July 18, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: November 12, 2020

World News

European leaders issue bleak reminder that Christmas 2020 won’t be a normal one, despite Covid-19 vaccine euphoria

RT – Ireland’s PM has told people to hold off booking their flights home for Christmas, while Germany’s health minister warned that Covid-19 restrictions will likely continue throughout the festive period.

German Minister of Health Jens Spahn told local radio on Thursday that although the rate of infection is slowing across Germany, thanks to the ongoing ‘soft lockdown’, it would be unrealistic to assume things will go back to normal by December and January. 

Spahn, who himself tested positive for Covid-19 at the end of October, said: “I don’t see events with more than 10 or 15 people happening this winter.” 

Speaking earlier on Thursday, German Chancellor Angela Merkel declined to say whether restaurants and bars might reopen in December, despite encouraging changes to the infection rate and the prospect that a vaccine might be ready before the new year. 

UK prime minister slams anti-vax ‘nonsense’, tells Brits to get the Covid-19 jab when it’s their turn

RT – British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has hit out at anti-vaxxers and claimed that he has no hesitation about getting the Covid vaccine himself, adding that everyone should receive the jab once it’s available to them.

Speaking to the media on Thursday, Johnson encouraged all Britons to get immunized against coronavirus, and took the opportunity to freshly lambast the anti-vax movement, which has been increasingly vocal in the UK.

“Anti-vax is total nonsense; you should definitely get a vaccine,” he said.

The prime minister added that he had no “inhibitions” about getting the jab himself, and strongly encouraged people in the UK to do the same as soon as they are eligible. Johnson also explained that a committee would decide who would be eligible for the vaccine first. 

Earlier in the year, Johnson described those who opposed vaccinations as “nuts.” 

Tory MP and leader of the House of Commons, Jacob Rees-Mogg, echoed the PM’s sentiments on Thursday, labelling anti-vaxxers as “nutters” as he claimed the government’s high spending on Covid communications was imperative to “reassure people” about the safety of vaccines.

As with elsewhere in the world, the UK has seen a number of anti-vaccination theories and protests. In October, around 2,000 people gathered in Westminster to spread their potentially dangerous anti-vaccine message. Crowds chanted “We don’t need no vaccination” to the tune of Pink Floyd’s Another Brick In The Wall. 

A poll published by Britain’s Daily Mail newspaper this week found that 74 percent of respondents would be happy to take the vaccine, while 7 percent claimed they would not receive it under any circumstances. 

The pro- and anti-vaccine debate has escalated in the UK this week, following Pfizer’s announcement on Monday that their formula has been shown to be 90 percent effective against Covid.

Compulsory vaccination legislation in Australia? Penalty is $66,600

Investment Watch – “That section poses a pretty severe threat, with the penalty being 5 years imprisonment or 300 penalty units (currently A$66,600), or both.”

The Biosecurity Act 2015 gives the federal government sweeping powers over the population. Specifically, under s61(f)(ii), vaccination (see s92) is one of the measures that can be prescribed under a human biosecurity control order. Now, under s74, a person only needs to comply with the measure if the person either consents to the measure, or the Director of Human Biosecurity has given a direction for the person to comply in accordance with s72(5)(a) and either: 7 days have passed and the person has not made an application for review of the decision under the Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977 in accordance with s80 of the Biosecurity Act 2015, or the person’s application has been rejected and the Administrative Review Tribunal requires the person to comply with the measure. It’s worth reading the small print to s74. Note 1 says if a person doesn’t comply, they could commit an offence under s107. That section poses a pretty severe threat, with the penalty being 5 years imprisonment or 300 penalty units (currently A$66,600), or both. Note 2 refers to the expenses that occurred in complying with an order (s108), meaning that the government would have to pay for the vaccination. The only solace would come from Note 3, which states that “generally, force must not be used to require compliance with a biosecurity measure (see section 95).” But what does “generally” mean? Well, s95 clearly states that vaccination is a procedure for which “force must not be used against an individual“. The note to this section refers to other measures, so that’s where the “generally” comes in.

U.S. News, Politics & Government

‘Hundreds of thousands of ballots are going to have to be discarded’

WND – Sidney Powell, who exposed the Obama administration’s framing of Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn after becoming his attorney, says there is “tons of evidence that hundreds of thousands of ballots are going to have to be discarded,” which could affect the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.

“We have evidence of the same number of ballots or same number of votes being injected into the Wisconsin system and into the Michigan system three different times,” she said in an interview Wednesday with Maria Bartiromo of the Fox Business Network.

“I think there were two different injections of exactly the same numbers in Michigan and then in Milwaukee it happened three times,” she said.

DC to Give Children Vaccine Consent Behind Their Parents’ Backs — New World Next Week

The Epoch Times – The nation’s capital city is looking likely to pass legislation that would allow children as young as 11 years old to make their own decisions on receiving vaccines, without parental consent or knowledge.

Bill 23-171 would allow for children as young as 11 to consent to all vaccines on the government schedule. At the same time, the school, health care provider, and the parent’s private insurance would conceal the child’s vaccination from parents or guardians—who would have no knowledge of the vaccination unless the child told them.

The bill states that the minor must be “capable of meeting the informed consent standard,” which would be determined by a physician.

The legislation was first introduced on March 5, 2019, with a public hearing held on June 26, 2019. The bill then sat until Oct. 7 this year, when the four-person health committee revised it, passed it, and brought it up to the full council for a vote on Oct. 20. It passed resoundingly (12–1) and now heads back for a second reading and final vote on Nov. 10 before landing on the mayor’s desk for a signature.

The primary sponsor of the bill, council member Mary Cheh, said in the Oct. 7 meeting that the current pandemic has given the measure more urgency.

“Given our ongoing pandemic and the incredible work being done to develop a COVID-19 vaccine, it’s more important than ever I think that we reduce any and all barriers to these treatments,” Cheh said. “And this legislation aims to do just that by increasing access to vaccines for minors who choose to get vaccinated but have not been able to do so.”

After Legalizing Cannabis, Arizona Begins Dismissing Weed Charges Immediately

Free Thought Project – Across the country last week, Americans made their voices heard in regard to the war on drugs. A record five states legalized cannabis in some form. Montana voted to legalize cannabis for those 21 and up, New Jersey, South Dakota, and Arizona also approved recreational use and Mississippi approved medicinal use. Legal weed started from a trickle in 2012 with Washington and Colorado and has now developed into a landslide with dozens of states legalizing it in some form and a vote to legalize nationally taking place next month in Congress.

Telling cops to stop kidnapping and caging people for possessing and selling a plant that has never killed anyone, is most certainly a massive step in the direction of freedom. However, many states who have legalized cannabis forget about those who have already been kidnapped and caged for this plant. Hundreds of thousands of people are still rotting in a cages or have criminal records hanging over their heads in states where cannabis has been legalized. This is an egregious injustice and it needs to change.

Luckily, there are those in the political world who see this injustice and are moving to correct it. With the passage of Proposition 207 (the Smart and Safe Arizona Act) on Nov 3rd, Arizona’s largest county, Maricopa, decided to make that move.

This week, Maricopa County Attorney’s Office (MCAO) stated that it will go ahead and begin dismissing “all pending and unfiled charges of possession of marijuana” as well as any associated paraphernalia-related charges that are active in their office.

“Instead of continuing to spend resources on these cases, this office will begin implementing the will of the voters immediately,” the MCAO stated. Imagine that.

Republican senator says he will step in if Biden doesn’t have access to intelligence briefings by Friday 

CNN – Oklahoma Republican Sen. James Lankford said Wednesday that he will intervene if the Trump administration has not allowed President-elect Joe Biden access to presidential daily intelligence briefings by the end of the week, one of the first rights of a presidential candidate after winning the election.

“There is no loss from him getting the briefings and to be able to do that,” Lankford told radio station KRMG, noting that he sits on the Senate Oversight Committee and that he’s already started engaging on this issue.

The Oklahoma Republican said if no progress is made on the issue by Friday, he will step in and say, “This needs to occur so that regardless of the outcome of the election, whichever way that it goes, people can be ready for that actual task.”

Lankford’s comment comes as Biden and his senior advisers are not yet receiving the President’s Daily Brief, the highly classified intelligence briefings about pressing national security issues that their soon-to-be predecessor has been offered daily.

Trump’s Election Legal Fight Preceded by Battles Over Dirty Voter Rolls

Judicial Watch – Mr. Smith, a Republican, once served on the Fulton County Board of Registration and Elections. He is now a part of Mr. Trump’s recount team.

In his complaint against the Georgia secretary of state and the Fulton County Election Board, Mr. Smith alleges that more than 15,000 voters on the rolls no longer live there and that at least 1,200 are also registered outside of Georgia.

“It’s a major issue that the rolls are dirty, because dirty rolls lead to dirty elections,” said Tom Fitton, Judicial Watch president. “The rolls are filthy.”

The suspect numbers in Pennsylvania are even bigger than Georgia’s. The conservative group’s suit contends more than 800,000 names should be purged.

Pennsylvania figures show Mr. Trump’s Election Day lead of more than 1.25 million votes was overtaken by Mr. Biden’s nearly 4-to-1 advantage in mail-in ballots. Mr. Biden currently leads 49.8% to 48.1% with nearly 6.7 million total votes tallied.

Judicial Watch singled out three counties around Philadelphia — Bucks, Chester and Delaware — that, like the city, are Democratic strongholds. In those counties, state figures show between 83% and 87% of 444,000 mail-in ballots were returned.

Tucker Carlson reveals list of dead people he says voted in the election

Daily Mail – Fox News‘ Tucker Carlson revealed a list of names he claims are among the dead people who voted in this year’s election as he hit out at the ‘media blackout’ for failing to report on fraud allegations.

The list, revealed during his show on Wednesday night, included the names of at least four people in the state of Georgia where there are fewer than 15,000 ballots separating President Trump and Joe Biden.

It also included several in Nevada, where the TV host accused officials of encouraging mail-in ballot ‘fraud’ to take place by sending out a ballot to all registered voters, despite knowing that 41,000 people hadn’t updated their records in more than a decade.

Rudy Giuliani Says 650,000 Votes Were Illegally Counted in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh

Gateway Pundit – President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani has alleged that a whopping 650,000 votes were illegally counted in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh.

According to Pennsylvania’s election laws, poll watchers must be present from both parties during the count.

However, Giuliani says that Republican poll watchers were able to observe “almost none” of the hundreds of thousands of votes counted in those cities.

“We now are up to a count of about 650,000 ballots that are unlawful ballots that were cast in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh,” Giuliani said while appearing on Fox Business’ with Lou Dobbs. “What’s being said in the mass media, that we have no evidence, is a complete, absolute lie, just like they’ve been lying for years.”

The Epoch Times reports that Giuliani also told Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo on Sunday that “lawsuits being filed by Trump’s reelection campaign might show that as many as 900,000 invalid ballots were cast in the battleground state.”

“I think we have enough to change Pennsylvania. The Pennsylvania election was a disaster,” Giuliani said. “We have people that observed people being pushed out of the polling place. We have people who were suggested to vote the other way and shown how to do it. I’m giving you the big picture.”

Donald Trump planning own conservative news channel to rival Fox

Daily Mail – President Donald Trump launched a series of twitter attacks on Fox News Thursday – amid reports he is plotting to start his own conservative online news channel to take on Fox in an act of vengeance against the network. 

He claims its ‘daytime ratings have completely collapsed. Weekend daytime even WORSE,’ in one of a string of tweets attacking the channel.

‘Very sad to watch this happen, but they forgot what made them successful, what got them there. They forgot the Golden Goose. The biggest difference between the 2016 Election, and 2020, was @FoxNews!’

Economy & Business

Even stricter COVID lockdowns are coming, and they are going to be extremely devastating for the U.S. economy

Investment Watch – Are you ready for another nightmare?  Earlier this year, the COVID lockdowns that were instituted all over the nation resulted in the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930s and forced more than 60 million Americans to file claims for unemployment benefits.  After seeing how well that first round of lockdowns worked, one of the “scientists” that will be telling Joe Biden what to do about this pandemic wants to do it again.  Yes, you read that correctly.  During an interview with Yahoo Finance, Dr. Michael Osterholm said that what we really need to do to get this pandemic under control is to lock the entire country down for four to six weeks

Shutting down businesses and paying people for lost wages for four to six weeks could help keep the coronavirus pandemic in check and get the economy on track until a vaccine is approved and distributed, said Dr. Michael Osterholm, a coronavirus advisor to President-elect Joe Biden.

And Osterholm isn’t talking about doing “soft lockdowns” like we saw in many states earlier this year.

In an article that he co-authored in the New York Times, he argued that lockdowns need to be “as comprehensive and strict as possible”

“The problem with the March-to-May lockdown was that it was not uniformly stringent across the country. For example, Minnesota deemed 78 percent of its workers essential,” they wrote in the New York Times. “To be effective, the lockdown has to be as comprehensive and strict as possible.”

Basically, Osterholm wants Australia-style lockdowns all over the United States for at least a month and probably longer.

Doesn’t that sound fun?


Pfizer Vaccine Volunteers Report Side Effects of ‘Severe Hangover’

Newsmax – The more than 43,000 volunteers in six countries who participated in the clinical trials of Pfizer’s vaccine candidate reported that it left them feeling hungover. On Monday, the pharmaceutical giant announced that its vaccine was more than  90% effective in preventing COVID-19 and will pursue emergency use approval by the Food and Drug Administration.

But according to New York Post, although the volunteers who took part in the phase 3 trials weren’t told if they were injected with the vaccine or a placebo, the participants who experienced  flu-like side effects such as muscle aches, fever, and headaches assumed they got the drug.

One volunteer, 45-year-old Carrie from Missouri, said she experienced a headache, fever, and body aches, after her first shot in September. Giving only her first name, she told The Sun that her side effects were more severe after her second dose last month. Carrie believes that she received the actual vaccine based on her experiences.

Action Item: Recount Demand – WRITE SNAIL MAIL TO THE WHITE HOUSE! Your country needs you.

Dear Champions,

BE THE SOLUTION: This was announced on news Max tonight.

Trump has asked us to send him “snail mail” letters.

The letter is to DEMAND A FULL AUDIT of all 50 states.

Send this to President Donald J Trump; WHITE HOUSE; 1600 Pennsylvania Ave Washington DC 20500

He will use this as evidence to the Supreme Court. He is asking all of us to send him HARD COPY letters as evidence we, the People, are demanding an audit.

Please do this today!

Have every registered voter in your household send a separate letter. We need to swarm the White House mail room.

Thank you.

The above info was reported on Newsmax.

This is from Take Back America.

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