse herself from election duties for the 2022 midterm elections.

Her opponent, Republican Kari Lake, and some former secretaries of state have called on Hobbs to not oversee the election. They noted that it could create the appearance of a conflict of interest in a state where there have been claims of voter fraud during the 2020 election.

“Elected secretaries of state in Arizona have overseen elections where they’re on the ballot since statehood. This has never been an issue until now,” Hobbs told CNN’s Jake Tapper last week.

Hobbs added she is “not going to recuse myself from the job that the voters elected me to do, and for which I took an oath of office, to uphold the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution and laws of the State of Arizona. I have done that throughout my tenure, as secretary of state. And I will continue to do that, until I leave office on Jan. 2.”

‘Suspicious White Powder’ Sent To Kari Lake’s Campaign HQ, Prompting Police Response

Republican Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake’s campaign headquarters received white powder inside an envelope, according to Phoenix police and her campaign, with law enforcement responding Sunday.

First responders were called to a Phoenix office building where Lake’s campaign headquarters was located early Sunday morning due to “suspicious items,” Phoenix police told multiple outlets. Fire authorities said the items were envelopes, and a Lake campaign spokesperson claimed a staffer found “suspicious white powder” inside one when they opened it.

The spokesperson said the staff member who opened the envelope “is currently under medical supervision,” Fox 10 reported. 

More Than 34 Million People Have Voted Already as Researchers Reveal States With Most Pre-Election Ballots

More than 34 million pre-midterm ballots have been cast in more than 45 states, according to data from election officials and researchers.

The U.S. Election Project, a University of Florida program that compiles state voting data, shows that 35.5 million people have voted in 44 states as of Friday. Meanwhile, officials with Edison Research and Catalist told CNN that 34.6 million have voted as of Friday in 47 states.

Early voting for 2022 is ahead of the 2018 pace across the states where data is currently available as compared with the past three midterms. However, it’s too early to determine whether the turnout will reach the same levels as in 2018 as there are still several more days to go before the Tuesday, Nov. 8 contest.

More than 4 million early ballots have been cast in Texas, California, and Florida so far, according to the U.S. Election Project.  Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said in a Thursday news release that more than 2.2 million Georgia residents have cast early ballots, breaking all-time records for midterm elections.

A Surprising Threat to the US Power Grid Could Plunge the Country Into Darkness


The importance of a strong power grid cannot be emphasized enough. Often, when a grid fails, the results are terrifying. Of all the major power grids in the world, the United States’ is one of the more vulnerable to attack.

State-sponsored hackers from the likes of Iran, Russia, and, unsurprisingly, China pose a real threat to the United States’ electrical transmission lines. However, there’s another (far less obvious) threat to the grid: electric vehicles (EVs).

Yes, you read that right.

The Biden administration is desperate to consign the internal combustion engine to the dustbin of history. In this radical shift to embrace a new, zero-emission world, Americans are being told to embrace EVs. Such an embrace, however, requires a stellar power grid, the very thing the United States lacks.

Just to be clear, the U.S. power grid involves a huge network of transmission lines, power plants, and distribution centers. The United States has three major grids: the eastern grid, the western grid, and the ERCOT grid, otherwise known as the Texas grid. Of the three, the eastern grid is the largest.

Oath Keepers Trial: Stewart Rhodes Testifies That 2020 Election Was ‘Unconstitutional’

Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes told a federal court on Nov. 4 that the 2020 presidential election was invalid, spoke of his love for America, and his motivations for starting the Oath Keepers.

Rhodes, 57, is one of the defendants in the highest-profile trial related to the events of Jan. 6, 2021. On Nov. 4, he described himself as a patriotic quarter-Mexican born in Fresno, Calif., with both sides of the family serving in different military branches.

Although he wanted to join the Marines, Rhodes served in the Army doing special operations and became a weapons expert. He wa injured training in parachute jumping and was honorably discharged as a disabled veteran.

In a packed courtroom, under direct examination with his attorney, Rhodes summarized his life journey as talking to a friend. Rhodes looked relaxed, smiled, and made constant eye contact with the jurors, who listened attentively to his testimony. Some took notes.

Judge Amit Mehta, who usually keeps his body posture facing everyone in the courtroom, tilted his body to the right and watched Rhodes closely.

“Do you believe the [2020 presidential] election was stolen?” asked Rhodes’ defense attorney.

“I believe the election was unconstitutional,” Rhodes responded, explaining it was invalid since it didn’t comply with Article 2 of the Constitution. Under COVID-19 restrictions, he said, swing states changed their laws which made the election invalid.

Watchdog Says White House May Have Illegally Deleted Tweet on Social Security Boost

A watchdog group that seeks to hold government officials accountable has called for an investigation into whether a recent tweet posted by the White House Twitter account was later deleted illegally.

Protect the Public’s Trust (PPT), which seeks to expose “the self-dealing and conflicts of interest, and the improper and illegal behavior of senior officials,” issued a statement on Friday demanding a probe into whether deletion of the tweet ran afoul of the Presidential Records Act (PRA), which prohibits the unauthorized destruction of government and presidential records.

“Enforcement of public records laws, such as FOIA, is virtually impossible if records retention policies are not enforced, including those covering social media,” Michael Chamberlain, PPT director, said in the statement.

The controversy centers on a Nov. 1 tweet posted—and later deleted—by the White House after it was fact-checked for making a context-lacking claim about the Social Security cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) that was recently announced.

“Seniors are getting the biggest increase in their Social Security checks in 10 years through President Biden’s leadership,” the now-deleted White House Twitter post said.

The post failed to mention, however, that the COLA adjustment was due to inflation that’s running close to a 40-year high.

INFOGRAPHIC: The States That Changed Mail-In Voting Rules for 2022

Half of America’s states have changed their rules for absentee voting in 2022. Some of the most substantial changes have come in response to the unprecedented use of mail-in voting in 2020. While blue states tend to focus on cementing the mail-in voting expansion executed during the COVID-19 pandemic, red states lean toward restrictions addressing the 2020 election controversies.

Jury Finds Trump Friend and Fundraiser Tom Barrack Not Guilty

Former President Donald Trump’s former fundraiser, Tom Barrack, was found not guilty on Friday after facing charges that he acted as an unregistered foreign agent during the Trump administration and then lied to the FBI.

Described also as a longtime adviser and friend to Trump, Barrack was also acquitted of obstruction of justice and making false statements to FBI agents in 2019 about his interactions with Emirati officials and their representatives. Barrack’s former assistant and co-defendant, Matthew Grimes, was also acquitted of acting as a foreign agent and conspiracy to act as a foreign agent.

“It’s these people who should take the victory lap,” Barrack told Reuters after the not guilty verdict was read. “I’m so moved by them and by the system,” he added.

Prosecutors alleged that Barrack had used his friendship with Trump to “illegally provide” officials in the United Arab Emirates access and inside information to the Trump administration.

Prosecutors alleged that messages showed that Barrack received input from Emirati officials and intermediaries on what to say about the Middle East in TV interviews, and passed along sensitive details about U.S. foreign policy and personnel appointments.

“The defendants unlocked the back door of the American political system—its campaigns, its media, its government—to the UAE,” Ryan Harris, one of the prosecutors, said on Tuesday during closing arguments, according to the New York Times.

San Francisco DA Vows to Limit Access to Paul Pelosi Attack Evidence ‘As Much as Possible’

The San Francisco prosecutor investigating the man accused of hitting Paul Pelosi with a hammer last week is vowing to limit the public’s access to evidence surrounding the case.

In an interview with CNN on Wednesday, San Francisco District Attorney Brooke Jenkins said a “very limited number of family members” will be able to access evidence in the case, including police body-camera footage and the 911 call. Pelosi is the longtime husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).

“For us, revealing that evidence through the media is just not what we think is appropriate,” Jenkins told the network on Thursday. “We want to make sure that this individual is held accountable for these egregious acts,” she also said. “For us, we’re going to make sure that we limit the evidence as much as possible in order to get that done.”

The evidence includes footage of the alleged hammer attack by David DePape, 42, that sent Paul Pelosi to the hospital for about six days. He was released on Thursday evening, according to the House speaker’s office.

Media Narrative on Pelosi Attack is ‘Morally Outrageous’: Experts

News Analysis

In an election year that has Democrats often using the “extremist” label on the GOP to distract from the country’s economic problems, experts say that the rush by mainstream media to blame “right-wing extremism” for the attack on the husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calf.), has actually harmed the Democrats,

This summer the Democrats used the Jan. 6 Committee hearings, amplified by the media, to highlight the “danger to democracy” that the GOP allegedly poses to the country. But one observer said that the quickness with which some media outlets alleged that the attack on Paul Pelosi was the result of a conservative obsession—before more detail about the alleged assailant came to light—betrayed an underlying agenda.

“It would have behooved them to just wait [and get the facts], but instead they have painted an entire part of the country, everybody, as an extremist” over the attack, Carla Miller, national spokesperson for Law Enforcement Today, the largest law enforcement-owned media company in the United States, told The Epoch Times.

“The message from the media is clear: If you’re against the Democrats, you’re an extremist. And I think it’s definitely done more harm to them than good,” said Miller.


Elon Musk Confirms Twitter Employees Sold Verification Badges ‘Behind the Scenes’

Elon Musk on Nov. 5 confirmed claims that Twitter employees were selling verification badges for certain users.

“Twitter employees were selling verification for upwards of $15,000. For certain accounts, mine included, they would refuse to verify you through the standard application and then privately offer to verify you for $$ behind the scenes. Investigation needed,” WSBChairman—a user with 900,000 followers—claimed on the platform on Nov. 5. Musk confirmed that user’s claim, responding: “Yup.”

Neither WSBChairman nor Musk provided further details or evidence. Meanwhile, no prominent former Twitter executives have publicly commented on the matter.

Elon Musk Says Twitter Suffering a ‘Massive Drop in Revenue’ After Activist Group Pressure

Elon Musk wrote Friday that Twitter has suffered a “massive drop in revenue” in recent days after activist groups pressured advertisers to stop using the platform.

“Twitter has had a massive drop in revenue, due to activist groups pressuring advertisers, even though nothing has changed with content moderation and we did everything we could to appease the activists,” he wrote on the platform. “Extremely messed up! They’re trying to destroy free speech in America.”

Musk did not name the groups. Nor did he name the advertisers or companies.

Former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Says He ‘Owns Responsibility’ for Company’s Mass Layoffs

Twitter co-founder and former CEO Jack Dorsey said on Saturday that he was responsible for the company’s situation that has resulted in the layoff of 50 percent of the workforce under new owner Elon Musk.

Dorsey posted an apology on Twitter for “growing the company size too quickly,” which he claimed was the cause of the company’s massive layoffs following Musk’s official takeover last month.

“I realize many are angry with me. I own the responsibility for why everyone is in this situation: I grew the company size too quickly. I apologize for that,” he said in the post.

“I am grateful for, and love, everyone who has ever worked on Twitter. I don’t expect that to be mutual in this moment … or ever … and I understand,” Dorsey added.

Dorsey made the statement after the New York Post reported on Saturday that “everyone at Twitter hates him now,” citing anonymous sources who claimed that employees blamed Dorsey for Twitter’s situation.

Twitter Launches Paid Subscription Service, Certain Users Get Discount

Twitter on Nov. 5 launched its revamped subscription service dubbed “Twitter Blue.”

The first major product update since Elon Musk bought the California-based company, Twitter Blue was being offered to certain users for $4.99 a month and to others for $7.99 a month.

While the subscription service is not new, Musk has given it a central role in his efforts to turn the company around.

Twitter Blue now gives people “exclusive benefits,” prospective subscribers were told, including early access to select features and the ability to edit posts.

People seeking the coveted blue check marks that are featured next to some usernames will also get one if they subscribe.

“We’re exploring ways to make the Twitter experience next level—and Twitter Blue is just the beginning. This opt-in, paid monthly subscription offers exclusive access to premium features that let you customize your Twitter experience,” the company said in a statement.

Twitter Fact-Checks Biden’s Low Gas Price Claim

Twitter fact-checked a Sunday post by President Joe Biden over what he dubbed “the most common” gas price—a top voter issue in Tuesday’s midterm elections.

“Right now, the most common price at gas stations across the country is $3.19 per gallon,” Biden said in a Nov. 6 post. “That’s progress,” the president added.

Users, however, found “the most common price” is far from the average price, which the president failed to distinguish. AAA suggested the average U.S. price for a gallon of regular gasoline is $3.80 as of Nov. 6—more than 60 cents higher than that cited by Biden.

Only two states across the nation, Georgia and Texas, had an average price of regular gasoline under $3.19 on Sunday, while the majority of states were between $3.50 per gallon to $4.00 per gallon, according to the gas prices tracker.


Will You Survive the ‘Tripledemic’?

According to mainstream media, hospitalizations for respiratory infections are on the rise and “experts” warn of a potential “tripledemic” this winter, as COVID, seasonal influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) are all in circulation

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports a 1% increase in new admissions of patients with confirmed COVID-19. Maine — which has one of the nation’s highest COVID jab rates — has the most COVID hospitalizations. RSV cases are also unseasonably high

“Health experts” are now calling for voluntary indoor masking again, even though all the evidence garnered over the past three years confirms that face masks cannot prevent viral infection and spread

The first-ever RSV vaccines are now in the pipeline, directed at pregnant women, newborns and seniors. Some of them are based on mRNA technology

No vaccine for RSV has ever been successfully developed before, because the vaccines had a persistent tendency to cause worse disease, a phenomenon known as antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE)


How Government Makes Your Bank Spy on You

When you open a bank account, do you surrender all rights to your privacy and personal data?

Today, the answer is yes. The Bank Secrecy Act of 1970 (BSA) and subsequent amendments mandated that your bank must inform the federal government about any customer’s transactions that they consider suspicious, however broadly defined that may be, in the form of Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs).

How often do banks think their customers are doing something suspicious? According to the U.S. Treasury Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, there were approximately 20 million bank reports of suspicious activity in 2019.

An August report by the Cato Institute titled “Government Surveillance Doesn’t Stop at Your Bank’s Door” states that this reporting requirement doesn’t just apply to banks but also to currency exchanges, payments companies, broker-dealers, casinos, pawnbrokers, travel agencies, and car dealerships.

All of this would seem to be illegal under the U.S. Constitution; the Fourth Amendment, for example, prohibits “unreasonable search and seizure” by our government and establishes the requirement for the government to obtain a warrant and show “probable cause” of a crime. But according to Jennifer Schulp, co-author of the Cato report, one reason that government surveillance-by-proxy has been allowed by U.S. courts, including the U.S. Supreme Court, is something called the “Third Party Doctrine.”

Schulp told The Epoch Times that the Third Party Doctrine is a legal principle that “essentially removed the expectation of privacy that an individual has from information that they share with a third party, including their banks. So under current Fourth Amendment jurisprudence, the information that you give to your bank is no longer private.”

US State Dept. Giving Passport Application Data to Law Enforcement and Intelligence

The State Department is giving law enforcement and intelligence agencies unrestricted access to the personal data of more than 145 million Americans, through information from passport applications that is shared without legal process or any apparent oversight, according to a letter sent from Sen. Ron Wyden to Secretary of State Antony Blinken and obtained by Yahoo News.

The information was uncovered by Wyden during his ongoing probe into reporting by Yahoo News about Operation Whistle Pig, a wide-ranging leak investigation launched by a Border Patrol agent and his supervisors at the U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s National Targeting Center.

On Wednesday, Wyden sent a letter to Blinken requesting detailed information on which federal agencies are provided access to State Department passport information on U.S. citizens.

“​​I write to express serious concern that the Department of State is providing law enforcement and intelligence agencies with unfettered access to personal data, originally collected through passport applications, of the more than 145 million Americans with a passport,” states the letter sent to Blinken, a copy of which was obtained by Yahoo News.


The Carnivore Diet — A Dangerous Fad or Health Rescuer?

A carnivore or meat-only diet can be uniquely beneficial for some people, especially those struggling with autoimmune diseases, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, chronic pain and mental health disorders

It can also be used as a detox strategy for three to 12 months

One of the primary benefits of a carnivore diet — as long as you focus on red meat and limit chicken and pork — is that it’s a really low in omega-6 fat, which is the most harmful type of fat and a primary driver of chronic disease

You’re also removing most or all sources of oxalates, found in many plant foods, and plant lectins. Both can trigger inflammation and a variety of health issues, including chronic pain and autoimmune diseases

Another benefit of the carnivore diet has to do with carnosine, which is a sink for glycolated lipids. Glucose attaches to the carnosine and as a result, your glucose level goes down. Carnosine is also a longevity molecule

How Conventional Medicine Kills, and What to Do About It

In “Dying to be Free: How America’s Ruling Class Is Killing and Bankrupting Americans, and What to Do About It,” Dr. Leland Stillman shares his views on conventional and alternative health care systems, and how an entirely new health care system can, and is, being built that is focused on maintaining health rather than managing disease

Emergency care medicine can make you better in a short amount of time, but 99% of the people in the ER and the urgent care wouldn’t be there if they had a healthy environment, a healthy lifestyle and a healthy diet

GoldCares Health & Wellness is creating a robust training for clinicians that incorporates the best of allopathic and natural medicine

You can save a lot of money by becoming a member of a Health Care Sharing Ministry such as Medi-Share, Liberty HealthShare or Zion HealthShare. Members share expenses and prices are negotiated with hospitals to minimize the cost for each bill

Many are stuck in the health insurance loop because they fear they wouldn’t be able to pay for certain drugs, were they to develop some disease. However, if your doctor can help keep you healthy, you don’t need drugs, and hence you don’t need insurance

Vitamin B12 to Help Combat Mental Illness

Vitamin B12 plays an important role in neurological function, and deficiency leads to a number of related changes, including personality disturbances, irritability, depression, dementia and even psychosis

People with depression and high B12 levels have better responses to treatment

Vitamin B12 also helps regulate homocysteine levels, and increased homocysteine is linked to B12 deficiency as well as depression

Vegans or strict vegetarians who abstain from animal products and do not supplement their diet with vitamin B12 will often become deficient and may face increased risks of neuropsychiatric and neurological problems as a result

The only reliable and absorbable sources of vitamin B12 are animal products; however, even meat eaters can be deficient

If you have a minor deficiency, increasing B12-rich foods, such as grass fed beef liver, wild rainbow trout and wild sockeye salmon, in your diet can help, but for more serious deficiency you may need weekly shots of vitamin B12 or daily high-dose B12 supplements

→ Power Mall Product Recommendation: Vitamin B12 (Vegan Safe)

WATCH: Dr. Peter McCullough faces loss of medical credentials for ‘misinformation’


America’s Oil Supply Problem Worse Than You Think, Industry Leader Warns

America’s oil supply problem is worse than most predictions, Ezra Yacob, president of EOG Resources Inc., told analysts during a third-quarter earnings call.

Oil production in the United States will maintain a low growth rate in 2023, he said.

The number of oil rigs, frac spreads, and workers indicated a low growth rate in the near future, he said.

Also, fewer companies have the capacity to produce oil after the pandemic and the companies are more cautious about investing more in this sector.

“I do think coming out of the pandemic, we’ve had a consolidation across the industry. … You’ve been left with less companies, and those companies that have the size, the scale, balance sheets, things of that nature to be able to continue to drill and operate,” he said. “And the majority of those companies are drilling and investing in a way that’s more disciplined than what was in favor prior to the pandemic.”

Yacob believes the trend will not end soon.

Avocado — Superfood and Environmental Killer

Avocados have become immensely popular in the U.S., Europe and China due to their many nutritional benefits and taste

Each avocado requires 70 liters (18.49 gallons) of water to produce, which means the fruits can be environmentally destructive

In drought-prone Petorca province in Chile, avocado plantations have diverted and stolen water, causing streams to run dry and harming local people

Water conservation activists in Chile opposing the water theft receive threats and little government support

In the state of Michoacan, where 80% of Mexico’s avocados are produced, cartels have crowded into the business and terrorized local people


VIDEO (Fall Gardening Activities): https://youtu.be/URQbjz3lYUE


Signs You Have a Spike Protein Blood Clot, and What to Do About It

In this two-part paper, we aim to give an overview on COVID-19 related abnormal blood clots, how they form, how to detect them early, and how they’re being treated

Doctor Shares Alternative Spike Protein Treatments When Go-to Options Fail

Over two years into the pandemic and over a year since the COVID-19 vaccinations rolled out, millions of people are still nursing themselves in the aftermaths as they recover from spike protein injuries, whether it be through COVID-19 or vaccinations.

Many doctors put together recommendations on treating long COVID and vaccine injuries based on clinical observations and published research.

Report: Deaths from Alcohol Up Nearly 30 Percent During First Year of Pandemic

Government data shows deaths due to alcohol spiked nearly 30 percent in America during the first year of the Chinese coronavirus pandemic, a time that also saw a rise in anxiety and depression.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said those deaths increased in 2020 and 2021, according to an Associated Press (AP) article published on Friday:

A report released Friday focused on more than a dozen kinds of “alcohol-induced” deaths that were wholly blamed on drinking. Examples include alcohol-caused liver or pancreas failure, alcohol poisoning, withdrawal and certain other diseases. There were more than 52,000 such deaths last year, up from 39,000 in 2019.

The rate of such deaths had been increasing in the two decades before the pandemic, by 7% or less each year.


Kathy Griffin Suspended from Twitter After Impersonating Elon Musk

Comedienne Kathy Griffin earned herself a Twitter suspension on Sunday when she impersonated billionaire Elon Musk as a stunt for Democrats.

Changing her profile name while employing Musk’s exact profile picture, Kathy Griffin then asked her thousands of followers to “Vote Blue” in the coming midterm election.

Sob Story: Twitter Employee Claims He Was Fired ‘While Sleeping,’ Woke Up Locked Out of Accounts

One former Twitter employee is claiming that he was fired “while sleeping” and woke up locked out of his work email and communication accounts. His story is one of thousands from Twitter workers who were alerted by email — or noticing they were locked out of the company’s systems — that they were no longer working for Elon Musk.

Business Insider reports that one Twitter employee claims that he was laid off from the company while sleeping and woke on Friday to find that he was locked out of his work email, Slack, and his laptop.

Elon Musk’s Twitter Sued by Workers Impacted by Massive Layoff

A group of Twitter workers is suing the company over Elon Musk’s plan to eliminate about 3,700 jobs, saying the social media platform did not give proper notice as required by federal and California law.

Bloomberg reports that Twitter is being sued over Elon Musk’s recently announced plans to cut approximately 3,700 jobs from the social media platform, with workers claiming that they were not given enough notice in violation of federal and California law.


Can I Pet Your Dog?

Consent isn’t just for humans. Here’s how to respond when the answer isn’t so simple.

A father told his daughter, “Congrats on your graduation. I bought you a car a while back. I want you to have it now.”

“Before I give it to you, take it to a car dealer in the city and sell it. See how much they offer.”

The girl came back to her father and said: “They offered me $10,000 dollars because it looks very old.”

The Father said: “Ok, now take it to the pawn shop”.

The girl returned to her father and said: “The pawn shop offered $1,000 dollars because it’s a very old car and it needs a lot of work”.

The father then told her to join a passionate car club with experts and show them the car. The girl drove to the passionate car club. She returned to her father after a few hours and told him, “Some people in the club offered me $100,000 dollars because it’s a rare car that’s in good condition.”

Then the father said, “I wanted to let you know that you are not worth anything if you are not in the right place. If you are not appreciated, do not be angry. That means you are in the wrong place.  Don’t stay in a place where no one sees your value.”


GOP Will Create ‘Red Tsunami’ Across US: Rep. Stefanik

A “red tsunami” will sweep the country in these midterm elections as Republicans win back control over Congress, predicts Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.).

Republicans are on track to gain enough seats that will allow them to take back the House, if not both chambers of Congress.

Speaking shortly before a Nov. 3 rally for her colleague, gubernatorial candidate Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-N.Y.), Stefanik said she is “very excited about the red tsunami that is about to come.”

“Joe Biden is going to get a resounding pushback to his failed agenda,” Stefanik, who also chairs the House Republican Conference, told The Epoch Times. “This is a referendum on failed Democrat rule and Democrats are going to face historic losses across the country.”

In the upstate rural town of Castleton-on-Hudson, about 10 miles away from the state capital Albany, the congresswoman projected confidence that the same frustration she observes at the national level will fuel voters in gubernatorial races, and in turn help Zeldin in a tightening race against incumbent Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul.

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