July 3, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: November 14, 2022


Farage Vindicated? EU will Set Up First ‘Rapid Deployment’ Military Force by 2025, Claims Report

​​The EU has reportedly set its sights on establishing a 5,000-man “rapid deployment” military force by 2025, a report has claimed.

In what appears to be the most concrete development in the EU’s desire to have its own military, lawmakers in Brussels are reportedly in the concrete planning stage for establishing a 5,000-man “rapid deployment” military intervention force, a report has claimed.

Cash-Strapped UK Govt to Overspend on Foreign Aid by £1 Billion Due to Migrants

The supposedly cash-strapped British government, currently preparing punishing tax hikes and public service cuts to balance the books, will overspend by around a billion pounds on foreign aid due to the migrant influx.

Around £4 billion (~$4.7 billion) of the British government’s £11 billion (~$13 billion) f+oreign aid budget is being spent on dealing with asylum seekers in Britain itself — paying for them to enjoy free accommodation in luxurious hotels while paying customers are booted out, for example — which is a permissible use of so-called official development assistance (ODA) to which the government has inexplicably bound itself.

UK Govt Looking at Hosting Migrants in Cruise Ships and Holiday Parks as Crisis Spirals

The British government is looking at putting up migrants on cruise ships and in holiday parks as it struggles to accommodate the influx in expensive hotels.

With many communities, even small villages, complaining of having large numbers of unvetted migrants rammed into sometimes luxurious hotels in their midst at the taxpayers’ expense with little or zero consultation or consideration for the impact on public services, the Conservative Party government needs new ways to host the ever-increasing flood of migrants illegally entering Britain.

KFC Apologizes For Telling Germans To Remember Nazi Kristallnacht With Chicken

Fast Food giant Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) has apologized after sending notifications to Germans calling on them to remember the Nazi pogroms against Jews known as Kristallnacht by ordering their chicken.

The notification occurred on November 9th on the fast food chain’s mobile phone app and called on customers to remember the Reichspogromnacht, also known as Kristallnacht or the ‘Night of Broken Glass’, by ordering food from the company on the anniversary Nazi attacks on Jewish businesses and Synagogues.

France warned of possible blackouts

France risks running short of electricity for several days this winter as a result of lower-than-usual nuclear plant availability, Bloomberg reported on Monday, citing the country’s grid operator.

Cash-Strapped UK Govt to Overspend on Foreign Aid by 1 Billion Due to Migrants

The supposedly cash-strapped British government, currently preparing punishing tax hikes and public service cuts to balance the books, will overspend by around a billion pounds on foreign aid due to the migrant influx.

Around £4 billion (~$4.7 billion) of the British government’s £11 billion (~$13 billion) f+oreign aid budget is being spent on dealing with asylum seekers in Britain itself — paying for them to enjoy free accommodation in luxurious hotels while paying customers are booted out, for example — which is a permissible use of so-called official development assistance (ODA) to which the government has inexplicably bound itself.


Police Identify UVA Shooting Suspect as Christopher Darnell Jones

The University of Virginia campus remains on a “shelter in place” status Monday morning as police continue their search for Sunday night shooting suspect Christopher Darnell Jones.

Breitbart News reported the shooting, which occurred around 10:30 p.m. Sunday, and noted that UVA police had ordered a “shelter in place” for students and others on campus.

3 Indicted for Sending Military Tech to China, Selling Chinese Items to Pentagon

Three people and a business have been charged in federal court over allegations that they participated in a scheme to sell U.S. military secrets to China and to secretly bring Chinese goods into the U.S. defense supply chain.

Phil Pascoe, Monica Pascoe, Scott Tubbs, and Quadrant Magnetics LLC are accused of wire fraud, violations of the Arms Export Control Act, and smuggling of goods, according to a Nov. 9 statement from the Justice Department.

It’s alleged that the three individuals used the company to conduct an illegal scheme to send export-controlled, defense-related technical data to an unspecified company in China, and to illegally supply the Pentagon with products from China, including rare earth magnets for aviation systems and military items.

The indictment says that Quadrant imported rare earth magnets that were smelted and magnetized by a company in China, and then sold these items to two U.S. companies, which included them in components sold to the Pentagon for use in the F-16 and F-18 aircraft, as well as other defense assets. It’s currently unclear if the items were put to use.

Poll: GOP Support Shifts to Ron DeSantis over Donald Trump by 7 Points

A poll taken after the midterm election shows Republican support for a Ron DeSantis 2024 run has shifted from former President Donald Trump overnight.

Surveying 1,500 U.S. adult citizens between November 9-11, the YouGov poll found Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis leads the former president by seven points – 42 percent versus Trump’s 35 percent.

Democrats Keep Control of Senate After Emerging Victorious in Key Races

Democrats are projected to maintain control of the Senate after emerging victorious in key races in battleground states, extinguishing Republican hopes of flipping both congressional chambers.

Although Republicans are still projected to gain control of the House, Democrats kept the Senate after winning battles in Arizona, Nevada, and Pennsylvania.

“Democrats will have a majority again in the Senate! This election is a victory and vindication for Democrats, our agenda and our accomplishments, and for America and the American people,” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said in a statement after the Nevada race was called on Nov. 12.

Democrats will have at least 50 seats in the 100-seat chamber. Vice President Kamala Harris is president of the upper chamber, giving her the ability to cast the tiebreaking vote. The Georgia Senate runoff has been scheduled for December.

Trump Alleges Voter Fraud in Arizona Senate Race, Demands Do-Over

Former President Donald Trump has alleged voter fraud in Arizona’s Senate race and demanded a do-over after The Associated Press and other media outlets called the race against his endorsed candidate, Republican Blake Masters, while handing incumbent Sen. Mark Kelly (D-Ariz.) a projected win.

Trump said in a post on Truth Social that “possibly corrupt” officials had “lost control of the tainted Election in Arizona” after the race was called for Kelly.

“This is a scam and voter fraud, no different than stuffing the ballot boxes. They stole the Electron [sic] from Blake Masters. Do Election over again!” Trump wrote on the platform.

He did not provide detailed evidence for his claims but pointed to problems with counting votes in Maricopa County, Arizona’s most populous.

Kelly has claimed victory while Masters has not conceded, with the Republican saying in a statement late Friday that there are “hundreds of thousands” of pro-Republican ballots left to count and that “we will overtake them and win.”

How Election Integrity Has Been Destroyed In Arizona (And Elsewhere)

Because I live in Arizona, I have wondered and scratched my head as to why a fundamentally “red” state ends up with “blue” politicians. Such was the case during the 2020 election when Donald Trump was overwhelmingly popular and yet lost the state. Such is the case right now with the Governor’s race between Kari Lake and Katie Hobbs. Now I know the answer.

Republicans seek voters, Democrats seek ballots.

This is so simple and obvious that it has escaped everyone’s attention, including mine. According to the article below, “when ballots are more important than votes – the election will always favor the former.”

Republican candidate Kari Lake has stumped throughout Arizona and won the hearts of our citizens. Her Democrat opponent, Katie Hobbs, has hidden herself from public exposure, refusing to even be seen with Lake on a stage or anywhere else. As a candidate, in fact, Hobbs could rightly be described as reclusive.

Here is the heart of matter: Lake is seeking voters while Hobbs is seeking ballots. The same could be said for the Senate race between Republican Blake Masters and Democrat Mark Kelly. Further, this is true across all major races in Arizona. Republicans seek voters while Democrats seek ballots.

What happened in Arizona? On election day, ballots were collected as many people voted in person. Mailed in and dropped off ballots were also collected. Next, the whole collection of ballots were brought to a central location (in each county). In Maricopa County, Sheriff’s deputies barricaded the counting facility and posted armed sentinels on the roof. The counting process was going to take a long time, they said. Days later, they are still not finished.

‘White Wave’ of Mail-In Ballots Slammed Oz, Other Republicans

Call it “the White Wave.” A flood of white envelopes containing mail-in ballots lofted Democrat candidates to victories in several key Nov. 8 races.

Case in point: Democrat John Fetterman will occupy Pennsylvania’s coveted U.S. Senate seat instead of Republican Dr. Mehmet Oz.

In that race—and several others—mail-in ballots acted as a breaker against the “Red Wave” of wins that Republican leaders had hoped would wash across the nation at a time when Congress and the White House are both Democrat-controlled.

The lopsided numbers in the Fetterman-Oz race starkly reveal how key the mail-in segment of the electorate has become despite Republicans’ emphasis on in-person voting.

Based on unofficial tallies available as of Nov. 9, Oz drew 500,000 more voters to visit the polls on Election Day than Fetterman did. But that margin wasn’t enough.

Fetterman’s mail-in total exceeded 868,000–quadruple Oz’s total in that column. The result: a 655,000-vote difference in Fetterman’s favor.

‘White Wave’ of Mail-In Ballots Slammed Oz, Other Republicans

Painful lesson for GOP leaders who tout in-person voting

Call it “the White Wave.” A flood of white envelopes containing mail-in ballots lofted Democrat candidates to victories in several key Nov. 8 races.

Case in point: Democrat John Fetterman will occupy Pennsylvania’s coveted U.S. Senate seat instead of Republican Dr. Mehmet Oz.

In that race—and several others—mail-in ballots acted as a breaker against the “Red Wave” of wins that Republican leaders had hoped would wash across the nation at a time when Congress and the White House are both Democrat-controlled.

The lopsided numbers in the Fetterman-Oz race starkly reveal how key the mail-in segment of the electorate has become despite Republicans’ emphasis on in-person voting.

Based on unofficial tallies available as of Nov. 9, Oz drew 500,000 more voters to visit the polls on Election Day than Fetterman did. But that margin wasn’t enough.

GOP Senator Says ‘Old’ Republican Party Is ‘Dead,’ Calls for Major Changes

Republicans need to “build something new” after failing to retake the Senate majority following the 2022 midterm elections, a GOP senator said.

Democrats picked up a key Senate seat in Nevada after Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.) defeated Republican challenger Adam Laxalt after numerous news outlets called the race in Masto’s favor on Saturday. Days before that, GOP candidate Mehmet Oz conceded to Democrat John Fetterman, while outlets called the race for Arizona’s Senate seat in favor of incumbent Sen. Mark Kelly (D-Ariz.).

“The old party is dead. Time to bury it. Build something new,” Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) wrote on social media. A day before, Hawley said Republican Senate leaders are failing to back initiatives that are supported by their voters.

“Washington Republicanism lost big Tuesday night. When your ‘agenda’ is cave to Big Pharma on insulin, cave to [Sen. Chuck] Schumer on gun control & Green New Deal (‘infrastructure’), and tease changes to Social Security and Medicare, you lose,” Hawley wrote over the weekend.

Hawley, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), and Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) reportedly circulated a letter calling for Republicans to postpone their Senate leadership vote. It is presumed that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is vying to reclaim his Senate leadership position, although he has not responded to the three Republicans’ letter.

New Jersey Mayor Says Ballots Went Missing: ‘We Will Not Rest Until We Get to the Bottom of This’

Robbinsville, New Jersey, Mayor Dave Fried said in a Nov. 9 statement that officials were notified at approximately 5 p.m. that “the ballots of one of our districts had gone missing.”

“The fundamentals of Democracy is that every vote would be counted. Clearly, this has yet to happen in Robbinsville, as approximately 11 percent of our residents’ votes have yet to be safely delivered and counted,” Fried said.

Fried said officials are working with the county, which is in charge of the election.

“We will not rest until we get to the bottom of this unconscionable mishap, and we will not consider the 2022 election over in Robbinsville until every single ballot is counted and done so securely,” he said.

Robbinsville officials, meanwhile, said in a statement published on social media late on Thursday, citing a local report, that ballots in one district “have been located and counted.” The officials noted, however, that they had not received official confirmation.

“We still have not received official confirmation of this from Mercer County or the Board of Elections,” the statement reads.

The missing ballots could affect a local Robbinsville school board race, where 103 votes separate Peter Oehlberg and Christopher Emigholz, the New Jersey Globe reported.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Says DeSantis Should Avoid 2024 Race, Remain Florida Governor

Count Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) as a Republican who thinks Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis should stay where he is as opposed to running for president.

“I truly believe one of the most important paths to saving America is by having as many strong Republican governors as possible. And keeping them in place,” Greene said in a series of posts on Twitter.

States controlled by Republicans in governor mansions and legislatures are able to easily pass Republican bills and ensure strong economies, lower crime, and better education, Greene said.

“Republican governors like ours enjoy the ability to truly get things accomplished by working with the consistently Republican controlled state house and senate. And they look like and they are great leaders because they have the situation to accomplish great things. Which is exactly why we need them where they are and we need more of them across the country,” Greene said. “Because of our strong conservative Republican Governor’s successes, people all over the country moved to our states like Georgia and Florida even stronger election victories from new Republican voters who fled blue and purple states.”

Greene said that losing a strong GOP governor due to consultants urging the governor to run for president “hurts our country overall” because “it cuts short their great leadership and long term Republican success for the states they govern, leaving those states weak and vulnerable to poor leadership or even Democrat control.”

Republican Joe Lombardo Wins Nevada Governor Race, Defeats Democrat Steve Sisolak

Nevada Republican gubernatorial candidate, Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo, has won the midterm elections, ousting incumbent Gov. Steve Sisolak, a Democrat.

The projection of Lombardo’s victory comes after several counties experienced vote counting delays, in part because the state Legislature passed a vote-by-mail law in 2020 that required counties to accept ballots postmarked by the day of the election if the ballots arrive up to four days later.

With the newly counted votes coming in from Nevada’s biggest counties—Las Vegas’ Clark County and Reno’s Washoe County—The Associated Press called the race on Friday after it determined that Lombardo’s lead could not be overcome by Sisolak by large enough margins with the remaining ballots.

Sisolak, who was the first Democrat to win Nevada’s gubernatorial post since 1994, conceded the race.

“It appears we will fall a percentage point or so short of winning,” Sisolak said after a batch of vote results was reported in Clark County. “That is why I reached out to the sheriff to wish him success.”

Cameras Go Dark at Vote Counting Facility in Key Nevada County

Cameras at the vote counting facility in a Nevada county still counting midterm election votes stopped broadcasting overnight, officials said on Nov. 10.

The livestream computer application that provides the feeds “lost connection with” the cameras at 11:24 p.m. on Wednesday, according to Bethany Drysdale, a spokesperson for Washoe County.

All staff members left for the night about an hour before the issue and none returned until 7 a.m. on Thursday morning, county officials said.

The connection was restored just before 8 a.m. on Nov. 10.

The Washoe County security administrator was said to have reviewed security cameras at the building, which run on a different system. The cameras showed that no person entered the ballot room or Registrar’s Office while the live feeds were cut off.

Security personnel later made that footage public.

A review of staff badges also indicated that no one entered the ballot room or office.

Fair Elections Are the Underpinning of a Free Society: Retired Marine Reserve Colonel

Man who facilitated Iraq’s first free election, on needed election reforms

Election integrity was paramount on Jan. 30, 2005, when Iraq held its first free election in years to choose an entirely new National Assembly. Retired Marine Reserve Colonel Frank Ryan, today a Republican state representative in the Pennsylvania House, had been called out of retirement and was responsible for pulling together election security with the interim Iraqi government.

It was important that voting was simple for citizens and that they had confidence in the results.

Ryan was one of the few Americans permitted at Iraqi polling places. He attended the Iraqi government meeting when they were counting the ballots that election night.

“They did a tremendous job of making sure that they had a bipartisan group of people monitoring the counting of the ballots,” Ryan said. “And by the way, we got the electoral results done the same day. Just saying.” In the end, some people were disappointed their candidate didn’t win, but there were not accusations of fraud, Ryan said, because the election had a robust system of controls.

BlackRock partners with Konnech to fix the Nov. 8th Election

Konnech CEO, Jianwei “Eugene Wei” Yu, dated Nov. 26th, 2005. The source is his Facebook page.


Why is BlackRock such a big deal?

Konnech, based in China, was hired by the Pentagon to fix the Nov. 8th Election using mail-in ballots.

Details are in this story:


Konnech’s CEO, Eugene Yu, has a partner for its offices in San Francisco and Los Angeles.

Prosecutors Could Switch Timeline of When the Oath Keepers’ Alleged Seditious Conspiracy Began

Judge Amit Mehta, defense counsel, and prosecution attorneys talked on Nov. 10 at the federal courthouse about how to instruct the jurors before deciding the Oath Keepers’ fate.

As the Oath Keepers trial reached the end of the sixth week, defense lawyers told the court of their concern about a possible change in the prosecution’s position on the seditious conspiracy charge. Per the Department of Justice (DOJ) indictment, the Oath Keepers and affiliates’ plot against the U.S. government started shortly after the presidential election in November 2020.

However, the DOJ may shift its stand and argue that the conspiracy may have been conceived on the Capitol steps on Jan. 6, 2021, and not necessarily months before the event.

The government recently filed a motion (pdf) that reads, “To prove a conspiratorial agreement, the government need only show that the conspirators agreed on “the essential nature of the plan,” not that they “agreed on the details of their criminal scheme.”

Furthermore, “as the Supreme Court explained in Blumenthal v. United States, 332 U.S. 539 (1947), the law rightly gives room for allowing the conviction of those discovered upon showing sufficiently the essential nature of the plan and their connections with it, without requiring evidence of knowledge of all its details or of the participation of others.”

‘I Don’t Think There’s Enough Votes’: Biden Pulls Back Promise To Codify Roe V. Wade

President Joe Biden pulled back his promise to codify Roe v. Wade as his first piece of legislation after the midterms on Monday, saying he doesn’t “think there’s enough votes” amid the possibility of a Republican House.

“Mr. President what should Americans expect from Congress as it relates to abortion rights after the midterms?” NBC’s Peter Alexander yelled at Biden during a question and answer period after his remarks with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Indonesia. Biden said he was told to call on four reporters, and this question appeared to be an unplanned fifth, yelled from the sidelines.

“I don’t think they can expect much of anything other than we’re going to maintain our positions. I’m not going to get into more questions. I shouldn’t even have answered your question,” Biden said.

Trans cyclist takes first place in US women’s race

Austin Killips won the female division of a prominent competition

Austin Killips, 26, a US cyclist who was born male but has since transitioned to female, took first place this past weekend in the female elite division at the Verge Northampton International Cyclocross in Massachusetts.

Killips triumphed with a time of 50:25, one second clear of fellow racer Ava Holmgren. Lizzy Gunwales came in third position with a time of 50:31 in the event, which features a mix of on- and off-road cycling as well as various obstacles and technical challenges.

This comes months after the Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) amended its regulations for transgender athletes to require applicants to display reduced levels of testosterone for a period of 24 months, 12 months more than the previous guidelines requested.



Amazon Unveils Warehouse Robot To Replace Human Pickers Amid Unionization Threats

The rise of automation could be set to enter hyperdrive speed at Amazon warehouses nationwide in response to Covid lockdowns, unionization, and the drive to improve margins via reducing labor costs. Human order pickers could be replaced within this decade by a new robotic arm that relies entirely on artificial intelligence and suction cups to identify and fulfill customer orders.

Amazon unveiled the “Sparrow” robot on Thursday,” which can detect, select, and handle millions of items in a warehouse to complete a customer order, rendering a human picker obsolete.

“Leveraging computer vision and artificial intelligence (AI), Sparrow can recognize and handle millions of items. Last year, with the support of Amazon technologies, our employees around the world picked, stowed, or packed approximately 5 billion packages—or over 13 million packages per day,” the company wrote in a press release.

“It’s a major leap in technology challenge, and technology development,” Joe Quinlivan, a vice president of robotics and fulfillment technologies at the company, said during a press event unveiling the device. He said robots would replace the most repetitive-motion jobs in the future.

Maybe the Fed Too Was Trolled


The Federal Reserve—and central banks the world over—played a crucial role in making lockdowns possible and weaponizing the panic of politicians. As the lender of last resort and the provider of liquidity for the entire federal government, it removes normal fiscal restraint. It writes checks that can’t bounce to fuel governments in normal times but is always ready to make possible emergency spending as well, even if existing revenue and public consensus are otherwise absent.

Starting with the $2.2 trillion CARES act of March 27, 2020, and continuing for a full year, Congress massively subsidized and hence funded and rewarded states that locked down, enabling stimulus payments to businesses and individuals amounting to some $10.4 trillion over two years. It was all funded by debt that the Federal Reserve added to its balance sheets, even while the Fed drove interest rates back to zero in the hope of avoiding economic collapse.

In short, the lockdown was monetized with the printing press. Without a Fed, spending on that level would have destroyed the creditworthiness of the United States. So yes, the Fed is wholly culpable in making the entire calamity possible and allowing for its continuation for two years and more. The results are as inevitable as the sunset: We now face the highest rates of inflation in 40 years. Because central banks around the world collaborated in this operation

American Consumer Sentiment Plunges While Inflation Expectations Rise

Consumer sentiment fell last month while expectations of inflation among the general populace rose, according to a University of Michigan survey that is closely followed by the Federal Reserve.

The Index of Consumer Sentiment came in at 54.7 in November, down 8.7 percent from 59.9 in October, data from the surveys of consumers conducted by the university showed. On a yearly basis, the index decreased by 18.8 percent. With the decline, the index has erased roughly half the gains recorded since the historic low registered in June.

All components of the index fell for the month, with the buying conditions for durables falling the most with a decline of 21 percent due to high prices and interest rates.

The fall in consumer sentiment was observed irrespective of age, income, political affiliation, geography, and education, potentially signaling that the recent improvement seen in sentiment was only tentative.

With regard to inflation, “the median expected year-ahead inflation rate was 5.1 percent, up from 5.0 percent last month. Long-run inflation expectations, currently at 3.0 percent, have remained in the narrow (albeit elevated) 2.9-3.1 percent range for 15 of the last 16 months,” survey director Joanne Hsu said in the results.

Yellen Pitches ‘Friendshoring’ to Protect Supply Chains From ‘Risky’ Countries Like China

Janet Yellen, secretary of the U.S. Treasury, was in India to promote “friendshoring” to protect supply chains from unreliable countries like China and Russia.

The pandemic, supply chain problems, and rapidly changing geopolitical allegiances over the past two years have accelerated a redrawing of trade and economic relations around the world.

She promoted her vision of a new form of globalized trade relations and investment that aligns with potential allies like India, at the Microsoft facility in New Delhi on Nov. 11.

Yellen delivered her comments before her meeting with India’s Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, to discuss furthering economic and financial relations between Washington and New Delhi.

The old system of globalization, which has been a driver for much of the economic growth over the last 30 years, has been shocked by severe global supply disruptions.

“We are dealing with a confluence of headwinds,” Yellen said, referring to the economic chaos caused by the pandemic, souring relations with Russia, and skyrocketing inflation worldwide.

Disney Announces Hiring Freeze, Layoffs, Travel Expense Cuts

The Walt Disney Co. appears to be the latest corporation to scale back hiring and spending as the economy cools.

The entertainment giant reportedly announced the changes to senior staff this week after a disappointing quarterly report released Nov. 8 sent stocks plunging to a 21-year low.

An internal memo obtained by CNBC Nov. 11 detailed plans by Disney’s CEO Bob Chapek to institute a hiring freeze, cut jobs, and reduce executive expenses.

“We are limiting headcount additions through a targeted hiring freeze,” Chapek wrote to division leads, according to CNBC. “Hiring for the small subset of the most critical, business-driving positions will continue, but all other roles are on hold.”

The Epoch Times could not immediately verify the memo as Disney representatives did not return a request for comment by press deadline.

In the reported memo, Chapek also said the company would “look at every avenue of operations and labor to find savings, and we do anticipate some staff reductions as part of the review.”

He also apparently told his executive staff that business travel should be limited to essential trips and meetings should be conducted virtually as much as possible.

“I am fully aware this will be a difficult process for many of you and your teams,” the chief executive wrote, according to the report. “We are going to have to make tough and uncomfortable decisions.”

ESG: The Merger of State and Corporate Power

Corporations and government form alliance for environmental, social activism

News Analysis

In 2022, in the midst of a recession, record inflation, and a tumbling stock market, a corporate ideology known by the acronym ESG emerged from obscurity to become a headline topic. It has been called everything from a risk-management tool and a movement for a cleaner, more just world, to a “con,” a “fraud,” and even—in an Elon Musk tweet—“the devil incarnate.”

The term itself is opaque; ESG brings environmental, social, and governance causes together under one umbrella. The environmental component includes things like transitioning from fossil fuels to wind and solar energy, and from gasoline-powered cars to electric vehicles.

The social component includes racial and gender equity, diversity training for employees, economic equity, and gun control. The governance component focus on how companies are run and includes racial and gender quotas for corporate boards, management, and staff, and—in the case of Exxon—putting green energy advocates on the board.


Is Long-COVID the Elephant in the Room?

Long COVID refers to symptoms that persist for four or more weeks after an initial COVID-19 infection. Many are also reporting long COVID symptoms after getting the COVID shot

Symptoms of long COVID include but are not limited to brain fog, memory problems, headaches, blurred vision, loss of smell, nerve pain, heart rate fluctuations, dramatic blood pressure swings and muscle weakness. The feeling of “internal electric shocks” are also reported

The primary difference between post-jab long COVID and long COVID symptoms after infection is that in people who get it from the infection, early treatment was withheld and the resulting infection severe. Post-jab long COVID, on the other hand, can occur either after very mild breakthrough infection or no breakthrough infection at all

Several different theories about the mechanisms behind long COVID are reviewed, as are treatment options

Swiss research has found the rate of subclinical myocarditis is hundreds of times more common than clinical myocarditis after mRNA injection, and ALL mRNA shot recipients had elevated troponin levels, indicating they had some level of heart injury, even if they were asymptomatic


Pro-Transgender Propaganda Film for Children Sponsored by Pharmaceutical Company that Creates Feminizing Drug

A pro-transgender propaganda film for children called Mama has a Mustache was sponsored by Bayer, a pharmaceutical company that produces drugs that are used to feminize men who identify as transgender.

Mama has a Mustache is all about normalizing transgenderism, particularly in the minds of one group of people: young children. 

Estimated 50% of Americans Now Question Vaccine Safety

This week, we celebrate our 13th anniversary of Vaccine Awareness Week. Barbara Loe Fisher, cofounder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) summarizes some of the high and low points we’ve experienced over the past year

I will match all donations made to the NVIC during this week, so it’s a great time to contribute, as each dollar you give will be doubled

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) has now logged over 1.4 million adverse events associated with the COVID-19 shots, including more than 30,000 deaths, half of which are from the United States. No other vaccine has ever caused as many injuries

While the harms are undeniable, health authorities are still doing what they can to deny the risks associated with the COVID shots. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention fought for 15 months to avoid releasing V-Safe data. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is also refusing to release autopsy reports of those who died post-jab

The culture wars that are going on in the world are really about collectivism versus individualism. The globalist cabal are desperately trying to convince countries to adopt a collectivist philosophy, which they refer to as “prosociality,” and move away from respect for the individual and individual rights. Nowhere is this currently more apparent than in the medical field and public health policy

Is Long-COVID the Elephant in the Room?

Long COVID refers to symptoms that persist for four or more weeks after an initial COVID-19 infection. Many are also reporting long COVID symptoms after getting the COVID shot

Symptoms of long COVID include but are not limited to brain fog, memory problems, headaches, blurred vision, loss of smell, nerve pain, heart rate fluctuations, dramatic blood pressure swings and muscle weakness. The feeling of “internal electric shocks” are also reported

The primary difference between post-jab long COVID and long COVID symptoms after infection is that in people who get it from the infection, early treatment was withheld and the resulting infection severe. Post-jab long COVID, on the other hand, can occur either after very mild breakthrough infection or no breakthrough infection at all

Several different theories about the mechanisms behind long COVID are reviewed, as are treatment options

Swiss research has found the rate of subclinical myocarditis is hundreds of times more common than clinical myocarditis after mRNA injection, and ALL mRNA shot recipients had elevated troponin levels, indicating they had some level of heart injury, even if they were asymptomatic

Is Long-COVID the Elephant in the Room?

Long COVID refers to symptoms that persist for four or more weeks after an initial COVID-19 infection. Many are also reporting long COVID symptoms after getting the COVID shot

Symptoms of long COVID include but are not limited to brain fog, memory problems, headaches, blurred vision, loss of smell, nerve pain, heart rate fluctuations, dramatic blood pressure swings and muscle weakness. The feeling of “internal electric shocks” are also reported

The primary difference between post-jab long COVID and long COVID symptoms after infection is that in people who get it from the infection, early treatment was withheld and the resulting infection severe. Post-jab long COVID, on the other hand, can occur either after very mild breakthrough infection or no breakthrough infection at all

Several different theories about the mechanisms behind long COVID are reviewed, as are treatment options

Swiss research has found the rate of subclinical myocarditis is hundreds of times more

common than clinical myocarditis after mRNA injection, and ALL mRNA shot recipients had elevated troponin levels, indicating they had some level of heart injury, even if they were asymptomatic

Top Five Habits for a Healthier Life

In my interview on “The Joe Cohen Show,” I discussed several fundamental health principles that virtually everyone can integrate into their lives to achieve better health

Even small changes add up to meaningful health improvements over time, especially when you know where to focus your energy

Eliminating vegetable/seed oils from your diet and getting more sun exposure top my list of healthy habits

Embracing time restricted eating, which means limiting your eating window to six to eight hours per day, is also important

Exercise and protecting yourself from electromagnetic fields round out my five top habits for a healthier life

Ultraprocessed Food Linked to Early Death

Eating ultraprocessed foods is a significant cause of premature death, according to researchers with the University of São Paulo in Brazil

The study found about 57,000 premature deaths were due to the consumption of ultraprocessed foods in Brazil among 30- to 69-year-olds

This amounted to 10.5% of all-cause premature deaths and 21.8% of premature deaths from noncommunicable diseases

In Brazilian adults, ultraprocessed foods make up 13% to 21% of total energy intake; among Americans, ultraprocessed foods make up about 57% of daily calories, on average, leading the researchers to suggest premature deaths linked to the foods are likely even greater in the U.S.

If the contribution of ultraprocessed foods to total caloric intake in Brazil were reduced by 10% to 50%, anywhere from 5,900 to 29,300 deaths could be prevented, annually

Previous meta-analyses found that the more ultraprocessed foods consumed, the greater the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer, along with all-cause mortality

Eating Mistakes That Can Damage Your Kidneys

Your kidneys lower your body acid burden. As kidney failure progresses, acid tends to accumulate in your system, causing severe harm

A high-acid diet can deteriorate your kidney function and accelerate the progression of kidney disease

Any diet high in fruits and vegetables and low or devoid of processed foods and dairy products will be lower in acid

Anything that helps improve diabetes will also improve kidney health. This includes fasting or time-restricted eating and exercise

High-protein diets can also damage your kidneys, thanks to the ammonia generated. To protect your renal health when eating a high-protein diet, add in more fruits and vegetables to buffer the acid created

The Many Benefits of Meditation

Meditation benefits include improved attention, memory, processing speed and creativity. It may also help counteract age-related loss of brain volume

Meditation can give you an energizing boost similar to caffeine, but meditation accomplishes this without the adverse effects associated with caffeine

Meditation provides your body with rest that is two to five times deeper than sleep. Meditating for 20 minutes equates to a 1.5-hour nap, but you won’t have that “sleep hangover” afterward. Instead, you’ll feel awake and refreshed


Biden Launches Climate Change Fund Proposing to Address Gender Inequities

President Joe Biden announced a multimillion-dollar “Climate Gender Equity Fund” at the U.N. COP27 climate conference in Egypt on Nov. 11, with the stated aim of boosting women’s participation in climate change issues.

The fund will have an initial seed funding of $6 million, with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and Amazon each contributing half of the funding. The project aims to “leverage private sector contributions” to ensure women have the capital, network, and technical skills necessary to scale and develop climate solutions, according to a Nov. 11 fact sheet released by the White House.

“The Fund is enabled by USAID’s commitment to gender-responsive climate action, including its allocating more than $21 million from the Gender Equity and Equality Action (GEEA) Fund, surpassing its $14 million COP26 commitment,” the fact sheet stated.

Amazon’s $3 million contribution is part of the company’s $53 million fund that seeks to accelerate women’s climate innovation. Amazon will act as the founding partner of the Climate Gender Equity Fund.

In a statement, Kara Hurst, vice president of worldwide sustainability at Amazon, said there are gender inequalities that persist in climate finance that need to be addressed, and women entrepreneurs must have an “equal seat” at the table on such issues.

‘Hypocrisy and Elitism’ – 400 Private Jets Land in Egypt for UN Climate Conference

With tens of thousands of elites descending upon the Red Sea resort town of Sharm El Sheikh for the UN COP27 climate conference, some 400 private jets have been witnessed landing in the Egyptian city.

The COP27 climate change summit, which was too hypocritical for even Greta Thunberg to attend, has been beset with accusations of elitism and double standards.

Some Europeans Are Waking Up To Lunacy Of “Ideology-Driven” Energy Crisis

A German MEP has blamed the European Union’s Green Deal for causing its current energy crisis, describing the climate project as an “ideology-driven monster”.

Dr Sylvia Limmer, a member of the populist Alternative für Deutschland party, has decried the EU’s Green Deal agenda as being an “ideology-driven monster” that has been causing serious issues for energy stability on the continent.

With many countries in the bloc having become extremely reliant on gas supplied by Russia, increasing hostilities with Moscow have resulted in prices ratcheting up over the past number of years, ultimately culminating with the availability of the supply collapsing in the wake of the Ukraine War.

However, while a number of Europeans seem to think that the conflict on its Eastern border has given it yet another excuse to push the green agenda even further, Dr Limmer claims that it has ultimately been the EU’s green policies that have resulted in this mess in the first place.

In a statement seen by Breitbart Europe, Limmer criticised the fact that foreign fossil fuels have been used to supplement green renewable technologies that have been unable to fuel European economies on their own, ultimately putting the blame for current hardship firmly in the EU’s lap.

“The European Council and EU Commission are complaining about bottlenecks in the energy supply and the resulting damage to the economy,” the politician remarked.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, November 12, 2022, #379

The COP 27 global climate conference is being being carried out in Egypt with government representatives from all over the world in attendance. Are they there to discuss greenhouse gas reductions? Or, in fact, are climate intervention operations the primary focus of the gathering in “behind closed door” meetings? An unprecedented coast to coast engineered cool down is scheduled for the contiguous 48 US states that will make the US the only “below normal temperature” region in the entire northern hemisphere. Is this a climate engineering demonstration being conducted by the world’s largest military machine? Is technology going to save us from ourselves at the final hour? Or is it ensuring our common near term demise? 


Best winter vegetables to grow: 10 top crops for the cooler season

Our pick of winter vegetables to grow will make ideal additions to your raised beds or container garden

There are lots of winter vegetables to grow to keep your garden’s harvest going strong. So, if you love tending to (and eating) your own homegrown crops, there’s no need to stop over the cooler season.

Some of the best winter veggies aren’t just tasty, but they’re beautiful too. Think ruby-hued chard and structural leeks – perfect picks for bringing color and form into your winter garden ideas.

As the gardening experts at The Greenhouse People

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 say, ‘Winter doesn’t mean it’s the end of the growing season. If you’ve really got into growing your own fruits and vegetables, with all its environmental and health benefits, there are many delicious crops that flourish in the colder months.’ And while some will be ready to pick and eat all through winter, you’ll be giving others a head start for earlier crops once the weather warms.


Big Pharma Technocrats Use COVID Model To Push RSV Vaccines

Southern California’s Orange County Health Department this month declared a local health emergency over concerns around the rising number of pediatric cases of Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV).

County officials also declared a Proclamation of Local Emergency, allowing them to access state and federal resources in response to the spread of RSV.

The news came amid media warnings of a looming “tripledemic” of RSV, influenza and COVID-19 and news that Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) are close to securing regulatory approval for their RSV vaccine candidates — including Pfizer’s RSV vaccine for pregnant women.

RSV was first identified in 1956, and frequently affects children, with a majority of childhood cases occurring before age 2. For most children, symptoms are similar to those of the common cold, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

It can, however, cause serious symptoms in the very young and the elderly, although childhood deaths are infrequent, according to CDC data.

The Dilemma of the Unvaccinated

We Won’t Forget. They celebrated our deaths and danced on our gravesGuest essay by the California-based Unity Project

With recent calls for “Pandemic Amnesty” from the groups who destroyed lives and businesses, closed schools, stripped away your freedoms and turned family, friends and neighbors against each other, the unvaccinated and truth tellers find themselves in a pickle.


Husky That Loved Sleeping on Pregnant Owner’s Bump Shares Special Bond With Her Baby

A UK mother recently gave birth to a baby girl, and her adorable pet dog couldn’t be happier welcoming the little human owner into the world.

Kristina Craig, 32, from Edinburgh, Scotland, says everyone adores the special bond between her 1-year-old baby, Myla, and 3-year-old husky, named Kaya. Their beautiful friendship started when Craig found out she was pregnant in 2020, and her loyal pup became infatuated with the bump; Kaya protected it by licking and sleeping on it.


Leonid Meteor Shower Expected to Rain Down on Earth on Night of Nov. 17—Here’s What You Need to Know

Every mid-November, Earth passes through a region of outer space littered with bits of cosmic debris that habitually light up like matches in the night sky. The leftover remnants of a comet, called 55P/Tempel-Tuttle, manifest as a stream of space dust, rock, and frozen gas trailing throughout the solar system. Their striking the Earth’s atmosphere results in a pyrotechnic spectacle called a meteor shower, which sometimes turns into a prolific, even sublime, meteor storm.

This particular November meteor shower is called the Leonids, so named because it seems to radiate from a point located in the constellation Leo the lion. If you want to catch this celestial light show, you still have a few days before they peak.


Crypto Platform FTX’s Implosion Hits Democrats’ 2nd Biggest Individual Donor

The net worth of the founder of the crypto exchange FTX and Democrat megadonor Sam Bankman-Fried plummeted last week in what on the Bloomberg Billionaires Index was its biggest single-day wealth plunge for a billionaire.

FTX filed for bankruptcy protection on Nov. 11 after facing a massive liquidity crunch, in which users rushed to pull out their money.

Bankman-Fried, 30, who in a series of posts on Twitter apologized for the turn of events and said he was “shocked to see things unravel the way they did,” resigned as FTX chief executive on Nov. 11.

Just days prior to the FTX meltdown, Bankman-Fried was estimated to have had a net worth of $15.6 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.

By Nov. 11, his net worth had decreased to around $1 billion, with the 94 percent loss representing the biggest one-day collapse by a billionaire ever, according to Bloomberg.

Besides being widely touted as a crypto wunderkind, the 30-year-old Bankman-Fried had pledged to keep only a sliver of his vast wealth and give the rest away to various causes.

“You pretty quickly run out of really effective ways to make yourself happier by spending money,” Bankman-Fried told Bloomberg in an April interview. “I don’t want a yacht.”

He was also a Democrat megadonor.

Boeing B-17 Crashes With Fighter Aircraft Mid-Air in Texas

Two planes crashed mid-air during a Dallas air show.

A Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress and a Bell P-63 Kingcobra collided and crashed around 1:32 p.m. local time at the Dallas Executive Airport, KXAS-TV reported.

Dallas Fire-Rescue reported an Alert 3 incident that happened at 5300 Challenger Dr. in Dallas where the airport is located.

A video posted on social media shows the fighter plane appearing to collide with the bomber, causing them to quickly crash to the ground, setting off a large ball of fire and smoke.

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